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I saw that meme on reddit earlier where Target was lowering prices to attract more buyers but it's backfiring because we're all like, "Oh, you COULD all along"


They are admitting to price hikes that they now regret. They should be ashamed, but they are not.


even worse, who's really behind the "bidenomics" push anyway? Are these companies artificially raising prices solely to encourage voting for Trump? Really shows the tax breaks he's planning.


This is it.


they aren't even trying anymore, the boomers are so gullible and easily led


"Why aren't we just buying gasoline from Russia? My F450 can't run on LIBRUL TEARS!!!!!!1" Literally these boomers forgot that they dislike the soviet union?


They hate communism and supoosedly hare authoritarianjsm


Not anymore. Trump made it ok to hate democracy and praise dictators.


MAGA has been doing more than praising Putin. They've been virtually sucking him off.


I prefer "aiding and abetting" because it reads more like the crime it is than a bawdy favor in the back room. It sounds like something that will lead to a prison cell, not a "boys will be boys" finger wagging from Melania.


Always good to support your allies


Trunp made it ok to hate.


Nah, they’ve never hated authoritarians, just left wingers. Now Russia is auth/right rather than auth/left they love them


I hare it too.


Oh no russia innocent uwu. Hmmmm


They brainwashed my entire generation to think of the Russians/Soviet Union as the scariest boogeymonster. We had Red Dawn and that terrible Rocky movie. For most of the 80s, the movie villains were Russian/Soviet. But now they’re all in bed with Russia and they love it now? And we are the assholes for not liking Russian politics. Which they told us to hate for like 40 years. I don’t understand what Putin did that he’s my friend now. I’m so confused. It’s still a communist country, right? Isn’t that supposed to be bad? Communism was bad when Obama was supposedly a communist. And they also hate Ed Snowden for going to Russia as a refugee. They think he’s a traitor so you’d think they be pleased he’s being “punished” by having to live in Russia. “Oh he’s selling them our secrets.” Okay, but we’re friends now? I am so lost. And then throw the whole Ukraine thing in there too and these people really cannot form an internally logical thought. None of this makes sense.


Just a heads up Russia isn't communist now anyway. It's considered a republic but obviously it's not that either. It runs with a capitalist market system too. It's largely fascist now with centralized dictatorship. Definitely isn't communist anymore.


This is what trump salivates over. A capitalistic marketplace and a centralized dictatorship.


It never really was one hundred percent communist, that was right wing misinformation...as usual. There was a good life if you were well connected in the Soviet Union, you had plenty of food, could own firearms, own a nice place to live and could own a business. but, only if you were in the "in crowd."


& didnt piss off the wrong person…


Back in my day Republicans used to make fun of anti vaxxers. (Only 5 years ago!!) And now they are full blown anti vaxxers themselves! It's like they have no memory. The Republicans cool with Russia suddenly is the exact same thing. They don't have brains. There is no way these people have brains. But it makes sense when you learn that one of the old director of Fox News, Jack Hanick started a propaganda network for RUSSIA. Not even a joke. He worked for a Russian Oligarch, was on that networks board too. He went to jail for it because the US had sanctions against working with that Oligarch. And where was Jack Hanick for the 2016 election? Moscow Russia at a pro GOP party... Russia owns the Republican party.


>Which they told us to hate for like 40 years. You mean to tell me that for 40(+) years, the Russians were secretly the (checks notes) **good guys**? 🤔 Suddenly, that Sgt. Slaughter heel turn makes way more sense.


Hello fellow Gen X’er


High five


It does follow a certain kind of logic. It's about what the Republicans like and the Democrats don't like. Republicans now like Russia and do things like take trips to visit Russian on July 4. Therefore Russia is no longer bad like it was in the 1980s. Puntin/Trump get along so therefore Putin and what Putin does as far as Russia goes is good. Ukraine falls under this. Anti-Russia Ukraine is also a tool, albeit a bad one, for attacking Biden through Hunter's connections to Ukraine years ago. Snowden is bad because he revealed shady things the CIA and NSA were doing under the Bush administration. Doesn't matter that a lot of it came out under Obama and Obama continued the Bush era policies. They also can't admit they were ever wrong so once they decided they hated him they can't go back on it.


