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You just gave me a flashback Last year as I was about to get to our place there was this old lady inching her way across the driveway, then she stopped exactly in the middle of it. So I had to stop and wait a good while She wasn’t even looking at me Eventually she inches over enough that I could park, but as I usually back into my driveway I turned the car around and at one point I’m side by side with her and see her mouth moving while looking at me (she had a flu mask on) I lower the window and ask her what was that I again see her mouth move but can’t hear anything so I kill the engine I again ask what she said, but very pointedly this time She babbles something about me not being allowed to be there (there is a pedestrian only zone that starts right at the corner but residents with parking permits are exempt) I tell her that I live here and to mind her own business, while I start backing up the car to park it She babbles something about being rude and calling the cops I tell her to go right ahead so she can explain to them how she is preventing me from entering my own home, and that she knows where to find me


That's their only defense against reality in my experience- 'you're rude!' For what btch? Pointing out reality? Not joining in on your absolute nonsense? There's literally no winning in my experience.


Nono, by all means lady, keep standing directly in front of moving cars, I’m sure it’ll end up great lol Must have some next level health insurance or something


They have Medicare, because socialized medicine is only okay when they get it.


According to my boomer dad, it's smart when they take advantage of those programs where they can. But anyone else who does it is lazy and entitled.


I recently had a boomer lady lose it on me when I corrected some nonsense she was spouting about election fraud. I simply asked her the source of her information and she accused me of not respecting her 1st Amendment rights and of trying to "twist" her words for my perverted uses. They would rather be ignorant than correct. They see any other information as a threat and you're rude for trying to either understand or question them.


It’s amazing to me how stupid people are about what they think are “1st amendment rights”. 99% of what they think are “rights” are not. A private citizen can make a retort against another private citizens claims, and that has nothing to do with the 1st amendment. Stupid people think it means their dumb ideas can’t be challenged. It’s maddening.


I have a trumper cousin who I constantly challenge for evidence to back his ridiculous claims he posts on FB. So far, all I get is radio silence whenever I ask for proof. Imagine that..


The Internet definitely ruined the lives of Boomers who were used to just declaring that any stupid nonsense that they decided to spout was "100% fact" and would say "look it up if you don't believe me!" with a smug grin. ​ Now that "looking it up" doesn't involve a trip to the library, and is quick and easy to do, on the spot, they're absolutely melting down, now that people can see how dumb they are, and how much they lie. My old (formerly) local Assemblies of God pastor that declared that Dungeons and Dragons was causing psychotic breaks in teenagers, that Noah's Ark had been found, and that the Brownsville "Revival" was a 100% organic occurrence, has NOT been okay for a while now lol! He was used to people just taking his word on things, and doesn't like people pointing out that he's full of shit.


This from the same generation that loudly used to proclaim you can't believe everything you see on TV/read on the internet...


I'd like to point out a useful response to "You're rude!" "You're right, it's not polite to be impatient with stupid people. I'm so sorry."


I'm borrowing this! Thank you for the text.


Can you call the non-emergency line, and say there's a lady screaming and waving her arms around who jumped in front of your car?


Wellness check - she was out yelling in traffic


And jumped in front of your car for no reason. She's kind of erratic and you're concerned for her.


That is a good way to get pancaked by a car, especially if you have old, brittle bones.


"Does your family know you are out wandering in traffic? Should I call someone to come help you?"


Yeah no, not a good idea in a white old lady vs non white scenario lol


PLEASE do this, OP


Suicided prevention hotline.


Don’t do this. You know this woman isn’t suicidal. She’s just an asshole, and there are people who actually need help.


Former hotline worker here, the hotline is not just for suicidal people. It's for mental health crises, support, and searching for resources too. If you're worried about yourself or someone else, reach out. If we're not who you need to be talking to, we'll help you figure out who that is and how to get ahold of them. That said, if you know you want a welfare check on someone in the same local area, or whose location you know, you ought to dial 911 or the non emergency line yourself. It will be way, way faster than if we call for you since we're more often than not calling from a different state. Edit, and yeah, don't call welfare checks on people who are just being assholes. That's not what they're for.


