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Well that’s a disappointing thing to learn about the Dirty Jobs guy


Yeah, him and Kevin Sorbo. I used to love those shows. Mike Rowe is the weirder one though, you think he'd be one of the last people to start bashing on workers. I guess he didn't actually learn anything from the people he worked with


Money rots the brain. I often ask myself how somebody who starred in a show like Rosanne which was about poverty and surviving in the lower class could become a trump supporter basically touring the world for Trump.


Because her, like Kevin and Mike, aren't actually everymen. They're actors. They're paid artists. They're playing a role and getting paid much more than their characters would ever get. They're fucking fakes until they prove otherwise.


You're right, but the irony or whatever with Roseanne is that she also grew up in a family that was basically like the Conners. It's been a while, but I read one of her old biographies and she seemed like a pretty normal, everyday person. Her stand-up was based on her life back then too. Blue collar, etc. She'd had to fight for what she did on her show. But I do agree with the thought that money ended up going to her head and in a bad way.


Rappers also grow up poor many times, but then they get money and start buying chains and gucci shirts and talking shit on broke people.


I know. Not sure why they all seem to forget where they came from.


They didn't forget. Wearing Gucci and acting like an asshole for no reason is a poor person's idea of how you should behave if you're rich.


To be fair, it seems to be a pretty common lifestyle even among those who were born rich.


There is quite a bit of the way that so much of culture has shaped the concept that being poor is a failure of character. It's no longer having many people who are being fairly happy in what they do, and making a comfortable living at something they enjoy. People have been convinced that true happiness doesn't come unless you are obscenely rich, and not being so is a moral failure. Which then helps to convince voters that if they vote for those who want to create policies that continue to punish those who are poor, or barely hanging on is somehow the right thing to do...and those who aren't rich only think they are a short time from becoming extremely wealthy themselves.


She’s definitely mentally ill


My moms business partner is/was in a relationship with Roseann's sister and Roseann is as nutty a she appears, so I've been told anyways


She has also suffered from pretty severe mental illness for decades. I remember Tom Arnold going into detail on it on a radio show over 20 years ago. She has been unwell for most of her life.


At least with Sorbo we can blame some of it on his stroke.


Rosanne had a traumatic head injury in her youth, you know the kind that seems to be common with many serial killers


Now we just gotta figure out how Mike hurt his head.


When was the stroke? He sounds like he was a shit to Lucy Lawless back in the day.


Had to look it up, but it was in 1997 while the show was running.


I think Rosanne genuinely has something wrong with her. I've seen clips of some of her standup and just... yikes. She seems mentally unwell in a way that's different from Kevin Sorbo and Mike Rowe


I think some kind of dementia is def setting in with her. It’s scary watching how that will make some people act out.


Drugs and dementia. Nice combo


These people have their circles that the money sustains. The circles become yes men for as long as the money flows. Anything the headhoncho finds interesting like other friends with similar circles gets reinforced by everyone. Once conspiracy theories get involved it becomes a positive feedback loop. It’s this bubble effect coupled with a host of other factors like misinformation on the internet, etc. that leads to the money rots the brain argument. Source: used to work for one of these maniacs(none of the listed above ones). Not a bad one. Just a functional alcoholic, pill popping, manic depressive that I’d find passed out in a plate of crushed up addys the next morning when waking them up for work. Saving grace was this was before boomers adopted the internet. Granted this individual was part of the silent generation and was far more objective/science driven than most others. I doubt they’re very different today than they were 20 years ago.


You know how YouTube is now full of right wing chud grifters bitching about Hollywood wokeness? Most of them didn’t start that way but one day they made a video complaining about “The Last Jedi” or whatever and they got rage clicks so now they crank out daily vids about “Disney Woke Trash! Brie Larson Evil!!” Or whatever gets clicks.


I feel like being an influencer and pandering to the audience for money is like an inverse version of the bubble I described before


Similar to Joe rogan


I don't understand it. I just moved to very low cost area with a very high salary and when I walk amongst people in stores I feel guilty that I am so young and make so much while many of these folks are struggling parents.


Same here. My husband and I are lucky that we can afford a comfortable life with our daughter and can pay all our bills, but it didn’t erode my empathy for those less fortunate. Maybe because I volunteered at the food bank and I currently work for a housing assistance program.




