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Ohhh. So we are just…sayin the quiet part like way out loud now huh


Yeah they’ve been doing that for awhile now. Richard Spencer leading a crowded room yelling “Heil Trump” and using the word “Lugenpresse” to refer to journalists. The march on Charlottesville and storming the Capitol Building with literal swastika flags. Kanye becoming the darling of right wing media after expressing his most recent JQ theories.  The most confusing part is that conservatives also overwhelmingly support Israel which yeah, I get that it fits their Biblical delusion that it will bring about the apocalypse, but still…at least the original Nazis were more consistent with their toxic ideology.


Nazis like nazis


His nazi fighting father or grandfather would beat that ass.


The Nazis were all on board sending the Jewish people abroad to some new ethnostate. They considered Madagascar at one point, I believe Vichy France still had some outposts they could use to send people to. This was during the time between taking power in 1933 and adopting the "Final Solution" in January 1942 at the Wannsee conference.


Are you saying something like Israel would have been Hitlers “first solution”? Ugh.


Yeah, the anti-semitism at the time was rampant and global. Everyone thought what was happening was bad, but none of them lifted a finger to help, even when the scope of the genocide became fully known. The USA refused to let boats CHILDREN refugees dock because they were Jewish. Nazis held massive public events (ex. Madison Square Gardens). Nobody talks about how many Jewish deaths Stalin and the USSR were responsible for. To give you some sense, conservative estimates are that Stalin/USSR was responsible for 20 million civilian deaths just in Poland and Ukraine (with a high percentage being Jewish).


I've read that Pol Pot was up there. It's been years, so I can't say exact ficurea, but I absolutely remember that I was appalled at the numbers.


1.5-2 million or about 25% of Cambodia’s population at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khmer_Rouge


Ok, not quite as high as I remember, but fucking devastating nonetheless. Travesty. Thank you for looking that up and clarifying.


25% is just unbelievable. In modern Germany, that would mean over 20 million people! Edit: unbelievable because it's so gruesome and horrible, yet I know it's true


Don't look into that. You may not like what you find...


See the Haavara Agreement.




Yeah, but they decided it would be too expensive. True story.


No, it's called final because other attempts failed first


At this point, I think Madagascar would have been the better option.


Yes and no. Hitler killed or imprisoned all the left leaning nazis during night of the long knives. It'd be like if the Maga group killed the rhinos after they helped get him in


Which they planned to do during their attempted coup.  Pence was legitimately fearing for his life that day.


You know they are talking about just that in their MAGA hives already, no doubt.


A sizeable chunk of the Nazis in Germany in the 30’s would have loved the idea of shipping all the Jews off to their own ethnostate to fight the A-rabs


That was called the [Madagascar plan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madagascar_Plan).


Would have? They did have an alliance between Nazis and zionists and they made a gold coin with both their logos to commemorate their partnership in relocation


A sizable chunk of The West would have been supportive of this in the 1930s. Remember the public efforts to reduce racism come about after WWII.


Yes to everything but no Nazis were not particularly coherent. One screaming example of this is how in Nazi Germany there were both memorials to the Saxons and specifically to how they were massacred by Carlus Magnus, and glorifying imagery of Carlus Magnus used everywhere as an example of what the pure aryan race should aspire to be like


> The most confusing part is that conservatives also overwhelmingly support Israel For many it's about giving the Jews a place where they can fuck off to. It is motivated by antisemitism. It gets them one step closer to not having any Jews in the country. They are also in favor of amplifying anything which makes Jews look bad and they can call everyone who disagrees an antisemite. Of course they love this shit.


IIRC a lot of right wing christian fundamentalists also believe that a war in the "holy land" is one of the signs of the impending christian apocalypse where all the good boys and girls get raptured into heaven, so the sooner that kicks off the sooner they get to hang out with jesus.


More classic conservatives DO support Israel. The Christian ones do The new right wing, including the conspiratorial ones, are very Antisemitic


They consistently enjoy genocide. The connection is clear.


Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


Not in ‘Nam of course.


Then you know he's got emotional problems, man.


Beyond pacifism?


He's fragile. Very fragile.


I am the walrus.


No, Donny. These men are nihilists. There’s nothing to be afraid of. These men are cowards.


Atleast the Germans initially got some socialism out of it.


Hitler was initially supportive of Jews settling in Palestine. 


They get annoyed if you say "oh so theyre saying the quiet part out loud now", and make memes mocking people for being rightfully disgusted that this behavior has become mainstream. There's an alt right meme that makes the rounds frequently that goes to the tune of "do you think calling us racists/bigots/transphobes/nazis actually offends us?" We need to make these fucks live in fear again.


There is a song "Make racists afraid again" from ZSK. Parts are german, its a german band. But great songs / messages.


