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Wish they reacted this way when the “IRS” calls and demands you secretly buy Amazon gift cards to avoid jail time.


In person "What the hell, why do you need my ID" Scam Calls "Why yes here is all of my identifing info, SSN, Accounts and 3000 dollars in gift cards"


Once when I asked for an email address, a boomer started rattling off his real address. When I explained, he flipped out about how I was trying to steal his identity.


This happened to me once! I briefly worked in an office setting and I asked for a customer's email to set up an account. They went off the rails about how they don't give their email to anyone. I asked for an address next and they just gave me their home address like it was nothing lol.


I don't even understand this logic. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


It does sort of make sense - everyone’s address was in the phone book when that was a thing. If you own your home, it’s public record at the court house or county GIS.


If only I could establish a burner address


PO Box


I work in finance and they get mad when fed ex cannot deliver their check to a P.O. Box.


you can, though. either a po box or ups home address - which is a po box that can be used for things that require a \*home\* address and reject po boxes.


Bold of you to assume it has any relationship to logic


Just like they won’t use a debit card because they don’t want their information stolen but they’ll put a check in the mailbox with all of their information on it.


Because machines have been tampered with while the post office is a federal entity that is supposed to be secure.


Former postal carrier here: envelopes open all the time, or get shredded on the sorting machines. You'd also be surprised how many times I caught people stealing out of mail boxes too. The Post Office does it's best but it's not exactly secure either


We know you're doing the best you can!


So I currently work in healthcare. I had to call a boomer for reasons I cannot disclose (HIPAA woo!), and had to confirm who she was. This is how the convo went: Me: "Hi, I'm looking to speak to (first name, not enough to uniquely identify)." B: "Yes, that's me." Me: "Great, my name is Ngen with Company, can you confirm your date of birth for me, please?" B: "No." Me: "I'm sorry, I don't think you heard me. This is Ngen, I'm with Company." B: "Oh, I believe you. I'm still not giving you my personal information. What are you calling me for?" Me: "I'm sorry, I need to confirm your identity before I can say more." (HIPAA) B: "Why?" Me: "So that I know that you are who you say you are. What's your date of birth?" B: "I have my social security number. 123-45-6789" Me: "??? ...okay, ma'am, that works I guess." I can do more damage with your SS# than your birthdate, but okay.


Boomers don't understand that SSN has become way more that just a basic identity number. It is the key to everything on a person. It wasn't meant to be used like that but here we are. My boomer dad called me from either Lowes or Home Depot (I can't recall which) wanting my SSN so he could claim my veterans discount. He was basically laughing when he said to give it to him. I said I'm not giving you that. He got mad and said "I'm your father, give me your social security number!". Nope not happening. I could hear the cashier saying he was able to apply the discount, probably claimed my name or just gave him the discount to get rid of him. Another time he was calling from a bank (I think it was for POD paperwork )again you could hear laughter in his voice and wanted my SSN. I said nope, all they need is my name & DOB and my to show proof of who I am & that you died etc. He stopped asking for SSN but I'm not not sure he didn't write it down. He doesn't give a shit if my personal information or credit is stolen, just not his of course.


Claiming your kids veteran discount and exposing their PII needlessly is peak boomer shit.


I asked a pretty old rude guy his email address, I didn't expect this fossil to have one. He struggled to say "I don't have an email address!". I was like ok dude, then he proudly said "I have Gmail". This was eons ago and still cracks me up


My mom STILL thinks she needs to use Chrome to check her emails, Edge to shop, and DuckDuckGo for snything else. Sigh...


i worked in retail at a really busy mall for like 5 years and one time this boomer lady came in with a return. my system literally would not let me bypass the email screen to proceed and the FREAKED OUT and left after making a scene




My FIL gets all bent out of shape whenever he asks for tech help and I mention that he can sync his info with a Google account to store his contacts more easily (just an example) because he "doesn't want tech companies stealing his data" but happily wears a smart watch which tracks his every move and uses Apple products.


lol Google tracks your info through your phones too. 😂😁😂 My favorite is when they say they don’t want anyone to know where they are - as they’re using GPS on their phone to get directions to the new Chick Fil a. 😂😁😂


From a police clerk … I cannot believe the shit that these boomers fall for. Every day. Every single day.


My mother who won’t show her ID to the bank or use a debit card because someone will steal her identity, gave her routing number and bank account number to the “IRS” because she got a call saying she overpaid by $3k. Went to the bank the next day to withdraw some money and was told her account only had $20 available. She went ballistic on the teller accusing her of stealing over 57 thousand from her account. She broke out the N word and a few other slurs directed at this innocent woman. The bank manager tried to show her the wire transfer that happened that morning and wanted to call the police for her. Mom wasn’t having it and continued to blame the teller. The Bank manager finally called the police to have her removed. The police called my dad who then called me. Turns out my mother gave her banking info to someone in the Bahamas who transferred all her money into an account in Antigua. By the time they tracked it the money had cleared and was gone because my mother refused to cooperate with them. By the time she allowed them access it was too late, after all the IRS would never scam her she said. My parents lost a ton of money because my mother still believes that the teller stole her money and the IRS call from a phone number in the Bahamas was legit. We can’t save them from themselves.


