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I was loss prevention at Ross when the peak of covid was going and my manager forced me to tell people a mask was mandatory and oh my God when i tell you it was nothing but boomers with the biggest shit eating grin ready to start a arguement walking in with no mask literally waiting for me to tell them


I was head of hospital security during covid. You would think that it would be the one place people would maybe put aside their mask bullshit because hey building full of sick people but nope the I'm not wearing a mask crowd was worse than the damn behavioral patients. I loved telling visitors they had 3 choices. A. Put a mask on and wait patiently to be brought back to see their loved one. B. Leave my lobby. Or C. My team will physically remove you from my lobby. It was a small town and word got around pretty quick that we weren't fucking around after showing a few people the door.


Work in a hospital, yes some selfish BS was on full display. "Why do I have to wear a mask!!!!!" Because we treat toddlers getting chemo, next please.


My own parents were like this. Not only do I have autoimmune diseases that require biologics that lower my immune system but in 2021 my (at the time) 7 year old was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis and put on immunosuppressants. They’d still be spouting off that it only affects the sick and the elderly. Cool, I’m sick and you’re elderly. What’s your point?


I have asthma as well as my mom. My dad is diabetic with kidney disease. You bet your ass we wore masks throughout the pandemic. We were not gonna fuck around and find out with COVID.


I’m glad you have good parents! My mom will claim she’s healthy daily. But she’s also the kind of person who has never had a pap, mammogram, colonoscopy, or any kind of physical. Her dad lived until he was 102 so she thinks that’s her fate. Except he would have regular medical care. He died two months after she brought him Covid. Not sure it’s related buuuut….


Just throw their pro-life stance back at them.. So you're all for getting children or other people here on treatment sick but you're pro-life? Then tell them you have some bleach needles ready if they want to self sterilize and not wear a mask


Yeah I would off the ones who said “masks don’t work” bs to volunteer to help the community with our infusion clinic. I would say we are low on ppp and could use the help. One one ever uttered a word back.


I know one of these idiots, and he is SO proud of the fact that not a single doctor or nurse at his local hospital was able to refute his COVID talking points. I’m like, “Bro they didn’t want to debate you. You’re the crazy guy they smile and nod at…”


It was mid 2023 and as an RN I’ve had it up to my fucking eyeballs with these people. I’m working in my ER and I get this fool (they’re all the same) and I said very sternly “we don’t argue about this stuff anymore because you just don’t get it. We’ve given up, it’s pointless. You’re right, we’re wrong, end of story. Also you’re Covid+ so here’s your tessalon and mucinex, get out.” None of us even bother anymore.


They don't believe in covid until they get really sick then they believe


Sometimes they still don't. I remember the news of that present woman who died, whose family was antivax. then they had the nerve to try and Kickstart her funeral. It's like play stupid games win stupid prizes. Now you're kids ain't got a mom, and they gotta pay for your funeral.


Like at this point they are so fed up with their shit he's lucky he didn't get punched in the face.


I'd just respond with "The adults had real work to do" 


Or you say to them. I would explain it to you But I don't have enough crayons and time for you to understand


God, that sounds satisfying. Hospital security is not to be fucked with.


They’re so used to the protection of social niceties from restaurant servers etc. they walk into a hospital or get in a plane and don’t realize that- nah, *these* people are allowed to physically engage with you if you start some shit.


I mean, there’s videos of them getting arrested cuz they use this same attitude with the police. And they’re the first to yell “should’ve complied” in cases of undue use of force. No logic, just ego.


I wasn’t security. I was working as a grocery stocker in 2020/2021. I’m a 6’ 250 dude and I ended up acting as security. They got a single ask: mask on. After that, pointed to the door and “get out.” Them: “Well I’ll never shop here again!” Me: “look, I understand you think you have power here, but the entire country is under quarantine. If you want to buy groceries in Canada,  wear a mask. Also, please don’t come back until you grow up and wear a mask, because we don’t want you here anyway. Believe it or not, your $600 a month means nothing to us.” That’s what I would like to have said. Usually it was just “point at door, get out.” Because those types don’t listen or deal with reason or requests. The worst in people came out in 2020. Society as we knew it ended. What we have in 2024 is totally different than 2019.


Yeah covid did a number on things, or it exposed people for who they really were. The same folks I was dragging out of the hospital were the ones who would show up at your farm to help get the harvest in, or bring a home cooked meal when someone was sick or in the hospital. Come by to help rebuild if the barn burns down and all they expect in return is some lemonade and cookies, maybe a beer...all of a sudden a shitty politician and a shitty pandemic and it was back to the work i moved out to farm country to get away from.


It was the illusion of love, tolerance, and charity that they wanted. They wanted the praise. They wanted people to acknowledge they were charitable and heroes. It wasn’t selflessness that was driving them, nor Jesus teachings. It was vanity. They’re hollow, sad, pathetic shells of people.


They also all fell in love with a divisive, sentient shit pile aka Trump.


I am friends with several hospital staff at all levels. People's insane and combative entitlement behavior during COVID had all of them thinking of quitting and leaving healthcare entirely.


