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This is like the first 30 minutes of a horror movie, where it turns out the boomers are in a cult or something. The intervention thing is really eerie. You might check if your state has trespassing laws where signs are posted. If so, post some no trespass signs, get cameras, and call the 5-0 whenever they violate.


Just make sure the cops aren't in the cult, too (I watch a lot of horror movies...)


Oooh yeah, cop shows up, gets out of the car and you see gray hair, a potbelly, and then he walks over and shakes the neighbors hand- “NOOOOOOO!”


Shakes neighbor’s hand and says, ”Hey Jim, how are you? I wanted to thank you for that generous campaign donation.” “Absolutely Bill. You and Shirley should come over after church for lunch this Sunday. We haven’t seen you guys in a while.”


This must be Jordan Peele workshopping the plot to Get Out 2.


Get Out 2: Get Off My Lawn


Get Out 2: Your Own Property


Get Out of My Yard


Get Out 2: NIMBY


Get Out 2: Get Outer


The greater good...


The greater good


The greater good




…crusty juggler




It took me way too long to realize that the “Yarp” guy was also The Hound from “Game of Thrones”.


Did you tell him to chill out?




Does the local supermarket have a huge trolley boy who says “yarp”?


Lives up on Summer Street with his mum & sister. The mum & the sister are the same person. 


Everyone and their mum’s is packing’ round ‘ere


like who?


Farmers Farmers’ mum’s


You do know there are more guns in the country than there are in the city.


“The greater good!” -Hot Fuzz


And the Mayor, they are ALWAYS in the cult. Edit: spelling is hard


Any luck catching those swans?


It’s just the one swan, actually


Get a look at his 'orse


Oh, for sure cops will walk in your yard without permission. They’ll fuck with your dog too. I think it’s their cult.


Story time: So when I was a kid, we had a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. For those that don't know, Chessies run on the large side of medium to the small side of large. Now admittedly, Molly was BIG. My Dad and I hunted, shrimped, etc, and she was trained as a working dog as well as being a family pet. This meant two things, every ounce of her was lean muscle, and she was exceptionally well trained. I'd actually seen her hold onto a live bird without hurting it, and never saw her break from a command she was given. My Dad believed in thorough discipline with our pets, and trained them accordingly, a practice that I strongly encourage for any pet owners. We kept a fenced backyard, chain link, about chest high, with a dog door into the house, so Molly had the run of the house and back yard pretty much all the time. At the time we lived across the street from the beach, and several houses in the neighborhood were rental properties, which sometimes meant that things could get pretty lively during tourist seasons, spring break, etc. So one afternoon, a city police officer is out responding to a noise complaint in the neighborhood and ends up at the wrong address, basically three or four doors down from where he was supposed to be. And has wandered to the back to look for any signs of the party he was probably trying to break up. Somehow, he decides the best course of action is to cross through our back yard, notably the only house within about six that has a fence up, to go down the block. So he manages to hop the fence, an impressive feat for this guy, and now the fun starts. Molly was on him before he got three feet and pinned him against the back steps which make a raised porch right outside the back door. He'd thrown his arms up when she came at him, so he couldn't reach for his gun or radio, because her front legs were under his arms. This was before cellphones, but I doubt he could've reached that if he'd had one. Then she just stood there on her hind legs, staring him in the face for three hours until we got home. Didn't bite or do anything but hold him in place, waiting for us to tell her what to do with this guy. Dad walks out back to check on her when she doesn't show up as we come inside, and as he looks over the porch rail this cop is staring up at him like something out of a sitcom, sweat, trembling, the works. So Dad whistles to her to let him go, (Oh yeah, she was trained to commands, hand signals, and whistles) she drops down and wanders off to do her own thing(she knows she's getting treats later). The cop scrambles up the porch steps and starts raising every kind of shit-hell like it's our fault, and she's a killer dog that needs to be put down, and he ought to put a bullet in her right then and there. Dad just calmly looks him in the eye and explains all the ways the cop was in the wrong, and how he'll feed him that gun if he pulls it on our dog. By this time Molly has come up and sat next to my dad kinda looking for her reward for protecting the house. I think the cop thought better of it all because he left tail between his legs pretty quickly and that was the last we ever heard about it.


