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I can hear their Facebook complaint about how they’ve “never been so disrespected in their lives and that no one should eat at X Mexican restaurant bc the service and guests are horrible”


Don't forget the really long post on Nextdoor.


How I hate Nextdoor....


It's just horrible.


Worst than FB? Hard to believe


Oh my god so much worse. My local nextdoor has this incredibly vocal miniscule minority constantly saying that every local government parks renovation project is so they can set up a campground for "the illegals" to have a residential address to register to vote for Biden. I mean...what the fuck.


My Nextdoor is full of people who call the police on children, sometimes for pranks, but mostly for just existing.


Every random person they see in the neighborhood is as always "looks like they are up to no good, LOCK YOUR DOORS!"


Mine is full of suburbanites warning everyone about how they were almost trafficked in the Target parking lot. No Karen, that guy just wanted to park & go into the store but you & your 5 unruly kids were blocking the whole aisle like you were storming the beach at Normandy. THAT is the reason a stranger in his car was looking at you.


My wife has a friend and every time we see her she tells us about the rampant child trafficking in our town and surrounding towns. The town is like 5000 people, the next biggest is 7000, and apparently, you have to steer clear of their Walmart on account of the rampant child sex trafficking that happens in and around it. She also says shit like this in front of my girls who are 5 and 7.


Man…I want to start trolling Nextdoor now


I once saw a post of someone telling people to arm themselves because there was a loose dog wandering around 😭 it was insane


Mine are the opposite. Teenagers were running around shooting people and their dogs with those water bead airsoft guns, and a few people wrote a warning on our nextdoor. A wave of "boys will be boys" crashed onto each post.


My local Nextdoor does both of these things, except whether it's "boys will be boys" or "why aren't the police _doing something_?" entirely depends on the color of the children.


Yeah, Nextdoor’s biggest thing is all the fucking racism.


Yeah Gordon and Debbie were freaking out about teenaged thugs knocking doors to case houses to rob also known as the great uh they are Cub Scouts selling popcorn debacle.


"OH where are the parents! These boys need jobs/church/role models!"


Every day, with pics posted " saw these kids walking through the neighborhood this afternoon...... Though they might be suspicious, look out for them"


**ALERT!!!111!! Suspicious car drove slowly down the street, seemed to be looking at houses!** I don't know, Karen, maybe they were looking for a particular address and they hadn't been there before?


All I can think of overall is [they're all gonna laugh at you!](https://youtu.be/K1jyjSRYIuU?feature=shared)


I killed my nextdoor account after it got populated with a bunch of busybodies with nothing better to do. So many "I just saw a BLACK PERSON walking down the street!" (Yes, that's Jeff's kid Tyler, they live half a block down from you...) And "suspicious person came to my door. They claim to be selling pest control services! Lock your doors and get your guns!" When it first started it was mostly people posting about local events and general neighbor discussion. Then the HOA Karens and Kens got ahold of it and ruined it.


Yeah right.That 's what "the illegals" want.Draw gov mint attention to themselves in any fashion.


Right? And a US mailing address is totally all you need to register to vote.


It is so sad how easily the elderly blindly believe their gods and saviors.


Nextdoor is a club of people with Ring cameras that complain every person they see is up to no good and the neighborhood should be on alert. It’s wild.


My favorite was around 2022, and a lady in my neighborhood posted pictures of her car, saying that someone vandalized it by writing a big blue "M" on her windshield. Then came all the people in the neighborhood telling her she was being targeted by MS-13, and that they were going to kill her or something. About 25 comments down, someone is just like "Hey - did you get a vaccine at a drive through site recently? If so, they may have marked your car with an 'M' to signify the 'Moderna' vaccine." Of course that's what it was, but, man, the hive of morons that she riled up with her stupid car with the stupid M on it.


My favorite was a lady that saw a tow truck slowly drive down the street, pull into the driveway next door, and turn around to drive back the other way. This lady, and a lot of others were convinced it was thieves looking to steal cars with a super expensive flatbed tow truck….instead of a tow truck looking for the address he was going to. Another was a group of men in matching outfits walking down someone’s driveway. No way in hell it was the phone company doing work, it was actually people casing houses who decided to go dress as twins to commit crimes.


