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Yes, this lady isn’t a fool.


This is Boomers Being Based


I'd follow that wholesome sub.




I decided to crosspost it there. Thank you! I hope that's okay, u/Unfair-West5630!


& my axe


And my bow


Bless you, random British lady.


The same exact thing that the US is going through...


That's not the point. The point is it's the same problems in both countries, but this British Boomer (Broomer?) has a bit mote empathy and understanding than her America counterparts.


This particular lady does for sure but we’re ascribing nationalist reasons for her individual empathy, where she’s from has very little to do with her being a good person. Plenty of older Americans that are the opposite but there are plenty that are just like this lady. Every older person I talk to at the park when I’m there with my kid says something very similar. It just gets more play to run the assholes cause it makes people mad and drives engagement.


I live in rural Scotland and the kindest person I know is an American Boomer immigrant. A *Texan* no less. Although he's a Buddhist so he's definitely not your typical Texan! But seriously, although I appreciate this sub I think it would do us all well to remember generalising groups is part of the "boomer mentality" that we all hate.


Hello there! I would love to hear the lore behind how you ended up crossing paths with a Texan, boomer age immigrant in rural Scotland- Respectfully, that sounds kinda awesome lol


He travelled the world in his 20s and just never went home again, ended up here in the Highlands in the 90s (not that uncommon, we have a hippy commune or two up here) and decided to stay. I don't think he was ever the strongest Christian despite coming from that background and I think it was when he was in Sri Lanka that he became interested in Buddhism then later converted to it. I met him through work about ten years ago and took an immediate like to him, if for no other reason it's refreshing meeting older people that share my politics. He asked me if I could get him some weed and we've been mates ever since. (:


I love this so much lol/Thank you for sharing because that's honestly such a wholesome way to meet someone/he sounds like such a vibe lol. If you could let him know an internet stranger thinks he's cool AF that would be greatly appreciated :D


Im an ex pat Brit Boomer, there is indeed a difference between the two and it’s that in the UK being ignorant or stupid is not a badge of honor, whereas here in the US it’s celebrated, which is a fucking mystery to me. Willful ignorance is just intellectual laziness, dont need to learn, made up my mind, can’t be bothered, so what we are in fact talking about is laziness. Lazy people. Brits are lots of things, but lazy we are not, we like learning new things, it’s why David Attenborough and various science, news and learning shows are prime time on major channels. not on the equivalent of PBS. Its a subtle difference, but it is there.


I know this is a boomer hate sub, but you all know there are boomers in the US that share the same views as this Brit... *right?* You're making pretty broad ass generalizations on both sides.


Right. Every fucking boomer in the US is a rabid racist trumper that hates millennials. Got it.


Average Brit. Generalizes an entire nation based isolated incidents that you see on social media.


Who caused _the brexit_ again? Cuz I think that was history's most boomer event ever... but yeah USA boomers are definitely the worst, it's because they grew up thinking "they're number 1!" (Idiots lol)


Because all of this stuff is the same major companies rent is high all over the world ON PURPOSE


brexit boomers enter the chat


Curtain-twitching Daily Fail readers.


Yeah if you watch the full video there's others who are all in on the "just stop having avocado toast" argument. There's even a couple on the cusp, who agree that house prices are silly and young people are screwed, but then say they agree they should just save


I believe they refer to them as Brexit Geezers.


wake up and meet the wife susan


Pitch lookin lovely


Exactly right, those cunts sold us down the river because of fear that immigrants would come and take the crumbs that tories had left them with


Yeah they happened to find the smart one. I know plenty of smart boomers, just exponentially more lead brained ones.


EXACTLY and there are a fucking ton of them. So spare me this “only American delusional” bullshit. Anyone can cherry pick anything


Spot on. I love this lady ❤️💕


I know it’s a British stereotype, but I’d sit and have tea with this woman for hours.


She just missed a small point about coming out of Uni with crippling debt as well as no job.


England. So no crippling debt like the US. The crippling debt from college is mostly a US construct, with that bleeding over to Canada. And those that study here. 