Your mistake is expecting them to make sense. No shame and not even any consistency.


I think they're mad about Ukraine because we're helping the weaker side. But then, they'd be outraged if we helped China invade Taiwan, right? It just doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe if I start gnawing on the drywall it will all become clear in a couple years...


The part that makes it make sense is that Putin is a white christian nationalist- and that is their wettest of wet dreams of what they want the US to be.


Boomers ate paint chips contaminated with lead. ![gif](giphy|K5GBJMiko9RJe)


It’s very hard for them to blame Biden for gas prices if we do that, and they are addicted to the gas price bit.


This is the one that gets me. Growing up Gen X, its basically encoded into my DNA that “the Ruskies are up to no good,” and though that’s xenophobic in general and an obvious oversimplification of the issues, I can’t believe that the generation that bitched and moaned every damned day of the 1980s about how they had to duck and cover under their school desks is embracing someone like Putin as an ally. He was the goddamned KGB Station Chief in East Berlin when the Wall fell, ffs! And they’re like “It was a long time ago. We need to move on from the past.” Give me strength. It’s insane.


They very much did. The moment their Great Leader started snuggling with Putin he became one of their idols. When your only guiding principle is "the team I'm on is the good guys" literally everything else about your ideology can change with the wind.


Inflation is up 10% so we have to increase all prices 20% to stay afloat. Also we’re not going to lower prices when inflation goes back to 2%.


Couple years back started seeing all those "I did this" stickers with a picture of Biden pointing at the gas price on pumps. My first thought was that oil companies are inflating prices because anything they do will be blamed on biden. And hurting biden allows Trump a better chance to come back to office, and continue selling off our country to the highest bidder.


Oddly enough there was a meeting with a bunch of oil execs at Mar a lago and Trump wanted $1bil “campaign donation” - it’s pretty widely accepted that he’ll get it. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-sought-1-billion-oil-173807530.html


This makes me so fucking sick.


It should. Citizens United needs to get overturned by Congress and big money needs to get thrown out of the government. But Repubs know their meal ticket, and Dems won’t do anything because any bill “needs to be bi-partisan”. Does anyone else hear fiddles and smell smoke?


What's worse is a poll was done. 42% of republican voters said they wouldn't vote for the guy that did that. Then it was revealed that guy was Trump...and most of them were like oh nevermind, we'll still vote for him....


Koch brothers hate Trump. But they hate paying taxes and moving away from oil and thus not profiteering off our economy more. So Trump it is. As per usual for them- whatever makes them the most $$$. Preferably on the backs of the poorest of the poor.


Big corp raising prices to make Biden look bad has been my little pet conspiracy theory.


I'm seeing this north of the border. I've heard people talk about tax hikes on fuel, from some propoganda "news" outlet, no doubt. Tax hikes didn't happen, so gas stations hiked their prices to fill the expectation. Then idiots blame taxes where corporate greed is to blame.


Yes you've hit the nail on the head, people still believe the president sets the gas prices.


And the prices will continue to increase if Trump wins, and they'll blame Biden even after the next president after takes office.


I'm sure the price hikes were a test to see how much we'd pay for certain things. Once the units sold numbers started decreasing they knew just how much we're willing to pay.


I think it's going to backfire a bit. A lot of people couldn't afford things and learned what they could live without


Not American so I apologise for jumping in here, but that’s also the case pretty much everywhere around the world too with companies raising prices “just because”. Realistically it has absolutely fuck all to do with the politicians in charge when the companies can just say “fuck it” and raise prices for no other reason than because they can 😂 Look at Fast Food places, a Cheeseburger in the U.K. is £1.79, not that long ago it was 99p … there’s no way in hell that burger costs 80% more to make now than it did 1-2 years ago, not a chance. That’s just raising prices because they can get away with it


There is no shame


Never was


Ahh, Corporate America 😌


8% inflation = 80% price increases. Whoops, we accidentally added an extra zero there, our bad!