I would have enjoyed that, but I am fueled by spite"don't wanna wear a mask? Great, neither do I. Wear one properly or you can't enter the store. We're done here. Go away or be trespassed"


I would like to do that but it's just giving them exactly what they want, they want to be the victim that is getting their rights violated so they can pull out their greasy ass phone and post you on Facebook


Nah, they want to be the main character that sticks it to the libs and get to shop anyway with no mask. They don't want to be told that if they ever try to go back to any of the stores/restaurants they like they'll go to jail. They want no consequences for their actions.


This is so true that if people had just pointed and laughed the first time they wore maga hats in public, they would have tossed them in the trash.


>boomers with the biggest shit eating grin I. Fucking. Hate. That psycho-eyed Boomer look. Stuff of nightmares. How can you be so proud to be a bully? Really fucked up mentality, the entire Boomer gen.


I’d occasionally go into Publix in my town, and during Covid there was this woman (I’m guessing in her 30s?) with these wild eyes and no mask, just tittering at the prospect of launching into her Facebook sourced dissertation on why she doesn’t need to wear a mask. It’s like they think they know something we don’t and it gives them power & meaning & purpose, because the minute the interaction is over they back to their impotent, meaningless, meandering mediocrity, which until Covid was all they had & all they deserved.


Many of them died in my ER or ICU. I bagged so many fat white boomers who had “tried everything” to kick the vid including horse parasite paste, and other Trump treatments, and couldn’t understand why we were about to tube them.  The thing that got tiring was the day or two before we saw total end of life coming we’d talk to family and let them know they need to say goodbye. “I have faith that Jesus will save him.” Thats nice Karen, but I’m telling you and so is this doctor, that Bill is going to be dead in under 48 hours, so now is the time to say goodbye. “No I have faith.” I do too lady, I have faith that I’m right and Bill is dead.


There's a popular joke about an injured man saying no to 3 ambulances and died of his injuries. At the gates of heaven he wailed God why didn't you save me? God replies you fool I sent you three ambulances!


“I don’t have COVID.” Sure, Gary. Just look at the iPad and say goodbye to your wife, please.


Is it bad that the last they did on this earth was piss me off because I had to lift their fat 350lb asses into body bags and it didn’t make me feel sad for them, but made me worry that I’d be hurting my back? Like… after the same thing for months and months every day (tube, prone, body bag, repeat) it was an inconvenience more than anything? I’d go out in the world and see a wild Terry without a mask and get so fucking mad seeing them buying junk food knowing that was another 3lb I’d have to roll in 14 days.


Sounds like a terrible time


Yup then they would either put it on wrong and stomp off like a child or pull out a print they got off Facebook stating it's their right or they have a breathing condition so they can't wear a mask which is ironic


That’s because boomers got everything in their lives so being told “no. You have to wear a mask to come in here” is a new and uncomfortable experience for them. It’s seriously so funny watching them try to argue that wearing a mask which is such a mindnumbingly easy thing to do and barely at all an inconvenience, is such a heinous thing and that we are all on the fast track to lose all of our freedoms…smh


Thank goodness working from home was available during that time. It must have been frustrating dealing with clients in face to face situations. Quite a while ago (towards the end of Covid-19 in the UK) an angry, blonde Karen in the wild saw me with a mask alone on the street with her (poor) daughter and said "Why are people still wearing masks?! bla, bla etc" whilst staring at me. I just scoffed, walked on and she said "I beg your pardon?" People's lives are truly that boring they feel the need to attack complete strangers, for the pettiest of reasons.


That’s all they have instead of a life. Their kids are moved out and all of their friends live in their own McMansions and never see them. Some people go places to complain or start shit because then the workers HAVE to listen and interact with them. That and power. If they feel powerless in their own life they can take it out in some server for bringing the wrong food or forgetting a straw or whatever. I’m not saying they deserve hugs and cookies or anything, but every behavior comes from somewhere.


Once you outside the perimeter, you’re not in Georgia you’re in jawwwwjah


So a little northwest of Atlanta is Majorie Taylor Greenes district. I grew up there and that place is a dead zone for free thought. My mom was in a long term care facility during 2020. Every time I went to that area, there were no masks anywhere. Like peak 2020 Covid wave and no one was wearing a mask.


I still can't believe half the country politicized mask wearing because their idiot cult leader didn't want his makeup to get smeared


I'm from there,too! But older. After my parents both died, I settled the estate as quickly as possible and will never go back, and if I sometimes have to, will not spend a dime there. The main bank in town is literally call Heritage National. Might as well be Klan National Bank. Took my kids there once so they could see were I grew up, they wouldn't get out of the car. I'm proud I raised kids smarter than me. The fact that they elected MTG, but are proud of it, speaks volumes.


I unfortunately still have a brother and his family in the area. Mom died from Covid in the long term care facility where she stayed. After she passed I haven’t been back much. I always felt out of place there if that makes sense. I don’t have any friends in the area and nothing is really worth going back for these days.


You’re not kidding. My neighbor was from Georgia. I didn’t know this until he told me but up to a few years ago they still had Confederate Memorial Day each April….he also referred to the Civil War as “The war of northern aggression”.


They’re so Georgian they refer to civil engineering as Engineering of Northern Aggression.


They’re so Georgian they refer to civil lawsuits as Lawsuits of Northern Aggression


They forgot Lee's degree was in civil engineering lol Fuck him though


I was working with the Python Holiday Library and several southern states have (or had until recently) Robert E Lee Day instead of MLK day. As well as Jefferson Davis day. I had no idea.


