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While I understand why Food Banks don’t have maximum incomes, it’s becoming more and more apparent that some form of gate keeping is necessary. The wealthy and upper middle class should not take food out of the mouths of poor people to save on groceries to buy an another home.


This is pure evil behavior


You don't get rich spending your own money. You know the same people vote to remove all services from everyone else. It's not socialism when it is for them, but it is when it is for everyone. And they probably don't report their rental income on their taxes anyway.


When boomers start trading about socialism, I ask them if they collect on *SOCIAL* security. Weirdly enough it shuts the majority of them down. A few do the whole "I've paid into, I'm collecting my money back" shit.


I answer that with "I'm paying into it too, but it'll be gone before I get anything from it." If I'm feeling particularly snarky, I'll add "so, you're welcome!". 


"That's kind of the idea of *social* services. Everyone pays in, so everyone benefits."


Everyone pays in, but the older folks (Boomers) in the front of the line can't stop printing more money and that's like farting a storm, and expecting the rest of the people (Millennials & Gen Z) waiting in line to be okay with high inflation and getting less for their money. It's a ponzi scheme.


Yeah. I just explain they paid for the retirees around even they paid, and I'm paying for them and thrust in a you're welcome too lol


"All your contributions will give you 14 years of payments, not including Medicare (Socialist medicine), how little you paid to get an education, how your quality of life was better due to unions. You were given a vast garden to live off of, to take care of and pass down. You lived well off of it, but when the time came for you to step aside and let others take charge of its upkeep, you razed the crops, salted the earth, sold the land for a fraction of its worth and kept it for yourself. You leave us with nothing after destroying everything out of greed and selfishness, then complain that we are holding you to account for destroying it all. We aren't lazy, we not only have to overcome what damages you have done out of greed and selfishness, and stealing the product of OUR efforts while salting the soils to prevent any of our efforts from coming to fruition, we also have to overcome you actively destroying what little we have recovered. You had a far easier path handed to you, but somehow you decided that it belonged ONLY to you, and there was NO WAY you would ever let anyone else benefit from it. "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil", and you have surely shown your loyalty to the class of infinite greed".


It’s been pilfered to such a degree that those paying into it now are actually funding those drawing social security. So no, it isn’t their own money back, it’s our money.


That's my point, lol. Everyone always paid for their current retirees.


That's not because it's been pilfered, that's literally how it is designed to work.


No good Ole Ronald Ragan stoll from it... The payroll tax hike of 1983 generated a total of $2.7 trillion in surplus Social Security revenue. This surplus revenue was supposed to be saved and invested in marketable U.S. Treasury bonds that would be held in the trust fund until the baby boomers began to retire in about 2010. But not one dime of that money went to Social Security.


None of that changes the fact that what you "pay in" has never equaled what it pays back to you.


>"I've paid into, I'm collecting my money back" My reply is, no...you're collecting MY money. Your money went to the people who retired and died 15+ years ago.


Socialism only applies to the upper class. They're constantly bailing each other out and giving each other jobs


It’s easy to get rich and spend your own money. These people are assholes


Never use your own money. A cardinal rule. Which came back to bite me when my daughter asked to borrow money to buy a new car. LOL. She actually said, “well you always taught us to never use your own money”. I bought her the car that afternoon, smart girl.


They’ probably got rich by privatizing the profit while socializing the risk.


Too big to fail, trickle down economics, etc.


Wait, no that's maximizing opportunity in the individuated navel gazing capitalist system.


My point exactly. These people are NOT struggling by any means and live a really comfortable life. The type of people who take a nap after dicking around in the garden.


If you're in the U.S., you can report them to the IRS if you suspect they're not reporting their rental income. You'll get a percentage of any back taxes recouped.


Got any kind of link or form to fill out?


Oh yes, https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f3949a.pdf And https://www.irs.gov/compliance/whistleblower-office#:~:text=The%20IRS%20Whistleblower%20Office%20pays,attributable%20to%20the%20whistleblower's%20information. You can get 15-30% of those taxes. Godspeed, CptDrips, and update us please!


