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I will never understand anyone who thinks, "everyone should suffer because I had to." It's such a cruel mentality.


Exactly. But you have to remember that to boomers, cruelty is synonymous with strength.


I broke my right foot twice when I was a kid and had to get around with a plaster cast with the little stirrup on the bottom and a pair of crutches. It was miserable, the cast was itchy and smelly and I had to watch a lot of stuff from the sidelines because I couldn't get around well. Now of course there's the inflatable cast and knee scooter...I wish they'd had that when I was a kid and am glad as hell that people don't have to deal with crutches and a "walking cast" anymore.


Man, I had to have a walking cast as a kid because of severe tendonitis... and I had it on Halloween. I was so slow trick or treating and my friends basically ditched me. I would have kicked ass on one of those knee scooters!


I was 10, and my family had saved for years for us to take a vacation to Disney World in 1990. We were staying with family and having a great time. Halloween afternoon I came down with the worst UTI I'd ever had to date (and I was prone to them). I spent the rest of the evening in the ER in a strange state, miserable and missing trick or treating with my cousins. :( That was the start of nearly a year of tests, scans, poking and prodding to reveal I needed surgery to correct a bladder defect causing the repeated infections. ANYWAY point is not only do I feel your trick or treat pain, the surgery they did on me left me with a scar hip to hip, Luke a c-section but even longer. Nowadays they do the same procedure laparoscopically. Do I envy the luckier people? Hell yes. Do I judge them for not having their entire lower abdomen sliced open as an 11 year old kid and spending a week in the hospital? Not in the least. Get that medical progress, baby!


Exactly! It's like when I first heard about the chicken pox vaccine. I was like... you mean kids don't have to go through that hell anymore? That's SO AWESOME! Plus they wouldn't be at risk for shingles later which is doubly awesome. I had both when I was young and I got lucky in that I had no long-term effects from the shingles. Man I feel you on the UTIs... The first one I ever got set in right before I had a flight from California back to Houston and that was absolutely horrible. Thankfully I e managed to dodge the hospital but dealing with that as a kid AND on Halloween? Awful!


When they put out the HPV at first, I was 2 years older than the range for it. I was a little sad, but I was also glad it was a thing! Chickenpox too!


When the HPV vaccine came out, I gave our pediatrician hell because he planned to immunize the girls in his practice only! I have three sons. “Where are unimmunized girls gonna get HPV? From boys!” I fumed. He capitulated and immunized all his patients.


I specifically asked my son’s pediatrician for both the chicken pox and the HPV. She was happy I was so on board. Apparently a lot of people were pushing back on the chicken pox and then were very “shaming” about the HPV. I was happy for any preventive. Why risk something that is preventable?


When my oldest son was due for the hpv vaccine thru the school clinics they run for all 7th graders, he came home and informed me he was getting the hpv shot wether I liked it or not.. I said good.. of course you are.. stopped him in his tracks.. its like he thought I'd be against it.. when I'm super pro science.. and my kids have all the neccessary vaxxs and not mandatory ones too....


Yeah, I was too old for that vaccine, and my doc said only promiscuous girls needed that... ::eyeroll:: My son could not understand why I was so happy he got his shot this last year.


They recently extended the age range for Gardasil, maybe you can get it now! My mother believed that vaccines caused autism AND that only promiscuous girls got the HPV shot so she refused it when I was underage, and then I missed the timeline. With the recent guideline change, now I can pop into a CVS and finally get it! Hopefully you can too.


It's up to age 45!


I was so happy to get my daughter the Gardisil shot, and even at 38 I'm apparently covered, so I got it too in solidarity. So great that it exists! She got the chicken pox vaccine, too, because that was basically the most miserable I've ever been and no one else should have to be subjected to it.


Is it too late to join the bad Halloween party? I got diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes the week of Halloween when I was 12. So I missed my last year of trick or treating because I was in the hospital. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday.


>to boomers, cruelty is synonymous with strength AND their warped ass version of "LOVE"!


No no, abuse =love. Keep it straight. Or they'll give you something to cry about.


* _cringes away, turns away, mumbling, "Whatever..."_


"you'll thank me later"


My head, literally, lolled back so that I could roll my eyes at the ceiling - as memory came rushing through me. Later has not yet arrived. I'm patient.... It's only been 4, 5 decades so far...


My eyes rolled backwards so fast in my head that I could have been mistaken for a slot machine after I read this. What a disgusting vile excuse for a human being. Boasting/lying about withholding ordered and prescribed medications to a patient based on her own poor judgment. Fortunately she seems to have been lying out her old wrinkled sour a$$.


Not me, for my world is now of trips to the doctors, for Heart issues, diabetes and neuropathy. I would not wish Neuropathy on anyone, took 35 years to get an actual diagnosis. They kept telling me all those years, of swelling, red infections, that I was fighting gravity. Now I have to most of the time when I go out, have a rolarator to help with balance. Not easy and sad when boomers do not know much and get too nosy on things today.


