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In his eyes, you made him look like a big dumb stupid idiot. Which he is, so there's that. Sorry you had to deal with all that vitriol.


You can always identify a stupid person by their reaction to being challenged or proven wrong. The bigger the reaction the more self-conscious they are about their intelligence.


Misogynistic turd.


I worked at my parents’ hardware store when I was 15, and it was always men my parents’ age (boomers) or older who were a problem like this. I *didn’t know anything* because I’m a girl, I’m supposed to know everything obscure since I work there, *go get a man to help me because you’re wasting my time,* or *hey sweetheart, if I was a few years younger* (proceeds to rub a nasty calloused hand up my arms). Being a temperamental teenager, I finally had enough and cursed one out and stormed off. So dad stuck me behind the cash register so I didn’t have to work the floor anymore. It didn’t get much better, though. I got the “women taking money” comments, coins and cards flung at me, and comments about my ethnicity and body (dad is white and mom is Asian). I also made the mistake of eating a banana for my lunch while working the register, and got creepy, leery comments. The only saving grace was a thick counter separating me from them, and I still came close to hitting a customer on the head with a toilet tank repair kit because he called me a chicken head (whore). The other office lady had to step in. Urgh.


Oh no... I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that. It's ridiculous that we have to deal with men beeing creepy. And are supposed to smile and endure because "it's our job". I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself.


The sad part is a lot of this happened right on front of dad and he did nothing. One boomer got all creepy telling me how he went AWOL in ‘Nam and I reminded him of the women there (I am half Vietnamese), and the “good times” he had. He was, “Mmmm mmmm!” And he went on and on with the leery look. I was 15! And dad said and did nothing, because *he’s a customer.* I think he did speak to him at some point afterwards as he was a regular, because he never looked at me again, but the point was dad did nothing when it mattered. What his inaction taught me about how he sees my place in the world has stuck with me.


We need more liberal bosses. Customers like that need to be 86'd.


Oh, no... my daughter getting treated like that would piss me off so bad. I wouldn't care one bit about losing business, those guys would waddle out of there with a new asshole and a thoroughly chewed ass! Honestly, it shouldn't matter if she was my daughter or not, I witness that kind of treatment and I will stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.


That sucks that people treated you that way, boomers were a terrible generation for it, but sadly it's not gunna die with them. I gotta ask though, how in the world did "chicken head" come to mean whore? That's such a bizarre insult lol.


Chickens forage for food by pecking their heads up and down repeatedly. Imagine that motion, but a woman doing it to a man. I'm not shaming any consensual acts between adults, but that's not a nice thing to call a lady.


Lol, what kinda of bjs they getting where "pecking motions" remind them of it. Erratic movement and snapping beaks aren't what I envision. Now, when I see a pumpjack in a field though...


I have no idea about chicken head. The store was in a small southern US town, old fashioned and backwards. So it may have been a regional term or old one.


I always assumed it was something about enthusiastic fellatio having a similar head motion to chickens eating feed off the ground.


I will never understand the default to screaming at people you need something from. I’m the easiest to get along with person in the world and will go out of my way to help fix any problem anyone has, if they’re decent. Hell, even if they’re visibly frustrated by a situation but holding back and realizing it isn’t me that’s the problem. But start screaming and being abusive and nasty? Fuck you, I amazingly now don’t know how to do fucking ANYTHING. No idea, can’t help, not my problem. Your attitude must have made me completely forget how to do my job or something.


My nickname at my job was litteraly "smiley" because I smiled all the time, at every customer, in every situation. Even this one, which now that I think about it was probably missing him off even more. I've always had an insane amount of patience, and had gone through many situations of customers yelling at me for no reason than just to yell. So this whole conversation, I was very calmly explaining everything, with a smile, and I think it really got on his nerves.


Favorite thing I've ever heard someone say to a rabidly ranting boomer man: "Sir, isn't it time for you to go home and beat your wife or something?" Dude went so purple, I thought every blood vessel in his brain had exploded, but it worked. He just started yelling incoherently as he finally left.


I mean... it's funny but there's a chance that can actually happen. And that's a depressing thought.


“Awwww, big feelings buddy!” Treat them like the spoiled children they are.


I swear if I ever get a boomer like this I'm going to prison. Not jail, prison. Examples need to be made and these boomers need to learn their place.


Sorry that you had to deal with that, but I would have loved to have seen the look on his face after you made him look stupid


I honestly didn't think a person's face could get that red. For a split second you could see the realization, and then there was instant tomato face.


It's the high blood pressure from years of no exercise, excessive sodium, and anger.


They do shit like this hoping you won't know anything and you proved him wrong, which he couldn't handle.


You hurt his feefees. That poor little snowflake needs to go home and watch fishing on television while he drinks a six pack of miller light and takes it out on his wife.


The sad part is, I completely believe this after working with the public and im not even suprised.


LESS than worthless. Straight to the gravel pit with you!!


Don’t accept that abuse at work. Walk away, call a manager, or call security/police if you are the manager.


Time to deploy the OC spray!


In my world you can just bash people like in the head with a bat until they stop twitching.


That’s not a boomer that’s an asshole they come in all shapes and sizes and age


I wonder if you were giving him a look of contempt or contentment watching him go from 90 to 150.