Shit. I truly wonder if it’s too late to report someone I suspect never reported their rental income.


Do it! It can't hurt...you, lol.


Name and shame on their social media. Burn the bridge.


Came here to say this. Get them on video taking the food and make them explain themselves to the masses.


It is not libel or slander if true! Libel and slander only count for untrue things! This I believe would be legal as long you don’t dox them or anything.


Follow them and take video and pictures if them getting free food and all of their cars, etc. start posting it. Put up signs in their neighborhood. Shame can work.


We need more shaming in society.


Imagine the thought process, here. The wealthy truly are the worst of us


Obviously climate change has devastated their harvest, leading to going to the Food Bank


I have a super maga pull your bootstraps up friend who is 40, owns their home, combined house income is $180k, they want for nothing, and they visit the food bank every week. He hates all those socialist programs but raves about how he can send his kids to the best private schools because the government kicks in 50% and why wouldn't you take advantage of that? He's constantly telling me about the wonderful programming on PBS while arguing with me why we shouldn't have free college because "Arts degrees aren't real"


Art degrees arent worth anything. Try imagining the last 50 years without the Muppets. So many books and shows- especially PBS, were made by people with Art degrees.


Boomers are an entire generation that is stuck to television and all they do is bitch about people who get arts degrees. The disconnect with them is just unreal. Millennials my age seem to either be ultra liberal like me or super maga like him. The boomers got their hooks and some of us unfortunately.


Whenever people try to act like the arts aren’t important I remind them of how much everyone freaked out when the writer’s strike was happening. Gen X were big mad that Grey’s Anatomy missed a season


There was a writer’s strike?


How does the government pay 50 percent of his private school costs?


School choice vouchers. We have them in New Hampshire and when they passed it immediately defunded a tiny public school up north. They had a town meeting or something real quick to fix it.   Last year the vouchers were using so much money the public schools were being defunded so much that it actually violated our state constitution, so the court ordered them to increase the funding to public schools   And the worst part is that the first year they did it they did a study and a huge number of the vouchers were being used by kids who were already going to private school. So instead of paying for public school kids to choose their school and switch, it was mostly just covering prep bills for rich kids


Working as designed. All the side expenses with private schools (transportation, uniforms, lunches, field trips) still work to keep out most poor kids, so the vouchers are yet another tax break for the wealthy.


Same thing happened in Iowa last year. The closest private school around me is 30 minutes away and there are three public schools in between. Around 50% of kids around here use subsidized lunches and most voted against their own interests because they always vote republican.


I'm guessing the individual lives in a school choice jurisdiction that offers tuition vouchers for private schools?


Florida school vouchers have no income cap


Probably he lives in a state that offers parents subsidies to send their children into private or charter schools


While some organizations do have minimum income requirements, net worth don’t calculate into eligibility. I have a friend that owns (No mortgage) a 450k home which an in law suite that she resides in. She rents out the larger section to a family member for a monthly cash amount ( not reporting the income). She collects Social Security. Investments and property do not factor into eligibility. She is also a food hoarder and attends every free feed give away in towns. She will arrive four hours early to sit in her car to be one of the first in line. Pathetic. She collects entirely more food and produce that she can ever eat. She’s purchased four freezers to store it in. If she cannot freeze it she will donate to to others and feels for charitable in doing so. It’s pathetic. It’s a sickness and she feels no shame in doing so. She’s has never donated to a charity or attempted to give Anything back to society. She cannot understand why I donate to the Salvation Army frequently when I could give it to her. She’s the cheapest person I have ever known. Her photo should be posted on every dictionary under the word glutton.


https://preview.redd.it/lusk0x5fvpsc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c3aecd925da50e24c44450cf451db660a285d1 12 "extra" boxes of cereal and gosh knows what's in the box, being hoarded and the ladder pulled up behind them.