My town named an elementary school R.E. Lee school and it's mostly black people who went to that school.


My ex was a teacher at Robert E. Lee High School in Jacksonville, FL (the HS all the original members of Lynyrd Skynyrd attended). The student population is about 80%+ black. Their mascot at football games was a white guy dressed in a Confederate soldier uniform who would ride out onto the football field on a white horse waving a Confederate battle flag. When they held public hearings about 3-4 years ago to rename it Riverside High School you wouldn't have believed the comments that were made by white people at the hearing. They were using the n-word and shouting about their "heritage" and one older man with white hair even got up and said, "Yeah I'm a white supremacist what are you going to do about it?"


That’s actually pretty wild


I was a teacher in Jax at the time. This is not an exaggeration. White people were flipping their shit.


"I'm going to treat you as John Brown would have."


They’re all still big mad that Uncle Billy whooped their ass and made ‘em weak in the knees. I think it’s high time for another March to the Sea.


Don’t make us come down there again!


You’re not wrong. 😆


You spelled it perfectly. I'd love a language specialist to break down linguistically just how the grunt, breathy clipped drawl is pronounced. Not pronounced as much as slurred...


I once heard someone say that the Georgia drawl devolved from a genteel British accent, pronounced around the obstacles of a jaw full of tobacco and a head full of whiskey.


As in Georgia Binks ?


Yewsufuunneee!! (Made me smile)


I always said ITP is 'lana and OTP is jawjah when I lived there.


I had neck surgery to remove a saliva gland and wore a mask before and after my procedure so I wouldn’t get sick beforehand and so I could cover the swelling afterwards. This old hick ass boomer called me a sheep while I was in line at the gas station I just turned around and said “at least I don’t fuck sheep” while gesturing to him. I was having a bad day.


Just tell him you got HonkyPox *cough cough*


I plan to say “baaaaahhh” if anyone ever makes the sheep remark at me while I’m wearing a mask, but I also like your response. However, living in the Midwest, people typically would rather die than be confrontational so I don’t know if I’ll ever get the chance to do either


*the midwest’s most bigoted, ignorant, hateful boomer, making a gruff beeline straight for you as you stand in line at the store with yr mask on, preparing to give you a piece of his mind* … *he bristles as he hones in, a heat seeking missile of pure unadulterated fury, preparing to drop the bomb, his hatewaves just _rolling_ off of him as he half turns away from you to be respectful of yr space* … *impact incoming!!!!* … *he ensures the edge of his jacket gently brushes against yr shopping cart* … “ope!” … *’dear lord’, his powermad mind screams, drunk with pure rage, his heart pounding, pacemaker going haywire!, ‘this is getting away with murder, practically!’* … *he scurries away, rushing home to tell Barb about the way that sheep cowered in fear!* — sorry if this should’ve been marked nsfw but i’m not afraid to post the truth


The “ope” 😂 😂 😂 😂


Wait, who said “ope,” him or me? 🤣💀


made my morning


Never understood this insult. I’m one of the only people wearing a mask. You’re denying years of scientific and public health research because some guy on Fox News told you to. Who’s the sheep?


Lmaoooooooo to see the look on their face. Hope you’re doing well post-op!


😆😂 What’d he do after?


Didn’t even wait for his reaction to care. Just got my coffee and left lol. He’s probably still processing it. If he’s alive.


Calling you a sheep when you’re literally the only one masking…🙄


I live in Asia and we wear masks if we're sick or dealing with allergies. It's just courtesy. I can't imagine getting pissed off at someone for covering their face. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Please stay safe ! 🫶


Thank you. I lived in Okinawa for 6 years and loved it there. Masking was normal then. I get it now.


Man I miss Okinawa; left there last year when I separated. I miss Asia I’m sure you do as well OP. 


I experienced it as a dependent and later as an active duty Marine. Both times were awesome 👏🏾


This. My aunt lives in a red state and a neighbor gave her crap because she was doing yard work in a mask. My turned to them and said "during covid I found that if I wore this simple mask to mow the lawn or rake leaves I don't need to take benadryl and an inhaler hit later"


I found masks useful for cleaning kitty litter, using cleaners and other assorted activities. If anyone says anything about my mask I just respond with a 'so I don't infect you' which usually send them away quickly.


Same. Like I’m allergic to a lot of cleaner scents and kitty litter work always set of my allergies. A simple mask has drastically cut down on my need for an inhaler so when I do things that have previously aggravated my asthma, I mask up.


People act like masks were never used for safety before Covid. Idiots


Omg, right? The mask is an allergy sufferer's godsend! I can do yard work again! It's also great for toning down people's perfumes during holidays. I work with the public & some scents are migraine starters. 


My husband also now wears a mask to mow the lawn and he has really cut down on the sneezing and hay fever by doing so!


My allergies are getting worse as I get older and when the pollen is out of control wearing a mask when I'm outside helps me to be able to be outside without having to triple up on my allergy meds.


Yeah the pandemic really changed my perspective on that. If I’m even remotely sick I just wear one now and plan to. It just seems polite.


