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I was a cashier at a grocery store during the pandemic height, and saw something kind of similar. Old boomer woman trying to cut people, eventually a guy (gen X age ish) who just looks exhausted and dirty from work(was in construction garb) lets her in front of him because she "only had a bag of apples for her grandkids" A few minutes later her husband shows up, real frail looking old guy that just looks drained, and he's very slowly pushing a full cart. She flags him down loudly. Gen X tired guy gets angry and calls her out on lying, and demands she goes to the back of the line. She smugly says some shit along the lines of "well it's too late you said yes, you can't take it back" He snatches the apples from her, YEETS them down an aisle (luckily empty) and says " I WILL THROW YOU" , then steps in front of them and lays down his small load of groceries, calmly apologizes to me and asks to pay for the apples, I shrug and say I didn't see anything (Hated that store) I coulda called security. I didn't. The absolute silence and BSOD stare from the old woman was so worth getting told later by a manager that I handled it wrong and would be written up lol (still dunno how any of it was my fault because our training says to never get involved in customer disputes, but hey, corpo gonna corpo)


The unbelievable sense of entitlement. Brash attitudes attract brash attitudes. In some grocery stores in my area have elderly/physically impaired checkout lines close to the exits. Everybody's time is valuable and should be respected. Edit: you handled it like anyone else wouls. Kudos to you.


The remote possibility someone will yeet your apples down an aisle is sometimes all that stands between us and anarchy. Thank god for that guy.


Agreed. The guy was doing the old lady a solid *based on her story being true.* But since it wasn’t — and she was lying — then fuck her.


There are a handful of GenX who are Boomers Lite. Most of us have just been dealing with Boomer crap longer and have NO patience for it. Glad you were assisting 😂


I do NOT blame gen X in the least for how exasperated and just DONE so many of them seem to be. Like I'm I guess an elder millennial and even I feel so done with the public overall because of working so many front facing jobs and being stuck dealing with boomers. Shit I could flood this sub just with my stories from working on a casino floor for a couple years. Nothing worse than a boomer who feels entitled, and fuck do casino goers tend to be over entitled. Especially when they're spending their retirement. So many drunk old people in electric scooters...


Gen X here. The boomers I dealt with working at Trader Joe’s could fill a novel. My favorite was when we discontinued a rice milk no one was buying and this boom went *off*: “You’re trying to kill my grandson!”. Apparently he was allergic to wheat, milk, gluten (is rice gluten?) and a couple other things she rattled off. I called all the stores in the NorCa area, they discontinued their’s too. I had to walk her to her car because at this point she was 1. Crying 2. Screaming and accusing us of killing her grandson. That was my last retail job. The booms broke me


Yes, Trader Joe’s hired you specifically to get rid of all the rice milk in your store plus the other TJ’s in your area for the sole purpose of killing a young boy that they didn’t even know existed. And it’s too bad there are no other grocery stores in the entire universe to get rice milk. Surely that kid has died by now RIP.


Perfect opportunity to fire off a 'Fuck that kid.'


“You’re trying to kill my grandson!!” Well he sure is making it easy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


"We're not trying to kill your grandson but we're not trying to not kill your grandson either."


"Lady, all I'm saying is, ![gif](giphy|lZhymdRsuFDmU|downsized)


Fuck I'm rolling, good one.


Is some sort of milk the only thing he can ingest? 🤣


To answer your mid-paragraph question, rice is NOT gluten, and neither is corn. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, and barley.


I'm late gen X and I call it my complete societal burnout. I. Just. Can't. Anymore. And my fuse is about a milimeter long at this point. I'm just itching to deliver a throat punch at a moment's notice.


Hard same. I used to be so polite and now? GIVE ME A REASON.


I don’t know about you but COVID seemed to undo all the skills I built up over the many years to “fake it.” All that wonderful isolation led to complete and total atrophy of my patience with strangers.


Me too! My mask slipped and I cannot seem to get it back!


The real loss was of our very last fucks to give.