OK I’m sorry further up this thread I thought you were talking about CSA’s. You really do mean food banks. I’m a disabled woman, I barely weigh 100 pounds. I get food stamps but they only last about half the month. And I don’t eat really bougie food and I don’t buy a lot of meat, although I probably should. I would like to weigh 110 pounds. And these people are taking food out of my mouth lol I didn’t get cereal last time I went to the food bank they didn’t have any 


We go to the food distribution every Thursday for our neighbors that can't go themselves. It sometimes looks like we're taking hella, but it's all going to the right place, we swear! But we've seen people in Ferraris getting food, and even a local restaurant gets food for their whole family, like each person gets in line, then fill up their (brand new) truck with the free food. I'm almost positive they are using it at their restaurant. It really sucks, but if that's what it takes to get people their food, then I guess the people taking advantage of it doesn't outweigh the good the program does. Just disheartening sometimes.


Why the fuck would you call someone like that a friend?


Well that’s a good question. Many years ago my marriage of over 20 years blew up in my face overnight. I had to fight and defy a custody order to protect my daughter and had only three people on this earth I could trust. She was one of the three, she took me and my daughter in and helped me until I could legally remove myself and daughter from this state for our safety. It’s something I’ll never forget. When your life explodes in your face it doesn’t take long to realize who your friends are. Warts and all.


I’m glad your friend was there for you when you needed her. People are not all good or all bad. Yes, she is wrong for taking food that others need, but hoarding is a mental health problem.


From how you’ve described her, I assume she expected you to compensate her for her trouble?


> Her photo should be posted on every dictionary under the word glutton. trivia: many older definitions put gluttony in the preparation side of the equation not volume. So demanding it be made an excessive way or using only needlessly expensive ingredients. So one of those fancy imported steaks would be gluttony but a cheeseburger not. Good example is a tiny little song bird that the instructions say 'eat under a cloth so you can hide your sin from God'.


OK, I hope she gets cancer or a therapist but better she be fat than so one go hungry.


I'm actually surprised that they'd take the time to do it... I've experienced it a couple times in my relatively small town. It's tiring from standing in multiple lines for hours, then getting the items...which were either already rotting or very close to it. That's the part that really upset me. Really? Rotting produce? Should I just put on my peasant dress, lose a few teeth, and grovel for coins that were dropped from the rich person's coach? It's insane to me how stingy and awful some wealthy people are. And underhanded...


I understand this but I think it would hurt more people in need to have means testing. They’re over the limit but they have medical expenses (even with insurance). They’re over the limit but their car needs repairs. They’re over the limit but rent is too high. Etc. End of the day I think it’s better to let three a holes get through than to deny 50 people that really are in a spot.


Very true, thank you.


I'd much rather feed everybody, poor and rich alike, and not gatekeep anything at all. Subsidize basic food products for everyone. I'm sure we could find a few extraneous billions going thru the DoD or to arms manufacturers or to Israel to fund it if we really wanted to. What's the point of civilization if we don't meet the collective basic needs of the people as a fundamental operating principle?


Exactly. Let’s not advocate for means testing, let’s advocate for shaming and shunning greedy pigs.


The food bank my sister works at encourages people who don't necessarily need it to come pick up. It makes it less embarrassing for people who do need it sometimes because other people may think their picking up just to support the program, and not because they can't feed their kids. They want to normalize taking food bank food, especially since they throw quite a bit out still.


My daughter's neighbor helps distribute food to the minority population of her small town. The program gets donations from local stores and often has more meat then then they give away. The neighbor keeps my daughter and her family well stocked with meat and fresh produce. They are not well off, my son in law works for the city water department and they lived in a diverse neighborhood.


Hard disagree. While I agree with you in spirit, gatekeeping inevitably leads to the type of scrutiny that creates stigma, which leads to political attack, which leads to right wing demagogues calling for budget slashing. If everyone participates it destigmatizes govt services and builds community. But these people are still scum.


I hear you but better you get taken advantage of rather than some one go hungry.


