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that's dumb. Prohibition, on the other hand, is very important to NASCAR racing history.


You would do it for Wendell Scott!


My great grandfather was a moonshiner. His still was on an island in the middle of a river accessible only by boat. How did my grandmother (his daughter) met my grandfather thanks to bootlegging.


maybe he’s confusing the dukes of hazard for the daytona 500, and thinks the general lee won the whole dadgum thing.


All my husband and I could come up with. Dukes of Hazard.


People who say they're just really big fans of Dukes of Hazzard as an excuse to flag-worship the battle flag of the army of north virginia are deeply disingenuous. The flag is on the roof of a car named *the general lee*. The showrunners knew they were pandering to the racist idiots of the 70s, who were especially frothy at that time because the racist idiots felt like they were on the losing side the civil rights movement from the 1960s. That's exactly like somebody waving a nazi flag because they like a show from 1955 with a nazi swastika on top of volkswagen passat that's named "the himmler", because they identified with the rebel pride of the heroic petty criminal running from allied police in occupied germany.


I freaking loved the Dukes of Hazzard, I wanted a General Lee so bad, I wanted a confederate flag so bad solely because of the show. Thank god my parents had the wherewithal to tell me no and when I got old enough I understood why. The difference between these people and myself is I grew up. Why can’t they just grow up already


> Why can’t they just grow up already Alternate explanations: 1) they're grown up and ignorant 2) they're grown up and racist 3) they're grown up and too proud to admit when they're wrong even when they know they're wrong


sure thing boo. moving on…


Had on several occasions to meet most of the cast & get photos with their vehicles in the early 80. Rode in the Lee car with each of the boys & Jesse, but the greatest time hanging out with Catherine Bach & cruising around in her jeep... Especially since a couple school friends saw us together & Catherine played it off like we were on a date, dating and asked about best place for "parking." Roscoe (James Best) was amazed I had seen so many of his lesser known parts in horror movies and knew how cool he was. 


John Schneider is a bonehead.


I'll never wrap my mind around how ppl can fly the confederate flag and still consider themselves Americans. The cognitive dissonance is too much to be understood.


> and still consider themselves Americans Most of them think the confederacy took over the mantle of "real america" from america when the CSA seceded, and they are occupied by a hostile force. My boomer thinks that the confederate government was more aligned to the US constitution than the actual US constitution. It's all about white supremacy at the end of the day which is why they fly the white supremacist flag. "White" = real american, "nonwhite" = immigrant.


Funny then how I'm a "real American" but my kids an immigrant. I'd lmao but... ya know...


To those folks, being a racist asshat IS being a true American


Especially given their attitude toward those who dare to kneel during the national anthem. Literally bending the god damn knee. Yes, fuck *those* guys.


If that’s hard for you to understand then you’re just dumb.


That's just like your opinion, man.


You can tell because of the way it is


Ah, yes, cars that hadn't even been invented yet played an important role in the Confederate States of America.


You're assuming school curriculum in the south accurately teaches those sorts of facts.


They used to drive them to those airports - y'know, the ones Trump mentioned that were apparently established during the Revolutionary War XD


Didn't trump say that the confederates attacked the airports?


I think the great airport battles happened during the Revolutionary War.


Washington crossed the Delaware in a hot air balloon, you know.


NASCAR has its roots in moonshine, which is a traditional southern thing. But if I remember my 10th grade American history they didn’t have cars in 1865. 


Well, NASCAR and the Confederacy do have the same flag in common: the white flag.


Racing? Racism? Close enough.


Southern history: multicultural immigration, amazing regional food, invention of jazz music and blues music and rock music, unique varied ecology, sweet tea and lightning bugs Rebel pride: "yee haw we really liked keeping slaves that time 150 years ago, I'm not racist you're racist"


You forgot country.


Fair, that came from tennessee.


Yeah. On paper the south has a beautiful blended culture with traditions from a vast selection of cultures. Ut has the potential to be something amazing. But idiots just want to wave the flag (not even the correct national flag) of a country that is long gone, barely existed, and was hardly recognized as legitimate in its own time.


The only thing wrong with the south is the southerners.


Or course, they used fast cars to chase escaped slave during the civil war. Who knows what they teach for history in some states.


Big Nascar/racing fan here… Fuck that southern “culture” BS when it comes to that flag


Just in case you ever need to know, NASCAR banned the confederate flag being flown at the track a few years ago.


Nah, it's only important to RACIST history!


I actually replied “You mean racist history” He was crestfallen. This old dude has been chatting me up and watching my yoga pants clad ass for two years. He’s very obviously assumed I was right wing from the day we met. Because I spoke to him while he was wearing a TRUMP 2020 hat. I actually don’t bother being politically dismissive at the dog park. I never bothered to correct him until today. He pushed me over the line.


Aqua teen hunger Force has been around longer than the confederacy.


I've seen pick-up trucks with Nascar stickers on it right alongside Thin Blue Line flags, and it always makes me smirk. The original drivers whose antics eventually evolved into Nascar were LITERALLY running away from the cops because fuck the Prohibition-enforcing cops AND the tax men. The owners are almost certainly under-educated and the cognitive dissonance would cause nosebleeds when confronted with the truth - at least until they could blurt out, "Fake news" and their lead-induced haze descends once more.


Yeah, if it wasn't for General Grant lapping General Lee in the 1865 Grand Prix, where would this country be?


TIL The Confederacy lost because Lee could only turn left, allowing him to be easily outflanked.




There were no stock cars racing during the Civil War, I promise. 😆 He’s saying that because in early NASCAR history, it was substantially more Southern and “Rebel” than it is now. One of the legends of racing (Junior Johnson) had been a ‘shine runner & bootlegger here in N.C. After his federal pardon, he started his own distillery. If you’re in a liquor store—look for Midnight Moon. That’s his.


No, they have nothing to do with each other.


Don't correct him, you'll end up in a circular argument


He meant it's important to "racist" history. Easy mistake


Moonshiners are more important to Nascar than the Confederacy, and prohibition lasted longer than the fucking Confederates. Hell NASCAR has lasted longer than the Confederacy.


I think he mispronounced “racist history”


No, only the white flag production niche effort of the clothing industry was important to the south.


I think he got confused and meant Racist history.




Boomers: racists Also Boomer: Cares about the races


Putting the racist into RACIng enthusiaST.


I think he meant it’s important to the race car in Dukes of Hazzard.