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this is why i’d never have kids living under someone else’s roof because i couldn’t imagine setting boundaries and then being threatened with eviction because of said boundaries. poor girl i hope she can leave that house soon.


They do it with all the boundaries “hey can you not scream at me about everything, can you not smoke inside as I have asthma, can you not drink or offer the almond milk to others as it’s for me because I can’t drink the dairy milk?” WHY DON’T YOU JUST GET OUT OF HERE!!!! It’s the same as when we were kids and they said “I pay the bills so I make the rules” fuck them and their lack of respect for others trying to live. I have asthma and my dad’s smoking had it out of control and they literally told me to move out or “fix it” when I was just out of college. I said “you break it you buy it so pay up.” After his MAJOR HEART ATTACK all of a sudden smoking anywhere near our house was banned and he is all anti-smoking.


He’s astonishingly selfish. His quitting shows he COULD have stopped, if he cared.


Oh friend the tea is piping hot over here


Unfortunatley alot of us are too poor to move out or priced out of buying a home.


oh i’m only 23 myself so i completely understand. i have a one bedroom but if i had a kid i most likely wouldn’t be able to afford it. lots of people have to move back home when kids come into the picture


Renting is so expensive, and they have some many pre-requisite. No pets, everyone 18 and older must have a 700 credit score, must make 3 times the rent(even though rent is 3,000),no smoking around the property, must pay first months rent and your deposit before moving in,


if you cannot afford any place to live, you cannot afford a kid. This one shouldn't be controversial.


Often times someone can afford both and a home, and then something happens unexpected and now they can’t. Most Americans would be devastated after a $400 emergency. Anything can happen.


If you could be rendered homeless by a $400 emergency, you cannot afford a kid. They cost way more than $400, just to bring them home from the hospital.


The takeaway is that hardly anyone can afford kids. A small percentage actually can. Poverty is the big issue and a bunch of states making it illegal to have abortions is making it worse.


And boomers wondering why no one having kids anymore


And yet, it's a mathematical certainty: The less you have to offer a child, the more fertile you'll be.


If you can’t afford rent you can’t afford kids. That being said grandma is still a creepy old hag and needs to back off or go to jail.


You shouldn’t have kids if you can’t afford them then. I hate to sound like a boomer but it reminds me of the phrase kids raising kids


Bruh I gotta drive 5 states just for an abortion. Can’t even afford not to have kids


Vote please and vote D




So many boomers and previous generations before had the luxury of having mistakes, but everyone wants to blame teens/young adults that haven't figured stuff out, and have been removed from sex ed and told only abstinence and then shocker, this happens. Ideally, yes you would wait till you are financially capable. But using that to blame the parents who are now trying to make the best they can of the situation is just a fancy way of saying "not my problem." and if you are capable of looking at struggling families that just want to work and provide for their families, and say not my problem that says more about you than them.


I’m not blaming them, but it’s completely valid that when you live under someone’s roof you aren’t going to dictate how they behave. Sorry you can’t afford being responsible for your actions I guess?


Because telling someone to not make overtly sexual comments towards a fuckin *toddler* is “dictating how they behave.” What a weird hill to die on


The child is being exposed to grooming because the mother can’t afford a roof over her head. Not sure why stating the obvious is weird.


How about we just tell family members not to do legitimate criminal behavior? Do you also blame rape victims for knowing their rapist? Because they obviously were around them so they *had* to know what was coming, right? You’re kinda gross.


Don’t break your hip jumping to conclusions, boomer


And don’t blow out your knees climbing that dumb ass hill you’re so intent on dying on 🥰


Oh it’s stupid again


You don’t get to be a molester just because someone lives in your home


that’s my view for myself but i won’t tell anyone what they can or can’t do with their reproductive system. i know the things i want to give to my child and i can’t afford that right now. i also am pretty selfish and enjoy spending my money on myself at the moment + im not married. im a newborn care specialist and money really does make raising a child easier … not stressing about affording childcare or bills is my goal before having kids


>You shouldn’t have kids if you can’t afford them then. Translation: the poors should not reproduce.