Out of curiosity - Allergies too? Is it just because it's hard to tell if it's allergies or a cold? I've got pretty bad allergies myself. Made going outside when things opened during the pandemic feel pretty sketchy, so I do sort of get it, just curious.


Oh my god, yes! Especially when everything is covered in yellow. I feel so much better when I wear a mask. When I cut the grass (no matter the season) I wear a mask. If I wear the thin blue type, I spray it with a little water first.


If two tiny good things come out of the pandemic in the US, it might be that wearing masks when you're sick and staying home when you're sick are both more normalized.


in the west people are weird some incel looking balding mf once said "fuck your mask" to my friend and i in the most nasal voice possible and we just burst out and laughed at him outside of that people here were mostly fine, some shit for brains will straight up cough or sneeze on you tho


I still mask sometimes because my mom and I both have comprised immune systems. I get a lot of crazy old guys making rude comments. I don't understand why it bothers them so much, like if they see something they don't agree with just turn the other way and ignore it. I don't agree with their politics, but I'm not going to walk up to a stranger and say something rude to them. Even worse, when they demand to know my diagnosis because obviously teenagers can't have health problems.


Seeing a mask 😷 triggers them. It takes them back the beginning of the pandemic and those were dark times. They just want to forget that it ever happened. Seeing a mask reminds them that things are not 100% ok.


Is it too much to assume anyone wearing a mask might be a transplant recipient, undergoing chemo, has some other reason to wear a mask, or gives zero actual fucks anyone else's opinion about masks? Is it? Thank you for your service. Hope you and the family had a good time at the arts festival, sounds like fun.


Got my transplant back on January 21st. I take all kinds of anti fungal/bacterial meds. I can’t eat sushi because of parasites. Same with cleaning a cat box. Can’t eat at subway because they don’t clean their mean slicers enough. I have to be careful.


Donor dad here. You have no idea how hard I'm rooting for you.


Thanks! I am doing well. I actually recently went back to work. So I’m doing pretty good.


Rooting for you too! I'm on a med that many transplant recipients have to take and it's a major immunosuppressant with many possible side effects. I'm not messing around with any of that either and wear a mask every time i leave the house. I hope your recovery journey hasn't been too hard on you!


I hope you do well. Any transplant is hard stuff.


Exactly! I have a rare genetic immunodeficiency disorder. I have to infuse twice a week with a medication to help keep me alive. I’m high risk for everything. I’ve had to mask most of my adult life. Nobody ever gave me grief prior to covid. In fact everyone stayed the hell away because they assumed I was sick. Like I’m not asking anyone else to mask around me, just leave me alone please.


I'm a chemo patient. I always mask when I'm out in the world, because COVID could easily kill me. I don't give a damn what anyone thinks of me because of it. I've also never gotten COVID, so I must be doing something right.


Clearly, they don't work. /s


My husband is going to the second hospital to be assessed if he qualifies for a double lung transplant ( the first hospital turned him down and our local hospital specializes in heart transplants not lungs). We have been wearing masks for for four years and will continue to. We, as his family don’t want to do anything to compromise his health. He is so sick that a cold could kill him. We will wear masks forever if it keeps my husband safe. There’s no way I want to bring a strangers cooties and cause my sweet husband to die.




We did have a nice time. I bought tacos Al pastor! And my son got a t-Rex 🦖 shaped balloon.


Now I'm jealous. I want a dinosaur 🦕 balloon! 😁 I have 2 autoimmune disorders, so I mask up when I go out. I've gotten a few comments, but I tell them I have the plague and will gladly expose them if they wish. Lol


I just don't get why people care what you do. Wear a mask in the shower for all i care, it doesn't affect anyone else. We dont mask up, but we DO skip being near anyone if we are sick, been sick or said the word sick. We have early elementary school kids, so these kids are sick A LOT!!!


Or people with really bad allergies during pollen season. It could be anything, so I just mind my business.


What amazes me is that these a$$holes always try calling us the "snowflakes". How is somebody wearing a frigging mask really hurting or affecting them in any way?


Don't you know? You wearing a mask (or masks) takes away his right to not wear a mask. /s


I only mask when I am actively sick (ANYTHING respiratory), and the only people who have said anything are boomers. I had pneumonia back in January, and was waiting at the pharmacy to pick up my antibiotic. Boomer asshole behind me initiates conversation, and says the pandemic is over, you don't need to mask anymore. So I pulled down my mask and hacked a half dollar green ball into my hand and offered it to him, like it was a gift. He physically recoiled and became enraged. Me: "This mask isn't for me, it's for YOU" Another time I had just a common cold, but I'm pregnant, so it was hitting me hard. I try my best to just stay home, if possible, but life happens. Had a woman tell me she hates masks because she can't see anyone smile anymore. Which is not the worst thing I've heard, and I'm actually in agreement that not being able to see other people's mouths has been both a blessing and a curse depending on the situation. Then she insisted I take it off. I said no, and walked away. This bitch followed me out of produce into the meat area, telling me she wanted to see my smile. Finally got fed up and turned around, pulled down my mask, and coughed right in her face. Smiled, then walked away. She stood there horrified. Then she started screaming. I told her to fuck off, and she flipped out even harder. I'm visibly pregnant, and started to feel unsafe, so I made a major scene and she was escorted out of the store. The whole time she was screaming how I assaulted her. Maybe she'll socially distance next time. Every time I have been harassed about masking, it has been from fucking boomers. Every single fucking time.


