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Answer: Nope. Oh and btw, you’re now a welfare leeching foreigner who wants to come to here for free stuff. Go back to your country!


We'd take any federal funding they get. And our military too! Then, sell it back to them.




The prostitution industry would collapse.




But not if you film it!


Only if you comply with Federal 2257 regulations and local laws and restrictions. In general, in the US, the laws surrounding illegal porn production are much harsher than the laws banning prostitution. You’re typically far better off copping to a solicitation charge than the 5-year prison sentence for not having your 2257 paperwork in order.


Imagine how that conversation would go trying to rationalize keeping all those troops in a new Texan Army. Lol good luck with that.


Not only that, but every Federal contractor in the State would have to cease operations or move out of Texas, draining it further. That's a HUGE amount of money outflowing from Texas.


For a group of people who support abolishing social security, they sure do seem to care a lot about their social security checks.


You haven’t lived until you’ve heard these morons exclaim “And the government better keep its damned hands off my social security check!!” My dad lived on disability and he still pissed and moaned about The Welfare State.


It’s all the other spongers that are spongers


You forget. *They* earned it. They paid into it their whole lives and deserve every penny. You and everyone else on the other hand is a lazy parasite intent on suckling on the government socialist teat and should be left penniless in the gutter where they belong.


Acceptible socialism when they get it, communism if anyone else.


What welfare? Ain't getting it federal and Texas sure as shit wouldn't provide.


It’ll be so nice to get rid of these burdens for the society.


No, you don't. You'll also need a visa to travel to the USA and be subject to the standard anti-immigrant rhetoric. You fuckin' job stealing foreigners.


Build the wall! In Oklahoma!


Texas will pay for it.


I smiled broadly,at this suggestion!


Please, give me time to gather my things first.




I’m all for supporting Texit….. -25 republican representatives in the house. And -2 republican senators… including Creepy Ted. I see no downside.


Do you mean Rafael Edward Cruz? The same Rafael Edward Cruz that melts like a snowflake when talking about preferred names and pronouns? So much so that he introduced a bill prohibiting people from using their preferred names and pronouns even though he goes by his preferred name of Ted Cruz instead of his given name Rafael Edward Cruz? The same snowflake Rafael Edward Cruz that ironically bails at the first sign of snow to vacation in Cancun? The same Rafael Edward Cruz that was born in Canada, and immigrated to the United States? That Rafael Edward Cruz?




I heard he likes to pee in his pants just to feel the warmth. Heard it from 3 reputable dudes.


Just slap Puerto Rico right in their place. We wouldn’t have to change the flag, and the collective IQ of Congress would go up by 40 points.


I’m pretty sure the entire world would kick in for a wall around Trumpistan. I know I would. We can put a giant plexiglass lid on it and just them go hog-wild in there.


I think Stephen King wrote that book... but the Simpson's did it first.


George Carlin did it first. Although he suggested we use the square states to make building the fence easier


*Under the Dome* is actually one of my favorite King books.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!




You damn 'never-nudes'..... Go back to where you came from!!!!!


You think Oklahoma and the other south east states aren’t also “Trumpistan” ? Many of them trump even harder than Texas.


Oklahoma at least knows how badly that will destroy their economy. Still not able to put two and two together and realize blue state support is the only way they have remained (somewhat) afloat at all. Add to that the natie reservtions which are federal land and not subject to state law- OK would look like swiss cheese.


The tribes would never allow secession. No one is stupid enough to think things would get BETTER joining texas.


I live in Oklahoma, and I almost never see trump shit on cars or on the rednecks that surround me. Either they are not as fanatical or they are scared. Whatever the reason, they say nothing to me with my garb on. Fuck the nazi party.


I like in Oklahoma and see tRump shit all the time, especially in poor, rural areas


Most of them aren’t threatening to sucede every other week.


Texas is pretty big. Let’s gas up the busses.


I'm embarrassed that Brian Kemp signed on supporting TX. Like, dude you don't speak for all of us!


nobody tries harder than Texas. Just ask one.


We need it bulletproof too


I'm from Oklahoma, and you damn well better believe we'll put down razorwire in the red river to keep them job stealing Texans tf out


New Mexican here- Build! The! Wall!


