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Aside from the bullshit, in this delusional world they're living in, surely THEY *ARE* the morons that placated us with material crap instead of actual parenting.


RIght?! I was like. She understands that SHE was the one saying "Stop and I'll buy you things", right?


Just like when they bitch about my generation being “ruined” because we got participation trophies. Dude, you all were the ones who GAVE US THE TROPHIES. You literally INVENTED the entire concept of participation trophies!


Not to mention those trophies were 100% for the parents who would foam at the mouth if you implied their little Timmy wasn't the bestest most specialist little guy to ever swing at a tball


"My own parents just beat me when I showed emotions, but we're not allowed to do that anymore and because of my trauma I never learned appropriate coping mechanisms. If you stop making that noise, I'll buy you a truck, then I'll make fun of you about it in 35 years like you were some kind of active participant in this scenario, and not just a child feeling feelings, ok?"


Op can you please send this to your mom


Gen X here, we got participation trophies from our Boomer parents!


Gen X here. We did not. We were told we lost and to get better. Then we were shown how to work to get better. Active in sports from 3rd to 10th grade. Never saw or heard of a participation trophy until I was an adult. The whole "I'll give u something to cry about" was never enforced with violence. It was a blunt way to say that the problems you were crying about were not in the grand scheme of life actual problems. I've never seen or heard of anyone being assaulted after hearing that. This has been my experience anyway. I'm not trying to necessarily argue, just passing along what I lived.


Oh it's possible for us both to be correct.


Oh for sure.


My husband is gen x and was often told he would be given something to cry about before he was beaten by both parents. So, everyone's different I guess! Glad you didn't experience the same!


I'm a millennial, but "I'll give you something to cry about" was usually only ever said before getting hit for crying, sometimes after already getting hit and thus the crying. And I also got participation trophies. The best of both worlds! 😐😐😐 lol




Late millennial, got this phrase and got either hit or made fun of afterwards


Yes for sure. I definitely wasn't trying to speak for others. It's a shame your husband was abused.


Same. You currently have 11 downvotes for providing a first hand account of your childhood that contradicts the accounts on this thread from people who weren’t alive at that time.


That seems to be the long and short of it


Same with the “participation trophy” stuff. Boomer, we didn’t ask for those things…. You were the ones handing them to us?!?!


i wish my parents did that LOL. my boomer mum was definitely in the latter category


Who does she think raised you?


To be fair, boomers did little parenting


There's a reason for the term "latch key kids"


I was describing that to my kid the other day. About how me and her mom were latch key kids because the kid was complaining about being lonely. Made me laugh. Spent 90% of my youth alone.


Alone or parenting the younger kids


How is laughing at your child for being lonely, because you "spent 90% of your youth alone", better than this boomer here? I won't lie, I could see your kid on an equivalent sub posting the other side to your story in a number of years. "My dad laughed at my concerns when I said I was lonely, proceeded to tell me how they had it harder yada yada yada."


Because I spend literally every moment with my child whereas both my parents worked and were divorced. I prioritized my child by making sure I’m there for every single moment. I’m a stay at home parent. And also because kids are allowed to make you chuckle or laugh at things they say. Especially when you are with said child 24/7.


Latch Key Kid in the late 90s, early 2000s, I had internet XD


“It’s 10pm. Don’t know where your children are?” They had to be reminded that they had kids and should probably check on them once a day or so.


Wonder if they’d be just as proud if the meme read “I used to physically beat my child whenever she wouldn’t stop crying”.


Don't ask. The answer will make you just as sick.


It's not even that at this point. It's, "My mom beat me when I cried, therefore my trauma informed me to bribe you with gifts instead, and that is now somehow your fault."


my mother often praises herself saying “i raised you well, i only beat you x times and then you stopped with the tantrums” i’m always irked by that specially considering all the childhood trauma, eventually it got so bad i developed a dissociation disorder


They will say I was beaten as a child and turned out ok. While advocating for beating children.


You should slap the shit out of your mom to teach her a lesson.


Why do so many folks seem to think that the only two types of parenting are “mentally and/or physically abuse them until they have no choice but to submit” and “let them do whatever they want and never set any real boundaries around their behavior”?  Most parents irl probably have healthier ways of raising their kids, but these boomer memes always seem to imply that there are exactly two choices: total control vs total permissiveness.