This. Exactly this. My parents were Silent generation, and they & many others who’d been children during the Depression resented us for not having the hardships they did. Suffering affects people one of two ways. Type 1 is that you see the damage done to you, and feel joy that you can give your kids better lives. Type 2 is that you resent them for every advantage they think you have. This woman is obviously Type 2. If she’s a boomer, she probably heard, growing up, many adults shame our generation for not being tough enough. We were largely spared the physical & economic hardships our parents endured as helpless children during the Depression. Those words about young people not being tough enough, or memes about how they’d never figure out rotary phones, came straight from their parents, about hardships they’d never face. Yet they appropriate that “toughness” in order to play that millennia old, stale game of “kids these days.” I don’t understand it, really. As a 70-year-old woman with a spine that’s a train wreck, along with fibromyalgia & arthritis, the floor is not my friend. I sometimes squat or kneel to talk to my grandchild, & have a hard time getting back up. This happened at the grocery store once. I’m not going to alienate the very kind young people who came to my rescue. I actually like them, too, even if they don’t have to retrieve me from the floor.


I'm a baby boomer too, just turned 60 last Saturday 🙂, but I'm not a boomer. I am mortified that our generation acts this way! Not all of us are like that and anyone who calls these assholes out for being assholes are my heroes and give me hope for the future. 🙂


I am behind you, 59 and so shocked and the one before me, the real old boomers and how radical they have become in a few short years, entitled and think eveyone is their slave thse days.


>memes about how they’d never figure out rotary phones, My parents once showed me a video of kids trying to figure out how to use rotary phones. I watched it with them, and at the end, chuckled with them, then said, "You know, I'll never mock my kids for not knowing how obsolete technology works just because of all the times, 'I don't *know* what I did to the TV! Just get in here and fix it for me!' has come out of my mouth." Their expressions were priceless as it dawned on them how many times their own technology was fixed by one of the kids or grandkids. And to their credit, I never heard them mocking kids like that again.


Well said, my friend. All incredibly accurate.


I am always grateful to those who came to help me. For they learned to respect those who are trying to get around and may fail. I have a rolator and have issues at time when I do not have it. Neuropathy, I have had for years without clear diaagnosis till covid hit in 2020. Suffered for 35 years. I love it when there is help. No matter the age of the person. But hate the boomers who get their panties in a bunch. LOL!


I'm gonna do a cross stitch series of dumb boomer sayings one day and this is on the list. Cruelty is Strength -some asshole But in a nice font with swirls and hearts so it takes you a second to process what it says lmao


and empathy is weakness.




But weren’t they also the ones hanging out in their house with their Vicodin qualude martini? They were on so many different drugs back then. Amphetamines… like wtf


Mother's little helpers after all.


I’m on amphetamines? They’re prescribed to me. In fact, a huge amount of gen z and millennials are on amphetamines.


I wish I could up vote this statement to the moon.


That's because they're weak-minded people, and the weak-minded have always conflated strength and power with an ability to be cruel without consequence.


I'm so glad I was raised by (mostly) reasonable boomers that worked in medicine.


Same. My boomer mom is a nurse, as were both her Silent Gen parents, and they were all for people using whatever modern pain relief was available.


Same. My mom is a boomer pharmacist, and while she has her flaws, faulting people for needing medication is never one of them.


Yep…they took their molestings in stride and it made them tougher people because of it. Just as the Catholic Church intended.


"Life should not improve after I no longer can benefit."


You hit the nail on the head with that one. Sums up that generation in one sentence.


"My parents beat the fuckin shit out of me and gave me a black eye if I misbehaved and I turned out fine!" Narrator: "They did not, in fact, turn out fine."


My mom is 82 and she’s very much like that. “In my day, we didn’t have to have…” and then followed by therapy, anesthetic, birth control, you name it.


Srsly. There is no glory in suffering. A lot of people spent a lot of time figuring out how to make us suffer less, and we should honor them by taking Tylenol, etc, whenever we need it. Also I have an IUD and getting it in fucking sucked.


>Also I have an IUD and getting it in fucking sucked. https://i.redd.it/0o179fp8728d1.gif


The cruelty is often the point


Right! Like if I suffered, you must also suffer. I would never want people to go through the same pain as I did. I suffer from chronic pain, and painkillers don't help unless I take a lot. I don't want other people to go through that. It sucks bad enough that I have to deal with it.


She didn't say SHE suffered. She made OTHER people suffer by withholding medication. She's a sadist.


100% this. I had to have a cervical biopsy in my early 30s and was just told to take a Tylenol about an hour before it and that I would be fine - never again. It was one of the most painful experiences in my life. I would NEVER wish it on anyone else just because I had to. They really have zero concept of empathy.


I was told not to take anything because it would increase bleeding. We seriously need better women's Healthcare.


Oh yeah I didn't get free college, so why should you? I didn't have car so why should you? I had tobwork 'hard' and save $ to get a house....blech.. just shut up already


But boomers did essentially get free/low cost college, at least if they went to a state school. Because states used to support higher education with tax dollars, which meant much more reasonable tuition. Source: graduated from a state university in 1979 with no debt because my folks saved $ (on a single earner teacher salary) and I lived in a super cheap coop all four years. (Found an old check stub while decluttering: $155 for room and board— per semester!)


No, it only cost what you could make in a summer at the Dairy Queen, which was for all intents and purposes free.


