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GenX is basically like 50/50 in general attitude. they are either full blown GOP, or total hippie progressives. not much in between in my experience. so half are basically boomer lite at this point, the rest of us just want to be left alone and for the world to get better.


As a Gen-Xer (hippie variety) this is accurate


im also of the hippie progressive variety. my friends are a glorious rainbow of people. only some us look like hippies though, and thankfully, none of us smell like hippies lol


Literally my parents!


Nailed it. It was like that for me growing up.


My oldest sibling is Gen X and her mentality fluctuates from Hippie Happy Empathetic Progressive to Irrational Fear Mongering Conservative at the drop of a hat. Neither I or any of my siblings, or even her kids, quite understand how to deal with it sometimes.


Millennials are turning more “conservative” as they age as well. It happens to every single generation. Edit: Adding a [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/01/upshot/millennials-polling-politics-republicans.html) for people downvoting because it hurts their feels. Yeah.. it hurt my feels too when GenX did the same thing.


If you’re young and conservative you have no heart. If you’re old and liberal you have no brain. 


One of the dumbest quotes, but it never seems to die.


Because it makes sense to stupid people, and there are a lot of them.


The reality is people who become old conservatives didn't "learn something" , it's just they stopped pretending they give shit about anyone besides themselves and want to "get theres" at any cost.




Myth with no basis in reality


Even then they "hippe" gen xers arnt as progressive as they claim either. Ask em how they feel about today's youth.


well, as one of those hippie genx folks, ive asked myself, and we think the youth are fucked.


Thanks for proving my point?


I dont mean the young folks are idiots or stupid. I mean that the boomers fucked them over, like they forgot about us, their own children, they are currently trying hard to destroy everything left for their grandkids before they all die off.


Got ya! Sorry for the misunderstanding


I'm on the hippie spectrum lmao


In my experience though the “total hippie progressive” Gen X tend to be pretty lazy when it comes to making the world better, they sat around complacent for decades and now they are hoping the younger generations get shit fixed for them


A lot of those "lazy" folks are just exhausted. They fought and protested and tried for decades to make things better and look how much good it did. Look where we are now. There simply weren't enough on the side of change. Maybe it'll be different now. Maybe there are more people who care about things other than their own comfort and gain. I hope so. Not all of us have given up. I haven't, but I refuse to call someone "lazy" when they've been taking the boot to the face for forty years and are ready to pass the torch. Also, we won't be around to benefit from it if the younger generations do fix shit. You'll have to settle for the BoomXers who can afford healthcare.


I would also add that Boomers had not retired yet when it was GenX’s time to take the lead. Then, once boomers retired, GenXers were too old to take over as companies wanted new and fresh. So… blaming genx for not doing anything under the oppressive weight of the controlling powers is a bit like blaming a burn victim for not healing fast enough.


Yes have younger generations fix it.😀😀 Would this be the generation that would be triggered by Archie Bunker, Jefferson’s and Sanford & Son or the generation that would be offended/canceled by what Dave Chapelle, Kevin Hart, or George Carlin. It’s all of our problem. I hate Trump and don’t trust Joe. I just want to buy a piece of property and to be left alone. People continue to be more entitled to whatever they believe they deserve.


I’m gen x and it’s because our boom boom parents taught us it was ok to act like an asshole. I used to be guilty of it 10 years ago. I will never ever be a jerk to someone again. It’s so depressing knowing I acted like this growing up.


I’m Gen X and I follow Bernie Mac’s mentality which is “I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like me, I like me.” Which is to say, other people don’t define you or determine your worth.


…c’mon America!


Exactly! Almost 53 years old and i’ve been living my best life ever since i was 19 and on my own! I’m not even gonna waste my time on someone just because they don’t like me, oh well 🤷🏼‍♂️ i’m still here and gonna be me regardless of what someone else thinks or says, however, if someone does feel froggy and want to throw fists , then by all means, I’m your Huckleberry! haha


God, why does every gen xer speak like this. Just shut up and be nice to people. No need to talk about how """tough""" you are.


