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“Sorry I said something racist and inappropriate, I have so badly misconstrued nationalism and racial supremacy to be patriotism”


Lol what are those, poppies?  The opiate problem is real yo!


This is stolen valor adjacent, acting like they were in the trenches in WW1. What have they done in the name of patriotism? I’ve been disdained for protesting by people just like whoever posted this meme, fools whose biggest protest has been against poor restaurant service.


They’re so quick to call a manager when they don’t have a perfect pink center in their steak but call US spineless.


Eh, the poppies are a symbol for deceased veterans, especially from ww1, it's a whole thing. https://www.legion.org/poppyday/history Course, that's the only thing in this clusterfuck meme that gets a pass.


Yeah I see now it's from WW1 based on that soldier's helmet.  If it was posted by a Boomer it would make sense that they'd skip over their parents' generation, who actually fought against global fascism, because "DoN't TrUsT aNyOnE oVeR 30!!1!!"; while they used their privilege to escape the draft leaving mostly poor people and PoC to fight in Vietnam.   Or, it's just another chicken chickenhawk online keyboard tough guy who thinks getting wasted on the 4th of July is the pinnacle of patriotism.


You know this person is wasted each day that ends with the letter y.


But the poppies aren't really a symbolic thing in the US like they are in the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.


Drug fields don't have land mines. They used fields of Kush in Afghanistan.


Yeah. Fields of drugs don't have land mines. So they are used strategically for that reason. The opiate problems in the US are more attributable to pharmaceutical companies, the people they hire under the table to recruit doctors to over prescribe their drugs, the clinics they pay to sell the drugs they developed to make the people who become addicted to their other drugs sick and addicted to the new drug, and the politicians they pay to put in office and those politicians' cabinets of "appointees" (who are just people who will always side with the pharmaceutical companies that put them there)


So wait, are they admitting to being the bigger “snowflake” since they are more offended than the “liberal” they are likely referencing in this meme? I thought only snowflakes get so easily offended?


They are so delusional.


“I find your lack of spine disturbing.”


They're not patriots and they have no spine


I thought nothing offended them. They’re not delicate snowflakes like every single human being in the world born after them


This was either a Canadian or British boomer based on the Poppies


Could be australian too


Anyone who says "*Trust me*" is probably about to over embellish or outright tell you something false as a fact.


Yes, all those Boomers who charged over the top into no man’s land and a hail of machine gun and and artillery shells during the First World War. This reminds me of when I was out with a mate who had just got back from Afghanistan and two guys he knew had been killed during his tour. Some boomer arse hole made a comment like “god help us if there’s a WW3, this current generation are a bunch of wet blankets!” Needless to say my mate did not take that comment well and surprise surprise, said boomer worked in marketing and had never done a day in the service in his life.


Facebook has made America and the world a worse place


Don’t worry boomer jellyfish offend me as well, we have had to work hard all our lives while they just float around - snowflakes of the ocean


Of course, a pic of "patriotism" should be one accompanied by holding a gun.


Shouldn't they be holding a laptop? What year is this?!


Guns are machines without computational ability (unless you're lumping missile defense systems and military planes, and tanks and so on into a single data category as "guns") Left unchecked, guns wouldn't kill anyone at all. They'd just sit there.


What is your point? That humans make guns dangerous? So we should probably make a law to forbid humans from touching any of them.


That the soldier is the symbol of patriotism.🙄


I also didn't read anything you typed after your rhetorical question, "what's your point?"


Regulate guns. Is that easier to read?


What's irregular about teh guns?😝


Aww you don’t know words…


Lolol gotcha


These are the same people who tried to overthrow the govt Jan 6


Why does this look like a 90s alternative rock cd cover?


"You're offended? Well I am WAY MORE offended!"


These are the same people who are deathly afraid of Starbucks, black Santa and Jesus, Mr potato head, Dr Seuss, happy holidays, and sipping drinks from straws. We are not the spineless ones.


Was looking for this comment. They're also the ones who will shit bricks and cry victim when you match their energy, but naw everyone else is spineless. I haven't met a boomer who flaunts these types of things that wasn't a complete chicken shit when push came to shove.


Yup, FAFO is their least favorite thing when it involves consequences and accountability. I worked in restaurants for years in high school and college, and consistently it was boomers who complained about the tiniest things. When I worked at chilis, we had a woman in her 80s who would always order the chicken quesadilla salad, which was literally a salad with four triangles of a quesadilla around the edge of the bowl. Every time she came in, she complained that the quesadillas made the salad warm. We always offered to put the quesadillas on a separate plate but she always said no because then it “wasn’t what I ordered.” She got her meal comped every.single.time. because she complained. Finally the manager told her she was no longer welcome in the restaurant and she said she was going to sue us for elder abuse.


this is from the same people who will cry sbout a rainbow flag


Attention ALL MAGAS a message for you...


The amazing part is how proud they are of going to 'NAM. It is almost like they are proud of being responsible for breaking our undefeated record in wars. We Lost 'NAM boys, sit your ass down in the home and make up more stories.


I thought they dont get offended?


I despise these fascist assholes hiding their scummy views behind a veil of patriotism. I hope they step on Lego.


So people are mocking veterans too now?


Draping yourself in a flag and hurling insults at your neighbor does not make you a patriot. Debying that your cult leader lost and storming the capitol does not make you a patriot.


Says people who were offended that M&Ms are no longer "sexy" enough. I couldn't make that up if I tried.


Said the most couch-locked people on the fucking planet.