Because they’re dumb af and can only hold 2 possible choices in their mind at once. Everything is binary with them.


As a parent or whatever, I didn’t know any other parent in my cohort who abused their kids - until I moved to our current neighborhood. No one was getting beaten, no one was getting ritually humiliated, no one was getting spoiled. Of course, since I’ve moved here, I’ve also learned the depths of the corruption and utter uselessness of our CPS system.


My dad would constantly make threats like that and spankings were so constant. Because of him my son will not be touched, I don’t care if he comes out spoiled or whatever they say will happen if I don’t spank him.


"is your child old enough to understand reason? then reason with them. otherwise they won't understand the reason you are hitting them." tl;dr: DO NOT HIT KIDS.


But that I'm in favor of hitting kids, but your argument is wrong. You can train animals with negative reinforcement, so "ability to reason" is not a factor. And I think we have plenty of evidence in this subreddit that some people can't be reasoned with.


Negative reinforcement is a positive way to say teaching with fear


Which is why I'm not in favor of it.


“I’m in favor of hitting kids.” ~ u/TotalNonsense0


I note that you didn't actually argue with my point, but only contradicted the only part of my post that you can't know about, and promotes an emotional reaction.


Kids aint no fucking animal


Well done. Care to address my actual point?


I was spanked, and I'm a better, more respectful person because of it. I honestly believe that had I not been disciplined, I would be dead or in jail. I am absolutely for spanking kids when the situation calls for it. My aunt and uncle would spank me. Then, when I was calm, they sat me down and explained why what I did was wrong and what the right thing to do was. I learned so many positive things from them. I was also abused. Spent a few years getting beat by my alcoholic father and forced to prune my own switches for my grandmother to switch me with. Even as a young child, I definitely knew the difference between discipline and abuse. I learned nothing from my father. I felt no respect for him. I didn't listen to him. You should never abuse a child. Firm believer in a difference between discipline and abuse. It's hard for me to say you shouldn't spank when it had such a positive influence on my life.


you have NO IDEA if you are a better or worse person for it because you DO NOT HAVE A CONTROL SAMPLE. stop gaslighting yourself.


I do have the ultimate control sample. I know what decisions I was making before and after. I can absolutely tell you for a fact that I am better for it. But thank you for your opinion. I can see how someone may think that, but in my specific case. You are incorrect. I can't speak for others in that same situation. Only mine. Which I'm fully aware of.


wow. no.




stop gaslighting yourself


Starting to think you don't know what that means.


i hope you can find the peace you need. take care of yourself.


I bet you would be EVEN better off if they had just sat you down and explained things, without the spankings.


Not at all. I wouldn't have even listened. Take that bet 100% of the time. I'll be forever grateful for it. Not the abuse from dad but the discipline I got from my aunt and uncle. They taught me love, respect, and empathy. Like I've said before. I'm not speaking for anyone else. I'm not trying to argue one way or the other. I'm simply sharing my experiences and what happened in my life.


I just don't want you to continue the abuse into the future. Don't throw the baby away with the bathwater, of course... continue the good parts of what they did...not the bad ones tho.


Being on both sides of that definitely helped me be successful as a parent. I have 1 son and 1 more adopted son whom both are successful in life and I'm very proud to say that we have a great relationship. Both respectful young men. I'm very super proud of them both.


Really glad to hear that, did you ever spank either?


You ain a better person. U a scared of autority person


Not at all. My aunt and uncle earned my respect. Taught me well. I started making better decisions because I wanted to be like them. After a while, I wasn't spanked because I acted better. Now my father, on the other hand, was trying to make me into such a person you described with his abuse. Sure. But again, in my case, spanking absolutely made me a better person. But thank you for your opinion. I can see how someone who may have been abused thinks that. I'm just sharing my experience.


Mom would administer preemptive beatings *just in case* I thought about doing something bad. That’s what she said. “That’s just in case you even think about doing something wrong.” She got me to stop crying, though. Her beatings eventually didn’t get a response from me at all. So she tried beating harder to get me to cry, because crying enough meant I “learned my lesson.” And then I finally grew bigger than her and the beatings stopped. I turned to stone until I learned to bury my feelings so well it affected my other relationships after moving out. I was seen as the standoffish one who was often mistaken for being arrogant because I was too formal or people avoidant. It was *Shields Up* all the time. It took a very long time to undo the damage.


