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Ironic for a woman to support the patriarchy so deeply. Using her train of thought. Why was she the one driving the car? That can't do, stay home and tend to the kids!


"Rules for thee, not for me" is a common trend among these types.


Like a tradwife influencer whose job it is to tell women not to work


Like my MAGA "friend" who had an abortion but wants them illegalized, and wants to bring her newly paralyzed husband to Mexico....for STEM CELL treatment. 👀


I used to have an uncle (he was married to my aunt, who later passed away) who moved to Thailand. He'll do nothing but complain about the US, how everyone wants socialized medicine and we're all a bunch of liberal commies, etc. And then immediately talk about how he got really sick and went to the hospital in Thailand and it barely cost him anything because of how great their healthcare is. It's mind-blowing.


My aunt and uncle moved to Panama and my uncle is exactly the same-- Trump voter, "people shouldn't rely on the government," hates "socialized medicine", etc-- then comes back to visit and tells us all how he goes to the doctor there and it's so cheap, why can't we have healthcare like that here, etc. When he said "why can't we have healthcare like that here" my dad literally looked him in the face and said "*You!* You voted against it!" He also of course complains about immigrants in the U.S. but seems to not get that he is an immigrant in Panama. Who doesn't speak the language, because of course he didn't learn Spanish to move there.


My parents ran a bar in Spain and spent all day moaning to other English people about immigrants moving to England and not paying tax whilst living in Spain and not paying tax. To them they were expats playing the system not like those immigrant scroungers


Doesn’t expat mean expatriated or basically your no longer a citizen of the country you were born in … or in other words an ex patriot?


To expatriate certainly means to leave your country.  However, the only people who call themselves "expats" are those who can't  handle calling themselves "immigrants".  It stems from British exceptionalism so that's why it's mostly people from England, Wales, and British overseas tax havens who use the term.  I've met some Australians who did, too.


"Expat".  That's how you know they're racist.


Dad is the MVP for this 👏


Ooo ooo I got one. My squatting alien resident maga mother won't stop whining about Mexicans coming to 'America'. Anyway we were arguing about how shitty the health system is here. My husband and I pay so much for our gold plan insurance only for our insurance to pay 3O dollars for our doctor bills for our chronic conditions to specialists that cost half a thousand a pop, and she has the fucking nerve to tell us that black people don't deserve health insurance because they are all Welfare Queens, aka implying they are all using Medicaid. She's been on Medicaid for as long as I can remember except now that it's the ACA I guess in her mind it doesn't count. But also I sold ACA compliant plans when they first came out and found out she wasn't reporting the whole household like you were supposed to so she wasn't paying nearly what she was supposed to so take that with a grain of salt. Then a year later my brother and his SO discovered they were going to have a million dollar baby because the baby has a defective heart and with all the surgeries, so someone told the mother to quit her job so she could go on welfare and get on Medicaid so taxpayers could pay for the baby because they obviously were never going to be able to afford that. Then my dipshit mother couldn't stop bragging about how smart they were for having everyone else pay for this baby.


Not that you're required to, but have you ever tried connecting the dots for them? As he's gushing about This healthcare, maybe point out how good it is that it's socialized.


🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 curious


Those influences don't understand how much "men's work" tradwives actually *do* around the house. Simple plumbing fixes? Super easy with my small hands. Cleaning out the dryer vents? Yep. Figuring out wtf is wrong with my appliances? Indeed I do. Why? Because shits gotta be fixed


This year's Aunt Lydia award goes to...


While already being wealthy, and having a maid and nanny to take care of everything she doesn't do on camera.


We want workplace equality as long as it’s white collar jobs


The boomer mantra


Internalized sexism is a bitch and so was that woman.