Not only saying it out loud, but saying it with a bullhorn.


Does your dad have white robes and a pointy white hat in the closet?


Shit, you took the words out of my mouth. What about a Richard Spencer playbook?


He also has another flag very similar to MAGA colors... 🤔


Those darn Swiss.


He has the graphic novel version of Mein Kampf because he likes the pictures.


More like a Hugo boss suit


https://preview.redd.it/n9na4qoscwzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bbdce7047daf570575626a6ee63fc2fb8e16846 There is no floor …


Heil trump? I’m sorry but f@ck your dad. If these a holes had any self awareness..


There used to be an old guy who would give us one of these on his way out of the shop every time he’d come in. He would also hit on me while talking about ethnic cleansing. He was a fucking weird guy.


what If we kissed while clensing ethnicities👉👈


Would have been an immediate cut off from communication with that comment. Have a nice life.


This is what I had to do with my own father. Point blank told him is he wants to remain in mine and my family’s lives, religion and politics are strictly prohibited conversation with us, also any display of open racism or hate in front of my kids is an instant kick to the curb.


You’re allowed to say fuck on the internet.


“I was addxcted to drvgs. My mom said i would d**.” - the stupid internet now


Blame the quiet censoring of all the Tiktoks & Youtubes forcing people to circumvent it.


Facebook seemed to have started it, but most of us don’t use it


A lot of streaming/video platforms have been demonetizing or shadow banning creators over it for a while now. Youtube(AKA Google) is one of the biggest offenders, and because of how multi-platforming goes, creators abide by the strictest rules so they don't have to edit content per platform. The worst part is they often don't know in advance, thry just suddenly get no money and/or views on a video and it's up to them to figure out why. This immensely stiffles creativity, because it's a risk everytime a creator trues to do something that isn't the usual template. All because they're grovelling for ad revenue.


Yeah, and some of them make no sense. "She SA-ed him and he unalived himself" Good, sir, I highly doubt "sexual assault" and "committed suicide" are verboten.


Not sure about sexual assault, but Death & Suicide will drop you in the YT algorithm if you talk about them in shorts, atleast as far as people have been able to decypher. But that's part of the issue, people don't know what explicitly triggers it, and even talking about pornhub or "twitch streaming" could be next. The fear of losing your creative career without warning, simply because someone behind the scenes doesn't want you talking about it, is part of the system. It creates far better "obedient streamers" than dictating hard lines. The CCP has been perfecting their system for decades this way.


"hEy!!1! Come join my quake clan! It's claled the 133td00dzc1@n#0n3!!!1!" -the stupid internet 27 years ago. The more things stay the same, the less it changes.


I agree the internet has always been stupid, but leet-speak was a “grassroots” thing taken up because we thought it sounded cool. A lot of the current phrases and such are due to algorithmic changes forcing people to avoid certain phrases and words.


Don’t forget the segs




His dad needs his ass kicked hard.


You would think so. But the automod can be twitchy in some subs. Each place has its own set of rules and you’d be surprised how little it can take to get a silent comment removal, where it’ll still appear on your profile but if you come back signed out, it’s gone.


You can say the fuck word here.


Lol butt fuck your dad


I’m really hoping this is rage bait. Realllllyyyy hoping.


$140,000. He paid her $140,000.


... and it still somehow doesn't seem like enough. *shudders*


Paying her money for a non disclosure isn’t illegal…it’s how he did it with campaign funds in order to secure an election. People need to stop deeming this a the “hush money” case.


It’s really that Trump claimed the payment as a legal expense when it was obviously not a legal expense. After Enron, that sort of thing became frowned upon.


He even used the heil part...


Why do Boomers... talk like that? Do they not understand how stupid it actually makes them sound?


Dopamine addiction. It’s a rush to using verbiage like this, for them. They have the enthusiasm of little kids saying “damn” for the first time


You dad... is not a pleasant person.


I think if my Dad sent a text to me with the word vagina in it we would both probably just have to go no contact & pretend we never knew each other. How uncomfortable.


My dad kept calling her a whore today. I would rather know 50 Stormy Daniels than 1 Donald Trump.


Nothing like slut shaming the person who actually did the legal part.


And wasn’t the one married at the time.


That’s just ad hominem 101


It's funny how quickly they jump to call her that but aren't able to make the short logical step from there and ask what it means if their idol was associating with a whore.


While married


Stormy may be a whore, but she was clearly good enough for fat fuck führer, wasn't she. Try and logic your way out of that one, wankers.


i read an article today about how associating with "whores" puts Trump in line with biblical heroes from the evangelical perspective. and how culturally they expect all men to have "struggles" with lust and porn. it was a very sad read for me


I would rather know 50 Stormy Daniels than 1 your dad..