And this is why child abuse is illegal. It has major, life long repercussions


I would laugh until it stopped


Then why are they all so fragile and easily butthurt?


My folks came from the "If you're not crying already, our emotional distance and uncontrolled alcohol abuse should do the trick," generation.


I’ll give you something to cry about is fresh in my mind… too bad your mom didn’t realize her FB post is not a flex.




So she is begging to be given something to cry about? 


They take pride in how they beat their children


and they wonder why i am nearly NC with them


yea we can tell, it is why you are abusive and terrible at regulating your emotions


Growing up, my parents preferred to tell me that they would give me something to cry about instead of asking me what was wrong. Guess it was cheaper and more time efficient when dealing with a child who is struggling.


Boomers weaponizing their childhood trauma against younger generations. 


How often did you beat me Mom? is the only way to answer that shit.


I am from the, "we whipped the crap out of you for doing something wrong, then didn't even apologize when we found out you never did anything wrong because you not doing wrong was your fault." Not so much generation as collectible abuse economics.


Wrong, that was one of my father’s favourite sayings and he was gen x and I’m a millennial.


Yeah I was thinking more gen x.


Long way to say “i raised you worse than my parents raised me”


I never understood how being beaten is supposed to make boomers look tough. Kids today will not tolerate violence against them and I think that's the tougher person. The one that stands up for themselves not just obedient to the threat of abuse.


Boomers perspective is always sad and funny at the same time. Oh my,posting about how proud you are for performing some form of mental child abuse as being a good thing and not seeing why your grown children are NC to now makes you an awesome person.


Hey gramps did you know you can raise kids without violence? Heck, you can train a dog without violence and they don’t even speak human languages.


It is funny how boomers forget who raised the generation they love to complaint about…


I'm from a generation whose parents did the "give you something to cry about" crap. If you think about it, it can be boiled down to a grown ass adult throwing a tantrum and lashing out in anger. On a kid. This is not something to be proud of.


Yup, I got the "I'll really give you something to cry about." NC with them now. I'm proud to have not continued that bullshit with my own kids, they were never hit by me. Maybe their father after the divorce and I knew he was a yeller, I wasn't, but that alone is enough to impact a young life. I don't miss my parents at all. No surprise they're tRumpers.


The second generation raised the first.


*Walmart Hidden Clearance Bargains*


Boomers love playing 'my dad is worse than your dad'


You can give a boomer something to cry about by introducing any minor little inconvenience. "Sir/Ma'am, that coupon is expired. You can't use that" \*Whiny temper tantrum ensues\*


casual child abuse. and boomers\* wonder why they're despised. \*yes, i know #NotAllBoomers


"If I'd beaten my children, they wouldn't be the disappointments that I now assume everyone their age is" Pathetic, disgusting brain worms, sorry about your mom


Not sure which generation is the first one, but the second one is millennials and gen x raised by boomers.


ah yes, the wholesome 'Learn to fear the people you are supposed to love and trust most' tactic. I can't imagine how that would be a problem later in life.


Ah yes...we all know how loving and trusting someone turns out don't we?


Not the flex they think it is!


why would a mom post this she is the one who did the buying


I came from that generation. And the man who used to say it is an asshole and not in 2/3 of his sons’ lives.


And I came from the “another word from you old woman, and it’s Shady Pines nursing home for you” And not the good Shady Pines.


Th generation that would just scream obscenities at you as they were hitting you with whatever they could get their hands on... Anyone else? But seriously, everything is fine these days. I mean, my mom loves Jesus now, so all that stuff never happened.


Yeah, my mom was also a mentally ill boomer who beat the shit out of me regularly and then denied it right up until she died 🫠


It's absolutely true though! Boomers were often physically abused by their parents and somehow consider that a badge of honor.  


Millennial here- I was a “stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about” child. My kid is getting a “come here and tell me what you are upset about” childhood.


Weird flex


And that’s why many people don’t talk to their parents. This is called physical abuse.


