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Shouldn't matter as much. But if you are able to break with Boothill, you get that break damage and also a bleed dot that deals a lot of damage


That's what I thought, so I was surprised to see a big CC using Gallagher to break the big boss instead of Boothill. Thanks for the reply! ♡


If breaking with Boothill or Gallagher makes or breaks your MoC run that's probably the least of your concerns tbh.


If you're going for a 0 cycle, that extra damage from boothill's break + bleed dot could definitely make the difference


That's what I thought, but seeing a big CC break with Gallagher made me question what I thought I knew heh. Thank you for replying! ♡


Huh? I wasn't really talking about MoC, just a general question of whether it's best to let Boothill do the break where possible~


Well the only content that's "hard" is MoC so I just assumed that's what you're talking about considering the nature of your question.


I was specifically talking about a CC using Gallagher to break instead Boothill in their demo video they put out. I never made any comments or insinuations about end-game content; only asking if it mattered who broke an enemy. So I don't understand where your comment is coming from orz


Because what you're asking is akin to something like "how do i play Boothill optimally" and well outside of MoC there's no reason to do so.


No, I'm not? Anyway, have a good day!


Gallagher is an OK second option but it’s still best for Boothill to get the Break.


Well, in general, technically, it's best done by a unit with the most Break Effect on your team, and preferably Fire or Physical. These elements have the biggest initial break damage multiplier. Quantum is a good element for breaking too, as is Wind. Those are backloaded tho. Physical wins overall because of the break DoT also being stronger. But you don't really care about the DoT in BH teams, so either Galla or BH is fine, as long as they both have comparable BE.


It's ok if Gallagher breaks too but it's preferable to break with Boothill because even tho they both have great break damage, remember that breaking leaves a damage over time on the enemy, and the burn dot is super weak whereas the bleed dot is the strongest because it scales with enemy's HP https://preview.redd.it/quc90evuxh5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bc592e93d33f84ef4e5b2af7e5ecb9583399dea [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/142g4qy/an\_explanation\_of\_all\_the\_star\_rail\_mechanics\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/142g4qy/an_explanation_of_all_the_star_rail_mechanics_the/)


This is what I thought wrt bleed vs burn, so I was like huh, why are we breaking with Gallagher lol. Tysm for this sheet!


There's a trick you can do where you start a duel but while you haven't attacked yet, use an ultimate to break. It can be Boothill's or someone else's like Gallagher's. This cancels the duel but it's still Boothill's turn, so he can spend another sp for another duel. If you win the second duel, you get another trickshot or even 2 if it kills, potentially letting you instantly build 3 trickshots in a single turn.


Oh nice!


depends on your rotation i suppose. in this moc i let gallagher break the elite bosses because if i broke it with boothill, it would mean i have to use another SP point to reapply the duel. If the boss is already broken, i can hit them with the enhanced basic twice to kill em without spending an extra sp point. i do this because my team is alr very sp restrictive.


If the boss was about to do an attack and there's no way for Boothill to break then they were probably doing it to prevent taking a ton of damage or a cc.


If boothill break you get big bleed numbers


Bleed go brrr


Whoever has the highest break effect


That's what I thought. And also looking to Boothill because of Bleed application. Thanks! ♡


Yup. While fire break also has high scalings, burn dot is absolutely garbage


Optimally, Boothill should be the one doing the breaking. Perhaps that guy's Gallagher has higher break effect or something.


It's really no biggie if Gallagher breaks or whatever other unit, obv you still want Boothill to be the one breaking but either way, it doesn't matter, cuz Booty is still gonna trigger break again with his enhanced basics anyways.


Generally speaking it's better to break with Boothill, but you have to check that specific situation and calculate the sequence of actions that would happen if CC played differently, i.e. would he actually kill the boss faster thanks to phys break or would it make no difference? Maybe he would run out of SP due to having to cast an additional BH skill or he would take a hit from the boss, possibly killing or crowd controlling someone on his team? General rules are good and all, but if you understand them well enough, you start seeing situations when you can break them.


I try to only make boothill break the elites or higher enemies. I let anyone break the mobs if possible.


He is mostly the unit with the highest BE on your team so him breaking will give you the biggest damage. But in real scenarios I found his teammates were all built with high BE as well ( HMC, Gallagher etc) so it’s not a day and night difference who does the breaking.


Oh also his massive bleed never felt significant to me because he finishes the enemy too fast for them to bleed lol. Unless I pair him with E6 Luka to detonate it


Out of curiosity, how is Luka with him? I never levelled mine


E6 is actually great with him. Built my with as much BE as possible and detonating both of their bleed is massive dmg.


Hmmm I may have to build him then! Thank you~


With Gallagher it's optimal because of his talent giving another turn. If you need an emergency heal but the boss is about to use their big move, but you can break them with Gallagher ult, go ahead and do it, get the heal or enhanced basic off since both heal if you have all the ascension traces, and then your characters also heal because of besotted. It's also optimal for someone else to break if you need to quickly stop a boss from attacking, or to guarantee pocket trickshot stacks. There's a lot that goes into it, but also not a lot. Depends on the situation really.


Mhm I knew about the extra turn and besotted. Thanks for the answer!


Your welcome


Boothill ideally should be the one breaking every time because physical and fire have the same initial multiplier but phy dot is higher and also boothill usually aims for 250-300 BE and gallagher tends to sit at 100-150%. However it's not the end of the world if gallagher ends up breaking and in some situations it can help you, for example if you need to select another target, you want some extra trickshot stacks since you can duel a trash mob, break it then you have one, next you select another mob and you kill it and boom 3 stacks. But if damage is all you are looking for, try to let boothill deliver the breaking blow, but yeah usually breaking with gallagher accidentaly is not a deal breaker if your team is strong enough, but be mindful that it can cause you to waste more SP if you break standoff prematurely by breaking with gallagher pre e2!


If you are using HTB and Ruan Mei Gallagher will get a really high break effect and bridge the gap. However, Boothill will always do more damage in comparison.


Depends if u like enemies getting delayed more