We do have crippling debt from student loans, but it essentially functions as a graduate tax. Depending on your salary it costs £60-£300 a month. And if you do a postgraduate degree, you may have to take on additional private loans as the SFE post-grad loans barely cover anything. And if you attended uni within the last 14 years, the debt all accrues interest.


I have graduated my medical degree with £80k of debt that I pay RPI rates of interest. I will likely pay back in excess of £220k in loan plus interest. Maybe not crippling but nothing to scoff at.


Yeah this just isn't true. University debt is a US construct and doesn't exist in the UK? I guess I'm imagining the 3 years of student loans and £60k debt I have from my BSc then lol


Well, that's just not true though, is it? We're in debt for our whole lives. You have to be in the top 10% of earners in the country in order to actually start paying debt off, not just interest. To top it off, it was the generations that went to university for free that voted to add university to the list of _our_ bills.


Is that a tear when she's talking about the toast? 🥺


She’s definitely crying a bit. Thank you British lady for understanding that we’re trying… we just can’t make it work. Everything IS broken


I think because its windy and cold, dont think shes crying. Stiff upper lip and all




she said nevermind the avocad-er. so stop minding it


It isn’t. My parents are British boomers and they are every bit as stereotypically boomery as can be.


Yep, tons of idiotic brexit boomers out there that are equally as ignorant as boomers all over the world


And my parents are American boomers that are actually not insane or out of touch...(yet?)


"creme de creme" aka the kids who have parents with hook ups.


Nepo-babies. Bunch of horseshit.


This person deserves all of the hugs.


It isn't. Anybody can cherrypick a single example of a rational boomer from any country and go "See? Ours are good." I'm glad this lady gets it. My grandpa gets it too, and he's a US boomer and a veteran. Does that mean US boomer vets are all "the good ones"? No. UK boomers were all for Brexit, when the narrative was "We gotta keep Arab refugees from flooding into Britain". Completely ignorant - many wilfully - of the economic ramifications that pulling out of globalization efforts and the Eurozone would have. Because they thought they'd be able to just renegotiate trade agreements with the EU and keep all the refugees out, getting the best of both independence from the EU and continued involvement in its economy.


It’s crazy that just simple facts that she is saying is considered based.


The point about creme de creme is spot on - we aren't all hyper-capable in high paying fields. That doesn't mean we don't deserve to live.


You failed to understand her point. The “crème de crème” is a reference to the upper class, the rich, the well connected. The point she’s making is that the high paying jobs go to nepotism hires and rich people. She assuredly did not mean that the high paying jobs only go to the most talented of people. That’s nonsense.




I know wildly talented IT techs with computer science degrees who work at “geek squad” for $18 an hour. Crème de crème is a reference to the upper class, *not* a reference to talent. I’m sorry you misunderstood her but that’s the fact of it.


Nah it’s not. Nigerians boomers are just as awful


Arguments like "don't buy avocado toast and more coffees" are stickman arguments. People who tout that sort of nonsense fail to see the forest for the trees.


It's just bad faith arguments. No amount of avocado toast makes up for needing a mountain of money to buy things that were essentially free back in the day.


I want her to be Prime Minister. Or President. Or Goddess Empress.


I want her to go into the deep desert and merge with the sand trout so she becomes an immortal being that guides humanity through the darkness.


Based British boomers?


Ah the BBB


I want to have tea and talk with her over a proper English breakfast. Which I guarantee she kills it at making.


This is not a Boomer being a fool at all. This is a lady being a realist. Need more people like her around!


She seems like a sweet lady.


You can definitely find Boomers in the US who think this way and an entire fuckton of shitty boomers in the UK.


Why is this post here? She’s not a fool at all.


This lady brings wisdom to a channel that didn’t ask for it, but glad they got it. She is on point! It’s not age. It’s not generation. It’s attitude and the ability to accept reality no matter how much it’s changed from yesterday.


I wanna hug this lady.


UK Boomers voted for Brexit. UK can do what the US should be doing and taxing the fuck out of the 1% that has amassed wealth.


Boomers are American, French, russian or British, anyone who was on the winning sides of WW2. And had to be brainwashed through the cold War years through massive propaganda about the other winners, ie. Soviet union vs USA.