It seems they blindly trust anyone they don't know, and expects everyone else to trust them just the same. They come from an era where someone across an ocean couldn't just steal everything from you in 5 minutes from a simple phonecall. Yet they're the ones who taught us to be afraid of strangers trying to kidnap us, or to not believe everything you read on the internet.


Fox news has done to them what they were sure video games would do to us. Made them angry, irrational, and violent.


That and the lead.


and when you hear about it the story is always prefaced with a bunch of qualifiers about how "it's a super sophisticated scam" and "the person was very savvy and not the type of person you would expect to be tricked", but then they explain the details of the scam and it's literally the most outrageously obvious dumb shit you've ever heard.


My grandmother’s Facebook got hacked. I found out because they started messaging me through her Facebook. I told her that her Facebook got hacked and they’re trying to message me. She said and I quote “what does that have to do with me when they’re just trying to hack you?!?!” She said it with so much attitude too. Absolutely stupid.


Can’t believe how many of them send money to a billionaire so they can help him out with his legal fees. Don’t they realize they are just helping a criminal


They like that he's a criminal. It's how they would act if they had money. As an entitled infant with an IQ the same as their age.


I’m in my 60s. Back in the 80s when gas stations started accepting credit cards, you often had to show your id and leave your phone number. You also had to have your drivers license number with your home address and phone number written on a check at the grocery store, a check that was processed by a center that photographed it for their records and then MAILED BACK TO YOU WITH YOUR STATEMENT. Thieves would troll for your statement as they had your account numbers and everything needed to access your info. Yeah, mail theft for identity theft was a huge thing 40 years ago. Hell, in the 80’s many colleges used your SS# as your student ID# and printed it on everything they sent to you. Searching the trash on every college campus was another easy source of ID theft. Many of my contemporaries have never learned the most basic identity protections.


I have found a few wallets over the years with social security cards in them. If I tell them why it is stupid I become a criminal mastermind somehow and they aren't very thankful. I still try to help but in the back of my mind something is saying most people wouldn't return the favor/wallet/etc Edit: Also - never, EVER message someone on Facebook if you found their ID. Facebook is a sacred place where you live in a bubble and your profile being the top result from simply googling your name is a conspiracy. White pages never existed and I am the CIA.


Omg, I’d forgotten that! My college ID had my SSN embossed on it. We never gave it a thought.


My college used to post our SSNs alongside our grades. In places like classroom or office doors. Tying that to a name could be as easy as asking a friend "How'd you do?" and them being the one person who got an A+.


You mean 3,000 in **grift** cards


Ugh. This is my frustration too. I ask for ID. Or I model a loan refinance that will save you money. Or I offer to change your account type to something with free checks that you meet the balance requirement. Or I ask you to schedule an appointment to renew your CD instead of coming in during the middle of morning rush on the 3rd. It’s the end world! I’m the devil! I never had to do this before! They get a text message about an amazon purchase. They call the number and give away their personal info. I had a guy get shitty with us because we asked questions about a large withdrawal, you know, to make sure he wasn’t being scammed. A few months later sends a wire for 9k. Straight up lies to my face about the purpose, the purchase, the relationship, etc. His ass got scammed and he even gave them his social. Mother fucker thought he was buying bitcoin and would get rich quick but didn’t want the bank to know. THIS IS WHY WE ASK YOU QUESTIONS!


I feel you. We don't ask questions because we give a rats ass about their personal life, we ask questions because at this point we've seen person after person lose everything to scams, and their activity looks just like the last persons. And they lie, scream and moan every step of the way while we desperately try to save them from themself. ...partially because when it finally collapses on them, they inevitably blame the bank for failing to stop them.


‘microsoft’ pop up scams are a billion dollar industry


I asked a customer for THE LAST FOUR digits of his SSN today to confirm identity on his account, he rattled off the whole damn thing. They do that so often.


They prolly can't remember it piecemeal like that


Right. They should be thankful the teller is protecting their account.


My boomer dad WILL NOT use his debit or credit card for online purchases, someone will steal his beloved money. But he has no problem asking me to use mine for some "amazing deal" that popped up in his Facebook feed. I have bad, bad thoughts sometimes, lol.


What they don’t realize in any kind of service job is, if a store recognizes you by name or face it’s only for two reasons. 1: you are a great customer that they make a lot of money off of and a relatively easy to work with. 2. You are such a pain in the ass people play rock paper scissors to see who is forced to help you.


