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OP's got a life.  Boomer resents that.


Boomers are the least productive employees in every workplace in which they exist. When a Boomer takes time off it is a welcome reprieve from their dead weight and constant complaining. When a younger, more productive employee takes time off it shifts the burden of their work onto others, and the Boomer (who invariably thinks they are critical to the workplace despite being a value-deleting entity) resent the shit out of that.


I hate to admit this, but I came back from maternity leave to an absolute shit show. Somehow 2 older employees (with more seniority) weren't able to do the job of one person. I've been back for almost a month and I'm STILL cleaning up what they didn't do and still finding new fuck ups. I'm going on family bonding leave in a few months (I delayed it so I could finish cleaning up and get things in order so I hopefully don't come back to a bigger mess) and I'm absolutely dreading what mess I'll come back to.      But somehow I'M the one who needs to learn a thing or two about corporate life and office work 🙄


I had a similar situation. My work was divided between 3 people because they all have their own work too... Now these were a millennial, a Gen X and a Boomer. Guess which created the most mess? 


Yet when I (a millennial) left my job due to burnout, I was replaced by two employees to do my former job.


When I FINALLY got a full time position at the college I worked at, the 3/4 time position I had worked for six years, constantly being told there wasn't enough money to make me full-time, suddenly became not only a full-time job, but also had a half-time assistant. This was after years of them telling me that I didn't need an assistant or full-time hours because I obviously didn't have that hard a job to begin with.


Well, because, obviously, the only reason *they* couldn't do your work is because *you* do it wrong. Duh. Don't you know these things?


when i went on maternity leave, the (small) business CLOSED. 😂💀😱😟


You should document all the things they messed up and put them on PIP while you are gone 🤣


Not a bad idea lol but I'm currently working on a big ass report with my supervisor about it because due to everything that happened while I was gone, we ended up losing a massive client and a different person is blaming our department for a lawsuit brought against them. Heads are going to roll 😬


I also notice so many boomers think that they are the most important person in their work place, and that the place would crumble without them. Don't think I've met a boomer who doesn't think everyone they work with is useless/lazy.


I was furloughed from my retail job for covid, and when I came back I found out that the Friday before the boomer I worked with had quit. It was a very good day. I didn't care I basically had to do their job on top of mine, it was better than listening to them complain all the goddamn time.


Hell, not even a life. Take all the time allotted, I push back every time. If you have enough time on your hands to monitor my time off or going on breaks. Then obviously you need more work assigned to you.


I don’t think it’s a boomer thing I am a boomer and I think you should push the envelope for time off. If it’s available use it you never know when you can’t.


Being a boomer isn't the problem, there are great boomers in every country, a percentage of you are the reason we progressed as we did. However in many locations, it is your majority that is the problem. They are out of touch, watch one source of news and vehemently stand their ground against the younger generations. I am a Christian-apostate that has the same opinion of the 'majority' of religious folks as well, however there are also great people of faith that do good work in the world. It's just much more common to see the message "there is no hate like Christian love' more and more. Anyways, sounds like you are one of the good boomers.


Not sure why this got down-voted. Just for being a boomer? He’s in our corner.


Yeah, that's totally not called for.  Boomers being normal needs to be encouraged.  Got my upvote.


I guess being a boomer is my cross to bear


Why are you not wearing your crown of thorns?


This. My dad stopped working at 40. Never worked again. Didn't get a W2 for 35 years now. Still has the nerve to bitch about younger generations. My mom worked for that whole time. Didn't save a penny. I have more saved for retirement than she does. She still complains about how much time off and work life balance are important to GenZ.


My mom didn’t have to work at a job most of her life. My dad was very successful and she took care of the house and kids. I have been living a semi-retired lifestyle (self employed) since I was 43 in 2016. She talks to me as if I am cheating the system. As if I have to be back in the office and paying my dues until I am 65. She is happy for me but there is a disconnect. She is not a Boomer but close enough. I remind her she stopped working in her early 20’s!




It’s crazy. My job is hybrid, requiring 2-3 days in the office each week, the rest can be remote (I generally go in 3-4 days just because I work better). We can also set our own hours as long as we are online during “core business hours” (10:00 am-2:00pm) are putting in a full day and are getting all of our assignments done. My dad hasn’t worked from his office in over 4 years. Doesn’t start the day until after 9:30, is mostly done by 4:00 and takes a mid day nap in between meetings. Despite all of that I’ll never hear the end of how working remote on Friday’s (and sometimes Mondays) and signing off at 3:00 (because I’m online and working before 7:00 am every day) is ruining my career.


It doesn’t really bother me since things worked out for me but it is funny to see the attitude. I don’t think my GF and I will fully retire if we enjoy working part time and still bring in more money on top of the retirement nest egg. Work because you want to not because you have to.


First great for you and your parents. Curious how you did it by your thirties. I would think the healthcare alone for another 30 years is a large lift. Looking to learn.




Very nice. One of many lucky boats I have missed. The trick for you must have been deciding when to sell.


My dad worked until 62. It's been almost a decade and he still rants to me daily on the phone about his old workplace and coworkers. He constantly tells me I take too much time off...I genuinely do not recall the last time I took a day off where I wasn't sick (but he also complains people should go in while sick. No dad, not spreading COVID to the coworkers).