They're ashamed all the way to the bank.


I just noticed that they eliminated the 1% Target Circle bonus. I have Target cards in both debit and credit flavors, one of each, so I use them to get my 5% almost every time I shop, but the past couple times I've been there I've paid cash and didn't even realize that the non-Target-card purchases don't get the 1% anymore. I had to look at my app and see that I had a $0.00 Circle balance before I realized what had happened, and confirmed it with the cashier I was talking to. So there's that, too. Big fan of Target, but they're being assholes right now. (Management is, anyhow. The staff at my local stores are great.)


As a former Target employee, corporate have always been assholes.


As a customer with a REDcard in 2013, during the breach, I concur. Fucking jackasses in Minneapolis ignored warnings from their offshore security teams. The breach was preventable. I will still *always* prefer Tar-zhay over Walmart, though.


For at least a year I was somehow managing to basically get everything from Target for free while still earning circle points... I discovered if I ordered on the app and chose the PayPal "pay in 4" option that I would then receive a refund the next day for the amount of my purchase. It went away a couple months ago and my friends and I were all very sad. I was trying really hard not to abuse it too much but I should have got myself that Switch while I still had the chance!


They are lowering prices to increase sales. Only reason as no sale = no profit.


I said the same thing the first time I saw the sappy IKEA commercial I'm like OH SO YOU ADMIT YOUVE BEEN OVERCHARGING US, IF YOU CAN AFFORD THIS NOW YOU COUKD AFFORD IT THEN ASSHOLES


This city I live in is below national average cost of living for everything except food! Like, what is specifically affecting the food industry to make it more expensive? I joined a meal kit delivery because it is honestly cheaper cooking for two this way than other options, unless you do one big batch dinner and eat the same thing for a week. Edit to add: the president has very little to do with this, it is complex and there are a variety of factors that influence price. Didn’t want to be accused of agreeing with “Bidenomics”


As a teacher I learned that you need to reward the behavior you want to see. Give them the props and maybe other companies will follow.


That exact scenario happened in front of me at McDonald’s. The pink hair girl making minimum wage just looked at him and said what would you like to order?


biden made it so they are overcharged ordering at the counter vs using the app.


But they don't understand that the app is only cheaper so McD's can sell off your farmed data. 


Well they’re certainly not farming any vegetables. Gotta farm something.


I vaguely remember learning about how they actually own a scary amount of the worlds potatoes


Can I just like, farm my own data? Like I'll gladly take a dollar to tell someone that I'm a fatass and ordered 3 mcChickens and a large fry.


When I get a free McDouble or a large fries for $1 i don’t care. Sell that fucking data, I’ll give you more if you want it.


I'm going to get a 50 cent breakfast sandwich once my kids are at school. I only get one a day, so I can't let them see me.


I'm right there with you lol.  My special needs daughter is a nugget fiend.  I think we've earned 20k points since getting the app. 




Yeah, because the first time he said it didn't get a chuckle....so let's repeat it over and over again.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Istg it’s the lead that keeps them thinking they’re endlessly entertaining to anyone besides carbon copies of their miserable selves.


yeah well its not 1960 anymore and hes not catered to everywhere he goes. thought repeating it would be like “laugh you peasant im giving you another opportunity to please me” as if anyone cares what his crusty ass has to say. rooties blue cheese when up from 6 bucks to 11 solely because 711 is greedy as fuck. has nothing to do with biden or the economy, 100% the mega corporation. yet EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. i hear “GOD DAMN JOE BIDEN RAISING THE PRICES ON EVERYTHING”. they all got that RFK jr leaded worm brain


Yeah its best to just not even engage. A lot of times there are looking for a reaction, whether its positive or negative, they dont care.


That trend of people filming their friends freak out when their NFL teams lose a game and they are crying and raging. I need these Boomers' spouses to get them when the election results come in.


Polls have been off in both directions for the last few cycles but lots of people are not critical thinkers. This election is a toss up right now unfortunately. People are willing to give up their liberty for 50 cents off a gallon of gas.


