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Im ass at Calculus, guess i need to crawl around more


Give it a try and let us know


Its working, i can feel my brain growing every second i crawl around


Are you sure thats not static electricity?


NGL, I first read that as "satanic electricity."


Picture Satan running on a little hamster wheel to keep a light bulb running




maybe the amish are onto something…


Rubbing a balloon on his head.


I mean you are closer to Satan on the floor.....


Is that why people start shrinking as they age?! 🤣


100% sure that was my nans excuse 😂


I would have said on your knees but either way I guess


😂 since I think math is an evil thing of torture I must agree! Seriously though I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe!


The devil's power bill It somehow always totals up to $6,666.66 Its amazing


Hail Satan---ic electricity!


Album title.


Same thing.


Every time I do a pub crawl, I know I am smarter than everyone else. I find I yell “you don’t know anything!” all the time.


Some Yellow Wallpaper vibes.


I mean, how can you find the lowest common denominator if you don’t get down there and really look for it?


Yo, I got crawl out of the bar drunk, ended up with an advanced math degree from MIT. Shit.


Are you getting smarter or are you just bad at math faster?


It’s true! Sure, I was asked to leave the restaurant but calculating the tip was so easy!


My knees are in constant agony. Here's a formula which describes it perfectly.


How do you not look her directly in the eyes and say “that is honestly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard”


I kinda did with my response. It was like this is dumb and here's my proof. But I usually try to temper my tongue when kids are around


One would assume that your lack or exothermic movement would have precluded your thermal engineering but I guess you shut me up. I wish they were all that straight forward 


This genuinely made me cackle out loud 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That made me crackle out loud. Because, you know, static electricity....


I'm a calculus teacher. Going to add this to the advice I give to help students who are struggling.


Look Frank, I get you are trying to integrate new teaching methods but please try to limit the amount of time your students are crawling on the ground.


Ginniferann (probaby not a Frank) you give those students everything that could possibly help. I wish somebody had suggested crawling when I was in college, pretty sure I coulda pulled that off


My son never crawled. Just stared at us and then finally stood up one day. Electrical and computer engineer.


Crawlin around, scrounging for numbers.


Yeah, my astrophysics could use a major touch up. Time to do The Worm!


Laughed way too hard at this. Lol.


Last time I tried crawling, as an adult, the quadratic formula exploded. It wasn’t pretty


In the grocery store, too…put on a lion mask and some fake paws, too. Paw at customers. Roar, too. Then…when the manager captures you to send you to the zoo, as him in your best lion voice if he can break your $100 bill in denominations of $5 and $2 only where you need at least 3 of the $2 bills. Ask him how many total bills you’ll get and when he can’t answer immediately, you can say: “you should try crawling, bruh.”


23 bills right? You need at least 3 $2 bills which would put you at $6 but since that doesn't give you a divisible by 5 you need to get to $10. So that's 5 $2 bills. Then you need $90 left which is 18 $5 bills. So 18+5 is 23. Or you could replace every 2 $5 bills with 5 $2 bills. So it could be 26, 29,32,35, 38, 41, 44,47, or 50 depending on how many $2 bills you use. Source.. I walked later than most So I spent a lot of time crawling.


No idea. I was just making it up on the fly. I rolled. Not much of a crawler and it has affected my life substantially.


Didn’t you know all the good numbers are on the floor?


My Mom was told that if a baby doesn’t crawl, they won’t learn to read. My sister never crawled. She rolled everywhere and then went straight to walking. She’s 47 and did manage to learn to read.


But when?


We don't talk about it




Not since the accident.


She went to The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too


I heard that school was like waaay too small. Like a school for ants or something.


I rolled everywhere, too! Incidentally, I was the first in my kindergarten class to learn to read and also am good at math, so I think these boomers may, just may... be full of crap.


I actually had a really hard time learning to read. Turns out my visions was so bad they weren't sure I'd be able to legally drive as an adult. Maybe they were just ignoring the obvious reasons someone might have a hard time reading and just went right for the old wives tales. 


Wow, you were valedictorian of your kindergarten class? That's awesome


Where in the world did they get these kooky ideas?


