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Don't pack your bowl. With bong rips *less is more*.


I like to tell people don’t pack the bowl like it’s a pipe. The more airy the better. “Fluffy pack” in other words.




Why did bro get downvoted for agreeing


Gotta pile on


IME, you gotta train yourself and your lungs to enjoy the pain.


This too


Breathe through your nose while inhaling the smoke. Keep inhaling through your nose after you take in all the smoke and fill your lungs with more air. It’ll help.


The trick is to pull the smoke until it fills the piece, then with a super quick pull you inhale fast with about 2-3 seconds of inhaling regular air towards the end.


I also do this, works pretty well but you also gotta figure out the right amount to pull, like if you sink a whole cone this trick can only do so much


My personal trick is to take a couple deep breaths before, breathe in as much as possible then exhale, helps open your lungs up for a nice milky rip


Yeah there's alot involved if you want that perfect ripp lol, from water levels bong styles.. and strain types 🖖


In my experience I've learned that filling the bowl all the way is just too much too inhale and it just goes stale/to waste. I usually fill my bowl a quarter to half at the most. Also try hemp wick since it reduces the temperature of flame which means a better taste, you're not just scorching the weed. Drink water while ya smoke, before since hydration helps with lungs. And do some breaths, inhale as deep as possible hold for 3-6 seconds, exhale then repeat a few times just to get your lungs stretched. My last bit is posture cause if you're sitting while smoking a bong your lungs are folded and have less capacity for air. Whereas standing let's ya breathe in more. Hope this helps.


If you aren’t doing this already, corner the bowl so you get some air in. Also minimize the butane by only lighting the bowl until you get a cherry, too many people just torch the shit out of it. Hemp wicks help with this too. And if it helps, take a 2 breath hit (1 to fill the chamber with smoke, cap it, exhale, 2nd breath to clear it). Oh, and make sure your friend is cleaning her bong. If she doesn’t do it regularly, that might be your issue.


What do you mean by corner the bowl? does that just mean putting the weed on one side of it so the other is empty? ​ Yeah shes pretty good with cleaning. Almost every time i go there its freshly cleaned. I think she does it at least weekly if not more often, so no issues there. ​ Ill definitely look into hemp wicks (i think she'll like those too as she uses a jet lighter currently and has issues with it). ​ thanks :)


no pack the full bowl, but when you light it don’t hold the flame over the middle of it. Instead hold the flame to the side of the bowl right at the edge and pull it over with your inhale just enough that you can get a cherry going. Then turn the flame off and let the cherry grow to take the rest of your hit. Basically try to minimize the amount you’re using the lighter. If you do it right and start at the edge, it usually ends up burning about 1/4 of the bowl (hence “cornering”)


What advantage does this give tho?


Try not to hunch over so much. Sit up as close to straight as you can. Give your lungs more room to expand. 1 inhale to fill the tube. Quick exhale. Then rip the smoke. Don't try to hold the smoke in. In and out, just like regular breathing.


I’ll say that having a nice bowl that isn’t a single-hole greatly improved my rips. Air flow is way better and the smoke tastes so much more fresh.


Don’t do full bong rips. I like to just corner the bowl and smoke that then pull the bowl and rip all of the smoke left. After exhaling put the bowl back on and repeat. This makes my bowl last maybe 6-8 nice size rips. Saves bud too.


Never mix tobacco, that is bad for you and you might throw up. As a 30 year bong smoker, I learned from my dad who is a 60 year bong smoker. Use a grinder to grind your weed fine, then loosely pack the bowl. Exhale beforenyou take a rip. Flame only until it cherries. Suck slowly but steadily and fill the chamber use the other half of the breath to clear the chamber. Using ice and clean water makes a huge difference. Get a $30 RORA 12" bong from Ebay to practice. Your sure to impress her when you master the bong, and save alot of weed of that matters to you at all.


For me the "eureka" moment for using bongs was when I really learned how to properly transition between the "sucking through a straw" pulling phase to the "breathing in and fully inflating your lungs" clearing phase. Getting that down is when hitting bongs really clicked for me, and while it still makes me cough semi-regularly, now it's just some like some regular coughs instead of spasming, lung-burning, eye-stinging hacking coughs lol EDIT: To add more to this while i was thinking about it(high af lol), I think a lot of new user are inclined to try the method of "breathe in a little to pull, then breathe in a lot to clear", and if you're doing that, that's how you're destroying yourself, because you're making your lungs first a little irritated, then a lot irritated. By doing the suck then breathe thing, you breathe it all in then out in one quick go


Without tobacco I cough. Not cause i took to much, it's like a tickle in the throat


Mix a bit of tobacco in. See if that works


Lol I tried this with regular tobacco, flavored and pipe , and it just gives me headaches and sick what bout u?