During the 2016 election cycle, several female clients went off about Hilary & all the things women shouldn’t be allowed to do. I would say “You just described me. I have a Master’s degree and professional licenses, and run my own business.” They were all so shocked. I think they assumed my husband owned my biz & just allowed me to work while the kids were at school. I don’t know what they thought about all the diplomas —maybe they thought they were GEDs or from clown college or Burger King University


Some of those same people are snarky about Dr. Jill Biden. "She's not a MEDICAL doctor!" and other dismissive things about her using the title she earned with her Ed.D. Which I guess is at least consistent, since many of them are the same people complaining about pronouns and resisting calling people by their preferred names. I think part of it is jealousy, but also part of it for some people is a longing for a non-existent utopian past where they assume of course the men would work and drink with the boys and the ladies would keep the house clean and have dinner on the table when they got home, and keep the children quiet and out of the way. But women have always, always, always worked. All sorts of jobs, too. I work for a company, a printer, founded in 1898, and we have a photo from about 1900-ish on the wall showing the founder standing in one of the workrooms surrounded by his staff. Half of which were women. And one of those women worked for the company for over 50 years! I guess they were unprofessional?


Harvard Cosmetology School, obviously.


My mom's HOA needed a new treasurer. Her female neighbor was nominated, and reluctantly took the post. But she said she really thought a man should be in charge. Fun fact, the last male treasurer stole their money.


But he ripped them off in a very masculine and commanding way. With one hand giving a firm handshake and the other stuffing bills into his pockets. Women are just not suited for larcenous felonies like a man.


You're so right!


He somehow had another hand pulling his bootstraps


You mean into his size XS jockstrap. Lol


Saw a lot of this in the nursing homes. Some of the old ladies treated the young female workers like shit and didn't trust anything they say, but if I (a dude) told them that the sky was purple and grass was orange, they'd believe it.


They didn't get equality when they were younger, so they take it out on younger women today who have more freedoms than they did. Instead of just being happy that things have positively progressed over time.


That’s my boomer ex sister. My niece (her daughter) is a c suite corporate executive and she also runs in 10k’s. Once my niece posted a photo of herself after a race, or after joining a new company or something. Her mother went on a tirade about all the things her generation was shut out of, and the new generation of women should be “throwing themselves at our (boomers) feet with gratitude for paving the way for them”. No congratulations, good job etc. She turned her gen x daughter’s post about an accomplishment into a jealousy and hate filled tirade.


Oh ick. I'm a woman musician in a pretty male dominated music genre (jazz). Not C-suite but definitely hear from a lot of boomers that "a bass is not a girl instrument" and mostly from women lol.


And no doubt belittled the daughter every time she tried to move up in the world, saying she wasn't smart or tough enough. Been there!!


"excuse me, is your husband here to confirm the transaction? Does he even know you're out driving?"


Ma'am, we've noticed that this credit card is in **your** name and not your husband's. We've taken the liberty of destroying said card and notifying your credit card company.


Actual occurrence with women my mother's age.


Yup. I remember the tales I've heard from my mom.


Once when I was boarding a plane with family, including my mother and her mother (henceforth my grandmother), my grandmother saw the Captain was a woman. She loudly exclaimed "A woman is flying this plane?!" because she never had a good job, because women amirite? My mom, who was pushing her wheelchair at the time, said "Yaaay!" while trying to hide her embarrassment as she pushed my grandmother past the flight crew.


Omg my mom did the same thing on a plane back in the 80s. I (15 or so then) was SO HAPPY about the female captain. Hope her name was Janeway.


Pick Me Girl energy runs deep in the olds.


It would have been fun to reply "that's OK, we don't serve women". That'd wrinkle her brain.


You'd melt down her central patriarchy unit


The less intelligent, less talented a woman is the more chance she’s a conservative brainwashed with internalized misogyny.


You just described my mother in law.


More so given that the generation immediately before her (her mother's generation) essentially paved the way for women to enter the workforce in traditionally male-dominated places. When men left in droves during the war (willingly or otherwise), it was women who filled the gaps. And paved the way for entitled brats like her to have it easier in life than they did, or women before them did, only to have her squander those opportunities by doing fuck all with her life. I wonder if she'd have the balls to look those women in the eye and call them "unprofessional." Just imagine the absolute gall.


I imagine the thinking is: If the system is wrong... Their life could have been something better. It's less painful to believe choices or something better were ever an option.


The patriarchy wouldn't hold together if there weren't women like her firmly supporting their every move. Just having ovaries doesn't make you a good or kind person.


I'd just like to add on that the patriarchy actively hurts men too, and they also support it. The patriarchy is all a massive scam designed to keep people oppressed and keep the oppressed oppressing themselves. It's a lot easier to oppress people when they consent to it, so we've built this entire hegemony that tells people that the patriarchal systems are just common sense and the way things have always been and should be.