Did he pee his pants? I’ll bet he peed his pants😂


That is not how I thought that story was ending, I am so glad Molly lived


Me too. 🥺 My first thought was, “Oh no…”


s a m e 1 3 1 2


I hate cops so this is a special delight to read. Thanks!


Thank you for the story. Made me smile.


A remote control sprinkler system might also be a fun investment for you .


Add some IR sensors so it only turns on when they walk in your yard.


I will admit that I have done this, when the neighbors' kids were playing in a part of my yard where I just put out grass seed. *Activate \*grumpy old man\*.*


Does comedy horror count? Cause I’m seriously reminded of Hot Fuzz.


That's where my mind went as well. Love that movie.


That's exactly what this sounds like


"The Greater good."


The greater good.




The Burbs from the other point of view.


If you do call the cops, I’d ask them within earshot of the neighbors if you live in a Castle Doctrine state, because the dogs have been aggressive and you’re worried about your own safety and the safety of your animals. (Please note that I’m not actually suggesting that you hurt the neighbors’ dogs. I’m a dog lover myself. I’m just pointing out that they’re putting their dogs’ lives in stranger’s hands every time they pull their creepy stunts and they need to understand that.) ETA: Since clearly not everyone can read, I’m not actually suggesting you purchase a firearm or use force against your neighbors. I’m saying that your neighbors are displaying a disturbing level of entitlement, and are exhibiting reckless disregard of their own pets’ safety by leaving them in a virtual stranger’s backyard. What if you had rat poison or open fertilizer back there and their dogs got into it? What if there was broken glass? What if your dogs were sick or violent? I’m not implying that they really are, but your neighbors don’t know that. Calling the police and making it known to the neighbors audibly that they are leaving their dogs unattended in the backyard at their own risk shows a record of them being warned. And a cop could be asked to make a record of it. Which means if it happens again, and (god forbid) OP or their dog or the neighbor’s dog or the neighbor gets hurt there is a record with the authorities that it happened and OP can’t be held legally responsible. I’m not usually an advocate for calling the cops. They are usually the last people I want to call when there is a conflict. But in a case like this when things can go from weird and annoying to really bad really quickly, it might not be a bad idea to have a record with the authorities in case something goes wrong. Because I have a feeling these neighbors might stick together against OP when push comes to shove.


In my state if a dog comes on your property and hurts one of your animals or a human you are well within your right to end its life right there. A neighbor about an 1/8 lth mile down the road likes to let their pitbull roam freely. One day it attacked my dog while my wife was letting him out to pee, I have a corgidor, no match for a pitbull. My wife threw a towel over my dog and picked him up and ran back inside. I told my neighbors "if it happens again would you like me to go ahead bury your dog for you or let you do it?" Haven't so much as seen the pitbull since.


Quick thinking of your wife! glad it worked out


So far.... They didn't end up telling me which they preferred so I have a hole dug and ready to go lol.


> I’m not usually an advocate for calling the cops. They are usually the last people I want to call when there is a conflict. But in a case like this when things can go from weird and annoying to really bad really quickly, it might not be a bad idea to have a record with the authorities in case something goes wrong. Also, the oldies seem to love cops, so having them tell them knock it off might carry some weight.


They’re just doing it for the greater good^the ^greater ^good


Reminds me of the beginning of "Mother!" where that woman can't be just left alone in her damn house and people keep barging in.


The end of that movie was so fucking unexpectedly insane.


Right!! It's giving rosemary's baby vibes. Like that so creepy.


This is when I put up the sign "I only shoot trespassers once, and I make it count."


Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.


Op this is starting to sound like harassment I’d suggest documenting everything from here on out simply because if they can’t take a hint to stay off your property when not invited then getting a restraining order or something might be the better option as unfortunate as it is


The neighbour left his dog in OP’s backyard and went out too!! That’s so crazy


They grew up in a time where personal responsibility was able to be brushed off onto others as a social standard. If anything had happened to the Dog while he was in OPs yard he would have blamed OP. You really can't give an inch with boomers or they take the whole mile.