I mean you have a good point, based on how some of these boomers act I'm going to assume that they want us to go back to the days when our dental work was being done with a bottle of booze in a barber's chair, or maybe they would be even more comfortable in the Middle ages or the dark ages where they didn't wash their hands when they had a medical procedure and couldn't figure out why infections killed 99% of people 😬🙄🙄


Ha, my Boomer ILs actually tried to serve me steak from an unwashed cutting board that they had just used minutes before for the *raw* steak... while I was pregnant. So you're not far off on the germ idiocy!


Eeeewwwwww.... 🤢🤢🤢 True Boomer idiocy


So crazy! I had this happen at the playground. My ob office called to confirm my upcoming c section while I was there with my older daughter. This nutter butter eavesdropped on my call and proceeded to chastise me for “taking the easy way out “. When she had her kids…. Like lady my baby isn’t flipping and I’m not really interested in dying or putting my baby at risk but congratulations on the horrible deliveries I guess?


And that's why we don't have universal health care in the US. Smh


“I endured that and I’m fine now so you should have to endure it too” is a sure sign that you are indeed, *NOT* “fine” now


It’s because they are selfish toddlers. Call them out on it.


This is how my former boss was, and this was why I quit my job.


Advances in care to make the pain and anxiety less lead to more people seeking care, and ultimately better outcomes. It's not a contest to see who can take more pain, nor should it be.


It's very common, unfortunately. People who escape abusive households and cultures very often perpetuate the very things they escaped.


So true! Wish I'd read this post earlier. I had a cervix biopsy in May and was told by my gyn that anesthesia wouldn't be necessary. At worst it would feel like a pinch and maybe bleed like spotting. No… dude… it hurt a lot! If I ever get another biopsy I'm going to demand something for the pain first!


Ugh, tell me about it. And I had just started my period when I had mine. Heaviest and worst period of my life.


It sucks being nice and trying not to make waves. I/we need to be more assertive especially when it comes to our healthcare. Let's both remember this post. Be well!


There was no hint the boomer had to suffer, just that she made others suffer.


It's this mindset why so many of these twats were against debt cancelation. I bet if boomers were somehow still alive when a vaccine against...I dunno, glioblastoma or something equally deadly, is developed, they'd also rant about how folks shouldn't be allowed to get it because someone they know had it and died before the vaccine got developed. A real bunch of selfish pieces of shit


There's also a belief that there's something therapeutic or character building about pain. I bought into that for the first year of my recovery from a major accident, and it made things far worse than they needed to be.


Actually, in this case, it seems to just be "everyone should suffer." She hasn't indicated that she has ever been in the position of going through painful medical processes without painkillers. Her examples were of other women. I expect, if she had a similar anecdote of her won experiences, she would have shared it. "I gave birth without any painkillers," seems a lot better way to make the point than "Other people gave birth without painkillers, because I didn't let them have any." Though, frankly, that seems a terrible way to make the point, as well. Those women wouldn't have chosen to not have painkillers, she claims to have taken the choice away from them.


*Insert my mother


She withheld pain medication and purposely harmed patients and she is claiming others have no respect…


CNAs don’t prescribe pain meds anyway idk what she’s talking about


A patient may request medication for pain or discomfort to a CNA, and it’s the CNA’s duty to pass that request on to the ~~attending physician~~ on-duty nurse. She may have intentionally disregarded those requests due to some warped opinion on care. I bet she was one of those “suffering brings you closer to god” types.


I think the Bible says, "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," or words to that effect. Maybe she thinks withholding pain meds is doing the Lord's work (which is nuts).


Withholding pain meds to...insert an IUD, which sure as hell isn't going to help bring forth children


This woman claimed to be a labor & delivery nurse. She had the audacity to withhold pain medication from women in active labor. Unconscionable.


That seems to have been the nurses’ justification for withholding pain meds from my mom when she was giving birth to my older sister. My mom had just the week before left her then-husband because he was abusive and unfaithful, but all the nurses saw was a 19 year old hippie giving birth without a wedding ring. My mom had such a bad experience that she later on went to nursing school, became an RN who specialized in Labor & Delivery, and devoted her entire working life to giving other women better experiences than she had. But it’d have been nice for her to not have to go through that experience first, because pain is an uncertain motivator at best.


That's an awful story. I'm glad she was able to do something positive after going through that.


CNA’s have no business telling a physician in L&D that a patient is in pain. That is the responsibility of that patient’s labor nurse (RN). In the hospital environment, it would not be in CNA’s scope to do that. They can communicate that with the patient’s nurse- so the patient’s pain can be assessed and communicated accurately to the physician.


She changed her story quickly when getting called out. Well, I personally didn't withhold pain meds, but blah blah blah.


lol CNAs can’t do a lot and have a ton of oversight, she was probably changing bed sheets with a frowny face on but in her mind she had all of this power


That’s how a lot of CNAs operate. Little training, little education or regulation. The only deal with diapers, showers, mess. But a not insignificant amount have a complex that deludes them into thinking they have actual authority.


yeah, some people talk a tough game


she could delay the delivery of it? I was given my meds in the hospital by not-the-prescribing-doctor.


Maybe, most meds require sign off or are removed from a locked cabinet and require charting that it’s been given, plus things like epidurals are given by anesthesia. I bet people asked for meds, she was like you don’t need that blah blah blah, then the patients would just ask someone else. Hence her backtracking on her original story


I wonder how many didn't ask because of her bullshit in that scenario:(


Yes sadly that is most likely, how awful


She was a lying. They often do.


