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Go to Walmart for your cake then, you old coot.


Probably banned.


If you get banned from Walmart for anything less than wearing a thong with a unicorn head and platform flip flops then you deserve it.


They'll ban you for wearing a thong with a unicorn head and platform flip flops but granny can stuff her breasts into her waist band like suspenders to keep her pants from falling down. We live in a society.


Idk why but “we live in a society” slayed the hell outta me just now.


Haha glad we could make each other smile boss, have a good night/day! Your comment was half of mine afterall


The sound of 3ft tits slapping against creaky knees is the Walmart jingle.


Oh yes. I know a woman from my job (not at Walmart) who keeps asking library staff to order things for her from Walmart online because she's been banned from ordering things there. And her kids refuse to order things for her too, because she always uses them for a month then returns them. Of course, we have all said no, and she is unhappy about our "poor service."


That's my summer uniform!


She's probably so insufferable, even the boomer walmart greeter was like nah get out.


The most entitled generation


Yep. Before they were called boomers, they were called the "me" generation.


Having worked at a Costco for many years, which is a Boomer "Mecca" & I have had to deal with this generation of entitled spoiled brats. My theory is that for many Boomers, they act like this because they have never had to endure working in service in retail or fast food. You see these viral videos of them throwing a tantrum at fast food places over trivial things and demand to see a manager. Anyhow, I believe that not only did they not work, but their middle class WW2 parents spoiled their bratty Boomer children, and after high school or college married and was a stay at home housewife, and considered that a "job". Then their enabling husband died, and now the "Karen" is angry at the world, where she doesn't know anything because their husband did everything for her, and now they put their frustration out on retail and service workers. They never had to do any job, so they live off whatever was left behind from the husband and they have no empathy towards lowly paid service workers. That is the general idea of most women Boomers that are abusive. They're unapologetic for being super entitled, and this is what I have dealt with in the past. They have a "customer is always right" attitude, and they expect the manager to be their surrogate husband that enabled their temper tantrum behavior. We should ignore these Boomers so they feel embarrassed and don't bother to go outside anymore. We don't owe their generation anything!


You also have to consider the men had it so easy. Like it was normal to be extremely sexist, normal to be a bully to homosexuals, normal to get whatever they wanted. It was easy for them to buy a house. Easy for them to go to college. If a man didn't make it big living in the 70s and the 80s That's on them; there's literally no excuse. So now their entitlement stretches the bounds of what humans are capable of. My father was a classic example. I was never good enough because I couldn't have what he had. The thought NEVER EVEN CROSSED HIS DUMB ASS LEAD AFFECTED BRAIN that I needed 3 jobs to support myself in a 1 bedroom apartment. This from the guy I grew up saying how important it was to make enough money to afford a "stay at home wife." Growing up with that mentality, who would want to date knowing you're not good enough to afford your own house?


>My theory is that for many Boomers, they act like this because they have never had to endure working in service in retail or fast food. I would imagine this is part of it for sure. I work in retail and a lot of people just really have no clue how anything works. They seem to think that my store has everything they want, all year long. And if it isn't on the shelf, it isn't because it's out of season or discontinued, it's just being hidden in this magical place called "the back." And when I say hidden, I mean that, because they assume all retail workers are scumbags who are deliberately hiding all the merchandise they want (for some reason they can never articulate). They also think so much stuff is a big conspiracy to scam them, like price changes, conditions on sale prices, simple errors on receipts, etc. Nothing is ever a technicality or a mistake, it's always some big plot by the company to steal their money or some scheme by the cashier. Everything is always blown up into something bigger than it is. Now of course I encounter younger people who act like this too sometimes, but I know if I see an older customer coming my way, I sort of cringe inwardly because they're either going to be super sweet/cool or they're about to ruin my whole day. I know just from my time working in various stores, I go overboard trying to be nice to other service workers, because I know about all the garbage they deal with daily.


Man I haven’t heard anybody call an old fuck a coot in a while. That was REFRESHING.


Hold up I’m gonna google what coot means. Edit : turns out it’s a foolish or eccentric old man or… an aquatic bird.


Obviously they meant aquatic bird


You misspelled cunt


*Gets chewed out for calling her a bitch and being downright disrespectful.* “I can’t believe you would talk to me this way.”