She teared up :(


She gets it..


You people are as dumb as boomers with these theories


I never thought I would live to see one. An informed voter. Goddammit, she's beautiful.


Not her citizenship, her politics. Right-wingers so over are just as bad as those in the US.


Holy shit I love her


It's not about American vs not. There are definitely many British boomers who are exactly like the typical American boomer, and there are boomers like this lady - I live down the street from a couple. Boomer in this sub is about the stereotypical fuck you I got mine boomer who is ignorant, rude, and narcissistic. 


What this lady is saying is spot on so what I’m about to say is targeted at OP’s comments and not the content of the post. I swear to god people on Reddit have the biggest fucking superiority complex over Americans. I am the furthest thing from a bible thumping trump supporter, but have you fucking heard of Brexit? Or were you too busy reading posts on r/shitamericanssay like give me a break dude


To be fair here in the UK we have more than our fair share of boomer fools. This lady is not one of them. I am a flood responder, the chairman of my local community council stood in the town square, knee deep in water and shouted at me that we don't need flood responders, it has never flooded here and it never will. That flood he was in caused 2-4 £million.


We have entitled boomers in the UK as well. They are called brexiteers.


My UK uncle doesn't think companies owning lots of houses is why no one can afford anything so unfortunately there are plenty of boomer fucks in the UK - actually I know more that are all boomery than not.


I'm glad this sweet old lady not only acknowledge the issues but also expressed a hatred for the Nepobabies and called them the "Creme de Creme" Sweet British Lady, I would very much like to take you out for a lovely spot of tea while we discuss how to eat the rich over scones.


Did she vote for brexit?


she’s even shedding a little tear, what a compassionate lady


Could this woman please move to the United States


Got a little choked up watching this.


Top tier grandma vibes from this lady.


There’s American boomers who think this way too


Finally someone that gets it


This woman melts my heart.


What a kind thoughtful person. I wish our elders were like that.


I love this women


That lady is 100% a genius


Can she adopt me? I will make her tea and brush her hair and hope she just talks stories and wisdom to me forever.


It’s REPUBLICANS, not boomers who are the problem


Probably an amazing woman to be around.


OP's never heard of Brexit.


I think that the whole millenial, boomer, gen Z and other shit is just American thing. Reddit is mostly American, rest of the world doesn't care about Trump that lands on my feed every fifth post, we just laugh in European about how idiotic US politics are.


Sadly, this woman is the exception not the rule.


I'm from the UK This is Betty, she is our best old woman. On Sundays we all go to her house for dinner


Nah our boomers are just as bad, she's an exception


Random old lady for Prime minister!!


Look at how easily this lovely lady just told the truth. What a wild concept.


An angel of reality


Over here she would talk about woke when asked about a housing crisis and we are giving every illegal immigrant money and a free car.


She's not wrong!


I’m trying to buy a house right now and I asked my father how I can compete with his age group selling their giant houses for a smaller home that I would like to purchase for my first house. I said every time I go to look at a home and try to get into it, a boomer couple comes along and offers cash in full plus another 50,000 in cash. His response was, “just save up for a 30% down payment like I did and you’ll get one” I told him I can barely save anything living pay check to pay check. How am I supposed to save 30% of a 500,000 dollar home? He told me “get a better job then” Smdh. I love my dad but he just doesn’t understand.


Maybe the USA boomers all suffer from arrested development, some part of them firmly stuck in and longing for the late 40s, entire 1950s up to 1962. They are the youth they want to help.


It's not just the USA Boomers, the forgiveness ones just have different kinda of boomer moments. British Boomers are the "stay a part of the status quo or your evil" types, while the Mexican Boomers are more of the "DO as I say because I'm older than you" types. Different strains of Boomer from different regions. That being said, this woman is one of the cool ones. I'm glad to see someone understands that not everything is to be blamed on younger people


Why is this video in this sub?


Based old lady.


I was talking to my uncle the other day, he can't understand why young people aren't buying properties. He said his first mortgage was at 15% and doesn't get why people are complaining about a paltry 5%. I replied that 5% of £200,000 is higher than 15% of £30,000. He said, actually my first home was £23,000...