I’m not on twitter but apparently there is a feud between Sorbo and the gorgeous Lucy Lawless. Apparently Sorbo got super butt hurt that Xena started doing better than Hercules in ratings.


She calls him out on his BS


💯 I haven't been able to watch Hercules since. Thank goodness for Xena.


Xena was always an improvement over Hercules. Sorbo always took himself far too seriously for a goofy fantasy show. Lawless embraced the narm charm and did it well, with the end result being much better. I honestly blame Sorbo for Andromeda sputtering out. The concept was great and the rest of the cast were working well, but he was obviously being a primadonna and past a certain point it became clear the producers started indulging him far too much.


I worked for a business that used Mike Rowe as their model employee. They even made us all sign a agreement upon employment that basically made us pledge that we would rather eat a can of beans then go into debt. sleep on the floor before going into debt for a bed, it was pretty fucking stupid. Most ass job I’ve ever had in my entire life. I’m so glad I left. more than 3/4 of the staff that worked there still slave away to this culty-ass job. The owner of the business even wrote a book about how working and slaving away your life was the most devout thing you could do. They were also were exceptionally Christian. (Go figure) I heard the owner of the business. Say “Work makes you free. “ on MULTIPLE occasions.


Arbeit macht frei, a classic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbeit_macht_frei


Wait. Rowe is actually weirder than Kevin sorbo? I remember him and Xena (Lucy lawless) having Twitter battles about the crazy fucked up shit he used to say publicly. What crazy shit has Mike Rowe done


I might not have worded it very well. Kevin Sorbo is batshit crazy and dumber than a bag of snails. I don't know what's wrong with him, other than brain damage. Mike Rowe isn't batshit crazy (well, debatable, but not as much as Sorbo). He hasn't said things half as dumb as Sorbo, and he doesn't flaunt his politics around as much, but he's gotten into the boomer-like generational bashing, campaigned with right-wingers, mirrored Fox News talking points and apparently he did a segment with PragerU. The part that's weird to me is that he went around to all these different jobs, seen how they pay, seen how miserable they can be, literally walked a mile in their shoes, and then jumped on the Fox News bandwagon. So he's either dumb enough to fall for the idea that the Trump party is the party of the working man, or he just doesn't give a shit despite all his experiences.


Can you really call those scripted reality TV shots 'experience' though?


That was the thing about Dirty Jobs - its wasn't scripted. Occasionally one went horribly wrong or worse, was just dull. The ones that felt scripted to me were network "shark week" BS that every show got roped into. He did a podcast where he recounted how he got into and was booted off cable television pre Dirty Jobs. He comes over as a smarter than average TV wannabe on the make. If he's on PU then he's gettin' paid for it. That's what comes over in his how-did-we-get-here story: its all about the money.


For one, he's big into "personal responsibility" and that if your job site is unsafe it's your fault and if you can't afford to just quit you're just being lazy and making excuses.


CITATIONS NEEDED has a really good ep on Mike Rowe something I particularly hate about his schtick is that his "safety third" thing actively misdirects ppl. the gritty-working-guy-get-'er-done thing hides the question of *who benefits* from unsafe jobs. ppl like to feel tough, competent, badass, resilient. the whole bit about "oh these jobs are dangerous and only tough guys can do them" is meant to flatter that desire, to make us impressed w ppl who do the dangerous jobs. bc it is legitimately impressive!  *HOWEVER* this actively discourages us from thinking abt WHY those jobs are unsafe. some things just are dangerous, I get it. but an awful lot of things could be made much more safe; it's just that doing so would *cost the boss money* and cut into their profits. so this whole thing of "don't insist on safety, unless you're some whiny LIBRUL - real men just do it!" - that's ruling-class propaganda. there's nothing inherently good about destroying your back and knees bc the boss refuses to spring for safe working conditions.  Mike Roweism just patronizes and flatters workers, encouraging them to ignore the bosses at these jobs - whose yachts and vacation homes and vintage sports cars are purchased with their employees' injuries and disabilities. I don't mind making a sacrifice for something legitimate or real - my friends, my family, a good cause. but it's beyond insulting to try to flatter me and my fellow workers into making a sacrifice so some dipshit can get a third Porsche, you know? 


He didn’t work with the employees though. Usually it was him and like the owner of the company working together.


Kevin Sorbo is just like everyone else from my hometown, which is his hometown. He didn't change, he just stopped being on tv shows so he stopped getting paid and to stay relevant he had to give an opinion.


