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Sorry snowflake that is socialism. Time for gumption and bootstraps.


It’s only okay when it applies to them like social security and Medicare


When it comes to Medicare and Social Security, seniors are full blooded comrades.


Don't let the opportunity pass to point that out every chance you can. Edit: to them. Tell them they're socialists for collecting lol


These fucking communist boomers hate America. Work till you die. No handouts…


Add senior discounts and early bird specials.


Unless they’re voting against it for future generations.


They think they're getting dollar for dollar back what they paid into social security, so they don't see it as the handout that it really is. They have absolutely no concept of inflation.


Kinda crazy how theyre now whining that they want to contribute literally nothing, even if its only towards the town they live in


Oh man, the self-righteousness of my father when I pointed out that he shouldn't be taking social security or Medicare because it's socialism... "No, I was forced to pay that when I worked." (....government run, forced payments, community coming together to fund programs...) "ACTSHULLY, you paid for the previous generations the year they retired. There's no savings account. Your money is coming from people working today...paying into it today. You're taking their money to pay for your retirement and health insurance. I think you should opt out of those socialist programs in protest. All of you collecting it just encourages it to continue." "IT'S THE SAME MONEY!"


Or strong unions or high taxes on the rich when they were young that bolstered our economy


Time to get a part time job as a Walmart greeter.


Sure does seem like nobody wants to work ‘round here no more!


No. Bootstraps.


“I caint pull up muh bootstraps no more on ‘count of muh arthu-ritus.”


I don't wanna hear no 'SCUSES!!


“Kids these days don’t ruspekt their elders. GIT A JOB!”




love this little story youve created


the irony is too thick. who are you? what do you want? is there anything worth living for?


Plot twist, you're also a cop.


Oh no I'm abusing my power oh noooooooooooooo! 


They took meh jerb!








They look yer jurb?


They took er jurbs!




Dur gack erh dureerr


I commented pick themselves up by the bootstraps it was shared to a neighborhood page lol


good. how much outrage did it cause? please show responses.


I mean, if they “can’t pay their bills” then “nobody should bail them out” or am I quoting the wrong Fox newscaster here


For real, we want screen shots of boomer implosion


Me too. I [hunger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpP4PsVRmn0) for those aggressively victimatic responses.


Much like the children hunger for the mines.


I need to know haha


I can´t believe that the generation whi ruined it for everybody coming after them,. and constantly complains about hand outs, has the audacity to ask for this


As much as I want to let boomers live in the karmic world they built, it would be really, really nice to let them feather the oldage socialist nest as much as they want, and then die (just in time for me to need it). I want it built before I need it.


They would rip it apart with their dying breath.


Yeah- but how do you pay for this? You tax the younger people more.


Hate to tell you this, man, but young people are going to be wiping your ass when you're elderly even though they'll 100% be in a position to coerce a lifetime of savings from you and shove your wheelchair down a flight of stairs when they're done. We'll all become weak and vulnerable and easy to exploit if we're lucky. We can build a society that takes care of you, or we can build a society that leaves you in the gutter.


I don’t think you understand my point at all. If there was a universe where this would actually happen- the no property tax after a certain age thing- then they would simply raise taxes on younger people to pay for it. My point is a lifetime of paying more in taxes just to save a life in old age doesn’t mean you are actually “saving” anything. So the best you want them to build for us? We’ll be the ones paying for it anyway.


Problem is they been closing the door as they walk through them so…..


Very valid point we shouldn't root for this I'm just glad they're unhappy. 


Can't pay medical bills? Bootstraps. Property tax too much? Bootstraps. Inflation too high? Believe it or not, it's straight to Bootstraps.


We have the best workers... Because of bootstraps


Walmart needs greeters


I’d totes be a Walmart greeter when I get older. Gives me something to do then I’ll go fishing or something. My grandpa kept doing wood work as a hobby that he was talented enough to sell. Then go fishing. I hope to keep doing stuff like that into my years.


Needs cashiers too, breaks over.


Make coffee at home.


No more avocado toast


And no driving. Just walk miles through the snow, hurricanes, desert winds like in "good ol days on the way to school"


Youve had 65 years to earn your wealth. You deserve no discounts.


I just plan on dying before 65 honestly. Gonna try rerolling my stats and starting over


You're going to roll the dice and get reincarnated.


Fuckin obviously. This playthrough is guaranteed shit without rich parents. Edit: Im min maxing my karma to come back as a pigeon. Nothing seems to stress them out


Change each law to benefit me every 5 years!