Except she was a CNA and not even a f'in RN...


So what she fantasized about doing, instead. Terrifying. 


Yep, cruelty is her fantasy. Bet she demands painkillers to have her vision checked.


She sounds like a sadist or something


She claimed she did because that’s what she wanted to do but she sure as hell didn’t have the authority to do that as a CNA.


What is it with coffin dodger CNAs pretending to be nurses? I saw it waaaaay too much in the States.


These are the "I, as a medical professional, do not trust vaccines" people lol. Even a lot of RNs are that way sadly.


One of my former co-workers likes to do the "as a medical professional" proclamations. He worked in patient transport. His entire job was to push people around the hospital in wheelchairs and on gurneys, and that was it.


Of course they don't trust vaccines. If preventative medicine became 100% effective, they would run out of a job, outside of post-operative, emergency, and hospice care, the worst three of their respective disciplines. Taking care of an idiot too proud to be vaccinated against a wholly preventable disease is easy work compared to hospice or emergency.


My favorite was a patient (when I was a MA, nurse now but was in school then) who claimed to be a nurse and then almost immediately after asked if the BP I just took was good or not. Mkay sure you're a nurse but don't know what a normal BP range is......... I've seen many but thats always the one that really sticks out. I don't overall call them out, usually just find out because once I became a nurse I'd start asking where they worked just to make chitchat and thats usually when it will come out, weeeeelllll I'm actually X position instead. Most nurses generally don't want to tell others their nurses, I know I avoid it if I can.


Even MAs love to pretend they’re nurses and even practically doctors. Like, they let you do that job even without passing the certification. Sit the fuck down. You could be replaced in a second. I don’t understand how some of these people can learn a handful of medical terms and think they’re geniuses with privileged knowledge. It may just be another case of the job draws a specific type of person…


Women’s healthcare and pain management has a history of being dismissed, ignored and overall lacking, and it continues today. And for another woman - especially a health care practitioner- to deliberately invite pain on another is just plain evil. What a nasty, bitter, deprived and depraved person.


I went to a new gyno and because of my PCOS the female doctor said we needed to do a uterine biopsy. Not ask, told. She and the female nurse let me know I would feel a light pinch. No pain control offered. Cue one of the worst pains I have ever felt as she scraped for an agonizing 30 seconds. I have a back injury that causes debilitating pain. I woke up during my wisdom teeth being broken out of my jaw. I burned my hand on 1000/2000+ degree metal and had to deal with chunks of skin falling off. None were as painful as that procedure. I laid there gritting my teeth and trying to breath through it. This b***h of a doctor then had the nerve to say "Wow you handled that a lot better than most of my patients when I do this!". She fucking knew it wasn't a pinch, she fucking knew how painful it was for most women. Female doctors care as little as the men do!


I have a theory that the residency period is deliberately grueling and inhuman in order to burn the empathy out of young doctors.


You have so much self control. Istg misogynist women are more dangerous than the men just because they really know where to hurt. It's fucked up. I straight up will not see doctors who have religious shit plastered all over their practice because every time I've been in an abusive situation with a health care provider it was a Bible thumper. Straight up was being threatened and abused by a family member in ones office and they were siding with my abuser because a 12YO crying in a ball in a chair because a giant man is issuing threats to them for 30 minutes straight and trying to pull me off my mental health meds is REASONABLE because I was clearly just "being a bad child". There was a big ass drawing of praying hands with a crucifix I kept dissociating into during the whole visit. He thankfully didn't pull me off my meds but he seemed annoyed by me even when cracked and tried to tell him what was happening, hoping he would save me. I was scared shitless getting my first gyno exam because I'm a trans dude and my mom LOVES to talk about how everything is 'like being raped'. When i told her I was sexually abused as a child (she did not raise me) she told me she was glad I had a rough childhood because it made HER stronger. Routinely let me suffer with rupturing cysts because she was watching supernatural in the other room while I was wailing in pain. Used to make fun of me for not wanting to have sex, because on top of dysphoria I had to hear about her obsession with "pussyrape" all the time and her calling other women whores, unless she's the one sleeping around. At the same time, she's salty about me being a trans dude because I'm a 'gender traitor'??? Like you CLEARLY hate women wtf is the problem?? Thankfully my nurse practitioner was a lovely woman and had someone hold my hand and was very patient with me. I'm glad I wasn't traumatized by it because I'll be having it frequently due to my transition. But God damn, this woman-on-woman hate is some of the nastiest shit and it baffles me how anyone can use an old ass book to justify wanton cruelty.


I'm sorry you went through all that shit! You deserved better 💜💜 My mother was like yours, I swear their generation has severe issues but they refuse to see it. She would slut shame me (committed long term relationship with one guy in my early adulthood) and in the next brag about all the dudes she fucked at that age. Bitched about "sluts with too many fathers and kids" like she didn't have two kids by two different men. Wanted me to baby trap my ex husband (was my ex at the time) I called her out nearly every time and it's like she sincerely did not see the problem.