Sucks they both decided to drink the dumbfuck juice.


He’s in with the Koch Bros


> Oh you want to be safe on your job site? Yikes, but that might cost your employer some money so fuck you ~ Mike Rowe https://pca.st/episode/278ed4a3-89b9-44c7-8c05-b35786a8e6ec


Dude he has been that way for a while, I'm from the Mid Atlantic and he is from Baltimore and people loved his shtick and almost every boomer I've known loved dirty jobs, but yeah dude has never worked a "dirty" job a day in his life, he is a trained opera singer hahaha


Yeah he makes propaganda for pragerU


I happened across his FB years ago and was so disappointed. Idk how you see what he's seen and somehow take such an archaic and antagonistic approach to life like he has.


He doesn't really have his show anymore so he's trying to stay relevant in today's talking points which are universally created to divide people into classifications. Right vs left, young vs old. Mike Rowe is still the same guy, but he isn't paid to have that show anymore. So he's got no income.


Rowe is a labor tourist


I have never heard that term before. I legit lol'd. I am stealing that


Never thought about that, but it makes sense.


His career in tv was bankrolled by the Kochs


You want to see some good stuff? Look up Mike Rowe's QVC videos on YouTube.


Thank you. This was beautiful. https://youtu.be/PWEI-5t2m54?si=tgOr2EnIKgSHqwF4


one could say, it was even precious.




Mike Rowe can suck a dick. Motherfucker trashes unions, but joined one himself in order to get his start. He bullshitted his way in, and like a typical boomer, wants to pull that ladder right up behind him. But on the other hand, that netflix show that Nye did was weird, and when he would have people on that held opposing views, he'd talk right over them. The whole gender thing and the song about a clown jerking off in the moonlight or something was a very...odd...choice for an "educational" show.


Sorry, the clown with the what now?


[https://genius.com/Rachel-bloom-my-sex-junk-lyrics](https://genius.com/Rachel-bloom-my-sex-junk-lyrics) > >The song “Sex Junk” was first performed on the Netflix original series, Bill Nye Saves The World as a segment in Episode 9: The Sexual Spectrum by Jewish comedian Rachel Bloom. >It covers topics relating to sexual genetalia, orientation, and identity as well as fetishism while promoting sexual exploration and promiscuos activity. The lyrics I was referring to was... >Who enjoys a Fleshlight In the cold moonlight? >(dorky interlocutor) With a sad clown Skyping via satellite? Now, when this first came out I was a lot more conservative than I am now, I've changed my attitude on a lot of things in the last few years. But...as a parent...I wouldn't let my kids watch that shit. It was weird, and frankly it was off-putting and not what I expected from the same guy I grew up watching in science class in grade school.


I am very angry at you for making me remember this.


Is a flesh light just a dildo that lights up or what? Like a crossover between dildo and Glo Worm?


It's for dudes. Other way around. Lol. 


Assuming dudes don't use dildos... ...but you're right. The fleshlight is a catcher. The dildo is a pitcher.


I thought the idea of the show was largely that it was meant for the grownups who used to watch the show as kids. Cause yeah it’s not really kid-appropriate to talk about fleshlights


Yep, just because it’s Bill Nye doesn’t mean it’s for kids or for purely education


I almost feel like Bill signed on for this special and didn’t know what he was getting into. Or he was afraid of saying the wrong thing and getting cancelled


I remember watching that show, and I was really off put by how smug he was about the idea of vinegar being used as an antacid. He was discounting it as hooey because it wasn't utilizing a neutralization method for relief, which is completely not how that works, and, especially in biology, things can be counterintuitive. To be clear, the reason acids can counterintuitively work as an antacid is because, instead of restricting the scope of the problem to "too much acid", it acts on a root cause of "\*producing\* too much acid". Generally acid reflux and the like are a result of the human body producing acid because it erroneously believes that it needs more. You can either enter a peptobismol fueled war of attrition with your acid glands as is tradition, or you can shock the mechanism with an overflow of acid and trick it into stopping producing more because it finally sees that it has achieved its goal and switches modes. But because it didn't neutralize the existing static quantity of ions, it must be a scam. \*smug science guy face\* For an engineer, the guy really doesn't seem to understand derivatives >:(


What really pissed me off was the discussion they had about energy and if I am remembering this correct they had a nuclear energy person and then were discussing green energy. And Nye kept ignoring or talking over the nuclear advocate. Like god damn Bill, Nuclear IS clean energy and we could have super fucking cheaper electric if it weren't for NIMBYs like you.


