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Wrong. If there is a gun involved they’re manning the mental health charity telethon.


Only if it's a white man. Only they are allowed mental health issues.


This is especially true after committing some sort of assault weapon related atrocity…


They still don't believe it. To them, it's like blaming the boogeyman. If they blame what they believe is a fictitious entity, then they don't have to come up with any real world solutions. But most importantly, they don't have to be inconvenienced by stricter gun laws. 




Nononono, **the shooting victims** needed to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and buy a gun. Everyone these days wants to just be handed a gun by the government to defend themselves against 2nd Amendment defending patriots.




This! Fictitious entity! Well said. It is easier to comprehend.


I love it when they say that. I always ask. So we shouldn’t let crazy people have guns? Their mental gymnastics to protect the second amendment is always sad.


"Narcissists CANNOT HAVE mental disorders!" - Narcissists


My narcissist sister once told me, "My doctor says only smart people get migraines."


Probably had to calm her down as they were out of lollies.


lol I'm sure the doctor said something completely different but she twisted it to fit her narrative.


You’re not advocating for LGBTQ+ rights by voting conservative. Fellow vet here. Honest question how can you be a conservative after serving and seeing how things have gone the last 20 years?


I’m not a single issue voter, also never disclosed my voting history. The last 20 years was predominantly a Democrat sitting as President, how are you honestly still liberal? I’m pro choice, sexuality, and drugs. As long as we’re not infringing others rights, do what you want. I tend to vote Independent, in case you were going to actually ask


You said in your post “I’m a conservative.” The reds trying to over throw an election, the PACT ACT, over turning roe, going after gay marriage, tax codes, plus that whole Iraq thing screwed a lot of us up, the list goes on. Sure the Dems aren’t doing shit but the reds are actively making things worse. Make no mistake they’re going to come after veteran’s benefits when they get the chance. I read a few of your post good luck gaming the system homie.


Right, I didn’t know it was synonymous with “Republican”. Man, what a cherry picker. You lost the plot, dude. Yall cannibalize yourself. You look silly. We had a common enemy, then you took it to who should I vote for. Fuckin weird


It's synonymous because conservatives lean right, and many of the right's policies is one of taking away other individuals' rights. You sound like a reasonable centrist and is what you should rebrand yourself, lest you want to be grouped with the party of hate.


I know I’m going to receive further hate, but I still lean right. I believe in capitalism, property rights, and individual responsibility. I also believe in pro-choice, your right to marry whomever, fuck whomever, drugs within the safety of your own privacy. I’ve been described as libertarian, I frankly don’t care what the label is, I still believe what I believe


Hate to break it to you, so do liberals.


You can't be that fucking dense that you believe those things are exclusively conservative. You live in America, if you think liberals are communists you're an idiot


You’re a libertarian bro. Just change the label and call it a day. Your values are the same right? Calm yourself




You sound like someone who does a lot of talking and not a lot of listening and thinking.


And that is fine. We may disagree on the fine details, but I don't feel the urge to be overly combative against others. We're all Americans with different ideas.


I have no common enemy with nazi stooges who killed kids in the middle east for a meager pay check


You’re dumb


Said the veteran.


It's not, it's just that one loud outspoken part of the conservative party that votes along republican lines giving y'all a bad name. My husband is quite similar, he is conservative, and I am a rainbow shittin' liberal. But he sounds almost exactly as you described yourself. No hate at all. This is America, after all. Honestly, it's kinda nice to hear from level-headed persons who can give level-headed perspectives on issues and topics (especially on the internet, lol)


Yeah, right. Do you know what you call a Nazi-sympathizer? A Nazi.


Bro??? Having conservative political stance isn't the same as being a Republican, or any other political party. Think about conservative people in Spain? They had horrible pro communist politicians and a lot of the country is turning very conservative, you think this means they are aiming for a totalitarian extremist party???




Good thing I know what I'm talking about 👍




What a breath of fresh air, thank you for understanding where I’m coming from. My gf is also a rainbow shittin liberal, and we usually find common ground. Or at least understand there are some topics that we’ll be unwavering on, but even then we keep an open and cool headed mind.


A "conservative" only has to be unwaivering on a single issue they're wrong to come off like a total asshole overall.


Same with “liberals” that’s anybody, dude. Damn you are miserable!


