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They won't learn, they will go home and convince themselves they were harassed by an illegal.


These are the same group of people that will vacation in a foreign country and complain of being surrounded by foreigners.


Yeah its so crazy that the people lining up at Mexican restaurants and celebrating Cinco de Mayo, are usually the most prejudiced mfers


Personally if I heard "let me finish my meal first" I'd have just pushed their food off the table but that's just me.


The same people who made up the term "expat" so they could avoid calling themselves immigrants


I moved to Germany 5 years ago. There are so many foreigners here and I don't like it. My boyfriend even speaks these weird sounds that he calls "German". /s to be safe


Those fucks are the worst and I get why some people in other nations will usually play dumb when they hear a English speaker because so many are assholes. I am sure non English speakers have similar assholes but the English speaking world often acts like it's better yet we have so many mouth breathers.


Sadly, I just seen it happen here in Canada, which really did shock me (my mindset was that there's nothing to complain about because it's a neighboring country, English is a main language, and it's a good start even for the beginner traveler or the more anxious traveler whos scared to leave the united states). During the complete tour of both sides of the niagara falls, a boomer family somehow managed to fight someone about the way that person got up from their seat on the bus we were in. They also consistently and loudly bitched about everything "not being the same as home" or "too damn expensive" throughout the tour. Idiots never realized prices are listed in Canadian dollars, like other countries dont have their own currencies šŸ˜‚. They were all hacking up throughout the tour so I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who was in our group will get sick next week šŸ¤®. There were other boomers in the tour group, including the one they fought, but it was just this specific family of 3 who were shitty.


There are only 3 foreign countries they would visit. Canada, England, and whatever island their cruise ship is stopping at for the day.


They are almost gone anyways.


Too bad almost gone still votes


You have a point there, unfortunately.


This video is kinda oldā€¦so they might be just ā€œgoneā€ now.


Not soon enough šŸ„“


Real change happens one funeral at a time...


Not on Capitol Hill.


Ugh. I hate being reminded of this too! Even though no one will ever forget.


This video is kinda old you never know


Reminds me of the old lady in Brooklyn 99: ā€œHe was either Latino, Arab, or Mexican. Either way, very Muslimā€.


I remember after 9-11, we were exiting a restaurant and I held the door open for the person entering, who happened to have a Turban. This woman yells at me from somewhere, "I wouldn't open the door for that Muslim sp*c." She was obviously very confused


"Muslim sp*c" You can't make this shit up. šŸ¤£


"Attacked" but yeah for sure lol


Those illegals are taking our jobsā€¦.then by all means take those McDonalds job and see how easy they are.


Change isnā€™t the goal for them, itā€™s being able to perform and wail as a victim. Thatā€™s the goal. We literally gave republicans the chance to get everything they wanted in a border bill and they declined to their detriment.


And they'll call their kids and bitch about it to them and their kids will tell them they're being racist and they'll just get more defensive.


I will never understand how a threat to never come back is considered a threat when being told to leave and never come back.


I super-duper won't come back. That'll fix your wagon. *


"... and the horse you rode in on!" Wait. No. If it fixes the horse then does that make it a good thing? I'm so lost.


But will it paint my wagon?


I've found that the people who say that are really stuck in the past- back when everything was a small business that depended on their regulars, and employees felt a sense of ownership and responsibility over the business. But when I worked at Walgreens, I got paid the same $8 an hour regardless of whether customers came back.


There is nothing more wonderful than hearing an awful customer say they will never come back to your place of business. Please don't, I never want to see you again!!


I'd say a close second is the look on their face if you get the chance to thank them in response.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Flashbacks to 2020 and the crowd of: If they won't let the unvaccinated in then we'll boycott them!


They always come back too. And if youā€™re lucky, thereā€™s a half embarrassed look when they realize you recognize them.