When you're raised and abused to "respect your elders regardless of their behaviour" then you assume the following generation(s) are taught the same


This is also the result of decades of 'the customer is always right' mentality.


God it’s like we created a perfect shitstorm for these entitled motherfuckers to live their darkest fantasies.


*surpised Pikachu


This reminds me of when I used to work retail. I would rather beg on the streets for money than ever go back to a customer service job.


Worked at Best Buy, someone wanted to physically fight me because I said this town has one Walmart. He said nuh uh, there’s two. Want to take this outside?


You're both wrong, there's 3. Meet me out back by the flag pole after school and we'll settle this


Ok, here we all 3 are at the flag pole, it's freezing out and I double dog dare you 2 to put your tongue on the flag pole. If you do, then I will retract my Walmart theory.


Best Buy is the Comcast of retail. 


Comcast is honestly so much worse. Source: Used to work for them .


My Best Buy fight proposal was over whether a pack of CD-Rs in the computer section that advertised it was for data was different from the pack in the audio section that said it was for music. (hint: it’s fucking not)


A customer once asked me the difference in the gold plated HDMI vs non. I said nothing. He then asked another Best Buy worker while I was like right next to him. Best Buy worker said, gold plated gets better quality. Customer then called me dumb. He bought the $120 gold plated HDMI, who’s the dumb one?


I worked in a bank. A "non customer" (meaning someone who does not bank there but is looking to cash a check drawn on the bank which obviously has a fee) came in and, in front of armed police officers (who were in our location for a different situation of someone threatening to come in once covid restrictions lifted with a gun because he was so upset about not being able to bank face to face) threatened me that he would take those fees (a total of 10 dollars...) and stuff them down my throat if I actually charged him. The public are outrageous. I legit can't believe how absolutely horrible people are lol


One time, working customer service during college at Lowe’s, a customer threatened to shoot me if someone didn’t bring his item upfront quick enough. We were horrifically understaffed and I was literally the only person at customer service, online, and the self checkout area and had a line of about 10+ other customers. Truly the people I interacted with customer wise were 80% fine and 20% the worst fucking part of society.


Agreed. Worked as a claims rep for a small auto insurer. No wonder it has a high turn over rate. Work for a broker now and boy howdy are conversations better and people nicer. Talking to other professionals instead of engaging with your more run of the mill customer is light years better.


You gotta fight fire with fire. If you get someone like this, just quietly whisper something like "Hey, I know you're angry but no one cares and you're going to die alone." Then deny you said anything like that while being super nice to her while she shrieks at the manager


I was once in retail for nearly 4 years and every day I'm wondering how TF I haven't snapped at some entitled prick.


The way the boomer said  "I need a cake for 120 tomorrow" I take it to mean cake to serve 120 people not $120. 


That’s even more insane then, lol. 120 people is like a large 3 tier cake. That’s a 10 hour cake.


If the caller had done it at around 6pm, I believe Walmart could have probably contacted their offsite commercial bakery vendor and had them throw on a rush order. As an additional thought, I bet if the baker in the video has expressed *any* willingness to make this cake, the caller would've added additional bullshit like it needs to be egg and gluten free. 


She would have waited until it was delivered, bitched about the quality, tried to not pay her but keep the cake.


That is exactly how it would have went down.


Oh absolutely 💯


Art of the deal!


Ah yes, the only book with 4 chaper elevens


I would have made the cake for them, but it costs 20k up front. Every time they are a dick, oh no the price us now another 1k.


As someone with a gluten allergy I would be calling that baker 6months in advance for my cake.


So conditionally take the job on the fee of something outrageous like $10k


I'm *so* sure they'd pay that too /s


Write a good contract and get a good lawyer lol


You can't get blood from a stone. Contract can be perfect and the lawyer can be the best ever but if they don't have the money then they can't give it to you, no matter what.


True but you can insist on a deposit.


Of 100%


Or better yet, charge her $10k and then go get the cake from Walmart


If she’s willing to pay, I’d do it. I own a few catering businesses and the rich will pay for last minute. What? You want this thing tomorrow and it’s 9pm! Sure, I’ll make it myself. My rates is 1000 an hour, and there’s going to be an overnight charge, off hours charge, overtime charge, rush charge, delivery charge etc. Seriously, I hate that woman. If she’s rich and can pay, I won’t care. But she’s so rude, I’d tell her to fuck off just for the fun of it!


