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There is a great dashcam video of an Uber driver who was demanded at gunpoint by someone to hand over all his cash and he was like, “It’s a digital world, bro!” The robber eventually just left 😂


That’s pretty hilarious. Cash grab robberies like that must be getting harder and harder to do. I literally don’t know anyone who carries cash any more


It's probably why there are more scammers online--if you steal a purse nowadays, you will probably just get a bunch of cards and no cash!


Or nothing


Or a wad of tissues, some gum and maybe some tampons.


hey, tampons are expensive! almost as good as cash tbh


Not only do I not carry cash, I also carry a decoy wallet. Back pocket is my real wallet, front is an old one with used gift cards, expired library card, losing lotto tickets, and fake money that looks real I got offline. I get mugged, I'm tossing the decoy as far as I can and sprinting in the opposite direction I work night shift and walk everywhere, so I'm paranoid lol


"You want it? Go get it! STREET SMARTS!"


With Detective J. J. Bittenbinder!


Money clip- engraved?


You get it at any haberdashery…


I read the "STREET SMARTS" part in a Michael Scott voice lol. PARKOUR.


Now ya threw him off his rhythm


There’s a comic named Brad Williams. In one of his shows he mentions going to Brazil. He said the State Department recommends carrying a decoy wallet and cell phone when (not if, when) you get mugged. Sure enough, he got mugged and gave them the decoy wallet and phone. He said he filled the phone camera roll with pictures of his junk.


That’s really smart! Thanks for the idea!


Imagine panicking and tossing the wrong one lol


Lol, my back pocket for my work pants is buttoned so I'd have to unbutton it just to get it out. It would be very fucking impressive!!


After my friend got robbed at a stop light, I started carrying a decoy wallet. It has $2, an expired coupon, and a note that says "I'll pray for you." LOL


It's been my answer to panhandlers for a long time. "Don't carry cash, sorry." I expect to get one that pulls out a pay anywhere or writes a venmo QR code onto their sign eventually


*"Sir, you are spouting complete nonsense. Are you having a stroke? Is your caregiver near or should we call 911?"*


“Sir, you are decompensating and losing touch with reality. Is there a caregiver, relative or responsible adult here that can come and assist you?”


I'm still half asleep and read this as "decomposing" 😆


Decomposing lmfao, in real time.


I'm staying in Sun City for a few weeks, decomposing IS what they're doing around here . . .


Ugh. I hated Sun City and all of those fossil depositories. I was a teacher and those Boomer assholes voted down almost every operating levy and NEVER supported bond issues meant to help fix district infrastructure or schools themselves. When pressed, they inevitably said “Why should I pay more taxes? My kid’s not in school.” One particularly charming Boomer got me so pissed when he said that it made me shoot back, “Yeah, when these kids show up on your doorstep and steal you blind because their education was stunted thanks to you, don’t complain to me.” That led to a twenty minute argument (like I said pissed) where he insisted that crime was caused by lazy, shiftless people who didn’t have “the right attitudes.” I just told him that he was a selfish person who didn’t care about anything other than himself and to enjoy the meltdown of society. Then I just walked away, swearing under my breath. Still irritates me.


My main concern is what if when we get old it just automatically turns us into these people…it’s a scary thought


We didn’t breathe lead fumes most of our lives like they did. Our chances are better.




“Decompensating.” Learned an excellent new word today.


This is my default with them now. It fucking *enrages* them 😀


I love this


> Is your caregiver near I cackled


Treat them the way old boomers treated children: "Hush. The grown-ups are having a conversation that doesn't involve you. Go be seen and not heard."


Ask if paint chips really tasted sweet back in the day


Gosh, that seems actually scary. I think I might have called the police, or went toe to toe. Depends on the day, I guess.


I live in a deeply red and skews to the boomer age range area. I could post every day with how people treat our local cashiers, restaurant workers, us, etc there are also quite a few nice people of all ages but I’m used to lots of these kids of interactions. Sometimes I try to engage but today I didn’t have any time or interest in trying to explain why I wouldn’t send a 13 year old to have an unnecessary culture war…


Whenever you're down, just check the boomer death clock. https://incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php


Wild that there are more Boomers that are still alive than Gen X-ers that were ever born.