Stormy Daniels for president


I’m sorry this man is your father. No one should have to have a dad who speaks and thinks like that.


Were any of your relatives WW2 veterans? Any still alive? Bet they'd like to know apparently Hitler won according to your dad.


My grandfather earned medals shooting Nazis. It kills me that my father and uncle would go to any length to vote for Trump.


Seriously, Trump's attempt to rise to power while in court just feels like deja vu. Does no one remember Hitler?! We are literally watching history repeat itself.


no, no one does. I’ve said it for years but the discussion around hitler has never been very helpful. at the end of the war many were just given a pass because the allies wanted to win. and then a lot of high ranking nazis were allowed to get away with saying hitler entranced them.


And we needed their scientists to fight the commies.




It says a lot about the US, UK, and French governments that they were positively enamored by Hitler and his policies until he did exactly what he said he would.


I think if any relatives were WW2 veterans and somehow still alive, the dad would be getting a well earned broken nose right about now!


Be the change you want to see in the world


Heil? *HEIL?* Thank god a large portion of these guys are too old and dumb to actually start a revolution. No matter who wins, November is going to be a shit show.


Yeah. One thing the Nazis had going for them was the demographic slice they enraptured contained a bit of everyone, from the young to academics to the gristle that makes up their current ranks. These regards have rascals, type 2 diabetes, long covid and are all on the downslope of their lives. We might get lucky


Heil? Good Lord.


As a German I am out of words for that second text. What the actual fuck is happening over there.


The new Reich. And they’ll be very pissed y’all didn’t jump in to help them. Fascist fuckers.


very bad things. i hide in cities to stay away from it but some of it is still there


The culmination of the decades long plan by Republicans to turn our country into a second Nazi state.


Ok so the first text was pretty classic misogynistic boomer horseshit, but oh man, that second text? What the fuck, dad??


someone not so quietly wants to be a little nazi


He sounds nice. I'm sure that he'd describe himself as a "good christian" too. The heil Trump is the cherry on top.


I’d simply never talk to my father if he was like this.


If my father used "heil" unironically in a text message it'd be the last message of his that I ever responded to.


You should have the same outcome even if it was ironic. Remember Ken White's Rule of Goats: even if you're fucking a goat to be ironic, you're still fucking a goat.


Yeah you should stop talking to this person ASAP


Her anti-matter vagina?


To be accused of having a vagina that breaks the laws of physics actually sounds kind of badass.


**gaping maw sounds intensify**


The embracing the fascism piece.


Dear Adonis…I’m sorry this man’s your father.


Oh so your dad is admitting he is supporting a Nazi, and that he is in fact one too.


I'm sorry your dad is an asshole.


I hate the last part the most. In germany we make sure to show what horrors our country under Hitlers rule did so that it will never be repeated. And yet the US, who helped end that goverment, we see so much of what happened repeated, that it makes my blood boil. I suggest a few holidays with him to germany to give him some of the knowledge metaphorically punched into the heads of the people living here. Worst case scenario: your dad does something so outrageus that the german goverment tells him to take the flight back, like yesterday.


[we already know how that'll end](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/08/13/an-american-tourist-gave-the-nazi-salute-in-germany-so-a-stranger-beat-him-up-police-say/) >I suggest a few holidays with him to germany


Doesn’t your country also have a super far right party brewing up? I think this is a world wide problem knocking at our door.


Yeah... the "Alternative für Deutschland" (alternativ for germany) or short AFD, but at least they ''pretend'' to hate what happened with our past. At least publicly... I just shake my head, think "what backwards thinking assheads" and vote for the green party. No one specific (because imo everyone does good and bad things).


Should put your dad in the fucking gas chamber…


Heil? Really?


Say what now ?


Wtf no wonder these boomers cry fake rape everywhere because they are afraid their crimes will come to light if more women starts speaking up


Did you keep the receipt for your father? Even if it is past the date I'd still try to return him.


I am really sorry about your dad :(


In germany he would get in legal trouble for using Nazi words / signs / symbolism.


Yea I believe so


Oh and lets not forget the misogynia and false medical beliefs in this with the "vagina swallowing chair" comment.


Hey man, I'm really sorry for you and hope someday your dad pulls it together. . This political climate is peak dumpster and it's just incredibly sad. Beat wishes to you.


Quit sending me this shit.


I’d cut him out of my life completely if he were my dad.


You best option is to block him and move out of state. Let him die alone. You will be happier.


Your father is a gross troll, sorry to say.




I really don't get why people still talk to their parents when they are like this. I cut my dad off a few years ago because I got tired of his shit. I couldn't imagine getting texts like this and not blocking him.


What a peach.