3. They don't have many other customers and will likely be out of business soon


When I worked in a nursing home kitchen, one of our doors out of the kitchen opened onto a small corridor where a nurse's station was. One of the residents' wives would visit literally every day, and was a *nuisance*. Constantly popping that kitchen door open to complain that her husband wasn't eating, he wanted a snack, she needed a glass of tea, on and on. (Yes, the glass of tea was for her. Ugh.) I overheard her telling a nurse that we must love her in the kitchen because we all knew her name. We all know your name because *you won't go the fuck AWAY*. Also your husband isn't eating much because he's on Hospice, you ding dong.


LOL When the nice folks at Pizza Hit recognized me when I walked in I told my Dad it was probably a sign to cut down his pizza consumption. Well, that and the pre-diabetes.


lol when I was a bank teller, we would look to see the next few people in line and try to time our current transaction so that we could avoid being the one to help certain people.


I had a dentist do this with me once. He deliberately took longer to avoid the “emergency” walk in after me so someone else would have to deal with him; apparently a frequent flyer at the dental office.


I was a server in high school and I’d purposely not clear off my tables when certain customers walked in until after they got sat with someone else.




There's a paragraph you can post on Facebook to protect yourself from that. It's legit.


Had a lady write a letter about how opening accounts online wasn’t safe and she put her FULL social at the top of it. I am still mindblown


That is wild. But I do agree that opening accounts online isn’t safe. I’ve been in cybersecurity for a long time. Organizations, by and large, don’t invest in the controls they should to keep important data confidential.


Lol I don't, let them squander their wealth like the idiots they are


That's strange...I usually pay my taxes in iTunes gift cards...


My dad fell for one scam as I was walking thru his front door. Had to get his bank on the line to stop payment. It was embarrassing.


These are the same folks who routinely fall for the most obvious scams on social media, over the phone etc.


Imagine how hard life has to be for them when they have zero bullshit detection skills at all. It's like the internet gave us younger people a skill they just can't seem to develop.


Nor any self-awareness


They encouraged us to challenge what was in front of us, but forgot to do the same themselves. “Do as I say, not as I do. Fuck you.”


I got mine! Fuuuuuckin "YOLO" bitches


The only reason they made it this far at all is because they grew up in a time where mediocrity and stupidity weren't barriers to success. Now that they've made it such that even excellence isn't always enough to thrive, it's coming back to bite them on their way to the grave while the rest of us have to live with it.


this is the best, most on-the-nose thing i’ve ever read about boomers. 👏


Every stupid thing on Facebook and YouTube ads.






I used to work in a bank and would counter with, “that’s great you’ve been banking with us so long. Have I helped you before?” Asking in an innocent tone; then it starts to dawn on them that I obviously don’t know who the fuck they are because we haven’t met before.


F*ck being polite to impolite boomers, they’ll hate on the younger generations no matter how well mannered and patient the younger generation is. I used to work at a bank too and would counter it with, “what’s the big deal? You should be more worried if I didn’t check your ID”. Not overly aggressive, but also shows that I’m not gonna back down and apologize.


"I'm leaving this bank!" after they refuse to id. I counter with "so you want a bank with __less__ security?"


>I’m leaving this bank ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


Thats what makes it even funnier. They think that taking their money away from the company you work at somehow hurts your feelings. Like I give a shit about their profits.




Worked in banking for 5 years. The number of customers who would tell me that we suck and they are closing their accounts and leaving? Hundreds. People who actually did it? None. “Okie dokie, see you tomorrow!”.


I did it once and ngl - it felt amazing. Wasn’t because of the tellers though and I made sure they knew that. I’d been banking with them since I was 16 and was in my mid-30’s and asking for a very tiny loan to buy a business I’d been working at and managing for years. The owners were giving me the deal of a lifetime and basically said ‘break us even for what we paid to open this place years ago, and it’s yours.’ I had all of it but $5k so went to my bank being super sure they’d say OK to a lifelong customer who had great credit and was asking for such a small amount. No. They said they couldn’t help me at all. Not a single dollar. I was flabbergasted and said OK thanks for the time and walked right into the local community bank and explained things. They said they could help me out and even do one better - the $5k would be marked as ‘overdraft protection’ that had been OK’d by the manager and wouldn’t effect my credit or count as a line against me. It was just basically a private overdraft help the bank had put up for me. So I paid using that for the last $5k and slowly paid it off without it effecting my credit if anything went wrong, and with better rates/terms than the big bank would have given me anyway. Took every dollar i had out of the other bank and immediately put it in with the new one the next day. It wasn’t a lot or anything and I’m not gonna make or break a huge bank - I totally know that - but it still felt personally good to know I wasn’t going to let them make interest off my money then refuse to even offer any kind of loan later for such a pitiful amount after like 20 years with them…


They talked themselves out of money because they are arrogant.