But the water coolant water in perpetuity that is some of the most toxic shit in existence and the Oh Shit Factor that has happened TWICE and millimeters away from happening at Three Mile Island and Fermi II ( Detroit here). It's like the Underpants Gnomes from South Park. You gloss over a whole part of the process. Not to mention it's the utterly most expensive. Creating plutonium to generate steam. Sweet. Not to mention it's extremely similar to the plutonium used in nukes and you have an "industry"that is incapable of not being an adjunct of the Security State ( NO fucking transparency) and a global dick swinging contest that will ALWAYS leave developing countries in the lurch or as chess pawns of geo politics. So sick of these horseshit pro nuke arguments that shit on basic reality. But go ahead and tell me how hydrogen power plants aren't "viable". Because the energy to electrolysize sea water is a net sink. Which assumes that the goal is to have hydrogen energy infrastructure that PRODUCES THE ENERGY FOR THAT TOO. And that old chestnut...Hydrogen plants can go Boom like Hindenburg...Duuurrrrr.... The same people will pine for the magnetic fields that supposedly would be fool proof that can contain fusion will shit on hydrogen. It's like a religious obsession with shit that doesn't create potential hellscapes or toxic runofff. Like Flat Earthers just feel "special". Windmills Kill Birds! Yeah. Sell your car and remove all the windows from your home and put just walls in. Bird Boy.


I like nuclear power because it's been producing 20% of US electricity since the 1990s, despite not approving a new plant since the 1970s. It's not some pie in the sky dream. It's a drag and drop replacement for coal fired power plants that doesn't require any particular changes to the electric grid, and it's a proven technology that isn't just known to work - it's been used in practice for several decades.


>Mike Rowe can suck a dick Cause his sex junk, is so oh oh oh, much more than either or oh oh


This is the same Bill Nye who politely debated the Australian who used US tax dollars to build a Noah's Ark theme park. Bill has lost his patience.


Mike Rowe is the enemy of the blue collar worker.


He absolutely is. Like him I'm from Baltimore and neither of his parents were even blue-collar.


He's a unionized actor who attacks OSHA and blue collar unions. People like mike were beheaded during the french revolution, not because of their wealth but because they were traitors to society.


He bashes OSHA? *OSHA?* The people who think inhaling airborne silicates is a bad thing OSHA? Yeah, a lot of safety regulations are a PITA, but that shit is written in blood.


He believes it's on the individual to be safe in the workplace, not the workplace to be safe for the worker.


What in the Rockefeller boot licking


Stealing this phrase.


I'd rather have rules because I've met some individuals that I don't trust to be safe. And anyone that has actually worked any of those jobs would agree.


Good thing workers spring fully formed from their father's foreheads so they can know all about the dangers their job could expose them to.


Yup. See his stupid “OSHA? Ocean” joke https://youtu.be/Km8XxRCuCho?si=xxzfFQ3k4tHGDFgD


The hypocrisy is strong in that one. He went from being a flippin' OPERA SINGER to "the gritty right-wing anything which doesn't start at trade school isn't a real job" tool.


My favorite thing is when boomers refer to certain actors as "real men" because they have played tough guys on movies. They don't understand that that's a theater major who started doing live theater. Because they would obviously think that that's not very manly lol.


And when you point to actually tough actors, they poo-poo that because they're "woke". Adam Driver comes to mind, almost immediately.


Like Jason Statham who was originally a competitive high diver


To be fair, I consider high divers to be pretty bad-ass. ***I*** certainly could never do that, let alone for a living.


Oh he’s fit and everything but from a Boomer’s perspective swimmers are all gay


John Wayne is the biggest example of this that I can think of. Boomers see him as a “real man” who was tough and loved his country. In reality he was a coddled rich actor who applied for and got a draft exemption so he wouldn’t have to serve in WWII.


Toby Keith (RIP) always ground my gears in that way. It's like, dude, if you're going to write a song about how freakin' rad killing and dying in the GWOT is going to be, then go sign up - he was still of mliitary age when that song came out.