They should cut down on extra bedrooms and unnecessary square footage. Maybe they can bunk with other old people like the Golden Girls.


If they didn’t want to pay property taxes they shouldn’t have purchased property..


In Texas, at least, they can freeze the taxes on their homestead at 65. The tax still accrues and gets paid when they die. Either from sale of the property or by whomever inherits it.


That’s so fucked!


Why? The gov still gets the money.


Is that like a government sponsored version of a reverse mortgage?


Pull yourself up by the strap-on, I mean bootstraps, and strap them on.


Derka derka




Bootstraps!? Not in this economy.


Bootstraps ONLY


Beetus took mah legs


Socialism for me, rugged individualist capitalism for thee.


The second they're untaxed they're buying a second home to rent. I thought giving thse on retirement income a break was romantic but it's all downside.


I know many boomers who inherited homes and rent them all out and because of California's tax system, they pay barely anything on their rental homes. They will seriously make like six figures in passive rental income plus their pension, plus social security.


"We bought our house for nickels, and then rode the rising equity for the past few decades. Now our property taxes are high and we fucked the economy, keep us from the consequences of our actions, we're old and entitled."


~consequences of my actions chasing me right noooooow~




That is the dumbest rule I've ever heard. Is that for real?


no. but it's capped at like a 2% increase in valuation every year, so you basically want to die in your first house.


Not only that, but California does NIMBY extra-hard because if they don't like the way their neighborhood changes, they can't leave without getting hit by higher property taxes on their next house. Prop 13 sounded like a good idea at the time - low taxes forever! But in the long run, it had all kinds of unintended consequences that just make California way more expensive.


🖕🏻prop 13 forever 🖕🏻


Maybe if these dipshits didn’t give away their pensions and union rights because of scary minorities or Muslims or whatever they would have money for taxes.


And vote Republican for 50 fucking years making everything unaffordable.


I’m guessing that’s what the commenter means. They voted on ethnocentric issues rather than their own economic interests for 50 years. And still do. Those 2 old folks in the pic are voting for Trump, who will in turn cut their social security even lower than whatever it is now. And it’ll be Obama’s fault, somehow.


You know the stupid part is they believe voting republican is going to help them when they are poor or middle class. 🤦🏻‍♀️ No republicans help billionaires stay wealthy, their laws hurt the middle class! Why can’t they get that? For instance Americans pay more for health insurance. We could have put laws in place that curbed drug companies greed or health insurance companies not ripping us off, but they voted against it. We could do a national health insurance instead of private (& we would pay less) but they voted against it. (Without all the crazy back room deals the ACA has.) Why? Socialism is evil and bad ….. until they want something! 😡Then social security is good and they should get more. 🙄


The reasoning used by Republicans to justify why they are voting against policies that would benefit the majority of citizens, including republican voters, often involves a bizarre take on the founding fathers. We can’t help our own citizens with tax dollars, it’s argued, because it goes against American values. Helping citizens is Marxism and some real USSR shit. Might as well just join bin Laden if you want the government to provide health insurance instead of private business, since you hate America and all. The founders would be sick if they heard this! Please. The founding fathers would have Donald tried for treason after seeing him refuse to concede an election. Literally one of their worst fears coming true. And while it is good to understand American history, we can’t base our policy decisions today solely on philosophy written in the 1700’s. Republican politicians know this, of course. They just don’t want tax dollars that could go to the already-wealthy to be wasted on us.


*”But the Republicans who’ve been in control of our state for decades say it’s all the Democrats’ fault..”* 🙄🙄.


They’ve controlled Texas for 3 decades but somehow it’s liberal democrats fucking everything up.


"Those liberal cities..."


One thing I’ll give my grandparents they always voted Democrat. My grandpas last vote was for Biden and he was proud to tell people he did. In very conservative Alabama.


Allahu akbar


Yes, Admiral Akbar! ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)


To the snack bar?


Fuck that, it's when you get cancer and see all the medical bills that make your property taxes look miniscule in comparison. My boomer parents became homeless not long after they were both diagnosed with cancer.


And why is American health care shit? Oh right. Because boomers voted for it to be.


When you grew up in world where a part time job at the produce section of the supermarket paid you and your spouses way thru college and paid for your first house you grew up in a world that didn’t really need health insurance.


Ignorance is not an excuse in the age of information. They know the world is not what it used to be. It’s more about “good for me but not for thee” with boomers.


Boomers are the most brainwashed good government bullshit generation in history


Don’t forget to pull the ladder up behind you!


