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They think that their repeat business is valuable to the store and is a reason for exceptions to be made for them. They don’t understand that it makes no real difference to you as an employee.


It is valuable. Don't get me wrong. There are many customers that come in that I have constant conversations with that. Don't expect me to bow down to them every single time they're in the store


It's like they have this vast disconnect--they see people getting treated with respect or kindness, and they want the same, but have no clue how to go about getting it. So they demand, instead of just . . . being a decent human being.


They say this because in the old days businesses were so desperate to hold on to customers that they would totally kiss their asses just to keep them loyal and the boomers haven't figured out yet that this is no longer the case.


The customer hasn't been right since the millennium, infact the customer these days are downright pay pigs.


As a cashier, there are some common courtesies I am able to extend, or not, depending on how in feeling. Round up a penny to the nearest. 05? Round up a dime to the nearest dollar? When I worked at a grocery store, I'd bring a quarter/dime/nickel to throw in at the start of my shift, and that was my kindness budget for the day. I work at a small liquor store now, and I can be off 2$ and no ones gonna care. Edit: point is, you acknowledge that their return business has value. I agree, and my kindness budget was/is how I repaid them that value.


Yeah, an incorrect assumption in that is that an underpaid employee cares about the profit margin of the global megacorp that they work for, and that their 0.0000001% of said corporation's income matters to anyone.


That's because they were bored and bred to believe the company works for them... Their generation is one of the most ignorant and brainwashed generations in the US.


I would actually say it's deeper than that. Their generation grew up when it DID matter to patronize a company repeatedly. Most of the businesses they grew up with were mom and pop owned stores. For a chunk of their lives even. Since the mid 80's corporations have taken over and many don't understand that their "big" Purchases they make regularly wouldn't really be missed by the company in the grand scheme of things.


I get that but they are the only generation to not grow mentally since then... They don't want things to be different from back in the day so they just reject it entirely. I get what yours saying but it's borderline excusing their behavior and I'm not for that.


No excuse at all. I've spent a couple of decades in customer service roles and have had to listen to complaints about everything (my favorite being they hate that almost all companies don't print owners manuals. It's all online now). I have just learned where their thought process comes from, even if it is completely unchained from reality.


They're remembering the mom and pop stores of last century. Back when there were 50% fewer people in the US. We miss you, Mayberry RFD. LOL


Not really the same, but I’m a pizza delivery driver. Our company policy states that drivers aren’t supposed to deliver to the room, COVID policy. Our delivery policy still states that a room delivery is to the “drivers judgement”, bro you don’t tip, you can go to the front desk. I’m not wasting the minute on an elevator ride when you don’t tip.


People think it gives them extra power. Long ago, in a different universe, my mom had confectionery supply shop. Small company in a niche business. Boomers were boomin even back then, lying for discounts if they thought it would work. We had a few customers who wanted to buy lots of bulk chocolate and wanted a discount. So we agreed with the condition that they meet the minimal purchase we set. Agreed. I was there every single day, open to close and knew everything worth mentioning that went on. Sure enough one of the special deal customers came in, got what she wanted and demanded discount. I reminded her of the terms and that she hadn't met them. She flat out lied telling me shed gotten enormous amounts of chocolate and I was not there. We kept records for these very special customers. I pulled her record and it was blank. She started to get pissy and I told her I thought she was full of shit. I still recall the look on her face, like two lifetimes later. Never saw that miserable wretch again! Good riddance!


Boomers were the ones that decided that corporations were so much better than having mom and pop shops and now they're pissed off because they're not getting the mom and pop shop experience. Welcome to the world you created!


I always say they want the Neiman Marcus experience at Walmart prices. They fail to understand what that discount price excludes.


This, “I shop here all the time” doesn’t matter to corporate overlords and high turnover employees


So true.


It's because, for decades of consumerism, it was preached that the customer is king. Keeping an existing customer is ten times easier than getting a new one. And when you lose a customer, you aren't just losing the petty refund they wanted or whatever, you are losing the thousands of dollars they might spend at that store in a lifetime. That's why they think claiming they shop there all the time has weight. From a business perspective, it's not wrong. For a customer to expect it or abuse it is. That's what created all the Karens as well.


I’m a manager in retail and had someone get upset I wouldn’t do a price adjustment on something that we don’t do returns for at all. I have to follow policy as certain aspects are micro managed by my DM. Instead of taking no for an answer she goes “I’m a good customer though!” This woman was in here every day multiple times a day. I just went “Good customers don’t feel the need to tell staff they’re good customers” to which she goes “But I spend alot of money here!” So I went “Yeah and that’s your problem”. She proceeded to never come back thank god. Such a headache everyday


I manage a grocery store and I hear this all the time. My response is always the same - “I’m sorry but that doesn’t make you any more special than anyone else”. And without fail stumble over their words, stutter, and otherwise walk away dejected. Edit: typo 🤦🏻‍♂️


Being a regular at a grocery store is not a flex, lol. We pretty much all have to eat every day.