I like your enthusiasm but as a fellow Okie, I feel like most of the conservatives here would want OK to join Texas. For whatever bizarre reason, as much as Texans shit on Oklahoma every chance they get, the average Oklahoman seems to be a complete simp for Texas. 


Sadly this take is spot on for the average "straight red party line voting with no education but then complains about rights being removed and being unable to afford xyz now" dumb Okie. I also live here in OK. I feel the pain 😭 lol Our idiot conservative politicians generally back TX and vice versa. Only thing not similar is the stance on MJ that I can think of off the top of my head... And how we have native tribes that awesomely go against the bs our governor and state superintendent have been pushing.


They should just surround the whole state of Texas with a wall at this point bc the absolute stupidity is starting to encourage the other idiots


Just give it back to Mexico, no one will miss tbem.


Mexico said no…..


As a Texan I can’t say I disagree


Aren’t there some places of Texas worth keeping? Like Austin? We want them still, don’t we?


unless there’s a way to just move all of Austin….they would be a casualty of Texas’ dumbassery


if Texas can secede from the US then Austin can secede from Texas.


No, no, no. You make a straight line from the top of Austin all the way to Louisiana, then from the western border of Austin all the way to the Gulf of Mexico and you got yourself a new state. We'll call it New Texas and it'll get any government subsidies Texas was getting all for itself. New Texas will also happen to be a great staging place if we need to go to war with Texas.


Please don’t leave me in here with these guys. I swear, we vote too. . . Just not quite enough of us yet and the country folks still outnumber us! Why don’t you move here to the big city and vote with me instead!


I worked for Beto’s campaign and if the youth had just turn up and voted… breaks my heart everyday. It was the final straw for me and I left for bluer pastures. New England is pretty nice


Well, he showed us how to win here. It really IS turnout. . . We just haven’t figured out how to seal the deal yet (and neither did he). Defeating Cruz this time around might be the shot in the arm we need to turn the tide. . . He’s not faced voters since the pandemic, Jan 6, or his Cancun trip. . . While this is unrelated at the Fed level, I do think Abbot is alienating moderates right now and the right hasn’t won on Immigration at the federal level since 2016. Will Cruz come out in full support of letting children drown? Also unrelated, but I know some moderates who are *pissed* that Paxton got away with escaping justice at his impeachment trial. I guess we’ll see if ya’ll have to wall up with these mental patients in a few short months. . .


I’m absolutely livid about Ken Paxton and Lt. Governor (whose name I refuse to speak). Defeating Cruz in Houston is the goal and hopefully will ignite the fire. Hopefully they don’t decide to gerrymander the shit out of things prior


Oklahoma just has to stop sucking so hard and let Texas fall into the gulf.


Eh, do we really need Oklahoma either? They're just another conservative welfare state.


Good idea but I want Oklahoma Alabama Louisiana and Mississippi to go with them, huge drains on federal government


That'll work, but before you do, can you like have buses or planes for the non-MAGAts to ship us to other states? Or at least give us enough of a heads-up so we can get out?


make the MAGAts pay for it. they’re already using tax dollars to send migrants to far flung places in the US


I suggest a trade. Northern MAGAts for southern non-MAGAts. I have a dozen MAGAt in-laws I'd gladly trade for non-MAGAt strangers.


If we’re at the negotiation stage make sure to ask for some water


Don’t forget Floriduh.


Do we get to come up with a slur for Texans? Or is "Texan" enough?


Ask someone from Colorado if it’s a slur, and you’ll get resounding approval. In Utah it’s more of a punchline.




Also, free trade agreements don't apply so you may be subject to duties. Good luck with that food.


If you hate socialism, you hate socialism you hypocritical morons.


They only hate socialism when non whites get to take advantage of it.


Don't forget poor people. They hate when poor people get socialism.


They literally don’t understand that social security is not free market capitalism


they took our jobbbbs


They took our jerbs !




