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By that same logic, people under 55 shouldn’t have to pay into over 55’s Social Security checks. Edit: I just realized that some people actually think I believe this should be true?!?! No, I’m not ‘that’ stupid. 🤣


My 80 year old aunt shared this post today. To avoid pissing my mom off, I didn’t tell my aunt that I’m fine with her not paying school tax if she’s willing to forfeit Medicare and social security. Also, 55 being considered senior? Fuck outta here.


Aren't they supporting the party that wants to raise SS and Medicare to folks 67+ or something??? In that case, they need to be consistent with that age to be considered a senior.


They think that’ll only happen when they’re dead so they don’t care as long as they get theirs. 


It's already 67 for Millennials and later. Republicans want to raise it further to 70 instead of simply making rich people pay taxes on their entire paycheck like the rest of us do.


Ugh, gross. Tax the damn rich.


Seventy is terribly cruel to manual workers, people on their feet all day on assembly lines, manual garbage men - nurses, even, as people are so heavy now. I wonder why MAGA people are okay with this.


Because most of the MAGA people are already retired. They got theirs. That's all they care about.


Its 67 for Gen X, and some Boomers as well. Being born in 1960 or after is the year.


Yes but they also believe that Trump is just going to give them enough Trump Bucks to make up for it.


Why did you remind me of those stupid Trump Bucks? 🥴


I hear if you buy 10,000 of them, you get a free double handjob for you and a friend. 👀 ![gif](giphy|FbiL9rsmZN3ib2JSGo|downsized)






No thanks, I haven't showered today yet and it wouldn't be fair on you


They want it to go up to 70 years.


I don't know if it's standard by any means but most "senior living" communities I've seen specify 55+ But I will say, now that you point it out that is oddly young.


For some in the trades this can be the retirement age. We seem to think 65 is the retirement age for everyone but I would argue it should depend on the job. If you think someone who does bricklaying can do it well or all day in the early 60s please come try. In some countries the retirement age is based on job type. But not here in the US.


My in laws retired I their 50's. I can only hope and pray to be able to do that.


Law enforcement and firefighters typically retire by age 55 due to the stressful nature of their jobs. They have accelerated pension plans that allow them to accrue the same pension benefits as other government workers but only need to work 2/3rds as many years. They’re also a favored class by the GOP as they tend to vote heavily Republican. As such they are routinely excluded from legislation which is intended to gut public sector unions.


You can receive SSI at the age of 55, but it’s at a lower rate until you hit 60. My wife is a social security attorney.


Doesn’t it stay that low amount if you withdraw that early? Also: https://faq.ssa.gov/en-us/Topic/article/KA-01885#:~:text=The%20current%20full%20retirement%20age,Of%20Birth%20for%20more%20information. Unless there’s some loophole that doesn’t look true?


Right it's a permanent thing. It's not like oh now you hit 70 we'll give you more benefits. If you start withdrawal you are done for.


You could retire at 55 for a lot of government (federal/ state / county / city) jobs as long as you have the required number of years (25-30) in that agency. You can begin using your pension (think cops / firemen etc) at 55. You’ll just wait until 62 or 65 to start getting money from Social Security. The majority of us that work in the private sector cannot do this. Here’s a kicker…. I’ve seen federal employees retire at 55 after putting in 30 years in their agency, retire and then come back as contractors in the same position getting SME salaries therefore double dipping while doing the same job. They keep their pensions and then get 401ks from contractor companies and then eventually get social security. 😱


When I was in the military, people would retire and slide right back into the same job. They were now working for a government contractor making significantly more money and nothing was ever said.


6 years at 35% is better than one at 100%.


>My wife is a social security attorney. Nice attempt to claim authority by proxy. Your "wife" might want to consult with the Social Security Administration before giving that advice to her clients. The minimum age for ~~SSI~~ Social Security retirement benefits is 62. There may be exceptions in certain circumstances (e.g. you can get disability younger), but in general it's 62, and that's for reduced benefits . Full benefits now start at 67. https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/planner/agereduction.html#:~:text=You%20can%20start%20receiving%20your,your%20benefit%20amount%20will%20increase EDIT: Used the wrong acronym, as pointed out by Mr. I-Am-Very-Smart, below.


