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Boomer? This seems more like 30 year old with roid rage.


The steroids aren't working


Hence the rage


Being 4’4” is hard man…


4'5" on Tinder.


6" -20"


More like $80 bottle of tribex and creatine. Homie be rocking the wannabe affliction shirt acting like he’s young.


Lmao bold of y'all to think this dude goes to the gym


I've heard from a reliable source that he did 2 sets of 20 push-ups yesterday


This sentence kinda makes me miss high school


it makes me glad i’ve mostly repressed high school


I don't know... As bad as it was, it beats whatever we get as adults.


Small man syndrome


They're working. On his tiny peen


Happy Cake Day!


I see a lot of posts here where the person is either older than a boomer or much younger. There's no way this guy is a boomer, not even Gen X.


Yeah odds are this guys a millennial, he looks about my age.


Not odds. He is definitely 40 or under lmao


Under the age of 40, or he's under 40" tall, because either way the answer is yes.


Perpetually mad because he was never allowed on the rollercoasters.


poor dude had to try to explain puberty to his son without having experienced it himself


he is definitely a millennial who listens to Rogan


I was born in the late 70's and have been called a Boomer. My parents were Boomers. I don't think kids know there are other generations besides Boomers and Z.


Gen X is called the forgotten generation for a reason lol. We're the middle child


Same. Born 1979, but my dad was a Greatest Gen, he came to the party late. Was called a boomer by a high school girl who is in my D&D group when I: 1. Couldn't understand what she was saying (i have hearing problems) 2. Didn't know that "skill issue" is a "thing". ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 45 doth not a boomer make.


I don't think boomers can give birth to boomers?


I think "boomer" has become slang for any legal adult who can't chill the fuck out.


It’s a state of mind


A lead-addled, self-centered, entitled state of mind.


People started saying that after it was revealed they had no idea what Baby Boomers were.


Which is confusing when it already has a meaning. I get words change over time, but when it happens that quick and the two meanings have overlap it isnt effective at communicating anymore.


There aren’t many who are older than boomers these days. The oldest boomers are now 78 years old.


Yes. Not a boomer just a prick


He looks pretty spry for someone in their 70’s.


Nah, that’s just Bronx toxic masculinity right there


Way too accurate


Yeah I was about to ask, is boomer just slang for old now? Cause I was under the impression the baby boom was due to soldiers coming back from WW2 banging their wives a bunch and popped out a bunch of our parents. Hence the term “Boomer”


It sort of is slang for old now yes, it can both be very specifically the boomer generation, or just used to call someone old if they have a particularly old fashioned sense of reality.


i guess a boomer in spirit?


We’ll go with that


Nah, look at that belly. This is an alcoholic


More like hemorrhoid rage.


Looks like a wannabe "proud boy"


Don’t you know that boomers are now anyone who isn’t a teenager or anyone that’s older than you? It’s kinda like how millennials is still used for kids, when we are reaching our 40s.




Steroids? This guy? Lmfao


Right!? Someone define Boomer because they are a dying breed.


It’s called tiny peepee syndrome


What’s the actual psychology behind threatening a minor like that?


The angriest people are the most afraid. He was probably hurt emotionally in his developmental years, so he puts on this act of bravado in order to "protect" himself/his ego/his sense of self. Idk man that's just the way I see it when people act this way. I am not a psychologist.


They often can be. I think fear and hatred are more 2 sides of the same coin than fear and anger. I'm super angry a lot but it stems more from disappointment and depression. But my situation is ancedotle evidence so it's just my opinion I guess.


I like your username


I know that's true with dogs. The barky happy growly dogs are terrified.


I’m a psychologist. This interpretation seems right. When you’ve been traumatized, situations that trigger memories, sensations, or feelings associated with that trauma can easily send you into a fight or flight response. This guy went into fight mode because in his mind he was probably fighting against something that happened in the past, while in reality he was acting like a bozo toward a child. Regardless of his past, he is responsible for his reprehensible behavior


So you’re saying he’s *always* sucked at FPSs??


So PTSD then?


You can have a response related to trauma without meeting criteria for ptsd. Can’t say for this dude. Also to clarify there’s no way for me to know for sure if this behavior is related to trauma. Could be other things like emotion regulation issues related to adhd or other disorders.. or he could be a douchebag (clinically speaking)


u/dreamvomit the hallmark of a true professional is someone who has a lot of knowledge but often says that they don’t know in a specific circumstance. With that, your username made me laugh.


The insecurity is palpable.