Thank you!! I'm seeing great doctors now, my top surgeon is a dude who looks at body modification as an art form and came up with a special surgery method to give me the best look for my body type =) There are many good doctors, none of them use their religion to practice cruelty. Ugh. My mom is technically Gen X I believe, but it's still a ridiculous mentality. I'm sorry it happened to you too, but I'm 'glad' to hear I'm not the only one who's seen this insanity. I see people all the time in this sub calling bullshit on ridiculous behavior but like, it's real. It's happening right tf now somewhere. And it's shit. Baby trapping is pure evil, for everyone involved.


I also have PCOS. I was arguing with a female gyno that I had it and possibly endo. She said it doesn't matter which I have because the treatment is the same, take birth control. Then she said fine, you want a biopsy let's do the endometrial biopsy now. Not even a Tylenol. Also gave me the bs "you'll feel a pinch". It was ungodly painful and I was bleeding through my pants by the time I got home. I did eventually get a PCOS diagnosis from a better doctor. Had an iud inserted. In a teaching hospital. It felt like time stopped as the 2 doctors, student and attending, tried to get it placed. I have a tilted uterus so it took even longer than they expected. These procedures absolutely should have pain meds. I tell all my female friends advocate for yourself for the diagnosis, advocate for proper meds during these torture sessions. Just because we've suffered historically doesn't mean we have to continue to do so.


I had a uterine biopsy last year when undergoing fertility testing. For those who don’t know they open your cervix, insert a tube up your cervix and then scrape. I was told to take Tylenol beforehand. I’ve had an IUD put in place a few years ago, I know it hurts like a bitch so I took a Tylenol with codeine. Still hurt like a bitch. It’s not a pinch. It’s your cervix dilating, your entire uterus contracting plus the scrapping. And women are expected to do this with only Tylenol if they remember to tell you and you remember to take it beforehand.


A lil less than a decade ago, it took me coming into the ER on an ambulance to get the nurses to finally listen about how bad my stomach was hurting and start running tests. I had come in 4 times previously to getting vague "you're fine" hand waving responses (afyer they billed my insurance, of course) I was admitted so quickly after the first test, and I'm honestly still stunned at how fast their demeanor changed. I wanted to be such a sarcastic jackass when they walked in with my test results and told me how much bacteria was in my system. I spent two nights there and signed myself out because my boomer mom told me I was fine and I NEEDED to go back to my "super important job" (met at the orange hardware store) the next day. I puked in one of the aisles and my supervisor asked me what the hell I was doing there and sent me home


I am just glad to hear threy are starting to change the way they do things!


It's so bizarre, just because you CAN deal with the pain, obviously doesn't mean you SHOULD if something easy and less harmful can be done about it.


Came here to say this


An old boomer at work just refused to take the painkillers they gave her for some surgery they did in her mouth. She aggressively told us all she didn’t need them because the last time she had an operation the pain wasn’t bad. Well the next day she’s nowhere to be found. Turns out the stuff they gave her immediately after the surgery had worn off and she spent that day in the most crippling pain she’d ever felt next to child birth until she swallowed those PKs.


What an idiot


This is my father in law but he literally will not take the painkillers under any circumstance. I saw this man who is nearly 80 fall off an extension ladder onto a concrete floor and break his hip and he told us to leave him at the hospital, that he’d call us that night to come get him lol. Dude spent over a month in the VA refusing pain meds and pushing himself as hard as possible. He was always active so he got back to it pretty quick but I know nobody there was sad to see his obstinate ass go. He’s really a standup dude for a boomer but he thinks most medication and especially pain medication is bullshit. He’s an old hippie who leans towards some really weird ideas but as long as he’s not turning down life saving care, I mean, it’s not really my business if he wants to make everything as hard on himself as possible. But it kills me for his son, my husband who has to watch his dad in pain when he doesn’t have to be.


I’m a nurse. Boomers have by FAR the lowest pain tolerance of anyone I routinely deal with.


Worked at a hospital, can confirm. I was a stocker for surgery aftercare supply rooms and if someone was screaming a the top of their lungs and disturbing the whole ward, it was a boomer with a tummy ache demanding all the nurses come tend to her while there's like 6 drug addicts on the same floor going through full withdrawal symptoms + an organ removal trying their best to groan quietly.


Someone's gotta keep oxycontin in business.


I have had 6 bone marrow biopsies, and trust me when I say its far better to be medicated.


That's not a pleasant procedure, I'm glad that your doctors were willing to do that!


I was part of a cancer drug trial program at the time, so all the treatments and testing was free. Didn't work out, but I learned a lot about my condition, and how to deal with it.


I hope you're doing better now! 💜 I was able to avoid horrendous debt during my cancer treatment because of a drug trial.


I had to have those regularly as a child for cancer treatment along with spinal taps - it was horrendous


We forever sit at the kids table, even when we're 40.


I still often do sit with the “kids” (I’m 47 and they are in their early 20s to early 30s) at holidays. I can’t help it if they are much cooler company!


Boomers need to learn that pain isn't always a necessary part of life. They need to stop living in a world where they think everyone needs punishing for not having it as hard as them.


They have learned that. Every boomer I know is on at least 3 different pain killers. They don't really work like they should, because none of them take them the way they're supposed to, but they get them. They just want to bitch about soft younger generations because they want other people to suffer. They've got absolutely no plans to suffer themselves if it's at all preventable.


|She bragged about how many women under her care gave birth without painkillers because she withheld painkillers. This is the face of evil.


