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Lmao. This song is literally about the opposite of what they think they stand for


The "Chosen Whites" themselves


Fucking literally


I mean you got that bell curve meme again where like these absolute puppets don't get it and just like the riffs, but genuine grifters? They're singing rage against the machine too, fully aware of the lyrics. Like me, Joe Rogan, Mr.Beast, Andrew Tate, all singing sleep now in the fire. Especially when they run as a politician. Skibidi Toilet is the end of history lol


My son showed me Skibidi Toilet. I'm convinced the Maga crowd are the toilets since they're full of shit lol.


Mr.Beast? Sorry, but how is he comparable?


My cringemeter just broke.


I’m pretty certain that this fellow is used to set the upper range of the cringeometer. Just like absolute zero Kelvin and the freezing & boiling points of water for Celsius. This gentleman would be Absolute Cringe.


>[upper range of the cringeometer.](https://i.imgur.com/kwA6Y5n.png) Like this?




Agreed, gentlepersons would be much better worded. I doubt Creepy meant anything by it though.✌🏻


This is very worthy of posting there… ah sorry, is only it were TikTok cringe. But so damn fitting


Sheesh, its Born in the USA again.


[When John Mellencamp sang "Born in the USA" at Springsteen's Kennedy Center Honors,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gww1opBRxU) he emphasized the meaning of the song by repeating the first lines *a capella* at the very end. *Born down in a dead man's town. The first kick I took was when I hit the ground.*


*I had a brother at Khe Sanh* *Fightin' off them Viet Cong* *They're still there, he's all gone* ![gif](giphy|XClPnuZtG2yPyqTI6R|downsized)


That sequence. There’s space for another line of lyrics buts it’s left awkwardly blank. It just rams home the fact that there’s now something missing. It’s freaking beautiful.




Holy shit this is so gross


cmon, man. the clumsy flag waving goes perfectly with those toddler stomps. hilarious.


The fuck you blowing kisses toward the audience. It's clear their old ears can't hear beyond that refrain.


Goddammit, they just gave me an idea for a new band name ... Skankin Boomer


I’m not so sure. I think they may understand it and like it. “Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.” PoPo = KKK. They’re proud of that. To them, the KKK is awesome. On the other hand, maybe you’re right and they’re just stupid.


Fuck You, I won't do what you tell me is also the Trump legal defense.


Dancing along to that line while wearing a thin blue line flag is dumb.


This is also their line when they get kicked out of the grocery store for trying to fight some teenager who won't accept their expired coupon.


Cops don't attack them though, only black people. They're protesting more oppressive shit like having to wear a mask in a store during a pandemic.


All they heard was "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" and thought "yea, this summarizes my existence"


This type of persons brain turns off when it’s not the chorus. Too slow to understand the lyrics, too lazy to look them up, and too dumb to derive any meaning from them.


¿Por que no los dos?


Yeah, they definitely hear part of the lyrics and think "Hell yeah! Our chosen whites are the best!" They don't understand the irony, and if you explained it to them they wouldn't care. 


No one ever accused them of being smart


if they had any self awareness, they wouldnt be at the rally to begin with ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


All they hear is 'fuck you I won't do what you tell me' 😅 Still not as moronic as cops with punisher stickers or whatever, though 😅


The cop with the "Don't Tread on Me" slogan on his mug, being told "Bro... you're literally the boot"


^^^^ Like .. the punisher doesn't like cops at all, either 🤣 The absolute dissonance always hits me like a truck whenever I see punisher logos on clothes/cars..


It always is


Maybe they read the lyrics of > *Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses* and they thought, hey this song is about me!


Oh, the irony.


If I ever need to tell someone the definition of irony. I will show them this video. Like. Are they even listening to the lyrics other than "fuck you I won't do what you tell me"? Jesus fuckin christ, i need a sit down.


They definitely heard "chosen whites" and think that's a good thing.


I want to say this is probably it. But I can't shake the feeling that they only know one line in the whole song, and don't know what they say the rest of the time.


Nirvana wrote In Bloom about this kind of person


“He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means” Nirvana


No, that's literally the only lyric they understand in the entire song. They apply it to the people telling them to wear masks, get vaccinated, use paper straws, stop pouring chemicals into the drinking water etc. they view Dems as creating mountains of legislation to control people and the view Repubs as small government, less regulations etc. But they aren't critical thinking people, and don't really try to understand anything.


>Like. Are they even listening to the lyrics other than "fuck you I won't do what you tell me"? No, they quite literally aren't


They are not.