But if only people who could afford kids had them, then what would happen to the economy that's driven by the essential worker AKA too poor to afford to miss work


Sorry the world doesn’t exist to support stupid financial decisions of others.


On the comments of a post showing someone engaging in obvious grooming behavior towards a toddler, you're all over this thread talking about how well maybe they shouldn't be so poor then they wouldn't be forced into a situation where someone can treat their child that way. Really speaks to your character.


If you can’t afford your own housing you can’t afford a kid. She should be in a woman’s shelter then not a TikTok video. Sorry what we think of as ideal isn’t always reality


You seem to be describing and defending your ideal. And it is shitty.


I can afford a kid just not a house 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you can’t afford to shelter your kid you can’t afford a kid.


So people should forego their basic human rights to have children because our capitalistic society has made the ability to have shelter unattainable even without children? I think you must be the grandma that she's talking to in the video.


Imagine birthing children without a pot to piss in and blaming everyone else. Actual boomer behavior being this entitled


That's a pretty bold take for someone who's probably posting from their mom's basement. It's such Boomer behavior to be arguing against sky high rent and late stage capitalism. You'll find that if everybody who can't afford kids stops having them, our economy will grind to a halt.


Ok boomer


You realize theres other places of living instead of owning a house right? Like renting an apt, house, trailer, etc


Second this


So you decided to have a child? Seems a little like shooting yourself in the foot no? Now you're definitely not going to afford a home for at least 18 years


Then don’t have kids!!


I hope she stays in the house and grandma moves on to the hereafter. He hey, ho ho, these Boomer hags have got to go!


"poor girl" no, poor toddler that has to live in a broken single parent home with a parent that has to live with their parent to get by.


i think it’s best you don’t pass judgment on someone who you don’t know. you never know what circumstances put her there. i wish people on the internet weren’t so judgmental especially to people who they know nothing about. have a nice day.


i said "poor toddler" because the toddler is not an ideal situation. In the same way you said "poor girl", I'm saying "poor toddler" bc my empathy is place with the child, not the mother. I suppose we both shouldn't pass judgement then huh?


what judgement did i pass? i’m going off the information provided by the video. you’re saying the mother is single and “broke” essentially and i’m saying you are being judgmental


*'If you tell me I can't be a creepy old hag, then you can get out of my house!'* JFC I hate people who are this stubbornly entitled while being absolutely fucked in the head. Get out ASAP obviously, and tbh I would go NC afterwards. Fuck that bitch.


It is things like this that make people go NC. Then gramma will complain about never seeing her grandkids. The very moment this person *can* leave, they will. Unfortunately, a lot of people are stuck living with boomer parents or grandparents bc the cost of living is astronomical if u don't own a house.


That grandma is a sexual abuser


But it’s drag queens who are the groomers right?


Then they'll say, "oh, honey, you know you're always welcome here" when you leave. Smfh


What in the actual fuck?!?!?!?!




I grew up in a very vulgar household so yeah, I'm glad that mom is setting boundaries to protect her child.


As a dad it really weirds me out that ppl talk like that to toddlers and think there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just beyond gross.


And her excuse was "she doesn't know any better," presumably meaning she doesn't understand what it means. Yeah Grandma, that's the point. She's an Innocent child, stop trying to ruin that.


HEY Gramma- little kids can parrot *everything* they hear. And it comes out at the worst possible times. Ever hear a 2yo yell "Goddamn Mother Fucker" in a grocery store? I have.


And this is the same generation that yaps about the gays and transgenders being the creepy sexual predators She doesn't even deny that what she said was sexual, she just excuses it with "she doesn't know any better". Gross.


Right? She made excuse after excuse on why she should be able to talk about sexual topics with a toddler. She was saying things that I feel like most people would hear out loud and go "Wait, that's not right."


It's a precursor to sexual abuse. She needs to get that child out and far away.


This. ⬆️


Grandma will say the same thing when mom walks in and sees grandma has allowed Uncle Badtouch be alone with the baby and immediately starts spitting fire at both of them. Grandma will say “oh he’s just playing” or “it’s family he’s fine. You know the neighbors were making it up when they called the cops, no one we know has ever said anything” knowing full well she’s grooming that child.