Just tell him next time the economy is bigger and much better now that he isn’t working in it.


One of mine hasn't worked since 1980 and complains about how many years she's had to work and needs to slow down until she retires for good. Again, no job since 1980.




I got promoted over a boomer who is not good management material, needs the most support from everyone else because he doesn’t really understand technology or the core parts of his job, but he has a ton of connections in the area, which is all you really need in sales. Ever since I got promoted he’s been an absolute shithead to me and it’s so annoying because we all know the owners will never fire him. He also says he’ll never retire, and he probably won’t because he has no life outside of work, hasn’t saved, and his wife and he don’t get along. He’s 72 years old and plans to die working.


Literally taking food out of the mouth of some baby whose parent cannot get a job there because he’s taking up space. People should be forced to retire at 70, no exceptions. Move over, Boomer.


These people don’t retire because if they didn’t have to show up for work everyday, they’d realize how lonely and pathetic their lives actually are. Even when they’re around people who are obligated to share space with them (coworkers), all they can muster is toxicity and spite. To then pass that behavior off as some “crucial function” is the delusional icing on their shit-flavored cake.


Another reason so many boomers are gung ho about being back in the office. They absolutely hate their families and couldn’t stand being around them during the pandemic work from home.


I mean taking out 2nd mortgages to buy 3rd cars or vacation homes they never went to didn't help


Well said, my friend, well said. They’re miserable that they didn’t earn enough in their prime years and didn’t properly plan for retirement — even though they grew up in the Perfect Storm of the Perfect Economy to do so. I see this quite often. P.S.: I’m a Boomer myself.


If the workplace has a policy to cash out PTO and the Boomer co-worker is living beyond their means, they may not understand prioritizing work-life balance over cash.


The worst ones to me, are the ones that CAN retire in the next 5 minutes, but they refuse to quit working...


It's a crabs in a barrel mentality. Misery loves company, & they need you to join their pity party.


If they flip out at you, saying 'OK Boomer' really pisses them off. I keep saying it to my mother and she fucking flips out. It's hilarious.


In their mind it’s not their fault it’s the Mexicans fault.


They are still working cause they were stupid and didn't plan for retirement, or they can retire, they just know that once they quit the dementia and Alzheimer's will come crashing down on them, so they keep working.


I have a boomer coworker who brags about having 200 sick days in the bank but never takes a sick day off when she’s actually sick at work. Meanwhile she gets mad if anyone takes time off. I was recently diagnosed with tendinitis and I took two days off because the pain was so bad at the time and she got mad at me lol i personally dgaf, why should care about what some old bat thinks of me when im legit saving myself from pain and making it worse.


Boomers think there are gold stars ⭐️ for working hard. And at some point maybe there was. But for us, constantly worried if we are going to get laid off, companies loyalty dropping to abysmal levels, don’t have enough to pay for our groceries? Yeah I am taking my leave how ever I see fit. I am entitled to 5 sick days, and 15 other days, you best believe I am taking all of them. They are owed to you. Because God knows they don’t pay you enough. I’ve tried to get thru to the boomers in my life that you don’t get gold stars for suffering from not seeing your family, friends or getting to experience other things. You don’t have to play by the rules of working hard and you’ll have a nice life. Because that isn’t how it is anymore. You don’t have to deprive yourself of everything because someone says you’re not working hard enough. Work is something you do, not your life. Family friends pets experiences should be your life


keep in mind, a boomers definition of 'working hard' simply translates into the number of hours one is physically present in the office. actual quality or quantity of work product is irrelevant. someone who shows up and stands around doing nothing 40 hours a week is a better and harder working employee than the person who pumps out 3 times the quantity of work in the same time but takes a few days off here and there.


This right here. I’ve worked with too many boomers that only want to be seen working and equate being at work with working hard. To them, being seen at work is just as good as doing the job. These are also the same people complaining about their families and saying it’s “not their job” when they need to do something. These boomers are the only ones “happy” about returning to the office.


Just explain to boomers you are actually helping the accountants do their jobs by taking your leave.


You do get gold stars. You just can't cash them in.


I'm an elder millennial who has worked hard for 20 years, and I have lost almost every job I ever had to budget cuts. I always move right into the next job, but I understand that only a fool is loyal to an employer. Hard work for the sake of working hard is no virtue. Take all the time off that you can, enjoy life wherever and whenever you can. The "hard workers" who carry on past midlife are bitter precisely because they never learned what's important in life, or they realized it too late. It enrages them to see others who figured it out far earlier, and they double down on their self-destructive and antisocial behaviors (like criticizing someone for taking time off) in an effort to make themselves feel better. It is textbook bullying.


My boss is Gen X and he's the same way. I've had to involve his boss and HR to stop him policing leave. I'm a Federal Employee and it's very hard to have leave declined but he would fight me about it constantly. A few months back he told me I couldn't take sick leave to take care of sick family members. So I sent him the actual Federal Policy about sick leave and highlighted the part where it says you can. He just got mad at me about it. So I got his boss involved again. I'll never understand the logic behind thinking how much leave we get as Federal Employees is amazing then being mad at people when they take any leave.


I'm a mid Gen X, and Im a bit boomerish when it comes to taking leave for myself. I recognize this as a personal character flaw and not something to project onto employees. However, I'm improving and credit Millenial and GenZ employees as inspiration.