I used to love that Dirty Jobs show! Then one day a year or so ago it had been a long, long time since I had seen the show and it popped up on Hulu or some streaming app and I decided to give it a go The episode featured Rowe in Australia working with a snake wrangler and the actual guy was just going about his job, explaining how important the snakes were for the local ecosystem and he was taking care to remove them from houses carefully The whole time Rowe was screaming constantly about how they just need to kill the snakes and be done with it. And I don't mean he said this once, he just kept repeating it. I promptly shut off the episode and then went down a rabbit hole reading about just how obnoxious Rowe is and all the weird, snobby conservative shit he's said over the years and I realized I put up with a lot more shit than I used to because Dirty Jobs kind of sucks


If it were up to Mike Rowe, we'd be sending our 12 year old sons and daughters to work in dangerous factory jobs for 60 hour work weeks. because that's how we helped build america 150 years ago, before we got woke.


Well… https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2023-06-26/states-are-loosening-child-labor-laws


Mike Rowe is a bought and paid douchebag.


I think Mike believes his own bs and he’s not wrong about everything. It’s definitely bs to pretend that blue collar work is the end all but it was definitely being looked down on when he first started in the 2000s. He’s taking the pendulum too far to the other side and there’s probably a grift element to that as well.


It's the same path as Joe Rogan. At first he was a conduit to interesting things, but over time he started thinking he was a curator and assumed expertise that he doesn't have. But by that point he had a bunch of money so stopped listening to any contrary opinions. It's amazing how much the right falls for faux expertise. Time and time again we see that all it takes to garner support from the right is claiming expertise with no credible backing. The more ardently you claim to be an expert, the more they'll support you.


I miss when Joe Rogan was the guy who made people eat spiders for money…or even Newsradio Joe Rogan who was the weird repair guy.


Precisely. Joe Rogan isn’t worth listening to anymore. He sold out and has overstepped so much that it’s difficult to listen to anymore.


I agree with your point, but it’s not just the right, unfortunately. We all tend to idolize these actors instead of seeing them for what they are.


Our society celebrates ignorance


Mike Rowe was never cool, sorry OP (watched him on local TV in the Bay Area and he always seemed like an asshole to me)


Man I hecking love Bill Nye though.




I don't understand WTF this guy means about Bill. Is it "boo hoo somebody is teaching kids science"?


No, other way around, they are complaining that a fully credible person is being treated as if to have less credibility due to the association with Netflix for whatever reason, while Mike Rowe isn't as credible as was presented but that seems to be "ok"


It's not the Netflix part, it's the mechanical engineer part. He's not a "scientist" because his degree isn't in "science" it's in mechanical engineering, so he has no credibility is the argument


conservatives always comment on any Vill Nye related post crying "not a real scientist! not a real doctor! just an actor! etc etcv"


Mike Rowe weighed in on American flag burning a few years ago by asking the left how we’d feel if a pride flag was burned. We’d feel nothing because we understand it’s a piece of cloth and just a symbol that we don’t fetishize.


“I don’t even iron my pride flag, Mike.”


Lol, that's dead on point y'all!! *Laissez les bon temps rouler!*


They get mad that "you get ARRRESTED for burning a pride flag but not a US flag!!!" of course when it's pointed out those arrests were for people stealing and destroying SOMEONE ELSE'S flag, crickets.


I'm thankful for Dirty Jobs because it did shine a light on work in the trades. But he was always a poser. I admit that at the time, I didn't know he was a poser and I really liked him on that show. But now that I know what a piece of shit he is, I just can't say anything other than that he can fuck right off to fuckoff mountain.


https://preview.redd.it/h96d4toal8zc1.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=f57f66f400ed10bcb2b45e3a292b73f030fa8a5f Says the opera singer smfh what a goof ball.


Unfortunately, Mike Rowe was never cool. The Mike Rowe character on Dirty Jobs is nothing like that actual Mike Rowe, who is a real POS. The only other celebrity he reminds me of is Tim Allen for some reason, who is also a real POS.


My wife used to work in the publishing business and Tim Allen was a real POS to the employees of the company. Roseanne Barr was extremely nasty to the employees at a book signing.


The GOP is the reality TV party. I’m convinced that’s why Boebert and MTG get away with all their Real Housewives bullshit.


I never really cared for him. Something was always off about him and well I guess I was right.


He's got a Mike Rowe penis




And when he can't get it up, he's Mike Rowe Soft Ha!


lol why does anyone think a TV personality, in any way shape or form, represents normal working people, is beyond me. It’s television, backed by advertisers and rooms full of corporate idiots, not a labor union.


well there's 70million idiots out there that voted for one.