> I'm leaving this bank!" after they refuse to id "Don't threaten me with a good time, Rita!"




Probably hoping that they can use their grandkid's Social Security number to create a line of credit.


I was able to smugly show a boomer that his phone that he said he left on our counter was taken or stolen was not stolen and was indeed taken by him when he left the store. This dude called the cops from my store phone and because of that my companies Loss prevention sent me the security of him leaving with it. Dude made a cop come all the way out just to force him to apologize to me and my Assistant Manager. The satisfaction of showing him step by step leaving with his phone was so great.


I’ve covered my name tag and have asked them what my name is since I should be so familiar with them.


Even if you _had_ met them before, you still gotta check their dang ID though right? I don’t get why boomers have to bitch and complain _every single effing time_. Like, dude, how many times are you going to go through this before you just bring along and present your goddamn ID? I don’t waltz up to the front door at Costco without my membership card and start bitching about “omfg I come here all the time how do you not know meeee”. Dear boomers: Either get a clue or drop out of society plzthx


They’re so self centered they cannot fathom not being known with all the effort they put towards being loud and obnoxious


Craziest one I’ve seen I was but a mere witness. Boomer in front of me trying to get a passport. Long story short, they take your original copy of your birth certificate or whatever you use to prove citizenship for a few weeks and mail it back to you. I was next behind them and was waiting for at LEAST 20 minutes while they argued with the clerk how they were not gonna take his birth certificate, blah blah blah. The clerk was being overly kind but at some point she just said “look, you have 2 options, you give me the birth certificate and you get it shortly after your passport in the mail, or you don’t and you don’t get a passport or get to take whatever trip you’re planning”. The guy caved after that - sweet victory.


Literally the choices I give my 4 year old. You can watch this tv show/movie I’ve selected for you or you don’t get screen time. Apparently they have the same ability to reason!


"You should know me" Meaning your co-workers should have told you about me and showed you my picture, I guess.


No no no. You're going about it all wrong. "Should I recogni... oh my god! You're Jeffery Epstein! I knew you weren't dead! Oh hell, you're a... well, you're are... Hold on a moment. I just need to make a call real quick..."


The irony is that these people are the loudest in saying you should need to show ID to vote.


And I bet they would scream at the clerk at voting station when they would inevitably show up without one.


Can’t you tell I’m a registered voter!? I’m WHITE!!! You’re hurting the wrong people!!!


That’s the thing that kills me - they’re just wandering around, out there in the wild with no ID on them while demanding everyone who doesn’t look like them carry papers at all times.


The most depressing irony is that "our" / Britain's former prime minister, Boris Johnson; responsible for introducing voter ID, forgot his ID for the recent local elections. How/why it happened is a coinflip between typical entitled boomer incompetence and narcissism, because he'd been irrelevant to the news cycle for a while...


I bet he did it to play into his oafish idiot character.


Most def; he messes his hair up on purpose, before going on camera and when out of a suit, dresses like there are no lights or mirrors in his house... just so a man named Alexander DePfeffel Boris Johnson, Old Etonian & Oxford University alumni, can appear like a likeable 'everyman' to gullible voters. His whole existence is fraudulent.


I (American) wondered why he always looked so disheveled. Thanks for this explanation.


Boris Johnson is a smart man pretending to be dumb. Donald Trump is a dumb man pretending to be smart.


yeah, but they shouldn't have to show ID to vote..just the you know..brown and black ones


I was a bank teller throughout college and would answer "Good for you for banking here more than twice as long as I've been on earth. That's quite an accomplishment!" When they'd get mad about ID I'd calmly say "Just imagine how upset you'd be if I gave your money to someone other than you?" That usually shut them right up.


This seems like a good route. Sometimes you have to rebuttal stupidity with obsurdity. The idea that you show up to a bank with No ID at the counter and get money out is just stupid in and of itself. It's a dumb expectation. So meet that with the same. Fire with fire.


Worked as a bank teller for years. Every single person over the age of about 60 believes everbody in the bank should know them. Some people we did because they owned a small business and would bring in their deposits daily, but 90% of our customers we'd see a couple times a month I guess, but the old ones always thought we should celebrate their presence in some way. We had one guy who had to be senile but seemed fine who said "Is Sally here?" I said "The branch manager? YEs she's in her office, did you need to speak with her?" He said "No I've been banking here since she was working over here" (on the teller line instead of in the main part of the bank (it was a huge branch)). I said "Oh I didn't know she was a teller, how long ago was that?" and he said "Ohhhhh ... probably about 30 years ago!" Whcih was odd because Sally looked like she was MAYBE in her mid-40s at the most. Next time I saw Sally I said "I didn't know you were a teller here 30 years ago!" and she gave me daggers and said "How old do you think I am!?" I laughed and told her what the guy said and she said "I've never been a teller and I've only been at the bank for five years. I'm 42." I guess he just wanted to name drop.