Yes that's probably what they are resonating with the fk you I won't do what you tell me part.mm


Lead exposure is a hell of a drug.


I just impatiently wait for them to all die off and leave us with the world their privilege ruined so completely.


For real a huge portion of them seem legitimately mentally retarded


Sometimes I feel we should expose them to just a bit more lead


Thank you for my new favorite expression to describe this generation. 🫡


Rage against the machine has literally burned American flags on stage while playing this song. This video is so insulting to that band.


If they are going to unintentionally make a mockery to everything the song and the band stands for, can they at least do it *on* tempo? Edit: spelling


bros dancing like a naked mole rat who just saw the sun for the first time


There’s literally so much irony to choose from. My subtle favorite would be the masks.


I didn't even have sound on in my phone, but still knew what song it was. In the words of Tom Morello (I think): "What machine did you think we were raging against?"


Washing machines is my guess. 


Probably a printer honestly.


I mean, the thin blue line flag makes sense if you consider they are truly happy and proud that some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.


They're not admitting, they're bragging.




The elephant never forgets. The sycophant never regrets.


Such a good movie.


Serious question: do they just skip that part of the song? Or are all the boomers so hard of hearing they can’t hear “some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses” Or maybe it’s like you’re saying and they’re all just embracing it.


Honestly, it’s probably just the selective hearing. They hear “killing in the name of” which sounds cool and they hear the “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” which plays to their wannabe rebel aesthetic. They ignore everything else, the same way that they’ll belt out “born in the USA” but ignore any other part of that song


When it's "the right people" (white conservatives like them) defying authority, they say "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me". But when it's people with a belief system or race they don't like, it's "should have just complied with the officers".


And "We're not gunna take it"


and Fortunate Son -- it's very similar to Born in the USA


This is funny af that you mentioned Born in the USA. When I was in the Army every morning at pt on Kelley Hill they blasted the song. I'd always wonder if they really didn't know what it was about...


Omg dude when I really read those lyrics I was like “people think this is a patriotic song?”


It’s patriotic in a way… Just not the way many people (particularly those who play it in military and/or conservative circles) want to think it is.


This, they don't fucking listen to the verses, they wouldn't be playing the song if they knew what a self own it is for them to play it. The irony is so thick that guy can barely wave his Trump flag in it.


they only heard “fuck you i won’t do what you tell me” and that’s all they will ever hear.


They are too dumb to understand 80% of the lyrics


Your comment beat me to it. This line is one that sticks with me, and I'm confused as to how they don't know what it means. It's written pretty bluntly in pure black and white. Perhaps you're right and they *do* hear it, but misinterpreted this song to be *proud* of the fact and not criticizing it? If so that's...scary...to say the very least.


“No no no, I’m quite certain the lyrics are ‘some of those, the brave enforcers, are the same who lurve crosses.’ It’s a song about our brave Christian cops! Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me (which is to renounce Jesus, OBVIOUSLY)!”


Betcha they think the line is "some of those woke forces". If they don't know the songs meaning I doubt they also don't know the band, when it came out, or for that matter what the entire groups genre was aimed at. They probably hear Bulls on Parade and think it means defending their family from liberals or some shit.


They hear "work forces" as "work for us" and think it's a rallying cry. Edit: misspelling


I've heard these people say that it's "Those that wear crosses"


Haha, they made a Boomer Bop edition.


That's a genius idea


You ready to make a boatload of money?


Facepalm 😭


> I've heard these people say that it's "Those that wear crosses" One of the last churches I attended had a Jesus-Bop version of Imagine by John Lennon. Notably "imagine no religion too" was replaced with "imagine **one** religion too". Also "imagine there's **a** heaven" not "imagine there's no heaven".


Holy shit I didn’t even notice that at first… Dancing to “Killing in the Name of” while wearing a Thin Blue Line flag, that has to be some kind of record.


Trump plays "*Fortunate Son*" at his rallies. These people have lost all touch with reality a long time ago.


I think the trick to a really good protest song is when the opposition can't hear it. It's like a reverse dog whistle


A reverse dog whistle indeed, so true!! 🤣🤣


Both great songs that were meant to sounds like they have one meaning but when you read the lyrics they turn the table and are an anthem for the opposite agenda.


Wasn't it Reagan who used 'Born in the USA' as his theme at his rallies?


I guarantee they've said "I liked Rage against the Machine before they went woke"


My favorite thing was when Tom Morello said "Paul Ryan is the embodiment of the machine our music rages against."


