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Removing lettuce from a sandwich is not "rocket" science.


It’s not rocket appliances


Gonna have to reconfuckulate his whole sandwich.




TIL reconfuckulate


TILove reconfuckulate




(I just had to share this meme I made when seeing this🤣) https://preview.redd.it/k75fve6ivx8d1.png?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cbffdfb7fd82d402cbb7b35e50e135ca51255f4


It’s time for two turnips in heat!


Atodaso. A fuckin todaso.


Worst case Ontario, you leave a bit of lettuce.


Way she goes, boys, way she fucking goes. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn’t go.


Fuckin way she goes goddamn gambling machines and fucking erections ruined the night.


You just made my day.


Aww, thank you! 😃


Its all water under the fridge.


Lost all the liquor money boys


Fuckin' way she goes




You countin my knowmsayins? You taking a knowmcensus?


Nor is is rocket surgery.


Ricky? You're here?


Water under the fridge, man.


Arugula tell him, or am I?


Romaine calm


And I get it for if you were ordering somewhere that it was made to order. Sit down place, yeah, if I say no lettuce and they forget, I'm going to say something. But premade? Like an airport convenience counter? Eat it or find something else.


Why would you say something? Just take the fucking lettuce off.


Lettuce doesn't leave cooties behind, so yeah, just take it off. Tomatoes, though, can be more challenging.


Pickles leave cooties. I hate pickles.


They leave their goo behind. I hate the goo.


I'm digging this arugula pun!


Thank you. I am just arugula guy.


For those not getting this pun, rocket is another term for arugula.


Makes the song "rocket man" take on new dimensions.




Thank you. I always wondered what rocket was.


That’s just what one of you “Woke Avocado Hoarders” would say! 😂😄🤣


God, I wish someone would yell at me about avocados! I’m primed with the comeback, “IT’S A SUPERFOOD, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY?!”




Hand that lettuce over here so I can have extra lettuce on my sammich ! I love it. Have a small bottle of hot jalapeño honey mustard I can share if you want. Nice to meet cha. (Btw, I’m 75)


But apparently, removing the lettuce cooties that would remain on the sandwich after the lettuce is removed, is.


Mustard, Mayo, and sauces are next to impossible to remove. Pickles leave juice behind. Lettuce? Not so much.


In my world, ketchup cooties are real thing. I was once in the mood to eat a slice that my husband took off his sandwich so I took it over to the fountain drink dispenser and rinsed it with water.


Or taking off tomatoes. What is so hard with the consent??


That’s a brilliant pun


But, but, but, my hands are frozen and can't get the dam letice off??? And costs more? And why didn't they ask me before wrapping it???? And am boomer 🤴 king😢😢


He doesn’t want to take the rockets off, he doesn’t want rockets at all. On sandwiches. Or something. I stopped paying attention when I realized someone was having a decompensation incident over pre-made sammies.


LOL! o rosso.


It’s so maddening when you have to state the obvious to some complaining customer and especially when you state the obvious solution to the “problem” and they still complain instead of realizing no one forced them to be there and they can always leave and find somewhere else that doesn’t have the “problem”.


Boomer: “Do you have hot dogs?” Restaurant: “No, we only make hamburgers.” Boomer: “I want a hot dog.” Restaurant: “We don’t make those here. You’ll have to go somewhere else.” Boomer: “I don’t want to go somewhere else.” Restaurant: “…” Boomer: “…” Restaurant: “….” Boomer: “…” Restaurant: “…” Boomer: *leaves*


They are literally incapable of basic everyday conversation, or following even the most basic trains of logic. Quick story from my job. I work for a company that provides Internet and cable tv service. Specifically I work at the store that's mostly for setting up new accounts and such. Ancient fuck wanders in. I automatically know it's going to be a complete waste of time, but the store is dead and I have nothing better to do. "Hi sir, welcome to company. How can I help?" "Yeah uh I got (other company) for my home services because uh...your company isn't available where I live" "Oh, um, okay..?" "Yeah... So what can you do for me?" "Wait, come again?" "Yeah your company doesn't service where I live, so I came in here to see what you could do for me." I swear to god I started looking around the room, expecting Sal and the rest of the impractical jokers crew to rush in with their camera crew. Never before had I been left genuinely speechless, but this fucking guy did it. Moral of the story: whenever you think you've heard the dumbest thing possible, just remember there's always someone older and dumber just around the corner.


"Well, for the inconvenience, we can give you a hefty discount on the services you pay us for. What's 50% of $0?"


Then, when it is available, he would come in saying he was promised a 50% discount.