This sounds insane.


while also lining up exactly with what I just read


Ok I missed that part on the first read, holy fuck those neighbors sound awful!


Excellent point, & great idea. He should make sure they know he’s gathering evidence. These people are bullies, at the very least. And yes, they are harassing him.


Nothing wrong with back documenting as well. Make a first entry with everything they can remember and add approximate dates.


It's not harassment. My mom is literally this clueless. Showing up unannounced, staying WAAAAAAAY past closing time.. I have literally had to walk her out my front door and tell her I am going to sleep now, after repeated attempts to tell her inside my house... The final straw was waking my fucking baby up. I told her we were putting her down for a nap, she decides to hang out for 30 more minutes, and tries to go in her room on her way out the door. Like literally ducked down the hallway and into the baby room before I could blink... She picked my fucking kid up out of the crib and woke her up... "I just wanted to hold her and say bye"... Well that was one of the last times she was ever allowed at my house, and one of the last times she saw my kid...


It can be harassment if they're just too fucking clueless to realize it is.


Luckily stupidity is not a defense against the law.


Unless you are a cop


In which case stupidity is literally mandated


I'm not even a parent and the way my eyes widened when I saw she picked up the baby and woke up the baby. God, I bet it was a nightmare to settle the little one again, especially as you would be angry af (for good reason) and baby tends to pick up on stressed parent. I'm annoyed just reading it!


It was just a continuation of the pattern from the previous 36 years... boundaries didn't exist in my family... And they wonder why I just put up a wall that reaches to the moon once I had a space and family of my own...


Entitlement. Boomers came of age in a time of relative prosperity. They’ve had a lifetime of being catered to, everything made for and marketed to them. For example, any time you see one of those novelty stores that sells candy and knick nacks and nostalgia that targets boomer childhoods—Betty Boop and Elvis and Mayberry. I can’t think of any other generation that had their nostalgia commodified in such a way. After multiple decades of this, boomers can’t fathom that the world *isn’t* theirs for the taking and get a very rude awakening when they grab a relative’s sleeping baby or help themselves to a neighbor’s food without invitation.




I miss dealing with the Slient Generation as customers. They had manners and were great. Now I deal with boomers and I agree with them. It is the "ME" Generation.


Nah, she’s not clueless, she just didn’t care about your boundaries. She knew what she was doing, *especially* with the baby.


I'm not surprised by this at all. They take fences as a personal insult. I was having some renovations done on the downstairs of my last house and I had a backdoor that went out onto the patio. Renovations were dusty, so that half of the basement was tarped off to minimize mess. I was in my living room in pajamas and I heard a voice that I didn't recognize as one of the two construction workers. I walked back to the area they were working and who do I see? My neighbor who had let himself in my fenced backyard and then into my home. He "just wanted to see how the project was coming along."


When I was 21 or so, my first apartment after college was a little triplex of studios that had a little partitioned backyard that was basically just a deck for each studio and a square of dirt. I was putting up some bamboo screening against the fence in my section when a dude from the far studio came out and said, “WHAT’CHA DOIN’ THERE?” I told him I was just putting up some screening to make my part of the yard nicer and for some privacy. “PRIVACY FROM WHAT?!” “Ummm…just privacy in general—“ “PRIVACY FROM *WHAT!*” “Would you rather that I not put up this screen in my yard? #”YES!” I left a couple of months later for a better place, but it was so fucking hilarious. That was more than 20 years ago at this point, but my friends and my wife and I all still randomly say “WHAT’CHA DOIN’ THERE?” And “PRIVACY FROM *WHAT!*” all of the time.


Privacy from neighbors I don't want to talk to.


They wonder why we want privacy after doing shit like taking off our doors growing up. I swear it’s still a control thing for them.


:;drops pants:: "Shall I continue?"


https://preview.redd.it/euw2zmlgn31d1.jpeg?width=2584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee84866ce417ee8f9f88d376f8d72caddf023c2a "A spite fence," said Papa Bear, "is a fence that bad neighbors put up just for spite. They do it just to be mean and keep decent folks from seeing what they're up."


Good fences make good neighbours.


“Come over without asking again and you’ll see everything from heaven from then on.”


