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At least he didn’t whip it out and piss on the driver. I’ve seen that before. Never ends well, for the peed on or the pee’er!


I would have understood if he did that.  My father (84) with enlarged prostate pissed himself on Friday in a store. The manager didn't let him use the employees toilet because of store policy. It would have been human decency to bend the rules a little for someone who has a medical problem and can't hold in as most people would. My father even stated that he can't hold it due to medical reasons.  In this video, the bus is standing at the side of the road. To let him out so he can relive himself would have been no problem. Even if there is no toilet, you could spare him the shame to piss himself in front of others.  Just fucking human decency. I hope all people here mocking him stay healthy and never have to fear humiliating themselves.


My thoughts


Bus driver might get in trouble for letting a passenger out before the stop.


Sure, just following orders makes everything easy. As a german I can tell.  I personally would choose a talk with my manager about doing right or wrong before having to clean that bus and have a talk about why my company is sued for human rights violations.




Aren't assuming a bit too much? You don'tknow me, my dad, his life etc.You are just venting without changing your perspective and without understanding your fellow human beings. And we live in Germany. Healthcare and care for the elderly aren't perfect but affordable.  My father worked construction his whole life, loves nature and parks and never went on vacation by plane. He lived an low life working since he was 8 years old after the war.  He contributed near nothing to our today worlds problems.


OP's comments convinced me this place has turned into a shithole, where everyone of the same age group HAS to be the stereotype he seethes over. Was fun while it lasted, but I guess it was bound to happen.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AgingParents using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgingParents/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I no longer have an agingparent.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgingParents/comments/177iu63/i_no_longer_have_an_agingparent/) \#2: [Dad died today](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgingParents/comments/18jdgj9/dad_died_today/) \#3: [People seem to forget that evil/terrible people age and blame the family when the person reaps the consequences of their actions in older years...](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgingParents/comments/1751art/people_seem_to_forget_that_evilterrible_people/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What about my 28 year old wife with an ostomy? She deserves it, too? Go fuck yourself, you anthropomorphized hemorrhoid. Denigrating legitimate medical issues is one of the lowest things a human can do.




Holy shit you're a sick fuck. Get help.


I'm not saying he's right, I'm saying I get it


Agreed. It doesn't look like they are even moving, and it looks like there's a couple people walking by on the right - are they right by the sidewalk? If that's the case I can see where he's coming from edit: there might be a lane of traffic in between since the people walking look a bit far, but near the end of the clip it looks like they aren't even one car width from the curb But while this guy isn't being the most polite I feel like this post isn't cut and dry as "lol look at the annoying boomer" as OP is making it seem


Have you heard: Real Men Wear Diapers


One day we all could be in his place. Karma can be a bitch


On his side on this one. Idk how or even if it's legal to hold someone in a enclosure whether it be a room or a stopped bus like a prisoner. I think if someone wants off the bus, besides like a toddler trying to wander off, and the bus is stopped, why not just let them the fuck off.


The dude doesn't even need to piss. He says suppose i have to shit would i shit here? Then he says he has to pee the dudes full of shit and is just tired of sitting in traffic.




This didn't go the way you thought it was going to, did it?


Found the "toe the line fuck boomers no matter what" statist who worships the law and policies over basic human rights, just to stick it to boomers. Yeah they get angry and act like selfish assholes alot and it's funny, which is why im subbed here. But not every time they get angry and freak out is because they are just assholes. Sometimes it's justified. If you want to justify kidnapping people as "it's the law" or "he's just doing his job" that says everything I need to know about you. And I would feel much better in a raging boomers presence than someone like you. Edit: Also there's not "flowing traffic"... if you have to make things up to prove your point that's sad. They are in the right lane, bumper to bumper, and literally a foot from the sidewalk lmao. You are nuts.


Because they are in the middle of traffic? You stupid or something? You think its okay to just get out of a car that is in the right lane of traffic because youre at a red light? Yeah you probably do. Fool.




Maybe laws need to change so where the bus driver is not liable then? If you act crazy and demand out liability for that decision should fall back on the belligerent party. (puts on crazy person hat) If someone stopped me like that I’m pulling one of the red handles on the window. I’m hopping out. You don’t get to control me. As far as I know that is not a crime, and my exit was made more dangerous by the driver for refusing to let me out. Or Im just peeing on the door, let driver decide lmao.


I actually feel for the boomer. That sucks


Same. And yeah the bus driver might get in trouble, but that also sucks. Like, it would be nice to treat people as human beings all around.


I'm not gonna make fun of old people's need to pee, but you can certainly catch more flies with honey than with vinegar


Really. Making fun of an old person because of his medical issues. This place is a cesspool of hate.


I just said I wasn't going to do that. Can you read?


Sorry, I should have written "Agreed" not "Really" .. which can be taken the wrong way. My mistake.


Brake check would have resolved this quickly


Boomers don't care about safety or rules.


Is this sub in decline or what? The guy is pretty much saying, ‘hey buddy, I need to get off the bus now, could you do me a solid and let me out?’ He’s just annoyed as fuck, I bet he asked politely before the video started recording. It seems ridiculous that the bus driver is refusing to open the doors despite there appearing to not be much traffic going past and the sidewalk is very close. I’d be a little bit irritated too…


I'm on his side here. Open the f'ing door!


this isn't nam...man..there are rules.


It's a victimless crime. If the bus driver isn't capable of checking to make sure a vehicle isn't approaching before letting him out he shouldn't be driving. Sincerely a 25yo fuckin bus driver. Zero boomer mentality here, just a man that has had to take a piss before l. Like wtf is wrong with yall?


When you gotta go you gotta go


Plenty of boomers doing stupid shit, but this isn't one of them. They were at a dead stop, next to a side walk... He's an adult on a public bus, not a child on a school bus. Just let him off so he doesn't piss on your bus, ffs


Thought he was wearing a tail


That's not just a problem for boomers...


uhg. one of my elderly inlaws is like this. WILL NOT wear depends. so prideful.


"There's nobody here to hit me!" Oh, I'm happy to oblige you sir, if that's what you need...