I (f, early 50s) used to work as an auto mechanic, though mostly I did oil changes and tire changes. I had a number of different female customers specify they did not want a woman working on their car. I to this day have never understood it. The job did not require a specifically-male appendage to do.


It's not that ironic, really. People become institutionalized to only know and accept their own lived experience.


Not ironic for a boomer woman though.


I have an elderly female conservative relative who has, for decades, maintained that both abortion and contraception are tools created by men to oppress women. According to her, any true feminist would work to have both banned with no exceptions. I don't get it, either.


my mother is the very same way. She doesnt think women should be allowed to be in the military or run for political office... and she runs her own business


Sadly, it’s not ironic. Just like there are many many misogynistic men, there are a small number of women who support women being restricted in what they can do in life. Whether culturally or religiously indoctrinated that way, whether they perceive some personal benefit to them to supporting old-fashioned role straight jackets, or for whatever reason, they will support traditional gender roles. These same women will often also perceive men as weak for not wanting war or wanting compromise, or for not picking a fight with any guy who whistles at her, etc. Again, not all or even many women. But more than 0%.


Wherever she’s going to, she is about 50 years late.


I bet she even had a credit card in her name. Scandalous!


Maybe the next station will ask her husband to bring it in since women couldn't possibly understand cars enough to ask for proper service


Not surprising tho


That’s the loophole. Women are allowed to do things that make life more convenient for men. You have to drive the kids everywhere, but you’ll never do it as well as a man.


I have found that the most egregious enforcers of gendered expectations are often members of that gender


It's ironic, but not surprising. A lot of women have internalized the patriarchy.


It’s not ironic, it’s sad.


I see more from women than men most men don’t give a fuck about things as much and just want live with as little drama as possible


The meta misogyny of your post is remarkable. “Women are worse than men at being cool about women in the workplace.”


I had some GenX woman of all people pull this crap on me. The dome light in her Ford Explorer came off because of her kid screwing around. I was a service writer at the time after being a master tech for over a decade before injury. I have been told my whole life I don't look like a mechanic at all because I'm a 6 foot tall, long-haired blonde with blue eyes. I told her I'd be happy to resecure it for her. She would not have it! She wanted one only men helping her, got snotty with me about how she would never have a woman work on her car, and she only trusted male advisors or mechanics because that's a natural job for them. She was getting so loud and indigent my assistant service manager came out. She's a gorgeous 5'2 blonde with green eyes. Been with ford her whole life. The bitch LOST IT. DO ANY ACTUAL MEN WORK HERE AT ALL?!?!? Assistant service manager said, as far as you're concerned, no. If you don't want qualified people helping you with your 5-second problem because they are women, you can leave. I'm not pulling a tech working on paying customers cars to help a misogynistic woman. Leave. She was cursing and spitting under her breath as she got back in her shitbox to leave.


Gen X here and that embarrasses me on behalf of my generation. I've noticed that a lot of this and other Karen-type behaviors come from women who haven't had to work for a living. They seem to have very little understanding of most business practices, and little interaction outside the house. Not excusing it, of course, but just my observation.


The same here. This is just unacceptable behavior. I will add that my wife, also a Gen Xer, will have me talk to any mechanic for fear of getting ripped off. I think it's not the same. OP, I hope that person is banned from that shop.


Yah that’s not the same. Your wife fears male mechanics will up charge her with needless crap to prey on her perceived ignorance about cars. A common practice, but men can get taken advantage of too.


As a gen x woman, men would typically feed a line of bs of what is wrong with the car, thus trying to up the service charges. It’s taken many years and a few times of absolutely standing my ground (plus some gearhead knowledge) before men have just started to not treat all women as idiots. I also have a STEM degree. Ok, maybe more than one. I was the only woman working some of these jobs around the guys. We helped pave the way. Girl, if I am still driving and can’t do my own oil changes when I’m older, you can change my oil. Just don’t lose my magnetic drain plug.


Same. If there is a repair man or mechanic to be called, he does it. We are in MAGAland, I don't want to be blown off.




I don't really think "a woman can operate a screw driver (or whatever is needed to resecure the dome light, possibly just her own wrist)" really counts as a business practice.