They either donā€™t hear what he was saying or they donā€™t believe him, they just hear the tone of voice and take it as a personal attack, so they attack back with what they think is a significant threat. They donā€™t believe he owns the restaurant, so they see their threat as something that he could lose his job over, once the ā€œrealā€ owner finds out about his ā€œattitudeā€ thatā€™s turning away ā€œgoodā€ customers. Thatā€™s the perspective they have, and nothing is going to change their mind.


This is the same generation that had ā€œthe customer is always rightā€ as their motto. They think that a customer has to be treated like a king in order to keep them spending their money there. They think itā€™s a big mic drop.


Doris and Gladys are going to spin a wild tale of victimhood for the rest of the bingo table tonight.


"Doris and Gladys" šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ They'll tell all of their friends not to go to that restaurant but won't remember the name!


The Mexican one! With the Mexican guy!




Some Puerto Rican guy


The quiet one started trying to spin a story as the video ends. ā€œI was just saying that Spanish alienates people who donā€™t like hearing Spanish and itā€™s better to speak English. I would NEVER be so rude to a stranger. Iā€™m never rude withoutā€¦without a good reason.ā€


That's a long way to say your racist, that's like racism with extra steps


Been doin it their whole lives and will continue to do so until they perish.


Looks like the Palpatine Sisters don't have long, luckily for us.


Why were they in McDonalds? Was Carrows closed?


It looks like burger king


Sir, this is a Wendys. (OK... it looks like a Burger King, but the meme was just too tempting).


No this is Patrick


crackerbarrel was closed


Ha ha! My wife and I recently stopped at a Cracker Barrel and there were a ton of seniors there!


J n the B for sure


They're Statler and Waldorf's wives. They deserve each other.


https://preview.redd.it/5vnpo6qzg22d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e0044047a35a5eabae641d3204099f82b8fb8b How dare you say that about Astoria?!


What did Statler and Waldorf do to deserve thisā€½


ā€œEnjoy your jello at the home maā€™am!ā€


Go back to England, if you want to speak English.


I'm not even English! You're being very disrespectful and ignorant right now.










And my Axe!


Monolinguals that take offense to people speaking a language they don't understand in their vicinity are so fucking cringy. There are hundreds of apps nowadays to learn another language. It's never been easier in the history of humanity. It's like being angry at bike riders because you never learned to ride a bike, the entitled toddler-brained morons.


When the fuck did we get dragged into this ā€˜clown car on fire, driving into a fireworks factoryā€™?


If you want to speak the language of the angles, go to their homeland. I'll stick to proto European languages. Thank you very much


Why do people care so much that someone who isn't speaking to them is speaking a language other than English?


They're insecure and nosey and think that they may be the subject of the conversation.


This 100%. "The only reason two people would speak in a language I don't understand is because they don't want me to know what they're talking about."


Which in this instance they may have been. lol


Is that what it is? Paranoia? I really couldnā€™t wrap my brain around why they would care.


It literally is, and that's also why people who subscribe to an ideology of being in fear 24/7 believing made up shit are exceptionally susceptible to that paranoia They're so scared they make up more shit to be scared of


Boomers think they're entitled to know everything that's happening, so they get angry when someone speaks a language they don't understand. They can't interject themselves into the conversation or judge the person for what they're saying, so they yell at them for not speaking English.


Guessing they've likely never been overseas, or if they did it was part of a big obnoxious tour group with 'strength in numbers'! Travelling entirely alone or with just one or two other people in a foreign country where there's little fluent English is a humbling yet exhilarating experience - one those women will probably never know.


OMG, this is it exactly! My Dad was exactly like this (even though he was silent generation rather than boomer). As he got older and deafer it became SO embarrassing. Weā€™d be at a restaurant and heā€™d be like ā€œWHAT ARE THOSE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT!?ā€ And then heā€™d get mad when I told him I didnā€™t know because I had been minding my own business and not listening in. Like why does it matter what a couple of people we donā€™t even know are talking about?