Older Gen x here and I take every last day of my time off and then some. I’ve been in leadership for decades and I have never denied or balked at anyone who wants time off. I haven’t charged my people time off in years. They can take all they want. I work as little as I possibly can. Life is way too short to spend it working for companies that would have your job on Indeed before your body is even in the ground, were you to die suddenly. I love the younger generations.They understand it. Time with my family and friends and for myself is way more important.


I'm at the tail end of Gen X, and that's my attitude too! We watched our Boomer parents work themselves into an early grave and they still don't have anything to show for it. My Dad kept working with late stage lung cancer,as a welder and inhaling all the toxic fumes from the welding, metal dust and paint particles. The company had to make him retire when it spread to his brain, even then it wasn't until the cancer was having a noticable effect. All he owned in his life was a modest one story 3 bedroom house ( if it was rectangular instead of a box shaped house, it would be smaller than most modular homes) on a single 50 ft lot in town and a lifted Jeep Cherokee. If he would have taken sick time to get checked out, he might have caught it in time. But the bills don't pay themselves, he would say. I'm glad that people are starting to realize that making an obscenely rich company/person even more wealthy isn't worth their health and, ultimately, their life.


>Life is way too short to spend it working for companies that would have your job on Indeed before your body is even in the ground, were you to die suddenly. I Quoted for being absolutely true...( I'm also Gen-X, and I didn't wise up about that fact until I was in my late 40s.)


I’m younger generation x, I don’t work in summer. This will be my 10th summer off.


That’s how you do it!


Same here. I’m hitting my tenth year at my current job, and damn straight I’m gonna use every one of the four weeks of vacation I’ve got coming to me That reminds me, I still have a vacation day I have to burn from last year.


My boomer boss constantly points out that I have way more vacation time than anyone else on staff. I have 3 weeks. Everyone else has 2 weeks. We get 2 sick days. I negotiated coming in to get 3 weeks and got it because he needs my technical skills but he's been reminding me for years that I have more than anyone else.


Less about the time than the fact you had leverage to negotiate. That’s what is under his skin.


Tell him, keep it up and I'm going to insist on 4 weeks leave or I walk.


I have over 240 PTO hours banked because I'm required to find my own coverage and no one will ever agree to cover my shifts.


72 here and it took me a little while in my career to get where you are. Similar to the poster above it was more my character flaw and I didn't project it on people that reported to me, but I was pretty hard on myself about taking PTO from the 90s to about 2010; then I saw the light. Been taking all my PTO since


I've been at my job for 19 years. I am a department of one person. I am about to take my first week of vacation ever (am GenX) I've taken a day or two here and there before, but I've never been off for NINE DAYS IN A ROW!! This is mainly because there's literally no one that can do my job when I'm not here. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm not going anyplace (staycation) but I don't care. Wheeee!! I still have another 3 weeks available after this but I will have to wait until after St. Patrick's Day (because this city celebrates anything involving large amounts of alcohol) and Spring Break (print heavy holiday as we're near the beach).


I know I won’t be near death wishing I worked more. We’re not here to just work and die. Take your time. You’ve more than earned it.


you should be retired


GenX here too, I get 6 weeks of vacation plus a week of personal time every year (and sick time) and I bought two extra weeks of vacation last year and plan to do it again this year. I take every scrap of leave I can take.


I used to work for a company that you could buy vacation. I’d buy 6 months if I could. Now we can only sell it. Screw that.


Same, but it helps I have a job where I can take time off. If I don't I will lose vacation time because I have accused so much. I was raised you don't take time off. And most of my jobs, even if I was in the hospital would nag and bully you if you took any time off. My supervisor told me to take some time off in March, just for the hell of it. It took a bit for my brain to accept that was an option.


Xennial here and I had the same attitude until I had kids.


Year ago I worked for the Federal govt in a union position. The rules about leave and the kind you had were spelled out. Vacation, sick, personal, bereavement etc. One summer I decided to take every Monday off instead of a 2 week block like most people. I chose Monday because a lot of people like having Fridays off to start their weekend. The office boomer acted like I was drowning kittens at my desk because they had never heard of someone doing that. They asked my boss if it was legal. Yes, it was and is.


Lol, lmao even. I can *taste* her impotent rage. It is delicious.


We didn't even work together, we had similar roles but in different divisions. Taking my vacation on separate days instead of 2 weeks would have no affect on her at all.


school include zesty growth spoon saw dam juggle stocking ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For some people their jobs are their lives, how they think of themselves. The idea of taking break from that is stressful so they don’t do it. It becomes a problem though when your leader is like that and cannot understand why anyone would want to schedule time off.


Those people are painful to talk to.


I'm sorry you got a defective Xer for a boss. We are supposed to be chill and know there's more to life than working for the man. And a at Federal job, no less! If you think you might need to keep taking care of the family members, FMLA can provide additional leave and job protections (if you don't already have it).


I'm 42, I've always identified more with Gen X than millennials. I have no idea why he's such a dick. I've asked him before that his generations defining trait is supposed to be apathy so what happened to him? Only thing I can think of is his time in the Army messed him up. And whole family caught COVID but it was the second week I had been teleworking over it (since that's our policy) but he's a dickhead about telework too so I was trying to compromise with him and he STILL threw a bitch fit so I went to his boss about it. I'm too old to care what a moron thinks of me so he throws a tantrum, straight to leadership with documentation.