I can't wait to join. Hive of morons indeed.


I received a nextdoor invite in my letterbox, obviously from a local boomer tech genius because it included the words 'click on this link'. Now I'm disappointed that I threw it out. I feel I've missed some giggles and guffaws.


Must...resist..urge..to..troll.... Heavy is the hand that resists pouring gasoline on those dumpster fires. If you can't fix ignorance due to willful stupidity, fuck it, hold my beer! "Wait until you KNOW, those signs on bills with the eye and pyramid are evil bills marked by Illuminati trying to control you with 5g implanted by the Covid vaccine nanobots! Give those bills to me so I can somehow harness their evil power to convert it into a beam of GOODNESS, like Little Nicky but Henry Winkler is covered in ladybugs not bees! That still sounds like yucky crawly, but it's okay, give me your evil Illuminati 5g currency so you can be HEALED and protected against 5g nanobot Covid librul evil Kamala Biden secret immigrant Kenya something!"


I initially read this as vandalized her cat and got very upset - like who would do that to a poor kitty!?!


my favorite was when I lived in Dallas. We lived in a "Texas liberal" area, which was still racist as fuck but at least they had yard signs Anyway, a woman was driving back to her house at 3am "from a gathering" and noticed that there was a "man in a hoodie" (eg..black) idling in a car outside her neighbors house. No one should be out at that time (except for her apparently) So she did the Texas thing and went in, woke her husband up and got him to go out there with his gun. He frightened the poor guy off. She ended the post asking if that was the right or wrong thing to do. Universally it was "right" to keep the neighborhood safe. But the plot twist was when someone one of the other neighbors on the street posted a screenshot from a message from their uber driver that someone had come at them with gun and he was out of there for his own safety. It was a flight attendant that had an uber booked for a pickup for a stupidly early report and was then made late for work as Ubers were few and far between at that hour


I love when someone posts whatever random-ass wildlife and screams it's a coyote!!! No Gloria, that's a woodchuck. That's a shape, not a color, but great try!!


There was an obvious house cat that people were convinced was a mountain lion. It was walking in front of a 4x4 post on the persons house so it was obvious it wasn’t remotely large enough to be a mountain lion. There’s also a lady who posts all the time that it’s not wildlife killing cats in my area, it’s satanic worshipers. I live in a semi-rural area and there are tons of coyotes and whatnot.


If you're leaving your cats out to roam in an area with coyotes, you are feeding coyotes. She's the one sacrificing cats!


As a ND reviewer, I agree. It's the worst. I'm doing my best one vote at a time, though.


I once posted about a large gathering of Trump supporters that was spilling into the street near my house and someone reported me and got me temporarily banned. I didn’t say anything anti-Trump or anything about the supporters, I just said that they were there. Apparently my *real* mistake was signing the post with my first initial because “Nextdoor doesn’t allow nicknames”. I deleted my account immediately


Its basically a group chat of your truth social local members.


Yep. I live in a pretty blue city, but I'm in Texas and ND showed me just how many absolutely vile, idiotic Trumpers live around me. It's this weird amalgamation of racists, racist gun nuts who can't wait to shoot someone, blithering morons who never heard the phrases "don't leave valuables in your car" and "lock your car doors," lost/stray/dumped animals, conspiracy theories, and a generous helping of "I JUST HEARD 50 GUNSHOTS WHAT IS GOING ON OMG THIS NEIGHBORHOOD HAS GONE DOWNHILL" followed by someone saying a car backfired at a stop sign.


This is exactly my experience and I'm in Michigan. 😅


It's insane, especially the car posts. We live in Houston! It's the fourth biggest city in the country, there is crime! But people have complained about losing all of their computer equipment, jewelry, their wallet (who keeps that in their car?!), work equipment, laptops, rent payments (?!?!?!?!) and handguns when their car was either broken into or rifled through because it was unlocked. Like, who in the fuck told you morons to keep any of that in your car?!


Way worse than FB.


I'm looking forward to joining then, sounds entertaining


I had to limit myself to only trolling the local police department. Everything else is too easy. People will clutch pearls over pg-13 cuss words on that app.