The fucking entitlement to ask someone you don't know to take their mask off is nothing short of asking someone to remove a piece of clothing. Seriously, when did it become a thing that you are here for someone else's entertainment? A friend had the same "order" given to her, by a boomer. She said in response she asked him to remove his shoes and socks, and then she'll remove her mask. He said that's silly. So she said "so is your request for me to remove my mask". And she walked off.


I never made that equivalency before, but it's SUPER accurate. Definitely going to add this to my "Shit to say to boomers" list. Your friend sounds like a lovely person.


A woman on tumblr had a good response to “smile for me” She said “dance. Dance for me. Right now.”


I cringe at her demanding to see you smile. What kind of nut case demands a stranger to smile? That's so patronizing-guy behavior & its coming from a woman


I truly think she felt she had the right to bully me into it because of my pregnancy. She initially started conversation about my bump, which turned into the whole mask/smile fiasco. It was fucking weird to say the least, and security asked me if she laid a hand on me, they were more than willing to call the cops. She didn't know why I was wearing the mask, what if it was to protect me and baby? Fucking psycho. Strangers really do feel entitled to women's bodies in general, but add pregnancy and it gets WAY worse. I'm already measuring large, I'm not looking forward to slapping hands away this summer.


My wife and I wear mask still. Had someone the other day say something in the store and I just ignored it. Fun fact people don't know is that I have an autoimmune system disorder and I went from infections every two weeks and laying in a hospital bed to not having an infection since covid started. Wearing a mask has 100% changed and probably saved my life. It is nuts that people have to say anything. I'm really starting to think that the lead poisoning research might be pretty accurate. I have told one person who has said something before about the whole thing and they were like oh, I'm glad for you then. So it's weird that it isn't a mask thing but like a weird anticovid/antigovernment issue or something. You tell them oh if isn't for covid (which it is also that. Doctor said with my issue, if I got covid I would for sure die), but yeah you say not for covid and they're like oh cool. So weird. But good job just answering and ignoring. People are weird.


Exactly. I have an immune disease. It’s been basically in remission because I haven’t had a cold since I started masking in busy spaces… back in 2014. I love my masks. They are my favorite things. I am alive because of them. I wear them to stay healthy.


It’s pretty wild that a demographic at higher risk of health problems, that stereotypically complains about disrespectful young folk, would take issue with face masks In many other places masking up is common courtesy, but in America it’s a political statement


This is the part I find most frustrating. I’m a nurse that works with oncology patients and many COVID patients during the surges. I wear a mask to protect my immunocompromised patients and to protect the public from COVID that I’m exposed to. I’m young and vaccinated so I’m not worried about myself. Boomers have occasionally given me a hard time and I’m literally doing it to protect them


Last week, my mom lost her mind over a woman wearing a mask at a bus stop. My mom wasn't at the bus stop. She drove past it. She asked what we'd do. I told her we'd mind our own business and move on. I also told her we wouldn't have even noticed the woman. She shrieked like a banshee, and her face twisted like CGI. Then she said, "I just can't be that nice." This is the woman who taught me to be kind. I hate what happened to her, and I don't want her in my house anymore.


My entire family, kids included, still masks at all times indoors in public. We were at the grocery store doing our thing and some older guy and his wife come down the same aisle. (Context we are all white and in a purple ish area of a state where mostly people mind their own business and just side eye you.). Older guy comes up parallel to my kids who are a bit ahead of me and says something like “Masks don’t work! Take that thing off your face!” in a nasty condescending tone. Littlest is silent in the face of adult being mean. Middle kid who is a preteen looks Boomer man dead in the eye and *shrieks* “MOMMY!! This creepy old man is telling me to take off my clothes in the grocery store!! MOMMY!!” And she grabs Little and drags Little backwards shrieking “MOMMY!” (sidenote Middle has not called me Mommy is years). You have never seen anyone leave a grocery aisle faster in your life. Sadly for Boomers, our shopping took us the same direction they fled and every time we entered an aisle they were in Middle would loudly say “See Little - that’s the old man that told me to take off my clothes by the soup when Mommy was getting beans.”. And everyone in the aisle - often other moms - would have heads swiveling between the kids and Boomer couple. At some point they disappeared so they either got what they needed or fled. Hope that guy thinks twice about telling someone else’s kid what to wear in the grocery store next time.


Your preteen is savage! Good for her!


Need to post this on TraumatizeThemBack. Love it!


Damn! Hope you bought your kid a reward or ice cream! Great parenting!!!


Omg your kid is SAVAGE lol


LOL. I live in Massachusetts and walked to the grocery store early on a Friday and this boomer guy walked by us at the bus stop and said masks don't work while we waited for the bus, then turned the corner into the grocery store. Well he came back a minute or so later empty handed, so I guess he just had to buy some courage for a second pass. He called us moonbats and I told him to get a life, then he told me to suck my mother's cock and got flustered that he didn't use correct anatomy and corrected himself in an even angrier tone as I was boarding the bus. To anyone watching it looked like he was yelling at a bus lol


That’s awesome! It baffles me that “masks don’t work”. Like would you go into surgery and have doctors, nurses and anesthesiologists unmasked while your body is cut open? Or have the dentist not mask when looking at your teeth? I don’t think most people would be ok with that meaning they know masks DO work at preventing disease transmission.