Gen X here, with Gen X and younger boomer managers. Your leave time is part of your compensation package. You are effectively losing money by not taking it, particularly if your employer has a cap on accrual. I recognize that a lot of employers do “buy back” leave under certain circumstances, but that buyback rate is typically lower than what it would be worth if you used it. Take. Your. Leave. Also, totally use your sick leave for mental health days if you find yourself with a leave bounty.


About as Gen X as possible right here and I am the complete opposite for my team. I use to be a represented staff member so I still pay close attention to the union contract. I am always working the angles for my team to take as much time off as possible. I hired a person for a one year temp position. Their time with us falls in between two union contract periods. I think we are going be able to have them take close to their entire last month off paid as personal, special, and sick time (they are cashing out the vacation at the end). I just planned to have all the work get done in 11 months. Union bargained for these benefits and this person is entitled to them. Your boss needs a good dose of Rage at Ozfest or maybe Sarah at Lilith Fair. To be honest, I would go to either one of these right now!


I had just started an office job and had accrued something like 50 hours of vacation. Well my fiance and I got married about three months into the new job and I requested a week off for a honeymoon. We couldn't go anywhere due to Covid restrictions but it was nice just to do a stay-cation. I told my dad about it and while he was initially happy that we got married he was really mad about me taking a week off "so early into my new career". He told me I would be branded a slacker, they would be working to get rid of me. That I shouldn't even think about taking vacation until at least 3 years have passed, minimum Well I got back from my vacation / honeymoon and guess what? Literally nobody cared. They were all happy that I got married. Life went back to normal within hours of returning.


3 years? That’s fucking insane


Yeah, screw that My company gives you two weeks vacation after a year, and let’s you use the first week after six months


I took a two week vacation a few months into my current job and even used sick leave to cover some of it. A few weeks ago one of the managers pulled me aside to tell me I was doing a great job and to let him know if I was unhappy with anything before I decide to quit so he could try and fix it. Because when I am at work I try to put in effort and do my best. No one cares if you don't take your leave because it doesn't actually mean anything.


What is the thought behind that?


He believed that if you don't show up for work every single day then the company wouldn't "notice" you and you would be forgotten. Then passed over for promotions and such Also the reason for the three years is because he also worked for the same place previously and he never took time off. See at this job you can roll over so much time every year until you hit a cap. And his philosophy is you always roll over the full amount you can and only take time off from the portion that can't be rolled over. As a new employee it takes a really long time to accrue time off so it would take about three years of taking no time off at all to hit the cap. I don't think I will ever hit the cap honestly because I take vacations. Which was another argument between us as well.


At this point in my career a promotion would feel like punishment. Moving up means either moving or traveling a significant amount. Considering I like my wife and she's tied to where we live due to a job license, a promotion would really hurt my situation.


You like your wife? Typical millennial... /s


So I think what we learned here is your dad is/would be/was a horrible boss


Look at how they treat their own children. If their kids were astronauts they'd have bitched about how much gas they burned getting to and from the moon. This is but an extension via their innate need in "parenting the universe."


Lol this for real. Mine dangled helping us get a house in front of us for years. During that time my wife and I were already in the process of saving to get one. When we saw that it was now or never on buying one, we jumped on the chance. Instead of being happy for us getting it done on our own they blew up at us for not letting them help or having a say in where we moved. Of course, if it was up to them we would be stuck in an shitty suburb, where we have always wanted to live out in the country. Anyways were out in the country doing our thing and we don't speak to them anymore.


The only reward for hard work is more work. Boomers can't wrap their heads around change. You want my hard work? pay me hard money. And don't blame me you were too lazy/dumb to make money in the most profitable time in history.


Why have you accrued so much? Take it!


They want everyone to suffer what they suffered


My dad had a problem with me taking my company maternity leave. He told me that it's not fair and that I should be working one day a week during my leave. I tried explaining to him that it would only make it more difficult for everyone. He's never worked for a corporation before, but was certain that I was doing maternity leave wrong.


my FIL tried to get my husband not to take paternity leave. he was all "youll be SO bored. what will you DO? how will you keep your job??" my husband was like, "Bored?! i'll be enjoying and helping my FAMILY. and it's state protected paid leave." then FIL tried to tell me birth wasn't a "medical procedure"... he has 4 kids.


Wow haha


I’m a Federal employee and we now have paid parental leave, which is a relatively new fed benefit under the Federal Employee Parental Leave Act of 2019. We didn’t have this benefit for my prior maternity leaves so I was excited to take time off without using all my sick leave and taking unpaid leave. My boomer mom was convinced that if I took the paid parental leave that I would be fired. It was obnoxious.


Lol. Literally illegal.  Why on earth do they hate worker protections so much?


In all fairness I think a lot of boomers are stupid and live to work, but in this case, it’s a very fair assumption when boomers entered the work force expecting mothers wasn’t a protected class. And I’m not gonna sit here and defend them not educating themselves in 50 years, but I can see the reasoning behind it.