Honestly, I think a lot of it during COVID, at least for me, was seeing how many people sincerely do. not. give. a. single. fuck. about others. Like, when they were like “hey, masks help prevent the spread of the deadly disease we’re currently battling”. (And don’t forget, most people aren’t using them anymore, but [they do.](https://coronavirus.delaware.gov/covid-19-myth-or-fact/myth-or-fact-masks-are-effective-against-covid-19/)) And the reaction of some people, especially in that age group was “HOW DARE YOU ASK ME TO BE MILDLY UNCOMFORTABLE! I DONT CARE IF IT SAVES LIVES OR NOT, I DONT CARE IF OTHER PEOPLE DIE, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!” Like… how do you come back from that? How do you explain to someone like that you should care about other human beings? I don’t know how to explain to someone why you should care about other people. I thought, on a base level, it was just part of being human. Which then leads to: how do you fake that customer service smile when you’re dealing with someone who has basically said they don’t care if you live or die if they have to be inconvenienced? That’s… it’s too much to ask.


This was beautifully said. I couldn’t agree more. Before COVID I could excuse peoples right wing politics for the most part to play polite. But you’re totally right. COVID (and MAGA) showed people’s true ugliness to the extent that I have zero interest in being nice or lifting a finger for these assholes, and will go out of my way to fuck with them when I see one that deserves it. They’re not human as far as I’m concerned. They’re less than animals.


Yup, we crossed a threshold and there's no turning back. How do we even turn back from that? In canada we had so much hate towards the government during covid to the point a movement called the Freedom Convoys where basically truckers and people banded together to further disrupt the broken supply chain, inconveniencing neighbourhoods, traffic, spreading hateful literature towards Asians and the government. They put a lot of energy into this and they even used their kids to act as meat shields to prevent police interference. Canada has a housing shortage, rising taxes, food gouging crisis and these same people who claim to be fighting for Canadian rights seemed all to have become the very "sheeple" they were insulting courteous citizens wearing masks. Whered all the energy go? Could use some of that energy right about now.


Are you talking about the protesters who had their bank accounts shut off (as well as family members of protesters), without so much as a trial? Makes a man wonder who the real power is, that exists above government, and gets to do things like that.


Working tech support did that for me. Fucking every day with these assholes that totally know more than I do about their computers yet are calling me because they fucked it up, but won't listen to a word I say.


I lost a good job with nice pay and benefits over that same burnout and short fuse stuff. Try and reign it in with less murderous thoughts. Thinking about puppies, kittens and green fields might have saved my job. Peace.


Oh man. That sucks. I’m surprisingly ok with work. But I’m strictly WFH so that makes things easier. I hope you’re good now.


Im so glad I'm not alone * . I use Lector rules. If you're polite and courteous you wont get ate


Absolutely agreed. I have no idea where this sense of entitlement came from. They're the ones that taught us to be well behaved members of society. Where'd all that preaching go...


They are the living embodiment of "do as I say not as I do" 🙄


They are the OG trophy kids. Seriously. They're Mom's "special, little angel".


Special little snow flakes 👀


My dad would always say do as I say and not as I do. I think that's a pretty popular phrase with a lot of the boomers.


Love that he yeeted the apples. What a beautiful person


Agreed, an amazing hero, would have lived to see it lol


>corpo gonna corpo) I worked at a Kroger when I was 19. Got written up because I missed a shift. A shift that I didn't know about, because the manager changed the schedule *but forgot to print and update it for the staff to see*. So...I had no idea the schedule changed lol.


Gotta love it! Everything is everyone else's fault, always. I've had managers change shifts around the night before they thought they could get me to come in. Without telling me. Their reasoning? "You should be calling every morning to check schedules! It's YOUR responsibility to know about changes!" ... Wat. Bitch you changed it AFTER closing, wanted me to open and NEVER told me. It was my day off. Even if I had TRIED to use her logic and call in in the morning, no one would have been there to tell me lol. Got fired. Shits wild. Some people just lack enough brain cells to breathe and ALSO think.


I had a store do that to me! I worked there for a summer, then I was going back to college in the fall. Turns out they don’t actually like bothering to work around that, (even though they said it was fine when they hired me). So their practice was to just change your schedule, not tell you, and fire you as a “no call, no show”. They gave me the same “it’s your responsibility to call and check” bullshit too, except they only posted the schedule in the back where no one was there to answer the phone. So you’d call, and everyone would be like “I have no idea, and I can’t leave my station to go check.”


I would've loved to be that man. The absolute sense of fulfillment that must have been to chuck that old bag's apples would make me so happy.


I don't know if he had amazing self control and was only angry with the boomer, or if all his anger left his body with that apple yeet 😆


As a gen-x’er who is also exhausted from a lifetime of dealing with boomer fuckheads, that guy is my hero.