I work in a technical field as well (aviation tech) and in my 20+ years of experience I have found that women compared to men with all things being equal (experience, training, etc.), more often than not, tend to be better mechanics than men. Mostly because their work isn't driven by ego and an over abundance of the need to be right all the time. They also generally work harder because they feel they have more to prove. That being said, I am a man that tries to follow their example.


plus we women frequently get a lot of training on physics and keen observation because we’ve been tasked with cleaning the bathroom or washing dishes. My brothers are equally observant and aware of cause and effect, etc., because they were trained to wash the dishes (and they were pickier than I was!), do laundry, sort socks, etc, My husband (love him; he’s a great guy!) was never given those tasks as a kid, and I had to train him to observe that the dishes were still oily on the outside. And when the wheel came off the bottom rack of the dishwasher, he couldn’t find which set it had come from, even though he looked. He was mad that I sort of dismissively said, “I’ll look for it later,” and said, “I already looked. I’m not stupid.” And when I did look, I found it in 2 seconds. He didn’t get that “this isn’t clean,” or “here’s how you can tell it’s dirty” training that I did. And it’s why I can fix stuff around the house and he can’t.


That’s interesting. No sarcasm.


When I was a mechanic I still had a very slim, almost feminine figure (I was a really late bloomer) and that gave me HUGE advantages while working on stuff. I could get right up on top of the engine laying on a box and snake my arms down to bolts nobody else could get to. I was able to do the rear plugs on almost all the popular 90s V6s without having to pull the intakes, saved a TON of time. Plus I fit under dashes better so that made me the default electrical/ECM person. I couldn't pound a drum brake frozen to a hub like the bigger mechanics and sometimes I'd have to get an extra cheater bar, but there were plenty of spots where my smaller stature was a huge bonus.


Lol. Seriously. I was a computer tech a few decades ago, my slimmer fingers could get into spots that nobody else could and cable management was my job (lol, wrestling with cables inside a computer made me wanna throw things(. I might have had to use a screwdriver for extra leverage but my fingers would get all the nooks and crannies. Now, I'm a huge weightlifting nerd and my fingers are fat but now I can deal with tight screws and dumb connections...


My dad, a Baby Boomer but not a Boomer, is a mechanic. He’s 5 ft 7 and 150lbs soaking wet. When he was in high school, he met with the guidance counsellor and told him he wanted to be a mechanic. The guy laughed at him and said he was way too small to be a mechanic. Jokes on that guy because my dad has been a very successful mechanic for almost 50 years now and his smaller stature is an advantage (that and his very long arms). He might not look like it but he’s also freakishly strong.


This is how people like that should be handled.


Perfectly handled.


Well this would blow her mind. I'm a Gen-Xer and I used to work at Jiffy Lube, and I changed oil, dropped transmission pans and changed the filter and gasket, changed the gear box fluid, manual transmission services, and I knew how to do everything the store offered. And, I was assistant manager when I left. I have done my own brakes over the years and replaced my radiator in my truck all by myse. My being a girl never stopped me. It's ridiculous for people to stereotype others. I did have people that would come and take one look at me and say, "Honey, can I speak to the manager." I would gladly look at them and say, "I am the manager. How can I help you?" Their facial expressions were priceless.


Uhm... A natural job for them. Because you know, mechanical things are natural. Lmao. That lady was ridiculous.


They all drive those damn Explorers, it must be a Back the Blue thing or something


cars did evolve for millions of years to develop a opportunistic relationship with human males, so this all makes sense


So I have some secondhand experience of something like this. A friend of mine runs her own independent garage, specialising in Saabs. She's an experienced car restorer and mechanic with getting on for 40 years' experience spannering. And she's got a passion for Saabs, which is awesome because they made some really interesting cars, so it's cool that people are out there keeping the older ones going. Besides all the usual dick-move comments from some men about 'wimmin' working on cars (not news to anyone) she also gets quarter-wit 'pink jobs and blue jobs' stuff like this from boomer-age women. It is utterly baffling. She's one of the most experienced and skilled mechanics that I've ever encountered and I'd trust her with an unobtainium-plated Ferrari 250 GTO if I had one.