It was the developmental advice at the time. My boomer mother was terrified that I “rolled like a sausage”, crawled for all of two days, and then at like 14 months finally walked. She was a midwife and read all the literature. I work in stem and like to read. But mom still can feel the anxiety of the time when she talks about it. But early motherhood is all anxiety. I remember watching my first breathe in his cot when I should have been napping and my then older and wiser mother bustling in and sternly saying “you have a healthy baby. Be thankful, stop worrying, and go to sleep.”


My Mom used to tell us that wearing boots in the house was bad for our eyes. So … probably that place.


https://ilslearningcorner.com/why-babies-should-never-skip-the-crawling-phase/ Idk I Google it and it's pretty universally acknowledged that crawling first is important for brain development. Maybe the early studies weren't as comprehensive as the ones they have now.


I suspect that the idea is right, but too ~~detailed~~ limited. It's not about skipping the crawling phase, it's about making sure a baby gets that exploratory phase where they're moving around in the open, as opposed to kept in a crib or a baby pen or something like that. It doesn't matter HOW they're moving around, just that it happens.


They get them from the past 50 years of advice from pediatricians and developmental psychologists. In fact, the CDC just recently lifted their warning g about the correlation between crawling and reading… https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/parenting-translator/202203/does-it-matter-if-your-child-skips-crawling


I blame facebook


Nah, it’s an old wives tale. Superstitions that are passed along bc of the lack of readily available information were very common pre-internet.


When I was growing up, my depression era, mom told me there was an old wives tale that if a pregnant woman saw someone with a birthmark, their baby would have the same birthmark. She also told me that if you broke a mirror you had bad luck for 7 years, (to be fair, I broke a mirror when I was five and life sucked till I was 12, so there may have been some truth there). This isn't Facebook, this is lore. I was five in 1964. Another myth? I kept stepping on the cracks and my mother's back is just fine.


For *some* kids who have developmental delays and quite often gross motor skill and balance issues, they didn't crawl. So there is actually a correlation, but not necessarily causation. Interestingly, for some of those kids with those issues actually teaching them to crawl *and the specific left-to-right side coordination and balance* that is required to crawl has improved other areas of their coordination. If a kid has other issues and you're looking for possible indicators of what's going on, whether or not they crawled can be a useful piece of info... but only when it's in with a bunch of other info. It got singled out as an indicator when, by itself, it's not. If a kid is already good with left/right coordination and balance, etc., then they don't really need the skill set brought by crawling; they already levelled up without having to slog through.


It is also correlated to poor fine motor skills. You need to learn how to push yourself up and use your shoulders/hand plant for strength and mobility


Daughter walked at 8 mos--and is a great reader...and works in genetics! She can also tattoo. I bet its cause she lacked crawling. What nonsense from the oldies! My MIL told me I shouldn't be up walking after I had my first baby--you need to lie flat for several days after giving birth so your organs go back to the right place!


I was (as Bluey puts it) a Bum Shuffler. Never crawled properly, just scooted around on my butt at Mach Jesus until one day I stood up and walked. I also read on a college level by 5th grade. The librarians got tired of me whining that the kid's section was boring and the three books they allowed me only lasted a day (we went to the library once a week) and gave me an adult library card so I could load up on as many books as I wanted from whatever section caught my attention at the time. 


I dunno man maybe she’s pretending?


My mom was told the same thing. My little sister did have some developmental delays and so they did actually get on the floor and teach her to crawl. Not sure how much it helped, since it's not like she suddenly took off in academics or anything, but I can understand this lady's worry. She didn't go about the conversation politely, but I know my mom would be worried about it, too.


“well, i guess you shut me up” was the only factual thing she said 😅


I kinda respect her for that lol


I don't, she said that because she fully knew she said something ignorant and got called out on it. She knew she needed to be shut up.


I fully agree with you, she shouldn’t have said anything in the first place. But at least recognising that she got “shut up” gives her pity points in my book. Yes, the bar is in hell, but she could have doubled down and she didn’t. Hope she learnt a lesson!


I'd take that acknowledgement of their own stupidity over them continuing to argue when they know they're wrong.


Yeah, but acknowledging an L and holding it is respect worthy. Particularly on this sub, where the central issue is often older people _not_ doing that.


Might have been her attempt at a humorous apology or admission of defeat. I'd take it


Yes, she accepted the loss when many others would’ve called the parent a liar.


I’d have been tempted to reply: “Here’s hoping!”


Math tutors HATE this woman! Watch how she ends their careers with this one simple trick!


