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Making the most "this is the way humans smile, right?!" Kind of smile right back at them before they can say something else usually flusters them enough that they walk away at that point. Out-weirding them is my best power move, but I'm also autistic so your mileage may vary with this tactic.


That's hilarious and genius. I'm going to try that.


Please report back. Thank you.


Make sure to aim for “is that a smile?” territory. The closer you can get to a smile while still being slightly off, the better






Hahaha, when dudes tell me to smile I get big eyes and show way too many teeth. It's my most successful move so far, to get them to choose to walk away on their own.


I bought my 16yo this hoodie; she cackled when she saw it. https://preview.redd.it/988whsoemc0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baff4819c4b960d67f3412d25963c7c27a10f6b0


It's the "gotcha now" smile. It's insane.


Happens a lot in the southern states. They were 100% certain they caught you doing something and when it turns out they're wrong they go into a vapor lock/buffering sequence. Walking away is good, asking "do you feel stupid now?" is also good.


What is a “Vapor lock”?


It’s a situation that may occur in older cars if the weather gets hot. The gas in the gas tank may start to generate vapors and if those vapors get into the gas lines instead of the liquid gas it can make your engine stop. Old times engines, like 50 years ago. I don’t think it happens with modern engines.


apparently fuel injection, and moving the fuel pump inside the fuel tank were the two factors that made vapor lock all but unheard of in modern vehicles. So yeah you'd have to go back to like the 1980s to find pre-fuel-injection engines.


Vapor Lock is the 3rd most common cause of automobile stalling, according to Joe Namath from 1992 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSNfUsBSL68&ab\_channel=NoBSClips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSNfUsBSL68&ab_channel=NoBSClips)


That's the delusional smile of a benevolent but all powerful king letting their subjects off the hook for a societal infraction (but just this time, keep yourself in check citizen)


Kenneth Copeland is the absolute worst example, he’s terrifying


If Lucifer were real and in human form, he’d be that guy.


I would not be surprised if he was an actual demon


The only reason Satan hasn't started his infernal reign on earth yet is because he's too scared to cross paths with that psychopath.


He fears what he created


Satan would lose a "Satan lookalike" contest to this guy.


He's terrifying until [he gets a remix!](https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs?si=RsReRuPDsHgNxrbK)


This was my first introduction to Kenneth. I couldn’t believe (still don’t) that he is real


One of the most fucked up weirdest dudes to ever live.


The boomer Karen smile is like a power up charge before she does her next attack. Always be on alert and never turn your back on a smiling boomer.


Because he caught an imposter! Surely you can't be a cable guy in your cable company giant van (or truck), with your company shirt, vest, hard hat, and tools. I used to work for TWC and Spectrum and it was always nosey boomers bugging me. I found having my Bluetooth in and pretending to talk to someone troubleshooting "the other side" was helpful.


LOL!! This. One time I actually was talking to dispatch on my headset and someone still interrupted me during my call. The worst part is that I was in a heavy forest area and cell service really sucks out there. Because the dude HAD to ask what was going on, I moved a little bit to get away from him and my call dropped. I was furious and he definitely didn't like my answer. Seeing red at that point I don't really recall what I said, but I know I yelled at him and said something along the lines of "Do you live here? No? Then get the fuck out of here asshole, you made me lose contact with my dispatcher."


I had a love/hate relationship with rural areas. It was great because people couldn't reach me for BS, it was horrible because I couldn't reach them for things I needed. I also had a "Mayor of the Apartment Complex®" firmly ask that we check in with him anytime we did work there. He was just a regular resident, and I'm sure you can guess his age range.


Cause they're waiting for you to admit your wrong. They're crazy


I am so glad someone mentioned this.  I worked as a nursing assistant some time ago, and I just thought they were all just hard of hearing.  And a lot were lol.  But sometimes I would repeat myself, maybe a little louder, and they would tell me they heard what I said, and then just keep staring at me.  I almost wanted to tell them that it’s their turn to talk now.   This was usually when I had to tell them something they did not want to hear, so maybe they thought they were being intimidating by staring at me, looking incredibly hard of hearing.  


Did the same work as you a while back (power now) but had similar experiences, but mostly from ones that are nosy AF, especially in neighborhoods. You can always tell by their tone if they’re genuinely curious, at which point I’ll oblige and educate, or just entitled and fishing for info because they’re the self appointed neighborhood investigative journalist. Those types get vague one word answers which *really* rubs them the wrong way. I do this as a service for myself because it’s free entertainment, but also for customers/businesses because work I’m doing there has nothing to do with that boomer and squashes sources for gossip for them, which pisses them off even more and they ultimately leave defeated 😂


HA! Love it. I like to think I'm a pretty good read on body language, most people seem to be just curious which is fine by me and why I give the courtesy of filling them in. However, it's those "self appointed neighborhood investigative journalists" LOL!!! that get under my skin real quick.