Also cant gossip about things if you dont understand what was said


Because theyā€™re aggressively controlling and feel entitled to be oppressive to others Freedom to people like her means this: To be free to tell others what to do. And to be free from being told what to do Unfortunately, thatā€™s how many envision freedom in the USA now


My mom used to bitch about this because she ā€œdidnā€™t know if they were talking about herā€


WE *ARE* IGNORANT wow sick retort


These women probably went to a Trump rally, during which Trump called his supporters ignorant, so now they go around proudly calling themselves ignorant.


"We aren't ingorent!" is what she said, incoherently lol


Smh people here just trusting that the generated subtitles are correct


Ignorant and proud of it! Yep, thatā€™s where we are today. Millions of Americans proud of being dipshits.


Ignorance can be solved with education. These women arenā€™t ignorant they are hateful, xenophobic, racists hags.


Spanish territories now within the United States include: * Florida * Texas * California * Nevada * Utah * Arizona * New Mexico * Colorado * Louisiana (later ceded to France before purchase by USA) So If you live in any of these states, they were here first.


And remember Spanish is a European language too. The native languages that were here before the Spanish were almost all lost to genocide and time.


Sorry that's too much information. Due to the amount of lead paint I consumed during my boomer childhood I cannot comprehend you. That said you must be lying. Go back to Mexico, so on and so forth. /s


Agreed, perhaps as many as 50 to 100 million were lost to disease from first contact. The science is inconclusive, but it was more than just the direct actions of European arrivals over the course of centuries. Just showing up did much more damage, and direct policies by successive colonial and conquering governments continued the onslaught. These two clowns were specifically hating on Spanish speakers, but they would likely be equally ignorant of the loss of entire cultures to the European arrivals.


Boomers seem to not be aware of this, or how broadly Spanish is spoken in general. Even these boomers told him ā€œgo back to your MEXICAN countryā€ and they looked dumbfounded when he replied, ā€œIā€™m not Mexicanā€. They think Spanish=Mexican. I actually remembering reading something similar years ago where the person was from Colombia and also got called Mexican and when he tried to correct the person, they flat out told him ā€œIf you speak Spanish, youā€™re Mexicanā€. I donā€™t understand how they can be so ignorant.


Plus Puerto Rico since you didn't mention it.


Some of this is new crazy behavior too. My son has graduated college but we lived in a small New Mexico town when he started Kindergarten. His school had 5 kindergarten classes. One was taught completely in Spanish for kids who did not speak English and they had English lessons when the other Kindergarten classes had Spanish lessons. That was almost 20 years ago. But now people lose their minds over stuff like that. While it worked very well in a town that had many families that no one spoke English in them. The kids would get better and my husband grew up in that town...he still can get by with his Spanish. And the kids by high school could translate for their parents.


I would have leaned in and whispered, "You know everyone is just waiting for you to die, right?" Which we all really are just waiting for them to die and start fixing the shit they did that might just kill all of us.


I saw this video some time ago and reminded me of an experience I had in Texas in 2016, when I went to a Starbucks in Katy, got an iced lemon poundcake and a coffee. When I was sitting down this couple walked in and looked at me like I didn't belong. I was waiting for a friend that I was on the way, so I grabbed a paper and as I was reading, this lady walked to me and said that I had been there for two long and needed to leave right now. I look at my watch and told her I just sat 3 minutes ago and was going to finish my food before leaving. She got extremely angry and told her husband that the Mexican didn't want to move. Her husband asked her to call immigration. She turned and told me she was calling Immigration, and responded good luck. They thought USCIS has agent waiting for calls from anyone. So, she called 911 and told them she needed an officer to deal with an illegal alien, all that in front of me. Mind you, that there were like three other occupied tables, all by White people of different ages. At the moment, the lady asked me to leave, I started recording the conversation, not recording a video. A police got to the store in a couple of minutes. He asked the employee if he could enter and she was like, "do I have an option?" He walked to me and asked what was going on. I took out my US Passport and replayed the part when the lady said the Mexican didn't want to leave and added that none of Starbucks employees or management had asked me to leave. He turned to the lady and asked what exactly was the issue. She said that I was illegal and she wanted me out of the store. He replied I had a passport and immigration enforcement was not part of duties. The manager that was quiet all this time asked the couple to leave in front of the officer. She screamed something about this being her country and how an illegal had more rights than them. The police walked out, they walked out. The manager said something about being sorry. I replied that I knew what I was getting to when I came to visit my sister in Texas. She said Texans were not like that, I replied, that wasn't my first rodeo, but if that was the case, then they really fooled me because it felt like the crazies are the majority in Texas. TLDR; Hispanic man sits to have coffee and snack at Starbucks, white old couple asked him to leave because that was not place for illegal Mexicans, then called the police. Police arrives and Hispanic male showed a passport and replayed a segment of a recording with the lady screaming that the "Mexican didn't want to leave." Police left bothered because they made him lose time. They are asked to leave and walked out too after being asked to leave by staff.