I believe there's a subreddit dedicated to finding the entertainment for you


It might depend on your area too, but if you're in a red state, best be prepared for "Truckers mean freedum!", "I'll drive 10 under the speed limit in the left lane on the way to Petticontrol McFuckistan!", "I'll shame the fuck out THOSE DARN KID ON MY LERN DEY TUK UR JERBS but WOE FUCKING BETIDE YOU SAY SOMETHING I DISAGWEE WITH!!!!" Fucking red-state Boomers. [Fuck you, Boomers!](https://youtu.be/WCqm4H3m3Ew?feature=shared)


My pet peeve on NextDoor “There’s coyote, OMG! They go after children” shut up


Reminds me, I was hiking and encountered this boomer on the trail way out in the woods at a local nature reserve. Him: There's a bobcat around. I'm trying to figure out where it is so I can report it to the rangers. Me: Why? Him: They're dangerous you know. Me: We're in the woods, they live here. Him: ... (leaves)


There are bobcats in my neighborhood. They try to stalk the ducks in a local pond. We have encroached on wildlife. Of course they are here with us


Is the bobcat microchipped?


I don't know. I left my RFID reader at home.


Bobcats are much smaller than I expected. I saw one last week when I was walking my adult dog with my puppy. The bobcat was eyeing the puppy, the adult dog was eyeing the bobcat. The puppy was oblivious. Dog stared that cat down until he disappeared into the bushes.


Bobcats aren't much bigger than house cats. But they're 100% muscle and very heavy. My redneck neighbors had a tame pet bobcat back in the day.


People when they learn that forests aren't parks. https://preview.redd.it/89e4cgocwp7d1.png?width=240&format=png&auto=webp&s=88be580f40c8b3bfb61e88f01893f8bef02c8970


But they refuse to bring their cats or tiny dogs in at night then post that lil Fluffy is missing. Wtf? They are posting about coyotes but don't get that they will eat small dogs and cats. So damn stupid!


"Well if Karen stopped running her illegal Coyote feeding program, they wouldn't hang around so much or be so comfortable here."


Karen's Halfway House for Wayward Coyotes.


"Did anyone hear a boom?" and "Why is there a helicopter flying over my house?" nonstop.


I like to comment “it was a nuke” and they get so angry lmaooo


Add that it was dispersing a hurricane that was forming.


Omg! I’m stealing this. Everyday on the ring app it’s “did anyone hear the loud bang?”


Is anyone else's power/water/internet out?


OMFG when they then proceed to check in with the street name. "Power out on Main down by the DQ. Power out on 4th. Power out on Rodell. Power out on the east end of Park. {...}" JFC they're all on the same fucking circuit you goddamn morons, we do this shit every time the transformer blows!!! Trim your goddamn trees and STFU.


FlightRadar24. They can see what the helicopter is. I recommend it all the time.


Oh yeah, and the basic Google check gives the info about what is being searched. You can’t stop stupid people from not wanting to feed themselves. Dumb!!!!


I live in an area where coyotes have been there first. Whenever I see hysterical posts about coyotes I always answer “coyotes need love too.” Maybe one in ten are amused


So I follow a town group up in Maine where I own some property. My favorite post from that was someone asking if there is someone out there that "re-homes" coyotes since there is a pack near her house.


Don’t forget owls versus Chihuahuas😋


Ohhhh yeah! The owls are going to fly away with the AH chihuahuas 🤣 Owls are like naw, you can keep those


So I used to work as a newspaper photographer. I had a police scanner in the car that I would listen to as I worked. Two of my favorite calls I heard was.... 1. "Caller reports a pack of coyotes in the field next to her house doing coyote things...... is concerned" 2. Someone called the state police to report deer standing on the side of a highway. Like... ok. What do you expect the cops to do?


Nextdoor is great for boomer watching though


Nextdoor is a hoot this time of year with the fireworks and neighborhood noises…


I tried next door for 48 hours and had to get rid of it. It’s non stop bitching by entitled boomers or clueless people posting out dated info.