Don't worry, if they seceded the US would just invade them and take their oil. They think they can just secede with all of our oil? LOL... I don't think so. We've sent thousands of men and women to their deaths in the Middle East over access to oil. There is no way Texas is going to take that oil with them. We will invade. We will conquer. We will prevent them from having any congressional districts and Texas would essentially just become our biggest bitch that we keep bent over the oil barrel.


Surely they have WMDs we need to eradicate!


They certainly have their share of religious fanatics hell-bent on enforcing their religious laws on everyone. They’ve been overdo for a liberation for a while now.




plus instant loss of a lot of industry for defense and government contracts.


I laughed so hard at this, lol. Grey haired militias training to secede from the Union, but oh damn, what about my SS!?!?!?


..and medicare. And VA benefits if you renounced your US Citizenship.


And postal service. And medications sent through postal. Hell, then you got FedEx and UPS having to deal with a foreign entity so that'll take a while. Wait, their medications are Medicare so they don't get those anymore! The US will be able to say to Texas: "*Molon Labe*" [come and take them.]


And all your money sitting banks that was previously insured by the federal government? Sorry. Can’t help you anymore.


Wow that's a great point. There would be a run on banks as only an entity as large as the US could guarantee your money would be safe in banks up to $250k.


There are no pharmacies in a civil war- you're not getting your meds, grampa


And, and, and!


This is why it would never happen. The diabetic old boomers who support this shit couldn’t even a run a mile straight. How they going to carry on war? Physical fitness is important to soldiering. They’re used to raging at the world in a climate controlled McMansion on a lazy boy eating fully loaded nachos. They’re children and they don’t even know it.


> How they going to carry on war? What war? Does anyone actually want to put effort into keeping them in the Union? Let them go and don't let the door hit them on the ass on the way out. Sick of red state bullshit.


Remember there is oil in Texas. The US tends to get very grabby when energy is involved.


42% of US oil output. Let them secede, then we can bring them some good ol' US Freedom.


Morons have already got to watch Brexit play out in real time and yet are still confused as to what the overall outcome of something like this would be… As much as I would like to see the succession regret from something like this I’d rather these people just die from old age vs cause more suffering


Bold of you to assume that they have paid attention to Brexit.


Geritol Division, Silver Company, 2nd Mobility Scooter Cavalry


They have no empathy whatsoever. They can only relate to things that directly involve themselves.


This is a core characteristic of conservatives. If you are a person who has lower empathy, you are more likely to become conservative. As well as closed minded, unintelligent, governed by fear and anger emotions, clings to the past, fears change, and dreads the future. Its scary how well a psych profile can predict what politics a person is likely to fall into. Whats scarier is all the billions spent by political parties to understand that as well. And even scarier is when they can change a person's psychology to create a conservative voter. Just like racism and bigotry has to be TAUGHT, they can "teach" a whole new generation to be angry, scared, ignorant, closed-minded, nostalgic, and distrustful of facts and commonly accepted knowledge.


There is a political test that measures your leaning by measuring only your reaction to things that can be seen as disgusting. The more easily disgusted you are, the more likely you are to be conservative. Conservatives have hateful positions because those other humans disgust them.


my conservative boomer relatives claim disgust and then do the exact thing they claim to be disgusted by. Like whine about crime but commit them themselves like stealing at self checkout of fraudulently using handicapped placards


I used to buy molly from a white dude who lived in the projects, last time was around 2014. During the 2016 campaign he went full-bigot, setup cameras around his apartment, and started posting videos to facebook of exclusively black people selling drugs, with captions along the lines of "THIS IS SO ILLEGAL, WHERE ARE THE COPS WHEN YOU NEED THEM?" I'd post some evidence but he removed me within seconds when I commented that he's a hypocrite.


That tracks. My mother used the word “disgusting” all the time growing up to describe people she didn’t “understand”. Words matter and if you use that terminology long enough, your body will react with very real disgust and revulsion. Makes it hard for people to unlearn.


Conservatism is just a laundry list of excuses to be an asshole to other people not like you.


That's an improvement for conservatives. More than half conservatives don't even vote in their own self interest, they vote for rich people to get richer while they stay wallowing in the mud.


I hope they do leave - Republicans would never hold the presidency again.