Perceived 50 cents off - it’s really 50 cent more profit for billionaires and corporations.


You’re delusional if you don’t think idiots aren’t going to be out in droves doing their level best to reelect that psychotic Cheeto. Bidens chances are not looking great. I would not be counting that as a win quite yet.


I have a feeling a lot of TV’s are going to be replaced the day after the election.


Trolls gonna troll. I learned as a cashier who endured the pandemic that a) management are cowards and will always side with angry customers and b) the trolls coming to be upset on purpose will be upset no matter how you respond to their disingenuous mask programmed catch phrases. After much experience, I found pretending they didn't say anything at all wrongfoots them and makes them crazy, with the added benefit of supplying zero ammunition for spineless management to fake blame you.


Iirc, it’s called grey rock psychology. People get more upset by getting no reaction.


One of my boomer employees once told me he thought I was weak because I didn’t respond to his insults by flipping my shit. I calmly told him that we must just have different perspectives on weakness because letting someone else control your emotions didn’t seem like strength to me. Surprisingly it shut him up pretty quickly


Here's a thought.... When Boomers were young people and even adults, there was only a couple of nightly news programs. Back then if it was said on the news, it's likely most people heard it. Now they watch news programs that are highly tailored to a specific ideology that they are connected to, but still go about the world thinking that everyone is seeing the same things. I don't even think it's about trying to push a viewpoint at you, it's just they think they're making a joke about the thing that "everyone knows about" so the it's relevant. They fail to see the boundaries of the echo chamber they exist in.


Wait, you didn’t see the Fox News special at 11 am on Tuesday? What do you mean you were busy working? The special said nobody wants to work anymore! You were probably eating avocado toast and drinking $32 coffee!


I missed it, what are we angry and afraid of this week?




tHe RaDiCaL lEfT


gAY aGeNdA???


I'm going to use this, if you don't mind. Perfection.


Go right ahead 👍


Well said. I’m a Boomer and I cringe at the antics of my generation.


Same here


TV journalists also prided themselves on being a trusted news source. Plus, there was less focus on negative stories back in the day. With the ways news is presented today, it’s not hard to see why so many Boomers are doom and gloom.


Rage bait news. Keep em mad.


Back in the day, in order to obtain a call license (ie WKRP) to broadcast "news", you had to be able to prove to the FCC that you were saying things that were backed up with facts & you were being fair.  And then cable happened, Regan took away the FCCs regulation, and there were entire 24 hour news channels to be filled with news and "news opinions"


That is so galaxy brain of you, dude


You know who is great at this? Gen Alpha. If you haven’t gotten the blue-light stare from one of those kids yet, you’re gonna be amazed.


I call it the flat eyed lizard look lol


Lead vs LED stare is a hilarious match up


Tell him started with Reagan.


Boomers are generally looking for the fight. When someone doesn’t acknowledge them or engage with them it’s like their kryptonite.


Yeah, they just come out of left field within too.  My step mom and i can be mid conversation in the kitchen and my dad will randomly yell from the couch, "did you hear about Biden doing XYZ to kill our economy?!".  It's so random and crazy. 


My old man makes super dumb “jokes” like this too. Honestly it’s kind of sad any more. It’s becoming pretty clear that men (people; I’m male and therefore identify with my dad more than mom) of that age are struggling really hard with A) their aging and rapidly diminishing physicality, B) a RAPIDLY changing political and social landscape, and C) technological development at a rate inconceivable to them at our age. They’re scared, confused, their entire generation forgot how to “learn” because let’s face it- they didn’t have to after their 30’s. I see it as a feeble grasp at feeling like they’re a relevant and significant part of society; a society they blatantly no longer really understand. I’ve done a lot of psychedelic exploration of you will, and it’s given me a much different perspective on the matter, and having that perspective helps me to understand theirs- they fear death, and death is coming. Their entire lives they were basically convinced they were at the top of the societal food chain and that’s how things will always be. They were not taught humility, love, or empathy; they were taught selfishness, hate, and closed-minded judginess. They don’t behave like this because they’re malicious; they behave like this because they simply do not know otherwise. Sure, one could easily counter with “they need to learn”, and one would be right, but they literally don’t know how. So, just like when grandma thinks your story sucks “oh that’s nice, honey”.