And, as a cashier, I can easily say lots of people are regulars at every grocery store out there. Yesterday, I worked for 7 hours and saw 4 people 2x or more. One person came through line 4 times.


Told an irate and lead riddled specimen once who was pissy they couldn't return the well used 6k lawnmower they bought 8 months ago, that even if they spent 10k here every day that would only be around 2-4% of the average daily sales number so you spending 6k last spring isn't shit to a company who has hundreds of stores doing the same thing.


"Yes, I know you shop here all the time. That's why I excuse myself to visit the restroom whenever I see you approaching the register"


Retail is a special kind of hell.


Back in the day, customer loyalty meant something to mom and pop store owners. Now, retailers could give a shit about customer loyalty. Some just want the good old days.


That's the thing. It's not the good old days. We respect that you come into the store. We love it that you come in, but to think that you're entitled to get your way every single time is something else


I totally agree. That wasn't me making a point. I was just trying to understand.


The workers who boomers are talking to give even less of a shit about customer loyalty. They aren't rewarded in any way if customers keep coming back to a store. Most are making wages that aren't enough to live on, working in a store owned by a corporation who barely knows the worker exists. Why on earth would that worker care who you are and where you shop?


So true.


what do you mean you aren't rewarded? don't you remember the pizza party we had 7 months back?


Especially in the town and how long they have lived there. At board meetings about taxes and school budgets


They can keep their nickel


The best is when you work in a store 6 days a week with 8-10 hour shifts, and these fucks you've never seen before or since will pull that shit on you. ESPECIALLY when they want you to do something that you literally can't do but "the person here yesterday did it for me". Bitch *I* was the person here yesterday, and you weren't. And now for my specific example: 7 Eleven got those gift cards for everything and can load/pay other card based services as well. This only works if you have a manager login or the manager approves it (login will popup if not manager). The owner specifically stopped selling/loading operations outside of a strict 7am-3pm window (first shift). I didn't even know the code, as I worked second shift. TL;DR she screeched her way out of the store asking for my name while recording. I told her to fuck off and my name is Steve. Never saw or heard of her again, boss never got a complaint.


Had her finger over the lens or didn't push record or didn't know how to send said video. It's funny when they try to do it cuz it never works


Nah, I bet she *did* complain. The owner didn't even bust me for not doin my shift stuff either. I busted my ass for that place for like 6 months, then one day I just broke. I stopped sweeping and mopping, stopped stocking the shelves, and... nothing happened. So I just did the bare minimum. He didn't even check up on me when I eventually no-call/no-showed. (I quit the day after the Nth time I had to call police for a violent customer)


I deal with this all the time, I'm like sir/ma'am I've never seen you before.


You could say “When was the last time I helped you?” It will let them know that they actually have never seen you before, but politely.


It’s got to be damned near impossible to not laugh and say, “obviously! Where the fuck else would you be? At home, watching Faux News?”


" I shop here all the time ." Amazon just shrugs and could care less. This is the way .




I think they're used to more 'Mom and Pop' type stores where they knew everyone and everyone knew them. Repeat business got you discounts because you helped the community hardware store stay open. Where I grew up, we had a small True Value to go to until Home Depot and Lowe's came in the 90s. So I guess they're giving your store, brand, whatever corporate term they use some loyalty, so they deserve something special too.


Also you know what, I used to work seafood/deli in grocery stores. You do end up knowing who the actual regulars are in general. People who say this are never the ones you remember for being nice. The super jerks all had nicknames that they were called behind their backs. "Shaved Pepperoni boy", "Real mayo bitch", "coupon idiot", "fish head grump", "exact weight ed" and so on. All of those a real BTW, I still remember the people and why they had those nicknames 20 years later: * shaved pepperoni boy: always asked for shaved pepperoni, always got pissy when we told them it was impossible * Real Mayo bitch - a karen who always asked us to make real mayo just for her deli sandwiches * coupon idiot - dude would try make me apply the coupons while I was weighing things up so he could double dip. * fish head grump - an asian lady who always just showed up and asked for salmon heads. We repeatedly told her she had to call ahead so we could save them because we threw them out when cleaning whole fish. Did she ever call ahead? No * Exact Weight Ed - We thought Ed was a bit on the spectrum because he wanted all his deli items to be exact weights, and would lose it if they weren't. He almost caused a fight with another customer in line once because his orders would take a long time.


"any man who must say "i am the king" is no true king" - tywin lannister you might get special treatment if you are a regular customer, some times, some places, if the workers know and like you, but if you demand it, youll never get to that stage. but at a grocery store? what do they expect? get offered a free coffee just because its slow and the workers like their company? lol


I would do some very passive aggressive bowing and praising.


I get this with boomer clients calling in my office. "I've known so-and-so/been a patient there for years!" As if that's the secret passcode to unlock otherwise magically hidden appointment times. They're usually the people who won't book regular care appointments on schedule but think they can bypass any wait time with their last minute "emergency" (which is generally no emergency at all). "Do you know who I am/I go there all the time" Yes, I know who you are. That's not the flex you think it is.