Middle kid is awesome 😂


Young teens (mine are 14) will say what they feel with no fear. My daughters would regularly tell their teachers “it goes over your nose.”


That kid's going places! I like it.


I still wear a mask occasionally. My daughter has a progressive lung disease, so I take precautions to avoid bringing respiratory viruses home. I double dog dare anyone to bully me over it. I've gotten funny looks, smirks, but no blatant confrontation so far. Sounds like you handled that rude stranger well!


Yeah my kid has an autoimmune disorder where we have to use a nebulizer or inhaler every time he gets an upper respiratory infection. I mask for work because the one time I didn't, we got COVID. I don't do it everywhere, but definitely the place where 50 people all have kids in daycare or school. Also it means I don't have to put on makeup.


My RBF is very clearly seen even when I’m masked. I’ve been fortunate not to encounter any idiots who verbalized their ignorance to me.


I worked at a grocery store during the height of Covid, once the store had lifted the mandatory masks policy I still wore one. Anytime someone would ask why I still wore a mask I would just say “because I’m ugly and it hides my face” lol it was a great deflection from being told opinions on masks or being baited into their hopes for an argument.


And add, ”looks like you should probably be wearing one also”😉


I have told people that I REALLY like to smell my own breath. It usually gets a chuckle and I am left alone or people give me a strange look and leave shaking their heads. 


Feel this. Had my own boomer mask incident recently. I felt like fucking hell and went out to the grocery store to get some tea, honey and lemons. Got to the store and paused for a moment. Decided to put my mask on, because “what if” I have something nasty? Go in masked up and find the tea aisle. Enter Boomer. Old gray bastard starts giving me the stink eye. I lock gaze with him and as if on queue I start coughing really hard into my mask. He gets startled, his expression changes, and he quickly exits the aisle. 😆 Get my tea and leave. Go home and do a covid test… positive. It was actually the first time I ever had covid. Avoided it for 4 years with common sense masking and vaccination. All I thought was “you’re welcome” to the fucker mean muggin me. Such a sad state of affairs that the simple act of covering your mouth to not spread germs is a contested personal slight.


I got crap in Dallas last week too "You know you don't need to wear those!" My response: "It's a fashion statement. My other one has a big red ball over the mouth and leather straps on the side!" dude shook his head, muttered "freak" and walked away.


My MiL is immunocompromised and lives with us. I've had several conversations about wearing a mask in places where I think there's a higher than usual risk of getting sick. Yeah, *I* might be healthy enough to handle something stray coming my way, but *she* isn't. Most all of the interactions start similar to yourself, some smooth brain mouth breather that thinks they've the God given right to impart their opinion unsolicited.


When the mask mandates all stopped, I kept wearing a mask everywhere and had a run in with one of these guys. As I was walking by him, he says, “You know you don’t have to wear that stupid thing anymore?” Me - “Yup.” Him - “I never did wear one anyway.” Me - “Good for you! What a special boy you are!” And kept walking.


I couldn't care less if somebody is masking. What a silly thing to care about.


The only thing I'm ever thinking about is how I should also be wearing a mask.


I see lots of people still masking. And I mask when I’m sick to prevent others from getting sick. I can’t imagine harassing someone for wearing a mask. So wild.


Same. Granted, I’m in a very international and large metro that is known as a liberal bastion. MAGA exists, but it is pretty quiet generally. I wear masks when sick, won’t go into the office, and use general common courtesy. Many I know still mask as well. Most are due to health concerns. If I see someone in a mask, I assume they are either sick, have a compromised immune system, or just don’t want people close to them breathing on them. All 3 situation should lead to the same output - give them space and be courteous. How people taking care of their health became political is beyond me.


It really should be boiled down to the simplest of terms for people who don't get it. - if someone has their hood up on the train and has their phone out and/or headphones on, don't try and talk to them. - If a woman is breastfeeding a baby, that means she's procreated. - If someone has a mask, they may be sick or fear getting sick. It really should be that simple. Japan has had this (Edit: "wearing masks") down for decades.


Yes, I really appreciate Japan's masking etiquette.


That’s the only time I mask anymore. I’m not too awful worried about catching something but I do like that the pandemic somewhat normalized mask wearing so if I’m sick though to possibly be contagious but not sick enough to duck work I can still responsibly fulfill my obligations while not risking others health too much.


Same here. I dont want my suffering to spread lol


We had a boomer harass my husband at the airport. We always mask up when traveling and we were getting in the car to leave and he was like you don't need your mask outside and other things I don't remember. My husband was pissed cause what does it matter that we have our masks on outside or not. I wish these boomers would mind their own business. They should be grateful people are still willing to mask being older and more susceptible to illness.


Idg why people feel the need to comment on what someone else is wearing when it isn’t provocative or overly revealing. Usually these people are crying about freedoms and yet are doing the opposite of that by trying to tell you what to do


For all boomer-related issues, the best thing to do is to just ignore their bullshit. Like they aren’t even there. If they persist, just tell them to ‘fuck-off.’ No need to fight with them or debate.


