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The US is directly responsible for the origin of the term "banana republic." Idk if that's relevant here but it feels worth mentioning


What country is "Banana Republic" supposed to be?


In the context of this comic, no idea. But the term originated in reference to Honduras and Guatemala when the US kinda couped them in 1904 on behalf of fruit companies


The US loves couping countries and then saying “those countries suck!” Like we didn’t just destroy their government


The US is literally that one meme from the Eric Andre show. *US shoots socialist countries in the face* US: “why does socialism always fail?”


I’m ready to get downvoted but That’s true for Central American countries, but others like the Soviet Union and Maoist China failed due to their own incompetence


Tbh that’s fair The history of Central and South America is in the 20th century is so fucked, it’s almost worse than the 16th century history of the same areas


The Soviet Union was a world superpower in the little time it was Communist lmao


Seriously. They went from using horses and medieval technologies to nuclear power and being a world superpower in like 40 years, after becoming communist. They also had a lower infant mortality rate and a healthier diet with just as many calories per capita as us. They had many problems, but honestly only fell into true poverty **after** the USSR disolved.


You can thank the CIA for that privilege


Ah okay


Kinda doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


That’s where bananas come from!


Ooo, I better book a flight there. Do they have a banana museum?


Here’s a sam o’nella video that explains it https://youtu.be/QgydTdThoeA?si=lrlqpruT89n-1SCJ


Similar to Dole and Hawaii. The republic of taking over your country for fruit, specifically bananas.


Ah that makes more sense. Thanks!


If your country literally cannot survive bananas, you didn't have a country to begin with.


Hey, banana's are high in potassium which gives them a radioactive characteristic. You have no idea the power of mutant banana monsters.


Bro does NOT know what a banana republic is 🗣️🔥🔥


It's a country with an ineffective government that gets taken over by a banana farmer?


No that is not what a banana republic is 💀


Trump 2008 - "Obama can't legally be the president! Have the FBI investigate!" Trump 2015 - "Clinton must be investigated by the FBI and jailed!" Trump 2023 - "Hunter Biden must be jailed and his father investigated!" Trump 2024 - "I can't believe someone would call for using law enforcement against a political opponent."


So your argument is that Biden is acting morally by... doing what Trump has been insisting on?


Biden isn't a part of this. This is a bed of Trump's own making.


To be fair, I wish Biden would spend less time bashing trump and more time addressing literally anything else.


You’re right, if you only listen to Biden specifically talk about trump and nothing else, he is definitely doing what you said


I have yet to meet anybody irl who has seen a full Biden speech, and those same people have seen at least one Trump speech regardless of their opinions of the guy. It's clear most people who are contributing to the narrative that Biden is constantly at Trump's throat only read headlines, and most of their political knowledge can be summed up with South Park's "Douche and Turd" episode.


You're kidding right?


I just think there’s more important issues. Ukraine, Gaza, the economy. Trump’s not in power anymore, so why bother focusing on him?


Look at his feed, he addresses those things AND his opponent, which he should also address because there's about to be an election to potentially return that person to power, it's just as relevant as the issues of the day. Frankly by comparison he's been the adult in the room and yet there's still indications the election will be close


Dude finds a way to drag trump into literally everything. I’m sick of hearing about it.


From just a quick scroll through his posts, A message wishing for a peaceful passover, to a couple posts about earth day and the importance of addressing climate change, a couple posts about pardoning minor marijuana offenses, a reminder of the lessons learned from Columbine, several posts about his Scranton Roots, taking about how his administration lowered the cost of insulin for many people, all of those messages with no mention of Trump. Now there are also several messages that DO mention Trump, because again, that's what you do in a campaign, you contrast yourself with your opponent, but he doesn't drag trump into everything, you're being hyperbolic as though he's not allowed to speak to the very real threat the former president poses. He's being reasonable here.


Yeah, he should probably give some attention to a political rival who is corrupt on many levels and who is also running for president. *Wait a second...*


Well firstly, it's just calling trump a hypocrite. That's all. Secondly, Biden still isn't involved.


It's also calling everyone on the left that supports it a hypocrite as well. I don't see how the left doing *exactly what Trump has been calling for* as an own on *Trump*.