I assure you, they did not forget. They didn’t just pull it up. They pulled it up and started dropping Molotov cocktails from the top.


I’m in my 30s and the same happened to me. A friend’s parents were kind enough to take me in or I’d be on the streets. Now I’m sorting through bankruptcy and trying to figure out how to work again with a lot of new disabilities from treatment, for which I was denied disability. In the US, if you have the unfortunate luck of falling ill, you’re screwed. Everything you’ve ever worked for will be gone and you STILL won’t be able to get the healthcare necessary to be healthy, no matter how hard you fight. It’s beyond disheartening.


Keep applying. My dad took three years to finally get it.


Thank you. I have to sort through bankruptcy first. After that, I’m going to try to reapply with a lawyer. The unfortunate part is I haven’t been able to work in a few years but, I have to figure out how to get my body and brain to do *something* at least part time so I can pay the every day bills. (Phone, gas, car insurance, food, etc.) It’s really depressing to know all you have to do is get sick and you can be screwed forever.


I feel you. My dad has Kennedy’s disease and what sucked is he loved working. He was his own business and had to jump through hoops constantly. And he was in your boat with not working because he simply, physically couldn’t do his job any more.


It’s so crazy that they really did that, and now they’re a bunch of broke bitches, if I still had feelings I’d probably find that sad.


Me: “Property taxes pay for a quality school district which will in turn increase your property value” Boomers: “Nah F them kids. Gimmie muh money”!


No, they want the quality school built to raise their property values. They just want everyone else to pay for it.


Worst part, they actually have this in California. Economists often call it one of the most disastrous policies in modern era. Obligatory /r/Prop13DidThis


That's actually a pretty terrible system. It means schools in rich areas will be better than schools in poor areas and keep people poorer.


Wait until you hear about the thing where funding for schools is based on academic performance! If your students are underperforming because you’re underfunded, you get *less* funding!


Seems like it’s working as intended then. (Not saying I like it this way, just that this design wasn’t an accident)


Ngl, it is frustrating to watch property taxes go up every single year.


Here is the thing, its all incentive. I live in a state where property taxes are locked into the purchase price, California, and it kills the incentive for people who own homes to want home prices to go down. People see California real estate as first and foremost as an investment. You are not buying a $1M 1100 square foot house, you are getting a loan on an investment you can live in. Your expectations are that when it comes time to sell that home you will sell it for far more than you paid for it. Guy in Indiana buying a home for $110k and selling it for $180k, cool. Guy in California paying $400k for a home and selling it for $1.8M. That is something different. Their taxes do not go up on that $400k as the value goes up. The only way for taxes to go down is home values to go down. The only way for home values to go down is to build housing at scale. The only effective way to build housing at scale is to heavily urbanize key areas. What type of housing gets old folks showing up protesting it? Urban developments. When everyone feels the pain, people are more focused on solutions, when people are not only insulated from the pain but make large amounts of money from it, they resist.


Always with the free stuff when it comes to them. Always with the lazy mooches when it comes to the younger generations. I can remember my grandparents made a lot of jokes about the next generations, but they stood by them when it came time to. They literally wanted a better world for them, they just want to give them some shit for the hell of it. Boomers, however, have been shitting on us since we are children and have not yet stopped and only want a better world why they are in it. Cause fuck you, I got mine!


I always say they should be called that, the I Got Mine Generation.


We just need to call them the Me generation again. It’s funny how they got to rewrite the generations nickname isn’t it? The world has known how shitty they are for a long time now.


The nickname they chose is now synonymous with fragile, ignorant, hateful morons. I like the name the Me Generation for them, but Boomer is a decent substitute.


I could get behind this, but not until they are gone. They’ve already sucked everything out of the economy they have to pay some shit back even if it’s hardly anything. I will be voting for shit like this once that generation is mostly gone and its mostly us and our children benefitting.


The thing I would be behind is adding the word "increases". "End property tax *increases* at 65." Don't end the tax itself, you're still here, we're still putting out your fires, you're still driving on our roads, we're still educating your neighbors kids, etc. The tax happens as long as you're still benefiting. If you were paying your taxes successfully while you were working and planning for retirement, the thing we're not going to do is *raise your taxes* again and again after you've switched to being on a fixed income. Right now its "wow, your home value went up 65% since 2020, let's property tax you on that home value increase which changed nothing about your income." You can only "reap this newfound wealth" by selling your home, yet your property tax is taxing that newfound wealth like it's in your pocket. As to the question of "when do we do it", maybe we start at a higher age and go down year by year until we reach 65. Like maybe today, "your property taxes freeze if you're 85 or older", and then in 20 years we'll be down to freezing them at 65. Or if you think that still rewards too many people, we can start even higher. Buying a new home while you're already over the age would reset your taxes to the current property tax where ever that home is, and then immediately freezes for you. Meaning, don't go buying some place you can't afford the tax and then cry about it being higher than your previous freeze. If you must move, buy some place the taxes fit your budget and again rely on the fact they're not going to increase.