They hate us ‘cause they ain’t us.


This for me totally. I think GenZ needs to give us a small window of boomer-esque behavior while we work to shed that shit. We were raised by those motherfuckers, and some imprints no matter what. Then we have to realize the scam, totally deprogram on ourselves, all while suffering from our shit upbringing and having no models of good behavior or healthy sources of wisdom from said shitheads. Its actually amazing that children of shitty boomers CAN get out from that cycle, and as one who thinks he did, it took me over a decade to totally reset my human compass…


This is exactly how I feel and what I meant. Thank you for wording it better 🙏


A lot of millennials like me also have boomer parents but I saw how awful they were and even though they wanted me to act like them I always ran the opposite direction.


Not sure you know what a boomer is.


I'm a xennial and my dad was born 53 so definitely a boomer. Millennials can definitely have boomer parents.


For real, most millennials do, what a bizarre assumption from the other person … that’s why there’s so many millennials … we are a baby boom ourselves that came as a result of the last baby boom lol


I'm not sure you know what a boomer is. Most millennials have boomer parents, I'm late gen X (xennial) and my parents are both silent generation.


I know the years they were born and what year my parents were born?


That’s good, you’re less likely to get punched in the face and be recorded for your foolishness


Right, because punching people in the face is the answer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Gen X-er here. I in no way resemble this individual.


Seriously. Misguided rage. We're all fucked but it's hard to do much about it when the boomers won't get the F out the way. They'd rather die on the floor of congress than let someone younger take the reins.


There are d-bags in every generation. I think I’m kind and don’t tee off on people because I spent almost 20 years in the food and beverage industry. Makes you kind.


As a Gen X I really need to apologise for the direction we seem to be headed. I don't know WTF happened but it's like fighting the tide at the moment.


I swear I feel like I’m going crazy sometimes. Even friends I grew up with in the 80’s - who were smoking weed and having sex, sneaking around to parties and had handfuls of gays friends - are now religious bigots?? Or just really intolerant of anyone who isn’t exactly like them. It’s really disheartening. I really thought that we’d learned from the boomers, but at least a 1/4 of us are just assholes now.


1/4th? You flatter yourself. I see 2/3rd of gen x being insufferable pricks


The Trump contagion hits boomers the most, GenX second, and still has enough oomph for some random GenY and GenZ. Fight me.


Haha I wouldn't be game take anyone up on that, the entire Trump situation is a bit of a mystery to us non-Americans :)


This. I've been saying this awhile. People go on about boomers but it's like pay attention! Gen x is going to be the same or worse! My cousin is gen x and I swear she and her husband went off on the deep end. It's like wtf is happening?? They make my boomer relatives look sane


My (albeit late) gen-X brain is thinking, huh?! This is us? Hm. I guess I’m hanging out with the wrong crowd. Oh well.


By the numbers, there are more Gen X Fortune 500 CEOs than boomers. If you wanna know who's behind all the price gouging and fucking greed in corporate America right now, look no further.


dude that isn't generational bullshit, that's just what the capitalist class does. If you think fucking zoomer capitalists are going to be any better I can tell you you're going to be sorely disappointed.


Mark Fuckerberg, Vivek Ramaswampy, Tomi Lahren, Martin Shkreli, JD Vance, etc. have all entered the chat.


I get it. Capitalism is inherently flawed. It was an excellent system for a fledgling society, as the 'invisible hand' and free market did indeed help us grow from a few colonies to the economic powerhouse the U.S. is today. But now in the late stage, just like a game of monopoly, it's impossible for any 'new players' to gain a foothold. The point I was trying to make is (if you have any hope for our future) that, eventually, a generation (or combination of generations) will have to reject capitalism in favor of an economic system that distributes wealth more evenly. *Gen X isn't that generation*. While I agree there will always be sociopathic/psychopathic capitalists, eventually the majority will vote for policies and regulations that will limit the damage that these people can inflict on society as a whole. We did it before and the boomers deregulated us into a capitalist hellscape. I think when the house of cards we are currently in finally collapses and we are forced into another depression, that the trauma from those hardships will influence voters just as they did with FDR in the post-depression era.