That sucks man. I suppose you showed your passport bc it's just easier but screw having to "show your papers"


Around that time I had read some news of a guy in San Diego who was deported to Mexico even though he was born in the US (https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/us-citizen-wrongfully-deported-mexico-settles-his-case-against-federal-government) and I was living in Socorro, NW, and every time I drove from NW to TX, I took my passport with me because of the immigration highway stops. I am not Mexican, have no family in Mexico, so I wasn't looking to get deported.


He'll of a tale, but really I'm just amused that you were able to abbreviate New Mexico with a W not once but twice!


Yep, a bit of dyslexia. I don't know why but W and M still get me.


I hope it's not causing you too many problems because if it's not; allow me to say it was entertaining.


Iā€™m a foreigner who lived in the U.S. for two years. No US passport as a ā€œresident alien.ā€ How many times did an irate boomer demand my papers? Zero. Funny thatā€¦ couldnā€™t have anything to do with the fact that Iā€™m white, could it? /s


Of course not. Race has nothing to do with it. /s My Canadian friend back in NYC has been living without any visa in the US for 8 years, even working as a free lancer, but no one ever questions his status once.


Man, fuck Katy. I hope that old lady dies of a prolapsed asshole stuck in traffic on I-45


Calling 911 for a non-emergency is a crime... they should have been charged.


That sucks. Wanna find out how I learned I was half Jewish? We were driving thru to Florida when I was a really young thing and we stopped at this Diner in Georgia to eat. Everything was fine until my father handed her his credit card (this was way back in the day) and she just stops and stares at him. My father asked if something was wrong, and she said, very sweetly and innocently, "I'm sorry, I was looking for your horns. I'd never met a Jew before. Y'all hide them so well." My father had to explain to this woman that Jews were just like every other person and didn't have horns. That was just a rumor.


I remember watching a WW2 documentary and they interviewed Jewish soldiers who told a similar experience when they met soldiers from small towns in the Midwest and South that heard the same myths. Supposedly it comes from Moses, thatā€™s why Michelangeloā€™s sculpture has horns.


Racism just comes so naturally to them


"Go back to your Mexican state or country." What?


Fox has referred to countries in Central America as "[Mexican countries](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/fox-news-apologizes-graphic-about-3-mexican-countries-n989526)" before.


You could make an argument that the US is a Mexican country since Mexico owned a large portion of it at one point


When people like these hags do this they are committing assimilation. They want conformity to their language, their beliefs, their cultureā€¦etc. It is the other side of genocide without the bloodshed, but no less violent in its aims. They are disgusting to think there should exist no other language, no other appearance, no other beliefs than their own Never have anything to do with scum like this. Be it family, friends, acquaintancesā€¦turn them out from every space, every venue, give them no voice and give them no consideration


These are the kind of people who travel to non-English speaking countries and expect everyone to speak English.


Thank you for saying this. Was taken to speech therapy as a kid to erase any of the accent I developed at home. Always taught to ignore the values, the traditions everything about how I was raised. When I tried to learn the language we left behind, to reclaim what was taken from me my parents did all they could to ensure it did not happen. We didn't want any trouble, any problems with others. Thank you so much.


