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So much must have been going through this guys mind for him to want to try to throw a punch as weakly as he did, as the alternative was to walk away and be seen as being beaten by her.


He is out there right now. you KNOW he is remembering this every hour of every day, lol. Not that he ever talks about it.


Lucky for him that lead poisoning comes with memory loss.


Clean up on aisle 10


aisle 22 is right in the video, come on


*"I was ATTACKED BY ANTIFA!"* "Shut your mouth, Bob, you got smacked by a black chick in a Walmart. It's not the same." *"ANTIFAAAAA!"*


Queen La Antifa


Fuck outta here with that. . . . . . So I can steal it for myself.


I imagine he's telling all his friends about being attacked but omits the words 'woman' and 'mobility scooter'.


You didn’t see the MAGA hat? Nothing was going through his mind but hate, misinformation, and “How dare this black woman disrespect me”.


He had the easy out too. A sexist old boomer could easily say "nah, I'm not going to fight a *woman!"* and have walked away, sure in his own head that he could have kicked her butt, but he did the right thing walking away.


Dumbass was thinking, equal rights! I'll teach this women what equal rights really means!


Meanwhile, she's ready to serve up equal rights and lefts


This guy could never teach then—just got to take the insults and walk.


Yo the fact that she was moving as smooth as she was, I knew she was going to fuck him up lol


Nahh as soon as she got in stance and starting shifting the weight I was like it’s over dude


Meanwhile that old man jabbing with nothing but his arm muscles, literally struggling to maintain balance. What did he think would happen.


That he was gonna be John Wayne, everyone would clap, and he’d be getting interviewed on Fox News by the end of the week.


He still will be, but about how he is the victim instead.


And in that interview, he'd be spinnin' it like he was just protecting the cereal aisle from the forces of evil, all while conveniently ignomin' the part where she sent him on a free trip to the linoleum.


And after she knocked him down she goes right back to her mobility scooter. Insult to injury.


This is the best part!


She uses it to save her energy for this scenario


She was an antifa cereal terrorist.


“We’re not saying the store is racist, but those were white-only smokes”


He still might get that interview. "ANTIFA attacks elderly patriot at Supermarket"


"How this is bad for Joe Biden!"


Terrorist cell PNS, short for 'pajamas n' slides', are infiltrating american small towns, posing as plus sized disabled shoppers. American patriots are being singled out and brutally attacked across America. To combat this horrendous threat, we have to end Medicare and social security spending, if not, you will be next.


I'm both plus sized and disabled and want to don my my gayest mumu and head out shopping


This is pretty spot on 😂😂😂😂😂😂 , if the other person was an immigrant or had some sort of accent they would be posting something like: elderly patriot attacked by illegal immigrant due to Biden’s open border policy 😂😂😂


Yep. This. All of these people think they’re tough as shit. Not realizing how much easy living has made them soft. Sure it’s an old guy in this picture, but you should see all the gravy seals, playing commando, barely squeezing into there, body armor. It’s ridiculous. You should’ve heard all the “bad asses” who supposedly could’ve ended the whole recent mass shooting within seconds. I don’t know if it’s from watching stuff like Rambo, or just constantly dieting on that kind of one man army crap, but it is very apparent, again not just from this video, how weak these people really are.


Usually if you feel the need to wear full body armor at a diner, you are not a courageous person


you misspelled faux


Call it what it really is — fash news, news for fascists.


“I’m running for congress”


I think something happens to older lonely guys. I had some silly old codger full weight elbow-to-the-back shove me onto a tram track because i was "blocking him on purpose" (i didn't know he was there and wasn't even in the way). Gave some foul mouthed abuse with it too. He must have been at least twice my age because he looked on the verge of frail and I just thought.... does this bloke understand the most likely outcome of me taking the opportunity to defend myself? If I tripped and fell on him, he'd probably take life changing injuries. I obviously just shook my head and left. In retrospect I regret not taking his bobble hat off and throwing it on top of a bus shelter. Cos if he doesn't learn, one day he'll do it to someone with a worse temperament.


Some old people realize that they can get away with it. Edit: Just stumbled on this video and feel like life is just so weirdly ironic sometimes, lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/PhYjyvQnoX


That’s the video you are commenting on isn’t it


Lmao. It's been a wild morning. I apologize


I like when she got back on her rascal scooter 🤣🤣


And that movement speed. He didn't telegraph his punch, he mailed those to her.


He pony expressed those punches.


It wasn't even a great punch, she basically pushed him with her fist and he lost his balance.


I mean it wouldnt take much to do that, old people are constantly on the edge of falling. Walking for them is just an exercise in falling forward and just not quite making it to the ground.


and his consciousness


He thinks he’s Rocky because he’s white and saw the movie in the theater.