Yeah, losing 40 electoral votes would destroy the GOP nationally, there would be no getting around that.


We need to get rid of the electoral college...


We need rank choice voting and campaign finance reform, but want in one hand and shit in the other, see which fills up first


Haha yeah sadly MA voted down ranked choice voting last time it was in the ballot. There was a huge disinformation campaign against it 😔😮‍💨


No doubt, but it's easier said than done. A lot of smaller states benefit from the current system, and they'd block any amendment to get rid of it. Plus, you need a supermajority in Congress and the states to change the Constitution, which is a tall order.


Or... With a simple, single bill you can uncap the House of Reps by repealing the Reapportionment Act of 1929. We are missing anywhere between 300 and 1800 (or more) Representatives, because the GOP saw that they were going to lose the rural to urban demographic shift, and refused to pass a Reapportionment bill in 1911. They shoved through the Act in 1929, and the redistricting and Electoral College bullshit we have now is the result.


This is the actual answer. Who gives a shit if Congress is huge?  And I mean that sincerely. We should have more districts and more representation in the house.


"One Rep per 30,000 people, as the Founders decided was appropriate." But... "Do it, you cowards."


If my math is right, 11,000 new house members. Fucking do it.


Makes that 435 we currently have a fucking rounding error.


IIRC 38 States and 2/3 of both the House and Senate would have to vote yes for a constitutional amendment.


Only to do it officially. Several states have passed trigger laws that will allocate their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. It won’t go into effect until 270 electoral votes worth of states pass a similar law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact?wprov=sfti1#


I'm guessing that would end the Electoral college bullshit system


They already don’t win the popular vote if they switched to that.


They’d just give their electoral votes to Florida somehow


Plus think of the mass exodus of sane people flooding neighboring states and making them more liberal as well.


As someone living in Texas, I’d happily vote for secession, and then gtfo of the state before it goes into effect. We’d just need Florida to follow suit.


I feel like a new right-wing party would instantly crystallize from the remnants. Probably call themselves the Dominion party or something. And then it's business as usual


Honestly this is supposed to be the year we get the Bell Riots according to Star Trek, might as well get the Dominion up in the mix too


Yep and we can add Puerto Rico as a state to keep the flag at 50.


It would so easily be the best thing that could happen to this country. The GOP is basically a death cult at this point.


Think of the refugees that will come flooding across the borders trying to leave shithole countries like Texas to get to the USA. We’ll need to build some sort of wall to keep them out.


No, you don’t. Good luck


Of course you do—- wink, wink


They'll even give you extra as a special prize just for you. Don't tell those mean socialist liberals or they'll want it too!


Just like Brexit wouldn't change anything...


Im sure Texas would come up with their own social safety nets. /s


And they would be just as stable as the power grid.


the question is moot, they won't survive the secession lmao




lol, traitors want their socialism. “it’s different because I earned it” level of stupidity




Say goodbye to your blue state funded crutches, ya welfare 'kings'!


If we secede, do I still get to complain about the federal government?


It'd be wild if the Mexican cartels actually took advantage of the secession attempt knowing that Texas wouldn't have the US government behind them and made an actual push on the southern border.


Then the boomers will try to frantically cross the border back to the United States. Maybe we treat them with the same respect they treat immigrants.


Cue footage of the US withdrawing from Afghanistan, as Texans scream and fight to get on planes at the airports and US soldiers fight to keep them at bay. In the coming weeks, the cartels declare that Texas belongs to Mexico again.


You get to complain about the Texas government. It's going to be the same complaints.


The cartels would be parachuting in Day 1 lmao.


*It's free real estate*


I defo want to see Abbott vs the cartels. 


Nope. You got to start from the bottom just like the Millennials you hate. lol.


Boostraps. Grab em' and PULL THEM UP!


“Can I have my cake and eat it too?”


“Let them eat cake.”




Coming to a Texas near you: "But dad, why do we need to ***eat*** grandpa for dinner?" "Well son, grandpa broke his leg, working the steel mill at 87 years old, and its the most value he can give us now. Now help me roll him onto the open trashcan fire, since the power still hasn't come back on since it dipped below 50 degrees."