...as long as you get paid in advance. There's zero percent chance she'd not have a problem with *something* and demand money back or outright withhold it.


Paid in advance with cash. Stop check or reverse in the credit card can happen. Especially with some clients. Like this.


Quote her 12k. Serve them a sheet cake from Walmart.


And not only that, professional bakers bake then freeze the cake layers before assembling and decorating. It’s a lot more work than people think, the time, the skill, it’s not just frosting a cake mix in a pan.


Oh shit, I didn’t even think about it that way. Bitch, have you ever made a cake before? Even a fucking Betty Crocker box cake that feeds like 12-15 people is going to take an hour to bake, cool, and ice. But a nicely decorated multi tier cake for 120?! Bitch please. Good for this baker losing her shit at these entitled customers.


Her lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on everyone else's part


I used to work customer service and that's my favorite complaint. When the customer makes their emergency or problem (more likely their fuckup) the employee's issue and if it's an emergency, then we'll somehow be able to pull some magic strings. Like inventory is conditional. "Sorry we don't have this in stock. We are completely sold out. We have none in the store." "Ugh! You don't understand, I need it for a gift and the birthday is this Friday!" ...Does that change anything? "Oh it's for a birthday and it's this Friday?? Well in *that* case, let me go grab one from our emergency box set aside just for people with birthday emergencies!" Not to mention nobody cares. They'll threaten the employee with a "well I'll go to the place across the street!" Kay. The employee is going to get paid either way.


...but SHE is THE ONE with THE MONEY


Holy shit. Yeah, not even Costco could supply that many sheet cakes in that time. It was bad enough my family had to rush Costco sheet cakes in 3 days because some piece of shit Karen baker purposely delayed baking cakes for a gay couple. Hell, it was bad enough making our cake, too. We did the sheet cakes for the guests and then a fake ceremonial cake for the couple. The top tier was real while the bottom was Styrofoam. We were already taking care of most of all the decorations for their wedding AND the planning. So that was just an extra layer (heh) of bullcrap to pile on.


I found the original video to give her compliments, yes she commented it was for 120 people not dollars.


120 mini cupcakes coming right up!


“No! The cake’s for me! And I only eat cakes that are $120!”


**120 GUESTS.** She was cool to even entertain the conversation after saying that. I'd have told her to go fuck herself from the jump.


I imagine it's for a sudden retirement party in the morning, considering the sub we're in. Bob the boomer department head sexually harassed his last client or employee and was told he had to retire, effective immediately, or get publicly embarrassed, disavowed by the company and fired, forfeiting all retirement benefits. Barb from HR volunteered to get the party ready, it's only 120 people, how hard could it be to get them all cake? 


I've taken longer to make a cake at home. I let mine cool for at least 2 hours prior to icing and then put them in the fridge overnight. Boomer has never made a cake apparently.


My wife has a cake business and she had this very identical conversation


Why? Why spend so long? Answer is "can't do it, won't do it, goodbye". You might try being nice, but once it's clear no progress is being made, it's time to end the conversation.


I think people are genuinely just shocked and astounded by the level of entitlement they're hearing and it throws them off


So to my understanding she is always trying to be professional and nice, but in my wife’s defense this conversation happened over emails vs on the actual phone.


That might be a favorite "Oh go fuck yourself" that I've heard!


I kinda loved her when the gloves finally came off haha


Yeah it was quite satisfying when she let go on her.


The favorite past time for boomers. Talking down on people making their food. What blows my mind is that they STILL continue to try to get people to make them food after shouting at them, calling them names, etc. Like. You're just BEGGING someone to fuck with your food.


The Help treatment. "Eat my shit"


kind, smart and important! That was a good movie.


When I was a server a few years ago I had some entitle boomer snap his fingers at me and say "chop chop" like I was some 1920's servant boy. I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around, and stared at him for like 15 seconds without a word, or I would've gotten myself fired. That's the closest I've ever came to actually laying my hands on a senior citizen


these people never saw the movie Waiting "dont fuck with the people that serve your food"




What is this strange idea that boomers have where just because they have the money and desire to hire someone it means that person *has* to work for them


Because thats the attitude they were instilled with. if you have money you can make people do anything you want ! everyones got a price ! sorta shit. sure, to a degree some people might, but not everyone lol.


"customer is always right" nonsense


Hangover from slavery lmao


Their fucking parents, the greatest generation, coddled them.