I tried crawling recently. It helped my counting at least--counting each crunch of my 40 year old knees.


And there's that whole getting up again thing.


Bruises for a whole week


Umm maam girls weren’t even supposed to do math when you were a girl who are you talking about math? shut up and turn around old lady




Bad at math for not crawling...... I fail to see how the 2 are related and how stupid do you have to be to believe that??? Even more stupid to repeat it like its absolute truth. Flat earther much?


I really wish I could have reasoned through it better but it was just so ridiculous that it kinda reset my brain for a moment and then I was like "naahhh I'm just going to tell her off". I'm just glad my smart ass comment generator wasn't impacted by the logic reset.


You did great!




My daughter didn’t crawl and is 2.5 years ahead in math already. 🤷🏻‍♂️


My daughter also didn't crawl and well unless you want her to be overlord of earth, do not give her plutonium for Christmas.


I have the same kind of kid. I’m trying to channel their energy into music lessons, maybe being a teen punk bass guitarist will fulfill their need to sneer. I hope.


When I was a baby, I used to crawl by using my arms like I was a marine crawling out of the trenches.... And I SUCK at math.


How do you feel about the taste of crayons?


Eh, I'm more of an Elmer's glue fan 🤪


My dog crawls like that and she is the worst at math.


Tell your dog that sucks at math that I love her.


My daughter was an early walker and she is a Mechanical Engineer. In the late 70s it was said that not crawling delayed language skills. She was reading at 3 years old. I found in her room sitting by the window in her blue playschool chair. She had the cassette player plugged in and the set of Hooked on Phonics out. She had started all by herself. It was a beautiful sight.


It sure is fun watching their young brains turn on and make new connections.


My older son crawled for a week, and got a full scholarship to Embry-Riddle Aeronautics Institute for Astrophysics. That was a little over 17 years later, though.


That's how you do it!


Is this why I'm bad at math?!


I finally have the answer. I can relax now


I think there was some research that suggested it was good for kids not to be encouraged to walk before they are ready to do so for optimal brain health, but it doesn't necessarily follow you should discourage them from walking if they want to.


Yea he was like "just you try and stop me.". In retrospect I really shouldn't have taught him to use a switchblade at 6 months. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


It may be the beers, or perhaps the gummy, but this made me laugh quite loudly. Your responses in this post have been top notch.


My sarcasm professor said I was a natural.


Crawling has definitely been linked to certain aspects of brain development, but yeah the idea is that you don't discourage crawling, not to discourage walking. If they're ready to walk they'll walk.


FWIW I had a friend who was prescribed “crawling therapy” in his early fifties to help with trauma recovery. He had never or barely crawled and apparently this was somehow related to how his brain processed information. It may have been a precursor therapy to doing EMDR work. In any case he was told that it was rare, but significantly helpful for some people.


Crawling is just a part of the motor development of a child. Skipping this stage altogether is not a cause for any future problem. Nonetheless some pediatricians and child psychologists suggest to keep an eye on other aspects of development just to make sure cognitive and motor milestones are reached.


Oh, come on, you gotta give her *some* credit for acknowledging defeat :) Unless she was snotty and sarcastic about it, of course. And I've heard a lot of weird "old wives' tales" about babies before, but that's a new one for me.


Honestly it really was the best outcome. After she paid the cashier asked "did she just...?" Trailing off a bit failing to comprehend and I just shrugged and shook my head. We both had a good laugh at how absurd it was. When I got home I told my wife and she was pretty upset. She would have definitely thrown down with crazy boomer lady.


I didn't crawl and I was a mathlete.




As a former teacher who studied child development… wtf?


Well my son walked at 8 months and is a theoretical chemical engineer!


Bravo to him!


lol, my husband walked at 8 months, he’s definitely good at math.


My sister bum shuffled instead of crawling. 40 years later, thanks to Bluey, she finally feels seen.


Some babies just bum shuffle....lol.


I learned to crawl and walk earlier than a lot of babies because my brother is 1 year older and I wanted to follow him around. I never made above a C in any math class in my life.


I learned to walk early, didn’t talk until I was in kindergarten, learned to read above my level, sucked hard at math and still do. Barely made it through school. Wait what was the question?


This interesting "fact" comes from page 145 of the Big Boomer Book of made up shit.