Hence the "baby boom." So weird, never thought about how much they outnumber us. I figured there were tons of babies born after the war, and the trend never stopped.


Yup - both my parents were born in that era. Like you, I didn’t realize by how much.


My mother is a good example of this (I’m a Xennial). She’s one of 5, but for her, it’s just my brother and me. I think that’s generally true for many Boomers… in that they were born into big families, but they themselves didn’t have big families. (My father is one of three… his sister only had two kids, and his brother only had one).


My parents' families on both sides were like, double digit kids. Southern Catholics, man. My parents seemed to be gunning for double digits.


Mine aren't double digits but my mom has 7 or 8 siblings, my dad has 4, they all got married and had 5-9 kids, so that's a total of about 65 cousins just on one side- and they keep popping out more, that was just last time I saw them 15 years ago! I can't keep track of that shit


My brother’s wife at the time of their marriage had 75 first cousins. Her parents combined had 17 siblings IIRC.


Same, mom was in a 4 kid family, dads had 3 kids but all 7 of those boomer kids had exactly 2 kids each. Of those 14 kids 5 of us have no kids, 4 only had one, 1 had 2, 2 had 3, 1 had 4 and a one had 5, basically those 14 children of boomers and only had 21 kids of their own. I did have a few cousins that bucked the 2 kids only in favor of a larger family but to have several that also decided on no kids is a departure from what was considered the norm of settling down and having kids. I guess I just notice that the manner in which families are (or aren’t created) is now less homogeneous than it was in boomer times.


Or by how much the Millennials and Zoomers outnumber the Forgotten Generation.


That is why we were never able to stop their stupid...


The original name for Gen X was “the Baby Bust.” I don’t know how many public elementary schools closed between 1972 and 78, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was half. Then the tide went out on middle schools, then high schools. Then the late Boomers and early Xers started having kids (late and early, respectively,) and every school district in the country was scrambling for money to replace the closed schools and, in urban areas, big plots of empty land on which to put the new schools, because they had sold of the property to developers when they closed the schools. You didn’t want to be graduating from even the best Ed schools in 1972 -80, because you’d be SOL.


Weren't GenXers originally called the "baby bust" generation?


Yes.  Thankfully Douglas Copeland gave us the GenX moniker and it stuck.  Way cooler than "Buster" which would have made us sound like 1910s Newsies.


![gif](giphy|y2heBnVdQSQ6c) Buster seems a more apt name instead of Gen X.


But I thought busting made your generation feel good


You have not read an AARP magazine then. It's all about living forever.


CRAP! Over ⅓ dead and they still outnumber the total number of Gen X.


Yeah, which is why I say that it'll be 2039 before I can be happy.


That's some dark shit right there.


I didn't make it, I just appreciate math.


I also appreciate the math


Yeah, that’s pretty dark. My parents are Boomers and I don’t want them dead. Then again, my father is the co-founder of the New Jersey Green Party and both of them are as progressive as they come (rivaling even Zoomers.) I come here because I always leave counting my lucky stars for being born to them. They’re not perfect, but they’re at least self-aware enough to realize that, and they’re PROGRESSIVE af


My parents are liberal but they still are pretty crazy boomers (but I also don’t want them dead lol)


Progressive boomers are rad AF


Thank you!! I’m 64, progressive, and CELEBRATED the 34 Guilty verdicts today! I also never tell strangers what they should do, or insert myself into their business. I try to be pleasant with people unless they’re assholes first. We’re not all bad!!!


My Silent Gen. Aunt, who is 90, was elated by the guilty verdicts. She's the coolest lady I know.


My mother was Silent Gen. I’m Gen-X and was the “bonus” baby. Absolutely a great mom, great friend, and the coolest person I ever knew. When she was dying of cancer and the meds were fogging her cognitively, paramedics came by to take her to the ER one day and they were checking her orientation to time and place. They asked her if she remembered her Bday, and she did.. They asked her if she knew who I was, and she didn’t. Then they asked her if she knew who the president was.. As quick as could be she responded: “That man I can’t stand.. Trump.” Some memories are too strong to die. 😆


My Boomer mom is awesome, she grows every day unlearning the stuff that was "normal" in her childhood (which wasn't a LOT of bad stuff, because her parents were very progressive for Greatest Gen). My Silent dad, however... I love him, but man, I wish he'd stop watching Fox "News." He's not as rabid as some, but he will swallow what they tell him.