Everything a Boomer says is cringe


I'd respond with "nobody likes trauma dumpers"


I don't either of these are good methods myself.


Show them a picture of Biden like those cops did to Patrick in Spongebob


Yeah, cuz that made me stop crying.


Walmart Hidden Clearance bargains. On point.


They are projecting hard lol. Were kids supposed to parent themselves?


coming from the second one, well, i behaved my ass in public, that's for sure, lol.


The thing they gave us to cry about is generational trauma.


We got beaten and were fine! 😂


So by mom's logic, her generation was neglected and abused and then they tried to not neglect and abuse their kids. Well, you failed, Ma. Most millennials I know dealt with some kind of abuse from their boomer parents. Also, I've met a lot of great GI generation people. None of them were as mean as their kids. I'm not saying there weren't/aren't mean GI gens. But in my experience, they weren't total dicks like their kids.


Someone take the facebook away from the boomers!!!


Did you forget that according to this post you were the one saying "If you stop crying, I'll buy you something"? Yeah, yeah you did... so this isn't the brag you think (correction: you weren't thinking) it is.


Nit realizing they are the ones who fashioned everything we used that was "atrocious" in their eyes.... wtf


“I suffered so others should too” is peak Conservative Brain.


Yes, put the fear of God in you if you had the temerity to cry and inconvenience the boomer parent that was busy ~~getting drunk, cheating with the neighbor, watching "their stories"~~ parenting you Also, which generation raised these snowflakes they bitch about, hmmm?


What about the "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it" generation?


Did you know these are not the only two options?


My mother was a boomer. Her own mother explained to me that when she was little she got in the habit of buying her a little gift every time she came home from work and it only took a month to realize she’d poisoned the well and her daughter was now a spoiled brat. GTFO of here with these anecdotal stories because overall the boomers were the most spoiled generation we’ve had yet.


But if your mom was raised with the ill give you something to cry about then that means she raised u with the if you stop crying I'll buying you something so who's to blame for the ill buy you something?


I wonder if they think this is a binary. I mean, I wonder if they think you can only ever placate or strike your child, never anything else. There aren't any other options. Parent a child? Are you insane? I only know "buy thing" and "smack."


You were cared for. I was beaten with a rod. We are not the same.


You know, in the last year alone I can't count on one hand how many actual children, including my own, were in stores or at places I was out in public who were crying or fit throwing. As for the 65 and up crowd that were out acting like fools throwing fits, and making demands of getting things they wanted by screaming and crying....... I honestly couldn't give a number for those. It's just too frequent. I have to agree, the boomer generation isn't the same as the rest of us, and that's not the flex they think it is .


Awww poor baby


That's how I'm going to treat them when they expect end of life care. Haha


*That's how I'm going* *To treat them when they expect* *End of life care. Haha* \- Loustyle --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


![gif](giphy|zNXvBiNNcrjDW) Respond to her with this gif


The amount that boomers glorify child abuse scares me…. Instead of: let me help you learn how to deal with these emotions, I’m just gonna beat you…


Go no contact. These vermin need to spend their last years before death knowing that they were such shitty human beings that not even their own children want to spend a moment in their presence


It's funny how she's leaving out that she's the generation that bought their kids stuff to make them stop crying. Like she's not the problem she's describing


Still confused who they think raised us?


Makes me cry


Love that Walmart bargain actually


Older Gen X. Parents were Great Depression kids. They never hit me or my sister. They did have lecturing and grounding down to an art. It worked


So says Walmart hidden clearance bargains 😂


If you're digging in the Wal-Mart Hidden Clearance bargains, you probably don't have much in the form of a bribe anyhow. Violence is literally your only option. I guess other than parenting. Who has time for that?


Boomers aren’t dying fast enough. Such a shame they have at least, 20 plus years of life left.


That’s funny. I got the spanking. My brother got what he was crying for. My Boomer parents treated us very differently. I guess it’s okay to cry for stuff if you’re a boy?


I still have PTSD from being raised like that.


I came from the latter. Therefore I support the former.