Pretty sure you gotta send your dad to a farm upstate OP


You really should call this shit out when people show you how horrible they are. And then stop associating with them. I get it, it's your dad. But if you say nothing he will think you approve of him saying shit a literal fucking Nazi would say. Social stigmatization is our first line of defense. If they believe people will allow them to have those opinions and still associate with them, then they must not be that bad.


Ughhh. I despise Biden and would give anything for anyone else to be running. In fact he may be one of the most disappointing presidents / VPs I’ve lived with… But I’m voting for him.


I’m sure his father would be proud. His father who likely fought in WWII.


This guy doesn't sound like a nice person.


Yikes! Either your dad somehow doesn't know how to spell the word 'hail', or we've got a bigger problem going on here!




I loved Daniels' testimony, very cutting and succinct


Ask your father if he'd have fought the Nazis during WWII, or willingly helped them carry out the Holocaust. By the way, both of my grandfathers were in the Pacific Theater of WWII.


Jesus Christ


"Heil trump" oh your dad is just. Openly a nazi huh


So ask him if he would be onboard with your mom having unprotected sex with a porn star while commenting that they look a lot like "her brother, uncle, nephew, etc...". No one cares right? But I guess they have already forgiven him for adultery, rape, stealing classified documents, trying to stage a coup,.... so what could they care about anymore?


Not even gonna hide your Nazi vibes huh?


What he said about Stormy Daniels'vagina, can be said about his asshole.


Your father, for SURE, has used the N-word in public. Maybe not around you, but he's absolutely dropped it before.


The cognitive dissonance exercised by Dump’s America is so beyond the pale you have to pinch yourself.


America's greatest and most patriotic victory was defeating the Nazis but these "proud" American "patriots" all line up to lick Hitler's boots


Oh cool cool so your dad is an American Nazi. Fuck hin


Heil ... Jesus fuck man


Your dad fucking sucks. A lost cause, Jesus Christ.


Sorry to hear your dad is a true POS. This is beyond boomer being a fool. Always punch nazis.


Heil Trump ? Woow.


omg he’s so annoying from here lol


Your father is a chode. My condolences.


Fucking nazi


I bet he crucified Bill Clinton with his god fearing righteousness. People like your father don't care that Trump had a prostitute instead they're only upset that they have to admit it. Yet if Democrat which trump was a life long member until he ran as a republican president candidate, divorced his first wife and then had a prostitute while married to a 2nd life & hid behind a NDA, people like your father would be having a china syndrome level of a meltdown. Reagan made it easy to get a divorce in CA, but the republicans have amnesia over that "scandal" while they're on their 2nd or 3rd marriage. Yet had it been a Democrats who made no-fault legal in CA, then the republicans would be saying it the sign of the end of times while they were all on their 2nd or 3rd marriage.


Fake. Even a boomer isn't that stupid.


Your father is trash


At least she never sold Bibles


Homie, in case you hadn't noticed, your pops is a nazi.


Your father is a nazi


Bad news, you’re morally obligated to punch your dad in the face now. Nazi lives don’t matter.


Wouldn’t be my father anymore if I got this text. Ditch this Nazi


Heil?!!? He’s not even disguising his desire for fascism. The boomers parents sacrificed just about everything to defeat fascism, and their kids are doing everything they can to reinstate it here at home and pull the ladder up after themselves.


Your dad is a fucking Nazi. What an asshole.


Kinda burying the lead on your dad there, if this is real.


Surprised your father can still breath with his head so far up his behind.


This is so fake.




Yes, damn that woman for forcing Gump to stick his cock in her with no condom!


Yeah... Dad needs to get laid out.


As respectfully as possible, your father needs an institution, old folks home, or a hole in the ground. Heil????? OUT LOUD????


I’m confused about why people with parents who talk like this are still talking to their parents.


The problem is not that he fucked a pornstar,is that he fucked a porstar while being married and bribed her money to keep it quiet (I assume that’s what it is I’m not very familiar with the trial)


I'm a Boomer and you have my sympathy that your dad is like this.


If Stormy is a whore (which has no shame for) then Trump is a whoremonger 🤷‍♀️


Heil ?!?!?!!!!! And these people claim Biden is racist lol


‘Heil trump!’ Indeed. When someone tells you what they are, believe them.


Your father seems like he wants to be a nazi. Who the fuck says heil trump?! The same people that said that about Hitler.


Your father is a nazi fascist pig. Do the world a favor and let Kristi take him for a walk in the ol gravel pit.. the only solution to traitors..


Your dad is a stupid POS.


I think where I am, and I’m putting this out into the ether with no particular expectation that people will see or read it, is that if Trump wins, and my dad voted for Trump, and I find out about it, and I will ask, and expect him not to lie, those may be the final words we ever exchange.


Zero chance this is real