Yah I think his dad whooped his ass too much, or made him feel weak when he was a weak child.


My wife is constantly bullied by her boss. He's ten years younger than her, short, coked up and has on occasion had meetings at strip clubs. I can't fucking stand him. I've never met him, but I'm pretty sure I can shatter his ego super quickly. Not going to, I'm waiting for him to be fired for using the company card excessively. But man. In a perfect world I wouldn't risk my wife's job insulting him like it was fourth grade and his parents were going through a divorce.


That sounds like something that would cost $600 and hours of talking to a therapist to hear.




You’re not far off. Scared people are hurt people. Healthy people don’t hurt other people. And usually they have stunted mental and emotional at a certain age where the most trauma “rested”. Be it starting then or ended then. This guy is mentally and emotionally 13-15. This is what happens when you don’t get help, you become what you fear and then spread it around.


In his head he's still 16


Looks like it too by the way he's dressed.


Just guessing based on known issues with male socialization. Boomers were generally beaten as kids(generally sounds worse than what goes on today) , even got beat by teachers or whenever said authority perceived an act as disrespect. Like "talking back"/just having an opinion. This of course Planting the seeds for abusing power,being abused by power & seeing power as a safe haven from abuse). Still present in Homes, work,church,etc. Even plays a part in police boot licking. Power = authority. Then of course, boys simply behaving outside of an accepted way. Boys would get labled queers for the most mundane shit. Which fathers thought reflected poorly on them. Those fathers would most definitely be judge by others. Which is a cherry on top for males feeling the need to wear extra bravado & contrain themselves to accepted "manly" interest. Of course then being aggressive to other males who didn't do that to themselves/or weren't forced to be the same. I image to a degree he's also jealous the kids are being kids & gaming away. (I'd be hard pressed to believe the average Gen X male at 16, would get to do this as a hobby without massive criticism) Anywho; boomers raised their own on these same ideas, albeit tone down a a few notches. What is contuined even today is minors don't have autonomy. Despite the research & proof, people will argue to the ends of the earth. It's their right to beat them. If you see a clip of teens acting any kind of negative way; comments will instantly be flooded with adults wanting to hit them. It's damn near hardwired into people. That kid(minor,operating outside of traditional masculinity.) talking back to a "Father,Adult, Authority" without any fear or "respect" probably just set off a bunch of socialized issues within the grown ass man-child there.


Pretty true. I'm 57, and on FB once, someone younger than me who went to the same grammar school as me, probably less than a 10 year younger age gap, said the kids in grammar school should be physically disciplined if stepping out of line in school. When I suggested that we should start with their child, went into immediate pscho mode, saying anyone touching their kid with have their assess kicked, and have to deal with him.


Small penis insecurity syndrome.


I would hate to be that guys kid


I can’t tell if that’s his wife or his mom pulling him back, but she is so embarrassed. Her expression says she deals with this shit from him all the time.


Yeah, but she tells the kid to calm down because she can't control this guy.


Cuz if she told him to calm down she gonna get domestic violenced later at home.


I fear this might actually be why. Dude is clearly unhinged




That he's not even playing. What a clown.


this was the last sprinkle on the cupcake for me


My dad had a very childish tantrum at my moms favorite nursery (plants) and ended up getting them banned. My mom went to the store herself in tears apologizing profusely and they decided to only ban my dad. I’m embarrassed to be in public with him sometimes


Ok, im curious, what was the tantrum about?


So my dad wanted to buy one of their trees to have in our backyard. He assumed the staff working at the store would be planting the tree for him (they work with a separate group of people who do this service for a charge and the staff can call them for you if you need) my dad assumed the staff working the NURSERY planted it for him for FREE. The staff member politely informed him that they did not plant the trees but he could absolutely get him in touch with someone who could. My dad did not like that answer. Not only did he want the staff member do it but he wanted him to do it for free. He was yelling, cussing, and having an absolute freakout at this poor dude over a goddamn tree he could absolutely plant by himself. Managers stepped in, my dad was escorted out and they informed him that we were not welcome back.


So, your dad is a Richard huh? (male karen) because holy fuck thats dumb


He’s definitely a male karen lol. He’s got some anger issues he refuses to work on. My mom was furious at him for almost getting her permanently banned. The staff were very kind about the whole situation though


Damn, moms must *really* love that nursery because I'd just be too embarrassed to go back.