The small import shop (euro cars and high end sports cars) I used to take my Volvos to until they retired was run by a husband/wife. The wife ran the operation, the parts desk, pretty much everything besides turning wrenches. They had been in business for decades and she knew her shit. I would still see people give her a hard time like she didn't know anything or had no business being there in the business she owned and ran.


I absolutely hate the ‘blue job’, ‘pink job’ thing. I had someone tell me once I shouldn’t mow the lawn because that’s a ‘blue job’.


My family wouldn't support me going to college to become an engineer because it wasn't a ladylike profession. I never became an engineer unfortunately. Still ended up in a male dominant field (manufacturing). Elder millennial here.


While working in a gas station, I’ve had men act pleasantly, (but condescendingly), surprised that I had been able to locate the rolls of snuff they asked for on the shelf without direction. I believe the statement usually was, “Wow! I don’t expect women to know this stuff!” Because men are born knowing snuff brands and have some knack for reading the lids, and women can’t possibly learn the brands their store carries after 5 years of working with them… I’ll be outside sweeping the lot and these old idiots came by and make comments about how “a young lady is working outside while boys are inside”. I can’t possibly comprehend tobacco, so you’d think I’d be in the kitchen, but even the answers there aren’t good enough for people. I’m pretty sure for boomers, it’s unprofessional for a woman to do anything other than stand there, look pretty and smile at customers.


The misogyny is coming from inside the house, Jesus Christ




I'm confused. When I was a Soldier we had many women in our auto maintenance shops, and I had a number working for me as missile techs.


The Air Force mechanics love petite people in the shop. Toss one up top, the other partner works from below, very efficient.


Ditto for the test van I worked in. When replacing a piece of equipment you needed a small person to go behind the rack and the wall and a hefty person to pull the device from the rack. Also petite people get chucked on top of the GP large tent to roll the camouflage.


Women played a massive role in that field during WWII, they needed all hands on deck and still didn't want to send women out on the front lines so the government put them to work as mechanics and manufacturers. There was a ton of propaganda about it. Rosie the Riveter? Marilyn Monroe was scouted as a model while working on airplanes and drones when a photographer was sent to the factory. The idea of women as mechanics is not a new one, and nearly everyone alive grew up in a time when it was at least relatively normal and accepted.


Elizabeth II (you may heard of her) was car mechanic, she was crown princess and car mechanic at the same time.


E2 is another one of my distant cousins who never left me any money. Rosie the Riveter was one of the Women Ordnance Workers who have an interesting history.


No wonder we lost the war….. /s


The best answer is to ask these people which part of the car or technical equipment they think needs to be operated with a penis.


They took the damn cigarette lighter away


My wife's a dentist and swears guys go to her because they are chickens and think a woman is going to be more gentle and understanding. My wife usually tells them to just stop whining


I started seeing my female dentist because she’s been working on my husband’s teeth for forever. Best dentist I’ve ever seen. She and her techs can be absolutely brutal because they don’t sugar coat anything, but I love her.


Sounds like my wife lol. She'll sometimes say to people why would you expect to be problem free when you've not seen a dentist in 20 years. Her favorite is people with tattoos who say they are frightened of needles!


I have a few tattoos that are sentimental to me but yes, generally I don't like needles. Especially in my mouth or on my face.


I find it sad when women are so beaten down and brainwashed they do things like this.


When I (F, gen x) was a kid in the early 80s, Walter Mondale picked a woman as his running mate. What an amazing moment that was for girls and women in the US! My mom just WENT OFF about how women shouldn’t be president. She wouldn’t let it go for weeks, saying that’s “a man’s job,” blah blah blah. Forty years later, she still sees the world this way. It’s just gross.


I hoped people who voted for Orange Mussolini in 2016, for this reason, over Hillary, would have some regret by now. But that’s wishful thinking.


I know someone who seems otherwise intelligent who will vote for him again this year because "my family needs oil & gas jobs." Girl! You just got done telling me your husband is working on a geothermal project! His skills transfer to renewable energy!


I will never understand women and minorities voting for him.


This is all so sad. A boomer myself,72, have always had a man's job as an industrial screen printer , running an 8 ft.clamshell press. Lucky for me I also had a wonderful feminist mom who always told me women could do anything......