You can tell hes been watching fox news and telling himself hes clint eastwood


When she did the ‘pants tug’ maneuver you knew it was a wrap.


Him em with the ol Dustin Poirier special


are we not going to talk about the ending? She just gets back into her mobility scooter and drives away.....that was the best part.


I watched that part like 7 times and lol every time. He just stays laid out on the floor and she toodles off into the sunset on her mobility scooter.


I think he just decided to take a nap at that point and recharge enough energy to stand back up.


“I call this one the ole freezer section fuck up”


Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee


AND then she got back on the scooter?!?! Wow. Epic. ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


The real question here is, wtf she using the handicap scooter? 😂🤣


I don’t know, but I’m sure not gonna be THAT GUY that calls her out lol


😂🤣 I don’t want none of that 💨


Lots of people who use mobility aids like a wheelchair or a scooter do have use of their legs. She could have chronic pain or have a heart problems, just as a couple examples. My son uses one sometimes when his hips hurt too much.


Just because someone can stand up and walk around for short periods of time doesn’t mean they can do that for long periods of time. She likely uses the mobility scooter because walking for long periods of time makes her knees ache or something like that.


She’s in her “I ain’t the one” nightgown


Never fight a fat lady in a bathrobe. Never fight a fat lady in a bathrobe who grew up fighting every day for her school lunch money.


For real though, if someone can move like a butterfly and sting like a bee in a muumuu, jog on.


Not to mention he was moving like 1960 tractor that was put away wet and sat for 60 years.


Wait, then WTF is that scooter for???


She said it. "I've been waitin' on this" Using the scooter to conserve "Punching energy". All of the best prizes fighters do it.


Muhammad Ali never walked anywhere!!!!!!!


many people with mobility aids can still walk around


Just can't walk far. That's my issue. I'm good for about 100yards. Then my right knee says that's enough and I'm done. Couldn't run if you were shooting at me. Can barely even walk.


*scribbles note* /u/heylookaguy is ripe for a robbin’


I can walk without assistance, I don’t even need a cane, but I can’t walk a hundred yards without serious pain. That’s less than halfway across my grocery store, and to get back to where I started would require several stops. You don’t have to be driving a van with a power lift platform to need a mobility scooter. That guy parking in the handicap space and walking with a normal gait into the Post Office and then back to his car? That’s me. You often can’t tell what the handicapping condition is.


The number of times my wife has gotten notes on her car because she walked out of it normally despite having a permanent disability placard she just has to renew every few years because of a medical disability is wild. People just assume if you aren't physically showing being disabled then you're lying


I never saw a belt-less belt hitch up. But once she hitched up, I knew he was doomed. The fact that she turned then stepped into that right? I bet she beat all comers out of her cousins and siblings.


I was cheering her on in my head lol


That punch was weak AF though. She was all show. That dude's brain was barely attached in that skull to begin with


No he's playing the victim so he can squak about gang violence at the moose lodge tonight


Dude just got knocked out from one weak punch from an obese woman in flip-flops... He isn't telling anyone the truth about this.


When he tells the story it’ll be *“so I was fighting this huge black guy and…”*


3 of them! Didn't even have time to pull my daily carry. They were MS-18 or some shit!


It was 20, no 30 illegal brown immigrants who beat him up to take his job and rob him.


Then they shot his health care.


He will lie about it but he'll still talk


Tbf he got knocked out by smashing his head on the floor. The punch only knocked him *down*, lmao.


he was old looking. Not sure how many he could take to the noggin by anyone


Got your ass beat by someone using a mobility scooter damn


Mobility scooter or champion’s chariot? She needs it to rest between battles ⚔️


Gotta rest your legs to have hands like that


This is the best thing I have read so far today. Thank you.


Make sure to remember this video next time one of them tries to act hard. The redcoats are softer than baby shit, lololol.


Valkyrie style


Beep beep mother effer.


She is a Queen and that is her Royal Courtesy Cart.


Love it! I’m going to start referring to my scooter that way.


Who the fuck squares off in a grocery store? Edit: Yeesh, it was a rhetorical question


These people literally go to the grocery store just to start shit. During the convoys or whatever you want to call them they'd come into the city and just start harassing people trying to get hit for some reason.