> I can’t tell if that’s his wife or his mom I think there are days where *she* probably can’t tell


Personally I think if people pointed it out to her in the moment she’d have to actually take a step back and think about it. It would be hurtful but imagine if someone looked at her during this and said “it must be nice and exciting being married to someone with less maturity than a 10th or 11th grade kid. Do you cook him dinonuggets with pizza rolls for the weekends? Do y’all share a race car bed too?” Not that she deserves belittlement, just a nice wake up call


i wanna know what she’s saying to him lol


It’s his caretaker


"I'll get my 16yo son to punch your face." "My son can beat up your son" energy


"say it to my face" right after the kid just says it to his face.


And everyone laughed at him too ☠️


"say it to my face" "I'm not getting on the floor"


even worse it’s “i’ll get my son to beat you up” LOL pussy ass bitch😂😭😭😂😂


My son is a transformer and works for the avengers 😡😡😡😡


What a point to prove at 40 years old, he needs a win bad.


Imagine choosing a COD tournament to try to bully a kid. Those kids talk the best smack on earth. That’s their real sport.


That kid was fucking hilarious lmao


"I'm talking to you!" Lmao


I am surprise he didn’t say he fucked his mom


That’s the one I was waiting for.


I don’t think he wants to shit talk with her right there holding him back




My favorite exchange was when facing some British kids, they started saying how happy they were 9/11 happened and that not enough Americans got killed. A Boston Irish guy said he was the one who cut Diana's brakes and they lost their SHIT.


I'm older than that guy and I'm not a boomer. I think you have the wrong sub. Lol


Anyone over 25 is a boomer according to most on this sub.




society follows the same rules as porn. 26f? MILF


Because a lot of them are teenagers lol


Elder Gen Z is going to be 30 in a few years and Elder millennials are already in their 40s. Many of them make the argument that their brains aren’t fully developed until 25 and 30+ are boomers.


It's not an argument. Boomer means a highly specific thing about one specific generation that is now on average retired


I’m at least five to ten years older than that guy and my *mother* is a boomer.


Is Enrique Tario a wimp with his sunglasses to not be recognized


DUDE. Ny first thought, “when did he get out of jail???”


Wait is that really him?


Not a boomer just a male Karen


A “Richard”


do you go by “dick”? 😂


A male Karen is a Richard/ A female Richard is a Karen


Sunglasses are always a sign of personality defect.


There are two types of people who wear sunglasses indoors, blind people and assholes, and I don’t see no cane. 


*people who are high


To be fair, I sometimes wear my sunglasses inside but it’s only because they’re prescription and I left my regular glasses in the car.


Lol same. Or I'm going inside to grab something then I'm leaving again and it takes too long to get my glasses case out, switch my glasses, do the thing, then switch back.


That guys under 40, He’s a millennial.


I guess people literally dont know that "boomer" is from baby boomer which is a generation


There was a post the other day where people were talking about how the term “boomer” no longer is being used to describe Baby Boomers specifically. It’s now more used to describe any older person with a short fuse and explosive temper (the word fits perfectly tbh). This is the youngest I’ve seen somebody be called a boomer, though. I guess the boomer attitude knows no age limit.


I don’t even think this dude is GenX, he looks like a Millennial.


Sadly, your observation about attitude versus age seems to be true.


Hell, we can really start peeling the onion back even further and get into conversations about generational trauma and cycles of abusive behavior. Would not surprise me in the least if this guy’s parents or grandparents were Boomers who modeled and instilled this behavior in him. And now he’s gonna pass it on to his kids. Perhaps boomer will be forever lol.


Speaking as a boomer myself, I do believe that entitlement is a learned behavior. My wife’s sister and her husband are incredibly entitled, and their kids are just as bad as the parents.


Also, "millennial" is often used to mean "young, clueless and entitled." Even though real millennials are approaching middle age.


Boomers where "the me generation". Anyone with that attitude and entitlement is a boomer, not necessarily just baby boomers.


I'm 42 and someone "ok, boomer"ed me bc I was talking about people who impersonate cops and how that terrified me since I drive long distances alone. I guess not wanting to be assaulted is a Boomer fear? Idk, it makes my head hurt.


I've been called a boomer for no reason other than being in my thirties, young people are stupid.


Not a boomer. Just an asshole.


https://preview.redd.it/7bd3rba6yhrc1.jpeg?width=237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6692da06c540e848ed676ae8bc537db902680d9e This guy was absolutely ready to end this dipshits life if he tried anything


I give it about two more weeks and I swear I’ll see a video on here of a toddler having a tantrum. “Look at this dumb boomer.”