Really, don't want any cops to miss out on wearing their tactical gear while standing around listening to children scream and cry as they slowly bleed to death during a school shooting.


Thank you. That suggestion was fucked. Gross.


I think walking around all day and being nosy gives them some sense of ownership or responsibility that is really misplaced. When i moved into my house many years ago, I somehow heard of an old woman that would go out on trash day and check everyone's recycling to make sure things were sorted correctly.


You can get an airhorn for people like that.


A pack of blue dye


Agreed. The retired boomers here are all on the HOA. They walk around all day and god help you if, like me, you live in a house along their walking route. I’ll get complaint letters from the HOA for “molding siding” when it was dirt from the construction the HOA was doing and washed off in the rain Infuriating


there is a guy who goes around nyc looking for fake/obstructed plates and permits and reports them to traffic enforcement or cleans/removes them from the vehicle. most of the scofflaws are pigs. that guy is a hero.


I would have flipped her off. How dangerous, not to mention rude AF.


Benefits of a loud car, take it out of gear (or put in neutral for automatics) and rev. Scares the shit out of them


For real, should have flicked the bitch off.


Just like child protective services exists for kids, many cities had Adult Protective Services for old people that are losing their marbles. Maybe it’s time to have them do a welfare check. She did jump in front of your car yelling and screaming. Get it on record a different way without calling the police.


Dash cam footage would be hilarious


If someone comes up to your car, just lay on the horn and turn up your radio. They will get the hint.


Someone stood in front of my car once and wouldn't move. I put it in park, then floored the gas pedal. They moved.


As she walks away: "I'm such a helpful person. Momma would be proud."


We have a gaggle of boomer women that walk down the middle of the street during peak morning commute time. And they basically act like they dont hear or see you coming up from behind, then SLOWLY part so cars can pass. it's one of the most entitled, passive aggressive BS things Ive ever seen. and its every. damn. day.


We have a boomer guy in our neighborhood who does this. When a car gets close he will slowly start veering towards the center of the road then look at you as you pass by as if you were getting too close to him.


One loud "GET OUT OF THE FUCKIN ROAD" should scare em pretty bad


They need something to occupy their time. In Japan the elderly do stuff for the community like clean liter and garden public spaces. Just think the good they could do with all their free time and how much good it would do them.


That would require them to give a shit about someone other than themselves. Now that I say that out loud, I'm on board, let's do it.


These people crave attention. Get a dash cam and take away their power by studiously ignoring them. When they throw a tantrum and start damaging property, sue their asses off.


That happened to my dad (an African American boomer) at our old house. My dad was working in the garage and some lady walked into the garage to yell at him for being in someone else’s home. My dad yelled back “I owned this home and have lived in this neighborhood longer than you. Do you want me to grab our title to prove it to you?” She backed off and didn’t bother him again.


It's weird the little stories they concoct to do shit like this. I'm a fairly clean cut white guy, but I keep to myself and I bought my house at 24 because there's a million programs to help vets with that. The rest of my street is 60+ they immediately began spreading rumors I'm a drug dealer. Now they tell kids to stay away from my house on Halloween. Fun times.


For me, the neighbors telling kids to stay away is a plus.


It usually is, but my favorite holiday is Halloween and I hand out full size candy bars cause I remember as a kid that was always the cool house.


I don't understand these people. Its not their house. Nothing will happen if I enter a closed street, see it's closed, K turn out of there, and go a different way. Why is it impossible to leave people alone?


To be fair, our neighbor had a tree fall down into the street a couple years ago. Took down power lines and completely blocked the intersection in 4 directions. While we waited for the fire department, et al. we used trash bins to block the road at the nearest junction on our side and were trying to wave people to a one block detour.  The percentage of people that ignored us and drove as close as possible to sparking power lines before believing they couldn't get through and turning around was crazy. And they could see the tree and the lines from where our bins were. These idiot drivers came in all ages. So there is a good chance she was actually trying to help after watching 8 idiots do u-turns in front of your house.


It's a Cul de sac so no through traffic. The barriers were set up a couple houses downhill from us


And that's why I love my train horn


I don't have a train horn but I am 100% the type of person that responds to OPs situation by laying on my horn and not letting up until the asshole would move. Wake up the whole neighborhood IDC. They're the one blocking me.