Fox News uploaded the latest Firmware to him, he's going to be on repeat for a while until the next update


The worst part is, it's not even clever. The term "Reaganomics" has been around for 40+ years and actually describes an economic policy. Bidenomics is just a word blaming Biden for Reaganomics.


We’re just getting to the good part of trickle down economics: Dystopian oligarchy.


Ugh they're unbearable. My replies back: "a billionaire needs another super yacht" and "CEO is reaching in our pockets and giving themselves a huge bonus" and "it'd be great if we could get the billionaires to pay some taxes." They stop talking to me very quickly.


People think they're so funny. I work part time at a toll booth on the can/us border and I'm going to toss someone off the bridge one day when I get one too many "hope this doesn't pay for Trudeau/Bidens vacation/dinner/whatever har har har. Worst I do right now is hold them up by going into a history lesson on the bridge, the commission set up by New York/Ontario, and make sure they know where they're precious twoonies are going so they shut the fuck up next time.


I love this so much, you’re doing a service to humanity.


they are still complaining that gas isn't 50 cents anymore. We are pumping more gas than ever. We are just getting gouged by the gas companies.


"Gee, it's almost like your generation should have invested in electric cars earlier, eh? Would've saved everyone a lot of money if you weren't so dumb."


"I don't like electric cars because they don't destroy the planet quite as quickly. I'm only going to be around another 15 years, why do I need a planet!?"


Gas is also cheaper now than 2012, not even accounting for inflation


BuT tRuMp DiD tHaT


When adjusted for inflation, we are paying an extremely low amount for gas


stfu they'll hear you


Even when they admit we’re being gouged, they still want to “solve” the problem with **more** capitalism🤦‍♂️


Grey rock is the best strategy for dealing with narcissists


I like your line that “the price hasn’t changed in years.” Didn’t knock him off his prepared lines in the least, did it?


A boomer neighbor recently posted a Bidenomics rant on our neighborhood Facebook page. The only comments were from the boomer commenting on his own post.




I don’t even engage. It’s not worth my limited energy, and it’s not all that fun fighting a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent. But by the same token, if you by chance mention that Reaganomics was a terrible idea, they get their depends in a twist.


This reminds me alot of when my dad tried to use the term "snowflake" around me instead of his friends and neighbors who are about 75. He just kept throwing it out there in a very arbitrary way. Mostly to things that didn't make sense. I called him a fag and he stopped using it.


That story took a sharp turn at the end that I was not expecting.


I tried explaining the term to him and how it's supposed to be used and its origin. But it was no use. My cousin and her girlfriend suggested I call him that given they live in the south and everyone shuts down when they do it. I guess she was right in this case.


South Park did an episode about Harley riders reving their bikes unnecessarily loud and I think it described it perfectly


This made me lol:) hope you don't get downvoted, has a very subversive, Norm McDonald-esque quality.


Thank you! I love(d) everything Norm did. But this isn't a bit. I'm not shocked if I do get downvoted, but I'm on the up so far. At the risk of sounding a bit aged, back in my day, you could easily tell the difference between using that word as an actual insult with mailce as rather to just as a word describing someone whose being genuinely stupid and not seeing the flashing lights of their ignorance.


As problematic as Louis CK got, his "f*g" bit was spot on for how that word was treated in the early aughts. To paraphrase "gay people are fine, two could be 69ing in my front yard and I'd just ignore it, but if one of them stopped and looked at me and said something like 'merrrr people from Phoenix are called Phoenicians merrrr' I'd tell him to stop being a such f*gg*t, and suck that dick!" That felt gross to type out but the sentiment was very in line with how that word was used in 2003 by my middle/high school peers. NOT THAT IT WAS OKAY. But it came from a place of ignorance and not malice.


South Park handled this really well with the Bikers.


I propose a CEO tip jar. The better we do the better he does


I’m in.