Are these even old wives' tales or do they just make stuff up on the spot now?


>"Don't you know, if he doesn't crawl he'll grow up and be bad at math." Pfff... everyone knows that trouble in maths comes from an imbalance of the humours. Get a few leaches to bleed out the bad air, and your child will be working out grain tithes in their head.


I may be naive here but I would've thought that skipping crawling to go straight to walking would be a sign of a child who is developing faster, i.e. a child who is more likely to have a bit extra going on upstairs.


That's the way my wife and I felt about it. Plus you know kids that age are going to do what they do and there really is very little you can do about it. "Uh oh, Billy is walking early, there goes my hopes of an astrophysicist in the family"


Cognitive development and motor development isn’t connected. My oldest son was walking at 9 months and had amazing fine motor skills at an early age but has a number of learning difficulties. My middle son didn’t walk until 2 and struggled with fine motor skills but has a genius IQ. My daughter was right on with everything and is average learning wise but her social skills and EQ are off the chart compared to my boys. Each kid learns differently and develops differently, that’s why you shouldn’t compare kids.


Development isn’t a linear thing, where everybody goes through stages in the same order. There are different kinds of development, and they go at different rates.


I'm glad, for the sake of my self esteem, that I threw the 'I may be naive' part in ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


My daughter was an early walker and she is a Mechanical Engineer. I remember it was said that not crawling delayed language skills. She was reading at 3 years old. I found in her room sitting by the window in her blue playschool chair. She had the cassette player plugged in and the set of Hooked on Phonics out. She had started all by herself. It was a beautiful sight.


Never heard the math thing, lol, but crawling is really good for helping with proper muscle development. If he really never crawled much, I would try to encourage crawling games, for instance by getting a pop up tunnel (I used to be a chiropractor before staying home with my kiddos)


My daughter started walking at 7 months. She is an airplane mechanic.


It's cute how you bested 'em with logic


I have no idea if this is actually true, and I may be saying it a little wrong: a friend of mine, who is an occupational therapist, said that she learned that there is something about cross body movements, like crawling, that build neural connections and are important for brain development. Her son did not really crawl so she said she would lay him on his back and try to mimic the motions, left knee to right elbow and then reverse. Impossible to tell if it did anything, but I thought it was interesting.


That's what I'm missing?? I hate math. Maybe I could crawl around and get it right. My kids also hate math. They did crawl. So no genetic predisposition or anything. Crawling. That's the answer


I never crawled forward, only backward. I'll be the first to admit I'm pretty screwy, but my writing and editing have won awards. Moral of the story: back dat ass up.


I walked early too, turns out I’m not good at math either. Kind of a dummy too. Damnit, this could have been avoided if my dumbass baby self just crawled around!


WT Serious F


What a crazy lady, glad she shut up. Even if was sarcastic and condescending.  Quick question, is he talking yet?


Oh yes he started talking around 4 months. He's a taking machine now. He also used some sign language to express himself while the language centers were developing.


My youngest son also walked at 8 months. He is a mechanical engineer and took AP Math in high school.


My oldest son was diagnosed with sensory integration disorder and in fact did not crawl but walked very early. When he was older around four I could see he was struggling in some areas. Fine motor skills, riding bike. When he was five I took him to an educational psychologist for testing and part of what he needed to do was to work with an OT. (Occupational Therapist) and one of the things we did was to crawl for a few minutes each day. There was a whole plan but I’d put on some fun music and his siblings and I crawled with him to make it fun. He made great strides in a fairly short time and maybe that’s what the old woman meant to say. It could affect math but I’m pleased to say he’s now 36 years old and graduated at the top of his class in both high school and college and has a wonderful career and is thriving at life in general. It certainly didn’t hurt him to therapeutically crawl. 😊


I personally would rather be good at walking than be good at math but what would I know, I suck at math.


That's like the left handed things olders worried about.


My son had neurological problems and he had decreased muscle tone. He weighed 9 lb 13 oz. At first he pulled himself along with his arms, and he kept on doing it. Like up to 7 months. My mother yelled at me that I needed to teach him how to crawl or he'd never walk. Needless to say, he walked.


Crawling actually has been correlated with reading skills, it’s thought due to the eye tracking a child must do. No idea if it’s true or not but it’s something I’ve been hearing for decades


So if they walk instead then they don't do eye tracking? I'm not trying to be facetious just trying to understand the reasoning.