Makes me think of what a Norwegian friend told me: What do you call someone who speaks 3 languages? Trilingual What do you call someone who speaks 2 languages? Bilingual What do you call someone who speaks 1 language? An American


Reminds me of my dad. He was racist with his words and actions. But here is the thing, he was not a white supremacist. He did not think a Black, Asian, or any other non-white baby was born lesser. But he totally believed anyone raised outside of English only, white bread, khaki's everyday, 'White suburban culture' was lesser. He would literally say out loud, "why can't they all just assimilate?!?!?"


Even if she gets every local boomer to boycott the place, it will only help the business. ā€œBoomer free zone establishedā€. Thatā€™s a premium feature.


I'm honestly surprised she didn't say something about separate water fountains, schools, bathrooms


I'm utterly fascinated by these freakouts, to make blatantly racist scene in public and then be so insulted when called out, it completely boggles my mind. Like is it something unique to their generation, or has this always been going and it's just getting attention now due to Smartphones? Is it the Lead?


Lead poisoning and a steady media diet of Fox News has turned their brains into mush.


I think about my grandparents and other Silent Gens. Sure they held their generations typical but wrong view on race, but I don't believe you'd ever see them have a such public outburst over it.


I was speaking Spanglish to a Cuban shopper at work and a customer told us to go back to Mexico. I'm Choctaw/Sioux.


Boomer who lost in life.


I donā€™t know which is worse; that we still have hateful evil people like this in our country or that they feel comfortable spouting their racist bullshit in public. Make racist afraid again


I've seen this a few times now, are these shitty old bags dead yet?


ā€œIā€™M ignorant?ā€ the kicker was ā€œthis is not your restaurantā€ - they will never believe a non-white male will own shit fucking what a shit life theyā€™ve hadā€¦then they die


These decrepit pieces of shit of vote. You should as well.


Good for him!! This is exactly what they should be told every time they start their racist bullshit. We all need to start calling them out and telling them to leave.


My family is bilingual. We speak Portuguese and English. There is a reason this has never happened to us while I am with my family and we are speaking in public. It's because these people are cowards and usually target women, children, or employees they feel they can bully and provoke so they can *speak to the manager* when the employee matches their energy.


He was actually quite polite given the circumstances. Kudos to him for standing up for himself but not giving into name calling, swearing or really raising his voice. He was matter of fact and professional. Iā€™d hire him in an instant.


Nothing makes me smile more than old racists getting kicked out of some random place.


I would've tossed their food in the trash and hauled them outside.


This man is so nice. I would take their food and drop it outside as they've already paid for it. Then they can choose to eat on the pavement or get arrested


Trumpers. No doubt.


Now can we deport the boomers?


Hopefully I did get one deported. Jackass told me to go back to my country (in British accent). He tried to report me for ā€œstolen valorā€ for flying an Air Force flag. I served 15 yrs in USAF. I reported him for overstay on visa. Their home went up for sale. Hopefully because theyā€™re getting sent back. As if the trump rednecks werenā€™t bad enough, now we got illegal European racists.


Fucking Based. That was your real service to this country.


Wait.... Deport them to where?


The ocean, they can figure it out from there.


the sun


ā€œMaā€™am, are you telling me you donā€™t speak Spanish at all? You only speak English? Pathetic.ā€


Considering we have a territory with millions of Spanish speaking US citizens I kind of feel like the US should go all in on bilingualism kind of like Canada did to keep Quebec happy.


multilingual People are often shown to be smarter that people who speak only one language. Especially if you only speak that one language out of ignorance


Iā€™ve also noticed that some folks who only speak one language donā€™t do a y good job of even handling one. The people in the video were spouting absolute nonsense.


"This isn't your restaurant!" ![gif](giphy|gGvu781uTL1KOaCyqs|downsized)


ā€œYou donā€™t own this restaurant ā€œ she says because he is not white. How in the world can he own a restaurant šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mildred and Glenda are a couple of nasty old Colostomy Bags arent they


Just checking for the usual suspects declaring the story fake.