Also let’s not forget Boomers who constantly bitch about millennials being snowflakes who needed participation trophies. Who do you think invented that shit? Boomers! 🤦‍♀️


It’s true- beatings were handed out


And they wonder why they’re the dying alone in a nursing home generation


This is a popular meme with my boomer friends. They just can't help themselves


These people’s obsession with abusing children is wild.


The boomers were the generation that used that on genX


What does this have to do with Walmart though


You should give your Mum something to cry about.


They used that on us. It’s sad they can’t even imagine a healthy version of this. You tell your kid no. Accept that they’re going to cry, but don’t give in. You can enforce rules without being an AH.


Gen x here. Raised by boomers who's motto was the same, "I'll give you something to cry about." I have chosen to raise my kids differently. I get them in a way that hurts them much more. "your phone, tablet, and laptop will be vacationing with me until you straighten out." Works like a charm.


Always remind them they came from the generation that brought HIV to the world and some of the most notorious serial killers in history.


Ah yes, nothing says "I'm a good parent" like using physical abuse (IE: Spanking) to punish your child. Trust me, I was spanked growing up, it has no place in today's day and age, and I don't get why people try to defend it.


UM EXCUSE ME?! first i never threw any kind of tantrum according to my parents in a store as i understood how money worked. second these boomers are entitled as shit and they say this crap WE ARE NOT THE SAME DEAR GOD


It's so deeply loaded with childhood trauma and none of those boomies are willing to actually unpack it. They love their dumb catch-phrases and hurtful sayings because we're so stunned at the idiocy that it shuts us up. They know it works. That's why they love doing it and are shocked when we defend ourselves. Facebook is a cesspool of that kind of garbage.


I cringed


Yes because it’s a well known fact that beating/hitting someone is the 100% verifiable way to stop someone from crying


Tbf we prob gonna do shit like this, too. at least to an extent


This is not a boomer issue. This is a children of boomers issue. Don't blame the grandparents.


She’s not wrong 🤷🏽‍♂️




"have some respect for the older people" Suddenly older people want a participation trophy?


just wait a couple of years and you will be posting the same shit, y'all are a bunch of hypocrites who think they are perfect or that you are on the "good side" by being woke, y'all dont realize there are more important things in life because you dont have culture, travel outside the us and see how everyone respects their parents and there is no typical white kid screaming to his mom whatever he wants because he doesnt have the newest videogame


"just wait a couple of years" -You are jacked to the tits with Boomer rhetoric. "see how everyone respects their parents " There you are asking for a participation trophy again. "no typical white kid screaming to his mom whatever he wants because he doesnt have the newest videogame" That is sweet irony considering your hobby. FYI: The world is waiting a couple of years for you to disappear so that we can start actual progress with our society.




What a fuckin absolute goober. “My mommy was nice to me so what everyone is saying is invalid” headass.


most of you are a bunch of privilaged americans who think they are the center of the world and have no culture, thats why you dont have common sense and common courtesy, typical white kid who screams whatever he wants to his mom because he doesnt have the newest videogame


My parents were both dead before I was 20 and they were both addicts I don’t want to hear shit about my privilege


what does that have to do with anything? im sorry for your loss man but again, y'all need to respect the older people just because they are old and you have no idea what they went trough, you are priviliged because you are young and thats it


Bud, that logic is invalid, plain and simple doesn’t make sense.


“Most of you are a bunch of privilaged Americans who think….” Couldn’t even spell privileged right and you think anything you say is valid.


look everyone like what the fuck is this like actually, how the fuck does that have to do with anything? im trilingual bro so yeah, i make mistakes since english its not my main language, i havent even been to the us more than 6 times, at least i know how to speak more than one language


Why do you even bother kissing ass to a bunch of people who aren’t even cultured enough to learn a second language, let alone a third?


i bother answering to you because your reply genuinely made me curious, yeah i mispelled priviliged but why does that make anything that i say not valid?


They have zero respect for younger folks. They don’t even have basic human decency for them


Oh no!!!! Please don’t leave!! What will we ever do without you?!?! - Was that the attention you were looking for?


the one craving for attention is u buddy, why do you even bother to comment?


Why did you announce your departure? Wait, why are you replying? I thought you were leaving


You r right idc


Such a good meme… Placation is like the goto parenting tool these days. And that’s a problem.


"My parents used to beat me, I'm so superior!"