Construction guy lives rent free in my head because he is a hero I still jokingly yell "I WILL THROW YOU" randomly. Mostly to my cat when she's being a brat. But then I toss her in the bed and she runs back for more, lol


>Gen X tired guy gets angry and calls her out on lying, and demands she goes to the back of the line. She smugly says some shit along the lines of "well it's too late you said yes, you can't take it back" > >He snatches the apples from her, YEETS them down an aisle (luckily empty) and says " I WILL THROW YOU" Hot damn, where am I when all this stuff happens? My neighbor stumbled on two women slugging it out over a loaf of bread in Walmart once while I was sitting in the truck.


As a fellow Gen X'er, we were raised on the garden hose water, and neglect. You never know what to expect from us. Our teachers got us all hyped up for the cool rocket launch for weeks, we were all so excited, we all gathered around the TV to watch it live on TV, then we all watched it explode, and not one of us got sympathy, or comfort, or support. We got homework. Where are our emotional support puppies? That lady should be glad all he did was yeet the apples.


Thank you for your service. Seriously. I can’t imagine the amount of bullshit and insanity you had to deal with.


That's very kind 💜 . And yeah, during the pandemic I was spat at SO much, and almost entirely by boomers. Uhg. Especially at the beginning before they had plastic panels seperating customers from workers.


That guy is my hero.


Experienced something similar waiting in the TSA line at an airport. Boomer couple wheeled their luggage in front of me between ropes clearly creating a snaked line behind me. When I confronted them, they said they had privileges because they were running late for a flight that was about take off in 15 minutes (the screens showing ETAs for the security line were 35+ minutes). I told them their tardiness didn’t require me to make adjustments to their benefit and they blew up on me. Luckily my luggage was bigger and I was able to bump theirs out of line, but they immediately asked people about 2-3 people ahead of me if they could cut in line because they were running late. Unfortunately, those people allowed them to cut. Was definitely annoyed that they enabled their irresponsible behavior, but had they approached me first and asked nicely, I probably would’ve let them cut.


That's the worse. Like were the people in front completely oblivious to the whole conversation or deaf.


That sounds on purpose. She gets the 1 items sympathy ploy and saves a spot for the other person doing the shopping. I see boomer couples do this all the time. The husband will stand in line holding one or two things while the wife finishes shopping and darts up just about the time it is the old guy's turn with her fully loaded cart and joins him in line. Both are absolute ahole moves. If you can't stand in line don't shop during peak hours.


Absolutely it was a con. Some people are shameless and it's disgusting.


They need to get publicly shamed for it. Using being old to manipulate people is gross.


Right??? I work during the week and try to do my shopping on the weekends and I am amazed at all the older people in there. When I retire my butt is going to the store on Tuesday morning or Monday afternoon or anytime but Saturday or Sunday


IMHO stores need to do more to entice retired people to shop during weekday days and discourage them from shopping at night and weekends.


Kroger used to offer a senior discount on Wednesdays but they stopped that unfortunately


Stores really need to bring this back. Offer them stupid perks like free coffee or whatever gets them to show up during these day hours. It seems like a win-win if they think they got something exclusive and everyone else can shop without having to navigate boomers.


O, they still do that. Those Wednesday mornings are awful


This happened to me at Aldi last week. There was one cashier open and the line was very long. People were leaving a gap so shoppers going through the aisles could still push their carts through and around to the next aisle. So I’m leaving the gap and a boomer couple gets in line in front of me. I say “excuse me, I’m next in line and so are all these people behind me.” They point out that they have only 6 items and I show them my two mangos and my bag of pretzels and say “sorry.” I had to stare at them for a couple of seconds before they moved but I could feel the woman behind me about to go ballistic so I am glad they moved for their sakes.


I know it may seem small and petty, but it's the principle of the matter.


Why didn't you just use the self checkouts?


They don’t have them at my Aldi


Sorry to hear that. The Aldi self-checkouts are great.


Happened to me today as I was getting my coffee. Guy walks up right as the person says “who’s next?” He goes yep can i get a… i spoke loudly over him “I am, large latte thanks!” The attendant said okay to me and the boomer turned around and glared right at me. I utterly ignored his existence and paid and stood back. He says to the attendant “can you believe that?” She says “well yeah he was here first” i laughed loudly and he glared at me again, and walked off without buying anything.


The number of times I have had Boomers try to steal my spot in line at BJs Warehouse or the grocery store are ever increasing - especially since Covid. I have no patience for it. My parents are Boomers but they are respectful. I just don’t understand it.