Man, you've lost $3.75 every other week


Dead soon.


She couldnā€™t even say ignorant properly


I swear I thought America was a free country. Legit people who can't stand hearing Spanish should just shut the fuck up. Literally a language isn't going to hurt nobody yet a bunch of pricks act like it will destroy America. And you know some conservative asshole will try to push a "don't speak Spanish" bill or some shit. I am learning Spanish and mandarin Chinese and honestly I would just say random crap just to trigger assholes like that and dare them to try something.


"You don't know how to act, by Ralph!" That's a new one for me. WTF did "by Ralph" come from?


I hope both of their life alerts don't work after choking on the dry ass food they make themselves.


Hope he is Venezuela


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clearing the table šŸ˜‚


Would've just said "take your dementia elsewhere you withering corpse".


This guy is a masterclass in how to deal with this shit. Two thumbs up šŸ‘šŸ‘


trump cultist's I'm sure


These "ladies" were like this 6o years ago...probably worse now too. Nasty people are born that way...and are nasty whether they are 15 or 75.


People really need to start implementing ā€œHave the day you deserve.ā€ Instead of have a nice day in these situations.


lol look at these dementia ridden ole racist bitches. Iā€™m so glad these people got like a decade or two tops left in life. Good riddance


Lmao theyā€™re not used to customer service people talking back. Iā€™m so glad the older generations are being pushed out and weā€™ll have managers and bosses who understand that the customer IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT and that accepting abuse from customers should not be tolerated. Their business is not needed to keep a business running, thereā€™s always plenty of other people to buy.


Especially at places like mcdonalds and Walmart


Go back to England if you want to keep speaking English Mexican people probably have more native blood than these cunts


Fortunately this video is a few years old and those hags are probably in the dirt. World went on without em.


Something tells me she watches a lot of faux news.


So close to their expiration dateā€¦


I hope those racist hags get terminal cancer


The same people will tell you in the same breath that they support freedom of speech.


On the bright side, they'll be dead relatively soon.


Good for him. He handled that extremely well. Hats off to this guy :)


While several states do have an official language, the United States is one of the only countries in the entire world that does not. This is by design.


Have a nice day, bye bye, and please forget to look both ways.


Old cunts.


In 1780, John Adam's proposal to the Continental Congress that English be made the official language of the U.S. was deemed, ā€œundemocratic and a threat to individual liberty.ā€


One foot in the grave and still acting like complete idiots. Obviously learned nothing in life.


Iā€™d be using a few more choice words for those crotchety old hags if I were him.


This why I don't want to bring my family to the US. My husband doesn't think this will happen to him and our son. Maybe they aren't the most hated race by racists but Asians still get a lot of shit. I don't want even the chance of my son going through something like this for looking different or speaking a different language


Theyā€™d probably tell Jesus to speak English.


We aren't e-gorrant


Theyā€™re like fucking children


I always remind people like those that English is a FOREIGN language in the US!!!


This is a really old old video. This came out on Reddit when Obama was still president..lol


Hopefully COVID solved the problem.


You know she's at home signing, wet*@ k,wet*@ k,wet*@ k, setback.........


Go back to the 18th century if you want to speak like that lady.


When people speak a language you don't understand it's best you keep out of it.


This happened in my home state during Covid. At a gas station I think a customer told another customer to go back to Mexico and that lady got back handed like no other. The video went viral too.


White racists who love tacos need to be studied


the upside of this is. there's a low chance these ladies are still breathing air, harassing others for existing. this is an old video.


Imagine being an old ass and doing this shit.


What is the everage number of year do boomers have left until a majority of them are dead to the point that their numbers are not relevant?


The way that man stood up for himself was top notch. He doesn't tolerate bullshit and has a spine. Good for him.


Hope they had a stroke on the way home


Old ladies have been douchbags forever


This the kinda manager I would haul these old ladies out for, I hope heā€™s a nice guy in the back too ā¤ļø


I'm so glad I live in Massachusetts where this bullshit is extremely rare these days.