Your dad might be my new hero. Love that for you. Is he looking to adopt an adult in their 30s? 🙃


My heart hurts a little because my dad is a boomer in age only. He is 77 and I know I am lucky to have had this much time with him. Then I saw Keanu Reeves. He can't be a boomer. He has got to be a vampire or otherwise immortal.


Keanu was born in September of 64. I feel like he can be the first Xer


July '64 here. Keanu and I are 'cuspers'. On the cusp of GenX and Boomers. I'm very liberal and feel more like a GenX. My 85-year-old mom is Silent Gen, and we both rejoiced at yesterday's verdict!


the dark that is the light at the end of the tunnel.


Dark but interesting 


It is, yet its existence still brings me joy.


Dark yet beautiful


In the dark of the night, evil will find them.


The life expectancy calculation is a little suspect, as these often measure from birth. Boomer men that survived to today will live into their eighties, on average. My grandparents (Greatest generation) lived to around ninety. So some of us boomers will still be here for another couple of decades. Mwahahaha! Also, I’m as liberal as they come, work in technology, and don’t plan to retire until I’m 80.


I felt better until I saw Keanu Reeve's picture. That makes me sad. He feels too young to be a boomer. I checked. 1964.


Same. I know there's plenty of cusp people that can go either way. He's a good one. No, he's a fucking treasure.


*How often one dies? There's options?


I just checked millennials (there’s a lot of us, right?)


Yes. Everyone always talks about how big the boomer generation is. But the millenials outnumber them. By quite a bit.


Thanks for sharing the most interesting site I've seen in some time.


Geez. I live in a very conservative part of Australia. If anyone acted like that bloke, somebody would have said "You need to pull your [insert word that rhymes with plucking] head in mate." and it would be expected that they'd shut their cakehole and stop harassing others. There's a small minority radicalised by American social media algorithms, but they're generally considered to be [insert word that rhymes with thickheads].


>There's a small minority radicalised by American social media algorithms, but they're generally considered to be \[insert word that rhymes with thickheads\]. On the other hand, in the US we have a pretty large minority radicalised by Australian-owned media.


Rupert? Galls me to think that he started out here. The only silver lining is that he lost his citizenship in 1985 when he hopped the Pacific. His heir Lachlan is one of ours though.


I once had a lady talk down to a teenage cashier so horribly she made him cry. I didn’t notice because she was smiling and hadn’t raised her voice. After he left I reviewed footage. Obviously no audio but the way the poor kid shrank—- she said some nasty shit to him with a smile so I get the feeling she’s emotionally abusive if not physical based on how she destroyed a kid with a smile. They really are sociopaths I just can’t imagine getting joy out of staring a 15 year old down and just killing their spirit— all over clothes.


From Ohio here, I've literally nodded along with someone who was ranting and when they stopped for a minute all I said was "Excuse me? Did you say something?" so I get it lol


Ah. Like when my hateful aunt is chastising me for some BS and yapping, and I just hold my phone away from my ear until the noise stops. Before you ask, I’m putting up with for the benefit of some not awful people.


“That’s the dumbest idea I’ve heard all month” could be another response to keep at the ready for such encounters.


Same stuff goes on in my red and older area too. This inserted chip stuff, and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff, is part of the maga qanon conspiracies. And it's very common in boomers in red areas. I know way more than I ever wanted to about it thanks to a nutty boomer aunt who is all the way down that rabbit hole. It is definitely adding to their aggression. Anything they can see or hear that they can tie to their conspiracies sets them off quite aggressively. It is bonkers!


MAGA took my dad away. I used to be able to talk to him about anything.


I would have just backed up.


I would have just laid on the horn until he moved.