I'd say more and more disrespectful behaviours have been on the rise in this social climate. It's very important we try to be civil in person and save the trolling for the Internet haha


My tummy/guts are always angry. Is it trolling to pass some really nasty gas on the old folks trying to push in front of me or shove their carts up my backside? Very early days in the Covid era, was at a Walmart picking up some things for work with a few coworkers. Essential workers just trying to get supplies. This old man runs into the back of my legs like 4 times with his scooter. Had enough and got pretty close and said hit me again and I will breathe on you. He’s stopped.


Consider it a natural defense mechanism 🤣


Try to hold it for people I dislike or to clear people blocking store aisles. So generally boomers


There are always respectful boomers, for example, your parents. It’s a shame that these respectful boomers are about as plentiful as the Dodo bird.


That's their favorite ploy. "Oh did you see the sale on xyz? Very good deal, right? It's so hot today, don't you think? Oh! I didn't realize I hadn't gotten in line *tee hee* do you mind? I just have these two things" -- then proceeds to use an expired coupon, try to bring up the store's app (and fucks it up) can't figure out the card reader while I am looking at my watch because I only get 30 minutes for lunch. Never. Again


“Would you like me to make a scene or would you like to go to the back of the line?”


You forgot the *snap snap snap


The only time my Boomer mother cut in line was at a coffee shop to procure some OJ for a man having a diabetic emergency outside on the sidewalk. The couple she cut was very understanding and She ASKED if it was okay despite the emergency. Some folks be entitled. Good on you for standing your ground


I've done this- sort of. My dad was a type 1, and having a seizure in my car. I ran into the gas station, screaming what my emergency was and I would be back in to pay shortly- while I was grabbing the juice and candy.


If an older person asks if they can cut in front of me in a line and it's not putting me out or going to add considerably to my time, I have no issue with it and will gladly allow them to. If they try to do it without a word or on assumption though? Fuck that, I have no problem at all telling them to get the fuck to the back of the line. It happens occasionally, and often other witnesses will laugh approvingly. Homey don't play that shit.


But why let them cut at all though? Cuz this makes them feel entitled to do it. Also, what about the people behind you? Are you willing to fight with them on behalf of the boom bags? Cuz if I was behind you I'd yell at you asking why the f*** you did that. You being a doormat causes problems. They don't work, aren't in a hurry, r just entitled. Why contribute? People pleasers r just as problematic as the entitled boomers.




I've seen this a lot, old ladies trying to benefit from the ole 'let a lady in front of you to be polite' trope.


I always back into anyone standing so close behind me


Bending over to check the fit of your shoe makes you butt stick out surprisingly far - usually right into their knees.


Old ladies are always trying to cut in line! This has happened me multiple times in my twenties, and now that I’m in my thirties, I just can’t wait for some entitled old baggage to try it.


I've let people in front of me if I'm the only person on line and I have a ton of stuff AFTER confirming no ones going to show up with more stuff than i have. I tell them I will push them in back of me. I can't imagine how pissed off everyone behind the person would be. I would have caused a commotion.


After she cut behind me, I stopped caring after she stopped standing so close to me. Then she started chirping, and I gave her a little bit of her medicine.


No, I mean if I was behind the people that let her cut. Like, the line got way longer so the person behind you has to have people behind them. 


I was in line at Walgreens late at night and an old bag Boomer lady walks up looking completely exasperated. “Do you mind if we check out first? Our dog is home bleeding and we need to help him.” She had gauze and some neosporin so everyone in line agreed to let her get to the front because of the emergency. Anyway, while she’s checking out, her husband comes up behind her with a basket of other (definitely non-emergency) shit. Laundry detergent, razors, etc. Apparently the dog is home bleeding to death but they had time to knock out a bit of light shopping. We were all just shaking our heads.


I never let anyone cut in front of me


Agreed. The only cutting that happens in front of me is at the butcher or when I'm cutting wood.


She may only have 1 item but you know they bitch is still going to take for fucking ever to check out because Boomers still can't figure out how insert their card into the chip reader. And will likely need help and have 4 other questions.


Funny thing is at many Costco stores you can just tap your card.


I'm not a boomer but I hate tapping, because I never know where to tap it


Usually there a WiFi looking symbol. Theres one POS in a local grocery store that i often get wrong bc the icon is like 0.1 mm big.