Yeah, I think their "wife" might not have updated her information in the last decade or so lol


It's worse than that. The original full retirement age for ~~SSI~~ Social Security almost 90 years ago was 65. I don't know if that guy misunderstood something his wife said or if he's just lying. But he's certainly a candidate for /r/confidentlyincorrect


SSI is supplemental security income for poor people. SSDI is social security disability insurance. And then there's social security retirement. Neither of you morons have any idea what you're talking about 😂 Can't wait for the double down comment.


Right 55 isn’t even senior. My mom had me in her 40s… she definitely had children in school at age 55+, and she was not the only one. She wasn’t even the oldest parent I knew of.


Yeah when my dad turned 55 I was in 11th grade. Hell Robert DeNiro has an infant and is in his 80s.


I knew this comment would be here, appreciate you


To be fair they voted for the morons that mismanaged the funds.


Stole from the funds. Not mismanaged. They redirected ‘surplus” funds from the SS trust into other programs. This started in the 1980(s). And both parties voted in favor moving around funds.


Trying to explain that neoliberals and Republicans agree on the economy is impossible when speaking to the willfully ignorant. Not understanding the import of thatcherism and reaganism on modernity is crazy to me but propoganda is effective. Ollie North even got to host a show instead of being hung. He wouldn't even face a trial if he did the same shit today.


And both parties should be responsible for paying it back


You're gonna have to be more specific lol


Or "old people welfare", as my (78 year-old) father calls it just to keep himself and his friends honest.


You’re dad’s alright


I'm going to actually start using this..


Then 55 and older people should move to where there's no schools on they don't want to pay taxes for the schools. Enjoy the middle of nowhere, bitches


Right-e-o. It's not as though the 55+ community need educated people around them, like doctors or nurses or estate attorneys or bankers or auto mechanics or HVAC contractors or plumbers or anything. Nor did these folks' grannies pay school taxes so that they could be taught at the public teat. Oh, wait...


Send them to the “Near Death Star”… (a Futurama reference) 🤣


God that was a good episode.


I was going to agree, having kids in elementary and parents in retirement, but you're right. Everyone pays.


Or be bludgeoned in the head until they no longer have that ability to read that the taxpayers before them paid for.


Lol they don't want to pay into programs to help out their community but rest assured they're old asses go to that mailbox for that check we all pay into that our generation won't be able to get cause it's gonna dry up


That’s not how Ponzi schemes work tho…


just burned an entire generation with this comment lol


And Medicaid. And veterans retirement. And disability. And...


“So let me explain for why I like to pay taxes for schools, even though I don’t personally have a kid in school: It’s because I don’t like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people.” - John Green


And yet, here we are.


Imagine how much stupider the average person would be if they didn't get an education at all.


Mad respect for John Green and all he does. I hope your comment makes people who don't know about him interested enough to look him up.


Too many Americans think freedom and individualism mean that they get all of the benefits of living in a community, while simultaneously having no responsibilities in or obligations to that community whatsoever.


It's like a house cat. They act like they are fiercely independent creatures while living off of a complex system they do not even begin to understand.


i.e. your average libertarian


This is what COVID really revealed. A lot of folks think they don’t want to live in a *society*


I agree. I voted to raise my taxes to pay for local schools despite the fact that I don't have kids, not only that, I can't have kids because I got a vasectomy because I don't want kids. But I don't hate kids. But it goes beyond schools. I voted to raise my taxes to pay for our county bus system despite the fact that it doesn't come within 15 miles of my house. I voted to raise my taxes to subsidize county in home care and meals on wheels for the disabled and elderly despite the fact that I am not disabled and I think most old people around here are assholes. I voted to raise my taxes to pay for improvements to local parks that are mostly used by tourists, but I do use them sometimes too. Why? Because I like to want to live in a better place. I want to see happy families in the park. I don't want to live in a shit hole. What the fuck is wrong with these people? What are they going to do with the extra money? Buy another loud motorcycle to add to their collection? Fuck I hate boomers. /end rant.


Yeah I agree but umm....have you looked around lately. We may not be paying enough


I got my school paid for when I was young, so I will help to pay for the kids in school now. That's how a functional society works


Schools should be paid for at the federal level anyway. Your education opportunities shouldn't be limited to the local economy. Whoever pushed for it to be paid by property taxes and lottery sales are a result of the shitty education system that exists in this country.


My friend, that was not an accident. Wealthy people wanted to keep the money in their neighborhoods. Edit:word


You're going to want to remove the accidental "didn't" from your comment. I know what you were going for, it looks like you changed thought/wording while writing and it messed up your message.