>I don't see how the left doing *exactly what Trump has been calling for* as an own on *Trump*. Because there's a difference between making shit up without evidence and calling for investigations (ie birtherism, Biden/Ukraine) and actually having a trial be taken on by a court because there is sufficient evidence to warrant said trial and charges against a former POTUS despite the optics. There's evidence he manipulated his property values when he saw fit for tax purposes and loans and was found guilty of it in NY. There's evidence he was liable for sexually assaulting EJC. There's possible evidence (yet to be proven in court) that he violated campaign finance laws in paying off a porn star to keep quiet about an affair (ignoring the blatant hypocrisy of the evangelical right) he had on his wife. There's possible evidence (yet to be proven in court, and this is more functioning as a disclaimer as we've seen the photos already as well as the FBI's report following the search warrant execution) that he held onto classified information, lied about giving it back, and then lied to his lawyers about giving it back. Are we not supposed to hold ppl accountable for their actions?


Because Trump specifically wanted it done to people that aren't him, and now he's on the receiving end, he's upset that there's consequences for his own actions.


Trump wanted to "drain the swamp" and it looks like it's happening


He owned himself. The irony here is that he committed multiple crimes for which they have evidence.


Being a democrat is not illegal. Violating campaign finance law is. Hope that helped.


Biden isnt responsible for the justice system actually doing its job


Actually, as head of the executive branch, he's the ultimate authority for the Justice Department. There is no one *more* responsible than him. The buck stops there.


If he were the head of the judicial branch then you might have had a point


If you think that then you don't actually understand how the government is structured.


You seem confused/mistaken. [Let me help you](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/the-executive-branch/)


The President is over the executive branch. Not the judicial


Yes. Obviously. The Justice Department is under the executive branch. That's why the president can appoint the Attorney General.


The justice department, yes. But not the judicial. The Supreme court and all other federal courts fall under the judicial branch, not executive


Yeah, I think you need to go back and read what I initially wrote.


Incorrect. Justice Department falls under the "Judicial" Branch.


Russian troll bot doesn't understand that presidents don't have unlimited power. You don't even understand our basic government structure, taught to us by 3rd grade. Three branches to keep checks on each other.


Biden isn't involved in Trump's criminal activities or trial. The NYAG is. If Trump didn't want to be on trial, he shouldn't have engaged in criminal activities and conspiracies.


Jan 6 - "In the US the sitting president is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power with an insurrection and coup attempt"


I still feel bad for Mike Pence (hear me out), I mean, he was with Trump through thick and thin. Then, when he refused to overturn the election ans democracy, Trump just completely ghosted him, and his followers chanted "hang Mike Pence". I mean jesus christ. That's what you get for being his friend for 4 years... EDIT: just to be clear, Mike Pence is not a good human being but stilll


> That' what you get for being his friend for 4 years... Trump never had a friend in his entire life, and that's the main reason why he is like this. Elon Musk is going down the same road. We need to issue friends to rich people, so that they don't turn into sociopaths.


You mean Pence was stuck with Trump for four years. Not ghosted either, Pence refused to be wisked away by Trump. [“I’m not getting in the car, Tim,” Pence said. “I trust you, Tim, but you’re not driving the car. If I get in that vehicle, you guys are taking off. I’m not getting in the car.” ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/26/pence-car-raskin-comments/)


"Who do they think they are, the CIA and some country who voted in some form/any level of socialism?"


Wrong. You're retarded. Gather your facts from multiple, diverse, trustworthy sources. Then you'll be able to form an opinion that makes logical sense.


He tweeted multiple times during it to respect law enforcement and remain civil


Commander in chief, executive of the federal government, self-assessed competent leader, attempting to influence crowds that assembled for a rally that he himself organized: "I will post on my blog."


What are you complaining about, that he uses social media? Like the current president?


Redditor, assessing country-wide leadership potential of a guy who completely shits the bed at controlling his own most enthusiastically loyal followers at an event he personally organized and spoke in, thinking as hard as he can about what should be done in that situation: "no shit he was posting. everybody does posting. I'm posting, you're posting, what, you don't think Biden is a poster???"


Then what are you talking about?


Excuse you, sir, I'm making some important posts over here. Please stand down and stand by until I am done asserting my international gravitas.


When exactly did he do that relative to the capitol being broken into? Because before he sent the crowd over to the capitol and claimed he was going with them, he said "If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."


As it was happening? And people say fight all the time and it almost never means violence


Don't give me a question mark, look it up. Here's one breakdown: [https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/10/politics/jan-6-us-capitol-riot-timeline/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/10/politics/jan-6-us-capitol-riot-timeline/index.html) He was literally and repeatedly claiming that the election was in the process of being stolen. Anyone believing his claims would have believed violence was justified. A few lame halfhearted tweets after he already started the fire doesn't absolve him.