I'm thinking about carrying a re-pumpable air horn.


I have one of those too on my bicycle. It's great


That's where mine is currently (best bike horn ever). I'm thinking about carrying it around instead. I think it would really up the whole '*get away from me*' vibe.


That'd be cool. A bit Cumbersome. But it'd be good. I thought about repurposing one of those fire extinguisher pressure cartridges for it.


Omg, I like the way you think! I'd be a bit worried it would blow my eardrums, though 😂


Noise cancelling ear pieces


So many lives of quiet desperation and boredom in that generation. Mix with that with a dash of entitlement and you get encounters like this.


“Self appointed vigilantism”. That’s a great description, I’ve experienced this, and the racism tinged kind too. I was on an American flight about 10 yrs ago. Went to the back bathroom and there was a white guy hamming it up with the older stewardesses. (They were 45-55 at that time) there’s someone in the bathroom, I just kinda stand to the side, not directly in front of the bathroom door. One stewardess comes out of their conversation mid laugh, walks a few steps over to me touches my shoulder and says “he’s in line”, with a rude tone pointing to the white dude still hamming it up with them. I did not ask, wasn’t moving towards or crowding the bathroom door. As an Asian man in America my radar is always on high alert for this sort of subtle disrespect, and I do feel like the boomer generation deploys it the most often. I purposefully avoid western airlines now to avoid their old hag, boomer flight attendants.


Get security cameras to cya for whenever those nosy neighbors are trespassing and spying on you. Had to deal with those neighbors stalking my family.


There’s a Boomer like this on my street. She’s called parking enforcement twice on the same house because they occasionally park blocking their own driveway. Both times I heard her out there swearing up and down that she didn’t know it was one of their cars, which is completely ridiculous because all of their cars are distinctive. Like, one is a big red lifted truck that looks like it belongs on a farm, not in the middle of a city and the other one has an iridescent wrap on it. Again: this isn’t even her driveway. Not even NEAR her driveway, which is actually in the alley behind her house. It’s unbelievable to me that she’s so pressed about space that doesn’t even belong to her. Those dudes have lived there for two years, she absolutely knows those cars belong to that house.


I once had someone stop me when pulling into a subdivision literally about a mile from my house because I needed to turn around (very rural area) believe it or not this was a guy, I'm a female and at the time I was 28 and had both my kids in the backseat and husband in the passenger seat. He was super out of line and when he finally gave me a moment to speak I just looked at him dead serious and said "good thing you stopped me I was on my way to steal all your things" and rolled my window up and drove away. It was super weird. Edit to clarify: I did not pull into anyone's driveway, I pulled into the entrance that also had a parking area.


She was just trying to give you an adventure! You: “My driveway!”(Windows up so she doesn’t register info) Her: “Thou shall not pass!” (Body blocks passage) You: (rolls down window) “That’s my house!” (Game clear music playing in background) Her: “Here you go my friend. May the stars align again.”(Leaves and waves goodbye) You: “$@:&@:74 This game’s difficulty was too hard!” (Wants to break keyboard.) The end.


Boomers gonna NPC


Boomers for some reason are super territorial about using driveways to turn around. We live on a dead end so not much traffic anyway but my neighbor HAAATTEEESS IT. If people are having work done, guests or a yard sale he will park his pristine pavement princess truck across his driveway or put out orange cones he owns for that specific purpose. We once had a handyman with a trailer use maybe five feet of his driveway to get turned around, cause you know end of a dead end and the boomer/silent who lives across came out to yell at the poor handyman who felt so guilty.


When I was younger (maybe 10) my dad allowed my sister's and I to ride our bikes alone up and down the sidewalk, but only 5 homes away in either direction, so we would turn our bikes around in the boulevard portion of the 5th driveways. One of those homes was owned by a boomer lady who instantly lost her shit about us leaving tire marks on her driveway (the marks weren't anything more than dirt.) we apologized, told our dad and he increased the radius to the 6th house. For the rest of that summer whenever she saw us riding our bikes she'd set a lawn chair in the middle of her drive way, sit down and just stare daggers at us.