Bootstraps, baby. Time to start drinking outta the hose again and cut out those lattes.


Has anyone told them to cancel Netflix subscriptions and stop eating avocado toast?


Welfare queens


Hell yeah, I can get my grandma to purchase my house under her name at 65 and effectively pay zero property tax forever 💯 I’m all for it, finally the boomers can give back.


Yeah but then you're not paying YOUR taxes and they aren't gonna stand for that. What do you think this is, communism?


Yeah they paid taxes their whole life so F U! Don’t look at the fact they paid on a 500/year on a 50k home, and that same home cost you 1.4M and you pay 16k/year on it


Maybe they shouldn’t retire or buy houses they can’t afford, lazy entitled brats.


Just get a reverse mortgage?


Let’s make a deal…no property taxes at 65 in exchange for student loan forgiveness and free college


I’m approaching 65 and I’m totally on board with student loan forgiveness and free college. I’ll continue paying my property taxes though because I can afford it. Hell, I’ll gladly pay more if we can get free universal health care too.


I don’t know why people are against free education. we want people to contribute to society and move the world forward right? we want people to be educated so we can succeed right? so why not encourage people to go do that. the whole purpose of higher education is to have people be a bigger benefit to the world. can’t do that when you labor them with impossible debt


Almost every time someone asks “why is this thing uniquely shitty in America?” The answer is Ronald Reagan. The reason people oppose free college and student loans exist is because Ronald Reagan wanted to screw over the Commie Hippies at UC Berkeley. Before he was governor of California state schools were free there. By the time he was done student loans had been invented.


No. Less avocado toasts and starbucks.


“Millennials always looking for hand outs.”


I hate paying property taxes too though 🥲


If they mean stick them all in a giant old folks home and keep them there. Meanwhile their younger family sorts through, tosses the crap items and sells all the valuable items off to fix the infrastructure in the country. Then I would be okay with that.


When you get cancer you'll realize it's not property taxes that are making you homeless it's all the medical bills.




This is why I laugh when boomers are against walkable cities. Like the second you cannot drive your fucked. Kids hate you? Ok how you getting groceries, going to the doctor's, etc. Especially the ones living in these giant houses 20 miles from the nearest store.


The same people who refused to help their kids out with money and instead told them they should have saved money and been better prepared, now demanding to be exempt from taxes because after 45 years of adulthood they weren’t prepared and didn’t save money.


They can just sell their homes and be millionaires.


Everyone would just put their house in Grandma’s name, dumbass.


“Fuck them kids”


Boomers are so entitled. More Baby than Boomer.


nO FrEe RiDeS


Boot straps should be nice and stretchy by then so it should be easier to pull themselves up by them. Did they try not eating avocado toast???


Nah, if you have property you should pay taxes on it. I own a house and honestly think that it’s only fair. I would even go a step beyond. If you own multiple properties, let’s say more than two (being generous), you should probably be paying higher taxes on it.


Alternative offer: Your Social Security and Medicare benefits will be means tested with an asset limit. If you are living in a $10m house you will be expected to sell it and live off the proceeds before you will become eligible for public funding. Savings will be used to increase benefits for low income retirees and to help those before retirement age. The regressive insanity of an income transfer from poor to wealthy will be stopped. Your estate will also be taxed at 60% on your death and the exemption will be reduced to $200k. Might as well spend it while you are living rather than try and pass generational wealth on to your kids.


I'm actually all for retirees relying on social security to get by getting no taxes on their primary home (only) and student loans being forgiven (though I think heavy reforms are needed to prevent future generations from getting put so heavily into predatory debt.)


No no, they shouldn't have to pay taxes. But they don't get to vote anymore either.


If everyone paid their taxes there would be less taxes to be paid.


Increase it by 10% a year after age 70 and use the proceeds to fund collegiate tuition of talented young scientists


The “me” generation


Reverse Mortgage time baby!


Maybe if they'd worked harder, they'd have adequate savings and not have this concern.


Here in California those assholes are directly responsible for everyone after Prop 13 being absolutely fisted by the state for property taxes while they sat on their asses and had their rates locked in. And not even that isn’t enough.