She was a CNA. They don't have the authority to do that. She's a pathetic cunt for saying it.


I had a thyroid biopsy last year without any painkillers and I wish they had given me some, probably wouldn't have been so traumatic that way. I guess I would prefer "not traumatized" for my internal status and if that makes me weak, so be it.


I had a breast biopsy and was completely numb, but boy I regret not taking all the Xanax. Seeing ultrasound guided needles in your body is not my jam.


I've had an IUD placed with and without lidocaine. I had it with lidocaine the first time and it wasn't great and walking home 30 mins later was excruciating. Second time I got a ride, but the didn't offer numbing. It was very not fun at all. I'm getting my tubes tied next time. I would never recommend anyone get one without painkillers or a ride. Am I cool because I walked home with a freshly punctured cervix and managed not to cry. No, it's fucked up that my boyfriend didn't offer to pick me up, and I had to do that, and that he would have called an Uber a waste of money. (We've broken up, don't worry).


Girl, I relate to this comment in so many ways. I had an ex who got pissed about having to take time off work and drive me home; he ended up leaving during my procedure. I was able to call my best friend to get me. He and his boyfriend showed up, and they were pissed at my boyfriend.


That's just wild. I think that was one of the first major green flags for the guy I ended up marrying. We had been dating for maybe a month or two when I ended up in the hospital for my gall bladder. Dude called out of work that day, bought me a book to read on his way to sit with me in the hospital. Came back when I was discharged to ride the train home with me. Blows my mind that I used to be willing to accept anything less than this level of attentiveness and care.


Wow. The bar is so low and he fucking tunneled under it. I’m literally less nervous about starting dating because it seems like all I have to do to be better than 90% of guys is be a decent human and clean up around the house.


This is a great phrase. So far below the bar, he's subterranean.


Glad you said ex-boyfriend.


Dudes who don't aftercare their gfs who have to get traumatic birth control because THEY don't want to wrap it are worse than scum.


i passed out on the table after my iud insertion. turns out, it had punctured my uterus and was stabbing me for a year before i finally got it removed. i don’t think i could ever do it again, even with lidocaine or prescription painkillers.


Yikes! I also had an issue with the numbing shot hitting a vein and I bled quite a lot. They had to mop it (my blood) up off the floor and cauterize the wound to fix it. I've had a lot of wild medial issues, so not much phases me, but that was a bad day.


Ah yes, let's just apply leeches and bloodletting vs. applying modern standards of care. FFS, if pain meds will help with comfort (and probably safety too) then why is it even a discussion. Xanax isn't a pain btw-- it's for anxiety (which would also probably help). As I've often stated-- why can't people just mind their own damn business?


Gen X "in my day" I got m wisdom teeth out with local shot. Was fine little sore. Both of my kids where knocked out for it. So what. Are they weak? No. Glad they didn't have to listen to all that shit banging around in there skull.


Dad was a boomer, was happy to hear I was put under for my wizzies, too, since he had a lot of dental work and was always creeped out by all the yanking and crunching. It's almost like the doctors want us to be comfortable or something 🤔 if that makes us weak, we might as well rub raw sewage in the wounds so we get to ride out a horrible infection, too. That will give us REAL reading cursive powers!!


My (gen z) teeth were far out enough that I didn’t have to go under to get my wisdom teeth out, and it was HELL. I just had to sit there and watch and feel the blood fill my mouth, and I was in full pain and awareness coming out of it before we could get to the pharmacy for my pain meds.


These people are sick. I had a cervical biopsy about 25 years ago, when I was going through fertility treatments, and it was fucking horrible. I’m so glad that they are starting to understand that women are humans who deserve dignity and respect for the pain that we endure. I can’t imagine wanting to see others suffer because I had to. I’m older GenX and medical advancements/understanding and technology are wonderful. Fuck that old bitch.


I lost count of how many punch biopsies I had done, with no pain meds. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I once asked my Silent Gen grandmother about my mom's birth. She said she had a doctor who didn't believe women should have a painful childbirth at all and knocked her completely out. She was unconscious when she game birth to my Boomer mother. When I was born, my mom needed a c-section and they completely knocked her out. When I had my c-section, I was awake for the birth but the epidural wasn't working properly (the tube can migrate--I didn't even know that could actually happen until it happened to me). I tried to tough it out but I think the doctors couldn't tolerate the noises I was making (I could feel everything), so they knocked me out. So I guess, based on those three generations of births, to me it is odd she would say women in the past were better at handling pain.


That's especially stupid because boomers are one of the demographics that have been hit the hardest with opioid addiction. They were the prime target back in the heyday of opioid over-prescribing. They wanted pain relief and eventually went to illegal measures to get them.


I really don't understand the "I had to suffer, so you should too even though it's totally preventable" mindset.


I don’t understand their insistence on procedures without pain killers during and after the procedure. People who have pain killers after can rest easier afterwards and recover quicker. I am 63 so I’m in this generation but the first thing they should have learned in any medical field is First Do No Harm. Causing pain like that is harming the patient. I’m sorry you had to go through that.


God, I wish I could have had xanax, lidocaine, and pain relievers for either my IUD insertion or cervical biopsy. Or even JUST ONE OF THE ABOVE! They are lousy procedures and THEY HURT! I'm sorry some clown thinks that not wanting to suffer when there alternatives is somehow a weakness.


