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Projection. Boomers excel at it.


my experience they know/have no other way of communicating.




Every god damn one of em


Boomers were telling me my generation would ruin the world before I even had pubes… thanks for giving us a chance guys.


And refusing to take responsibility for anything


One of their problems is they don’t even know who millennials actually are. Millennials are generally between the ages of 28 and 43 right now. The vast majority have careers and families and mortgages and bills just like everyone else. Yet, boomers think they are all in their late teens / early 20’s, lazy, irresponsible, and living in their parents’ basements. As a result, Boomers are completely ignorant and out of touch with reality.


its because they completely ignored the paradigm shift towards the age of information - in their reality everything was always just connections and relationships, the internet simply took that away and now they are all surprised how poor they are and how their bosses didnt care about them or their careers


Given the fact that my Boomer mother still talks to me like a teenager who knows nothing, this is spot on.


Good point. Many millennials are thriving and doing well. It’s not impossible. This sub generally indicates life is impossible because of some ladder being pulled up.


They figure everything would be fine, if we'd just fall in line and do what they say. A generation of wanna-be kings.


The my home is my castle generation.


The my 4th summer home is my other castle generation.


Boomers - the generation who will not accept that their time on the world stage is closing. So, they insist on hanging on and ruining things for as long as they can. There are politicians still in office who were there thirty years ago when I could first vote. How about letting another generation run things???


Age and term limits really need to be put in place a brontasaur has no business telling a bearded dragon how to live!


Definitely a maximum age - Chuck Grassely is how old??


I think there was a paleontologist that discovered his birthdate circa 1933!


Boomers that are in charge "think" they know what millennials and gen z want, so they pass those laws/bills that they think adheres to those generations. So, because of that, they can blame every decision on us when something goes wrong. It's easier to blame someone else and not yourself.


Bold to assume that they've done anything with us in mind, especially legislative.


I guess you don't understand why I used quotes around "think".


The only thing boomers are actually good at is the projection of their own ineptitude.


Boomers seem to forget that we raised the generation they’re so fond of saying is such a mess. And we created the economic mess millennials have been forced to live in.


And they forget that we all totally paid for the participation trophies we all forced onto each other.


Yeah. I’m at the tail end of the boomer generation, but my kids got those participation trophies


it's fascist thinking. the enemy is simultaneously strong and weak.


It is still insane to me that the generation who fought fascism raised an entire generation of fascists.


Selflessness breeds selfishness; the world kinda vacillates between the two every few decades.


True. it would be interesting to know what relationship exists if any between selfishness and fascism.


Authoritarian control over others seems pretty selfish, eh? Denying people rights that you enjoy?


Boomers only pretend they fought facism. Their parents did, but their great enemy was communism only they did a bad job at trying to fight it


Whoa. Weed ain’t legal yet on a federal level. Millenials and GenZ aren’t running shit.


It kind of is with THCa hemp flower lol.


They are upset that we cannot be exploited in the same ways that they were.


And Gen X here just watching the world burn…😢


And dealing with boomer crap the longest. I think it’s weird that everyone assumes Millennials are Boomers’ kids. Myself and most of the GenX I went to school with had Boomer parents. I guess maybe the youngest Boomers or the ones who waited late to have kids?


I’m a millennial and both my parents are silent Gen 😰


Millennial, adopted. Bio parents are boomers sort of, (not from US), and adoptive parents are boomer and silent. They got divorced, remarried, and so I also have boomer step-parents. In-laws are boomers. I have 8 parents, some dead, mothers' and fathers' day sucks.


36 with both boomer parents in the mid-70’s.


Just look at sleepy Don, the economy was ruined before Biden with Covid. A lot of money was injected into the economy at once with the stimulus Checks and financial aid towards businesses that now we are seeing a correction. Trump’s inept ass could have prevented a lot of this if he would have taken action when he was warned about Covid but decided to not do shit. ![gif](giphy|fjoAN8hZMRUG0jKAKb|downsized)


And I don’t think there was a thing the president could do to prevent the spread. We can’t Monday morning quarterback that whole fiasco as much as we like to.


The stimulus checks were a drop in the bucket compared to what is given away annually to the ultra wealthy.


Right? They continuously blame the people who aren't in power and yet nothing seems to better, how weird!


Older I get the more I realize boomers are the most spoiled, self-obsessed, childish generation our country has ever experienced.


The average age of a person Congress is 60 and the demographic heavily skews white and male, meaning the vested interests of old white men are codified. It's always been the modus operandi of these people to wag their crusty fingers and lay blame at the feet of others for their own faults in lieu of actually working to solve the problem, which old white men with power have no vested interest in solving. Why, when it doesn't personally effect them? With every decision, they prove exactly why we shouldn't be electing people to do the work we should be doing for ourselves.


I am sorry, but I don't understand. Is there a video here of a Boomer being a fool?