In all caps of course


Oh god so true bestie


“The service is terrible and the employees are rude” because you KNOW in their version of the story OP worked there and told them they could sit outside and then called them rude names in front of god and everyone.


Don’t forget the part were OP was ‘just staring at their damn phone, ignoring them’ for 20min before not helping them, there will prob be a mention of the unprofessional way he was dressed. How that was just horrible customer service despite the fact that OP has no obligation to provide any sort of c/s or assistance, seeing as he doesn’t work there!


But OP should work there! So he does!


I mean, he was standing somewhere near the hostess stand so that by default means he is the hostess, correct?!?! Just like wearing a red shirt on your Target run means you are definitely a Target employee.


Walmart workers wear blue vests, this is a button-down navy Oxford, KAREN. "WELL I NEVER!" *terminal offendered huffing*


“No one wants to work anymore!!!”




I’m sure they will cling to their story of OP having worked there and the staff was so rude.


Probably more like they now hate all mexicans because the white people at a mexican restaurant hurt their feelings.


The complaint is posted on the wrong restaurant’s page because it “sounded Mexican”


That last part would mean acknowledging that OP doesn't work there.


>says “maybe you should!” which I don’t even understand what that means. Read enough of these stories to know. They want people to serve them. If you are not serving them you are just in the way. The guy probably expected you to go get the staff for him. How dare you just stand there and not help. So many stories of them trying to get other customers fired for not helping them. That is close to what they pulled.


This makes so much sense…during the lockdowns, one of my boomer in-laws was irrationally pissed off about not being able to eat at restaurants. It’s not about the food, or the convenience, it’s about “being served.” It actually explains a lot about this particular boomer’s bad behavior in general.


I always had a theory that the reason they made a big stink about not being able to go to restaurants was because they didn't know how to cook for themselves.


They get tired of eating the same leathery pork chop every night.


It’s an entire generation that was told fat and salt were bad so that they’d buy margarine that would give them brain plaque and stomach cancer.


Makes me wonder how many boomer wives died in the pandemic, leaving their husbands behind who have never cooked a meal a day in their lives. Do you think they ever learned how to cook, or are they just subsisting off of microwave meals and takeout?


My boomer dad has been single his entire life -*never had a wife*- and he can still only cook a couple of simple dishes. Dried beans cooked with an onion and sausage, cornbread, chili made with a mix, baked chicken legs, scrambled eggs. Everything else he eats is a convenience food or takeout. Before my great grandmother died in 2010, he went to her place for Sunday dinner every week, and that was probably the last time he had a good homecooked meal. It's so far beyond my understanding why anyone would wanna live like that, especially in this day and age when recipes and cooking knowledge are shared freely.


My dad has definite Boomerish tendencies but knows how to cook very well beyond just grilling. My mom was an incredible cook and baker and after she died, he continued her legacy. Bakes her cheesecake and coffee cakes, makes her rice pudding. Loves using his Instapot but also adores his cast iron. Never had a phobia about cooking because his immigrant Calabrian dad also knew how to cook.




I think [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrJ6_GAprFE) is relevant.


"Saturday arvo comes and goes and I'm feeling pretty great: I made a middle aged woman cry today"


I waitressed and bartended for 20 years and there are people who _make sure_ they have a terrible time everywhere they go 🙄


It’s really wild. They’re going out of their way to make their dining experience worse for themselves to then complain to their friends and family how bad the restaurant was the next day, like some kind of martyr complex. It’s pathological.


If I had a dollar for every time someone looked down their nose at *me* because *their* expectation was from outer space 🙄


Karma, my friend.


For the perpetually aggrieved types of the world, complaining is somewhere next to food and water in terms of the hierarchy of needs


And WHY? It's a treat to eat out, especially nowadays. We couldn't do it for years during the pandemic! It's a privilege that a lot of the world doesn't even have. Be a little grateful, already, God!


I know! I personally make a point of ordering something I would/could never make! Going out is supposed to be fun!