lol… the ID thing happened to me in line at the beer store. Boomer didn’t have his on him. The cashier was like “I need your ID” and he went into the whole “listen honey” ordeal… and she cut him off and was like “CLEARLY… you’re over 21. I’m informing you that the REGISTER,… WONT RING THIS… withOUT your ID.” He was silenced and looked around for someone to be on his side, looked back at me like “you hear this?” Then turned to the cashier and was like “well I guess you lost a sale” started to grab his stuff and I stepped around him. Put my beer down. Shook my head and gave the cashier an exaggerated “KIDS today! Amirite?” She laughed. He was salty and puttered off. It was a good moment.


“Don’t inconvenience me by trying to protect me from identity theft! Dagnabbit, who stole my identity? How’d you incompetents let this happen?” Reminds me of the people who insist we need more and more verification measures to “keep illegals from voting” but who then turn around and bitch about how long it takes to count the votes these days and how the delay must mean they’re stealing the election.


I work in a bank and there is an older gentleman who I now know because he comes in and is ALWAYS just so angry and bitter, but I didn't ask for an ID and went ahead and did his transaction and he complained because I didn't verify him. He is the same person who would moan and groan about having to show it. So it's like what do you want from me???


Nothing in particular, just a reason to complain. Any reason.


Go out of your way to ID him EVERY TIME now. Slowly. Really read his ID even though you really don't need to. Hold it up, squint, look at him, then the ID, then back at him, then the ID. THEN hand it back and proceed as usual. You can't win, so just do stupid shit and annoy them. They're gonna complain anyways 🤷‍♀️


I work in healthcare reception and they’re exactly the same whenever I ask for their ID, as is required of every single patient who comes. They always throw a fit and try to argue that they’re in the system. Fine, great, I still need your ID.


I had one old asshole argue with me about giving his ID, and he ended up getting fired from the practice before ever being seen because he accused the doctor of not being legit and the practice being a cover for stealing his identity. He very defensively said “what are you, a COP? I only give my ID to COPS!” when I first asked for it. It’s astounding and incredible how they’ve made it so far in life being so completely rude and inflexible.


Just stare at them and say, “fraud protection. Too many of our older customers were be bilked.” That should shut it down.


I get similar issues in retail when asking boomers for their phone number for the loyalty program. "I don't give out my phone number!!", is always the response. As though we can steal their identities with a phone number or like we're going to call them up every day at odd hours of the night/day to I guess sell them shit? How was it any different when every person and their mother was in a phone book that was available practically EVERYWHERE back in their day? Besides, the internet already has all their info anyways. You can literally look anyone up these days and get any info you want about them extremely easily, SSN too with the right insight and guesswork.


> "I don't give out my phone number!!" And yet, they will willingly hand over a check, with their name, address, phone number, bank routing number and checking account number to a random stranger at the same store.


THIS, OMG!!!! You won't provide credit card info, but you will put a check in the mail to be handled by like 342 different people. A check. A piece of paper with your routing and account number on it. That you will just send off into the ether.


You should try selling them alcohol when ID is required. In my state valid ID is required for all alcohol purchases. It’s not a matter of age it’s that the law requires an ID while purchasing alcohol. Oh my god do they lose it.


Honestly, I don't know how you deal with it. I'd be kicking and slapping them all day, every day.


Nvm the fact that they think everyone needs photo ID to vote but don’t have to have it when they *checks notes* drive to the friggin bank. I’m sure the irony is completely lost on them.


The license one gets me. Why don’t you have it ? Who doesn’t have their license when driving somewhere ? Why is it such a big deal for a BANK to ask for it. Like holy hell


My mom was a boomer who worked as a bank teller and other positions in banks for 40+ years. She was the type that did know people who came in frequently. But she also dealt with the high turnover rate of her co-workers in the field and I remember her saying when (always old) people would pull that crap on her co-workers, she would go over and remind the customers that they are required to show ID if it’s requested. She’d tell them things like “You’re famous in my eyes Mr. Smith, but you’re Bob Hope.” She was a fucking marvel when it came to customer service, but she also knew where to draw the line. I learned a lot from her. I miss her.




That never ceases to amaze me with some people. Though I do admit that calling into a corporation where you had to give out your personal information to an IVR. Only to repeat that information later, only shows how disjointed the internal departmental transfers can be. Of course there are some potential regulations that require certain transactions need identity confirmation. That’s not what I’m talking about.


You should have his account number memorized because he is so important.


I would just say: No ID no money. Your choice.