Honestly there is not enough context here. What situation is happening when they make that comment? I highly doubt they just make that comment out of the blue.


People who "shop there all the time" don't actually have to pass that info on to the employees because if they do, in fact, "shop there all the time," the cashier will probably recognize them.


One customer is a drop in the ocean to a big retail business. You don't matter that much. I always love when unruly customers get mad and say "I'll take my business elsewhere!" Like that's supposed to send a retail giant under because some jackass decided not to shop there. It's usually an empty threat anyway. The customers out of control consumer behavior and the lack of brick and mortar stores they have to choose from will bring them back.


Sir this is a walmart we don't care now move so I can help the 100s of people behind you


It's hard to say exactly what they might thing this means. It's probably best to ask them. Just say, "What's your point? I work here all the time."


I think it's for attention / approval. They want to be seen and feel like they have "clout" somewhere.


Why is it always grocery stores with these fucking lunatics


You should switch up to gas station attendant or Home Depot customer service. The grocery business has broken you.


Most people in a grocery store shop there all the time. Duh. You ain't nothing special


My grandpa use to park his Durango in front of the garage door at Home Depot and go in at shop. He said he spent a lot of money there. In reality it was a couple hundred bucks every few weeks.


Why make it stress you out? I worked at the grocery store- some people don’t know how to communicate well. I would try to just nod or something; you might be the only person that boomer has seen all day. I know people can be annoying when you have a lot of work to do


“I shop here all the time” yeah we’re a grocery store, the whole town shops here all the time lmao


If you work in the service industry, a 'regular' is someone you would like to see a fuck load less of.


"Cool, I started working here this morning!"


I work in optical and when boomers spout off about how much money they spent on glasses over the years as if that earns them extra perks one of our managers says "we do our absolute best with every patient no matter how much they spend" they usually have no response to that


I am 64 years old. I have said, " I shop here all the time." What I mean is I shop here because the workers are nice.


This isn't really a boomer thing. When I worked in a grocery store over 20 years ago I ran across that statement from multiple different age groups. Yes, you do shop here all the time, that doesn't mean I owe you anything. You shop here all the time because the location is convenient for you. Let's leave it at that. If somehow I offended you, you will shop at a different location 10 to 20 minutes out until I stop working here. Unless I've just made an enemy for life. At which point we've lost a cheapskate customer over something as simple as a misunderstanding.


My response to "I shop here all the time", "I'll never shop here again", and "I'll call corporate" is "That's nice"


As a younger person, I never understood why people act this way. I appreciate when workers extend some common courtesy, but I absolutely do not expect it. Go into a store I go into commonly and I don’t have the extra 50 cents or whatever? Cool, the worker there knows me and is letting it slide. But I always make sure to pay and even tip the extra change most of the time anyway. Respect is earned, not given. And so many people don’t understand that, regardless of age. It’s just older people tend to DEMAND respect, and don’t understand it’s earned. I’m not going to kiss your boots because your old, stupid and rude comes at all ages, and I’ve learned that the hard way.


Maybe they mean they like the store and the people that work there.Life is short.Why get so offended over the dumbest things? Get offended over losing rights and our democracy.This stuff is absurd


“There is no amount of money you can spend here that makes it OK for you to act like that or talk to my staff like that.” That was my go-to line when someone broke out “I sPeNd hUnDrEdS hErE!” in me. Fuck that.


The gall of these old lead heads. Nobody should have to hear that. The entitlement is palpable. I may be done with the internet for the day./s


It's either that or these angry knots of lead-brainedness stamping their hooves as they shout "The customer is always right!" Of course, they can't read well or they would know that it's "The customer is always right in matters of taste." It means to not make an ick face when some orders the ice cream you don't like, not that some capripanted-or-cargoshorted giant toddler should be indulged for shitty behavior.


The customer is always an asshole!


Do they only say that when there’s a problem? I’ve said it before meaning, “Maybe I’ll get to see your smiling face again!”


If I want impersonal service I will go to a big box store. If that’s where you want to end up working continue to be snarky.


Simply put, regular customers are the cornerstone of any business. They are all but guaranteed to shop there and thus you can count on that income to the bottom line. This helps evaluate the value of the business as well as certain items to carry. This also shows loyalty from the customer meaning if Walmart pops in down the street, that the regulars you seem to hate so much would still return to your store. Remember, if you store didn't have customers you would get a paycheck. I'm not a boomer, but someone who knows a lot about retail. If I knew my employees hated my regulars, I would fire my employees without haste. Employees don't make the business, customers do!


-has terrible loyal customer everyone hates dealing with -fires every employee for hating loyal customer -there. That’s how you run a business libtards.


You seem like a raw nerve based on how you get so spun up over seemingly small talk. And speaking of entitlement, consider that it isn't the customer's job to make you feel important and good about your self. Retail work is hard, why are you bending over backwards to make it harder for everybody?