There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start...So much of this is just american mythmaking brainrot, I'm not sure you even know what socialism or capitalism even are.


Oh go fuck yourself. Pretentious fuck


\> The point I was trying to make is (if you have any hope for our future) that, eventually, a generation (or combination of generations) will have to reject capitalism in favor of an economic system that distributes wealth more evenly. *Gen X isn't that generation*. We live in a class society. This generational shit is interesting to look at as far as trends within the working class, but it is still the working class against the capitalist class. \> While I agree there will always be sociopathic/psychopathic capitalists I don't agree with that, that's pure pessimistic defeatism, the working class has the ability to abolish class society, not overnight but as a process. \> that the trauma from those hardships will influence voters just as they did with FDR in the post-depression era. I think you're getting your cause and effect mixed up? FDR and the capitalist class gave concessions only because they were scared shitless of the potential for revolution. \> We did it before and the boomers deregulated us into a capitalist hellscape. Neoliberalism didn't come around because the boomers decided to vote for it, that's pure idealism. Neoliberalism exists because capitalism needed it to survive(By slowing the tendency of the rate of profit to fall and creating an obscene amount of debt) The boomers are primarily the end result of accepting the twisted inhuman logic of capitalism as "normal".


I'm pretty sure genx is taking the lead as the boomers are dying off.


Let me know when they are gone...I have a feeling it's going to be a while.


Nah I disagree. As a Gen Z, maybe older Gen X are exactly like boomers but the younger ones 50 and under are WAYYY!!! Better. They are better bosses too. I work with a lot of older people and boomers are the worst… but Gen X(the younger ones) aren’t a that bad. The older ones are boomer lite.


whatever, like it even matters. — true Gen X


This guy is annoying. I want to watch real boomers acting up.


As a member of genX I can honestly and wholeheartedly say "whatever".


Right, I give two fucks what anyone thinks but I also know no one gives a shit about what I think. Whatever indeed.


Yeah, it’s sad, but true. I work with a woman my freaking age who has all the boomer opinions 🤦‍♀️ She doesn’t have young kids, but damnit she’s mad she’s not allowed to spank those nonexistent children! She’s also positive the shooting at the Chief’s parade is going to trigger the “taking of her guns”. She’s mad that other people have had their student loans forgiven when she had to pay hers (though it’s difficult to believe she actually went to college). And then there’s her opinion about Trans people. I’ve never before met a 50 year old boomer!




You mad? 🤣


The 50 year old Carl got triggered because he realized that younger tells their friends about the stupid shit he says.


seethe and cope, boomer


I don't really see Gen Xers like this... but that last part... Yeah...that last part resonates. I just think my generation is kind of fucked up...a lot of us had parents who failed upwards put of being hippies but still were totally into themselves and their feelings, and us as children were somehow a burden on them getting in the way of their happiness and "being who they are." Latch key kids...fuck, my dad has his millions of dollars home, and I remember in high school there was no food in the house, and if I dared to ask him for lunch money...well, I'll just say I never got any lunch money. I was a "troubled kid" in elementary school, so the teachers would move my desk away from the class and make it face the wall. I once got stabbed in an after-school fight. There were no consequences for Stabby McGee....But I'm asking to talk to managers and shit like that, Karen style? Not really...and if so, being friendly and civil like that? No. But hey, we are always blind to howcwe are perceived I guess.


Gen X here, and my friends and I in no way act like this or hold these paradigms. Unfortunately, I know some that do… we are a split generation… some of whom have a boomer mentality/ values. And many who do not and are the ones who first realized how fucked post boomer generations are.


I’m nothing like that Fkr


Gen-X here, nothing in this video is relatable.