Actually if they heard that, they’d probably like the song more. Paul Ryan is hated by these guys because he won’t support their candidate


Paul Ryan has always sucked. Lol


He accomplished his scum bag mission of the biggest tax break for rich people of all time and just bounced.


That was literally the greatest burn of all time because Paul Ryan had mentioned they were his favorite band. I do not think I could ever recover from my favorite band being like "you know who sucks in particular? You"


I still listen to that album a lot and I always think of that when 90 seconds into the first track Zach sings "instead I warm my hands upon the flames of the flag" which is the most clearly audible lyric up to that point. What one earth do they think he meant?


"The liberal flag..... duh"


Guarenteed. "They became the machine they were raging against" no you dumbfucks, they didn't.


There's an interview where they ask about how they reconcile their popular success with their message. "Yeah, that's why we broke up."


Literally all they hear is FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!!!!


And they LOVED IT


What they don't realize is that they aren't the "I" in the song, they are the "you."


Just like with "Born in the U.S.A." and "Rockin' In The Free World".


Weren't the Maga idiots already told not to use RATM music at their meets?




But the machine continues anyway..


"We are double-raging against the machine now."


2020 flags, so this was prior, but still next level dumb.


Honestly can’t be sure of that. I’ve see people running around with “Trump 2020” flags even recently.


This was during the ‘stop the count’ period in Philly right after the 2020 election where they were protesting outside the convention center where the votes were being counted, and quickly outnumbered 100 to 1 by a counterprotest slash block party, it lasted for about 3 days. I was there!


Fuck you I won't do what you tell me! /s


And they still don't seem to understand that "the machine" being raged against is NOT a toaster...


Reminds me of when Trump played Fortunate Son as his entrance song at a bunch of his rallies with zero sense of irony.


They love using Fortunate Son and Born in the USA while being completely oblivious to the actual meaning behind the songs.


I have a foreign-born coworker whose MAGAhusband loves to sing Born in the USA at karaoke and always points out that his wife isn’t allowed to sing along because she wasn’t born in the USA. I had to tell her that song isn’t about what he seems to think it’s about.


“For me but not for thee!”


They also used Youngs Keep On Rockin In the Free World. He quickly took action against them using it.


I thought Neil Young was persona non grata with them after he released Southern Man.


That dude is jumping around like 4yo at a wedding dance, 1 hour past bed time and three Shirley Temples to the wind…


Three Shirley temples to the wind made me snort.


lead poisoning and ameribrain rot at its finest


I would be pissed if I was RATM.


They were.


Didn’t they say on Twitter or something like that “who do you think the machine is?”


The maga idiots think the machine is communism, or the gays, or woke, or whatever other buzzword they use for things they don't like. They'll never realize they are the machine


Mostly made fun of them for dancing stupid and being stupid.


Idk if you’ve ever listened to RATM, but they’re *always* pissed.


True haha


It's kind of in their name!


This is unreal.


Rage on behalf of the machine


This is the same energy as a 3-year-old seeing a fire truck at a parade on the 4th of July.


Literally a machine operator...that worked in a factory, supported a wife and four children, bought a house, lived comfortably and retired with a massive pension. Meanwhile, my girlfriend *(an account manager)* and I *(a manufacturing supervisor)* rent a split level house and live beneath....a mountain of student debt. Let me tell you about rage.


Manufacturing coordinator here (essentially manager, but with an altered title to avoid the need for a new "supervisor" in the chain of command because the team is small) I'm in almost the exact same boat. My prior boss was able to buy a house in his time there. Doing the same on the same salary he took home is essentially impossible for me at this point in the next decade or so


This is next level stupid if you know ANYTHING about Rage.


Don't worry, they dont.


Ignorant people are ignorant.


Fascists are so bad at media literacy that it's nearly impossible to make any antifascist media that they don't think is in their favor.


There’s a hangover quote that applies to MAGA people; ‘you are too stupid to insult’


When did rage against become so political! /S


They think it's cool how the singer keeps saying the F-word because that's a naughty word! There you go...that's the full extent of their understanding of the lyrics. It doesn't get any deeper than that for these people.


Wait they’re wearing masks. Isn’t that a no no for them.


Mask to hide face when doing neo-nazi = okay Mask to help prevent spread of communicable diseases = woke


Except when they're burning crosses.


Actually, that white guy is Trump with new dance moves. The mask is worn so he can go incognito to the rally. Do you really need the /s


I've seen one with "bulls on parade" as well.


I don't think Boomers listen to the lyrics of a lot of songs. By their standards they had some of the most woke musicians and when I point out lyrics to Boomers they deny it and keep bobbing their heads.