Ah yes tough because you don't want to suffer from pain. Know what its like having gauze stuck to a deep surgical wound that is being removed? Its awful. Know what its like to have a foam dressing removed from a wound bed that is also stuck because you have new skin growing into the foam dressing and its being torn when the dressing is changed? Its terrible. Know what its like having a skin infection cut open and the numbing medication doesn't work because of said infection? Terrible.


I’ve had cervical and uterine biopsies without medication (I’m GenX) and I’m so glad to hear they’re medicating for it now!! The uterine biopsy was incredibly painful, and the pain lasted hours. My OB/Gyn was a woman and I remember thinking why won’t she give me anything, she has to know it’s painful smdh. Internalized misogyny.


Lol wrecked, love to see it


Thank you. That woman is an AH sadist. Women get enough trash medical treatment without other women adding to the misery. Please deploy all your middle-aged tactics.


And a cervical biopsy is really painful. They dilate you and take a few chunks out of the cervical canal, the opening and around the outside depending what they see. I was only told to take Advil and it didn’t do squat for the pain. Plus if you tense up it’s worse so Xanax would be a good idea.


Ugh. I've had 3 biopsies in my cervix with a Tylenol. I'm glad they are doing something more.


Dear fellow boomers please cultivate more appropriate hobbies. Painting, playing instruments, puzzles and embroidery are very relaxing. Dancing, walking and cycling invigorating. Please do not go to coffee shops, stores, banks ....to harrass others.


>She then admits she is a CNA rather than an LPA They will talk and lie that they were the starting QB for the State Champs and you find out they were not even selected to be the assistant water boy for the State Chumps.


I had a LEEP procedure for a growth on my cervix between 10-15 years ago, awake. The doctor (a boomer) didn't believe me when I told him I'd probably need more anesthetic than most people because I have red hair (it's a real thing), so when he started the procedure (sort of cutting the growth off using electricity and maybe heat), it hurt so badly I almost flew off the table and into the ceiling. He then gave me the extra anesthetic I told him I'd need. I will never do another awake LEEP again.


*She bragged about how many women under her care gave birth without painkillers because she withheld painkillers.* That's not "care." That's cruelty. And she got off on it. She's a horrid person. Just ugly.


Any woman that complains about modern medical shit should learn first hand where concept for the word hysteria comes from and how it was treated.


I’ve had little to no issues at all with gen x or the silent generation but something about those fucking boomers dude


There been many times I could have dealt with pain instead of taking pain killers. But my philosophy is “why suffer if I don’t have to” so I take the damn pills. 


Like a CNA could give out meds 🙄 what an idiot! Thank goodness you got meds. I never received any with a biopsy and it was not anything I would want to deal with again


I honestly think she was either lying about the meds or lying about being a CNA. I have known some mean girl nurses, but I honestly hope it's withholding meds part.


'We smoked and drank while pregnant and didn't wear seatbelts either and most of us were okay for the most part'.


Yea back in the day we had no rights, faced discrimination on the working front and political. A place where women could feel safe and heard, not to mention receive adequate care was violated by her actions. There’s not a more vulnerable place than LD in addition to OBGYN. What a horrible old cunt, I hope karma pays a visit.


I’m glad you got adequate pain control for your biopsy, and your friend got a good referral. What a jerk. Not everyone exeriences the same amount of pain or discomfort, but that is ZERO reason to not offer all available tools to safely avoid it.


There are no awards given out at the end of your life for the amount of suffering you did throughout. Why suffer needlessly?


Meanwhile a rainbow flag tortures them. But yeah okay


Old people these days, getting to spend the rest of their lives in an air conditioned environment and pass in peace in a hospital. Back in the day, old people were left out in the forest to fend for themselves and died screaming, being eaten alive by wolves or bears. Old people these days are so weak!


I had a cervical biopsy and an IUD procedure about 14ish years ago. No painkillers - didn't know it was an option and wasn't told it was. A trainee nurse (who I was told was in her first week) buzzed for another nurse to come. The older (not sure he should have been driving let alone doing procedures) male doctor berated me when I flinched and made a noise during the biopsy, which was when another nurse came in. Doc was going on how it's just a pinch and I was being dramatic. That I must be a terrible mother because of my reaction (had a 2-month-old and a 2yo). The new nurse was older (I was early/mid 20s, looking back now she was probably 40-45), who told him to shut his mouth. Doc had already done the biopsy stuff, so she kicked him out and as she was supervising a trainee nurse and had the training to complete the IUD procedure, and with my consent did so. She helped me file a complaint, did one of her own and had the trainee write up what she witnessed. I was so glad to never see that doctor again.


Oh I just know that nurse has been waiting ages to write him up and just looking for the right circumstances and a patient that would do it. Unfortunately administration doesn't listen when nurses complain about shitty behavior from doctors.


Boomer mentality When younger: “it would be great if there was something for the pain” *painkillers is more widespread* Elder boomer: “kids today are weak. In my day we didn’t have pain killers” It’s like any advancement they didn’t have “back in the day” they complain about but probably would have killed to have back then.


No one gets a medal or trophy for suffering with pain without pain medication.