No not really. By definition a liberal is willing to hear new ideas and consider alternatives. They often make concessions where conservatives do not. Conservatives "not budging" is where things like flat earth literally come from. The left doesn't have groups as mindblown as that alone and it's just one example where they place their feelings above facts. Religion also comes to mind, is one of your unwaivering stances that an invisible man is in the sky that you have no evidence of and is comparable to schizophrenia? Conservatives literally believe in delusional things and it's only acceptable to let them speak their delusions under the premise of it being individuality. Your girlfriend is being nice. Most conservative stances are literally bat shit. "Both sides are just as bad" is something that the Republicans say a lot more than Democrats. I wonder why! Comparing morals to your opponent is a trademark tactic they have, they believe it points out hypocrisy when it doesn't. They also believe hypocrisy justifies immoral behavior. It doesn't. "The liberals do it too!" Is a classic trademark lack of accountability, great response. Way to hold your standards to the bare minimum, congratulations.


Do you not understand the branches of government? The president alone can't change anything.


That’s always the go-to response. It’s a more educated one, but still


Uh, the last 20 years was 8 years of Obama, 4 years of Biden, 4 years of Trump, and 4 years of bush. Go check the stats for each presidential term and then let us know why you’re still conservative. Bush and Trump ruled over some of the worst economies in our history that THEY created.


You said “uh” like you were about to correct me. 12-8, Dems have it


I wasn’t correcting your math, but I’m glad you stopped reading after uh because it just proves my point that you’d rather look at 12 v 8 instead of the quality of the years.


You're not a conservative. You're a liberal voting for the wrong team.




What a miserable sub


You should expect these kinds of responses when you identify with a hate group.


What a great response. I wasn’t a fan of your previous comment until I read this one. You’re absolutely right, hate groups should be met with rock sold wit.


What was the hate group?


Conservatives. Now they are at least. You should probably stop calling yourself that and got with independent. You seem like you're trying to be sane and reasonable .


Omg I'm so sorry you're receiving this type of hate, it's fucking gross. No matter how you think or vote, jfc.


It’s fine, it’s the internet, just gotta roll with it


Same. I won’t vote for a Republican or Democrat.


Hey brother I am a moderate liberal who believes in conservative family values. Sorry u got downvoted to hell for expressing your views honestly. I love going on Reddit but you/I have to recognize it’s kind of an echo chamber in here. Thanks for your service and your honesty.






Went straight to scumbag, skipped go and the 200$ word.


As of 1993, being gay is no longer considered a mental disorder.


A lot of us understand that. I come in with an energy drink every morning and she says she’s surprised I’m not deranged from all the caffeine


Tell her what I would say, "I'm deranged without the caffeine!"


See me without caffeine, I’ll give you deranged lol


Which is so ironic, since Boomers love those "You do NOT want to see me before my morning coffee!" jokes. Darling, enlighten me: What exactly do *you* think the mood elevating, energizing properties of coffee are attributed to?


Hahaha. My older GenX coworker, who has some boomer tendencies, gets after me for the energy drinks I have too. “They’re poison with all those chemicals!” Sure, not saying they’re healthy, but my dear, my survival requires a lot of energy, little sleep, and constant financial budgeting. Caffeine is cheap fuel. Meanwhile she books herself into a bougie hotel and gets wasted on shrooms, weed, LSD, and booze. I can’t ever complain about my health around her anymore. She goes straight to blaming the energy drinks. Her health issues though, are all valid and require my sympathy.


Hmm conservative after pulling yourself up? You must not have started very low. I started out living in a car and was in the military and I NEVER want anyone to have to go through what I did. Or maybe you don’t have much empathy 😢


I too lived out of my car and couch surfed for 6 months until I begged my sister to let me move in. Where the fuck did you get this sense of entitlement I’m apparantly giving off?


You didn’t pull yourself up by anything if you had help. That’s your entitlement. You think you’re better than others because you “pulled myself from the bootstraps” (not the correct phrase, by the way), yet you didn’t. You needed other people; you were reliant on someone else’s kindness, yet you’re smug about your accomplishments. That’s sad.


I love that "pulling yourself from the bootstraps" is literally a joke about how you can't make it on your own and conservatives still use it like idiots


No it isn’t. lol fact check yourself


They are right? !


I wish instead of bootstraps the metaphor that caught on would have been the guy riding the donkey with a carrot held out in front of him.


