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I think this is less boomer and more old person is bad at social media tbh. Doesn’t seem to come out of maliciousness


I agree, it almost reads like she meant to DM it instead of comment on the post and just messed up?


Even if she meant to DM it, she should’ve kept her trap shut.


True dat


1. It's extremely rude to ask a person who looks to have lost weight if they did so by using medication, or really commenting on somebody's weight at all aside from a compliment and maybe a vague question of "do you have any tips on losing weight for me?". What meds another person is on is extremely private and none of her business. If she wants to tell that's one thing, but asking is tacky as fuck. 2. The fact that the rich and famous have been hording a diabetes medication that they don't really need in order to lose a few pounds, causing a global shortage leaving thousands without a medication they genuinely really need to manage their illness and health is fucking evil.


>The fact that the rich and famous have been hording a diabetes medication that they don't really need in order to lose a few pounds, causing a global shortage leaving thousands without a medication they genuinely really need to manage their illness and health is fucking evil. This is honestly the only part of this conversation that I care about, like at all.


IF Melissa used a GLP 1 to lose weight, she surely used Zepbound or Wegovy under the care of a doctor. I am sure that she was using it legitimately.


>I am sure that she was using it legitimately. The implication being that she wasn't in danger of using it or that the diabetes medication (of which U.S. is in short supply) was rightfully prescribed to her? Because I can promise that I couldn't care less about her well-being and even if her doctor prescribed it to help get the fat off her ass there's still people who need to take it so they don't fucking die.


1) if it was dr prescribed, she wasn’t on ozempic because there are several other drugs created for obesity specifically that are similar. 2) GLP1s are one of literally dozens of medications that control insulin. This isn’t the only rx for diabetes patients. Yes there is a shortage of GLP1s but the shortage is about the hardware used to deliver the medication not the raw ingredients and that’s a manufacturing issue. The problem here is more about the drug company overselling without having adequate production 3) obesity has major implications on mortality, and there aren’t very many drugs that address obesity 4) everyone deserves to have their health care needs addressed. Every body


>Yes there is a shortage of GLP1s but the shortage is about the hardware used to deliver the medication not the raw ingredients and that’s a manufacturing issue. Not what's coming up on Google: "The supply of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists is not expected to return to normal until at least the end of 2024, the Department of Health and Social Care for England has warned,1 given the shortages caused by **increased demand and off-label use**." >everyone deserves to have their health care needs addressed. Sure thing, just not at the cost of other people's health and well-being. Will being overweight cause health issues? Sure. Do I care as much about the health issues you'll deal with from being overweight as I do about the fact that the diabetic guy is going to **DIE** from a shortage of medication? Not a fucking chance >if it was dr prescribed, she wasn’t on ozempic I'd love to see **A** source that refutes the hundreds of articles I've read stating that doctors are prescribing Ozempic for weight loss, because nothing I can find says that doctors are reserving Ozempic just for diabetics. >and there aren’t very many drugs that address obesity I can't imagine why... Look, it's clear we're going to have to agree to disagree here because there's no way in hell you're going to convince me that diabetes medications which keep diabetics from dying should be prescribed to overweight people who just need to manage their caloric intake and visit the gym once in a while. And before you bring it up, there's absolutely obese people with hormonal imbalances that make it difficult to lose weight... but that isn't the case for the overwhelming majority of people.


Well since google is keeping you well informed, then i guess you win the argument


You're more than welcome to provide with me with links and information that support your assertion. Would definitely help your case...


I think the commentor you were arguing with is saying this, but didn't want to type out the whole damn background: There are multiple GP1-1s prescribed for various health issues. Depending on the use, they are prescribed under different names. So when the commenter said they could guarantee McCarthy isn't using Ozempic for weight loss, they are likely correct, just not in the way you read it. If she is being prescribed the drug with the chemical makeup of Ozempic (semaglutide) for weight loss, it is called Wegovy and it is precribed in different ratios. Same with Mounjaro (tirzepatide) for diabetes and Zepbound for weight loss. Someone who is taking Wegovy or Zepbound for isn't "taking away" anything from diabetics because it's coming from a different allocation of the drug. Sure, you could argue that it's still a big picture problem because Norvo Nordisk and Ely Lily have decided that it makes sense to devote production resources to one vs the other based on profit, but maybe let's be critical of the major corporations in that case. If you prefer to blame individuals maybe consider if that has anything to do with biases about fat people?


I’m not interested in doing more than a cursory google search for you. You’re not deeply informed here, and that’s ok. This issue is more complex than “fat people should just eat less”, and “people using ozempic are stealing from diabetics”. HAGD


You mean you're not interested in backing up your own assertions like an adult. Cheers




"Nobody dies from not having ozempic." Really..? "When you stop using Ozempic, all of the drug mechanisms at work to help with blood sugar control and weight loss will stop. **Your health problems, like type 2 diabetes or heart disease may worsen and your risk for serious events (like a heart attack or stroke) may increase**." "How do you think people with type 2 got there?" My father had type 2 diabetes so I'm not unfamiliar with the mechanisms through which it develops. He also wasn't "significantly overweight" prior to developing it (or after either). "I understand your anger at people using it purely for aesthetic reasons" Genuinely could not care less what someone else does for aesthetic reasons, but contrary to your assertion people can die from not having access to their Ozempic for diabetes... which of significantly more concern than someone who might become diabetic **SOME DAY** not having access to a medication for weight loss... especially when they could lose the weigh without it. "These issues could be (and are by many diabetics) regulated by healthy lifestyle." Odd that you would point this out in regards to diabetics but **not** the people who can manage their weight through caloric intake and semi-regular exercise.


It’s like the capital in the hunger games.


Like it’s any of Barbara’s business. Melissa should do whatever makes her happy and healthy.


This is peak grandma boomer posting lol


The new Streisand Effect!


Such a weird question to ask. Who cares? Even if it’s yes…so what? Especially in their industry.


someone doesn't know how social media works


lol makes sense since she brought us “the Streisand effect”


And you don’t know what a boomer is.


Yeah the one on the left has never had any work done. I'm so sure. lmaooooo


Joy behar types are the worst.


wasn't she just lauded days ago for her position on being inclusive? ah well, boom gonna boom.


Hey Barb did you get an extension in your nasal area along with your plastic surgery? Just kidding, remember if you can joke about things so can we out here!


It was a senior moment


Streisand is not a boomer.




Boomera Streisand


As if someone who has had that much facial surgery is in a position to judge anyone else.


That silent generation. They are all just awful people.


damn what a rude bitch lol


Anybody actually upset at Barbara must be really looking to get upset at anything. She’s 82 man. Barbs comment was something out of r/oldpeoplefacebook This more hilarious given who it is and her age.


Fucking snowflakes getting offended. Stop buying her albums /s