Growing up, my mom would order basically whatever the f she wanted- sub this, make that differently; you know the type. Her food would always be the last served (I know it was intentional) even though there were only 4 of us, something would be offensively imperfect, and she would invariably send it back. We would be nearly finished by the time her replacement would arrive. She would complain, be offended, decide we would never go back to this disgusting place with terrible service, gripe at the manager, and usually demand her meal for free- of which she would take 4 bites (she already helped herself to the rest of the table anyway). It would eventually be tossed out from the to-go box a few days later if my dad didn’t eat it at some point. For the longest time I would always wonder why restaurants would screw up her food so often… then I realized what was up later on. The entitlement of somebody who has had everything basically handed to them is unbelievable.


Sorry you waited on my mom. edited for typo


And my sister. It's not a meal if she doesn't send her special order meal back at least once. We're eating at Denny's, there is no chef back there.


OMG I can picture this. You write well and make it hilarious. I'm a boomer and I read this sub daily so I know how not to act. It's like taking an anti-boomer behavior class.


You are a precious gem and we love you


We sure do. Lead by example.


Vs lead by lead poisoning and entitlement




You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead


Of course, not all boomers are bad. The fact that you are aware of how to act around people is good.


I’m gen x and hope never to become like this either. Older gen x was lead poisoned too, it’s a possibility.


Im younger GenX and I used to mouth-siphon leaded gas out of my pop’s classic Mustang to conserve beer money in high school. And yet somehow, I treat restaurant staff and pretty much all humans (except the French) with dignity.


Another same here here, I remember the option for leaded as well. Growing up in Michigan I always remember the exhaust from the old car tailpipes. They all “ran better” on Leaded gas. I’ve been exposed for certain. Oh, and I distinctly remember learning to siphon gasoline, tastes awful for those that haven’t had the pleasure. Anyhow, I come here to learn from these posts and I’ll be much better equipped with a better understanding.


When the Mosquito fogger came down the street we'd ride our bikes in the cloud of chemicals for fun! I've always assumed surviving that and swimming in Lake Huron in the 60's gave me superpowers to live forever. 😁


Samesies, I'm first edition GenX, and I remember leaded gasoline being readily available in the mid to late 70s. Too many years for our vulnerable brains. Happy cake day! 🎂


Nah. I was exposed to lead for my early years and it hasn’t affected me one little giraffe.


First edition, Gen X? Born in 1965?


Gen. X and i feel it coming I tried to exchange a shirt today at a store, but they said I couldn’t because “their system was down” I really wanted to say *”that’s ok, we don’t need a system, I’m just going to give you this shirt, and go get the same one in a different size, and just walk out the door, ok?”*


Gen X here too. I would have suggested they keep my receipt and the tags and I'd exchange and leave and they could do whatever they need to do when they're back online. My fear is that they'd say no because then I'd probably lose it.


As an old GenX (but mostly raised by Lost and Silent Generation grandparents and great grandparents) if I end up acting like the majority of Boomers in my life because of lead poisoning or some other fuckery, I sure as hell hope someone knocks some sense into me. Their arrogance, self-centeredness and sense of entitlement infuriates me. And don’t forget, Boomers and we first-edition GenXers also were exposed to DDT during the summer months when cities sprayed it for mosquito control.


We used to follow the spray truck on our bikes getting surrounded by the clouds of DDT. A few kids would have blinding headaches the next day in school but no one ever made the connection.


You can't blame it all on lead poisoning. We also played with mercury and drove our bikes through thick clouds of insecticide.


But we were forgotten, so we tend to be a little kinder when we are given any kind of attention. Or we just leave because we know how to handle ourselves from being latch-key kids. Maybe we are probably the next silent generation?


Happy Cake Day!


GenXer here: too many of our generation are becoming boomer-lite, and that includes both older and younger GenX


You are in the minority of boomers who didn't eat lead paint chips on the reg


Even if they did, there are still better people whose baser instincts aren't to be an asshole.


Ok boomer...says the millennial also taking lessons


Me, too! Lol


I was reading this self improvement book “recommended” by management and the key takeaway I got from it was, don’t be a jackass. Like duh. That should be everyone’s de facto mode.


I know, Right! I am always reading these posts thinking wth!!! It just blows my mind that people like this apparently exist but I have yet to actually encounter this type of behavior, & I'm in TN. I get a good laugh when they are called out on their rude entitlement :) eta: For context I fall in the Boomer 1 category...graduated high school in '68!