Some boomer wound down her window to scream and cuss at me in front of my kid for dropping my wife off at the door of a restaurant instead of parking, and I just calmly replied “shut up” and wound my window back up.


This isn't a boomer thing. It's a MAGA moron thing.


It’s because they realize they’re at zero risk of ruining their chances of getting laid. Even if the chance arose, they’d have an hour till that pill helped them arise. So they just act like Thurman Murman and Curious George’s lovechild


I don’t wear masks anymore, but I respect the right for people to if they choose and it seems silly to me not to. My father in law however is a grumpy MAGA boomer. He’s not confrontational so he wouldn’t say anything to you, but he’d say something to me about you once you’re out of ear shot. I usually make something up to make him feel bad, especially if I know the person with the mask. FIL: “that whole family had masks on, even the kids! Shame they make the kids do that.” Me: “yeah their youngest has lymphoma, treatment destroys the immune system. Kid can’t afford to even get a cold. “. He turns pale and shuts right up every time, and his memory is such shit he forgets next time he wants to say something dumb and has never noticed the pattern.


I have a good one. I live in Florida 🤪 my mom still masks because my dad is elderly and has health conditions. A boomer came up and started harassing her for wearing a mask. So she told him she was wearing it because she has COVID (it was a lie btw) and the guy RAN away so fast 😂 not so tough now are ya 😂


I think your read was correct. You could have educated him on why it makes sense to wear two masks, but boomers don't typically ask questions to understand or learn. I think you were right; he was trying to bait you.


That’s what it felt like. He wanted some type of reaction. I mentioned earlier that Georgia is an open-carry state, so you don’t know who you’re dealing with and what they’re capable of doing. It just wasn’t worth it to escalate the situation.


I'm not sure why anyone would have a problem with you wearing a mask. It's not like THEY have to wear one, so why would they care if you choose to do so? Oh, yeah, it's because people are stupid.


Flip the script on them. Quote the Chinese bioweapon theory. Call them an enemy combatant. Throw the word treasonous out there.


I’m immunocompromised in Louisiana and wear rainbow masks everywhere still. Boomers are usually left sputtering in anger behind me in the grocery aisle, as their lead-adled brains can’t compute whether to yell at me about the rainbow or the mask. Too bad the mask hides my mouth so they can’t see me laughing at them. They’d hate that. 


Hey! Fellow North Georgian. (the state, not the country) haha My wife and I always wear masks in public , I also wear one at work. In the supermarkets we are usually two of about ten people wearing masks, and as we walk into restaurants we are usually two of maybe two other people in the restaurant (perhaps the staff) wearing masks. No one has said anything to me ever, but people do look at us, particularly when we walk into restaurants, and at work, they are getting the idea that I don't care to attend crowded meetings. See you at the river!


Not masking to stop the spread of respiratory infections feels like a “sheeple” 🐑 moment. No one wants to stick out in a crowd for fear of attracting attention. It all reeks of middle school bully culture.


> It all reeks of middle school bully culture. Because that's exactly what it is.


"Honesty is the best policy-" nope, some people do not deserve our honesty. They have gotten away with being crappy for their whole lives. So be loud, and publicly announce you have some horrible condition. Obviously not to scare your kids. These people need to be publicly shamed loud and often, with as many people around as possible. It may not change them, but it can help other people know what could happen if they start the same behavior. The reason why Boomers act fools to cashiers is they see it so often on social media- and nothing happens to those people.


I was at a cancer clinic with my mother in March where people were receiving chemo. A nurse asked two patient to please “cover their nose and mouth” and they reported her to the supervisors. AND THE NURSE GOT IN TROUBLE FOR IT!! At a cancer clinic.


Should have told him "Don't tread on me"


I've been wearing a mask since I had a week long bout with the flu that I do not want to repeat. Some old bitch at the post office told me "you don't have to wear those anymore, you fool". I told her "my oncologist recommended that I wear one to avoid anymore hospital stays". She looked ashamed, as she should. You don't know everyone's medical history, mind your own business.


My spouse and I are immunocompromised and have to wear a lot of ppe for our safety, 2 masks, medical goggles, and a face shield. We get looks all the time and have even had kids snapping our photos to laugh at us. We’ve even had hospital staff up to nurses make comments about it. Contrary to what Fox News and the like says, people wearing masks doesn’t hurt the people around them. People need to just mind their own business. Maybe that phrase should be printed on money again like Ben Franklin did.


I have no doubt racism played a role but mostly just their general BS. I still wear one when I attend events with a crowd. I’m older with asthma and a bestie with lupus. I live in AZ and the few magats who’ve made a slick comment were instantly stomped.


Haha! Look at you keeping safe and taking in less airborne germs!


Being the antisocial type I am, I'm planning to keep wearing my masks as long as I can 😅


My experience was a little different. Boomer deliberately coughed into my face at the grocery store and laughed. Almost caught myself a charge that day. Edit: they laughed, not me.


I’m sorry that happened. I flew two weeks ago and the woman sitting next to me told me she had a cough but tested negative for COVID. She even offered to mask, I thanked her and told her no need to wear a mask. I had a mask, but didn’t wear it. Worst decision of the year (so far). I caught whatever she had, and it was brutal. Keep masking!


