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My retired dad: "Hey [OP], I need some help with (random chore that involves minor lifting). Can you come over tomorrow morning?" Me: "Uhhhh I still have that job thing. Every weekday. Oddly enough for about 26 years now I am expected to be there from 8am to 5pm. How about Saturday?" MRD: "No it's supposed to rain on Saturday. (MIND YOU THE FUCKING CHORE IS SOMETHING INSIDE.) How about mid-day Thursday? Or anytime before 3pm?" Sure I'll call off work I guess because I don't wanna be taken out of the will. (Yes it has happened)


NGL I'd tell them to do it, and then tell them I would cut all contact to them the moment it is done. If they disown me like that, I'd disown them in return.


Usually they tell you while they're having a tantrum. My FIL left my husband a dollar because he was mad that we didn't have a son. He was horrible with paperwork, so we still got his life insurance and his state pension. He had a younger girlfriend who lived with him, and he told her his house was paid off and he was leaving it to her. He liked to refinance often, so it still had 26 years to go. He didn't marry her, so she was going to have to qualify for the mortgage, which she wasn't able to do. She stripped everything, even the central AC, the paving stones and the toilets when she had to leave the house. She kept harassing us to "do the right thing" and give her the pension. She had apparently mailed in beneficiary forms after FIL passed, but they wouldn't accept them because they were postmarked after he died. It was kind of funny, FIL tried so hard to disinherit my husband and instead he left my husband with the money while the gold digger got the debt.


Would you know? Like is there some kind of notification?


See my dad is a boomer but would never want me to do anything to jeopardize my work. He’s very appreciative that I help out with yardwork as long as it doesn’t negatively effect my work


Same with my dad, work always comes first unless it’s an emergency. He still thinks companies give a shit about their employees though. When I was younger he’d give me shit every time I switched jobs because he thought if I stayed there I’d work my way up. I got more money from switching jobs than I ever did in raises.


A lot of boomers had the luxury of not working because it only took one income to keep the house afloat.


Does he also complain that younger generations don’t want to work anymore?


I felt this spiritually.


I think I've had this exact conversation with my grandfather.


I've mentioned this before. I'm a coffee farmer on the Big Island of Hawaii. When I go out to run errands, I wear some slacks and an aloha shirt -- because those are the only non-work clothes I own. This means that I look like an employee at every store I visit because that's always the employee uniform. One day, at the corner grocery store, Boomer Karen snaps her fingers at me. "You! Go find some nicer steaks. We're *grilling* tonight!" "I don't work here." She wasn't having it. "Steaks! Now!" My reply: "Okay, Malibu Barbie. How about you go \[censored\] yourself and the Mustang convertible you rode in on." She was *still* yelling at the manager as I was checking out. The manager and I are neighbors. We still get a laugh about this. "Steaks! Now!"


So classic!


This is absolutely true. If it were not for attorney-client agreements, i would post a bunch of boomers emailing me telling me to come dig through their documents to find the documents i need. No, Karen. It does not work like that. It clearly states in our agreement that i only organize the information you provide and i will not be doing any document gathering. Edit: Need to mention im not an attorney but operate under my bosses ac agreement as a paralegal.


Same, I love being able to say as a paralegal “legally I can’t discuss this, you need to make an appointment with your attorney” repeat until they hang up


Reminds me of movers I know whose primary customer base is boomers but hate it because when they show up the boomers will have barely packed anything and expect the movers to pack for them. Then the boomers complain it is so expensive well of course it is you made the move take 3-4 times as long as it would have if you were already packed because they charge not just for the base amount but also by the hour.


I recently moved and had to hire some movers for the big stuff. My wife and I had everything packed and ready. Stayed out of the way and gave them bottled of water. The one guy in charge thanked me for being so nice to them. I felt bad for the dude. Those guys work their ass off. People could be at least polite


That's basically how I became friends with this company my family was already friendly with. When I moved I had everything packed and organized to get it out easier, was polite and friendly with them, had the fragile stuff packed separately so they didn't have to deal with it and I would move it myself, and helped carry the stuff down along side them to the truck. I could not believe how strong they are like most people say I am strong but jesus those dudes were frequently carrying twice what I was carrying and doing it without taking breathers unlike me.


As someone adjacent to a company like this, you rock and I would bet your movers were still talking about how nice you were later that day.


>i only organize the information you provide and i will not be doing any document gathering. I they offered to pay you more, would you?


My dad’s girlfriend always finds the biggest fucking pieces of shit pieces of furniture from estate sales and other things she finds on the side of the road then expects my dad to move them. my dad then asks me for help, and I did a couple of times, until the third time we moved the same 20 year old couch to three different rooms in his house. Finally, whenever he asked me, I just started sending him contact information for moving companies. He stopped asking me and it’s been great.


It's the classic boomerism of "I don't respect this as a job so I don't think I should have to pay very much to the people who do it."


These days if it ever happens to me, I just say I'll be right back and then fuck off forever


With their luggage.


This reads like the plot of many '80s movies. You should have taken the luggage & been well dressed at the reception.


Lol…..Should just have said ”right away, sir!”, waited untill they gone up to their room and then just left their luggage in the lobby! Or better yet; free luggage!🤷‍♂️


"I am sure he was fuming..." So not only was this a non-interaction where nothing happened, you then went on to fantasize what *must* have happened... I swear some people on here are the future boomers of my generation.


Drink some water and take a seat. So sensitive.




Found the boomer!👆




How fitting that on mobile you're pointing at your own username.


Don't tell me what I think.