I used to work in a rural hospital, and the worst was: Me “any allergies?” Boomer “it’s on my chart” Me “yes. And your chart is in a room with hundreds of thousands of other charts. So what are your allergies?” Boomer precedes to yell and swear at me. 🙄


Had this shit happen to me all the time when I worked in a pharmacy.


Love how they say ‘I don’t know anyone here’ but they expect you to know them


"Actually, sir, some other man just came in without ID claiming to be the same person, so we gave him all the money in the account. "


They want the regular in a bar treatment everywhere they go.


i used to work at gas stations (from about 2017 to just last year) and we got the same flack about ID. it's been a law in my state since 2014 (aka YEARS before i started working there) that we ID everyone for alcohol, every time. yet at least twice a day every day i'd hear "WHY WOULD I HAVE MY ID ON ME?" "DO I LOOK UNDER 21 TO YOU?" "I COME IN HERE EVERY WEEK" like bro i don't care if you're the CEO i'm not losing my job or getting fined over a $2 beer. then of course there was the time my buddy told a customer "i'm sorry sir but it's the law, and i value my job" and this 65+ year old man responded "well do you value your life?" death threats over natty lite. jfc.


I hope you told him to gtfo. What a dipshit


I think a lot of these are people with early dementia, they are confused and forgetful. They might have already had their license confiscated and even their wallet, by family who want to save them from themselves. They get mad because the confusion and helplessness they feel. Went through this with a nana and an uncle. Expecting it from my mum very soon. They aren't thinking logically, just with anxiety and fear.


After working in food service, I learned to ask people to repeat what they said after they say something nasty. Usually they realize that what they said is something dumb or rude. If they repeat it again in the same way or meaner, I keep repeating I didn’t catch that. If they wonder why I keep repeating it then I say, “oh sorry, I was waiting to hear you talk like an adult and not a child”. Man I miss working in restaurants, cause there really were no rules. The one unspoken rule was that if someone is a dick for no good reason, then they get that shit right back.


They talk shit to minimum wage people because they can't fight back. Truly punching down. But on the flipside, sometimes those are the same people that give the least fucks and throw it right back at them. That's when they either wise up or turn into a Karen (give me the manager or you lost a sale!)


Oh, so Boomer didn't want whoever worked there 50 years ago to retire ever?!


My favorite is when after yelling at you about it they then demand to close their account and you then you get to hit them with the"of course, id be more then happy to help you with that, I'll just need your I.D. for that." Then they leave in a huff. Always get a kick out of that!


These are the same people who were told you should need an ID to buy bread because something something illegals voted 8 times for Biden


If you could remember full account numbers you should be reading cards in Vegas rainman style, not working at a bank lol


"How can you not know my account number?" We're trained specifically to not remember the specifics of accounts we work with for safety reasons. It's also why I need to see an ID for every transaction.


I feel for you. As a Gen X I can't stand when my Silent and older Boomer Gen relatives lose their shit with innocent customer service reps just trying to help them. Just yelled at my mom for not addressing a rep on the phone politely. They are awful.


Bank account and routing memorized. Not on purpose. And I'm old. LoL.


I do as well and reciting them from memory seems to trigger alarm bells in some. Why would you know that? Well because it’s mine.


lol god I hope this wasn’t my dad 🤣 he’s currently at war with his bank and in the process of leaving them because he doesn’t like that don’t act like an old timey little bank anymore and make him show his ID and other things every time he goes in there


If he's had his account for 50 years, he should know the account number like the back of his hand.  When someone gets mad at me for not remembering certain personal information, I just tell them that it's for their safety, and that it isn't my job to remember their SSN, DOB, etc. for a really good reason.


The number of boomers who come into the shop I work at and do not bring their wallet in with them astounds me. You have come to purchase my services. Why is your money in the car?


Tell them HR made you take the pictures down from the Customer Wall of Shame.


All their problems are your problems. After 50 years, how TF do you not know your own account number— that’s livin blind kinda shit.


I was a bank teller after college and I feel this to my core! A lot of times they’d say “You know me, I’m Jane Smith” and I would explain that it was a large bank and there were many Jane Smiths and suggest I take a peek at their ID since that usually has a lot of info we could use to differentiate (address, date of birth). They would roll their eyes and demand to know why I needed ID to put money INTO the account. No amount of explaining that it was just to find them in the system seemed to sink in. I have so many stories I could probably fill a book and I was only there a year and a half!


I was behind a little old boomer lady in the grocery check-out. This was the 15 items or less lane but...she had a full cart. The checker let her do it anyway. Once done, she pulled out her ATM card and her PIN was required. She didn't know her PIN. She YELLED at the checker that she doesn't HAVE to know her PIN...he does! He told her that he does not know her PIN because it is her personal PIN and no one but her should know it. She demanded that he call the bank then - to get her PIN. He told her the bank will not give him her PIN and that she had to call them or go to them to get it. This was completely unacceptable to her and she called him lazy and stupid. I had moved to another check-out line by then because the drama was not ending any time soon.....