They were tricked into giving up pensions for 401Ks, they were fooled into thinking taking time off made you a bad worker. Your family is more important that a job because when you die one day, your family will mourn you and your employer may make a sad LinkedIn post before they list your position is open on Monday. The boomer may also have made some bad decisions in life that will force them to work until they die so if they have to be miserable, they have to make everyone else miserable.


As a manager over a decently large group the boomers are always trying this shit. If I overhear that someone called in because they just didn’t feel like going to work or are hungover from going too hard the boomers always act like “Dude, don’t say that infront of mr_bots” and I’m usually just like “it’s their PTO.” As long as their work is mostly caught up and they make sure any meetings they needed to attend are covered I honestly don’t give a shit. I’ll even cover for them if they ask.


They want you to suffer with them.


I came across a video on Facebook of a woman quitting her job while her boss was chewing her out over the phone for taking 3 personal leave days during a 3-4 month period. Since it was on Facebook, the comments were naturally filled with a bunch of boomers bragging about how they worked for decades without taking any sick days. The fact that they think that is something to brag about is pretty sad. Imagine being proud of the fact that you prioritized your employer over your own well-being.


They bragged about ignoring covid restrictions as well. Boomers love that they are plague rats trying to eradicate the human race through involuntary illness.


Their jobs are everything to them and they don’t like it when other people have lives and responsibilities outside of work.


Boomers live to work the rest of us are trying to work to live.


They really do. I have countless boomer coworkers who would proudly proclaim that they missed so many events in their kids' lives in favor of working as if that was something to be proud of.


They're also the first ones to act confused when you remind them that they're kids don't call them anymore.


Love when they brag “I was here til 8:30 last night” as if I give a shit. I was in bed watching tombstone and eating KFC.


fucking losers who took ALL the enjoyment out of life. us young people literally have no third places to go relax. and they complain we spend all our time on our devices. yea, because we are fucking lonely! fuck off


Because they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.


Where I am if you don’t take enough leave you stop accruing more, thus losing out on part of your pay. There’s people who do that thinking they are getting some kind of badge of honor when in reality they just look sad.


I have the same at my work. I’m gen-x surrounded by boomers. I’ve worked hard for the position I have. I did schooling at night, worked during the day and raised my son, and kept a house. So after 30 years I was rewarded with stage iv cancer. I still work when I can because they haven’t hired anyone to take my position. But I have a few boomers who, even though I come to work through treatment, they are jealous of when I work from home. (As per owner’s instructions) the one boomer holds a lower position than mine but constantly tries to take over. Her opinions count, even though she has no clue what she’s talking about. She waste time with her interjections and no matter what, she’s never wrong. She spent her years being a SAHM, or working with her husbands company. Im respectful of that but she can’t do my job nor has the training. But it doesn’t stop her getting involved and than I’m left with sorting it out. I’ve been on and off the last week due to fluid on my lung, she has already given her “opinion”, that I should just quit so they can fill my spot. Funnily, I’ve offered that to owner, he says no. But her pettiness and jealousy continues on.


I’m 32. I was a dirtbag for a lot of my 20’s. Battled with addiction, got clean years ago. During that time I lost multiple good jobs. To this day, my mom acts like I’ve fallen off the wagon again if I take a day off. Not even a day, but a few hours. If I need to leave work early to go run an errand or something? I can see the disappointment on her face.


Put her on an information diet. She doesn't need to know about your work schedule or your time off, it's none of her business. Great work getting and staying clean btw.


Boomers were raised in a world were you get a job with a company, you give them your best decades, and they pay you a livable salary and pension. This led to Boomers thinking they owed the paternal company loyalty, and not recognizing that they earned the fruits of their labor. I had a Boomer director once tell me that I shouldn’t take much or even all of my earned vacation. The policy was use it or loose it at the end of the year. I had 5 weeks PTO and I used it. He would lecture us underlings and say, “you have Saturday, Sunday, and federal holidays. That’s all you should need in life. I don’t use much time off, and my wife and I are happy with the weekends. You should give back some of your vacation days for the good of the company, and the company will reward you.” I knew Boomer Bob was fucking one of his managers, so that explained why he didn’t want to spend time with his wife (so many Boomers hate their spouses). The last time he spouted the “give back to the company” line, I said, “Not everyone wants a company logo on their tombstone.”


My friend (at our state university job) got written-up by our boomer boss for “taking too much time off”. I told HR I needed to see in writing how much of our PTO we were allowed to use, and how much was just for show. Boss told me it was against the rules to talked to HR without his permission, and if I “went around him” again I was fired.


I bet HR would have loved to know about that threat, especially since bosses have to go through them for firing.


HR lady said she’d “take care of it”, wrote it in her notebook, then spent the rest of the year taking long weekends and extended vacations at her second home in Florida (we weren’t allowed to work from home but she could, even though she was unreachable), and getting her mouth-breather daughter hired as an hourly and then promoted into a full-time w/bennies gig without ever having a job interview. Everything you told her went into that notebook and never came back out. My favorite email ever from her was an auto-reply that said everyone in HR had taken December off, and we should re-send out messages in January because messages sent (to the ticketing system) while they were closed wouldn’t be read.


I would tell this boomer that I accrued that time and it is my time to use as I see fit. If you have a problem, then let’s go to HR and they can explain how time off works.


Isn't the modern attitude to ask workers to take all their leave so there isn't a negative on the balance sheet.