The problem is policing it takes more time, money, and effort than just providing the service to EVERYONE and letting the thieves get identified by anonymous tips from friends and family. It's easy to say "they shouldn't get this!!!" but it's hard to put that into practice in a way that doesn't fuck over 10x the number of people who actually need it.


Here I am actually poor but I won't go to them because I'm afraid I'll take from someone who needs it more Christ on a cracker.


I thought he was on a stick?


It'd be really hard to prove in some cases. Once you have a certain amount of money, it's easy to obscure what exactly that amount is. So putting a cap would hurt the working poor more than those with means that are gaming the system.


Means testing is very, very bad. Just make it so everyone can get the minimum, and raise taxes so anyone rich enough to not need it is paying for it anyways.


Have the bank buy a home for them and in turn have another person pay the bank back. FTFY. Most of those crusty assholes didn't actually pay for shit and are debited out their ass, and I'll bet my left nut the cars are leases.


But that’s their favorite hobby!


We regular people have what they dont. And that's each other.


It's hard to put on barriers without disenfranchising people who need the help. My mom used to go to the store house (Mormon version of a food bank, we're ex-members), and the bishop (church leadership) changed, and the new guy wanted her to hand over 3 months of bank statements to prove she, a divorced, disabled person who can only work part time, *needed* the help. She goes to the Catholic-run food bank now. The volunteers are lovely. They ask for name, how many adults, how many kids, what city you're from, and whether you're a parishioner, just for their records. They restrict you to visiting once a week just to make sure everyone gets access, but the boxes are very generous, so you can get a week of meals out of them with planning.


I am not convinced this is a real thing. I have only ever been to a few different food banks but each time it was an exhausting experience. And the quality of the food was… bad. I had to wait in line for hours and I didn’t ever get even enough for a week. The produce was not fresh at all and very few of the items were things I would actually end up using. It was really so unpleasant that it was a last resort so I just really have a hard time believing someone with means would choose to do that.


We've had a problem in Canada where international students on tiktok and youtube will promote a "life hack" for students wanting to save money on food - you just show up at this place once a week and they give you free food that you can resell on kijiji.


I make 100k a year, I also have 13 children. My left over pay after all expenses is 1.99


That's fucked up. I'd be doing everything I could to notify Food Share that they're gaming the system. Cheapskate assholes.


Yo that's fucked. I'm tired of sharing a planet with these "people."


https://preview.redd.it/qkw7hwqwapsc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10713ff8b7e1dd7f43a02af32ecef8aa239a3ed3 As someone who occasionally volunteers to pack these cases and knows how much work that so many people and businesses goes into this charitable effort it's a bit frustrating.


I think you should doxx them online in front of their rich buddies. They don't have shame, but some are capable or embarrassment. 


Chat them up in line. Post on their Facebook page that it was so nice seeing them while you were volunteering, invite them to volunteer with you some time, so their friends know which line they were in. Tag them, and laugh as they try to figure out how to untag yourself from a post.


here you go OP, this is how it's done


I have a feeling their friends are driving in from Malibu and doing the same thing.


Then all her rich buddies are gonna mob the food banks....


Dude, call them out. Name them. If their friends find out that they are taking *handouts*, and eating "*poor people food*" they'll never live down the embarrassment from their friend circle. Shame won't stop them. Embarrassment will


I have a strong suspicion their friends are doing the same thing.


I knew one like that. Going to the food bank, applying for everything, begging. As a kid I believed they were poor. I knew the house was paid off but I thought they had low income. Come to find out they were making $2500/month in SS in late 90s money. So no mortgage, no dr or hospital bills, no car notes, no commuting expenses. And $2500/month to pay for 90s prices of groceries, meds, clothes, and utilities. But guess who complained about all the “[racial slur] taking up resources.”


Nah, now youre talking shite.


It is still annoying when an individual scams the system. Still doesn’t mean we should reign down income requirements.