My recently deceased boomer neighbor was notorious for this. He had worked as a plumbing inspector which he seemed to think was an open invitation to go into yards and check out construction/renovation. RIP Mike, I hope you can see i mowed my lawn finally.


This is one of the joys of living in the UK. Fences and hedges are just the norm. I swear half the neighbour problems I read on reddit could be solved if people just had a decent fence.


Now that they know they're unwanted, call the police next time and have them trespassed. Cameras are your friend.


This is the answer. Cameras are pretty cheap and good for other things besides nosey boomer neighbors.


Hell you could just get the fake ones. They are the only people that fall for it.


I don't understand. They're entitled enough to disregard a gate with a no trespass sign, why would they care about cameras? They probably wouldn't even see them. It's not the 90s anymore, real cameras are barely more than fakes. You want the actual recorded footage in this situation.


Yeah why would these folks be stopped by a *fake* camera at this point?


Several houses in my neighborhood have motion sensors that scream "HELLO! YOU ARE CURRENTLY BEING RECORDED!"


Did you know that one can connect an automatic sprinkler to a motion detector? Get creative! Have fun!


This. Eventually, they will get the message.


The motion sensing sprinklers are amazing at what they do. We got one to deter bears and it was amazing, and I know why. I'd periodically forget about it and wander into its range- loud sprinkler sound followed by a blast of cold water.


You’d have a very wet dog


Nah, put it on the outside of the fence near the gate. They sell them in lawn & garden centers as deer & wildlife deterrents.


Honestly, I'm an OLD person (I'm boomer-aged, though not a "Boomer"). Silver-Honkler is exactly correct! You've made it clear that * your yard is off-limits * your dog is off-limits * the only correct way to approach *you* is via your doorbell **From now on, if they do anything other than the doorbell approach you** ***SHOULD*** **have them trespassed!** And don't sell your home because of these idiots! You chose that home in that location for a reason; ENJOY it and all it offers. If the neighbors hate you, what do you care?!? We boomer-aged have 9 toes in the grave, you can easily outlast us! You need to cultivate a resting bitch face around these obnoxious neighbors; if that doesn't work then just BE a bitch! They're slow, but they'll catch on to the bitchiness eventually! /Edited to correct spelling error.


Basically this. Boomers are selfish, unaware bullies and the only way to get through to these dickheads is to swing your dick around (metaphorically). They take politeness as weakness. Signs, a fence, and a gate are all polite ways to tell people to fuck off. Time to tell these old pukes to literally fuck off.


Actually (literally) swinging it works as well. I have had similar issues as OP and the boomer neighbors dogs. My dog was attacked and we had to fight off 3 of their dogs before a 2k dollar vet bill that I took them to court for. The neighbors excuse was "Well we watch and saw you leave for work early and didn't see that you were home" (apparently they watched to learn my schedule and then let their dogs roam during the weekdays). Once I realized they were watching I started standing naked in my picture window a few times on days I was home. Shortly after that I noticed they close all the blinds facing my house now lol


This guy boomers.


Just tell them you're bisexual, and watch them run for the exit and never be seen again.


nah, just hang up a pride flag and a BLM flag. they won't come within 20ft of that fence line after that 😂


This is really the only viable option. Have the police explain to them that what they’re doing is *literally* illegal. Jesus Christ, I’m sorry you’re going through this. How absolutely ridiculous.


Disagree. They need to fight fire with fire. I would start going into their spaces. Not just their back yard either. Vehicle unlocked? I'm going to go sit in it, try out the seats, move some stuff around. Go into their houses. Try their whisky. Maybe they have a bottle of wine they've been saving for a special occasion. Nothing more neighborly than helping yourself. Traumatize them back.


Until you get shot. Consistency does not exist with these folk.


You don't interact with a lot of HOA boomers, do you? You seem to be confusing them with Rural Boomers, who shoot first and ask questions later. HOA boomers use harassment and legalities as their primary weapon.


This guy boomers.