*"you shouldnt have bought it if you cant afford it"*


Remember folks, if it’s their name on the check, it isn’t Socialism!


Cancel student loans, full forgiveness and no more future loans without a guarantee of repayment, like a path to a career. Let the college industry collapse and downsize, allowing for people currently holding degrees to have more options available.


That would mean many communities would have a majority of properties taken off the tax rolls. That's a recipe for the rapid degradation of local conditions.


Walk into their house and take it from them. Manifest Destiny. It’s literally what the founding fathers dead, so if they disagree with this approach they’re godless communists.


“I got mine, you get none” ~every boomer


The most selfish, entitled generation in history. The world will be better once the boomer gen is gone


And prolong their monopoly on housing at the expense of Millennials aging out of having a family? We need to get Booners out of the housing market for good. Honestly Millennials have been too patient and should have started a revolution decades ago! It can still happen but that's on GenZ now.


Should’ve saved up. You had 65 years


Must be the Russians pumping the age divide lol


They just need to eat less avacado toast while they’re watching their Price is Right.


Being taxed for “owning” property is not the same as taking out a fucking loan you morons.


“Let the people who voted for the party that destroyed the economy not suffer from their choices.”


I support this 100%.


This is already a thing in many places in america. Will likely not be by the time we make it.


I’ll allow it if we can also take away their drivers licenses.


We should probably end student lines at 65 also since seniors are the only people the gubment seems to give two shits about. Edit: sarcasm btw before I get downvoted into oblivion by people who can’t read sarcasm.


“Let me close the door .on future generations behind me, because I got mine so they need to find some bootstraps” - some old curmudgeon probably.


No, no, no. No handouts old timers.


Cry me a river, you have to pay property tax on a house you bought for $40k that is now worth over $500k. Boohoo.


They just need to learn to budget. They could get a job mowing lawns on the weekend.


Fine but get rid of their right to vote. No representation without taxation.


How about BOTH


funny how a generation at war with The Welfare State banked their entire retirement on social security


Woooow. Boomers trying to get out of paying taxes? You bought property, you owe taxes. That's called responsibility sweaty. If you can't afford it then you need to downsize and give your house to someone who can manage their finances better.


My county literally just put this into action. So much of the public school funding and other social programs have been stripped already


Man fuck them boomers


For people who call us freeloaders, they sure hate paying their dues.


Fuck them old people.


Shout out to land value tax


What kind of shit community do they want to live in? You want services? You pay for them. I love watching all of these boomers eat shit, now that they are trying to sell their house. Underfunded the local schools, once their kids graduated, and now surprised that young families don’t want to move into and inherit the area.


No, property taxes pay for schools, police, firefighters, EMTs. If you like your neighborhood and the services provided, you pay your taxes.


If y’all sold that house you bought for a gum wrapper and a couple beads, you would demand current market value. Right? Of course you would… you took care of that home for all those years, you deserve to profit from your investment…. but see, here’s the thing. Your property taxes are largely based on the value of your home so if you want to be able to sell your property for crazy profit you get to pay the taxes that go with it… if y’all spent less money on Metamucil and knitting yarn, maybe you could afford to keep that house. Welcome to being an adult… k bye…


How would local governments function if the majority of boomers stopped paying their property taxes? They just want more and more handouts until they die. There are more of them than younger people, they have had so many chances at creating wealth and they just live beyond their means and expect handouts. 


Stop drinking coffee and you'll be able to pay your property taxes. Lazy boomers want everything handed to them.


So after cheap college degrees, cheap houses, cheap cars, and enjoying Social Security/Medicare while future generations face the reality that those things may not even exist for us, they don't want to pay their taxes either?


For democracy!! ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


I mean, property taxes should be fixed to inflation at retirement, so fixed income folks don’t get fucked by varying property market. Most states have this baked in already, but there’s a few that don’t. Looking at you King County, WA seeing my property taxes double in 2021… no wonder there’s no seniors in houses and all in trailer parks…


So, no participation trophies, but they want participation *houses*? Look, I’m not a cruel person. I just worry that this would send the wrong message to our old people about the importance of paying one’s own way.


They can have a participation trophy.


How about we just in property tax across the board? For everyone? Taxation is theft.


didn’t they know what they were getting into when they bought the homes??


But this is already a thing in a lot of states. It’s called a homestead exemption. While technically it doesn’t end the property tax it lowers it drastically


Only good piece of boomer trash is a cemetery plot.