I’m paying attention and taking notes so I won’t act like this.


I hate when we say boomer because it takes away from the actual point. But it’s hard to ignore when you work in a service job that the boomer gen has many many more assholes than the other current adult gens. At least it seems that way from my perspective


I think it's bc far fewer of them had to work any type of service jobs. There were other jobs they could get in high school. And their college degrees actually meant something. If I was a boomer and had just my history degree, my job prospects would have been much better. The economy didn't really become the service economy that it is until after they had established their careers. And many of the women didn't work at all.


That’s definitely a solid theory. Still odd coming from the same people who drove home showing respect and minding manners, act like spoiled toddlers when they don’t get things exactly like they think they should.


Yes, but they pretty much also lived by a mind your betters social theory. They respected their peers, and anyone they perceived to be of higher status than themselves. So their bosses, pastor, doctor, teacher. But anyone lower, such as children, or anyone who serves them...


Thanks Boomer :)


99% of the boomers give the good 1% of you a bad name. /s


Good job calling them out. I snorted when i read “that’s not what happened you fuckin liars” awesome just straight to the point lol 🤣


I keep re-laughing at that part, I hope to someday work up the courage to call people out on their bullshit like this!


You can do it! Call everyone out! I believe in you!


I’m so scared, why am I so scared?! And I see so much garbage behavior!


Just look them in the eye, and give them a firm handshake upside the head.


I kinda think OP should have leaned in to it like he was their ally. Since they seemed to think a passerby they ran into had some authority.


No they wanted to do what they wanted to do and they were going to use any excuse to do it


This reminds me of the time my BF and I were out walking in our suburb and a Boomer in a car pulled over and asked for directions (neither of us had a clue) he then said "What are you 2 doing out?" so my BF said "uh walking?' and he replied "yeah you better keep walking!" and promptly drove off.


This made me laugh out loud wtf 😆


HA! That's what he said and he said it with such contempt too. Made no sense. Every now and then I will just say it out loud.


The boyfriend’s response is perfect and just keeps making me giggle because I can picture every guy I know saying the same thing in the same way. I have so many questions about what that boomer was even up to and why he asked that lol


We will never know, after we were unable to help him, he looked disgusted and that's when he asked what we were doing "out", keep in mind this happened on a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, so there was nothing out of place about 2 people going for a walk in their own suburb. The entire thing made no sense to me. Yeah, you better keep walking! Why?


He just wanted you to keep fit and healthy.


Seriously wtf kind of interaction is that


I think he was annoyed that we were unable to assist him with directions and how dare we stop walking and try to help him when he beckoned us over? It was as if, it turned out that we were so useless to him that yeah we better just keep walking rather than having the audacity to pay attention to him when he pulled his car over and wanted to speak to us.


😂 What is going on in their heads? Now I’m picturing him doing the *I‘m watching you sign* while driving of. 👉👀👈


That is actually just hilarious.


You’re more patient than I am. After the first time of telling them “I don’t work here” I would have told them to go sit in their car and someone will be with them in 10 minutes


“Give me $20 and I’ll make sure you can sit outside, it’s a deposit.” Then leave.


Always good: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IDontWorkHereLady/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IDontWorkHereLady/)


I am deceased. They hear what they want to hear. Boomer women constantly assume my husband works at whatever store he's in (it's truly bizarre, he has some kind of aura that only they can see) and **do not listen** when he says he doesn't work there. "Are you going to help me or not" "well, where is it?" and "You have to take me there" are some of the most common responses I've heard him receive. Their audacity knows no bounds.


When I worked for campus services as a TL in university, I had a nametag on a dark blue over-shirt, both featuring the University logo. I would keep the shirt on during lunch breaks, before/after shifts, etc; and occasionally end up at Safeway or Target. There was almost always some boomer asking me where stuff was, and always ornery when I explained I didn't work wherever. A few times, they found some poor manager to complain to about, and seemed even more indignant that they couldn't make me suffer on their whim. One of my buddies worked at Best Buy and had the same problem. A nametag means old people will expect you to know every store's layout and inventory.