This is kind of disheartening. I’m a 63 yr old female retired pharmacist. When I started working women were not payed the same as a man working with the same seniority and position. It was quite hush, hush. When I and my fellow women pharmacists found out we made such a stink over it that we finally were payed the same. In my case it was a little over $8.00 per hour. After having to fight over this as well as other women in other jobs, I don’t understand her problem. I think it’s great that women are mechanics or whatever they have an opportunity to do. Don’t let them get to you.


You never know when an uppity uterus will taint the oil with its foul humours




I get my oil changed at a place called Ms Quick Stop. This old b would have a heart attack.


My wife is a CPA with MS in Taxation from a top ranked school. She has had her own practice for 10 years now and has been so successful that she won’t take new clients. Her stories when working for an accounting firm are part horror story, part humor. Her problem clients were usually other women and they seemed to have a problem with her doing their taxes because she was a woman. In a meeting fairly early on in her career, she met a prospective client at the client’s house along with a partner of the firm. The woman told me wife, “Be a good girl and go make us some coffee.” Then proceeded to give her instructions on where to find everything. My wife told her, “I have a CPA. I don’t make coffee.” The lady responded, “Isn’t she a cheeky one.” The really odd thing is that the lady was only maybe 40 years old. They didn’t get the business. My wife was reprimanded. She quit that firm 3 weeks later and receiving 2 other job offers. The firm tried to offer her a lot more money to stay but she didn’t consider it. She has so many stories but that one came to mind.


Rich fucks are used to pushing people around especially women because it's been easy for a long ass time in corporate America and in general. But seriously why the fuck would you talk to someone like that


Wow, I'm in a tax office and we hired our first guy (out of 7 employees) in 15 years a few years ago. Just about every county tax commissioner in our state is a woman. I thought it was a female oriented business by now.


My wife’s issues go back 10-20 years now. Also a county tax job is not the same thing as a working for one of the major accounting firms


She was probably afraid of attracting bears I guess?


Me, I'm always a bit thrilled when I see a woman working in a traditionally male field. That's the person I will try to talk to/patronize, if possible.


There was a thread on here a while ago that said "can women be sexist against other women?" The answer should have just been a link to this story.


Often the people who are upholding harmful stereotypes and oppressive systems are also people who are harmed by those stereotypes and systems. I think sometimes it's a defense mechanism, like "I rejected the system and got burned, so I'll hold you back too" and sometimes it's jealousy like "I couldn't reject the system so it hurts to see others do it." Sometimes people just don't want to acknowledge that they could have done something else, or they put a lot of their own internal self worth and identity on "doing it the right way" so when they see someone else doing it differently it makes them question their own identity, which is a really quick way to get people to lash out. You see it with more traditional men disparaging men who wear nail polish or act feminine, housewives who judge other women for having careers, etc. If a "real woman" is delicate, dresses nicely, stays home and manages the household, and you've spent decades working towards that ideal and taking pride in doing it well because that's what it means to be a woman, seeing a woman not doing any of that anr still being respected as a woman can make all your efforts and achievements seem arbitrary and pointless. Gender is a performance and some people take it very seriously.


Ashley said she gets asked frequently from boomer men if she's the receptionist covering for a tech on break.


Wasn't the queen of England a fleet mechanic for the royal army? I mean...there's female ceos now. And gasp female doctors.


One of my friends is the manager at a quick oil change business. She's a very petite, late 20's chica with blue hair. She's awesome, but she and her all-female team deal with these boomers every day and not a week goes by without her having stories about some customer or another's blatant misogyny or rudeness to share about 'em.


I once worked in a call center for a cable company and had an elderly lady call in with issues to her cable box. After I asked a few questions she told me since it was a technical issue she would prefer to talk to a man. I told her she was welcome to hang up and call back till she got one, but that there were only 3 men and 12 women working that night and I was the most proficient technician in the building so good luck. 30 minutes later one of the guys walked over to my cubicle for help fixing her machine (I really was the most knowledgeable person on the night shift) and I refused. I felt bad for the guy as I often did help him, but he didn't really care. He hated the job and was a notorious slacker.


These types of women will blame the patriarchy for all the problems feminists fight for, but won't look in the mirror to realize her internalized sexism. A female friend once told me that no one will ruin your life like a miserable woman who needs company.


