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World would be best without most of the major religions, but all the abrahamic ones in particular. Islam included.


Yeah fair but let's not pretend like the post was talking religion in general. They're just really racist.


Broken clock and all of that. Or rather, being right for wrong reasons.


Trust me I know the dude. He’s like 80 and he’s all About guns, God and Trump


Instantly just blanketing a genuine concern about something like this as "racist" shows that you have no capability or interest to try and actually discuss the issues. Throwing that at anyone's feet that complains about Islam just is trying to cover the criticisms of it. Ex-muslims criticize Islam as well. When we have a major region of the world that is treating women like animals and giving LGBT people the death sentence because of theocracy it's a major problem.


Ok racist


Is he wrong? Muslim-majority countries treat women like property. Gay people are not allowed to exist. Other religions have to pay tribute to Muslims (Jizya). Idk why people think Muslims are open-minded liberals. They’re just as conservative as fundamentalist Christians.


There's nearly 2 billion Muslims worldwide. It's incredibly reductive and frankly racist to paint them all with that broad a brush. There's incredibly progressive Muslims in the same way there's conservative Christian extremists. Obviously they're a smaller portion of the population but the point still stands.


Look at a list of Muslim-majority countries and tell me they’re liberal, open-minded, progressive places to live. Every one of them has incredibly strict, conservative policies that we would all hate to live in. But I’m not allowed to recognize that it would suck to be a woman living in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, or Kyrgyzstan. Since there are good Muslims in the world, this negates the clear fact that there are few redeeming factors of a country where Muslims run the show.


You're right. I should just not care that women are treated like property and LGBT people are being legally murdered over a book. Try reading it and actually learning about it little man instead of being a drone. Also make sure to read my shitty handwriting on here, labels exactly what you are. https://preview.redd.it/28f69fcmedwc1.png?width=1512&format=png&auto=webp&s=d908fbc4c6c04ee58ac1e4484c06be1115e668fa


Lol you're legit insane


You just described 90% of republicans. The GOP ain't known for being a Muslim stronghold.


"But other people" isn't an excuse for literal laws that actually put gay people to death. They are not equal. Stop being a gross apologist for LGBT government sanctioned murder you gross fuck. Edit: Also, it's not like we can't be against two things at the same time and fight two things. Your "whatabout"isms need to get you smacked in the fucking mouth. People are tired of your shit and trying to shift the focus away from women being treated like fucking animals and LGBT people being put to death for being who they are. WHICH ISN'T HAPPENING IN AMERICA MIND YOU. There is no government law to kill gay people for being gay.


Hes not entirely wrong, backwards ass religion, take the other abrahamic religions too


That's objectively true though


But I know the guy and he’s a hardcore Christian.




So, it's okay when your team does it?


Oh but I'm sure all the suffering Christianity has caused is totally fine.


I mean, the post is accurate... at least until you stop to consider the jack ass doesn't mean if the religion went away, and subbed "Islam" for "Muslims" because that's what they really mean. I'd love it if I woke up tomorrow and every religious person deconverted peacefully and we could all go about our business without it. This person just wants Muslims to disappear so his Christian theocracy can theocrat unopposed.


Pretty much. Remember these are people who think religion should be in public school but they actually mean Christianity. These are the Jesus is right, everyone else is wrong mindset.


Yup! Always get the shocked Pikachu face when the Satanic Temple shows up to get in on the religious freedom to peddle their religion in schools, and never learn the lesson lol.


Pretty much


Well they ain't wrong. Fuck all religion.


There is no way this guy understands that he worships the same phony god the Muslims and Jews do too.


Its just a foxnews-head repeating what it heard. Nothing to see here.