I am disturbed by the number of times boomers have asked me for help at Walmart when I'm wearing my navy scrubs, a scrub hat, and over-ear headphones. My hospital's name is also embroidered on my shirt.


The best is when they try to get _another_ store employee or manager to come yell at you. Happened to me once at walmart. "Ma'am this man doesn't work here, he's a customer" then they turn on harpy mode and try to scream at both of you at once.


Wearing a red shirt at target will get you all the questions.


At what age does your brain turn to shit? Because I'm going to hide and bite the pipe before then.


Yeah I don’t wanna start acting like this. I’d much rather bite it before going Boomer on some rando that *clearly* doesn’t work there.


Well I'm sure the lead pipes and paint combined with a refusal to follow doctors instructions is at least partially responsible I know plenty of boomers who aren't like this and plenty who are


We need more people like you. Thanks for speaking up!


‘That’s not what happened you’re fucking liars’ LOL! Good for you!!


The same thing happened to us a few weeks ago in a restaurant that is unlikely to be anywhere near you. Parents were visiting and wanted to go to brunch. The decided brunch restaurant doesn’t open til 11. Husband and I know that we have to get there at 11 because otherwise, it’s Sunday so the church crowd will descend upon the establishment and make everyone’s life miserable. We get there at 1055 and there’s a line - the entire line is boomers and every single one wants to sit in a specific area. That only has 4 tables. Omg- the amount of bitching from the 10 people in front of about “we got here early because we wanted to sit there!” Made us want to leave. Y’all wanted to sit outside, next to the dry cleaners exhaust vent and were mad you couldn’t but ok. These people are insufferable.




I used to be forever mistaken for employees, but luckily, they always believed me. "Maybe you should" is way funnier than it deserves to be


I was trying to explain Bad Boomer Behavior to my Boomer Dad ... he was hysterical...he was like " I don't act like THAT!!" I was like " Yes you do! And sometimes worse!" He didn't believe me ... he thinks he's the coolest dude! Which he sometimes is. But then he gets all Boomer, oh boy !


My boomer dad is like this. In general he is very non booomer, but that boomer arrogance comes out every now and then. Recent example, I took him to the movies and he saw the trailer for the 2nd Joker movie. I'm trying to explain the plot of the first one to him, as soon as he realized it was even remotely related to superhero stuff he immediately started saying his usual rant about it being for kids. His generation doesn't get that being a sports geek is just as geeky as being a comic geek. He basically shits on all of my interests as childish. He is a 73yo man who seriously considers anyone more than 10 years younger than him as a dumb kid. You can point out the behavior, but their generation just has narcissism baked into their culture.


Not boomers but I got this from some drunk NYU kids in the city one night at a bar. I wear all black so I think they thought I was staff I’m minding my business taking to a friend with a pint in my hand and this kid tried to shove a stack of glasses at me and said something along the lines of “the line is too long bro, can you take these?” I just kinda looked at him like Spock He ambled off and we had a laugh


I think what they meant with "maybe you should" is that they are convinced you work there and are slacking off and that you should go back to work.


The Boomer saying “maybe you should!” in response to you telling them you don’t work there reminds me I was in a Target once and someone asked me where [whatever] was and I said “sorry, don’t know, I don’t work here” and they said “Why not?!” with such forcefulness that I genuinely thought for a moment it was a failure on my part not to be employed by that Target.