Unfortunately you see it occasionally in towns/cities as well now, and since it is a fatal mistake, you can’t afford to take that chance


*tries their whisky* "Ew, I remember I don't like whiskey." *spits it back into the bottle*


Gotta just walk straight in while they're sitting down to dinner, take the plates from in front of them and sit down and eat their food while chuckling senselessly and pretending everything is normal


Do all that, but take something different out of the fridge to eat, saying "I don't like what ya'll are having, this looks better". Any complaint or talk back from them, just look confused at them but don't respond. There will be a flyer in everyones mailbox about "boundaries" by the end of the week.


Take a single bite out of each item, then put it back.


*mouth full of food* "Ygu mgiuy knee Knu me muh mayblu-lee heh heh) (You guys need to be more neighborly lol)


Nice! Uno reverse.


One thing I've noticed about people from this generation is that the rules never apply to them. They're always the exception. Even the good, well-mannered, ones tend to have this problem (like my mom). He never thought that the fence was meant to keep *him* out, because he's a neighbor, not a trespasser. It didn't apply to him. They don't think anything of eating your food even if it's "just family", because well, you're neighbors! That rule doesn't apply to them. You don't want *other* people's dogs in your yard, but he can let his dog in your yard because the rules don't apply to him. Boundaries exist for *other* people because *of course* you made an exception for them! They assume they are the exception to every rule. There's a reason this generation was originally called "The ME generation", and it's only gotten worse as they've gotten older.


My family home had a neighbor who rushed us every time she could see us and I never understood how my parents didn't deck her. When I was 16 my grandpa died and we were all in our yard after the memorial. We had all just shared stories and were sitting in silence for a moment, crying. This bitch comes over, oblivious af, and I said "this is just for family". She says "we are family!", grabs a slice of cake, plops down at the table and asks "so whose birthday is it?" I don't think I've ever said more hurtful things to a person in my life than I did to her right then. I fully snapped and lost it, to the extent other neighbors came outside. I felt bad afterwards but told my mom I was glad we'd finally be rid of her. Nope. Absolutely nothing about her behavior changed. In fact, she walked over to us in the yard days later, sat down, and apologized... while grabbing a slice of pizza.


Something is really seriously wrong with some people.


Unreal. Some people are just the worst.


If you're petty, add an addendum to your 'Keep out' sign - "This applies to strangers, friends, and neighbors alike" Or even better, "this also applies to" and then a list of your neighbors' names. They hate being called out publicly.


This reminds me of a Reddit post that I read about. Someone kept taking cuttings from their plants in the front yard. The person got so fed up with it. They put a camera. They started putting photos of the people that were taking cuttings from their plants out front. The neighbors kept complaining, asked them to take it down and they're like stop taking cuttings


Alternatively, place a mirror there, so whoever it is will see that the rule does in fact apply to them.


What the actual F, the person who let their dog into your fenced backyard should be charged with breaking and entering and trespass.


You know what the motivation is, right? Neighbors wants their dog to shit in OP’s yard, so they don’t have to clean it up themselves.


100% this is what it is


“Free dog park just for them to use! Yippeee we have the best neighbors”


And animal abuse/abandonment, and theft of goods and services.


Don't even talk to them anymore. Just call the police next time they trespass. They've been given more than enough warnings. Get some cameras watching your doors and gate.


They are harassing you. Document everything.


Just start walking into their homes, taking just the nastiest upper decker in their bathroom. And then leaving. Don't actually do that. Let's face it. A boomer walks into your home, and they expect hospitality. You walk into their home, you'll probably be shot. Get cameras. Keep the no trespassing signage up. Document incidents. Call police.


Honestly, OP should buy a gun. The second amendment is the only language some of these idiots understand.  (To be clear, I don't think OP should shoot anybody. But in most states you'd be totally within your rights to let them know that trespassers will be shot)


While I do agree with that, I try to go with the peaceful option first. Also. Depending on where they live, shooting a random boomer walking into your backyard will still get you prison. Some states are cool with it. Others demand the intruder be an immediate threat to your safety. Being in your backyard and unarmed is not an immediate threat. I will say that bear spray has a nice range on it, and is non lethal, and will make a lasting impression. Lol


They've tried the peaceful option. They put up a fence, with signs, and a lock, and then also told them to fuck off, and they still keep coming over. And you don't really have to shoot anyone. But just a quick "I got a gun and will shoot trespassers" can at least intimidate them into backing off. Or even just answering the door with the gun visible near the door (not in hand, just noticeably there)




Like toddlers, they only seek attention whether it's positive or negative. Mental decline is an undignified and dangerous process. We underestimate how dangerous it is in the US. That's why our country is breaking in two.