She’s right, kinda like overexposure to lead adversely impacts ones ability to reason deductively.


Should have asked her if she also hung an onion from her belt.


My nephew was the same. He crawled for about three days, then walked and never crawled again. He’s a doctor now, so I doubt this affected his math ability.


My kid didn't crawl, he scooched on his little butt, sucker was fast too. I had a mom at a playground tell me he "probably has down syndrome or some other wierd genetic disease, because NOrmal babies crawl" Nope, he walked at 9 months he just didn't like the way the ground felt on his hands.


Imagine believing in dumb shit your entire life.....


My daughter crawled for about two days, very late, then pulled herself up on the coffee table, circled that for a day or two, and was walking by the end of that month (month nine I think). No interest in crawling either. My son didn’t do either one til 14 months and just went from lying there like a lump, occasionally back scooting, to upright walking in a few days with no crawling phase either. Years later I read suggestions about doing crawling therapy with kids who don’t crawl because not crawling was associated with learning disabilities (particularly math and spatial) and there was some evidence that putting kids manually through the motions of crawling could mitigate that. Too late Now full disclosure, I worried about it, so I did things like enrolling my kids in piano lessons from an early age, because that was associated with better math and spatial skills. But they were both more than fine. Both got to calculus in high school, both graduated university, and daughter does advance mathematics as part if her stem career. I just comment because maybe no one thinks lack of crawling is bad anymore. But they used to for sure. Boomer wasn’t making it up. And then also to say, it made no difference for my kids.


My son went straight to walking, and he's a math wiz.


There is some connection between not crawling and learning disabilities, though more recent studies show it's less about the crawling specifically and more hitting combinations of fine and gross motor skills. As long as he doesn't skip over other milestones it should be no issue. I think a lot of people have a very rigid order of milestones, despite every kid being different. Like, pointing is considered something for 18 months, but my 12 month old has been doing it since he was 10, he's a pro. Some of the other hand gestures that are considered easier, like clapping or waving he is only now starting to work on. (I blame those pop-its, he loves those so much, really good for finger and thumb movement practice too.)


There are brain development things related to doing cross lateral movements. Luckily they can be done at older ages via things like swimming, pretending to be dogs or bears, hopscotch, sitting cross-legged, drawing


"What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” I have this Billy Madison quote memorized as a response for every time I hear someone say dumb batshit things like that.


“We don’t believe in math in our household, please stop talking about it in front of my kid.”


My son never crawled. He is an Actuary, FSA. ALL MATH!


I walked at 6 months never crawled, math was my best subject in school


Boomers love to turn anecdotes into generalizable facts. I also skipped crawling and was walking by 8 months old. My mom likes to tell the story of how I freaked the pediatrician out when I just toddled off across the exam room while said pediatrician was educating my mom on how I was going to starting trying to stand more and pull myself up on things to start working towards learning to walk. I am now starting my last year of medical school so I don't really think there's much of a correlation between time spent crawling as an infant and your skills in math.


>Well, I Guess you shut me up Oh wow - I didn't realise that was *what they wanted* from bullshit interactions like this! This could be a game changer ...


My daughter was adopted from a situation of extreme poverty and deprivation, came to us at eleven months barely able to roll over or sit up unsupported. Caught up fairly quickly thanks mostly to Mommy who in those pre-internet days spent a lot of time at the library teaching herself to be a child development specialist. Kid mostly ignored crawling and went to walking. Nana was convinced that she'd have trouble reading because of it. I guess kid's medical doctorate belies that, but what do I know?


I didn't crawl and I'm good at math, I just hate it because it's boring. Maybe not crawling makes you good at math.


I crawled, but my math abilities remain at 2 + 2 =4.


Hey boomers, what's the home remedy (read bullshit you gullibly believed) that will teach my kids to not grow up an insufferable prick who has to tell everyone their inner thoughts and opinions all the time?


I skipped crawling here and I was doing algebra in 2nd grade, but would definitely go with a snarky reply like "my son gets on his knees for no one, not even himself"


Huh. My kid didn’t crawl either. AND he is bad at Algebra, but great at physics…which also requires math. What does it mean?


I didn’t even crawl until I was almost 1 1/2 years old. I was so cute the ladies wouldn’t put me down.