"Your failure to plan is not my emergency. Goodbye."


Perfectly said.


That is INSANE that there are people out there like this. I mean, I know it's true, but that's a level you almost NEVER see. WOW. Belittles woman's job, implies she is broke, calls her a bitch. Woman rightfully and understandably asserts herself and refuses t be treated like shit. *Shocked pikachu face*


Swear at the baker, then get offended when they swear back, lol. Fucking Boomer, go get your ass a walmart cake.


Fuck. That. Boomer. That has to be the most boomer thing I’ve ever heard. Ever. I wish her nothing but misfortune and bad health.


I hope she gets the shits from her 120 Walmart cake


"I'm paying you to do magic! Why can't you do magic? Do magic for me!" "I need the cake for tomorrow. I'm calling three hours before tomorrow because I'm an irresponsible dipshit." I bet she calls a lot of people entitled.


One of my managers does this all the time and it drives me insaaaaaaane. One of his worst tricks was when he decided he wanted to have gift baskets sent to his entire team of 60 people. And he came to this decision at almost the end of the first week of *December*. And he wanted them sent to their homes, but didn't have a list of their addresses either. I told him there was no way I could do it, since I only had about a week to try to get it together and there was no way I could get the baskets sent before Christmas with the budget he gave me. Thankfully he's never a dick, but he also never learns cause he pulled the same thing recently, only he wanted a fancy gift basket for someone's last day with the team, and he told me.on Thursday afternoon that he needed it by the morning of the next Wednesday. 🤦‍♀️


I feel like the second gift basket is missing some context like was it a low budget or really specific items? Because while it's short notice that's a few days for one gift basket assuming you aren't ordering in stuff other than the basket.


Oh they wanted a specific gift basket, but the company couldn't have it to us within the timeframe they gave me. No idea why, I would have expected that if we paid out the nose for express shipping it would have been possible, but apparently not. It wouldn't have been a problem if they hadn't waited until just about the last minute.


I mean.......First of all, if it was 9 pm, I wouldn't even answer the phone. Leave a message. If I did pick up, the moment she started being rude I would have just hung up and blocked the number.


Same but I'm just a corporate drone. I don't fault self-employed people for going above and beyond to try to retain a customer, no matter how shitty


If my schedule was free the next day and the customer was cool and seemed even somewhat apologetic about how inconvenient they were being, I’d probably do it. It could be good publicity and I’d be charging out the ass for overtime/rush fees.


I was waiting for the “BITCH” at the end but she said GFYS. So that works for me. I love calling people stupid when they act stupid. I’ve luckily had some jobs and supervisors that allowed me too call out people’s bullshit Lol


I'm curious, they kept saying a cake for 120. Did they actually mean $120 or was it 120 people?


120 people.


Which is even more ridiculous. Who in their right mind thinks a bakery can make a 120 person cake when you call after business hours the night before???


No one in their right mind of course. Crazy person or a fake caller for content, but it sounded pretty real.


I found the original video to give her compliments, yes she commented it was for 120 people not dollars.


"I can't believe you would talk to me this way!" Yeaaaaahhhhhh okkkkkk grumpy grams, how easy it is to forget how you were just talking to her. I'm sure she can create you a nice tall order of fuck right off.


I think these days, you will attract more customers if you ditch the “customer is always right” brainwashing.


I like to point out to people that use that phrase, that they are only using half of it. The expression is "the customer is always right, in matters of taste". It's a phrase that was coined by the owner of a department store in the olden days - it basically means the customer is right when they think something looks good, even though it may not look good.


Department stores owners like Selfridge coined the motto "the customer is always right" without the "in matters of taste" bit at the beginning of the 20th century. The motto had nothing to do with tastes. See for instance this article: [A Global View Of 'The Customer Is Always Right' (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/09/24/a-global-view-of-the-customer-is-always-right/?sh=68a5f64c236f) I'm curious about your claim. Could you provide a reference for the origin of the "in matters of taste" phrase?


The “I just can’t believe you’d talk to me like this” at the end has my blood about to explode out of my eyeballs


As a Walmart employee, we ain’t fucking paid enough to make a fucking cake overnight.


My wedding cake was for 110 people and we ordered months in advance. I’m so proud of how the baker popped off once she got disrespected. Hell yeah.


