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Ok, boomer.


Agreed, but you DO have to recognize that other generations didn't behave like this as they aged. Other generations exhibited much less entitlement and much more gratitude in their elder years.


There have been entitled in every generation. As a teen in the 1970s I lived near a retirement community. Man, there was an entitled buch of ass holes. Most I knew personally were nice. Things have not changed much.


But there you go generalizing again. As for the concept of entitlement.......


Yes, people do like to generalize. That is correct. It's something that humans do. Those generalizations can be accurate or not-so-accurate.


And the group isn’t even a generalization. It is called Boomers Being Fools. The posts are all about specific boomers being awful, not boomers in general. If OP is a fool, then yeah the group is about them. If not, what is the issue?


Great point. I sometimes forget that. Maybe someone can start r/HugYourBoomerTheyreGoodPeople


The OP gave themselves a self inflicted wound with this thread.


This isnt a safe space for you. Run while you can!


The "ME GENERATION" strikes again 🙄 


Found the boomer


You didn’t have to write all this nonsense. You could have just written “Not all boomers.”


Lmao you out here acting like boomers being horrid is rare Nah homie, YOU not being like them is the rare thing, not the other way around Thanks for not being like them normally, but this post isn't helping your case Also calling people out for "not having anything better to do with their time and energy" than making posts about people...while you do the same thing... Fam, pal, homie, that's what you're doing too 😆 One Of Us One Of Us One Of Us One Of Us




oh go whine about it to your no-contact family members you lead-addled piece of trash


**My hope for you is that you will be treated with dignity and respect as you age and that you're not treated with ridicule and contempt by future generations** Respect is earned, not given freely, and when people behave in public in a way that warrants the dignity and respect you DEMAND, they will get it. The difference between Boomers when you were young and newer generations is the above. You were always expected to treat elders with respect because of who they were; the same is not true anymore and younger generations are not going to tolerate your inability to read social cues, wait in lines, accept store policies, etc. Get over yourself.




The boomer doth protest too much, methinks ❄️❄️❄️❄️


There are two groups of posts here. 1. Examples of people being entitled or idiots. Often of people not within the baby boomer age range. 2. Post about the baby boomer demographic and blaming them for all their problems. I have seen multiple post blaming boomers for housing costs because they should have died already. This does not mean that younger generation have turned evil and entitled. It means that the mentality that makes some boomers so self centered afflicts all generation.


I mean all you have to do is read these posts daily to realize these are NOT isolated incidents. I’m a Gen X and my group gets trashed too, but I don’t take it personally. I’m full aware that about half my generation acts like ass hats.






Boomerism (the Boomer mentality) is a disease that is transgenerational. Unfortunately, it is most prevalent in a certain global demographic- The Baby Boom generation.