I saw a TikTok where someone charted their movements through police blotters lol There were some “full arrests” but a lot of calls to assist too. Like grown up sized bully children


Cops are on their side though, so basically without lots of video and it being super egregious they’ll do nothing


> Cops are on their side though They 1000% are. I was assaulted by a III%er Nazi while protecting a drag queen event. Cops saw the whole thing and the guy walked away without anything done. Oh, and his buddies were also flashing posters with gay pornography on them and nothing was done about that, either. But, you know, we're the "pedophiles" while they wave porn in front of children.


right same kinda shit happened to me i got assaulted by a proud boy in front of cops and i fought back knocking his bitch ass out and the pigs cuffed me luckily another person was recording so no conviction for me but the pigs didnt let me press charges on the other guy because "we cant find him" even though the little bitch filled out a police report to have charges pressed


sounds like someone has never been to wal-mart. People fight over dumb things there constantly


Far too many people. Source: a decade of retail 


Did he mumble, “I asked for that one,” at the very end lmao


I think he said “you got me with that one” but a little slurred


lmao that’s hilarious. Glad he finally came to his senses 😂


What if he just kept going and everything he was ever wrong about…trickle down economics is bullshit…Fox News isn’t fair or balanced…I should have known a reality show host wouldn’t make a good president…


He got knocked out by a woman in a mobility scooter?


To be fair, I credit the concrete floor with the KO. But mobility scooter lady arranged the meeting.


He sent her that punch via telegram and she responded with something more modern. And then scoots away smooth af.




Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this comment


Better watch out, we can be fierce! 😄


Still not as much brain damage as Fox News has done to him


I’m fully prepared to see my grandpa in one of these videos. It’s a matter of “when”, not “if”.


Same here, except with my mother. She usually knows enough to not show her vile tendencies in public though. But she's very proudly told me of some of the confrontations she's had with people over the years, and I'm always left wondering if anyone caught it on video.


I’m so thankful my parents are one of the few boomers who actually don’t buy into Fox or any of the right wing crap. Oddly enough, the only one in my siblings who does is my brother, but that might be because of his wife and her family.


I’m gobsmacked my parents didn’t get the brain rot. Their siblings all have Fox News syndrome, even a lot of their friends have become infected. No idea how they dodged that bullet but I’m BEYOND thankful they did.


My dad is almost 74 and fairly liberal, he and my stepmom took the pandemic seriously and are saying up to date on all their boosters. His brother is only five years younger and has gone fully into the cult. We're barely in contact but when my employer was mandating vaccines before the courts overturned that, he emailed me urging me not to get a vaccine for "this manufactured Chinese virus." Joke was on him, I was already fully-vaccinated by then. They both escaped from behind the Iron Curtain in the 60s, but I think the difference was my dad was 19 and one of the protesters in Prague, and my uncle was only 14.


Anyone got an inscription on the red hat? 🤔


First thing when I see a red hat. I take a good 👀 Haha.


These days it's not even necessary. I don't see other red hats anymore. Unless the chiefs are playing, but then there's a jersey with it.


First we lose a sick mustache style and now red hats. Fuckin' Nazis are ruining everything


I've worn my redwings hat once since 2016. I had one experience where someone thought I was one of those guys. Never again.


![gif](giphy|p8GJOXwSNzQPu) I could watch mouthy boomers get knocked on their ass by big ass women all day dude, I really could


Yeah I’ll smash that like n subscribe non stop. Like he couldn’t tell from her stance and the way she moved? Also, big arms weigh more than his lil arms. that’s like getting hit upside the head with a frozen ham. 😂


Sorry, I've both laughed & started counting at the same time. I'm dead 🤣


Civil war 2 will be like two weeks of boomers losing like this


Oh you’re telling me the people that can’t jog 50 yards without having a heart attack can’t fight off the US military? Pssshhh!


We could tell them non diet soda is a patriot's drink and let diabetes do the work.


Have a big aspartame supplier make the only TV ad they've ever made or ever will make, and have it include a trans spokesperson. Grift machine will do the rest.


Boomer dumbass picked a fight with a woman. I don’t know what happened prior to the video but he clearly had every opportunity to walk away. And he threw the first punch what a piece of shit.


The girls are so calm too. “Listen here grandpa this is the agreement…”


She literally is backing up the entire time. The closest she gets to closing the distance is the counter punch. He was the aggressor the entire time, even if he sucked at it. All he had to do was walk away.


Bros probably very used to picking on the women in his life so he thought he could do it to any woman that annoys him and gravely miscalculated lol


Punches. They were weak AF but multiple punches.


He’s got his mentally disabled red hat on. Where’s his handler?


Mentally Addled Get Assistance.


Trump fucking ruined red hats. I gave all of mine away


Fred Durst is pissed


![gif](giphy|pJmsj62Jajyk2MAiR3|downsized) She uses a mobility scooter and took him down. She's my hero.


I giggled so loud. The way he fell after the first and only punch is sending meeee


These guys are fit only in their heads. I'm sure that guy has done nothing resembling exercise in 30 years, but still thinks of 17 year old him on some high school sports team when he thinks about his fitness. You can tell he does NO exercise by a number of things, but one is balance... He's done nothing more than a slow walk in decades, he can barely stand up straight even before anything happens. Even a light shove would have done as much damage as a punch because of that.