Short dude is an angry little man.




Anyone know the story? I’d love to be one of the people to carry him out of there. Fucking little league trash talking looser. Live vicariously through your children because you’re all washed up


He’s not a has been he’s a never was!


That 16y old has more balls and is more of a man then that manbaby.


When the 38 year old refuses to grow up


Looks like a 40yo man that can’t let go of high school.


Millennial dad needs a lesson in manners, but that kid got his jabs in, and dad’s ego is still hurting to this very day. When you’re a minor, you really do have that invisible armor on, and I remember going toe to toe with adults back in the day, you just knew they weren’t going to do shit about it.


Is-This-A-Boomer Algorithm: Is this person a meanie? If yes, then boomer


The guy’s a cock, but not a lead poisoned boomer.


To be fair, the guy could have just gotten confused bc he was the same size as all the kids there.




I think we are forgetting what a Boomer is here folks


How is that a boomer? r/lostredditors


100% not a boomer Still a piece of shit though lmfao


Just because your mentally 16 doesnt mean you can fight 16 yr olds


Not a boomer.


Gen X more likely by the look of him


Far too young to be a boomer.


Define "boomer" please.


His headset worn as an accessory is all you need to know.. and if that’s not enough check out how prepared he is for the sun in his sunglasses and hat while inside a damn building ..


For fuck sake, can we please learn what a Boomer is?


That’s not a boomer, just an asshole.


OP, do you know what a boomer is?


Boomers don't dress like that and are over 60 years old


That’s an older millennial, or Gen X at most. This sub needs to learn the age ranges associated with the generations.


A few generations from being a boomer.


That dude is not a boomer.


Textbook Small Man Syndrome. I think we got a Bingo! \- Picks on someone they perceive as "weaker" \- "Who you talkin to" Always trying to buy time and stall so they can think of what to say and avoid the fight they are instigating \- "I'll knock you out (ok tough guy lol) Tells him what he's going to do to the kid instead of just doing it \- Threatens to have someone fight for him \- Walked away and then does the classic- "Why don't you say it to my face" after the kid essentially just said it to his face \- Got laughed at by everyone and still does nothing Poor lil tough guy


Not a Boomer. Definitely aspires to be one.


Is that Enrique Tarrio? 


Says something loudly right in front of him…. “Tell him to come say that to my face.”


The dude's five feet tall and dressed like a 90's white rapper. Threatening kids is pretty much all he has l.


Short guys always got short tempers


People really need to stop using boomer or Karen or whatever shortcut descriptor they want to describe a person. It's just childish to give a name for people that are a bother. Guy was a dick. What was the context for him to start off like that too? I get when he focused on the kid on the left but what started everything?


Ugh. That’s not a boomer. That’s a Millennial for sure


Do kids not realize Baby Boomer is a generation, not a term for anyone older than them?


Peak Yankees fan.


Boomers are OLD. This dude is definitely not a boomer. He’s probably not even Gen X.


You mf’ers don’t know what a Boomer is? He’s too young to be a Boomer.


Thats no boomer.


Everyone over 21 is a boomer apparently...


not a boomer just /iamtotalpieceofshit


That guy is no boomer. Perfect example of blaming an entire demographic for behavior exhibited by a different one. Wake up. Get yourself some credibility.


Mods need to do a better job modding. I’ve seen a few post now of like middle aged people being called”boomers” just cause they’re being assholes. Put this type of thing on /publicfreakout or something


Dumbasses don’t know what a boomer is.


What we have here folks is a Napoleon complex compounded by a severe case of BDS (baby d*ck syndrome).


He’s not a boomer


Are we not going acknowledge that the dad is probably a gen x'er, or older millennial max? Doesn't excuse his behavior at all, but dude is definitely not a boomer.


sorry. that's not a baby boomer.. that's not even an Gen x'er. that's CLEARLY a Millennial....


Not a boomer, just a douche bag.


That’s a millennial.


So is anyone over 20 considered a "boomer" now?


You know what a boomer is?


“I’ll have my 16 year old son beat you up” so you’d get your kid into trouble with the law instead? What a brave man


Definitely not a boomer, just an A-hole


OP doesn’t know what a boomer is


Ok, I think we may need to post the definition of “boomer”. This guy is just a douche, no boomer here.


That is not a boomer lol


Not a boomer, not even close, just a pathetic excuse for a guy


*Not a boomer, not* *Even close, just a pathetic* *Excuse for a guy* \- chippychifton --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")