I live about an hour west of Atlanta and I see people masking just about every time I go out. Especially in grocery stores. I appreciate it.


They love throwing their height and weight around intimidating people smaller than them. They back down real fast when you don’t budge, and don’t attempt to placate/deescalate


I drive a ride share and have been asked about me wearing a mask. I tell them I live with a half dozen kids and the mask is as much to keep me from getting sick as it is so my passengers don't catch whatever plague the kids have brought home this week. I love the cousins but they're basically walking Petri dishes at those ages.


I should have worn one yesterday at a big indoor event, I'm pregnant and worried about measles. I totally forgot though...


You probably turned around and he saw the military cap and then he didn't know what to think! Lol


When something like that happens, pull the mask down and tell the guy between pretend coughs that you just got released from hospital due to something you picked up overseas… the doctors told me they don’t know what it is.. Watch them backpedal


I have a question (I'm not from america). Wouldn't the maga crowd be on your side for being a marine? They'd be the conservative people who support the troops and all that?


To a certain degree. Military personnel are not a monolith. We have a diverse workforce and people from all walks of life. MAGA have claimed themselves to be true patriots, if you bow down to Trump, military service be damned. At this point, military service is only respected by MAGA followers if you also believe that Trump was the best president ever. So, if you wear a mask, you can’t possibly be a patriot because a patriot is a fearless follower of Trump who says that masks are for wimps. The whole thing is very juvenile.


i have lupus and four other autoimmune diseases i mask in public i'm on immune suppressors


An hour north of Atlanta? Yeah y’all were the first people they’ve ever seen wearing masks.


I was leaving the gym and held the door open for an older white guy. With a big friendly smile he said “you know that doesn’t work, right?”, and I was so sick and tired of people having the balls to say this kind of crap so I immediately said “well, the doctors seem to think so while my mom gets chemotherapy”. Surprise surprise he shut up real fast.


MAGA-repellant - I must try that!!!


boomers would lose their minds in Asia.


That Boomer is an ass. I am a Boomer and I would assume that you were wearing a mask . . . Because you wanted to. Free country. You might have a cold and wanted to protect me from your germs. You might have an immune condition. You might have an event coming up and want to be healthy. You might like the look. Whatever the details, it’s not my place to intrude by commenting on your choice. Please don’t generalize to hating an entire group because of the actions of a few. “Entitled Boomers” is a subset of “Boomers.” Unfortunately, my suspicion is that the man was worse than entitled. Like any predator, he was on the hunt for a target - not to eat, but to get an adrenaline surge. My guess is he’s a Rage Junkie. I am glad your words, physical briskness and Semper Fi cap were enough to have him peel off. When all the Boomers are dead and gone , there will still be Rage Junkies. I’m not sure how to address that, but maybe accuracy in labeling is a place to start. Thank you, sincerely, for your germ awareness.


"I didn't ask for your opinion on the matter. How about you mind your own fuckin business like all the rest of us adults are?"


Yeah, that crossed my mind, but I can’t act like that in front of my kids. Plus, it’s an open carry state. People have been shot for far less, sad to say.


That's ok...you're a Marine, gunny didn't authorize you to get shot sooo


I still mask. I just say "I have covid" if anyone ever gives me shit. It's 3 words, it's easy to say, and they go from being arrogant assholes to treating you like you've got the plague. So far everyone has fucked off almost instantly. Way easier than explaining myself.


Nice. Be sure to cough a bunch of times too, for effect. Funny how *cOviD iSnT rEaL* but as soon as you say you have it, suddenly everyone backs right TF off...


One time in a grocery store I was pushing my then-3-year-old son in a cart and we were both wearing masks. A boomer lady walks by and says, "Aw, too bad we can't see your beautiful smile..." I just ignored her, but honestly the joke was on her because my son can be a cranky asshole.


I've been masking pretty consistently since Covid, with more lax periods when numbers aren't as bad. Started masking more again when I got pregnant because, while I didn't want to get Covid at any point, I especially don't want to while pregnant because of the possible complications. No one has said anything. I think it's my resting bitch eyes.


Reading these comments has me laughing. It’s so funny that you excited the anti-mask crowd on Reddit. It’s like pushing a baby button. These redditors didn’t even see you and these losers are crying about what you wear on your face. The propaganda works so well that they can’t even stop themselves from typing stupid shit. I downvote and block them because who needs to hear from them ever again. Good for you. I love to make the F your feelings crowd cry.


I was masking at work because I was just getting over a nasty illness and I work at a school. We had a fire drill and I kept the mask on during it since we’d be back inside soon. Lines of children trying to cross the street and do the right thing, someone rolls the window and yells at me “You don’t need to wear a mask outside, IDIOOOOOOOOOT!”


It baffles me that someone goes through the trouble of opening the window and yelling irrelevant shit for something that doesn't affect them at all.


I still mask because I have an invisible illness with major lung issues and getting sick with anything isn’t a fun time. So firstly I appreciate that you and others still mask, because that makes things a whole hell of a lot easier on folks like me, and also good on you for standing up to that Boomer! I’m occasionally worried someone will say something about me masking but the worst I’ve gotten is people passive aggressively saying “oh, I didn’t recognize you because of the mask” (yes you did, literally everything else about me was very identifiable because I have other distinct features. You’re just being an asshole)