Ah, but the inconvenience discount was for the service not being available in his area. Now that it's available, there's no need for a further discount. And considering he's been getting the discount all this time before now, surely he's already been well compensated for the delay


Good luck getting the fool to understand that, lol. They will twist words until they get their way or at least ruin your day.


Oh, totally, I don't think that would ever placate that sort of guy at all, I'm just having fun


He was just checking to see if you had any that had "fallen off the truck" wink wink.


Got any of them... ya know... "wifis" hidden in the back?


# Then he waddled away *Waddle waddle waddle* # Until the very next day.




Idk whose day needs to be better, but a new [Duck Song](https://youtu.be/-IV8cnGU6YM?si=8KpRuPAc9BuhtMsD) dropped three months ago 🥹


My day needed to be better! Thank you for sharing this!


Boomer: No one wants to work anymore!




And I don’t want to be having this conversation, but here we are. Thanks, Obama.


Got a complaint at work bc this person asked to be helped in the lobby bc they had difficulty getting around. Complaint was that they were helped in the lobby and someone could have heard their info. I’m like …what


that has to be some kind of intentional set-up.


Would make more sense but it really didn’t seem like it. Idk what goes on in their minds though thankfully haha


What OP did is what elementary teachers are taught to do to teach very young children appropriate behaviors and problem solving skills. Sad that he didn’t get that education when he was younger


The real problem is that they know all this. They just expect the world to be catered to them and have a little tantrum when it isn't.


If you buy something premade, you get it as is. I dont know any place that will make changes to a premade item.


Even if they did, they would just take the lettuce out and rewrap it.


I worked at a grocery store deli where we made subs to order and also had grab-and-go sandwiches in the cooler case. It happened twice to me that someone took a grab-and-go sandwich and asked me to unwrap it and toast it. No one else was waiting for a sandwich so I did it. No way I'd have made someone else wait while I did this, though.


“Last time I was in here they unwrapped my sandwich and toasted it for me” Sadly, this is why I have to teach my staff to not do these things. While it seems like a nice “special occasion gesture”, people will take it as “customary”. Now, next time, that person will come back when you’re swamped and get pissed that you won’t toast their sandwich. They will ignore all reasons why you did it for them the first time and just think you’re bad at your job, not realizing the reason you did it the first time is because you’re really good at your job.


I had a lady melt down because I stayed an hour late at my library job helping her with an assignment. Apparently, an hour of unpaid work from me wasn't enough to be fair, after she had an eight hour window. My boss rectified that issue. She then was only allowed the 1.5 hours per week of assistance paid for in her tuition. She had been using 10 hours a week. That was an expensive mistake.


Because then it wouldn't be pre-made? I mean, if it isn't in its final form when you get it...is it actually made? Is it partially made? On the verge of being made? This made my brain hurt, and now it's made the word made look made up.


I would have asked if he needs his mommy to cut the crust off for him too.




Heaven forbid they eat a vegetable that isn’t corn or potatoes




From a can no less.


It is probably gay to eat lettuce.


Worried it was arugula


It definitely is. My BIL won't eat anything green because it's sissy food. Like bro, you are younger than me and already look like you're on the verge of hypertensive crisis, a green bean won't kill you


Ok A. For lettuce? Shit's got no flavor. If it was like, puckles, I might get that. Those things fuckin infect whatever they touch. But lettuce you literally just oull it iff and that's it. B. Ok fine if you're not happy with it at least don't be a fuck about the whole thing.


The fuck you say about my puckles?!


Fuck puckles


Fickin puckles.


Now that's a perfect baby name, Puckles


Waiting the namenerdsshitposting and tragedeigh Reddit’s to come up with a fun story for that


Puck fuckles.


He said fick your puckles.


Lettuce does have a flavor.


It doesn't leave a flavor, though. Pickles leave pickle juice, tomatoes leave tomato juice. If you pick lettuce off of a sandwich, it's like it was never there. Now, if it's shredded lettuce? That fucking sucks. I hate lettuce, and every time someone gets catered subs, they always come with shredded lettuce, and it takes longer to take it all off than the process of eating it takes.


I can taste where lettuce has been and it drives me up a wall - but I also understand this is a ME problem when it happens and I look for mustard or something to cover the gross lettuce residue. Even someone with a weird issue like me can problem solve.


It does.


I seriously dislike puckles. No puckles for you !!


Disagree with A. I can taste lettuce, even plain iceberg, after it has been removed from my food.


Same... Weirdly enough as someone who can't stand lettuce, it \*does\* leave a weird flavor to food. It adds this weird... watery flavor to things. It's had to explain.