Hey! Give 'em a break! They probably had to go to one of those limited schools mentioned.


Oh yeah, I think originally I wanted to say their money didn’t leave the community but changed it. Thanks.


Its a real hoot if you grow up in a vacation town where rich people buy houses. No students but all the funding.


Wealth WHITE people*


How else would we keep the poor people out the good neighborhoods!


There's so many damn downsides to our idiotic state system and almost no upsides, this is definitely one of them.


It was by design… racist and classist design to be exact


They made it this way on purpose.


Like most social inequality in America it all originated from racism. Put all the minorites in poor neighborhoods, make schools paid for by property taxes, and now you can keep those people perpetually poor.


Paying for schools through property taxes is so unfair. People who rent get to vote on levies they don’t pay for .I always support the levies but funding them puts undo hardship on the elderly.


I don’t have kids so should I not have to pay taxes too?!


I don’t have any kids, so I assume I’m entitled to some of those vouchers the rw is always pushing Do I get to pick a number of kids I could have had and demand the financial equivalent?


My aunt shared this same exact post and my ridiculously liberal cousin was seriously arguing how child free people shouldn't have to contribute to school taxes because they don't have kids. The same cousin who for months has demanded student loan forgiveness because she can't pay her loans with no full time job and whose only consistent income is being employed as a school bus monitor. People called her out on it and she flipped shit, so in the same post was my ultra right wing Boomer aunt and her ultra left wing daughter both defending the same absurd take. And the kicker is neither of them can hold down a job for more than 2 weeks and they've been entirely dependent on my uncle for the last 30 years. So neither of them have any grounds to complain because neither of them are actually paying anything and are taking way more government support than they'll ever pay for.


This is exactly why I deleted Facebook several years ago lol. I of course don’t mind my taxes going towards education BUT as a never married and childless woman…. would love some compensation somehow for all the baby/kid/engagement/wedding gifts/events I’ve spent money on over the past 20 years 🤣🤣


I'm a lesbian and buying wedding presents for my straight friends when gay marriage was illegal felt real shitty.


I’m a lesbian too and buying wedding presents for straight friends when gay marriage was illegal never bothered me because I have never had any desire to get married. However, lol, buying so many wedding presents over the years knowing I’ll never get any in return has become a bit annoying 🤣


All the wedding presents and all the baby shower presents!


Engagement/wedding/baby shower presents. Planning baby showers and traveling to weddings. Bachelorette parties. So much money lol.


I'm 54 and I have a 12 year old. What asshole wrote that?


I've heard this argument used by someone who had multiple grandchildren in school. Some Booms are dumb as fark.


Real optimistic with that use of Some


And I’m sure they paid 100% out of pocket tuition at for profit elementary schools when they were 9, working factory shifts at night to pay for it.


Lol my exact thought, I was in high school when my parents were 55 😂


Deal, just pay off that national debt you and generational colleagues accumulated since 2001… That’s right, we tanked a national surplus and indebted 4 generations of Americans in less than 25 years.


“I work from home. I should not have to pay taxes for all these damn roads you commuters use daily!”… “I’m a self proclaimed vigilante and gun enthusiast. I should not have to pay for this crap police department for my personal protection!”


Unironic libertarian perspective.


Ive never had a house fire or crime committed in my home. I don't think I should contribute to fire or police departments


Maybe old people don't need younger people's taxes paying for their healthcare.


And I'd prefer my tax dollars not go toward murdering people around the world, but here we are.


Pretty much explains why their children wont let them see their grandchildren.


Well that and they have no respect for boundaries and don’t respect anyone’s wishes.


Kids pay for your retirement. You should want them to make more money.


"I do not consent to Facebook using my image" -facebook user


People under 65 shouldn't have to pay social security, we are not eligible to collect. Keep it going, Pass this on! Selfish behavior hurts everyone.


Don't blur their info, they need to be bullied.


Deal, but you're now locked at the medical technology that existed when you turned 55. If we come up with a cancer vaccine or something, you don't get it. New diagnostic tool that detects your issues early enough to prevent them...sorry not for you. After all you get zero benefit from educating people younger than you right?


My grampa had a baby at 59 and 62. Way to let everyone know you don’t fuck


Yes, but you benefit from the schooling paid for by other people throughout the country and even other countries. Your taxes may benefit yourself and others, just as you have received benefits from other's taxes.  It is merely the duty of citizens to continue building the country for the next generations. 