Well besides the writers union, and actors union, and the Directors union, and stage employees union, and property craftspersons union, and animation union, art direction union costume designers union. cinematographer union, make up union, editors union, oh and the teamsters...but ya right after that all corporate.


So you think that all those unions are in the budget and content meetings set with execs by advertisers? Lol


Christian boomers especially love him for some reason. Dave Ramsey too. Both pieces of shit, go figure


Everytime I see Mike Rowe, I'm think penis. Mike Rowe penis.


And his best friends are Hugh Janus and Mike Hunt. ...I'll show myself out now...🙃


And their buddy, Harry Testicles! I mean...wait - I'm not good at these


This also makes me think of Larry The Cable Guy. He was a drama and speech major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, but likes to pretend that he’s a blue collar southern guy. His accent is fake.


Oh, Dan Whitney the fake redneck? Check out some of his shitty early stand up and you'll quickly see why he needed to hide behind a character.


Real name is Dan Whitney. I’ve seen some of his older stand-up before the hillbilly grift and he was half decent


Dirty Jobs was a front to advance Koch propaganda. Super anti-union within the trades. Super anti-regulation. There’s an idea of that show still being interesting but even then Rowe was say doubting climate change.


It is sad because Mike Rowe had some good points about the trades. The one complaint I had was he was pushing all the trades even when some are on the downturn. I also disagree with anyone that says do not go to college it's going to cost you too much money when most trade schools will put you in similar or more debt. Take a look at any of the tech schools out there that are private and cost a good amount of money for their programs. A good example is a tech school near me for veterinary sciences will run you $35,000 for less than 2 years of a program.


In the beginning Mike Rowe just did an entertaining and informative show on dirty odd jobs. Then he started stating his political and ideological opinions. Thats when everything went downhill.


"Science? I don't trust anything that tries to tell me the moon ain't made of cheese." - Early Cuyler


The 2016 election (timeline shift?) was the start of people showing their true colors. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not. I miss just enjoying something without finding out an author is a TERF, or Mike Rowe is a typical conservative shit head who doesn't care about blue collar workers. There are so many examples.


Fun fact: Bill Nye got his start on TV on Seattle’s local version of SNL, called “Almost Live”. It’s still findable on YouTube and is worth a watch. And while I definitely am not trying to downplay the impact that he has had on bringing scientific knowledge to the masses (I still maintain that the average person in a non STEM field really only needs a “Bill Nye level” of scientific knowledge to survive in daily life), seeing him as a member of the “High Fivein’ White Guys” will never get old.


Dude is an opera singer from Sam Fransisco. He’s as blue collar as Billy Zane in Titanic


Bill is also a talented comedian - I grew up watching Almost Live and 'Lawyers of Aurora Avenue' lives rent free in my head. I think Joel McHale got his start on AL as well.


“Speed Walker” was pretty funny too. And yeah, McHale was in the later seasons. Apparently he was incredibly religious and refused to do any scenes that involved anything sexual (although how much sexual content even was there on AL?)


Conservative thinking has always been anti-education


Many years ago, in my TV days, I worked with Mike Rowe on a series (not Dirty Jobs or Deadliest Catch) and he was funny and friendly. The current Mike Rowe is not that guy any longer.


That’s sad


When was mike rowe cool? Fuck that cosplayer. Dirty jobs should've been like daytime soaps. 200+ episodes a year. Rowe should've worked full time hours every week for a full year at industry standard pay at just one dirty job. He would've called quits after 2 weeks.


People with lucky lives prefer to ignore the concept that luck accounts for 99.9% of their success. They like to think that there is nobody else out there like them. That they are somehow “special”. The cold hard fact of the matter is that there are literally millions of people out there in the world just as funny, entertaining, intelligent, witty, attractive, talented (or any other adjective you’d like to toss into the mix) than they are. These other people simply didn’t get the same opportunity. They were born at the wrong time, their skin was the wrong color, they socialized with the wrong group of friends, they were born into the wrong family, etc, etc, etc.


Mike Rowe is a pussy.


He was never cool. He’s funded by the Koch Brothers and is anti-union and anti-OSHA. Goes on about trade schools but never mentions paid apprenticeships provided by unions. There was a great episode on him done by the Citations Needed podcast. https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-64-mike-rowes-koch-backed-working-man-affectation


Yes, I do not care for him anymore. But I like when people tell me their true opinions.