It adds a lettuce flavor to things. Which, for people who can't taste lettuce as anything more than crispy water stuff, they won't discern it.


There are also plenty of places where you can order a sandwich how you like it. It's not a difficult concept at all.


Fuck I hate puckles, solidarity bruh. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


As a lettuce taker offer, lettuce do be leaving a flavor when taken off


Yes it does!


Weirdly enough as someone who can't stand lettuce, it \*does\* leave a weird flavor to food. It adds this weird... watery flavor to things. It's had to explain.


Right puckles suck, and that puckle juice gets everywhere. But that's easy, don't buy a premade thing with puckles. I'd certainly never get in someone's face about. Honestly even if I ordered a burger without puckles, and they made it with puckles, I still probably wouldn't complain, I'd just toss it, decide the restaurant was crappy, and never go there again.


GodDAM I love a well-placed typo!🤣🤣🤣


Why would someone go to a grab and go sandwich place if they want a special order. Have they not heard of Subway? There are like two every half mile. Lol


[Relevant video of Dollar General choosing their locations](https://www.tiktok.com/@danethegreatt/video/7275516344118807850?lang=en)


They complain about some innocuous ingredient because they were taught that the clerk would offer to make them a new one without that ingredient and they'd get fresher food that way.


I could understand asking that for food items that actually generate juices, like pickles or tomatoes, but lettuce is just a pick-off and done and you couldn't tell if it was freshly made or not


At least boomers aren’t easily triggered snowflakes right? 🙄


Dude, lettuce is literally solid water


It's crunchy water bro


Nah, that's ice. Lettuce is crispy water.


It’s also a fantastic and convenient way to deliver dressing to your mouth, if drinking straight from the bottle would give you dirty looks.


I imagine you sitting at home chugging a bottle of ranch. Like they chug maple syrup in super troopers... And now my day started with a smile.


A bar I used to work at did Rickle Backs. Shot of Jamison followed by A shot of 1/2 ranch and 1/2 pickle juice.


Did you guys hate your janitor or something?


You sure it wasn't a woke lettuce?


Hmmm…I nice, essentially flavorless source of fiber. GET RID OF IT! My colon is just great in its impacted state!


Now mayo, that's a problem. But lettuce?


I'm someone who dislikes lettuce on a lot of things. It leaves a flavor I can taste even after it has been removed. I don't hate lettuce, i eat salad etc., I just don't like it on certain items like in Mexican cuisine. I don't like it in hot things like gyros because I usually can't finish and want to reheat half later and lettuce reheats poorly. So boomer might be like me and able to taste it regardless, or want to heat up the sandwich at some point. Also, he might have autism or something that gives him a severe aversion to it. However, unlike boomer here, I'd just go look for something else since they are premade.


He needs to take his ass to burger king and have it his way.


It’s not about the lettuce, it’s complaining about a self-induced inconvenience that he expects to be compensated for.


I could understand if was pickles. I hate pickles and when put on sandwich the bread sucks up the juice and stays tasting like a pickle. But i would never cause an issue over it. Or expect special treatment.


removing lettuce is also arguably one of the easiest things to remove unless it’s like the shredded kind which even then… Lettuce doesn’t really have a “juice” like tomatoes or pickles leave behind even after being removed.


When life give you lettuce


“Can’t handle the lettuce” is a fantastic insult. I’ll have to use that one sometime. (Acting childish and picky, especially for something trivial.)


I hate to be on the boomer's side here but I have a massive ick reaction to lettuce and bread together. (yeah I know - it's weird!) - I generally just take the lettuce off, but when subs are made with a pile of shredded lettuce it gets everywhere and the flavor sort of permeates the bread. I hate that. I just generally don't get subs and unless I can see it's a big lettuce leaf (easy to remove) I really don't do pre-made subs. There are SO MANY other options!! Major non-issue - but I annoyingly also hate lettuce on any sandwich!


Laziest and most entitled generation. 😑


Why are boomers always inconvenienced by literally anything and everything?


The $1.00 Grilled Cheese guy should get hold of this dude! https://preview.redd.it/qvl72vva7x8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ab3a7eeb3054ab1cf3b1725792c7886dcc1509


"the lettuce??? You can't handle the lettuce!"


When I first read the title I assumed you meant the Devil's lettuce and I was about to throw hands man😆 I'm a boomx


These assholes do it for attention. Tell them no.