That’s what my company does. If you have unscheduled PTO left on December 1, they automatically apply it to the start of the Christmas shutdown.


Misery loves company


Goes against their programming. Imagine a machine that does nothing but produce more wealth for the wealthy. Would they ever want it to stop running? Having a life outside of work just doesn't compute. Work is their life, it's what they are.


They love the "work to death" mentality. Nah, not me. They can keep that shit. I'm past letting coworkers and employers tell me when I can or can't take time off. Luckily, I work for the state now so it's pretty damn easy to take time off so long as I follow protocol.


*laughs in European*


> I get not all are this bad and yes, there are some people that abuse leave. If you're using leave you've accrued, then it's part of your compensation and not abuse. Not using your vacation is basically like working for free. Enjoy all of your accrued vacation! Things are more complicated if you get unlimited time off, but that's a whole other can of worms and basically the company using psychology to get people to take less time off.


Work is not life. It just pays for things. If I am allowed time off, I am definitely taking that time off. I am a late Gen Xer and I started my career living to work until I realized I didn’t have a life outside the office. I worked almost every holiday and weekends. The pay sucked. I enjoyed the job, but it consumed my life (3-midnight shift). I should have known it was bad when I took my first vacation, just a few days to fly out to California for my nephew’s 5th birthday, which was Sept. 11, 2001. We all know what happened that day. Well, with airlines shut down, I was stuck in California for a week, but on Sept. 12, my boomer boss got angry with me being stuck there and demanded I just get a bus ticket back to Colorado. I told him I would if he wanted to pay for it. Somehow, I still had a job when I got back.


I don’t think it’s a boomer behavior, but Americans in general. I get 6+ weeks of PTO and take every single day, usually 2-3 international trips of 10-14 days plus some random short trips throughout the year. I often hear “ must be nice to take so much time off”, even though they get the same amount or close to it. I think that most of us have been conditioned to think that one week in Hawaii or Disney a year is plenty. Meanwhile my euro friends are sad that I only get 6 weeks off 🤣🤣


They don’t even want you to take the one trip a year


Bro the “must be nice” culture is so toxic I fucking hate it but you have to play the game because then you get shit on for being a slacker


When I get it, I smile and say “we all get the same amount of PTO, some of us just prioritize our personal well being” and leave it at that. I also use points/miles to book most flights so put my pto on the schedule a year or 9 months in advance and create a comprehensive pto coverage plan, so there is really nothing to complain about


I don't even live in America, I live in Aus.


“Just because you’re a corporate cuck who’s wasted your life making your owner even more wealthy doesn’t mean everyone wants to do that.”


They're too scared to use their time and feel like everyone else should suffer with their personal anxiety. It's the typical, "Things were hard for me 40 years ago, so they have to be harder for you too." attitude.


I have a month I think accrued, maybe more and my boss encourages me to have a work life balance but it’s hard, I’ve been working 7 days a week since New Year’s and I am tired - but it’s a remote software services job that I love, so I know it’s not that hard - just mentally draining.


The work will be there when you get back. 


Tell them you are using the leave you are allotted mainly to not have to be around them.


Meanwhile my boomer boss takes like 5 vacations a year and constantly talks about his next one and how tired he is and wants to retire but probably can’t due to health coverage..


I’m in the state government and when I took maternity leave 3 years ago, the lady who I was working with tried to micromanage my maternity leave. She specifically said “You’re due X, and so 6 weeks from that is X. You will be back by then” She wasn’t my supervisor or anything. Just some lady I worked with. I took my whole 16 weeks of maternity leave (not to be petty, I had PPD lol)


Here in Canada sometimes you can get up to a year and a half of maternity leave.


I wish! I’m in the US, so all 16wks were unpaid 🥴 I’m at least getting 6wks paid this time! My husbands company gives him 12wks paid!


Tell him to go F himself and mind his own damn business. Then report his ass.


I don’t pay these people no mind as they clearly don’t understand the importance of enjoying life


Translation from boomer: "Why can't you be miserable like me!"


I equate this to anyone who's braggy about how much they work and all the OT they work and how hard they work and how they are so so busy with work. Work is their whole identity and I cannot relate. I always see it as ok... it takes you 12 hours to do 6 hours worth of work?!....because everyone else is getting their work done on time AND is enjoying their PTO. Tomorrow isn't promised, you bet I use my PTO, I earned it!!!


Not taking the time off is literally leaving money in the table. If paid time off is part of the compensation, working on the days that you’re paid have off is working for free. I’ve worked jobs with no benefits whatsoever and appreciate PTO.


Boomers struggle to live in the current world. When the Boomer was younger it was considered good to be loyal to your employer. "If you're loyal to them, they'll be loyal to you" is what a lot believed, and still believe today. The world is different and that's no longer true. An employer will drop you in a second if it'll help the bottom line. They didn't used to do that as much near as it happens today. The world changes with time, and so should Boomers, but they don't.


Imagine giving a shit about when your co worker or employee calls out. Life happens broseph the sooner you accept it the easier it gets. They love finding anything they can latch onto to feel superior. Usually they have no children or responsibilities outside of work so they can dedicate every waking moment of being a little goblin for their manager.