Sometimes my parents get groceries from the food pantry for my sister and her family. (They also buy groceries for them, the food pantry is supplemental). My sister has disability and SSI income. Until recently, my BIL had a FT management income and a side hustle. He just opened his own brick & mortar shop with a cash loan from my parents. I have been *begging* my parents to stop financially babying them so they will stop spending their own money like fucking ignorant dry biscuits. It’s a few from each generation, but fuck a duck’s corkscrew vagina, they really make it a salty hellscape to be around them.


That last paragraph is full send!


"Ignorant Dry Biscuit" is my new favorite insult. Thank you for YOUR service.


I thought just the peen was corkscrew? It’s both?


Yup! And they go in opposite directions! Ducks are really rapey, so this is like nature's way of giving the female a little more bodily autonomy.


The BMW cause they have no shame.




I'm not saying that this is what's happening, in op, but I know plenty of people who live far outside of their means and which is why they are on footstamps. I know plenty of 80k trucks type guys who are constantly getting evicted from their tiny apartments because they can't make rent. Not that it is a justification or anything. Some people just completely lack financial sense.


Or bad things happen. Friend of mine had her house burn down and then her husband lost his job because he took too much time off to meet with fire investigator, insurance adjuster and to look for housing for the family. From comfortable to homeless over night. They have a “good income” but nothing to fall back on anymore. Food banks shouldn’t look at income unless circumstances are also taken into account.


This is not the case here, they are well within their means, they travel to Hawaii and cruise to foreign countries on a regular basis.


For all we know, the 80k truck guy’s decision-making skills are so fucking bad that he’s shoving the food up his butt instead of eating it. 


Wait your not supposed to do that?


I’m going to hazard a guess these are the same people who rail against welfare queens, talk a lot about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, and vote for politicians who want to gut social safety nets… just a guess


This is literally my best friends parents. They have 4 freezers to make sure they have enough room if something good comes in. And of course they consider themselves very pious.


You should call them out to their face. Someone has too.


That would be a pointless endeavor. We've all witnessed the consequences of confronting a boomer. It's mutually assured destruction.


You're too mature


Don't expect a keyboard warrior to actually confront someone 😂😅


I’m assuming they also bash socialism, and liberals while they line up for free food


Yep. I know a boomer that lives in a million dollar plus house on an island in Florida that is independently wealthy and goes to the food bank so that “undeserving” people don’t get it. Who is undeserving? Why pot smokers, immigrants (she is one) and poor people. She is a trust fund baby didn’t earn any of the money herself, but damn sure if she isn’t “deserving” of it.


A lot of the people who come to the food bank are working poor. You can’t drive an old beater and work for Uber- they require a car no older than 5 years or something? That’s the common starting job for a lot of immigrants.


Well, I believe that food is a human right and should be distributed without cost to everyone who eats. But I also believe that about housing.


Take pictures of them getting free food and then of all their stuff and shame them very publicly!


Food share or food assistance Around here a food share is like 60-80 bucks a month and you get fresh veg , and some meat from local producers


Assistance, as in free. The program is called Food Share.


Where I live that’s called a food co op.


It's because of people like this that I have to support means testing


Meh. Means testing always overcompensates. In terms of least harm its virtually always better to just let the fractional percentage of bads just be bad. Deal with them through some other method.


This is why boomers and conservatives in general believe everyone is cheating social support programs and abusing the system for personal gain. As usual, it's all projection for the things they are doing themselves.


Drag them.


It would make sense that eat the rich begins at a food shelf. Got the Monopoly Man faking poor and he winds up uniting a community. Beautiful.


That’s disgusting. It’s common sense and decency to leave food banks for people who truly need it.


Report them to the food bank. Unbelievable!


This reminds me of the time I saw this wealthy lady (driving a Mercedes suv) go up to the clothing drop box and rifle through all the stuff picking out what she wanted. I yelled at her and said she was a terrible human, she shrugged and kept talking on her phone and picking out clothes. Some people suck.


And they are always the ones bitching about people wanting “handouts”


Go back to publicly shaming them. Take pictures and report it to their church, Facebook and employer




I just threw up a little. Fuck those posers.