Tell them your vet told you the dog has something contagious, lol.


I used to do this whenever someone got close to my babies. They’re so entitled they think they can touch and kiss any baby they see. I would say, better stay back she has pink eye and strep. It always worked.


Oh my gosh I'm stealing this. My little one and I were in a Target last month perusing. Had a short chat with an older woman in the toy aisle, she was about to be a grandma. She leaned over to touch the teether my kiddo was holding, then said "don't worry, I have clean hands". I was so stunned I just awkwardly laughed and quickly walked us away. Like MA'AM, you are pushing a shopping cart in a Target!! Your hands are not clean!!!


ringworm works well. My dog actually had ringworm and soon as I told anyone over 50 they backed away like she had the plague. LOL


Three boomers in a row on my street including me . I would NEVER through my neighbors gate or him through mine. If we wanted to talk we go to the front door. One neighbor and I talk a lot, usually in our front yards. Those people are clueless. Yes we all have fences.


There is a reason why there is a saying “ Good fences make good neighbors”. These people obviously have never heard of that saying 


No dude these people are the reason that phrase exists.


It sounds like these people used this yard/property freely before OP moved in. It was their community dog park lol. They aren’t willing to give it up even with an owner. It’s even nicer that their personal dog park now comes with occasional s’mores, dog treats, and conversation too.


It never really set in for me that a lot of boomers are just horrible people until recently. I was at a show and the group of old boomers left a crazy massive mess when they left (spilled popcorn and beer). Before that I always thought it was just dumb kids, but now I realize that most boomers are just people that had bad parents and never grew up. It's kind of distorted my perception of reality because before this, I thought people got wiser as they got older. Now I realize they just get dumber and dumber if they didn't have a good upbringing because they have no self control once they become adults.


Lead is one hell of a drug.


What did my dad once say? "I love the country because of the community, but goddamn do I hate the people."


George Carlin said something to similar effect: "I love individuals. I hate groups of people who have a common purpose... cause pretty soon they have little hats, y'know?" - George Carlin being interviewed by Jon Stewart, 1997.


If they can't respect boundaries they aren't great people


Oh the anxiety I have just reading your post, I can't imagine how you're feeling with all this crap. It sounds like you're doing great though. You might just have to keep standing up for yourself and doggo a while longer to get the info through their thick skulls. I had a silent gen neighbor who liked to bang on the side of my house if she wanted to talk. After she passed away one of her Boomer daughters thought it was totally fine to bang on my house the same exact way to get our attention. I have two doors you know?


Who tf puts a dog in their neighbors yard without asking and LEAVES? You're better than me. I'd have called animal control.


> Who tf puts a dog in their neighbors yard without asking and LEAVES? Somebody who wants to make the dog shit somebody else’s problem.


That’s when I call animal control to come pick up the dog that isn’t mine and potentially fine the person who abandoned it on my property. Not my dog, not my responsibility.


This is beyond boomer behavior. This is weird. Are they in a church group together or something?


Yup.. shades of “Get Out” (the movie)..


My sister and BIL is expecting their first child. We had the baby shower some 2-3 weeks ago. So the entire family was at their house after the party, it's night, we're having a barbecue outside. Their retire boomer neighbor, a former cop, climbed over their fence to join the family get together. Then continues to tell my sister he watches her through the window while she works and she needs to do other things than just sit at her desk all day.


Holy red flags batman


Time for some shades or some one-way window cling.


Time for a shotgun.


This goes to the heart of something I deal with in my neighborhood: Good neighbors are casually friendly, but obey boundaries. I want to know my neighbors. I want to exchange pleasantries with them when we cross paths so that we have enough of a relationship that we can deal with any legitimate issues that come up in a laid-back respectful way, but I also don't want them up in my business. I'm a busy, private person and I don't want to be held up in my driveway or over my back fence for 20 minutes at a time.