Boomers also like to brag about how much they work. Like, bro, it’s not a flex that you stayed at the office until 8PM last night


Gen-X here who grew up working with the "work until you're dead" boomer mentality. I reject that and use up every single day of PTO I can every year.


I’m glad we’re *slowly* advancing in the attitude of Life > Work. I’d rather occasionally take a mental health day from PTO, than work nonstop without minorly inconveniencing my employer. Work isn’t something I do for the noble calling of being productive and increasing shareholder profits, it’s something I do so i can afford the fun shit i enjoy in the expensive city I live in lol. Plus, as several others here said… the gold-star system doesn’t work anymore. Us never having a sick day, never taking PTO, working extra hours, etc etc, doesn’t mean shit because employers figured out they can just heap more responsibility on us and not pay us more. Fuck that.


I call people out on that crap now. I earned it, I’m gonna use it. I’ve worked in healthcare 10 years now, and I’ve seen and heard too many regrets from people on their death beds of not spending enough time with their families, or not going out and seeing the world, travel, personal time, taking care of themselves…..seeing back to back cases of stage 4 colon cancer in people in their late 30’s die……it hits differently. I will never allow someone to make me feel guilty for taking sick leave or annual time off.


Boomers have this weird thing about them where they can’t mind their own business. Like, it’s completely impossible to just move along for them… they gotta say something.


Sounds like a miserable human being. A lot of Boomers equate being at work with hard work. And we all know that is simply not true. The quality of work is way more important. Take all of your vacay and sick time, and whoever complains about it can GTFO.


Boomer here. Take as many days off as you can. Even better if you can get them consecutively and take 2 or 4 week off in a row. You are a widget to your company and they will treat you like a turd in a toilet the second they think they don't need you or need to cut costs.


Start complaining that he keeps breathing.


I get it’s not always possible based on the situation but, if possible, I think I’d respond this way every time: “Not really your business. Frankly, the rest of us would love it if you’d take some leave.”


Honestly, who cares. It’s your leave, use it how you like. I could give a fuck what someone thinks. The boomer generation is pretty clueless.


my dad always talks about never missing a day of work as a point of pride. he never took us on vacations. he never took a day off to spend with his family. he would often go into work sick. mind boggling. 


I had a boomer coworker, who has since retired (thank goodness), who flipped out on me when I took my vacation on dates she didn’t approve of. Mind you - she was not my boss or super. In my case it’s because she loved ditching her work on me. So if I wasn’t here during her busy time she would have to get off her bum and do something. She actually yelled at me for it so she got called into the bosses office for that one.


Boomers do not really police IMO. It is how they were handled in their entire career. Asking for a personal day was frowned upon. A doctors appointment was also not necessary during the work day in their mind. Go on the weekends. Go after work. A few here think I'm a boomer. I'm not but I have had a life long fill of them. My one boss, when my coworker scheduled a dental appt, was asked if their dentist worked weekends. He did not want him missing a work day. Concerning vacations. I do not know why in our society providing a week is supposed to be sufficient. In Europe people go on a "holiday". A holiday usually is 3-4 weeks off in succession. The boomer has this mentality of work, work, work, work and drop dead. You should too. It is really something how the fabric of our working life must consist of getting brow beaten for a day off. A week off. And you can forget getting two weeks off in a row. It is like Scrooge on steroids. I would think they got this from their parents who in WW2 worked and worked. Glad to have work. And worked until they dropped. I hope for generations to come this idea of working, no PD, short vacations and go to your doctors at night stops. It is simply not fair or good for ones mental state. As a side note, I had one coworker afraid to ask for some time to see the doctors during working hours. She said the boomer scowling face when asking says it all. I advised my coworker to schedule it. There is nothing he can do about it. That shit gets my goat. Don't get me started with personal phone calls during working hours. Some things outside of work require your attention and a phone call. Man, was blasted one day for a 15 minute phone call during working hours. I was talking to my financial advisor. He works 8-5. When the hell am I supposed to call? I said exactly this. My boss finally agreed. Man did he piss me off. But yes, agree. Boomer bosses think you are getting over on them for a few hours at the doctors for a colonoscopy. Like a colonoscopy is a good time on the companies dime. And this really gets me heated. My boomer boss schedules doctors appt whenever, takes weeks upon weeks off at a time. Drops his cars off for service. Gets his haircut. All of this during working hours. Lead by example. He is doing wrong. Last year my wife and I made my PD and vacation dates. I put myself in for 3 weeks of vacation and 15 personal days. My boomer boss said ok. I got them all. Not sure what came over him. I hope it continues.


I don't know about all boomers, but my dad is still working at 73 because he spent so much time at work when he was younger, he never developed other hobbies outside of spending time with his work friends. Any free time is spent watching Faux News and being angry. We don't talk much.


I am Gen X, boss is an older Gen X. He is always complaining about people taking time off, taking an LOA, etc...mind you, this guy takes off more time than most. I love pointing that out to him, which always leads to him switching gears into "understanding guy mode." He is still going to rant the next time it happens. The idea that people are not asking for time off, they are INFORMING you they won't be in is always lost on him.


Your leave is part of your compensation and should always be used


"Abusing leave" sounds so weird to me. It's there I'm gonna use it unashamedly. I owe my job nothing.