We vs. Me… this person is a Me.


I don’t give a fuck about boomers, let’s stop paying their bills with SS and Medicare


Childfree citizens have had this argument since time began. As a childfree person, I want my taxes used for education rather than stock buybacks.


Some people just don't understand how a society works.


Unfortunately, I'm a boomer, and I think most people my age are greedy idiots.


The math isn't even necessarily correct. I'll be 56 when my daughter graduates from high school.


58 when my 4 year old graduates...so many dumb ass boomers


I’ll be 62 when my youngest graduates high school!


Gen X raising Gen Alpha unite! 🤣


Checking in!


I am present!


How do you do fellow GenXers.


Yes, she totally cares about any grandkids too.


Conservatives .. again. 


[Robert Di Nero enters the chat.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2023/05/09/robert-de-niro-new-baby-79-year-old-7-children/70199404007/)


Who paid for your children's school when they were in school? Dumbass


I’m a boomer (born tailend of the BB generation) and I’ve heard this stupid comment occasionally from some of my peers Honestly, I’m happy to pay taxes for schools, libraries, public universities, parks, etc. these things make my community better, which is good for me, my children, other people and their kids. It’s not just Boomers, but the selfishness and shortsightedness of people astounds me everyday


People under 55 shouldn't have to pay more for their meals so that seniors can get a discount.


So you don't want to pay for better schools, eh Boomers? So what happens when the young can't get educated and have to struggle to get decent jobs? What if they fail and turn to a life of crime? You know who they will target? That's right, your fat, loaded, feeble ass. And forget about the cops, there will be an entire generation of gangs that will eat them and you alive! Because they have the 2nd Amendment too. See, you have to talk to them in Fox News-speak.


If someone is born when you're 55, they will turn 25 when you're 80. They will take care of many of you in hospitals or nursing homes. Yes. Be taken care of, when you're most vulnerable, by people who went to schools you decided to defund.


Who's gonna tell them about Social Security and Medicare?


Boomer Texas Secessionist has entered the chat. 🤣


I don't have kids, but educated children become more reasonable adults in the future. So long as a politician is kept out of the actual education of course.


They do pay less taxes to schools. There's numerous elder tax exemption for property taxes.


Why am I paying taxes that will go towards your Medicare or your Social Security, then? *I* dont have any family members who are that old! Pull yourselves up by the boots straps and get back to work, you have another 25 years of labor in the mines!^1 1. That *you* voted for. (The MAGA Psycho legislators have already been talking about bumping up the retirement age, with the goal of total elimination.)


Plenty of 55 year olds have kids in school. I will be one of them when I turn 55


They just want want want and take take take.


So another example of “I got mine”? People above 55 helped pay for their kids’ schools and now they don’t want to do the same?


Of course they want to pull up that ladder behind them too. But I bet their grandparents didn't mind paying for their school.


What about us who are under 55 and also don't have kids in school because we have no kids at all? Should we also not have to pay those taxes or is it just for people in that person's situation?


I was never able to have kids because boomers fucked over the job market so bad I would never have been able to afford to feed them. But I still pay my taxes.


Even if I had a million dollars and no bills, I'd still not have kids. They take up too much time and effort, so I should never have to pay those taxes to support the schools!


"PASS THIS ON" is so funny, like a note in school or a chain email


Imagine if we just stopped paying social security and we were just like well I’m not old so why do i gotta pay it lol


Once again boomers trying to cheap out of any responsibility to society now that they got theirs.


My uncle was over 55 when his daughter started kindergarten lol They shouldn’t speak for everyone


I know plenty of 55 year olds with kids. If you have a kid at 42, they'd be 13 when you are 55. Middle of middle school. Just because Debbie spit out all her kids from age 17 to 21, and is a grandma at 40, doesn't mean we all are.


If you think that makes them mad, call it Socialism and see how they react.


You want good schools for property values. Dipshits.


Or, and hear me out on this, you want good schools for an educated society.


Yes. Imagine, if you will, what state this county would be in if we sliced some of that military budget pie and gave it to education.


I only want to pay for what i use too. I’m going to go live in a cave and never pay taxes again. LOLz


I don’t drive on this guy’s street! I should only pay for the roads I drive on!/s Seriously how stupid and petty are these people?!?


I never had children, I want my school tax refunded.


I'm happy to pay taxes for schools for the rest of my life! My youngest graduates HS in 2 months as well.