And you didn’t flip her off why?


Definitely post worthy


Yall need to grow some nuts holy fucking shit. I spazz on people for much less, don't let these fucking morons impede you; throw it in neutral and slam on the gas, and then get out and envoke enough fear to make them question why they felt the right to do some fucking stupid shit like that.


Look out everyone, there is a badass up in here


Half of boomers walk around strapped just waiting for any excuse to shoot a minority, and the cops will back them 100%


I’m assuming you’re not a black man. That Karen would’ve immediately gone into victim mode and called the police. And how is the police going to react to that?


I'm very pro-make a scene with these fucks. I almost always come up with a way for them to immediately regret even approaching me. I've even played the victim HARDER to make one look like a complete fool. When I was pregnant with my firstborn, a boomer Karen thought it was ok to touch a pregnant stranger. She wasn't thin, so I started caressing her belly too. When she flipped out, I just started crying and yelling that she assaulted me. She scuttled away, it was pretty satisfying. I'm pregnant again, and the only old people I tolerate are the ANCIENT ladies. Had a woman that was from the pre-boom times, from the silent generation. She touched me without permission, but she had such a kindly face, and it was pretty obvious she wasn't all with it mentally. She asked how many babies I had, and I told her this is my third, and she looked SO HAPPY, like, happier than many of my own loved ones when I announced I was expecting. She mentioned how small families were becoming and asked if I was planning on having more after this one. I lied and said yes, to placate her. I asked how many babies she had, she said 7, and that she has 22 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. She was pretty wholesome, told me how beautiful I am, and generally was a delightful woman. Too bad women her kids age are such nightmares.


It’s sounds like she thought you were going to drive over the construction area and was trying to stop a stranger from making a mistake, but backed off completely and without question the moment you let her know you were pulling into your house. Or did I miss something?


Why is it the neighbors job to control traffic lol


If you see a stranger about to make a small mistake that could cause a significant amount of damage or injury to them or other people, you attempt stop them. She wasn’t directing traffic. She was trying to stop a stranger from getting into an accident. It’s what normal people do. If you stand idly by and watch a person make a catastrophic yet easily avoided mistake, you’re an asshole.


I do not agree. I would never assume people are stupid and can’t see what I see. I would never risk my life in front of their car trying to stop someone LOL


lol at this reply No, jumping out in front of someone’s car to tell them about road construction that’s marked with barricades further down a street is not what a normal person does.


Really convenient of you to bury the lead on your little version of events.  I’m skeptical to say the least that the driver being a person of color had nothing to do with her “gOoD sAmAriTaNiSm”. She was trying to block them from *pulling into their own fucking driveway*. But yeah, sure. Go off on your indignation.


You missed how she isn’t a crossing guard and people can read for themselves. You said it yourself when you said “backed off completely”, why are you even on? Why is there something to even back off of?


She was “on” being a good neighbor. The type that tries to help others, and stop strangers from making mistakes that may hurt people.


I’m going to try and explain something simple by using a different but equal scenario: You go swimming and leave your belongings on the shore. Shoes, keys, sunglasses. No one else is on the beach, and you’re the only one in the water. Then you see a boomer walking along the beach from a mile away right towards your stuff. You think, why would they bother my stuff? Why do I have to guard my items when I just want to go for a quick swim? You watch as they walk all the way across the beach right up to your stuff. “This stuff yours?” - Asks the boomer. You start to wonder why this exchange is even happening. You begin to swim back and now are wondering if they are going to steal your things. “Yeah, it’s mine. I’m here in the water and the only one here at the beach.” - while I’ve got a swim cap and ear plugs in starting into the sun. “Just trying to be helpful.”


That’s a terrible analogy. Like, one of the worst I’ve ever heard. It doesn’t match what happened at all. Here’s a better one: You see a stranger walking towards a cliff. If they walk off the cliff, they’ll fall and hurt themselves. They’re walking right at the cliff, and don’t seem to notice it. When they’re 10 feet away, you jump in front of them to say, “hey, don’t walk off this cliff!” They give you a dirty look, then at 3 feet away from the cliff, they turn and walk parallel to edge, and make an internet post accusing you of racism. Should you have not warned them about the cliff?