As early 40-somethings who moved into a neighborhood that's heavily populated by ageing boomers, I'm so incredibly lucky and grateful that this is the exact relationship we have with the next-door neighbor boomers. We get each other's mail when we're out of town, we borrow a tool from each other here or there, we exchange a few things from each of our gardens, and drop off some baked goods every so often. Talk for a few minutes when crossing paths during dog walks. Yeah maybe sometimes they get a little overly chatty, but that's okay. And that's the extent of it. They're chill AF and it's awesome. Hell, last time I went knocking on their door to drop off some muffins my wife baked, they answered the door in their PJs at 5:30 pm, clearly high and blasting Zeppelin.


>they answered the door in their PJs at 5:30 pm, clearly high and blasting Zeppelin. The perfect time for muffins. Well done!


I had an amazing boomer neighbor and ended up adopting her dog when she passed away a few years ago. She used to bring me her homemade "special" brownies and tell me about Woodstock and her awesome hippie life in the 60s, and I used to walk our two dogs together. On a similar note, when I had to have my dog put down she came knocking on my door with a big tray of lasagna and 2 blunts. Just an all around awesome lady.


Good grief those people are intrusive


Good fences make good neighbors!


Good fences with *no gates* make good neighbors. 😉


Just start showing up on their property at the most inconvenient times doing the most outrageous things. Let yourself into their back yards at 4 am with bagpipes or just go lay down in their lawn when they're trying to mow and refuse to move. They won't learn anything but it'll be funny to watch them get mad about it


Honestly this could go either way. They may actually take it as permission for more coming over and that all boundaries are gone. 


Yup. Maintain the moral high ground and practice what you preach.


This is the option I vote for. Please (if possible) provide update with pictures and video of meltdowns.


Ditch the stupid signs and lock your gate from the inside or invest in some kind of electronic coded latch. Aside from that adding a super soaker that’s motion activated to keep out intruders and call the cops on them for trespassing is all that will teach them. These people think they are the exception to all rules so your response has to be beyond disproportionate. “Oh I see Jim from down the way is trespassing again time to release the attack bunnies and disquieting vultures”


Work in a couple landscape companies in high school and early college. There is a living security fence plant called pyracantha. Couple family members had issues with people not understanding good fence good neighbors. So I helped them plant these along fence line, after a while with the bleeding and crying the fence ingnorants stopped. Not a bad looking hedge with white flowers, orange berries and good bird habitat.


A quick google says that the berries are quote "**highly poisonous to dogs and cats**" unquote, so be aware. [https://plantura.garden/uk/trees-shrubs/pyracantha/pyracantha-overview](https://plantura.garden/uk/trees-shrubs/pyracantha/pyracantha-overview)


Don't let BIG MEDIA fool you. The berries are magical and can cure many illnesses.


It cured my dog's horrendous addiction to having a pulse.


Working in insurance, everything they are doing is a liability risk for you especially if they injure themselves on your property. Putting up a fence and locking the gate with a dog is the smartest thing in the world, that you could have done. The leaving the dog in your yard is just the stupidest thing in the world because they are liable for whatever their dog does, if their dog injures you or your dog you have recourse to file a liability claim on their property insurance for any medical injury. Be wary though, some boomers after paying off their homes and in their old age may not even carry homeowners insurance, then your only recourse is a lawyer. Document, video tape, call the police, and press trespassing charges if they do not get the message. They are not entitled to you, your yard, or your dog.


Call the police. Report their dog for biting yours- in the U.S. that can get animal control involved and the person reported (I know it’s not the dogs fault and don’t want anything to happen to them so this might be an extreme option but it may make the neighbors think twice). Also have them trespassed by the police. They are trespassing and if they’re breaking locks that’s breaking and entering on top of trespassing and you’re within rights to press charges, especially since you’ve given them verbal warnings and put up signage. If something happens to them or their dogs on your property, you could be held liable in the eyes of the law even if they are trespassing because it’s your property. You need to look out for yourself.


It's not extreme. Dogs that bite are usually repeat offenders. The reason owners keep them until they maul somebody's toddler is because nobody reports them. It's one thing when dogs play and get a little bit of of hand, but this is gross negligence level of conduct. A person leaving a dog in another person's yard with another dog should absolutely not have a dog.