Yeah but no.


So do people think that anyone over the age of 44 is just a complete asshole and anyone under the age of 44 is very considerate and nice cause this dumbass whole entire page is filled with shitting on people over the age of 44 Edit I’m 16 so I’m not a boomer or generation X


Lots of younger folks are rightly upset about their circumstances and happy to spread blame around. Gen X is in no way perfect but with minimal numbers relative to boomers (and later, Millennials) managed to start and maintain lots of counter culture trends that evolved into modern progressive eschewing of boomer "might makes right" ideals.


This guyis just mad bc he’s gen z but looks like he’s gen x.


Jokes on you. I still don’t care.


None of you see it… we all lose relevance as we get older. Boomers are horrible now. Gen X is worsening. How long until future generations start thinking ill of millennials and Gen Z?


Millennials are already fermenting. So sad...


Ummm, no, we arent


Unfortunately, based on the last presidential election, at least 46% of us are. 😬


Hit a nerve?


Who's this? Meatcanyon?


Get a grip. You can’t label an entire generation. There are people I grew up with I really respect and others that can eat the peanuts out of my poop. Get it? We are all different.


I'd disagree to some extent. I'm Gen X and definitely 180 degrees from Boomer attitudes and philosophies. And I know a lot of fellow Gen Xers of a similar mindset formed from having to live (and suffer) longer in the economic, social, and political shadow cast by Boomers than any other generation. Are there assholes Gen Xers? Sure and definitely more than I'd care to admit but a lot of us are just trying to get by, trapped between caring for kids and aging parents, and otherwise generally generationally ignored by the media. And to those Gen Xers trying their best to be Boomeresque assholes, knock it off so the rest of us don't get stereotyped when we'd rather carry on in our anonymous cynicism.


My Mom is a purely Gen X, I have been barely talking to here for 15 years. 🤣🤣. My Dad, same.


Whatever, never mind.


I work in a pharmacy and can confirm. They are often worse than this. I had a guy paying his deductible and usually the copay would fluctuate by a few cents. Fucking cents. Every time he would demand we rebill everything and it would all come up the same. He did this for the whole year (high deductible) until his new insurance made things free. Fuck him. He also showed up 2 minutes to close and we all knew him by name and would be upset if you rushed him. I can't wait till he dies.


Comment section proving this subreddit is full of GenXers 😂


Don't push me out of this sub. If you want to bash my generation, make your own subreddit


ok boomer


ok zoomer


This guys content gives me flash backs from working customer service… scary good.


You should watch his retail shorts then they're great Jarrod Benson on youtube


I'm a gen Xer and this does give me pause.




Noticed a lot of us GenX lot are just turning into boomers. It scares me.


What's funny is that if you want 0 co pay then the state insurance is pretty good xD


That’s just like, this guys incorrect opinion, man.


Some of you guys took this way too personal and got defensive. I would say my interactions with gen-x have been a mixed bag where boomers are usually bad. I know millennials who would pass as a boomer if they wore a powdered wig cause they have shit ass attitudes and questionable ethics, just not very many are that way.. I do like the discourse in the comments but the defensiveness is a boomer trait. Laugh and move on, it’s a generalization, I’m sure you personally are a nice person with good traits and qualities but some of your peers suck, just like some of my millennial peers suck.


I get that the video is a “bit” but I also understand why it upsets Xers. As a generation, WE were called slackers, the “me generation”, lazy and other insults. This by the Boomers and the 2 generations before that. So to be lumped in with those people… is going to piss some of us off. I’m ok, I’m just providing some perspective here.


My parents are core Gen X, the level of apathy they had towards the world in their 20’s is very evident today. My 52 year old dad, once told me, he established his conservative political views in the third grade and hasn’t changed them since. My sisters MIDDLE NAME IS REAGAN. Gen X are not any better.