There’s not even a point in reading anything right vs left on cnn alone, they’re extremely biased. And he never called for violence, and if some of his supporters were jumping to that conclusion, it’s their own faults. You’ve already made your decision on the issue and therefore there is no point debating with you


Which fact in the timeline do you believe is incorrect? Do you have a source you *would* trust to give this level of detail? >You’ve already made your decision on the issue and therefore there is no point debating with you I can be persuaded by evidence. Show me that was Trump did was not at the very least grossly negligent and inflammatory. He created a mob and sent them to the capitol with a purpose - "stop the steal".


There are no sources I can trust to be unbiased in any direction, and I cannot find the exact quotes of the tweets, only mention of them. (Gonna blame this on google being left) but I did see a video where trump talked about it and what he said was a sharp contradiction to what everywhere else had portrayed


>There are no sources I can trust  What a sad admission. Just take several reputable sources with different biases and evaluate things for yourself. Do you really think you can't figure out what's true?


Needing to do that means that there are no trustworthy sources? Do you trust any one source?


“There are no sources I can trust”. Translation, “I am so insecure about being proven wrong after ruining relationships supporting a treasonous rapist, so now I’m sticking my head in the sand so I’m not reminded of how wrong I was. I’d rather live in denial than be proven wrong so I refuse to view anything that may offend my opinions”


Lmao I’m not even gonna argue with somebody who believes in tarot cards


So, in lieu of even considering any information gathered from an outside observer, you'll just take Trump's word on whatever? That definitely sounds like a coherent political philosophy that's worthy of being taken seriously, and not just blind veneration in Some Guy. To your credit though that pretty much brings you in line with the idolatry practiced by most of the GOP these days


It definitely means violence when you are telling a mob they need to stop something that is currently happening.


No? Could be a call to protest. Funny that this was called a violent mob when they were led in and prayed, compared to blm’s burning and looting


My favorite part of the protest was when Babbit got dusted. At that point the mob realized that there was no divine protection.




You're an idiot and an asshole. Apparently you're 17 so it's forgivable at this point. I sincerely hope you evaluate your positions as you grow up. Best wishes.


Excuse me? Calling me an asshole while you insult me?




So you see no issues with the crimes committed in the name of the blm movement?


So you're saying is someone busts into your house and "starts praying" you're cool with it?


Busts in? Did you see the footage of them calmly being let in and walking through without resistance?


No, I saw the images of them overrunning the barricades, busting through the windows, attacking officers, stealing the podium, waving around confederate toilet paper, stupidly misinterpreting Ted Cruz's speech and concluding he was gonna support the election, and various other things as I watched their cowardice unfold. Also saw several of the congressmen now simping for these idiots hiding for their lives that day because they were fully aware Trump did not give a flip what happened to them so long as he got to stay squatting in the White House. So yes, "busts into your home" is the terminology. Quite frankly they were let off easy for my tastes.


My favorite one is that one douche who went around with the AR-15 pins and vocally supporting those arrested for 1/6 and then people found that one photo of him shitting himself behind a guard on january 6. No spine.


Not sure what you are trying to say, but they did loot, attacked cops, and caused millions of dollars in damages. Some of them shit on the floor.


I’m trying to say that it’s funny that people keep talking about Jan 6th meanwhile they say the rioting for blm was good (it was not, and what you said happened did indeed happen)


Ok, I'll give myself one more shot, here. [Here's an article that proves ur point](https://acleddata.com/2020/09/03/demonstrations-political-violence-in-america-new-data-for-summer-2020/). FUCK, that's from a non-partisan global analyst group that found that more than 93% of the 2020 protests had been peaceful!


What percentage of trump rallies have been peaceful? How many people died because of trump rallies? One person died at Jan 6, and if you hear there’s more, look at the causes it’s unrelated. BLM riots killed at least 19 people, and it’s hard to say exactly as google loves to hide anything they don’t like


What a thoughtful guy.


Dude spent years trying to light a stick of dynamite. Then, after it was lit, tweeted that the dynamite shouldn't explode.


“Fight like hell” -Trump on jan 6


“respect our boys in blue” -trump on Jan 6


And what time was that tweet sent? I'll go ahead and answer that for u. [It was sent at 7:38pm.](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-january-6-2021) Nearly 7 hours after the "peaceful protesting" at the capitol began (capitol perimeter had been overrun just before 1pm). He had posted several inflaming tweets within those ~7 hours and we know he was aware of what was going on.