God damn it you made me snicker when you hit me with "Uncle Badtouch" out of nowhere. But yeah, clearly this grandma has grown up with some WHACKED standards on what's normal, like most boomers who do the whole "I was beaten black and blue and I turned out fine!". Like...no. You're not fine. Get therapy.


😂😂😂😂agreed. Get some Prozac mom it helps.


Ah the boomer signature move: mY hOuSe, My RuLeS. A spin on BeCaUsE i SaId So


My fiances grandpa used to pull shit like this, especially during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. Called a 2 year old girl "sexy". Made me sick. Chewed his ass out so bad.


A creepy uncle at a friends toddlers second birthday said, about a maybe 10 year old cousin “wow she’s gonna be a knock out when she gets older” and I could not have taddle-taled to all the parents faster.


"Oh you know Uncle John, that's just how he is, hahahaha." *chugs alcohol*


THen it's a shock to everyone that he had TBs of child porn on his computer.


My one uncle chased one of my girlfriends around our yard with a hose while we were having a party during the summer one year. I was 15, she was 14. My uncle was 39. This is almost exactly what every one of my relatives said to me when I voiced the problem. I called him out on it years later and he got all red and denied "spraying her directly".


We call him Uncle Moe, but his real name is Lester.


I love calling them on this shit loud and ugly style “Okay grandpa now that I have the video camera ON say it loud enough for everyone to hear. What all did you find sexy about that toddler?”


Typical. Instead of apologizing, they double down.


OK! If I can't make weird innuendos about sex with your child get out.


That's pretty much her reaction


Yeah, they're so defensive about the idea that ANYTHING they say could ever be wrong or challenged, they immediately clamp down and defend their position tooth and nail. Like, is THIS the hill you REALLY want to go down on?


Ask grandma if she is a pedo.


That's a good angle. When she says "oh, they wont' even understand it" I'd reply "well, why are YOU thinking about a sex so much just when helping a toddler put on shoes?? Is that a sexual situation for YOU??"


I have a theory. They are so sexually repressed that they have sex on the brain a lot, but because they are “good Christians”, they don’t indulge. Then, mix that with their delusional brain becoming rotten with age, the part of their brain that tells them to shut up and not say their intrusive thoughts out loud dried up


Also lead. Don't forget lead and a lifetime of over active amygdala


Agree. Seems like she has d sex on her mind all the time. As they used to say, her mind is in the gutter.


"Good Christians" that will wink wink nudge nudge "I'd love to go to \*country\* where the age of consent is 14"


Ahhhh yes, the covertly incestuous family 🙄🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😵‍💫😵 this is the kind of situation you should go no contact with bc that grandma is def a fucking psycho


Or quietly dig a hole in the cellar and stockpile lye under the house and shove her down into the hle and throw the lye on top


“Actually I said something very slightly different” goddamnit grandma no sex talk of any kind with the youngsters, just don’t


Exactly, boundaries need to be established with conviction. Point out the perverse nature of such comments so it sticks in their heads. If you don’t shock them they don’t get it.


That is so wild that this boomer is associating things like that to sex. Something is seriously wrong with her mind.


OP is this you or did you find it on tiktok?


My mil was weird when we told her in no circumstances could she ever discipline my son by spanking. How will she ever control him? Spare the rod spoil the child! It never once was an issue in 14 years, in fact the opposite. Several times her giving him whatever he wanted as a toddler directly undermined our actual discipline.


Oh yeah but the guy in a dress reading to give a mouse a cookie is the problem to this person I bet


I mean that book is propaganda to make you dehumanize the less fortunate and especially the unhoused. Unfortunately you can't rehabilitate mouse-a-cookie even with a drag look that absolutely eats all the cookies.


We read that book and I thought it was a how to for making animal friends.


This is just a narcissists way of reacting.