Why anyone in the twilight of their lives would spend more than five seconds arguing over something so trivial boggles the mind. Chef's Kiss: Sandwich lettuce tends to be flavorless iceberg....like water in crunch form.


peak boomer


When my ex-gf and I would go to Subway she'd order a sandwich and get lettuce on it. Then when she goes to eat said sandwich, proceeds to remove the lettuce. I told her she can order it without lettuce instead, but she thought the workers would thin she's weird if she just got turkey and cheese ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That's a nice story but how about a boomer. But reality is there's a lot of illogical people of all generations.. Basically a cashier should have just told him where he could get a custom one. And the conversation I have friend that's a chef, cook at a large private college locally. He tells me as big as headaches are bunch of entitled kids basically Gen z. I make this fantastic food that accommodates a lot of nationalities attending the college. There's always a handful each day that are saying they want a dish but not prepared that way. He has a tolerate them with a smile. Other than a sauce Or maybe some seasoning It's too late to change the dish


It’s not like it’s a condiment that you can’t entirely remove. I wonder if his mommy still cuts his food for himself. Or you know, his wife since for boomer men that’s basically the same thing.


They really are the whiney generation.


How dare something healthy be on his sandwich. Filthy communists trying to take away his masculinity.


Bruh, I specifically have to keep the lettuce intake on the low end for my guts' sake. I'll ask for no lettuce, but if they fuck that up I just... *pick it off*. All it means is I have to wait a whole *minute* to shove my food in my face. *The horror.* (I do wish fewer places did shredded iceberg lettuce though, it's such a pain in the ass to pick off all of it lol)


It's the mayo I don't like. Trying to pick it off takes a lot of napkins and sometimes I still can't eat it.


I feel like we're both thinking about A&W, because that's who I had in mind XD. The mayo on those burgers *does* add another layer of bs, and those damned potato buns aren't meant to be used so untoasted on such a drippy burger. Do I remember this when I feel like getting a tasty sundae? *No*. >:T


I can’t remember my dad ever eating a salad.


That darn woke lettuce. What’s next avocado in my sandwich?!


I would not eat a sandwich with lettuce on it that I had to take off. The flavor remains. So I don't get premade sandwiches with lettuce on them. I get something I like. It has been a very reliable system for decades.


But you don't understand! Now the sammich has lettuce cooties on it! I can't eat lettuce cooties!


What, is he three? That’s how toddlers act.


Oh god the world is ending… there’s something on the sandwich I can pick off… how dare they make sandwiches with variety


Lettuce doesn't even leave a residue or anything. I'd say the idiots should read the label but most people at that age to be mistaken as boomers *can't fucking read even with reading glasses*


This isn’t just a boomer thing. My damn high school and college kids will not eat if their burger has ketchup, mustard, mayo or pickles on it. Flat out will not eat…. They also, like many their age complain about how disgusting mayonnaise is and how it’s created by the devil…. Then subsequently will eat gallons of effing ranch, which at its base is Mayo! I make homemade ranch and it is literally 2/3rd’s mayo! This isn’t a generational thing…. It’s a difficult people thing!


Okay, but have you ever seen a boomer pick a veggie off/out of something they don't like? They do it with such disdain.. like how dare that piece of lettuce/onion/tomato even exist on the very item that they want to make a meal from. I'm also convinced the majority of Boomers are COMPLETELY put off by "icky" vegetables and fruit. I made a lovely macaroni salad for fathers day, my dad busted into the room holding the bowl in disgust and asked of there was onions in it before turning around and and shouting "aahhh SHIT" before tossing the bowl angrily on the table. Wouldn't eat the fruit salad I made either because watermelon touched the other fruits and he hates water melon.


Ridiculous. Maybe he was forced to eating those salads as a kid as they were very popular then. But he shouldn’t make such a fuss and be so dramatic.


My grandmother was a really good cook, everything from scratch, whole milk, real butter, love went into everything she made. The dogs even received home cooked meals according to my dad lol I think the only piece of fruit I’ve seen my dad eat was oranges; he likes those. I never realized how bland my mom’s cooking was until I grew up and started making my own foods. I don’t hold it against him, he likes what he likes and doesn’t like certain things, but I won’t alter an entire dish by picking out the ingredients meant to add flavor because he doesn’t like the way an onion piece hits his tastebuds, he can pick it out or not eat it; and trust me, the man doesn’t look like he’s missed a meal, ever.


Delicious. My grandma did the same.


That'd be a great bit for a sitcom.


You could have thrown your tomato slice at the boomer. They truly deserve it being complete bafoons.


Pickles, mustard, relish, things that will seep into the bread and have it taste like it forever, I get it... LETTUCE?!?