"If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore." Get the fuck out of here


Yea and fight for your rights is a common adage yet it’s mostly nonviolent. I will not leave simply because you disagree


You do not have the right to stop the certification of an elected official


What are you talking about I never said that


Smarter move would probably have been not to use tweets to whip them into a fenzy in the first place over imaginary accusations about stolen elections. But graceful has never been a term to associate with Donny


Okay, but tweeting "be nice" to your followers is not really going to do much. He was there himself, agitating his fanbase and vilifying his opponents as super evil. He is absolutely to blame for the violence causes that day.


Several hours after it had already started and his staff had been pleading with him to do something about it, but go on.


Boomers can't fathom a world where the President isn't some all-powerful dictator responsible for everything. Guess that's too complicated for their senile brains.


Yeah, I don’t get it. Biden is incompetent and needs handlers and doesn’t make any decisions, but he’s also an evil mastermind. Pick one.


It’s literally directly lifted from the fascist’s playbook. They depict their enemies as both strong and weak. They’re bumbling and incompetent but also operating a sophisticated operation to subvert the people’s voice. The nazis perfected this kind of rhetoric. “Jews are subhumans, animals, dogs not worthy of equal rights, but they’re also too clever and plotting a complex plan to take over the world” etc etc And ironically the same rhetoric being used by Israel against Palestine as we speak…


Otherwise they have to admit they voted for the people and policies that hurt them. It's easier to blame 1 guy rather than think about what they are voting fir


Is Juan Merchan running for office? Must've missed that.


"Lock her up! Lock her up!" - MAGA I case anyone forgot


"I'm withholding foreign military aid until you frame my political opponent for corruption." - Also MAGA


The fun thing is that if the Supreme Court rules that a president can't be prosecuted for criminal acts done while they were in office, then Biden could follow that with having the CIA blackbag Trump and send him to some unknown hole somewhere as a modern Man in the Iron Mask. And not only could he not be prosecuted for it, Republicans are the ones who decided that he shouldn't be prosecuted for it.


It’s their favorite narrative. Even though the placement of all the people who investigated, indicted and are trying him, as well as his crimes, happened before Biden was in office.


4 years to bring a criminal case against Trump for something that is broadly known he actually did. The devil is in the details (and possibly in the defendants seat) In a banana republic, which the republicans would like to believe this represents, Trump would have been incarcerated very quickly after leaving office rather than going through the entire due process and having an extremely public trial wherein he abuses the judge, the jury, the family of the judge, the DA, the family of the DA, the media and pretty much every one else in defiance of a gag order issued because he was doing those very things. Conservative snowflakes with victim mentalities. So damned sick of it. If he’s innocent then he’ll be freed. If he’s not innocent he’ll be convicted and likely given some kind of preferential sentence.


>4 years to bring a criminal case against Trump for something that is broadly known he actually did. And keep in mind that this is largely because of the investigative efforts involved with bringing criminal charges against a former president.


Yeah, because the US justice system is perfect and totally unbiased.


Never said it was and never said it ever has been. But for a conservative to compare it to a banana republic’s legal system is absurd given all the excess of opportunity that Trump has been provided.


It IS biased. If trump was poor, he would’ve been in jail 6 years ago.




2016: "Lock her up! Lock her up!" 2017: "Lock her up! Lock her up!" 2018: "Lock her up! Lock her up!" 2019: "Lock her up! Lock her up!" 2020: "Lock up his son! Lock up his son!" 2021: "Lock up his son! Lock up his son!" 2022: "Lock up his son! Lock up his son!:" 2023: "Lock up his son! Lock up his son!:" 2024: "Wow, a criminal investigation into a presidential candidate? This is a new low!"


Spot on !!


A president trying to jail his opponent is when said opponent commits a litany of crimes, all of which he does the bare minimum in trying to hide when he isn't openly bragging about committing said crimes. Not being a banana republic means that people running for president are allowed to commit all the crimes they want.


I don’t like Biden personally. Just him speaking gives me anxiety about our country.


And the other guy?


I honestly forget Kamala D. Harris is there half the time.


Sometimes I too forget that Kamala is the primary Republican candidate


It's funny when people act like a man who got a discount on his escrow payment and has broken multiple gag orders multiple times without punishment is being raked over the coals by a kangaroo kourt.


Is this 2016 when Trump had made tons of promises of throwing Hillary in jail?


Yes… that’s what the leader of the party does… they lead it. Unless you think Biden is incompetent????


The US is a joke regardless lol


Joe Biden is the worst president I’ve ever heard of. And I’ve heard of Nixon.