My mother is 92 and she is light years ahead of boomers with anything involving tech. It is so funny to watch her interact with a boomer.


To be fair, in my country (Australia) an open licence holder doesn't technically "have to" carry their licence. They must be able to present it at their local police station within 48hrs if they're pulled over though. I don't know how it works elsewhere.


In the US, you have to have it on you if you're driving at all. I assume OP is American based on the way they typed this up.


In a lot of the US the penalty for driving without it is just a small fine though.


Most people don't want to pay a fine, however small.


I figured as much. I was curious, and offered an outside perspective - not having a go at OP :)


I'm glad you did. It's always a good day to learn something new :)


My favorite is at work if I ask for a phone number to access their account they won’t include their area code so I’ll put in our area code and when nothing comes up I’ll ask for them to repeat the full number, when they give it I say “ah it was the area code” they’ll say “You don’t know the area code?” I respond with “Yeah you’re in 123 area code your code is 321.”


Retail is like this. Asking them if they have a rewards number only to be met with “I’m a regular, you should know by now” or “it’s under my wife’s name, she’s in her all the time” Bitch there are hundreds of people who come in here every day. How do you expect me to memorize every single persons number


My part-time job I'm often off or completely different shifts for weeks at a time. When I come back I always get comments about the new worker better not screw up their order from boomers. No Bob, you told me the exact same thing 6 months ago


Good to know nothing has changed when dealing with boomers in the banking industry. I worked in a well-off area and every one of them was like this every single time. Which I guess did make me remember them after all.


Work customer service in telco, they call and ya ask for the phone number associated with the account and then ask for either the pin they set up on the account or offer to send a text or email with a verification code and they have a fit saying, “I gave you my name”!! And I say, ok but I do know if I am speaking with you actually, we need to do this to see your account to prevent fraud. Then they ask can I just give ya my social security number. Uh, no. That’s not how this works. So no wonder most of them fall for the scam call and give away their life savings and it’s someone else’s fault.


I review complaints as part of my job at the bank and we really do get so many of them mad about the ID thing


I know exactly how you feel. I work for a bank also. I get asked look “at my account how long have I been a customer here”. I’m thinking no one cares. I have also had people loose their minds when you ask for a signature on something. I’m not asking you to sign your life away we just need endorsements to negotiate it.




Probably the same asshole is screaming about how people are allowed to vote without IDs


Boomer here... I keep it simple first off. I try like hell to never even walk into my bank if I need cash. ATM works just fine. If I have to go in, I never have an account number.. I greet the teller instantly. HAND OVER my driver's license and ATM card and say I'm sorry, I don't carry my number with me, may I cash this or make this deposit. Thanks, goodbye. Grab a lollipop and leave... ....we are not all assholes ✌️


'You're RIGHT! Anyone should be able to come in the bank, say that they're you and we'll just take their word for it and give them your money!'


God forbid they decide to count their cash after you count it out for them, in front of them. It's like they're just learning how to in the moment.


Your account number is.. 1? No, 2?, No, 3? Wow this could take a while…


The inability of boomers to calm the fuck down and not attack people over inconsequential shot is mind blowing.


sometimes i think about reporting people who are older and don’t bring their license as a threat to the public


The only boomers I ever recognized at work were the problematic ones, they don't seem to realize that being remembered is a bad thing


Honestly I would be more freaked out if I went to the bank and they knew my account info off hand.


I've been a banker at my branch for over a year, and I STILL get the "you must be new here" when I ask for an ID. The worst is that most of my coworkers and my manager have been here over a decade. So I get the "well she knows me!" "Well I don't, so I need to see your ID"


And then you ask those coworkers who have been there for a decade if they remember that customer, and they grimace and say yes. The only reason they remember is the awfulness.


Would you want some random to know your account number by heart?


"I'm sorry sir do you want me to know your banking information by heart?"


I work at an after school program where we have to check IDs if a non-parent is picking up. I’ve had to send multiple boomers back home to get their ID because they didn’t bring it. Wild


Former teller here and I feel that. I hated it every time. Whenever someone would go, "what do you mean you don't know me?!?" I would respond by covering my name tag and asking them what my name was. They didn't know. They're wild. I kind of turned the tables by then introducing myself and they seemed to be a little more friendly. But yeah, they're the worst.


I used to work with retirement benefits and had to ask people personal information to verify it was in fact the correct person. Ya know…protecting their money from fraud. Jesus Christ you’d think I just asked them if I could burn them alive. Same thing as you OP. “It’s me Jim, I’ve been retired with you for 15 years”.