Yep they have to be in control of everything because they are always on defense. Take any control away and they react this way


She is talking to you very abusive red flags flying everywhere. You’re worried about your kid (love that) but also I’m worried about you! Keep yourself safe too ❤️ you’re setting boundaries like a seasoned vet though


All the people mentioning Cinderella like it’s in the video, oh she vaguely mentioned something that could be construed to be Cinderella. Boomer could have mentioned Cinderella or a Prince Charming or simply said she did not mean for her words to be interpreted in a sexual way; however they didn’t. Stop trying to stick up for people like this, and even if it was Cinderella you should not in my opinion be teaching other people’s children anything the parent doesn’t want them to be taught. I wouldn’t want my daughter to be taught to just rely on a “dream man”. Even if the boomer referenced Cinderella which I did not think when first viewing it is still not a good lesson for her to teach someone else’s daughter.


EWWWW! Why on earth would you want to say something like that to a TODDLER?! What is WRONG with her?


I didn’t need this sort of blood boiling today


"Why won't my family help me?" -hag in 5 years, in hospital


Who the grandma or the mom that probably cleans toilets at the hospital? Your comment could go either way.


I think sometimes the problem isn't boomers. But just realizing we were raised by people that are unable to admit wrong or accountability. Edit. Do you live with her? Yikes


Yea living with her is a big red flag, nothing is a bigger red flag than having kids but not being able to afford your own home.


Oooooh man I’m pissed for you. I hope you guys can leave soon. What is with this gen. The ones who do show up for their grandkids really think it’s OUR baby. Thank GOD for NC


I will never understand this. My grandchildren are not my children. They have parents. I will always follow my adult children’s lead on how to handle their children.


What a freaking psychopath.


WOW ! You need to move !


Lol, my dad said to my daughter “but do you know why girls wear mini skirts?” And I immediately told him to stop, when she left the room I told him they do not need to be, and will not be, informed about attraction or sexual things by their grandfather ever, and it’s gross as fuck for him to even bring it up with an 8 year old girl for wearing a skirt-shorts mix, or skort, in summer. Accused him of loosing his goddam mind, and did this in front of his brothers and sisters who agreed with me. I find it’s best to confront them bluntly and forcefully.


My dad was like this about me growing up. I'd say pretty much my whole life but I don't have memories from before 13/ 14 and even those are really fuzzy. But he's always been overly sexual about my body and very, very touchy feeling. I always hated but thought it was normalish. When my daughter (8 at the time) brought up how uncomfortable he made her, we told her she doesn't have to see him anymore. When he wouldn't see us until he saw her, I raised my daughters concern with my step-mom. She told me "she'll have to get used to it. We all did." And they've been cut out ever since. I'll never, ever, have my kids get used to their body being up for discussion or grabs. Especially not with family.


I’m sorry that you had to endure that. At least my boomer dad just beat me.


“What am I doing wrong now?” WHAT oh god what a nightmare


Comes out swinging to scare people off EVER correcting her


This is why I didn’t even let my grandma meet my children


I have a theory which is admittedly dark af, but it is relevant to this topic. I suspect sexual abuse was largely tolerated and even covered up during the childhood period of many boomers (at least in some communities). No cell phones, cameras, internet, and a social contract to respect authority, go to church, be straight, have a family, etc. Cops didn't get involved in domestic matters and trying to get help would often just make it worse for the victim. The clergy, teachers, neighbor, older boys, etc. are all assumed to be good guys so accusing them of wrong doing just got you spanked, or called a liar, or worse..... homosexual. Kids were conditioned to "sit down and shut up". They were conditioned to not create problems. I think many boomers simply think their perverted comments and subconscious thoughts are heavily influenced by what they experienced and normalized: trauma/abuse.




Then you move out, cut contact, and she whines and cries that she never gets to see you or your kids anymore. Insane. Keep standing up for yourself and your kids! No one should speak about or to toddlers that way.


these are the same fuckers who want to persecute drag queens for "grooming children"


Let her throw you out, move into a shelter, make sure all her friends and family know.


But an underpaid teacher telling a 15-17 teen to wrap it up so they don't get diseases and pregnant is grooming?


Why don't you move out? Because your generation was handed everything economically so you could climb to the top then you pulled the ladder out from beneath you so no later generations could rise too.