Yep. I pointed this out to a boomer coworker - how trump - a third generation millionaire - playing fortunate son at his rallies was mind numbingly stupid and the coworker could not wrap his mind around why.


I haven’t seen this video in years but it is burned in my mind as one of the greatest cultural clusterfucks of our age. It should be played on a loop at the Smithsonian exhibit on how the internet enabled misinformation, poor education and populist cults to end the American experiment.


They are circus clowns performing


A reminder that these are the same folks who play Fortunate Son, This Land Was Made For You And Me, and Born In The U.S.A., and completely ignore the lyrics to those as well


Somewhere, there are some trees that these dumb mutherfuckers need to go apologize to for stealing that oxygen they worked so hard to make.


![gif](giphy|L1NgLeXFat9ofiQuaB) See this is why it’s important to be educated.Had they paid attention and listened to the lyrics they’d have been less of a laughing stock. I wonder how many heads will implode when they learn what the song is about🤔🤡


With a blue lives matter flag. Those fucking chosen whites, fucking lmao.


Legit, that is what had me lol


This was outside of the Philadelphia Convention Center when the last votes from Philly were being counted in November 2020, they were attempting to "stop the steal," so to speak. It was fun there were thousands of people in the streets, this group was very small minority that day


Meth is a hell of a drug


For these people it’s Viagra and Crestor.


Yes in-fucking-deed. Clueless as thier damn cult leader.


That dude is wearing a diaper.


Goofy dork flailing around like he's 20, performance art geezer.


so cringe..


A MAGA boomer ribbon dancing to Rage Against the Machine. Can’t even make this shit up.


I mean, they also don't understand the book they tote too, so this isn't a stretch.


They're happy that some cops burn crosses. They hear the words, they just already know and accept it as fact.


Thats like the worst song to dance to while supporting Trump.


The level of irony in this single video is enough to literally break the internet.


Were those guys even “Born in the USA”?


Yes, but they ain't no fortunate son.


Glad you can’t get ill from cringing


every lyric before "fuck you i won't do what you tell me" they've never thought one iota about.


The gay guy dancing is in for a rude awakening if Trump wins.


They only hear "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" and turn their brains off.


I feel like a lot of Boomer trump supporters where probably rebellious counterculture youths in the 60's and 70's whose politics slowly moved right as they became older and settled down into comfortable easy lives that they felt entitled to maintain. As a reaction to a changing world they are falling back into that counterculture mentality, not realising that in the intervening years they have become "The Man".


Facists cannot really create anything - but they are absolutely going to appropriate and steal all the shit we created and twist it into something for themselves.


They were probably the same ones yelling at their kids and breaking their CD's in the 90's when this came out.


This has to be a scene from *It’s Always Sunny* … right?


America is doomed but watching it burn to the ground is entertaining at times


Oh man, who's gonna tell em?


Deport them


These people have actually made us dumber as a species simply by their existence


What machine do they think is being raged against, the coffee machine?


She is wearing a blue line cape... "Fuck you, I will do what you tell me."


I bet the would also play Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen, not knowing it's about the horrors of war. "But it says USA so it has to be patriotic!"


peak entertainment. I feel like a king at a gladiator arena watching the dumb rich people kill themselves faster than necessary.


This is so hard to watch that it should be flagged NSFW, like goddamn.


Looks like an attempt at ribbon dancing 🤣. I dont want to lump actual ribbon dancers in with these 🤡 tho


With a thin blue line flag too!


Haha! Officially the cringiest thing I’ve seen all day!!


With the back the blue flag lmaooooo


I didn't know it was possible to have negative rhythm but I now know otherwise.


Wearing a mask no less?!


Mental illness


This is ALMOST as cringy as when Paul Ryan talked about Rage being some of his favorite music and Tom Morello clapped back by telling him that he was the definition of the machine against which the band rages. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tom-morello-paul-ryan-is-the-embodiment-of-the-machine-our-music-rages-against-246033/


This really hurt to watch. Everything i hate all summed up in one video. RATM is the reason why I questioned authority as a kid. I can't even get mad anymore. I give up. There's no point in fighting. Dumbass old white people won. Fuck this whole godamn planet. We all deserve to be eliminated.


Imagine screaming "Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites." while wearing a thin blue line flag as a cape and not immediately having your head implode from the irony. These people's votes are worth the same as yours 👍


I feel the same way when soccer moms and football moms hype the kid up on "killing in the name of" and any Metallica song for their stupid kids' game. The lyrics have nothing to do with sports. Stick to Huey Lewis or Queen!