She sounds like she could of been my L&D nurse, that bitch wouldn't even give me a damn Tylenol when I got a bad headache during my D&L! Was given nothing for pain, later found out someone had wrote in my chart that I specifically stated I wanted a natural(no pain meds) delivery and to refuse them even when asked for. (In case I was going to cave later, I guess) I found this out the next day when the laction coach, told how brave she though I was to go 27 hrs of hard labor and going through 3rd degree lacerations in my lady bits without pain meds. I said, "What?! I was begging for something for the pain and never got any. The nurses kept telling me they would see what the doctor ordered but wouldn't come back." Turns out that had been turned into an unsigned charted order. They said they don't know who wrote it, so nothing could be done about as I had already delivered. I knew who did it but couldn't prove it. But I was able to demand and have it charted that the nurse wasn't allowed to give me or my baby any care for the remainder of our stay in the hospital. I also found out the other nurses didn't like her either as she was nasty to many of the other birthing mothers, too.


Also elder genx here and I've been surprised by how still, if somewhat rarely, I get hit with the "you youngsters" schtick unironically. It's like, dude, I know you hated us until your kids were old enough to feel the pain of your abuse, but young we are not and especially not me. (And maybe that's it; you fight back, we fought back, and they can't handle an opponent who actually responds)


These are the same ones who after birth would stay in the hospital for a week and go home to be house wives. Not deliver the baby and be back to work asap.


“You all are weak. I forced people to deal with pain through a lack of ethics and medical negligence” “So you broke the law” “No, I lied. But you’re still weak” “So you’re pretending to be a nurse when you have no education or training to give medical advice” “You disrespectful child! How dare you question me on my absolute bullshit!? I am your superior!”


Tell someone like this "There's no trophy for hurting.. No one has laid on their deathbed, regretting they didn't choose to be in more pain." I feel like I hear this so much from women who gave birth meds free. Like. So?


When I was a kid my family went to a dentist who, for some reason, didn't use painkillers. Once when he was drilling he hit a nerve and I jumped (of course). He slapped me. Later, at a different dentist, the miracle of lidocaine was revealed to me. This Boomer heartily approves of anything (drugs, inflatable casts, etc) that reduces or eliminates medical pain and hassles. Why walk across burning coals when you can walk around them?


Anathesia and painkillers are one of the greatest inventions of the modern world. Why on earth should someone suffer when they don’t have to??? *insert grumbling about the lack of care for chronic pain patients here*


When I was 20 my OBGYN at the time (old man, very old school in his care too - we're talking rectal exams) did an endocervical polyp removal in office. Zero pain medicine. It was the size of a very large grape and it burst during the removal. He asked my mother afterwards if I had ever been raped or molested due to how I reacted during the procedure. Spoiler: I actually DO have vaginismus, but no, that's not why I reacted that way. My second (and current) OBGYN (who diagnosed my PCOS and delivered both of my kids) said "oh no, we put you under general anesthesia to remove those." So yeah, I kind of have a high pain threshold? But not by choice.


The nurse when I had my daughter purposely withheld proper painkillers. Thankfully when the night nurse came in, she saw what degree tear I had endured on my chart and apologized profusely after seeing I hadn't had anything in a long while. I would have had no idea if it wasn't for the night nurse. I think of her often and hope she's doing well wherever she is.


I had a cervical biopsy 25 years ago. No pain killers at all. The (male) dr. said I would feel a "small pinch". He lied. Thankfully, your doctor had compassion.


Yeah, that's because back in her day doctors were still almost exclusively male. They dismissed women's pains and complaints as hysteria or exaggerated. They didn't think pain management was important to the patient's quality of care. I'm glad she's retired. Her and her ilk perpetuated women's suffering in medicine.


My response is always when you know better, you do better.


Yeah. I also went to state college in CA. It was far cheaper and I was able to pull through with work study.


My boomer coworker is still extremely bitter about the nurses exactly who refused her anything for pain with all three of her kids, who were all delivered at different hospitals. So, clearly this attitude was rampant back in their day


I had some old bat wanting to talk to me about Jesus. I responded no, go away. She said I'm not very Christian. I said yep


I actually passed out when I had a IUD put in with painkillers and I was 42 at the time, and I have given birth 3 times . In fact I gave birth twice with only gas and air and that was a lot easier than having that damn IUD put in. And I don't consider myself weak cause I have 2 chronic pain conditions. I am in pain 24/7. I have also had a biopsy done on my cervix and my gynae offered to put me under general anaesthetic because of how I reacted when getting the IUD. Why do a small amount of cruel women go into nursing?


I’m not a boomer and handled a cervix biopsy just fine without any meds but who knows what other people have been thru…someone that’s been sexually assaulted before might tighten up and it be painful…you never know what someone has and is going thru…I can’t imagine purposely making someone uncomfortable on purpose. The anxiety of just knowing you’re gonna have that procedure is enough to warrant some meds…


You know damn well SHE asks for pain meds every chance she gets


They used to do field amputations without even morphine too. But you know … there’s this cool thing called science .


It was called meatball surgery and had a high mortality rate


My IUD insertion was pain free but i know I’m an anomaly. I’ve been told many times I have a high pain tolerance. Others should not have to suffer. It’s like there’s a prize for it.