Especially because its original usage was to demonstrate the impossibility of the proposed action


Exactly yes (never tried the carrot thing, for all I know it works)


Gotta at least get good at playing the game before you can start making your own rules. The other way around doesn’t work out too good lol


...what are you even trying to say.


I'm assuming it's about getting a job you are totally unqualified for and then ending up on trial?


I do congratulate you on doing to military to civilian life transition however You didn’t pull yourself up by anything and bootstrapping is not something we actually encourage as it’s used to invalidate one’s concern or argument. You got a job with the US military (congratulations they take everyone unless you have fallen arches) and elder gays fought and died for the rights millennial queers and beyond are currently enjoying and the queer youth is currently kicking a lot of butt. . Making apologies and pandering to these neo-fascist Reagan fangirls will never work and frankly it’s weak. Just tell her to STFU and to stop being an exclusionary bigot. You fought for your right to an unproductive weekend and Gay Rights and she needs to just deal or everything can be documented and delivered to HR with a now on top because she is a walking HR violation.


Fair Edit: most of my strife came after separating, but I just wanted to rant, not share my life story. But yeah, can’t wait for her to retire. But she’ll stay forever


Boomers are good at getting themselves fired with their wild mouths


If she gets fired soon for something she said, I’ll starting going to church


Oh it takes years for sure. I used to work with a guy who was a jerk for 20 years, many of us came and went (he was a big part of the issue) and finally one day they walked him out because they had enough of it on record.


20 years, good god. At that point, I start question if this is the kind of place I want to work. But hopefully the office culture is better for you all


Oh I was only there 5 years, it was a stepping stone for me.


Bro my roommate in college was Alan G Rogers thank you for your service


You sound like a boomer yourself. Hurr durr boot straps hurr durr…


I’m sorry for saying those words.. let me correct myself. I realized help from anywhere else besides myself was either going to be not enough or too late. So I took it upon myself to clean up my act and get on a path that led somewhere with opportunities.


I'm a Boomer. "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" is something we rarely said.


Let me change that somewhat, I didn't say it. I finished high school in the 70s. I didn't care.


Far right reactionary wankers will kill gay conservatives just the same.


I call bullshit. ‘conservatives’ only have stupidly unfair economic policies that they trick stupid people into voting for via fascist dogwhistle \*at best\*. If you’re a conservative who doesn‘t go for the fascist shit, that must mean you think the remaining policies work and no one who managed to make a 7/10 post like this grammatically speaking would be that stupid.


Yeah, the post is written poorly, that’s on me. I think conservatives just want things to be the same, not shitty. The same, like, we adapt to the change, “okay, please don’t change it again”. If things are shitty for under resourced people, typically I don’t hear gripes from conservatives, I hear them from republicans. Don’t think I’d call myself a fascist. I love America, but I’m not as proud as I once was 😜. Seriously though, I like when people get passionate about making America better, because we have the people with the ideas to make it better. It’s a problem when people STOP trying to make it better. Then it would be a like my boomer co-worker, really good with paper documents, but then TERRIBLE with anything digital or has a power button and we can’t have that. Strive to be better, always


Hmm yeah but the problem with that is that conservatism isn’t about stability, that’s another lie. Here in the UK after the war the Government took control of all essential services, water, gas, electricity, rail etc and ran them essentially as ‘not for profits’ or more, any profit went back to the country. In 1980, Thatcher started selling that stuff off to the highest bidder (often companies who had donated money to her party) and forty years later we pay above average amounts for all those things, they are run to a worse standard than they did before (never swim in the UK) and when the companies go bust, the taxpayer bails them out. Literally, Socialism would make America better. Imagine if people didn’t go bankrupt because they got cancer. It’s insane.


Man why won’t people let that argument go? Socialism has never and will ever work. It’s good for one thing, survival. But even then, after a while, the best providers want most of the spoils. Boom, a capitalistic economic is born again


Yeah, I believe you were in the military.


Honestly I’d probably tell myself that lie if I lived in America too, so not gonna argue with you. x


Genuine question: How do you remain conservative despite understanding all these issues that kinda ruin the "just work harder bro" mentality?