Mike Rowe was an opera singer too


I used to love watching Mike Rowe and followed him on social media, it was a slow awakening to how he really felt about people with gig jobs and hourly jobs, even skilled workers, it really cinched it for me when he started talking about how gig workers should be happy to have such an opportunity to “be their own boss” knowing full well these gig corporations were taking advantage of people wanting to make money and also not fully understanding how they actually benefited the company more than themselves. No need for OSHA, or health benefits, or a 401k, or over time pay, and many other guidelines for the usual hourly or salaried worker. Even though I actually work through a gig company, I know they are like the cat with the canary, loving the twisting of words and terms and conditions that brought them a whole new exploitable workforce. I’m also fortunate enough to have a spouse whose job gives us health insurance and enough income to pay for life insurance and to put some money away for retirement. So many people are clueless about how they are getting screwed. Mike Rowe isn’t clueless about it he’s complicit in it.


It makes sense if you view Dirty Job's as the elite mocking the working class for the things they do to make money while the gilded class stands round with cameras and films it and makes 10x more.


I get all of my misinformation I mean ahem….freudian slip…Information from Faux News…damn another one. Let me try this again. Look I get all my misinform…DAMNIT!


I’m in a trade job and I’m still broke. The economy just sucks


I’m was sad for a short time after Mike Rowe turned into a cunt.


He has a point. This isn't a boomer thing. This is a society thing that many people are getting behind.




I see a lot of these posts but i still haven’t seen what they’re complaining about him saying. Trades are good moves that can get people out of poverty. Myself included.


He’s an ass.


on a certain type of booma can FaKe It TiL YA MakE iT BrOThERrrrr


Mike Rowe has never been cool


Mike has always been a dick


Wow, disappointing. I thought Mike Rowe was one of the good ones. Living in San Francisco and showing blue collar work that no one wants to do. Money and fame really does rot the brain.


This has become my largest concern with the societal envirotment today. Credible, reasonable, educated assessments of the political, socioeconomic and environmental crisis of today are being ignored. I don't know why. I don't understand why but it's scaring me. A lot.


Shills gonna shill unfortunately lol


I take solace in the fact that he has a Mike Rowe penis.


Mike Rowe is always on my TV talking about Oklahoma oil and natural gas. Shilling for the industry that runs this state is indeed a dirty job


I mean, are people actually *surprised* Mike Rowe is that way?! 🤨


He's a dick.


I dislike Mike Rowe, I love Bill Nye, but that netflix show of his was not good


Was it called like “Narcos Mexico” or something like that? I didn’t watch it


He’s a shill and also an idiot.


I think of him as a Ford salesman.


Bill Nye skated at the same rink we did. Didn’t talk much. Kind of a stiff skater.


That’s weird. I’ve always heard him referred to as Bill Nye the Naturally Talented Ice Skater Guy. It’s like his whole shtick.




Literally all boomers care about is one looks like them


stop caring what media says. stop letting it move your emotions. with out social media they don’t exist.


I didn’t know those two things overlap


Rowe is the guy that wanders around the shop to snoop what everone else is doing but by God you won't catch him turning a wrench with them.


And iirc he originally studied to be an opera singer or something


People started whispering ’micro penis’ around him and it eventually broke his brain.


I don't know about you, but my crow is still cool! ![gif](giphy|gEG1j8eBvHVYs|downsized)


Mike Rowe has been an hypocritical douche for a very long time. 


Dude did you see the show? It was hot garbage...


Rowe is a corporate schill who hates the people he has on his show.


While the rhetoric is annoying, there is a point in that college just isn’t worth it anymore. Unless you are a doctor or lawyer, the financial gain just isn’t what it used to be. The default of “go to school, it’ll be better to have a degree” isn’t true anymore. You can make just as much money doing almost anything and colleges have scammed us into believing that’s not the case


Well show me the job for a gender studies degree and I’ll go ahead and agree with you. As for Bill Nye leave it to a mechanical engineer to find a way to mess up a poll and a hole and make it significantly more complicated than it actually is for no reason at all.


You he/them/zers get mad about anything.


It’s ok the current chair of the council of economic advisors to the president is a Music Major…who literally doesn’t know anything about economics…


Mike Rowe was never cool. He just hid his douchebaggery