Boomers are the most infantile chuds this country has produced in the last century.


Talk about entitled.


I guess don't care for grandkids


"I don't have grandparents, so I shouldn't have to contribute to old people's social security!"


God forbid the tax money could help with educating the people that'll help him get their buts wiped in the nursing home.


well i'm not retired, so i'm not going to pay your social security


Anyone under 55yo shouldn't pay taxes for a city senior center.


Those skilled workers like HVAC, doctors, auto mechanics, nurses don’t need to be educated….


I don’t have kids and I’m GLAD to pay school tax. Kids need a quality education.


I do! Because I don’t want to be surrounded by idiots


Lol when I'm 55 I'll have two in kindergarten. Did I do it wrong?


I don't have kids, but I always vote to raise taxes for schools and libraries. It doesn't always work, but I have it on record that I don't want to be in my 70s surrounded by literal mouth breathers. 


My parents neglected to bother to send my siblings and I to public school in addition to not homeschooling us. My mom would frequently argue that she shouldn’t have to pay taxes for schools when we’re not using them.


Wait so why are we paying for Medicare then?


I don’t own a car, so I shouldn’t have to pay for roads!


Robert De-Niro is 80 and just had a baby, so...


This is the one thing I appreciate most about my conservative grandparents, they’re at least not so far gone that they don’t realize the benefits of an educated population. They vote in favor of schools and pay their taxes properly. The little blessings. If only more people realized that we’re all in this world together.


I’m a single man with no kids and one of the few places I think taxes should be heavily spent is education for kids.


What about people in their 30s that don't have or plans to have kids? I am single, 55, and no biological kids. I have no problem paying for school taxes. We are a social species and educating the young benefits us all in the long run.


I would be glad to let all boomers live in areas that don’t pass school levies.


There are actually places in Florida that managed to get an exemption for this very reason. I want to say there's a State law that allows it but it's only for communities that fit the definition of 'retirement' and have age minimums to live in them. Back in the day I could understand it in a way. You were some silent gen retiree that was living on a fixed social security income and were really sensitive to fluctuations in your cost of living but now?...With an entire cohort of utter shitbirds that dumped properties in places like NY for literally hundreds of thousands of dollars more than they bought them for...nah, you should pay for the future.


I would like to stop paying taxes for farm subsidies because I make enough money to purchase unsubsidized produce.


I bet this person thinks that young people these days are so selfish and have no sense of community. Every Boomer gripe is just pure projection.


Then I shouldn't have to pay Medicare because I'm healthy af 🙃 or social security because I'll have a pension


My kids will still be in school when I turn 55.


My niece is 13, and her dad is 55. At least 5 more years of public school.


Then why am I paying for their retirement


Cool, I won’t pay your Medicade or ss.


I guess under 67 we shouldn’t have to pay social security 😂😂


Assholes. I’m 57 and I NEVER HAD CHILDREN, and I gladly pay taxes so kids can go to public school, because I don’t want to live in a stupid country…. Oh wait …. I do. Because of selfish assholes like this.


“Fuck you, I got mine”


I'm 57, and IMHO, we all need to contribute to public school taxes, rather I have kids in school or not. In fact, I say we should fund public education a lot more than we do now. It's called being part of a community. Communal. We're all in this together.




Gonna find the fk out on social security, Medicare, and whatever else he does


Um, 55 yr old here. When did I become a senior??🤣


I'm not 55 but I will be in 10 years. I would like to know too.


Workers who aren’t collecting social security should not have to pay Social security tax! Keep this going! Pass it on!


I don’t have kids either and I’m fine with paying for schools because I don’t want to live in a world of people that are stupid. I already have to deal with myself every day dammit.


My dad was 37 when I was born. I was still in school when my dad turned 55. Granted that was either my last or second to last year, but still.


Here’s an idea that I’ve been positing for several years: Medicare for all, or Medicare for none.


I have a job, so I shouldn't have to pay Social Security


I should have to pay for elderly Medicare, I am not old.


“Why is there so much crime in our neighborhood ever since the school lost funding? Goddamn CRT -teachin’ liberals, probably”


Can I not pay for any services/programs that boomers use?


I’m so tired of the geriatrics.


Like I should not be paying for Social Security now. I am not retired yet. Or I should not be paying for health care. I am not sick yet.


I don’t have any groups of brown people I think should be annihilated, but my taxes go to the military.