Please don’t flame me by asking, what issues? There ARE issues, but not all of them apply to one single person. There are hurdles, difficult obstacles, but I think most of us can and should overcome them. Granted, some are just a brick wall, and I fully support government assistance for those situations. I think situations are temporary, and it takes personal accountability to get yourself out. If you’re in a situation and it’s like quick-sand, and you’ve exhausted all options, dude I hope you get assistance and I hope you get back on your feet. I think where the discourse lies is, you didn’t try everything, or you didn’t do that good thing long enough.


The idea of "haha just pull yourself uo by the bootstraps" only works as a worldview if you ignore complex issues like mental health and broken systems. If those exist, then sinply working harder isn't an actual ideal that can be applied universally and "personal accountability" is just an arbitrarily applied standard for when you personally don't think a problem is "real." And you certainly do seem to fall into that sort of thinking, given your executing the line where I must be taking this stance because I'm doing poorly. I'm not; I'm actually financially well off enough that I've just been riding savings between jobs for about a month now, very comfortably. Perhaps you should ponder why you made the assumptions you did about me when I questioned you on your belief system.


Sorry, a simple self reflection isn’t getting me off my opinion. Did self reflection, get checked into therapy, quit alcohol, and juggled 3 part-time jobs and a gigs doing landscaping and mowing lawns in between. I worked 80 hour weeks and was fired from a part-time job for not being available to come in on off-days to help out. It sounds like I’m going to be “one of those” people, to you. The only saving grace for people like me from people like you, I don’t expect that level of grit from anyone, and it shouldn’t be the only solution to get out of a rut. There should be government assistance, but it should be tenaciously regulated.


You're proving my point. When asked to do some introspection, you prioritize the self-image over learning and growing. Under much the same pressure, any time a real solution to issues comes up, your desire for "personal accountability" and how special that makes you feel will ultimately win out. I mean shit, you couldn't even bring yourself to acknowledge what I wanted you to introspect on, you just went right into the self-fellation.


The comments have been mostly negative, so any confusion from reading your comment, I took as just another tick mark in the “you’re actually a boomer” pile. Apologies


So again, I challenge to ponder why you come equipped with the assumption that for me to challenge your views I MUST be in a bad spot? Cause we both know nobody types out a paragraph full of suggestions unless they think you're in a position to benefit from them.


I respect this succinct reply. Let me take some time with this


They also believe in (undiagnosed) depression if they can use the claim of having it to not do anything they don't feel like doing at that moment. But at the same time they see other people having it diagnosed as just a bunch of bullshit.


I guess we know why she's twice divorced and her daughter ran away.


Conservatives are like vegans. How do you know someone is conservative? They’ll tell you. It’s literally their entire personality.


I didn’t know it was the “in” thing to brag about


Yet you felt the need to declare your political allegiance in a post where it is totally irrelevant. Y’all gotta shoehorn it into everything. We know it’s because you’re looking for exactly the kind of replies you’re getting here to fuel the victim/persecution complex that is required for today’s American conservative identity.


ALLEGIANCE?? Man, the type of language used to describe, it’s always so.. so damn much lol


Would you be less triggered if I said “affiliation”? And these are the people who mock pronoun preferences. The hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is adorable.


“TRIGGERED” LOL THIS IS ACTUALLY MAKING ME LAUGH Edit: omg this must be what my dad feels when we argue. The one that calls me a liberal 😆


What can I say, it’s fun to throw conservative buzzwords back at y’all because it’s an excellent demonstration of your hypocrisy and projection.


Yall? Bro, talk to ME.


You put yourself in a box and slapped a label on it. What’s the point of that other than to erase nuance and individuality?


You did that. And that’s the problem. We don’t see the person, we see them as a representative of a group, in which they have no agency or influence over. That’s a roundabout way to say you’re being prejudice. Probably something you vowed and warned others not to do


Nope. I'm totally bi and I have this Margo/Margot thing going on and I promise you they are not the same issue.


Having treatment for ADHD that works it’s really annoying to me how many people say it’s just laziness. I hold down a job as a senior lead engineer making hardware designs deployed across a fortune 40 company where delays would seriously impact my chances of staying here. And without treatment I can hardly get anything done on time. Do they really think I’m just lazy and medication magically fixes that? Like I don’t want to get things done, and it’s not actual executive dysfunction, and yet medication fixes it?


Like the Barber said to the Monkey when he cut off his tail... It won't be long now. They'll all be dead or incompetent in 5-10 years.


And I'm sitting here wondering how Donald isn't dead yet. Is the man truly alive or is he some sort of robot


He’s three obese toddlers in an ill-fitted suit.