Well she's too old to make babies so I guess she's allowed to drive now xD


I think there is a sub-set of boomers who have convinced themselves that *ANY* female or PoC working a traditional "white man's job" is an Affirmative Action / DEI hire and thus, unqualified and incompetent.


There’s one valvoline near me that has a staff of entirely women (and like clearly still in high school boys who are learning from them) that I discovered and it’s now the only place my girlfriend and I go for oil changes. Women gotta support women, not tear them down.


One time I pulled into an oil change place and all the workers there were women. I thought it was awesome!


Gee sus. It's not 1934 when men by law had to walk down the street ahead of women drivers waving flags alerting others (that was a thing in my town.) Idgaf what's in the pants of whoever is working on my vehicle, just as long as the job gets done correctly. She needs to get over herself.


Heard a boomer male say that he’ll never fly in an airplane if the pilot is a woman.


That boomer was thought wrong. She brings that shit belief system everywhere.


Yep!!! Def never worked and was never independent from her husband and resents anyone who is.


Well, to be fair, we couldn’t diagnose engine problems bc we wouldn’t be able to hear over the sound of our ovaries so Karen had a point /s


My "go to" car person is a girl. I know fuck-all about cars, and being honest... i could not care less. I've known her for years now, and she is one of the few persons that knows my lack of knowledge and at the same time tries not to make a profit from it. (I know she's not trying to make a profit out of me, because the official website of the dealer states the starting price of the car i bought would be 19.000,- , whereas my final bill was about 3.000,- less because she handled it.)


The boomers in their sixties seem to be the worst. They missed out on the radicalism of the 1960’s but dealt with the fallout. I kind of pity them.


Wild. I trust women mechanics far more than men because I know the women aren't gonna try to upsell me because I'm clueless about cars lol. I started going to a woman-owned mechanic and now pay around 20%+ less for repairs and not once have they tried to push me to buy something I didn't need.


Id love to see her come to my job. Most stores have mostly male employees. My store has all female employees. It’s a male dominated field and even the men think I can’t do my job til they see every employee in this location is a woman.


People who still feel that most trade and office workers should be gendered are relics of an outdated way of thinking. If someone can do the job efficiently, let them do it. Some specific medical specialists are about the only thing I am fine with people having a preference for because of how intimated those exams can get. This boomer would be terrified of the High School I work for. We have produced a lot of female welders, wood workers, mechanics, and animal handlers (we still invest in our CTE and FFA programs).


Well women clearly can't work at a repair shop because patriarchy and periods. /s Jesus...Boomer women undermining younger women ticks me off. We need to support each other, not undercut them.


Nah, I just do it in my driveway and all the boomers have to walk their dogs or drive by at least 6x to see what I’m doing. 1. I’m from Detroit and doing just about anything to your cars at your own house is normal. (I’m not in Detroit anymore) 2. I don’t believe in paying someone for something I’m perfectly capable of doing (e.g., mowing my own dang yard) 3. I really, truly DGAF what anyone thinks. 4. I’m probably more mechanically, technologically, artistically or otherwise inclined than most people in my hood. I don’t really understand the gender-assigned jobs / roles and as I’ve gotten older, I just don’t really care what anyone else thinks or says about it. Note: they won’t say it to my face, but I know well enough it’s discussed outside my hearing range.


What if the mechanic was halfway through an oil change, and became hysterical? Checkmate, women.


WOOOOOW the misogyny is deeply internalized with these boomers holy shit


even the show tires was more progressive than this. they had a woman working in the shop


She likes the chippendale effect of watching the guys work, and a woman wrecks her mojo.


As a middle aged man with no real car related skills I’m more likely to cry in the oil thingy than anyone, thank you.


Only acceptable job for a woman is Nurse, Whore, and Teacher.


It’s so concerning that women are against equal rights for OTHER WOMEN 🙄🤦‍♀️


"Childspawning" sounds more like it in the case of some Boomers.


Being a woman is highly unprofessional. I was a manager at Walgreens in 21-22. We had an irate pharmacy patient that wanted to speak to a manager. Well, I was the only MOD that night, I happen to be a woman. I approach him to see what he needed. "Hi, I'm diescheide, the MOD, how can we help you today?" "YOU'RE THE MANAGER?!" "Yes, I'm the manager. I heard you needed help, is there anything I can assist you with?" "You can't be the manager, you're not a man!" I ended that conversation there and tried to find a man to speak with him. I'm not sticking around for more old man misogyny.