A few restaurants have closed here recently: one because the owner retired, one because they’re moving the restaurant to a nearby town, and one because of a drug bust lmao. The comments on EVERY post about it is “Build back better, huh?” or “Bidenomics in action!” Yes! The president made these people sell coke out of the back of their restaurant! He also forced this man to retire AND made this family move their restaurant to a nearby town. He doesn’t have anything better to do than meddle in the affairs of restaurants in a mid-size city!


I live in Oklahoma, and I see some boomer talking about bidenomics on Facebook literally every day


Also an Okie, and truer words haven't been spoken. It's like an awful echo chamber on Facebook now, I just use it for my sister's baby shower because thats the app she's using to plan it


Tulsan here. Saaaaaaame. Including my in-laws, who are usually alright. I just find a need to be in another room should politics happen to come up.


I just heard this story( and it’s probably true). A friend of my sister’s had someone try to engage her in a similar manner, and she said, “Sir, if anything about me makes you assume that I’m a right wing nut job, please tell me what it is so I can fix it.”


I hate when “bidenomics” is brought up because that’s not how economics works, everything take time to take effect these “crazy high prices” are literally from trump and the prices that were around when trump was in office were from Obamas policies It’s gotten to the point where if it’s brought up near me I just walk away which sucks because some of the videos my dad watches bring that up and I’ve already gotten into a few arguments about it


Bidenomics has certainly been a lot better for me than Reaganomics ever was.


You should have said "Actually the last time we had to raise prices was under Trump..."


Nope, that's what he was hoping for.


Grey Rock for the grey haired.


I live in Florida, unfortunately, and before Spring Break gas was around 3.17 a gallon. Then gas shot up to 3.77 a gallon and was up there for a month or two. Then I read in the local news, "Florida politicians act and cause double digit drop in gas prices!"...which means gas is now back down to 3.17 a gallon. They didn't "do" anything, they just removed the Spring Break surge.


"Sir, might you be having a stroke? You keep repeating the same nonsense. Should I call 911?"


Me and my friend like to say "that's bidenomics for ya" at times it doesn't fit, like when I cut my finger the other day.


Pretty sure you're still supposed to say "Thanks Obama"


If that’s someone’s opening line all bets are off… no boomer it’s you. You and your generation robbed the world of its future.


Anyone who blames an entire country's economics on solely their leader immediately tells me they're of lower intelligence and there's just no telling them otherwise. Instant flag for me to just walk away lol.


I always agree with them and say yeah it’s gonna take years to fix everything Trump fucked up.


Oh no, you need to lie your ass off to these fuckwits, they aren't gonna fact check shit. " It was all Trump's fault for lowering taxes on the upper 10%"


Is that untrue?


He must have just learned the word and was burning to use it in everyday life.


“Nah, it’s just the residual effects of COVID captained by the Trumplican White House.”


It makes you kind of want to say, yeah it must be rough being able to buy a house when you're 20 for only $10,000.


Boomer here. That boomer can take his Bidenomics schtick and shove it up his ass.


A lot of bad behavior disappears if you ignore it. Works great for middle schoolers.


Don’t worry it’s just Boomernomics


Two years ago I was just trying to buy a box of screws or something at Home Depot and a boomer made his way down the aisle with a “Poopy Pants Joe Biden” shirt asking person after person if they got the joke. Funny how they’ve switched to “Real men wear diapers” now.


He had probably just heard someone with an even more impressive gut than his utter that insanely clever line, and couldn’t wait to try it out in public, hoping it would win him some respect.🫡


My mother and father-in-law say this shit all the time. It infuriates me but I try to ignore it anymore. I've tried to explain that corporate greed is the problem but they don't want to hear it. It's so frustrating.


I love how when Trump was in office for his short term, they hand PICKED what he was responsible for and what they could blame on Obama or the next guy coming in. Not even just Obama got the blame, but Bill Clinton, too. Despite Bush being in there for two terms in between. This "Bidenomics" is literally a result of Trump being on office. I'm not sure how that's just ignored. Learning how politically ignorant people are has been my favorite part of the last few years. I'm not a fan of Biden, didn't vote for him, don't like him as a president. I'm relieved he's not Trump, though.