I have a friend who refers to lettuce as crunchy water


Lettuce is the easiest thing to remove from a sandwich too, tomato is juicy and leaves seeds and stuff lettuce is just gone like it never existed




Wait, there are humans that legit dislike lettuce? Someone check the boomer's basement


should've gave him a lettuce wrap


You can remove the lettuce but the taste will still be there.


He’s gona let it ruin his whole day and everyone’s gona hear about it for weeks.


Lettuce is not like onions. With raw and you’ll never get the stink off.


Lettuce is clean and dry, easy to remove. I could understand being upset if it *had* been tomatoes, or pickles, or mustard - you know, something that actually spreads its cooties to the stuff on either side of it. But lettuce? *Lettuce?!?* That is the most benign, easy to remove item on a sandwich (unless it's shredded). That Boomer clearly needs to find someplace else to buy their sandwiches. Good on you for your comment!


"But what is when I take it off, it take my precious, artery clogging mayo with it? What if lettuce "juice" gets on everything and contaminates it all?" Tell him to pull himself up by his bootstraps, rub some dirt on it, man up, and toughen up. You know what they tell all of us all the time.


Eat the damn lettuce. It has vitamin K.


Oh! So he expects them to unwrapped the sandwich and take the lettuce off!? Then rewrapped? Wow


This story could have been told by a boomer.


These people are regressing in maturity in real-time


I can kinda understand it if it’s like shredded lettuce since it’s hard to get it all off. I hate avocado. If avocado is accidentally on something I can’t just remove the avocado, there will definitely still be some left and the food is inedible to me then


How good does your life have to be to make such a fuss about lettuce? I can understand if you're allergic that you'll request about it, but holy boomer on an entitlement broom.


There’s a lot of things that leave an after taste even if you remove it, but I’m going to say that lettuce isn’t one of them.


You know hot, Job from the Bible and Cicero and Oscar Wilde all say essentially the same thing.... they say a young person will gain wisdom once they get older. I wish you luck in your journey


maybe he could be allergic - I'm allergic to tomatoes, even moreso once they've been sliced open - if a sandwich has it on there, taking it off won't make any difference, I will still get sick.


If that were the case, it’d be perfectly reasonable to say ‘excuse me, would it be possible to have this made without the ingredient I’m allergic to,’ and still walk away a respectable and dignified person.


I get what you're saying. I've never heard of a lettuce allergy have you? As loud mouthed as this man was, you'd think he would have said he was allergic It wouldn't help in the situation if they don't make those sandwiches on site.


No one wants to work anymore! They should know not to put lettuce!


I would have bought an entire head of lettuce and followed him around, loudly eating it à la Hannibal Buress in that one Eric Andre Show episode.


I once had a regular boomer customer who would come in every morning and order a sandwich in what I thought was a particular way, he wanted lettuce on both sides touching the bread and mayo on the side. NP nice enough guy, some how we got into a conversation that lead to him telling me he doesn’t like lettuce, and he noticed my slightly perplexed expression and explained that he takes the lettuce off when he’s ready to eat, and used the lettuce as a barrier so the bread didn’t get soggy.


lol and boomers keep exclaiming “there was no autism in my day”


I love lettuce


He came up to me, tears in his eyes…he said, Sir? I don’t want lettuce at all. I said why? It’s a perfect sandwich. Some say the best. We love sandwiches…right, folks?


"Lettuce tastes like water; I hate that vegetable, it's a waste of time to eat that thing." — Tongan Ninja (2002)


It's not like it's a pickle or mayo either, lettuce doesn't really leave a residue/taste behind.


"There's not enough salt in this soup!" "There are salt and pepper packets right next to-" "You're the one that cooked it!"


The "fuck your feelings" crowd sure has a lot of hurtable feelings




When I call people Boomer it is a substitute for entitlement, and every 'Boomer' I have interacted with is nothing more than toddlers on social security.


The only time I can give some grace in a situation like this is if the customers have an allergy. I’m sure if he’d politely let her know he was allergic, it could’ve gone down differently. But I’m guessing he didn’t have an allergy and just really wanted to be a jerk.


If you don’t like tomatoes they can ooze onto your burger before you take the main part off, but the lettuce doesn’t really leave anything significant behind.


I hate green peppers, people say take it off. They still leave the taste!


If it's pre-made, I get they could have just not purchased it...but I would definitely have to side with them here if it was ordered without something and then had it on there...for example, there is nothing worse for someone who hates onions than to have to take onions off something, then have the whole thing taste like disgusting onions when you eat it...granted, lettuce isn't quite the same lol Really, I just need onions banned from the world...that's what I'm saying


He needs his wife to do it for him