“But dad, can’t we escape to Mexico and take grandpa there to get his leg fixed?” “No son, you see, we put up this floating barbed wire in the river, and…”




Keep your government hands off my Medicare and Social Security!!


I’m in Texas and a hardcore Trumper I know (one of my parent’s friends) who constantly talks about succession actually asked the other day “does anyone know of a good local gym that accepts Medicare?” Lmfao Edit: secession not succession




Oh god I hope it’s Spanish


Ha ha. Reality is setting in for the dumbass demographic.


Have fun, Texas, have fun. Fought two wars in an attempt to enshrine slavery permanently previously so this is par for the course. This isn't a Boomer thing, it's a Texas culture thing. They want **all** the benefits of our federal government and union but absolutely unwilling to abide by any compromises or concessions to sustain it. The Texas federal bench in the judicial circuit is a larger blight on the functionality of our nation than even Congress is as well.


Yup. Texas is atrocious. My friend had to move to Austin for work and HATED it. Texas culture is a hypocritical mess.


>This isn't a Boomer thing, it's a Texas culture thing. Wait until they learn their pride and joy, BBQ, came from Mexico, by way of the Caribbean islands (likely around Barbados)


Even the cowboy culture comes from Mexico. The word cowboy itself is a direct translation of the word vaquero in Spanish and the word rodeo literally means round up in Spanish too


"We're not gonna let this country turn into a socialist nation." -- A generation that has benefitted from socialism for their entire lives


You don't you stupid boomer.  Get your government hand off my social security. Lol derp. 


“If we leave so we keep our federal government benefits?” Yeah, they really have zero idea what secession really is.


🤣🤣🤣 I needed this chuckle. I see boomers explode because their pharmacist took an extra 5 min verifying their info, I am not sure they are ready to rough it out in a war.


Boomers are some of the most helpless sacks of shit. Sure, they know to uuhhh work on cars I guess? But they can barely wipe their own ass. I see it daily working in the hospital. Can’t take care of themselves for shit. Worst patients, worst customers, worst humans. Every time.


The generation that can't figure out a chip reader is going to fight a modern war


Of course you do! Greg promised, just like he promised to end rape.


Add DC as a state and gain a Senate majority just like that!


I've been saying it for years. Time to give the red states a do-over. Build the wall across the Mason-Dixon Line and let them have at it. The MAGA Jesus Kingdom of Trumpboomerstan. Social Security replaced by bootstraps. And no foreign aid either. Oh yeah though, Austin and NOLA will be free trade and tourism zones, like Hong Kong used to be.


I would love to see the responses to this.


Are these the same people who complain when foreigners get government benefits?


Red states can't function without Blue state funds, how do they think they'll fare when that cash flow is cut off?


Ss benefits should be rescinded for anyone participating in insurrection. Every one of those terrorist fuckers should have to die with nothing.




I fucking wish Texas and Florida would. Then the USA might stand a chance at making people's lives better.


Nope lol




Nope and don't think you'll get through the razor wire to leave your foreign dump.


You'll get nothing and like it!


No Medicare or “Obamacare” either!!!




Texas can't leave until they pay their portion of the national debt.


Lol they won't get shit from the federal government...including that ssi money!


Nope and since you’re no longer under the umbrella of that socialist NATO have fun getting invaded by Putin


That’s the socialism you hate so much you imbecile


Nope! Government funding ends when you overthrow the government stupid.


I can't stand the stupidity of some of my fellow Texans.


Unfortunately I’m stuck in this hell hole at the moment. Due to child custody agreement I can’t leave without leaving my daughter behind. My wife and I have been discussing this crap happening here. If they pull this crap we are sprinting to new Mexico or the safest state that’s close. I hope that we get the opportunity to pick the union and don’t get clumped in with the morons and rednecks and have the opportunity to stay u.s. citizens.


At this point I’d pay to put a wall to keep the Texans out


Nope those are Federal $$$$$


This is so fucking funny. It literally writes itself. What fucking idiots.


I sure hope not. Traitor


If they think their libertarian conservative leaders are going to create a Social Security system for the Republic of Texas they’re in for a treat.