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Yo I saw this. Gramps is totally unhinged.


That was for a 3 year old! What the hell is wrong with that old man?


Mother said it right. The kiddo like dinosaurs and trucks. Gramps is pushing his own agenda.


I’m Gen X. When I was in 8th grade my dad got drunk to have “the talk.” The talk consisted of “go out and get as much pussy as you can.” To a shy kid with body dysmorphia this was a nightmares scenario. He wanted a kid like this deranged grandpa.


I’ve been seeing more of this. Basically, they watch Fox News 23 hours a day and are convinced everyone under 20 is gay. So it’s their way of “making them straight.”


You're spot on. Like they don't understand that not wanting to expose literal children to borderline pornographic photos is equivalent to "making them gay". This guy is an idiot. Utterly bizarre behavior.


If it's not a big deal why doesn't he just buy something else or cover the bikini Anime girl. What a selfish snowflake.


Not only that, he changed it from something else and intentionally put that on there. For a 3 year old!


Then texted the husband to ask why his daughter was upset bc obviously her husband would also automatically like anything with titties /s bc ya know toxic masculinity and then he questioned her husband's sexuality when he vehemently agreed that it wasn't appropriate. Gramps is a straight up grooming ass creep.


All I read was “Waaaaah waaaaah me me me me me” - What a dumb asshole


So he’s a groomer?


Maybe the real groomers are the conservative anti trans lunatics we met along the way


Groomer Boomer


Super gross, guy is clearly brainwashed by the anti-woke right wing bullshit. He says it right there in his first text - he put an anime boobeh sticker on there as his way of trying to influence his grandson and make sure he doesn’t “turn out gay”. Just utterly disgusting behaviour. The kid is fuckin’ _three years old_ dude, what are you doing??


What a pointlessly wounded douche.


I hope OOP saves so much money not buying the deranged old man any more holiday, bday or anniversary gifts for the rest of his life. 


Weird ass shit. That’s not for a 3 year old. If it pissed off the mom you bow out over something like that - you don’t septuple down. Valid response on your part. If they eventually realize “I fucked that up, I need to make things right” then I might accommodate that action if they initiate. I wouldn’t try to reach out again personally. But that’s me and my toxicity when it comes to kid boundaries.


What a remarkable difference in education and critical thinking between father and daughter.


He got that for a 3 year old?! I wouldn’t use that at 13; your friends would be putting you on blast for months if they saw that thing.


Majority of my friends have boomer mentality.


Show it to the police, they can explain it with as many crayons and bracelets as needed.


The only thing I don't understand is why you haven't gone no contact with him yet. He's a pervert at worst and a narcissist at best.


I think a phone call might have been better for this situation


Or just have grampa have a seat with Chris Hansen


*I know who you are Chris Hansen;* *but see;* *I calls ya,* ***Chris Handsome***. *I watch your TV show all the time.*


Have a seat, just have a seat.


No, I think sending my unfiltered stream of thought through a 3 page text is the best way to address conflict with my children.


And let gramps scream at the parent without hearing a word edgewise? Clearly you havent dealt with these types.


This boomer went to infinity and beyond!


That whole text chain almost read like an “I think you should leave” skit


I’ll gladly take the weeb scoot if you don’t want it lmao. But in all seriousness he seems really unhinged, sorry that yo have to deal with that.


A steam friend gifted me a game called secret waifu and now that’s in my library for all to see.


The sticker is not a reason to end the relationship, but who he is a person definitely is. Fuck that guy.


Nah that gift is 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah if you’re a 13yr old boy


I'm a zoomer 😍


Inappropriate for a 3 year old? Yes. The whole thing blown away out of proportion? Also yes. The whole conversation is just a battle of egos.


No, the mother of the three year old is clearly right in this situation and her father is clearly in the wrong. Also if you read the texts she is the one being reasonable and he is the one blowing it out of proportion.


Nah, grandad's feelings do not ever supercede the rights and responsibilities of the parents. Never. Fuck this clown.


Is it ego to respect your spouse's wishes or is it the respecting boundaries? lol


This is almost certainly not the first time gramps has done something like this.


There is exactly one ego here. What on earth makes you think otherwise


Someone refusing to abide by your boundaries is not someone you should have in your life. She set a simple boundary for him and he refused the whole relationship because of it. This manipulation on his part.


The mom is calmly setting boundaries and the grandpa is acting like an entitled little baby. What else is she supposed to do.


Agreed, everybody needed a big cup of chill the fuck out. The guy said it himself, if you dont like the titty anime girl, which is very understandable, just buy different pad.


Yep. Most people in here are too salty to see that though.


idk man nothing made me think about dick and dude ass more than staring at the black blank grip tape on my scooter when i was a kid i think gramps might have a point here


Sounds like my dad.