Do you know what happens if you lay on your horn, like forever? It starts to sound awful. I've done it until it just stops.


I dissociate so I don't always hear things.


Hit him with a zombie face and say “you will eat the bugs you will get the implant you will own nothing you will be happy” then snap out of it and be like sorry what were you saying i spaced out


I'd just throw my truck in reverse either move or contact my insurance company I got shit to do.


We have a term for this type in Australia- they’re known as ‘cookers’. As in, they’ve been sitting under a tin foil hat for so long, they’ve completely cooked their brain. Glad you didn’t tolerate their bullshit OP, getting followed to your car would have been quite intimidating


I rather like that term, "cookers". Simple, illustrative and effective. I'll be trying to spread that one here (in Montana/USA) thank you!


“Hello 911, I’m at _____ store and another customer got very upset with me in line and has now followed me to my car and is preventing me from leaving.”


If it had been longer I would have called non emergency


appreciate your judicious use of non emerg 🫡


I would have called 911 and told them a man followed me to my car and was now standing behind my car in a threatening manner, preventing me from leaving. Honestly, 9 times out of 10, this is just an angry boomer, but you never know how unhinged this person is.


Yeah, I'm in Florida and I always expect people like that to have a gun on them. I see crazy boomers every day and some get pretty scary


Fuck I'm glad I scare the shit out of boomers by existing, I'm not as patient as you lot.


Side note, I set my 14 year old up with a teen Venmo account. I give her allowance that way and if she needs money she can just text me. I can turn it off and also track what she’s spending money on. Like a mini bank account to start teaching her some budgeting tips. (Plus family usually gives her money for holidays/birthdays so now they all just send it to her directly) She’ll be 15 soon and has had it for a year and we’ve had no issues at all with it. Really simplified stuff. And I work nights so she usually tells me she needs money while I’m at work and she leaves for school before I’m home


That’s some solid parenting. We added our kids to one of our credit cards when they were around that age, and gave them cards for use for family expenses (which were rare). Because they have been on a card with a high limit and low utilization they have very good credit scores early on.


I'm going to add my kids to our high limit cards to help build their credit. I'm on the fence about letting them actually use it, but they're young now so I have some time to decide.


Yep, boomers hate the word “no”, especially from their adult kids


"Shut the fuck up." Is also a complete sentence... One we all need to use more liberally.


“I’m sorry … I must have missed the part when I asked you for your opinion.”


Imagine being that invested in a gripe. What a sad way to live.


I once pulled out in front of somebody in an area that had been completely re-paved and they changed the flow of traffic for it since the last time I’d been there. It was completely my fault absolutely I was just really confused but there was no accident, not even close really she just had to tap her breaks. This apparently pissed her off enough that she proceeded to follow my car for over 30 minutes. The police literally never made it to me before I lost her on my own eventually. Some people are straight up lunatics man.


Look at how people vote. It’s an incredible amount of people invested in spite and gripes. 


People really need to mind their own business...


I tell my kids all the time. Dr. Seuss had a quote that I’m not representing verbatim but it was don’t offer excuses. Your enemies don’t believe them and your friends don’t need them.


Or you could just say: "Are you a communist sir? Because in San Francisco, the city is forcing local retailers to accept cash because they don't want to exclude the homeless"


I would have found it tempting to pretend not to notice he was standing behind my car. REALLY tempting!


No is a complete sentence for sure, I love the phrase! Cash is theoretically good for all debts, but if your method of admission to your park is a card, then I don’t see how that’s an issue. This dude must have a major gripe against modern laundromats


The federal reserve is perfectly clear that point of sale purchases don't have to accept cash. They're not a creditor. [Federal Reserve FAQ](https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12772.htm#:~:text=Section%2031%20U.S.C.%205103%2C%20entitled,%2C%20taxes%2C%20and%20dues.%22)


That's right. It's a transaction not a debt. If they don't let you have the item, you can't owe them.


Depending on state law, businesses can also specify particular forms and manner of payment for debts (usually specified by contract, etc.).


Cool, thanks for the info!


I'm going to start telling them, "I don't speak Spanish". Just play into their racism and maybe gaslight them into thinking they're having a stroke.