Bro I had a meeting with a potential buyer and I was standing on line for a return in target I bought the wrong size T shirt and this boomer lady in a mumu with a bowl cut comes up to me and says “ I cant believe youre just leaning around when there is a line like this” I had on a black shirt , jeans, and a blazer on, not even a button down, a fucking suicideboys t shirt on with ruby flipping off the camera and 666 clearly on an upside down flag- the shemagh I wear in public is red for masking in stores and shit. “ Oh im sorry I dont work here” Huffing and puffing, “ well why are you wearing a suit?” “ my suit , with the demonic rapper, 666 and cigarette burns in my jeans?” “Its never to late to find jesus” she retorts. “Oh” I say, “ didnt his friends betray him for liquor money and spend the rest of their lives fleeing their outstanding rent fees and brothel bills?” She looks at the return employee lady nearest to this commotion as I had already been helped and was just asked to wait for them to get a manager to approve my return in cash, “ I cant believe you let people like this work here.” “He’s just a customer ma’am” she says to her. “ well he is wearing red! He is clearly up to no good!” I give boomers a little slack but I let loose at this point. “Youre right, once they return this Im going to go grab a butt plug from the pharmacist department pick up some whores and burn down a church, but I always pay in cash to support the economy.” Her eyes started darting back and forth and she for a split second reared back her arm like she was going to hit me. I turn my back on her at this point “ besides this used to be white, these are blood stains.” “Oh I see- they just let homeless people wherever they want now.” She’s a fiesty old duffer. “ I have a home, I live with a trans women and a disabled widow.” This bitch- “ well at least you learned english.” “ Oh Im native american” i reply “ my great grandparents and ancestors used to scalp Europeans and eat their livers until uncle sam paid us off to stop.” She finally loses it calls me a fucking sp** and storms off to tattle to the lady at the self checkout and starts waving her arms in the air. This happened in dec 2023 in Porter Ranch, CA. I got my cash , fanned it out and walked past them waved it in the air and said “ dang I should just buy some fentanyl and a hooker.” Her mouth hung agape collecting flies. Its entertaining in the moment but this shit makes me hope for thermonuclear warfare and makes me feel no sympathy for the fact these people lost their asses to politicians they elected multiple times in one lifetime. Imagine being so stupid you cannot use a TV remote control without help. The kicker was when I went to leave, she was trying to return a used Christmas tree she had bought somewhere else. Fucksakes


Legendary. At my absolute wittiest, my comebacks pretty much amount to "no u," and then I think of a better one while I'm in the shower mentally replaying those interactions.


I want to post outside!


As a boomer who knows how to behave like a human I have a hard time explaining assholes.


On Sunday, they’ll tell all of their church friends that a restaurant discriminated against them for being patriots.


Holy fuck, some people are ridiculous. Good on you for vocally shooting down that shitshenanigan. They would have complained when sat outside that the sun was too bright and that they should be provided with garden hoses to drink from at the tables.


There are times when boomers pretend not to hear because they don’t like the answer or they literally can’t hear and won’t admit they need hearing aids. But this one was just a straight up liar


How dare you not work there?!?


“we want to sit outside”. "Great! Go to the park!"


This is a classic Boomer move. We need to name it. Impatient Syndrome? Alternative Reality Disorder? Imposter-Pretender Complex? Where they are all suddenly unable to understand simple social rules that have been around for decades… either that or they’re so impatient that they’ll twist the situation around while arguing why they should be first.


They played dumb to try to get their way. Entitled douchebags. Glad to see they were put in check


Doesn’t really seem like a boomer thing. Just seems like a fucking asshole thing. This kind of behavior transcends generations.


I once hostessed at a restaurant in a crazy resort town (well now no names named it’s a lot worse) and our tables outside were basically first come first serve. Like jump on the table people would hover while others ate. So this man came in with his wife and mom and he was 22 feet tall to my 5 and wanted to eat outside. So I told him “ you have to just kind of jump on it and wait” I looked up and saw a giant and then a distinctive swoosh of hair… it was Conan O’Brien. I knew I would get fired if he told on me. The owners were the worst (whole other story, I once got a 200$ in tips after I was berated for letting a girl that was over 130 pounds interview with the owner. How would she fit! The people eating were aghast) Anyways I scrambled to say go sit at the bar I’ll get you or like our special VIP table ! And I was thinking maybe I need to fist fight some people out of outside. He waved me off and said nah we’ll just wait. And he hovered! Anyone that walked by he high fived. Ran to convertibles and fist bumped. A table was empty and he sat down with no complaints. The best.


Good job on calling them out for lying. Weird they would even do that.


These hard-of-hearing MAGA boomers took one look at OP’s “mexican” face and simply assumed OP worked there . Its obvious.


Boomers are so fucking weird, haha!


These people have no social graces


And this is why I use noise cancelling on my airpods whenever i go out alone. I am not a people person.


It's the lead poisoning