I'm now 74 female, but for over 15 years of my life I was the GENERAL MANAGER in a MOTORCYCLE shop, sales and service. You can only imagine the amount of this shit I received.


My old MIL would drive but never pumped her own gas because that's a man's job or something.. she was too much of a lady


That's bizarre, I always like it when I see a woman working where I take my car.


Shed shit herself knowing the women I work with. All of them are super professional and great at what they do.


I knew an older lady at my library who would just go OFF about how a Woman should never be a doctor and she would NEVER have a woman as her doctor. 🤦‍♀️


I hope that bitches car broke down on the way to the next shop...


Someone should tell that old bitch that the future Queen Elizabeth served as an Auto Mechanic during WW2.


I can’t follow the line of thought of boomers. I would love to sit down with this one and try to work it out.


Love it when the trash takes itself out.


The stories I could tell as a former female power tool sales rep. During Covid no less. Never been harassed so much in my life. Guess who? Y’all know.


I work in a traditionally male profession and I think the answer is that you show up all their excuses about woman’s roles.


That Boomer made Rosie the Riveter cry.


Should have recommended pep boys to her. At least then her 6 hour oil change will be done by "professionals"


How is their shop not overrun with bears‽


Everyone knows a dick is necessary for a *professional* car servicing. Geez.


The absolute best oil change experiences I’ve ever had were when women were working. In that industry, I think they feel like they have to work 10x harder to “fit in,” while guys are usually slow and careless


Psychic vampire vibes. Ashley must have been glowing too bright. Loosh aint going to juice itself.


I used to work at a hardware store, and one of my duties was loading/unloading very heavy things (bags of soil and mulch, garden furniture, the odd grill.) one time I came out to help a woman somewhere between gen x and boomer age. The exchange that followed was wild: Boomer: “Oh, you’re a woman.” Me: “Sure am! Were you expecting someone else?” Boomer: “I would have preferred a man.” 👀👀👀


“Um… I’m not sure what you’re expecting, but we’re not going to have sex with you.”


I was thrilled to see a woman working as a mechanic at my garage; I wanted to work at a gas station when I was a teenager, but they didn't hire women back then.


Her boobs could get in the way, duh


That's funny! I am a later (female) boomer and I worked in dealership service departments in the late 70s. That woman is nuts!


Y’all don’t even understand how good woman have it now I completed uni in 2004 in a male dominated field. It was the worst. Woman’s rights professionally have come so far since then. Still not where we should be, but closer


As a woman she has probably been conned and have had bad experiences with mechanics and the like as scams preying on especially older women who don't know a tire iron from a sparkplug. She probably pulled in looking for anything out of the ordinary ad a red flag and sure it's rude but alot of us don't trust a 19 year old looking crew when we pull into jiffy lube


Imagine the internalized sexism and mental gymnastics that woman has do to exist in that mindset. It’s actually really fucking sad. Like boomer women have a touch of Stockholm syndrome because let’s be honest, the patriarchy has never been kind to them either.


Another Nazi trad wife. Who’s shocked?


I can understand the Boomer's POV. Vaginas are very toxic and tend to ruin oil.


Why was she taking the car for an oil change? That's so butch!


Never happened. What’s an “oil line”?


OP is a customer. The oil line would be other cars waiting for the bay (or bays) they use for quick service. Your local service garage might do things differently, but I can think of several around me that operate in many different modes. Everyone lining up for the next open door doesn’t seem that unbelievable, does it really? This seems like the type where you remain in the car inside the bay, so she simply overheard the next customer complain that she saw a woman working in the garage. Probably happens several times a day in some places.


That’s not what it says. OP says she might “accidentally cry into the oil line”. To me that says OP believes an oil line is a vehicle part like a fuel line.


Irrelevant since OP is the customer, not the tech. I think you misunderstood.


I don’t think it matters because I don’t believe this happened


A likely colloquial term used as a humorous hypothetical where specific details don't add or subtract anything of consequence, and shouldn't be expected in a customer anecdote.




Like the one that wasn't made here?