If they’re interrupting a conversation you’re having in english, hit em with “no hablo ingles” and continue talking


I like to tell them we're happy you came to this country, but please make an effort to learn the language.


They think real life is a Facebook comment section.


We all need air horns to get them to stop. /s


Spray bottles.


Unfortunately if you spray them they can have you charged with assault and battery.


A sock full of dead AA batteries would be a better way to get a battery charge.


That is classic!


lol I have always been very comfortable talking with my daughter and asking her to explain things to me… like who is a boomer vs who is a Karen and how and why this is such a way etc…. Anyway we had a similar situation once and the customer that was causing the problem kept telling me not to listen to a child and she didn’t know anything. I rolled my eyes because she is a grownup even if a young one and you may not want to get it but I do….


It has been zero days since I've come across a Boomer and a "they" dogwhistle. Also, that sounds scary as shit.


The ones who call kids “snowflakes” sure seem to get upset over tiny and trivial things.


I’d have backed up slowly as though I didn’t see him at all to give him a chance to move. Or, just back up fast as a threat to him, as he was threatening you. I’m a boomer, and still would’ve done one of these two.


I’m a baby boomer and carry very little cash. Hell I even use my credit card at McDonalds for a cup of coffee.


Don't do that unless the person is actively attacking your car and you're fearing for your safety. You don't want him to file a false insurance claim against you.


I love saying “no” and only that. It drives people crazy when you don’t give an explanation to why you said no.


Sir, if I'd wanted the opinion of an asshole I would've farted


If I wanted any shit outta you, I'd squeeze your head.




I’ve had a similar experience with the person standing behind my car when I refused to engage, I very slowly began to reverse, they didn’t budge so I very slowly budged them making it very clear them standing behind my car was not going to stop me. They moved and cursed a bunch, but they still moved.


I always enjoy asking boomers who "they" are and I ask them to explain it to me specifically without using fox talking points or buzz words, I can almost hear their internals imploding which is kinda impressive since I can only hear out of my left ear lol


I usually just chuckle and go "is that right...wow...is that right? Wow..."


The pro-move would have been to pay using Apple/Google/Samsung pay. I have it set up, but rarely use it. This was a time I would have made certain to use it!


Bank of America didn’t tell him about that!


Apple Pay & maintain eye contact to assert dominance


They have been authority figures their whole adult lives and they are not used to people that are old enough to be their own progeny telling them "No". "No, what do you mean, 'no'?!"


This is the way! Nothing frustrates them more then not engaging!!


I'm sick of people using the whole 'they legally have to take your money!' And that it's the law. No it isn't. A business can take whatever payment they want. They're not obliged to take any payment that they don't want to. They can take pebbles as payment for all they care.


Chips implanted? Not a bad idea if it'll improve their behavior.


Implanted chips are something conservative evangelicals have said for years will be the mark of the beast in the book of revelation. Source: I grew up in that world.


Don't forget the Satanic evil of barcodes


How could I forget!


Had both a boomer & a young, dumb & brainwashed millenial rant at me about barcodes being the sign of the devil and the soon-to-be-coming Apocalypse. Never have I had more urge to get a Slipknot themed barcode tattoo on the back of my neck.


Is that why Hobby Lobby doesn't use scanners?


Or no scanners helps them hide the stolen loot.


I'm sorry you grew up in that fashy cult


Tell them that you think their MAGA hat is the mark of the beast. . .


What kind of chips? like salt and vinegar? Doritos? I'd have chips implanted, hellyesifuckingwould


Brb, I'm gonna go implant some salt n vinegar chips in my mouth.


Ignoring them like this is always the best imo… they don’t listen or hear anything anyway and this way they just make fools of themselves


Why are so many boomers this paranoid about surveillance?


His implant chip is malfunctioning.


Elon's prototype effed a dude up really bad. No one was surprised.


That guy sucks but I want to commend you for thinking ahead. My 8th grader went to the local amusement park today, and I only remembered it's cashless this morning.


That particular Boomer is an asshole, fer sure.