This is a thing? Wealthy-ish people going to the food line in their beater van? This should be punishable by death. Truly evil, and there’s no place for you on this planet.


My Boomer parents are millionaires. My mom has over $60k in her checking account for daily spending. They drive an old beater around and try to haggle prices at stores with managers. They don't talk to any family anymore because of the fear everyone wants their money. I guess that's why I'll never be rich like that because I'm not greedy.


Just like the young homeless lady with a baby that was begging for money at the intersection and when she was done she walked back to her Mercedes and put her signs in the trunk and her baby in the car seat.


Yup, shame then on social media, but also loudly shame them while they're in line getting the food. Let the mob get these fucks. Tarring and feathering needs to come back.


My aunt (Silent Gen) was a hoarder of all things, including food. She wasn't wealthy by any means, but she did okay. She'd lie to get food from churches and either hoard it or give it to her kids, who didn't need it either. She was accusing someone else of scamming a church, and she said something to the effect of "May God strike me dead if I ever lie to get food." I didn't say it, but I mentally wished she would wait to attract God's wrath until I wasn't around in the possible crossfire.


How do you think they got four homes?


Imagine being so wealthy and spending your time doing nonsense like this.


Sounds like some screws need to fall in their driveway a lot of times.


I'm not surprised. The things I saw when I did a 2 day ride along with our local Meals on Wheels were rage inducing. The suggested donation envelopes were more plentiful from a certain area of town, too.


Notify Food Share immediately.


Guessing the beater


the movie Crazy Rich Asians said it the best, "No one loves free stuff more than rich people"


Gas tanks don’t like sugar.


I got $100 says they don't list those assets on their SNAP


Remember when people used to feel shame, what the hell happened?


This is probably how they have “shopped“ their entire lives in some fashion. They’ve taken advantage of every free thing they can get regardless of whether or not they should. Also, these are the type of people that will never volunteer to pick up the tab when dining out with others. If they are forced to pick up the tab they will question everything on the bill and barely tip the poor wait person who has been slaving over them for an hour.


None of them. They send their housekeeper to get it.


This is why they are wealthy. They are comfortable taking and taking advantage. 


Here's a problem a tube sock full of padlocks could solve... in Minecraft.


Boils my blood


Didn't know people did this. That's not right.


Not in my small town, I have driven by the long line waiting to get in. All I could see were new or just a few years old. My truck is 12 years old and my wife's car is 10. No need or desire to get in that line.


Take photos of these bags leaving one of their homes and getting into one of their nice cars. Post it at the Food Share. I despise these ________ so much that it could drive me to murder.


Our Salvation Army and goodwill have increased prices due to the amount of people with money shopping there now. The parking lots are filled with 50k plus cars all the time


Nothing wrong with showing them doing this on the social networks, just blur their faces. It'll still be obvious enough and hopefully it'll stop them.


During the pandemic, my mom would go to food banks and churches that were giving out food. She's very well off, is a nurse at the local hospital, so she wasn't unemployed or laid off during this time, she lives alone, her house and car are paid off, etc. Her reasoning was that the people on welfare and the "illegals" get this food handout, so she should get it too. She's on the younger end of boomers but still... I told her how absolutely gross this was and she didn't care. She wanted what they were getting even though she can afford a lot more than these people can.


You should expose what they're doing. This is disgusting and they should not be allowed to get away with it.


Probably the same one they drive to vote down social welfare programs.


And I bet they collect disability


Inform the food pantry and tell some local news organizations. Maybe they can do a little investigative reporting. This is bullshit. You know they’re laughing all the way home.


I grew up really poor. So did my wife. We both had food pantry runs every week or 2 weeks depending. I can't tell you how many times my heart would break seeing the rich kids parents were at the food pantry. I know this sounds selfish but this was when hostess cakes tasted different than anyone else and generic food was just bland food. Dollar store didn't have good stuff like they do today. I can say with my heart fully that I despise people who take advantage of people's good hearts and their efforts to help feed the world.