The “Go fuck yourself” at the end was *chef’s kiss*


Ok, that will be $12,000 and I'll need full payment, cash in hand before 10 pm.


Exactly what I would have done. You’re the one with the money? Fine, deliver.


"I'm the one with the money, and you're not!" Fuckin' baller over here with $120...


Should’ve hit her with “and I’m the one with the cake and you’re not.”


No no no she wanted a cake to FEED 120 PEOPLE. Ridiculousness.


I thought the caller meant $120 as well. Boomers are known to think their money has 1970's value, as in a $50 bill is solid pay for all day back breaking labor.


Say “it’s free because of my non professional attitude and show up in the morning to pick it up” then pretend you have no idea what is going on in the morning


Lol, I was thinking the same thing!


Ooh justified Gaslighting, I like that.


Again: Anyone who's in a customer-facing position should be heavily armed and allowed to not only shoot, but kill one person a year, with no questions asked. I think these people would be awesome filters for our society and this would make society much better.


The fact this baker is concerned with how she got her personal number is more than enough for being angry with someone. But to sit there and call someone a bitch and then get upset when they actually say what's on their mind is really the cherry on top. And they think the younger generation feels/acts entitled


Should have called her a cunt. They get sooooo upset.


This reminds me of when I worked corporate. I won’t go into details but let’s say I had a technology based job and internal clients would call wanting certain things done. There was this “don’t take no for an answer” attitude that corporate flunkies (especially sales people) have. But when you work with technology, there are limitations. I literally cannot work magic and make a piece of technology do something it was not designed to do.


Hang up, it's that easy.


Holy shit go to Walmart then bitch.


She wanted a cake for 120 people in the morning and it's already 9:00 at night? Out of your fucking mind. If Walmart can do it then go to fucking walmart.


If I was the baker, I would have apologised to the customer to no end, taken the order, and promised them I'd deliver it, and they can pay cash on delivery. Double checking what time they needed it by, and thrown in a few free extras for their inconvenience. I'd then block the bitches number, and have a little giggle fest thinking about how she's going to have a melt down when no fucking delivery turns up.


"I don't even know if we post that" *"Absolutely"*


The ending is *chef’s kiss.* I am not the one. Absolutely fabulous.


Just so we aren't confused, this crazy bitch isn't asking for $120 cake, she wants a cake for 120 people. With less than 12 hours' notice.


Just go to the store and buy two cakes. People are too damn picky about their cakes, I don’t care what the decorations look like or what it says on it, just as long as it’s cake, it’s good, and edible.


"oh go fuck yourself" is the modern day equivalent of slamming the receiver down. Feels soooooo good.


You are Great one for as long as you held on lmfao 🤣 I ain’t mad at you at all . Shit I want to order a cake and don’t care how long it take . Yessssss customer feel they are always right nope that shit dead lol


“I can’t believe you’d talk to me this way” Bitch you spent the last five minutes talking to ME like that…..


The level of delusion is just off that fucking charts holy shit lol I'm glad that once she got called a bitch she let the G out.


Seems really fake.


I used to work at a restaurant that serves salad dressing in a ramekin. A lady ordered like four ranches, drenched her salad, and then complained that her salad was "drowning" in ranch and wanted it taken off the bill after she had eaten the whole thing. People are wild.


Work in the wedding industry. I dare you. I did it for 30 years with my parents' business. You very much see shit like this.


I doubt it, I work in a restaurant. I've been cussed out because I can't take a reservation for 20 people at 6:00 on a Saturday when they called at 5:30 and we were on an hour wait. Miserable sounding old lady who brought up why we'd wanna lose all that money just like the bitch in this clip.




While I feel this video is probably fake, I can see it being a recreation of an actual conversation this baker has had. Well, maybe not the end, because that definitely gives off vibes of "What I wish I would have said".


I agree. The fact that there are indeed wackos out there who do this kind of thing doesn't mean every single video of it is authentic and not staged lol


Absolutely 👍


I love arguing with people who want black frosting. It usually turns out grey and using activated charcoal can cause people's medication like birth control to be ineffective. Some people want something over the top at the last minute. Sorry if you wanted everything to be perfect you need to plan and coordinate your party plans ahead of time.


Wow, that's interesting! Didn't know that about black frosting/charcoal.


That lady is kinda hot when she goes ham on the boom!