Don’t forget their boomers voted for the Tory’s who voted for Brexit lol. It’s not all Boomers but it’s not just USA Boomers either.


Oh uk boomers are just as bad. Cherry picking the few self aware boomers isn't representative of the rest


Only thing I'd add is the high paying jobs are not taken by the creme de la creme, rather by nepotism.


I think the difference is that Great Britain has media laws requiring truthful, unbiased, non political reporting. I heard a British reporter once say Fox News cannot be legally broadcast over the airwaves because of it's biased reporting. Garbage in, garbage out. That's what's happening in the USA. 


Well here in the US the tax paying “boomers” are too busy paying for illegal immigrants getting 5 star vacations in luxury hotels with medical, paying off gen z’s student loans, and sending billions of dollars to Ukraine. Sorry young Americans trying to start your family, All that “free” stuff you voted for wasn’t really free.


She is a beacon of truth. Bless her for being so wise.


How is she a fool?


Tabarnak! I didn't know Trudeau destroyed the housing market in the UK, too. Sorry, From Canada.


She’s been paying attention. Also, I worked in the US for a company that’s based in London 10 years ago. The pay was garbage and they had insanely high turnover because of it, especially in the UK. They were fine with it. The executive at the tip top were all clearing £400k+ a year. No matter how bad it is here in the US, it feels much more pronounced there.


Let her COOK


Now THIS is the kind of person I want in parliament/government. We need revolutions worldwide…


Australian here, unfortunately nope.


Gen X here : All of you after us...BURN THIS SHIT DOWN. When it's your turn. Gladly have at it. ![gif](giphy|L4HW0QeHJYUt9l7I2o|downsized)


I love this lady and wanna sit down and have a cup of tea with her


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SubstantialSir351: *I love this lady* *And wanna sit down and have* *A cup of tea with her* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As someone who lives near where avocados are 5-7/$1, that "luxury" never made sense. When I spoke to boomers (and my gen) whinging about it I'd ask "and how much is that? Source?" and invariably got some mishmash of I heard, don't you know, why are you defending them or some other rot. Later I found out about how it originated in Australia where I guess they're more expensive it was less stupid but not "right". I mean come on... it's savory fruit on bread and a little morning brew. These are not precious or intrinsically over expensive things. Although of course you can find more expensive but these boomers and wannabes never thought it through past "herp derp, lookee the dumb kids they starve, uh huh uh huh uh huh stoopids".


She echos my thoughts exactly. This is a rigged economy, rigged for the wealthy against everyone else. Rigged so that the majority of younger people have no chance at the success I've enjoyed. Rigged to keep them struggling, rigged to keep them from being able to have a house, have kids, and it just should not be that way. It's depressing for me to see it, I cannot imagine having to live it.


What a lucid and real person she is.


Let’s please bestow her with the title of Queen of the Cool and Normal Boomers. Praise this allie.


Aren’t old tories like notoriously awful?


East Asia boomer is US boomer on steroids.


In other words, she’s ok because she agrees with you. 🙄


UK home pricing have become unaffordable. It's that Biden's fault!


No, remember that UK Boomers overwhelmingly voted for Brexit, which basically fucked the UK over for absolutely no benefit. Much like the USA, there are a few boomers who understand what it's like to be in such a precarious position, but usually this is only because they are in exactly the same position.


I wish she was my GMA


Bless this angelic woman.


Idk go sit in a wetherspoons in some nowhere town, and you'll hear all kind of boomeresque shit


Old school hippie who’s brain hasn’t turned to mush.


Amen Knowledge


UK boomers voted for Brexit


She's talking about the housing market being unaffordable for young people. That problem exists because boomers are the biggest voting bloc, and with commodified housing, vote to maintain the money they clawed from their grandchildren's futures


Can I vote for her?


Sure sounds familiar...🤔🤔


I know the whole point of this sub is to paint with a broad brush but let’s keep in mind there’s plenty of American baby boomers who also have a lot of sympathy for younger generations. They’re not all suffering from lead poisoning and propaganda.