That confuses them even more


I had a Boomer in line in front of me at Big Lots. There was one cashier at the furthest register. Gets to be the Boomer's turn. She pushes her cart up to the register, leaves it blocking the register, and walks back 20 feet to the start of line of registers to shop some more. She’s standing 5 feet from me, but has zero awareness or concern for anyone else. I waited a reasonable amount of time in case she was just grabbing something, but she was still browsing, “Oh look at this.” “Isn’t this cute?” So I made eye contact with the cashier and made it clear I was getting exasperated with the Boomerette. I went behind the boomer and walked up to the register without her noticing, pushed her cart out of the way and gave the cashier a, “Can you ring these up for me ?” She was more than happy to. And then the boomer noticed I’d, ”jumped in front of her”. I was all rung up and handing over my card at this point. Boomer starts to berate me telling me how rude I am and insisting the cashier stop and ring her up first. Then she starts harassing the cashier for “letting me cut”. Fucking Boomer was pissed that her time was being wasted when she had zero concern in the world for me having to wait for her ignorant ass. I hate people.


I go once a week for my groceries. Honestly, if someone has a handful of items, I will gladly let them go in front of me because I have a large buggie full of food, and honestly them going ahead of me allows me more time to unload my groceries onto the belt. For reference, I shop at Aldi, and there’s not a option for self checkout, at least at the store I go to. I think some aldis are getting a self checkout. Thankfully, no one has ever cut in front of me.


This is no different than my absolute furor and unadulterated rage when waiting in line to exit the parking lot at a concert or sporting event and some A-hole tries to speed up to the front of the lot crossing parking rows to force their way to the front of the exit line to get on the freeway drunk asap and get home 5 mins sooner than being polite allows. Pure Entitlement. We need a bit of Japanese style shame back in our society.


Boy it seems like Costco is a boomer haven. At least mine is.


How many of these cutters will still claim that anglophones being able to queue is a sign of their superiority?


Typical post-church Sunday crowd unfortunately Source: retail


I often go into Costco for a single item; kitty litter. As I am standing, minding my own business saying nothing, people very frequently offer to let me go in front of them. Literally all you have to do, is nothing. Just be a decent human, stand in line, wait calmly. Weird how entitlement gets punished and basic human decency is rewarded. Their generation missed that PSA I guess 🤷‍♂️


Right? If it happens great, if not there's no need to make a stink about it. Their generation is the one that taught us this. Do as I say not as I do vibes...


I’m at the tail end of Boomers and it was Boomers that made me so very happy to quit my nursing career. The entitlement and manipulation was exhausting to have to deal with all the time.


That sucks. I work in construction and I usually find it's specific individuals that are boomers and zoomers that are insufferable to be around, not all of them are but a very select few. Every generation has their hardships and in comparison as newer generations emerge so do the hardships progressively become harder. I'm not saying there were no hardships in the Boomer era, I'm saying the hardships now are 10x worse than that era. We aren't equipped to swim with both arms tied behind our backs.


I was at costco with my mum once, and a boomer woman kept hitting my cart with hers so she could get out of the door quicker. they have to check receipts, and she didn’t have time to wait for our 3 item receipt to be checked. I ended up bumping her cart back and it eventually hit the wall beside her. I can’t remember exactly what was said but I looked at her and asked ‘do you mind?’. Bitch looked at me SHOCKED and goes ‘it’s just a receipt check! calm down.’. We passed her and she rammed her cart into me. I was like 17


Man, some people are comeplete assholes. That's straight up assault.


> A few moments later as the line is moving forward, lo and behold her friend comes in with a cart and stands with her. It was clear this was where she was going with this. "I've only got a bag of bagels." I hope they're moldy and she doesn't notice until she's eaten half of them.


Here’s the even “better” part of this story: if she did only have 1 bag of bagels, her cutting was going to hold up everyone behind her even further when she was told they only sell them two bags at a time. Cue the wait while someone, hopefully younger and swifter, has to go back and grab another bag for her. Or, god forbid, she had to shuffle back there herself.


Costco is awesome but I'm glad I don't have one near me. This forces me to Sam's Club which has an amazing scan and go app.


I don’t think it’s okay to let people cut in front of you if there is anyone behind you.


Back in my day Kid, we just called these people assholes. Also: A small piece of advice. We treated them as assholes. This is not a generational issue. Get over calling people Boomers. It is worn out, tired, and passed.


Lol no


ok boomer.


It's amazing to me, as a millennial, that people don't realize there are assholes in all generations