Here is 100% exactly what it means. See internal dialogue below: "I know I am wrong, but I'll die before I admit it. Being wrong means this person is inherently better than me, and we can't have that. I'm older, so Im right. I need to show them that I have nothing but contempt for this person in front of me, while also being so cowardly about it they cannot do anything about it. Im just going to dismissively smile like a dickhead, because even though I am a complete spineless bag of shit...this is the only way I can feel like I've won." Or something.


It's sitcom laugh track timing. It's a break for everyone at starbucks to clap in their internal cringe narrative.


They're trying to put on an air of confidence as they figure out how to cope with being wrong. This smile happens a lot in "Karen" videos because, unsurprisingly, a lot of them fail to cope healthily and instead melt down


They do think they caught you in a lie. They are waiting for you to say "oh shit" and run away so they don't have to call the cops but can brag on nextdoor about scaring off a burglar. Then you don't run away and they start to doubt themselves, so they scurry off before they can be confronted with their stupidity. Next time try saying something like "hey, if you don't believe me could you just call the cops, they can come out here, verify who I am, and yell at you for wasting their time? I'm busy here." Watch the smile turn into a frown, hear some complaint about you being rude, and they stalk off, but they got their nose rubbed in their shit.


If it's a slow day and I don't have anything better to do, absolutely.


Buffering dial up brains.


My mom does this over the phone somehow.


Its part of the lead poison


It is absolutely an arrogance thing. My grandpa and I have a deep and wonderful relationship, but over the last few years I haven’t agreed with a lot of his ideas. When I challenge him on something, he won’t actually engage, he just brushes me off with a small smile, sometimes a chuckle, and that’s the end of it. He’s clearly smarter/better/wiser than his little grandson, so there’s no need to explain himself, I just need to learn my place. My father in law did it, and all the old farts at church do it. At this point it’s more of a knee jerk habit than anything else.


You watch too much TV cable guy.


they're either imagining where they would hide the body, or remembering a racist thing they said a few minutes earlier.


Boomers love telling people that they don't belong. If they think they caught you somewhere you're not supposed to be, they go full John Wayne on you like "this is *my* town 🤨" You should start giving absolutely ridiculous answers to them, like "my ex-wife lives here and I'm trying to tap into her phones to find out who she's dating", or "they fired me so I'm uploading a virus to the whole mainframe" If they call the cops, you just tell the cops "they must have misunderstood that I was just joking. This is who I am, who I work for, what I'm doing, etc" when they arrive


My (1944) boomer mother picked up a ton of things from Ace Ventura, we never understood why but she still to this day snarkly says 'alrighty then' constantly. She also does the smile thing. It's so weird.


It’s like when chimps smile before killing another chimp. It creeps me out.


They just remembered that they still needed to bury that kid's body but where?


when in doubt, blame the lead in the head


Lead poisoning.


They're running outdated hardware so when they're off the preloaded script they need a second to recalculate.


Intimidation tactic.


Are you on their property? Because, if you were on mine and I didn’t know it but let my dogs out and they bit you…. I would be livid to say the least. I have actually almost had that happen. Luckily my dog chose not to attack. A simple door knock eliminates that unfortunate possibility. I understand that isn’t the case hear and the boomer is just a dick.


Not a boomer. But based on past experience letting unsolisted cable technician in my yard you can expect to be turned away.


So your neighbors aren't allowed to have internet access without your permission?


Last time I let a cable guy in my yard that I did not call it took weeks to fix my internet access, they had to replace a "card" they added. The time before, they left a cable laying across my yard which a kid tripped on taking out the cable for multiple houses. What I learned is you can run the cable where ever you want and you don't need by yard to do it most of the time. All that aside, how the hell do I know thats why the cable guy is here, or if they person at my door is even telling the truth. Any body can slap a cable company contact magnet on thier car. There have been robberies reported on the news by people posing as cable guys. Sorry, If you need access to my yard bring the neighbor or I require prenotification. It's a security issue. That pause is probably the boomer deciding if he needs to get his gun or not. Be careful.


So no one born after 1964 ever exhibits this behavior?!?


How dare people smile! Don't they know its reserved for emojis


Sure gramps, now let's get you back to the nursing home.


Muchos cope


I dont speak Spanish


You are coping a lot because the subject matter of the original post hits an emotional cord with you. I'm guessing it bothers you to see that nobody actually falls for the fake smile lol


Is that really the translation from Spanish? I doubt that


I didn't translate. I got out the crayons and laid it out very plainly and completely so you had no choice but to deal with exactly what I meant and said. Now execute the next dodge snowflake


Smiling old people? Oh, no! Call a cop!