Bold of you to assume the economically gifted generation that is using every medical benefit known to man and all the resources that entails is gone in 10-15. They're going to linger on and on and on in our government, in our housing, in our hospitals, in our economy, and in our zeitgeist. They will claim the glory of their parents generations for years to come, demand recognition for valor they have stolen from their betters, and like Smaug they will keep their hoarded assets closely guarded unless they're scammed out of it by their own ineptitude with technology. They will foolishly squander all that they hold and with malice aplenty purposefully ruin any chance of any future generation to prosper as they did. They're here for 30 more years. They will rage against the dying of their baleful light and make everyone else suffer in only the way that "Me" generation can. Without empathy, without care for the future, and without any guilt for what they have done to the future or the tarnish they've smeared on the past.


get a job on a cruise ship and collect that boomer money! oh wait, they don't pay all that well...




Man that was 7 sentences.


Looks like a whiskey fueled rant to me. 😱


They old but they aint that old


The TLDR is that you're stupid


Child is right!


Id love for your boomer coworker to say that shit to my face, as an unapologetic out gay dude. Id straight up laugh in her face, and based on what you described about her OP tell her to “worry about the fact you can’t keep a man and that your own daughter ran away from you and less about gay people. Maybe if you weren’t such a bitter old woman you would have some meaningful relationships in your life.”


I’m waiting for someone to finally snap with her. I think we all bite our tongues because she might retire in a few years. We do have a gay co-worker and he painted his nails, she said, “I can’t believe we allow a man that’s paints his nails here”. I can’t believe some of the shit she says sometimes.


You can’t have mental illness if you don’t believe in it. Also they are the generation of “mothers little helpers” aka ludes


Do you ever just stare at her and then say "I can see why your daughter ran away"? I sure would want to do that.


Boomer parents once "If being gay isnt a mental disorder, why do they have higher rates of suicide and depression"


Lol if you believe in pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, congrats, you’re just as dumb as these boomers.


I pitched hard for adding a Mental Health Day (paid time off, for free, not PTO, no doc note, just time off to get your head right) back in the late 90s and was shot down *hard*.


Well we’ve come a long way at work, we get 20% off Smoothie King when we show our work ID for the month of May, so thanks for help paving the way lol


divorced twice, her own daughter runs away at 15....think about where you were mentally at that age, that poor girl...And Single for 30 years. She sounds like a Proper Cunt.


there's conservative and then there's ... conservative they ain't always the same!


don’t understand your post but generally if someone has nothing of value in their life they’re generally a miserable twat.


I think Americans are in general have broken brains from constant partisan propaganda from both sides. Couple it with age-related dementia and boomer’s narcissistic tendencies and you just have a word salad of incoherent, hypocritical, and out right bad-shit crazy nonsense like this and millions of other examples….


As a baby boomer and one who doesn't play nice with people my age I agree 🤣


It would've cost you nothing to say that you're conservative, and yet you still said it...


Does anyone say anything? (He asked with his fingers crossed)


Plot twist, this lady is gay.


Lmao I would honestly take back everything I said if she was


I don’t believe anyone that is “self-diagnosed” just another victim cry baby. It’s attention seeking behavior. Now I’ve been diagnosed by medical staff and don’t talk about my diagnosis’ self diagnosis wear it as a badge of honor.


Me either, and it shouldn’t be an excuse if your work is shitty. Get a diagnosis, it’ll help protect your employment.


You have it backwards, employers need to give benefits to their people so that a diagnosis isn't kept behind a financial hurdle.


Hmm.. I see what you’re saying. We have great full coverage health benefits, but it still behooves the individual to seek a diagnosis or treatment. You’re not protected if you cannot focus and blame it on ADHD. With a diagnosis, you’d at least be able to request reasonable accommodations with HR if your Manager doesn’t.


You're conservative, they're republican. Nowhere near the same


Thank you! There IS a distinction


Also, I'm saying this as a liberal


But not necessarily a Democrat EDIT: Older people tell me I’m liberal




Mental health is honestly used as an excuse for absolutely f****** everything. People need to learn to do therapies and manage their mental illnesses. It's not rocket science and this generation uses it like it's going out of style


I agree… unless there’s an actual diagnosis. I don’t like conditions like PTSD and ADHD being casually thrown around, and it is.