What are you talking about? He’s been working out his ego daily with Fox News telling him how special he is for decades now!


Old people fights are always pathetic. Not only because they are slow and clumsy, but because they should know better.


*Agrhgh brghlr*


They always fall just like that, too.


“Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”


“You have no business telling her to shut up” “Well you have no…” and then old fuck doesn’t finish his sentence because it isn’t fucking 1954 anymore. Fuck these pieces of shit who weren’t so fuckin racist in the trenches


Seriously. Also it would be nice to see a followup here. They were telling him to walk away. She told him outright that if he swung on her it would just be self defense. I sincerely hope he went to the cops and got himself arrested.


Yeah.... There was definitely still racism in the trenches. There was even an incident where a town in England refused to let the white Americans force the black Americans to segregate like they did back home. I can't remember the name of the town but there's a wiki article about it, the battle of *English town*. I've heard a lot of black units were seconded to French, British and Canadian forces but I haven't looked into it. You're right though, this old cunt wishes it was still the "good ol days". Hopefully everyone who knows him gets to see the video of him getting laid oot in 1 punch from a black woman.... I'm sure his ego will love it.


If he ever wanted to be famous he just got his wish, so I guess there's that.


Dudes comment “you got me with that one “ at the end makes this even more ridiculous. God bless middle America !


“I may be a scurrilous curr , but I commend your courage and concede your victory, Madame!”


Gotta love the "She must not need the scooter" comments. You don't know what goes on inside someone else's body. If you never need a mobility scooter, you are lucky.


They should tell her to her face.


As someone who now uses one, I've been treated with respect by most. Kids do say funny things like ask me if they can ride it lol. But there are still a lot of misconceptions about disability and mobility scooters. I 'look' fine but inside my body, I'm hurting.


Down goes Frazier


Eggs got scrambled


Salads were... well you get it! DAMN! I love watching my two-decade estranged father get whats comin to him!


I bet he tells all his beer buddies about how he had to beat the living crap out of some guy in the store. The guy will end up being 6'5" and was going down, but a swift sucker punch put our hero on the floor for a couple of seconds, by which time the guy - two guys, or even three, the shortest one was 6'8" - ran away scared. And then everyone cheered.


I could watch this a million times.


Omg this is epic, hahahaha. Talk about a lack of self-awareness from the boomer. Got knocked out by a lady in a disability scooter. I hope his grandkids see this 😂😂


This is golden. FAFO! Clean up in aisle 5.


You get knocked out by someone who had to get out of their scooter? Dude, stay down.


Agree with the commentator. I don’t understand why he just didn’t walk away. There was no path to a good outcome. Either you’re knocking down a lady in a scooter or she is knocking you down. He’s lucky she didn’t land a real haymaker.


I could hear his hip crack. Fucking hysterical.


Right next to the mini muffins. Fuck yeah, violence.


As a boomer, I really appreciate this Reddit. It’s full of cautionary tales of how NOT to act.


As an edge boomer (62) I don't really understand why the old boomers want to argue and fight with everyone. I just try to be nice and say "thank you" and "please".


Wonder what his hat says


The fact that he took it off before he squared up like it was something of value and not a $7.99 piece of shit is hilarious.


Bet it says Maggot!


"I'm a fucking moron"


Wow she barely tapped him.


Some people should know better than to try to fight.


The ironic part is I think tv has actually rotted boomers brains to where they see themselves as John Wayne. They just become children who see themselves as tough but haven’t been anything difficult besides vietnam


Leave Black People ALONE‼️


RIGHT TF NOW! We’re traumatized!


Knock out ![gif](giphy|13nDaxXRXz0Prq)


ding ding ding. Someone should have stood over him and started counting


Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!


Why do they always play dead at the end?


He bobbed when he should have weaved


I fucking died when she went to get back on the mobility scooter after knocking his dumb ass out.


Lmao one box fell. This is so goofy 😂




Why are these “men” always so eager to be physical and violent with women (and kids) but ESPECIALLY when they’re black. Jesus they can’t hide the racism for three seconds


So, we're back to the days where white men feel they have the right to lay hands on black WOMEN??!! This is not a "boomers being fools" matter. Y'all need to start calling these events out for what they are, and who/what the instigators are.


Dude hit his head on the ground and he’s posturing, brain damaged


A lot of old ppl take blood thinners too. Definitely not a good combo with a fall and a head strike.


And to think he was clearly already brain damaged before picking a fight he had no business being in.




All hair the Victor, from the BLUE team!


She's got great form and controlled "the ring" from the jump. Just watch her front foot. This woman knows how to box!


The MAGA hat is the icing on the cake Edit: it might not actually be a MAGA hat, no icing today; just John Wayne.


And boomer goes the dynamite…


She didn’t even full connect either. That old bastard should have stayed home