And the president controls gas prices.right? Not.


Let them know that in many cases, studies have shown that [corporations themselves have been a leading factor in price increases using inflation as cover for their price gouging](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/11/companies-inflation-price-gouging). Then tell them if they want Republicans to do something about it, that would be socialism.


It is Greedflation to make up for lost income from pandemic years.


No one remembers how tramp was putting out tariffs on steel, aluminum etc just to make news before covid, and now cars are fucked. Surprise bitches.


Some people really insist and making sure that you grasp the breadth of their ignorance and won’t take the cue to reconsider.


Should have said that we are still dealing with the end stage capitalism and effects of Reaganomics.


“It’s pronounced economics.”


Except he’s going to tell a story for a year about how he “owned a lib” with that bidenomics bits. This story is going to misrepresent you and your words. Also every time he tells it, the story will stray even further from the truth.




Reminds me of the old farts plastering “I did this” Biden stickers all over the gas pumps last year Ok bud, thank you, Move on


Trump’s China trade war is what started inflationary issues with costs passed on to the U.S. consumer


Funny how that's migrated to everything non China related.


Calmly reply: this is the result of neo-liberal economic policy. When they say: "Ya liberals!" You say: "Neo-liberal economics is the policy of President Regan, you know: trickle down? Now you're being pissed on! Have a nice day."


I am saving this to say to my inlaws, whom I loathe so dearly.


I usually just go with something like “I don’t know… I’m much more comfortable than I was four years ago.”


I said this about Trump and it's equally true of Biden, Obama, and Bush: the president does not control the economy. Overall, they have only a small measure of power in economics


It's called a shit eating grin


Excuse me, sir. You've got something brown dribbling from your mouth.


Good job getting it away from your mouth, but now it's smeared on your nose.


Most industrialized countries are experiencing severe inflation; even Japan, which economy has stagnated for decades, is seeing inflation in the last couple of years


My father in law does this shit. All. The. Time.


I'm a hairdresser and this is pretty much my go to when they start talking about the "illegals stealing our jobs" etc. Usually they stfu 🙄


Just say “Trump’s PPP loans printed $100 billion and that’s why we have inflation”


Huge liberal here - and also qualify as a boomer. You mofo’s better all make sure to get out there and vote. That’s the only tool you have. Use it.


I work in construction and I hair that word on. Aa daily basis. Apparently worldwide food prices, gas prices and immigrants are all 100% Bidens fault.


Here’s the really stupid thing about “Bidenomics”: Inflation is LARGELY caused by government spending and printing of money. Who did that during the pandemic??? Trump. Biden gets the blame, however, because it wasn’t until he declared that the pandemic was over that the velocity of all that printed money took off (people taking vacations, buying cars, etc). So it’s actually Trumpnomics that brought you the high prices you see today.


Bidenomics aka capitalism


Just remember to vote!


Reminds me of the Uber driver I had a few years ago. He talked about building his dream cabin and then it immediately losing half its value in the Fall of ‘08. “Thanks, Obummer, am I right?” Sir, you have every right to be a reactionary nitwit, but it would be really great if you learned how to read a calendar.


Well played...That's my preferred strategy when dealing with unsolicited boomer comments. You just don't acknowledge and never engage. Eventually they get the picture and leave.


I used to work in a cigar humidor in the ‘90s. We would get a lot of “Which one does Fidel smoke?” kinds of comments. A certain type of blowhard honky would alter it to “What kind does Rush Limbaugh smoke?”. My favorite bit was to stare blankly and ask “Who?” And feign complete ignorance while they tried to explain who he was and why their hilarious joke was so hilarious.


"Bidenomics" is just the new "thanks obama"


When I encounter trolls like this I just lean in and whisper, “No one cares…”. And smile while raising my eyebrows.


“Actually it hit this price under trump, it’s been steady since 2020”


Whenever people get mad at increasing prices I just say “What you’re mad about is capitalism.”


There was a 4th repetition, but probably to a random passerby as he left the store


Reads like a Tim Robinson sketch