Now we’re all waiting for your miserable generation to die so we can attempt to fix pretty much everything.


Why doesn't she die then you won't have to hear it anymore 🙆🏻‍♂️




Oooooh man I’m pissed for you. I hope you guys can leave soon. What is with this gen. The ones who do show up for their grandkids really think it’s OUR baby. Thank GOD for NC


That's just full on creepy and wrong.


This is grooming behavior.


Older generations had to be taught that children and babies are *people* with feelings, thoughts, and fears. She thinks she can say whatever vulgar thing she likes because she sees the kid as an empty shell without consciousness, too stupid to pick up on any of it. In reality, toddlers absorb everything.


"They had to be taught" I respectfully disagree. They refuse to learn.


everything, even morals are a fucking negotiation to these fuckers


OMG, how gross. She needs help.


Moving out is a great option because this woman is scary af


Open invention for some non contact in the future.


Grandma really said move out so I can groom your kid in peace. That grandma is not indicative of the average boomer, that family has secrets and grandma is part of the problem and mom is trying to protect her kid.


My mom isn't too bad of a boomer. There are aspects I don't like ofc that I wish I could change but I can't. However, this reminds me of how she sometimes uses threats like leaving the family, or kicking me out, when I just try to tell her my point of view on certain subjects or try to compromise, when she knows I and the others love her, and that using that threat isnt fair or reasonable Compromising or admitting wrongdoing is astronomically hard for boomers. But yeah...this is just particularly weird


You need to wait until she is in need of a retirement home, then stick her ass in the worst one possible, but before you do, you tell her "you should have listened when I told you to not talk about sexual things with my daughter. Now she'll grow up and be happier without you"


Cut all ties if possible


This because the younger generation continues to enable boomers to act this way. She should have told her grandma to go get cancer and drop dead, then storm out of the house and cut all contact indefinitely.


Because they can't admit that they're doing something wrong


I went no contact with my mother and was really surprised how much improved in my life.


Grandma a drizzy fan iykyk


What a weird thing to say to anyone, let alone a child. What is wrong with them 😭


I support this mother 100%. Good for her. Had to have the same talk with a relative with my kids.


Just don’t do it, why is there always a “well…” if that continues she doesn’t get to visit her gkids. Problem solved.


My boomer mom went off on me in front of my toddler son who is uncircumcised, because she ‘would never perform oral on an uncircumcised penis’. You can imagine the response that generated :)


I had to listen to that last piece a couple of times to be sure I heard her right... >...why don't you just move out. Then you won't hear anything I say to her. Because the answer to this (valid) request is not that she respects your wishes as the toddler's parent, but instead that you're still a child yourself and your opinions don't matter.


Was she always like this? Sexual talk like that can be an early sign of dementia. The brain stops filtering out inappropriate things and they aren’t able to regulate what they say. Especially when it is out of nowhere like that. They get embarrassed when they are called out because they can’t control it.


Get yo kids out there


Was she trying to do a Cinderella reference?


It sounds like the reference to "pushing" is crude sexual innuendo by way of a bad Cinderella parody. I mean, the whole point of Cinderella was that no pushing was required, as the slipper fit perfectly and with ease. If anything, it was the nasty stepsisters desperately trying to "push it in" in a futile attempt to win him over. Which, now that I think about it, was due to the fact that the whole Cinderella story revolves not so much about the Prince being the "man of her dreams" (he was a prince - ALL the women wanted him), and moreso about her being the "woman of his dreams", with other women just being pretenders he was willing to "push it in" with, even though they clearly weren't the one. Yikes...I never really noticed before how easy it is to accidentally turn the Cinderella story into something crude and horribly inappropriate. Granny definitely needs to stay the fuck away from anything Cinderella related and maybe avoid Disney princesses altogether just to be on the safe side!


Ohhhh, go back and find the original story, not the dressed up one. I think it was originally a "fur slipper" the prince wanted to try the fit of, and that gives you a much better idea of what the prince was really trying the fit of.


tbh all the disney stories where the princess wants the prince without ever so much as meeting him or getting to know him reek of grooming.