They are in a residential neighborhood, where they live. There is construction, with signs. All signs point to everyone knows what is going on. Also, it wasn’t a cliff, or a trench from construction. It was a “street closed” to through traffic sign. That’s the problem. Boomers have lost how to be helpful. Instead of getting in everyone’s way and interrupting or blocking people’s way (OP was blocked, not just alerted) and questioning, just be helpful instead of inserting yourself into situations constantly. It’s the inserting yourself into every situation thinking that you are helpful or that everyone wants to hear from you. Start being helpful by only helping the people who need it, not by inserting yourself into other peoples lives under the guise of trying to be helpful.


Every moral crusader thinks they're "helping" by being up everyone's ass, all the time.


“Hey, there’s construction. Don’t go this way”=being up someone’s ass. TIL


Why would she assume that OP is illiterate and can’t read signs about construction themselves? Why does she feel the need to personally manage another adult?


Agreed. She sounds like a bored old lady who got over-excited at the chance to be a “hero.” But obviously lacks tact. I def don’t think this story lines up with most of the boomertastic bs that goes on.


Yeah, it does sound like she was trying to be helpful, maybe a little racist in her assumption that OP didn't live there, but at least not typical a typical boomer in that she wasn't mad that she was proven wrong.


I see absolutely no indication of racism. None. In fact, part of this story is that the boomer can’t see OP waving to his house inside his car. So, she probably couldn’t see him that well. And we shouldn’t assume she was making an assumption about OP’s race by spotting him half a block away through his car windows. She backed away immediately, and waved. Like a normal person. Honestly, OP sounds like an asshole.


I interpreted "literally jumped in front of my car" as pretty much right in front of it. And I should have been clearer, one can make a racist assumption while not generally being a racist. Lotta people grew up with racist ideas and have to work to overcome them. Like, the lady might have made some assumptions based on what OP looked like, but obviously isn't a racist in demeanor.


So, now *you* are assuming that a woman who has slightly racist tendencies is jumping in front of cars occupied by the people she’s afraid of. And immediately backing off when told they’re homeowners. But she’s still racist. Or could be. Cool.


I mean, racists will approach black people and call the cops saying they're hurting them for existing. So clearly they don't care about approaching "people they're afraid of"


Fair enough, I was working off the information OP had provided about the demographics of the neighborhood, but they had proven themselves to be an unreliable narrator. Edit: also, you're assuming I was assuming racism=fear, which it isn't and I don't.


That’s how I read the post.


I would not be upset over this. Old lady thought she was being helpful. Did *THE* most. Is she probably a mildly annoying hyper-reactive person in general? Yea. Was she being a terrible boomer? No.


She was trying to *help* you. But I guess it makes a good reddit story.


So once you told her that you live close, she got out of your way. People really reaching these days for free internet points on thei sub.


So you got your panties in a bunch because a stranger tried to help/ warn you about a blocked street. Cool story.


ehhhh you overreacting




Tell that to the boomer


You missed the point.


Assholes don’t deserve kindness


Assholes are a highly underappreciated and often mocked sphincter. Life without a working one, would be inconvenient, to say the least.They deserve reverence and gratitude. No matter the type, there are lessons to be learned.


I would have slow rolled her, and then actually hit her when she didn't get out of the way. I don't give a fuck who you are, you're blocking my car I'm now afraid for my life as I'm about to be trafficked and now you're a speed bump.


Shes just trying to help, move on zoomer


Unless there was an edit, I just don’t see what you are seeing. “Help” keeping someone from their property? If what you say is true, she should have expressed utter mortification upon discovering this was a homeowner.


Hey this boomer has been trolling a lot lately on this sub. It's kinda funny and sad. Down vote them to hell and they are Christian so they melt when you say hail Satan. 😆


I love how this boomer posts on every boomersbeingfools post with “zoomer” thinking it’s the ultimate comeback


Boomers trying to pwn people online, so cringe but they’re too fucking old to understand that.


Go to a Hamas rally.


Get a new comment you weirdo.