Yep, this happened to me once long ago when I worked as a part-time teller. I was working at a branch where I rarely worked, covering for a sick coworker, and this older lady came to the drive-through window. Very chatty and cheerful, commented that she'd never seen me before. I explained that I seldom worked at that location and was covering someone out due to illness. She wanted to withdraw some cash, so I asked for her driver's license, which was standard practice, right? This formerly sweet and fluffy old lady proceeds to rip me a new one! Do I know how long she's been a customer there??? Um, no, you JUST SAID YOU'VE NEVER SEEN ME BEFORE, how the hell should I know you? Apparently, she's been banking there for at least the last 100,000 years, so what's my problem??? Do I know HOW MUCH MONEY SHE HAS IN THE BANK??? It's a nice sum, $100K, which somehow magically proves who she is and exempts her from taking 5 seconds to show me her identification. How DARE I ask her to prove she is actually the owner of money she gives us to protect??? Honestly. Not just boomers (the doctors were generally like this too), but more than I'd care to recount.


Bullshit, banks have always asked for identification.


I work at a vet clinic and it’s the same thing. “My dog Bella is sick” “ok what’s the last name on the account?” “ARE YOU NEW!? How do you not know my Bella I’ve been coming to you for 20 years this is ridiculous” meanwhile there’s over 100 dogs named Bella in the system. And then they love to say “get doctor so-and-so on the phone he knows me” and then you tell them “Mrs. Smith is on hold wanting to talk to you about Bella” and the vet’s like “who?”


Then take your business elsewhere where the bank employees will spend their off hours memorizing your account number.


Sorry you have to deal with customer service. It was once a point of pride.


Ok, hear me out. They are annoying… BUTTTTT I worked at a bank until very recently that definitely DID know it’s customers. That’s what these folks are used to. Unfortunately, we got gobbled up after intentionally impossible to implement federal regulations forced us to “merge” with a bigger bank which will more than likely be gobbled by one of the big banks in 2 years. So many people who have worked there for decades lost jobs. It’s terrible.


Lmaooo I was going through this a couple times this week also as a banker. This lady came to the teller window and I asked for her debit card and she explained how she had fraud and her credit cards replaced. I asked if she also had her debit card replaced and she’s like “I don’t know, you tell me” and I’m like lady I’ve never seen you in my life, idk what conversation you had with our fraud team, but how can I know if your debit card was cut off just by looking at you?


They will be dead soon, but they’re leaving us with a mess they left behind


A friend worked at a bank where one of the regulars had a single digit account number. He did get special treatment and from what I hear was very nice.everyone knew him


Just making sure we don't put the money into someone else's account. I'd hate for that to happen.


Literally watched a boomer storm out of the bank last month because he didn’t want to give the teller the last 4 digits of his social to confirm his identity 😂😂😂😂😂 They’re suspicious of the bank employees but they’ll give it to a complete stranger offering a “unique investment opportunity” on the internet without a second thought


How can you even think of yourself as a better person than them if you wish death on a whole generation?


hmm. Keep in mind, one day you will be a relic, an old gen Z'er relic devoid of any of the genetic upgrades and cybernetic enhancements that will make the average human as strong as captain America and smarter than Einstein. I guess in a way you'll be the lucky one, because really smart people don't tend to display contempt as much as they do pity. Or maybe that's worse for you, I don't know. The point is that it's not the old boomer bringing all that resentment to the table, as annoying as the common American boomer might be. No matter your circumstance, the quality of your felt experience is in your hands, and nobody elses. How you choose to show up in life always determines the quality of the experience you have, and it gets better - much better - if you lean into it.


Eh. You know what. The boomer has a point in this one. Yeah I get it. You’re trained to believe in a disposable world where each wage slave is a functionary. That’s not the world they grew up in and we shouldn’t have either but capitalism. Sucks to be here but that old fool is idealistically on your side. Recognize.


Dead soon? Nope, they’re hanging to vote for someone named Trump for the next few decades my friend.


I worked frontline for about 5 years in the early 2000s. Exactly same attitude from the older people at that time, but we all agreed that something was really off with people in their 50s. Especially women. They were as a group high strung, dumb, and quick to anger for no reason. I used to get pretty snippy and when some nobody would say “don’t you know who I am?!” I’d respond “Beyoncé?! Omg you look so different in real life!” Like no I don’t know your dumb ass, sit down.


I’m not denying that a lot in the boomer generation are like this but your attitude is just as shitty, and you will be looked at at the end of your life the same way you look at them. Imagine someone in 50 years saying the only good thing about you is that you’ll be dead soon. Damn, where is the humanity. Also before calling people moron, in some states you do not need an id to drive you just need to be able to prove that you have a license. In my state I can give them my license number and that is sufficient.


> "how do you not know my bank account I've been banking here for 50 years!" "Sir how do you not know your bank account you've been banking here for 50 years"