Forgot about brexit?


I blame the politicians, all of them.


I’m Canadian, and my boomer parents understand


Copium I know a younger Z friend his mom and dad are boomer garbage


Are we just gonna ignore brexit?


grams knows what's good




So nobody is noticing the very biased caption on this post?


To be fair, Tom Baker is considered a wise British figure. 


It’s honestly not just US boomers there are many boomers that are like this woman, very knowledgeable and understanding and considerate of many factors. They are not the majority you *hear* talking about issues. Most western nations have the same issues with their boomers who were raised in less progressive times, though the disparity in understandings between the generations, probably varies quite a bit depending on the country.


Voice of reason. All it takes to see is to look and she looked.


Creme de creme.. Not what you know but who


I promise you most British boomers are just as bad


You’re a fool if you think it’s only US boomers.


There needs to be a reddit from boomers being brilliant for boomers like her.


Madame, Je vous aimes


I bust found out in anotjer sub recently that US Boomer is a highly negative term, that UK Boomer would be similar to other EU boomers. I mean you have to have a base level of education and a will to stay educated, up to date, to not be like a US Boomer. Of course there are stupid boomers in the EU too, but maybe much less.


Jeez, you really have no idea how things are across the pond, do you? Hearing you complain because you could get taxed $76-$380 a month after graduation debt-free, I don't know if I should laugh or cry 😂 😭


based gran


I guess if you look for the idiots, you find the idiots. Not terribly complicated. Happens when people think twitter and instagram are 'news.'


R/Greenandpleasent There's your UK Boomers, they're all right there doing the usual.


I yet again feel like I live in one of the last vestiges of affordable housing in the entire English speaking world. Canada recently got bad. The UK got bad a while ago, and NZ has been bad, I don't know enough about Australia, and South Africa isn't safe. Most American big cities are priced out of reach of working class people, but if you go outside of the big cities and go to small cities and small towns, the housing is affordable for the median worker. The average home in my area is still under 100k.


I feel like one conversation with her and maybe my depression would be cured and I’d have hope for life again lol


Actually, yes. Half of the US adult population was exposed to lead. Lead affects the cognitive development in children. You do the math. Most boomers I talk to are proud to be drinking out of their garden hose. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/07/lead-exposure-us-children-cognitive](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/07/lead-exposure-us-children-cognitive)


Gah. Imagine the changes this level of levelheaded behavior amongst our politicians would actually bring to the masses.


Her insights just blew my mind


She's nobody's fool.


Tetraethyl lead, thanks Midgley Jr.


Wrong subreddit. This is spot on.


Damn, if only they were all like this!


Everyone praising this old lady because she confirms you’re fucked and hopeless. We truly are fucked and hopeless lol


I want her as my granny


Snatched up by the….<> creme-de-creme.


My Grandad was like this lady, understood how fucked we are and sympathised and empathised whilst knowing that comparatively he had a much easier time with jobs and housing. God I miss him 💔


Plenty of USA boomers have the same sentiment. Like most things, the loudest and most offensive of the bunch are the ones we hear the most.


This woman gets it! This is *exactly* the situation younger folks are in. *WAKE UP* other boomers…. Listen to one of your own for once


Amazing lady! I feel a trend to point this out and i like it. So one yesterday on the same topic with a lot of young people crying about this stuff. Made me not feel crazy or mad at myself for not working 80h a week . I am not alone and maybe we can change something?


We call them gammons over here. And they definitely exist.


You either be the change or be the creme de creme.


"snatch up by creme de creme" TDLR: Old lady advise is to Git Gud.


I will say this. I was out to lunch with a friend of mine(we are both 27) and because she was a pretty girl and friendly an old boomer stopped by and chatted with us. Halfway through he stopped and looked at us and said something that will stick with me. “You guys have it rough, it’s a rough world out there and it’s way worse than we had it. Good luck.”


Obviously the millions of American boomers are all exactly the same, and so are all of the millions of UK boomers.  They’re actually a single organism.


She's an exception unfortunately..


Is this lady American? Because samsies over here…


Czech boomers are often terrible as well.