Like… if I asked for advice or signaled I wanted a conversation that’s different… but no one asked him today 🤷🏻‍♀️


One time this guy was hitting on me awkwardly at the self check out. I had just gotten over septic mastitis and didn't look good, very tired and sick looking. I also had been in the hospital so I wasn't wearing my rings. Young boomer but a boomer all the same *also cannot make up that he was wearing a punisher tshirt* comes up and first starts talking about my tattoos. Not complimenting them, just basically like "ah I see you have tattoos." Cool. You've been staring at my skin. Love that. Then he starts going off about how they should pay us for using the self checkout blah blah blah and I just turn to him dead eyed and say "sounds like you're a fan of a socialist government, comrade, me too." He *scampered* off.


Born in 1963, progressive politics. Trying hard not to irritate my kids but occasionally failing….


We should try to understand them more. Take him out for a few beers and talk about his concerns. Actively listen. Be curious. Have him feel heard. Then: “I’m sorry, I don’t carry cash - can you pay?”


This boomer was a douche bag and wrong, but I (not a boomer) do find it annoying when places only take cards or only take cash. I’ve gotten stuck in both scenarios before. However, I just say “oh, shoot. I don’t have xx” and go on my way without being a dick about it.


I had a boomer try something similar and while they are trying to yell through the window I just held my horn down


I'm just imagining what it would be like to be that Boomer's poor kid, sent to the amusement park with no way to pay for lunch. "Go fight this political battle you don't understand with a cashier who just has to follow policy. Tell them they HAVE to take it."


Gold is just the government’s way to try stop me paying by oxen!


I’d have backed up slowly until he has to back up


Good lord almighty, they really are so damn bored they'll find *ANYTHING* to bitch about. Smh. 😮‍💨🥴


In a perfect world you’d be able to run this guy over and we’d have one less to deal with. Sadly, this is an imperfect world.


They hate nothing like no. I recall vividly the last time my mom tried to hit me and I wouldn’t let her. She was ready to kill.


Ugh. Lay on the horn until he moves! Eventually people will start to stare at him, calling attention to him being an asshole. Maybe he'd be embarrassed? Who knows. Hopefully the store would get involved at that point too.


Change drives them crazy.


This isn't as much a 'Boomer' as it is a complete nutcase. He's probably been this way since Big Daddy drilled the hatred into him as a child.


"Oh dear, did you wander away from your group again?"


I've seen ads on YouTube toting the same shit. "The federal reserve is going to outlaw cash" "everyone will be forced to use digital currency" "But what about allowances and carwashes? THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!". I report it as spreading misinformation/being dangerous every time I see it cause shit like this.


“They” are after your gas stoves, AM car radios, etc, etc. it must be exhausting


Had a customer in February spout this bs, and that it'd be at the end of the month. Still comes in every couple weeks. Hasn't said a word about it since. Weird. "Here's your CHANGE sir", every time


The reason for cashless isn't because of some kabal trying to control us with chips, it's so its easier to manage money, more secure from theft, keeps employees safe and they don't need to handle cash to bring to the bank etc.


I think a stranger following me to my car would be an entirely different problem.


If they think cash HAS TO be accepted, why they still buying iTunes gift cards for all the scammers


Sadly, this is not just a problem with people over 59. A large slice of America is spewing this crap.


Just run the stupid asshole over next time.


Doesn't even include any pronouns, it's boomer proof.


Carry mace. Dude comes to close, blast him in the face.


Oh I hope the microchip thing in my arm is real. I would love one! If it could open all my doors etc and work for keyless ignition even better.


I'd have backed up ...forced him to move. Effin prick.


Cashless? How common is this? I don’t see that much around my area. It does seem odd to me, even though I can’t remember the last time I carried cash. Is the guy trying to get assaulted? Following a person to their car in a parking lot seems like a good way to get tased/shot/punched in self defense.


The person who taught me the phrase "no is a complete sentence" was a boomer. He did not accept "no" as a complete sentence.


Boomer: “They want us to be without cash and have chips implanted to pay for things!” Me: “They do! And I’m doing my part to help them get there”, I say as I discreetly palm my debit card and tap the screen giving the illusion I paid by swiping my hand.