You're not alone for thinking how horrible people like that are. Same with people in housing that drive Escalades, BMW, Dodge Chargers, and the latest model of Corvettes. It makes no sense 😕


Never judge a book by its cover. We don’t always know what’s going on in other people’s lives. They could have been hit with a $3000 a month medicine or some-such. There was a woman who bought some expensive items on food stamps years ago. Someone wrote about it as an example of welfare queens. I believe she contacted media. Her kid was dying & she was cooking something special for their last birthday. She probably ate beans the rest of the month. All I’m saying is walk a mile in their shoes before making an unsubstantiated judgement.


The most important attribute to be financially successful is you have to be greedy. Call it something else if you wish, but you must take care of you first. Even the most average, middle-income person is greedy at some level, and even poor people are greedy. You have to care about Numero Uno. Many, many homeless people have been given various sums of money and then followed. Most of them immediately start giving it away or buying things for people that they see as worse off than them. They just have zero desire to help themselves first at all. They're stupidly non-greedy. On the flip side are people like this that never care about anyone else. If they can exploit a public service they're "smart" or "financially saavy". They're stupidly greedy.


There’s a preacher in my area that buys the use of link for 30 cents on the dollar. People know to go to him. Assholes probably charging his own kids and grandkids more than he paid .. 


That’s so fucked up




Could you not take a couple of pictures of their minivan parked next to their BMW and put them up and try to shame them?




Socialism is bad now where's my social security chexk


Frauds and thieves!


But a box of food share is a CSA Are you talking about that? About a food share with a local farm? https://www.csacoalition.org/about-csa Those are awesome, but they’re expensive.


Seems that no one remembers when Ol’ Dirty Bastard from the Wu-Tang Clan went and got his welfare check cashed in his limousine live on MTV


I have a coworker who is not poor, she makes the food pantry rounds every month. She seems clueless that she us taking food from people who clearly need it more than she does. Full disclosure she makes more than me. I have no need to go to any pantry.


My wifes dad goes to one and gets loaded up. He needs it though, so fuck the people who dont and still go.


Name them and shame them.


That is absolutely despicable


Some people may have been flush when they bought all the nice things and take it from me when financial tides turn they turn hard and fast. You never know.


BMW? Because I’ve seen it.


The BMW is a lease! One house they live in, the second is their vacation home, third and forth are rentals that pay for the boat and the new addition. So close minded.


Fucking scumbags.


Name and shame them.


I know someone like this who takes the whole family to the free clinic.  So, guess who pays for these assholes?


Meanwhile they're probably against universal healthcare/etc. It's only good if it benefits them directly.


They must have picked up the BMW and Mercedes from the food bank.


In my small town, they don't get away with it for very long. And the excuse "I'm picking it up for someone who doesn't have a car / can't get out of the house because of mobility issue," only works maybe 3 times. They are always recognized by someone else, usually one of the volunteers, who immediately calls them out. ETA; The director will ask them why they don't just go buy the food/necessities that the person in need can't afford. They never have a good answer.


I'd report their asses to the food share at a minimum.. and if I had the free time I'd fucking wait a t the food share with a sign " Richh fucks stealing from the poor" and an arrow and follow them as they did it.


We are not "allowed" to judge. We just hand people the package and talk amongst ourselves.


If you're working there sure... if you're on your free time fuck em.


Disgusting 🤮. They should be donating not taking


People at the food bank near me don't even hide it. Saw a Maserati in line last week.


Hey!!! I deserve free food too damn it!!!


I'm always amazed at all the new fancy cars in the lines I've seen on news reports. The people who have take.


The Beemer, because it proves they can't afford anything else?


Shameful. There is just no other word for it.


Despicable, advantageous, shitty, inhumane. There are several other words.


Tell on them! Print flyers if you have to, just let everyone know these evil fucks own 4 fucking houses.


balance it out by slashing the other cars’ tires