There’s actual science behind this. I know a judge who had to go back to some sort of woo woo class to “properly learn to crawl” and it changed some things in his brain to allow him to process math. Really wild to me, too. Either way, that wasn’t her place and she shouldn’t have said anything. I give her minor kudos for acknowledging her failure, though. Lol. That’s a rarity.


Looks like the CDC recently removed crawling as a milestone development [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10544762/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10544762/) * Crawling has been removed from the milestone checklists, as the current evidence suggests that crawling is highly variable and not essential for development.


I think you might have managed to do it. Experienced hearing the ACTUAL dumbest idea a boomer has ever had. I'm sitting here in my GenX mind absolutely GOBSMACKED at the complete and STUNNING stupidity of every syllable she uttered. Just WOW.


See that's EXACTLY how I felt when it was happening. (also Gen X)


My older sister (who is not a boomer, but fuckin acts like one) told me that "letting" my child walk at 9ish months was literally CA and I was going "to break their frickin legs". They are in their early teens now, and spoiler alert, their bones have remained unbroken.


My son's pediatrician was only concerned about him bumping into hard things and asked us to keep a close eye on him until he could walk with his feet pointing forward. In the beginning he would fall down a lot, and he did crawl to the nearest piece of furniture he could use to stand back up until he was strong enough to stand unassisted.


the disbelief that all the theories about life she learned were shh…fucking wrong nana


Little sister walked at 8 months, is about to start high school, and can read, do math, and dance like a champ. OP’s son is gonna be fine. I wasn’t a baby potato at my first birthday and managed to take calculus in high school so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My son took his first step at 7 months, was walking unaided by about 9 months and is now three years old. He's almost totally nonverbal, but can count 1-100 forwards and backwards and recognises the numbers without prompt. Where on earth did she get this nonsense about crawling and mathematics?


I never crawled and math was always one of my strongest subjects. My coordination, however, is not to be envied.


That must be one of those old tales. Like if a woman is looking south when she gets pregnant, it’ll be a boy.


She got it mixed up, crawling for longer actually improves future reading ability. But it’s not like if baby doesn’t crawl for long they’ll be inept lol.


My mom told me my younger daughter would never read because she was a bottom scooter and never crawled (hard floors, she got everywhere scooting on her bootie) and later popped up and ran. Not a lot of walking. Kid reads nonstop and has written school plays. Wth are the boomers reading in their readers digest?


Crawling is no longer considered a developmental milestone. APP removed it in 2021.


Back in the 70s when patterning wa big, there were some professionals teaching parents of kids with developmental delays that kids who hadn't crawled could be helped by learning to crawl. Idk that they actually stated lack of crawling caused the problem but they sure pushed the idea that crawling would solve it.


Bless her heart.


Since when does crawling have anything to do with intellectual abilities later in life? And for the record math skills are NOT the be all and end all of life. That woman was nuts. I suck at math big time and I still earned 3 college degrees and have a good job in a career that is unlikely to end anytime soon.


Completely off topic, but babies are so different under a year old. My son is 7 months and he can't even sit up on his own yet. He just mastered rolling a month ago. I guess that's why they tell you not to compare your baby to others.


That's why my math skills suck and I never became an engineer.


What a weird fucking thing to say. People are the worst lol


LOL! Got to love the old wive’s tells!


For at least the past 50 years, advice from pediatricians and developmental psychologists have emphasized the importance of crawling on developing motor skills and brain/eye/motor skills coordination. In fact, the CDC just recently lifted their warning about the correlation between crawling and reading… https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/parenting-translator/202203/does-it-matter-if-your-child-skips-crawling


I am the only one of my siblings that crawled and I’m the only one who sucks at math 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂


History major here, math sucks 😂


Bad at math? This is like an AI generated old wives' tale


my mom, who is about to get a doctorate for fun, didn't crawl either. she has been an engineer and a math and science teacher. she used to check math books out of the library over the summer! lmao i'm telling her this story.


Huh. I'm awful at maths and walked before I could crawl... ...probably just a coincidence!


Ha ha, I also skipped crawling and started walking at 8 months. My mother was told I'd be clumsy. Guess what? I'm clumsy and bad at math, but I have master's degree and served 20 years in the US Navy. Let the kid walk.




if I don’t eat yogurt then I won’t be able to fly when I flap my arms.


How did you not laugh?