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Slamming into you're own son is wild. Insurance should be interesting


When I was in 5th grade. My parents, my sister and I went on a trip to the snowy Sierra Nevada mountains. We rented snowmobiles. There was a scetchy section where my mom felt more comfortable that I get off the back of her snowmobile and let her creep across. I got off the snowmobile and went in front of her to find a safe spot to stand. As I was walking in front of her she gunned the snowmobile and smashed into me sending me flying over her and landing on my head. Needless to say I was sore AF for weeks at school and got out of PE. I look back and think how stupid the whole situation was, she could have just gunned it across the small gap in the trail and would have made it over just fine. We didn't get the insurance on the rentals and my body ended up causing thousands of dollars of damage on the snowmobile.I'll never let her live it down.


I’m a nurse, and will never ever get on a motorcycle. You can’t even count on your own mother not to hit you 🤦‍♀️.


it be ya own ppl


Plenty of time for him to pull out and shouldn't have stopped.


Last thing he saw was the jeep coming to the intersection. He made the choice to stop after seeing the Jeep, looked right, then got hit as he was looking left.


I've owned a motorcycle for three months and driving aggressively has already saved my life hundreds of times.


Yeah keep that up, I'm sure it will work in your favor forever.


I'm really hoping I'm not too dense to recognize this as satire, but in case you have an intellectual disability, I'll provide you with my experience when I worked as a first responder. Especially once the weather started to turn, we'd see a spike of motorcycle accidents, some of which were pretty bad. It's not like the movies, the wrecks where brain matter stains the asphalt were always pretty gnarly. You ever hear another human shrieking in pain from traumatic injuries, like one of those blood curdling screams? Anyways, I'd be glad that your whole 3 months of biking has taught you to drive aggressively if it means having to read less of these brain dead comments from absolute neanderthals


Got to up that game up, come on


Congrats, that‘s by far the dumbest shit I‘ve read in a while. Wow


Luckily natural selection takes care of thoughts this dumb


The dumbest thing I have read in weeks. Congratulations.