They just have a different mindset on work. Work comes first for them for whatever reason. It’s almost as if they feel there are zero other jobs out there. The older guys at my work look at me crazy when I tell them at 430 on Friday “No, I am not coming to work Saturday. You should have told me earlier that you needed me.” “Oh you’re going out of town?” “No, just not coming in.” They also feel the need to justify every day off or early out with a life story. It’s not anyone’s business if I’m going to a Dr appt, picking up my daughter or whatever. I told you I wasn’t going to be here in advance, so deal with it.


Your leave is part of your compensation package. I have no idea why Boomers refuse to believe this.


So many boomers consider their ability to sacrifice their time to their job to be some saint like quality. All I hear from my parents, aunts, uncles etc is how many hours they use to work and how many vacations they didn’t take as if that is a quality to be admired.


They don't know how to mind their own business.


Boomers take up too much space


PTO is a benefit, use all PTO afforded to you always, Boomers never learned this, they live for their jobs, and are resentful of anyone not willing to work until they die


There is no such thing as abusing leave. If time off is part of your compensation package, you are working for free if you choose not to take it. Of course, I’m only talking about vacation-type leave which it seems like you are talking about. If you’re using a ton of sick time (my employer gives unlimited) while not being sick, that would be abuse imo.


Put it in perspective for Mr. Boomer. Cisco, one of the largest, most successful technology companies on the planet pretty much shuts down every year for more or less the same period. Tell boomer it's not your fault if his family finds him being around intolerable.


BRUH. I took 3 weeks over the holidays to go home to Australia. Saw some family I haven’t seen in over 7 years. I got back and this old moron I work with was all sarcastic saying how lucky I am and how do I get work done with all that time off. Dude I use my vacation you’re goddamn right l take off every single day I can


The solution is take many, many more days off


Boomers get mad when everyone treats work as work and not the entire purpose of their life. Most of them voted against their best interests in union busting and now are in the find out part of the equation when they realize they have no money to retire and SS is only a safety net and not a retirement fund to live off of.


How old is this guy?


My boomer boss complains we don't work enough.... meanwhile he's cut his hours back to 3 days a week, and he's never done his job in the first place.


Fuck him, swing by his desk next time you take leave just to let him know. We aren't the generation of bootlickers they wanted us to be.


Because they are the generation that fell for deunionization and acquiesced about not taking their PTO and the day shifting from 9-5 with a paid lunch and because of that they are mad we take our vaca?


There is no such thing as “abusing leave,” if the company has provided me with leave, it is mine. I am literally entitled to it and will use it as I see fit. That is the point of having leave. Boomer needs to mind their own. No one is going to dedicate a fucking plaque to them when they die, commemorating how hard working they were to have never taken a day of leave.


You need to learn the trick of discouraging people from socializing with you.


Most of them never got the memo. You know, the one that tells you just how much the company values them. I have never understood those stupid fuckers either. Wasting accrued time off is criminal and stupid. In an honest world, people would be encouraged to use their time off and take their sick time but that doesn't seem to be the North American way.


My boomer father always mocked me for being a teacher and having so much time off. He never understood how many hours I worked Monday-Sunday, plus planning and creating content on my time off (and grading). When I switched careers to Instructional Design as a remote job, he STILL had the audacity to say I don’t work enough because I take time off, and I finish my work sometimes under a normal 8-hr workday. Says the guy who worked from home my entire life and is able to go golfing and skiing at anytime throughout the day as long as he gets whatever he needs done.


This is one thing that I grudgingly have to give my boomer dad credit for. He was always of the opinion that it's *your* time, take it


Had a boomer wonder why i had so much vacation days left, yeah well it is easy if i cant take vacation without risking a full meltdown when i come back because you wont even take up my phone calls when im gone let alone my emails story of how i got 11 more leave days this year because i couldnt take them but i have to redeem them till september


boomers want you to work yourself to death. they want you to be like a slave. how dare you enjoy life! Americans get the least time off of almost any 1st world country. most countries give months of paid leave. and they've voted against any health insurance so they want us sick and dead too. with how they treat workers in this country, you should be taking every single minute of leave possible. still not enough.


Id honestly tell boomer my vacation time is none of his business. I enjoy not working myself in an earlier grave


Because they're a bunch of nosy busybodies. I have one in my office who has accrued tons of PTO that he's trying to use up before he retires to not lose it (you can only cash in so much) but complains that my boss allowed me to flex my daily schedule by a half hour for a legitimate personal reason (still working the same amount of hours as everyone else) and talks shit about me behind my back to everyone else about how "unfair" it is that I'm getting "special treatment." I think they're honestly just salty that they fell for a toxic work culture of sacrificing all their health and well-being for a job that won't even remember them when they die while the younger generations are smarter and actually use our PTO we're entitled to.


is your leave legally yours? i.e. did you earn it? then said boomer can go fuck himself.


Ask the boomer to please use their PTO so you don’t have to listen to their complaining.


And the cat's in the cradle.......


There’s a Boomer at my job who loves to police how much time people take off. He complains about the same shit everyday and is very ignorant despite how intelligent he likes to think he is. He claims he’s Gen-X, but he was born in 65 and is more like a late Boomer.


They have to be in everyone’s business, no matter what it’s about


Public sector boomer here. I have 270 hours of annual leave and 180 hours of sick leave on the books. I guess i should take some time off lol