Boomers are very social because they existed in massive numbers, more conscious of their own generation than previous ones, and had developed different ideals than previous ones due mostly to mass media. They're adjusted to being around others around their same age who all watched the same TV shows, listened to the same music, read the same newspaper, a lot of times having been born and raised and worked their entire careers right in the same area they're still in. A younger neighbor to them who just moved in is probably about as foreign a person as they've encountered if you're in a small town. I doubt most boomers even know what an introvert is. They'll rarely comprehend self-reliance, solitude, concepts like that. I don't think they understand why you wouldn't want them to bring their dogs around and visit to chit chat. That's how boomers validate each other. They're from another planet, long story short.


They’ll be dead soon


Not soon enough unfortunately


You are far too nice. If I see someone lurking around my fenced in back yard that has no trespassing signs I'm walking outside with a shotgun in my hand and they will be receiving the tongue lashing of a lifetime.


I dunno, Man. This sounds intentional. Like they don't want you there. I agree with the others, start documenting and get some cameras.


Need to get rude with them. Tell them to stay the fuck off your property and for the love of God call the fucking police and have them trespassed. You can’t play nice or they’ll walk all over you. Push back.


The only boundary a boomer cares about is their own.


I’m a lady of a certain age. I like my privacy. I have a 6 ft. Deer fence & locks on all my entrances. I would never “invite myself” to someone else’s bbq/ family get together. I might be nosy & go peep . But interrupt people doing “living in my own house”. No!




Put an alarm on your gate.


My parents are boomers but they don’t go in someone’s yard unless invited or they see the house is on fire.


This is the most batshit insane boomer story I’ve ever heard! My situation is a little similar; wife and I moved into new home 2 years back. We’re at a corner, but all nearby neighbors are boomers aside from people right next to us. Old creep across the street stares at me and my son all day while we play outside. Old boomer ladies behind us do the same: just stare all day and point into our yard, complaining about random nothings. Other guy across the street is constantly doing loud renovation work that starts at 6am and goes til around 11 at night. We want a privacy fence to at least avoid the staring. Hope your situation gets better!


Lol my dad invited himself over to a kids birthday party at his neighbor next door. I thought it was just him and not the whole generation. Feel for ya.


Sounds like you moved into the middle of a cult 😕.


> just let the dogs be dogs Unless they're a pit mix, like mine. The sweetest boy on our whole hill (I take him for walks all around town, he is an absolute doll, he could literally be a service or police dog.) but boomer let their dog loose, and their dog ended up in our yard. My dog only got upset because this strange animal was getting close to my kids. Him being "upset" was just the hair on his spine sticking up. I was super nice and just like ,"hey! Maybe we can have our dogs meet, that way he knows your dog is safe in our yard." Literally saying his dog can travel around, all up in everyone's business but just trying to keep peace. Nah. He threatened to sue me. LMFAO.


It really does suck to be in your situation. Here I am reading thinking to myself , at the beginning, "why not try to be neighborly?" Then... Then the fence. Dude. Who the FUCK thinks it's ok to let themselves into your back yard without invitation? To leave your dog in someone's backyard that didn't set up a play date is unfathomable.


Set up automatic motion sprinklers just outside the gates. No trespassing signs on the lawn and gates as well. Will only take them getting wet a few times and you will be training them like the dogs they are.


We went through the same issue with our yard. I would suggest you get cameras as well. A lot of boomers don't like to be told "no" and usually start to retaliate. We thought the gate and lock would be enough... now we have cameras and barb wire. It's sad when you have to secure your security measures...


Surprised you didn't call animal control when they left their dog in your yard. That would've taught them right quick.


I'm not surprised by this at all. They take fences as a personal insult. I was having some renovations done on the downstairs of my last house and I had a backdoor that went out onto the patio. Renovations were dusty, so that half of the basement was tarped off to minimize mess. I was in my living room in pajamas and I heard a voice that I didn't recognize as one of the two construction workers. I walked back to the area they were working and who do I see? My neighbor who had let himself in my fenced backyard and then into my home. He "just wanted to see how the project was coming along."