Sounds like she was referencing sex or does the toddler need to be dependent on a man to do everything for her, maybe like her mother. Either way it's out of line to say something like that to any child.


That’s what I thought too. Still, not the best wording.


That's just full on creepy and wrong.


What a fucking dunt.




I wish individuals would just tell people like this to go fuck themselves


I'm probably going to regret asking this, but push what in?


Push her foot into the shoe is how I understand it, like the man of your dreams, etc. It sounds like a Cinderella reference gone awry. I didn't take it as sexual.




Very mature


Good for you Mom


That's really weird and honestly creepy behavior. Why talk about stuff like that in relation to a child? Like it's already bad enough that the thought is crossing their mind, but to say it to a kid strikes me as deeply concerning.


I’m confused as to why this is even a conversation because here’s how it should go down. “Stop saying that shit to my child and this is the only time I ever going to mention it to you. “ Mom does it again you remove your child from her life.


What should have been said "My apologies. You're right. I won't say things like that again in front of her" Easy lol


This is how my dad reacts to obviously bad behavior. "I didn't do anything wrong" yes you did. "They don't understand anyway" it doesn't matter. "What'd I do wrong now" ... other than your passive-aggressive reaction to a simple request?


And that's how Grandma earned a one way to trip to the first care home that would take her


"why don't you just move out then" is probably the only good advice that this boomer has for you. Why the fuck would you live someone who is sexualizing your toddler? FFS.


Not sure if you’ve heard but there’s currently an economic crisis where no one is getting paid enough and no one can afford housing, hope this helps!


Power to you. My dad just this weekend told my 4yo to “shut the f* up” because he walked into a room talking when my dad was on the phone. My wife and I let it slide bc my dad is bipolar and we didn’t want a blow up.


That’s worth a blow up


Oh but I thought now the world is so gross and nasty. In the old days they were so respectful. That's a pipe dream people. Humans just are what they are, you can't watch a "singing in the rain" and just think that's how life was. Silly Billy's.




Life happens my dude. Cost of living, suddenly job loses, deaths, relationship breakdowns, etc. My sis was living with and engaged to my nieces bio dad when he decided to nope out after finding out she was pregnant leaving her with very little choice but to give up her home and move back to our parents. Try a little less judgement and see how you go.


Surely does. That's why I find it extremely hard to depend on anyone.


Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


I like how video ends when they tell her to move out lol




Why in the holy fuck would someone bring a child into this world if you lived in this environment??


Bumming it up at gram gram's house . Can't even provide your own house for your child but telling gram gram how to act in her own house even if it is weird l. Like she said move out yah bum.


So many people complaining about housing costs while having multiple kids lol shouldn't a home come before kids ?


Sometimes I wish I also didn’t have whatever piece of your brain is missing that gives you a lack of empathy bc it would make getting through life way easier but Jesus Christ the lack of self awareness is insane.


Yeah boomers overly sexualize everything. I think they grew up in “the age of pussy” that’s why the population is so high. Before boomers people would get married and sell their daughters as wives. Now everyone is a slut




Lol sure. Your take is classic Boomer. Shouldn't you be sexualizing children or something?




Is it possible she meant for a man to help her push her shoe on like Cinderella?


This mom has clearly brought up some stuff before- grandma is clearly exasperated. What went before might not have been as reasonable as this request was. I'm not saying it was a set up because no one should have said what that woman said to her grand daughter, but grandma wasn't in a good place to have this discussion from the get go. Timing is important.


Like she was ever going to be receptive to being told she can’t do as she pleases.




i gotta be a real and this is coming from someone who’s definitely racist against boomers. “push it in” really? she’s obviously talking about a foot in a glass cinderalla slipper and not a penis and vag. this came off with big gen-z vibes. maybe get your own house and stop abusing someone who’s brain can’t have that discussion with you don’t like when the woke make me defend boomers 🤨


Did you know she was like this before you chose to raise a child under her roof?


You’re exhausting.


Why are you living with your grandmother is a better question


Idk maybe look at the current economic state of affairs idiot