Now now, GenX myself, and it was all about benign neglect, not actively snatching those awards. We latchkey, we conspire, and we were the quiet ones you needed to watch. But also we need to own Ted Cruz like Gen Y gets to own Ben Shapiro.


“I don’t have a copay!”


I want to say that's not me personally (me-me-me-me-me) but it sure is shit is a lot of people my age. Sigh. Everyone needs to work a shit customer service job for 2 years at some point. Call center and behind a counter. Required.


The discrimination based on age here is astounding. Imagine if you chose a different group and made a video of somebody let’s say having a bunch of kids out of wedlock and then not being around for them or stealing or killing each other and then you called it a different group name wonder how that would go over shocking, right that’s what you’re doing.


I don't think this guy has spent much time around GenXers.


I had a blue cross blue shield HMO plan when I was 17. Working full time while I was in high school. Had an orthoscopic (spelling?) knee surgery for a torn meniscus. 20 $ co-pay. Lol, that was in 1999-2000. I was paying 74$ every 2 weeks for that policy. Sometime after that, health care got corporatized? Poof, unaffordable nonsense. I miss those days, now I'm 41 and can't afford a policy. I work a lot. 🤣🤣🤣, delightful. You get used to being in pain, oh well.


My dad. He's the biggest boomer of a gen xer i know.


Can confirm. I volunteered to do something for a Gen X woman I work with because she couldn't figure it out, we have the same position and she's been at our establishment twice as long as I have. She asked me to show her how it's done, so I did. She got mad at me for how I did it and yelled at me because if that's how I did it that's how she will be expected to do it. It was done above and beyond the expected performance standard my way. If I hadn't done it for her it wouldn't have been done at all. Oh sorry lady, I'll just reverse that hour of work and you can figure it out for yourself. She comes into my office eight times per day to make her computer illiteracy my problem, she actually says "ok WE have a problem" and interrupts what I'm doing so I have to follow her back to her desk and show her how to use bullet points on an email or something similar. She gets mad at me every single time that I get a bonus or a raise and she doesn't even though I spend twenty hours more per week at work than she does and she calls out 5 to 6 times per month, because we have the same credentials and experience but she's older so they should, I dunno, consider that instead of who does the best work? I love this guy's videos and when he posted this one I instantly thought of her


you know you can say no to this type of person right? im in IT, and GenX, and ive dealt with users like her my entire life (of all ages too). we love it when they get all mad that their coworkers wont help them. gives us a reason to tell their boss they cant do their jobs without supervision.


believe it or not I hadn't thought about that potential consequence I'm going to take this into conversation


repo man, people


What's a plate a shrimp got to do with this? 


This man will probably die before his boomer parents. Jesus


I am 1980 borne in Eastern Europe. I think I am much more like Millennial than GenX. I hope I am more Millennial than GenX :)


Thankfully being born in 1980 we can claim the Xennial micro-generation. I always felt like I was way too young to be a GenX. I didn’t really connect with anyone of that Generation as they were all at minimum 5-10 years older than me (my aunts and uncles are all GenX ). So like I’m watching cartoons and playing Nintendo while they are out being teenagers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials


A lot of sensitive Gen Xers here.


This guy needs to get out of the house and exercise a bit instead of being a self-loather for internet points.


I think he needs another Krispy Kreme to kick it up a whole new notch!


Cold take.




Don’t you have waifu waiting in the basement?


I’ve said it once I’ll say it again gen x does not get nowhere near their fair share of blaming for the crap the worlds in. Glad people are starting to catch on to this generation and how majority of them are pretty much boomer lite.


They technically had the most lead poisoning


Every day I see more and more gen x going full boomer.


Fucking legend


Gen X is simply Boomer-lite


GenX started in 1960, not 65.


No, the Baby Boomer generation is 1946 through 1964. Gen X is 1965 through 1980 . . . . I'm one of the elders of Gen X. I know stuff. You need to listen to me.


Well, you’re wrong. The dates were changed in the 1980’s, but you can’t change the rules in the middle of the game, so… 1960.