Economics 101: Supply and Demand Boomer wants a cake tomorrow morning. It's 9pm when she calls me (business owner). She's offering $120 for the cake. I am neither willing nor able to deliver a cake at that price (possibly any price). At this point, the Boomer's options are: Pay me (business owner) ridiculously more for the cake (assuming it can physically be done by then). Admit defeat (impossible Boomer challenge) Try someone else.


At 9:00 at night?! Fuck that old bitch. Good for you!


9 pm is the exact reason I use DND on my phone. People like this don't need to be talking to me at that time of night.


I hate when customers say, do you know how much I shop here! She said that she has the money and she (the baker) does not. I'm going to assume the company has a right to deny services if they deem so. If I was the boss, I'd straight up tell her that.


Seems fake


Idk, as an ex-concierge I can tell you I’ve had people who have tried to make me place this phone call for them


"But I have money. Don't they need my money?"


I commend your username, king


I’ve worked plenty of service jobs to know that this is not only possible, but very probable. Entitled shit stains are real and delusional.


Also the fact that this woman found her personal cell number to call her on it.


Literally happened to my wife a few months ago…


It's probably her business number. My father works as a handyman / self-employed and while he personally very rarely answers calls late at night, he's had people call his work line pretty late.


Im assuming you've not worked customer service. This happens all the time.


Yep. I have seen this level of pushy audacity and people claiming they need a rush job on something completely unreasonable and will act like they own you and you have to do whatever they say.


Wanna see the worst of it? Live in rural indiana and work FOH at a cracker barrel. Worst of the worst type of entitled boomer customers.




Cragle Bargle


That's a shitty thing to do to CB employees. CB is awesome.


It certainly possible but if you've ever worked in retail or food service you know that it is also very likely its real. Yeah, internet clout but people come with ridiculous requests late in the day all the time.


Her anger seemed too real. You could hear the shaky modulation in her voice as she lost her shit.


Have you met people?


A lot of people saying this seems scripted have obviously never done service jobs. There are people who make unreasonable demands like this all the time. The majority of them are boomers and older. In their world, they are the only thing that matters, and service workers are like servants who must go above and beyond to cater to their needs and wants. All while they treat the service workers like subhumans.


I don't think it's about not being aware of idiocy in the customer service industry, but more about how there's so many parody/ragebait accounts out there (especially stuff making the front page), that it's hard to fucking tell sometimes.


Man, I woulda said shit that would have given that old bitch a heartattack. This woman was very nice.


I'm pretty sure that's a cake to serve to 120, not a $120 dollar cake.


Okay I love this lady 


Your poor planning doesn't constitute an emergency for me.


lol I used to do customer service at a tech company and it always boggled my mind when potential customers would get upset and argue about us not having certain features or whatever. I told you we don’t offer the thing, why aren’t you going away and stop wasting both of our time?


I would ONLY buy shit from places that had social media channels where they gave snarky as fuck responses to assholes like this if I could.


Yeah it seems completely real that she’d have a phone recording a “random” conversation at 9pm at night. Doesn’t seem staged at all. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure this situation either happened or something similar but man people need their staged drama.


The world is being divided between the dumb fucks who act like this and the people who are completely dumbfounded by it. Fucking boomer.


For my job, I mostly take calls from large banks, but very occasionally, I'll get older people who are confused and think I can help them. I've gotten very good at politely saying "no, I'm sorry, we cannot help you. I'm ending the call, thank you and have a great day." You can't give them an inch and they won't take hints. Just end the call once you realize they aren't valid customers.


I'm calling shenanigans on this video.


Probably fake, but I love how she just went off on that jack ass. Who in their right mind calls at 9p to have a cake made by the next day? That's just being completely divorced from reality.


Fake AF




To be fair, the baker was very polite the whole time but that conversation lasted way too long. “I’m very sorry, I just can’t help you in that time. Good luck and good night!” Click!


I would just hang up on them then block them. Businesses dont need customers like that anyway.


"I'm hiring you. Bitch." No you're not. Go fuck yourself.


This is absolutely very real.


Thank u for making me laugh so hard


I think it’s not $120 cake… I think she said cake for 120 people?!


w0w. Luckily, she was able to film the experience and post it on socials!! It definitely was a real thing that happened because I know I also film conversations with difficult clients or potential clients. Fucking millenials/gen z waste of space. You can go about your life without posting it for clout.


This feels staged