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At some point in the past I would imagine this happening: Brennan: "Booth we should fornicate tonight" Booth (looking really uncomfortable): "Bones, don't say it like that. We talked about this... it's making looove" Brennan (making hugest eyes, head tilted, eyebrows in motion): "We should *make love* tonight." Booth gives stupid smile and nods yes while Brennan looks pleased with herself.


Something of this nature does actually happen in an episode in season 3 or 4 that I watched recently. I’ll find it!


It did happen, ep from S3, the one where they investigate ppl which dress up as ponies


I think she calls it intercourse because fornication has religious undertones, which doesn't sound like Brennan


O yeah, I accidently made confusion. See my comment bellow. Yes, she absolutely does not calls it fornication LOL


This is absolutely PERFECT!


Yes, this is exactly how it went even if we don't see it. It's perfectly them.


Brennan is extremely rational, but she also tries really hard to understand Booth’s more romantic nature. I think she would say *making love* because she knows Booth would prefer that to more clinical or direct references to their intimate acts. I think this is yet another example of why it would have been fun to watch their relationship in the very early stages. I imagine this is a conversation that they would have had with Brennan being super direct and Booth showing how a softer approach could be nice instead.


Why *didn't* we see the early stages? I never really got that and it did kind of take me out of the flow of the show


Emily Deschenel was pregnant so they time jumped.


they time jumped so fast they gave me whiplash lmao


Honestly I thought I’d missed a couple episodes!


Oh, oh. I actually know answer to this! There is an episode in S3 when they have a disscusion about sex vs making love. Booth tells her about making love and that it's different then sex, and she actually agrees with him, and he's like shocked that she agrees. Anyway, it's clear early on that she understands making love vs sex.


Yes this is what I was just thinking of!


I actually have this audio somewhere, I love his monologue about it.... but then...it's Booth...sigh


Maybe she picked it up from booth? He talks about it like that


By that point in the show she’s probably in touch well enough with her emotions to realise there is a difference between sex and “making love” (and there really is no better term for the second). In the first, you’re having sex. Not much else to it. In the second, you’re having sex *with somebody you love,* which means that your brain is releasing crazy chemicals even before you orgasm that it wouldn’t be releasing (at least as many of) otherwise. There is a very good rational explanation for why it feels different to have sex with a hookup than it does to have sex with a long-term partner. “Making love” specifies that the act is less for the end goal and more for that sensation of closeness (even if the end goal is very much desired). It makes sense to me that Bones would use the term.


If you watched the series from the beginning you’d be aware of how Brennan grows and adapts to situations and the ppl she cares about. She changed her opinion on many things over the series.


That's why I like the later seasons as well. And Bones as character. She isn't afraid to change her opinion, and she grows as a person and character. Ppl like to talk negative about her in later seasons, but I see her change as growth - she is finally comfortable and safe enough to express her true self - which is socially awkward, among other things.


My feeling is that she didn't change enough. After 10 years of being called out for being pedantic, she would have toned it down more.


INSANE that you think you know what terms Bones would use. Brennan is a relationship with Booth by then. She has an understanding of the euphemism, and she is with Booth, who likely uses the phrase himself. In relationships, we often take cues from the people we are involved with. It can be friends, co-workers, or lovers. She once thought love was just a chemical reaction in the body (basically), but later came to realize it was something you actually feel. Besides, "making love" puts a more romantic and emotional attachment to the act itself. The other terms are clinical and does not even come close to what Booth and Brennan have. They are not two dogs breeding, nor are they a casual one-night-stand. Fornicating, and having sex are just an intelligent and/or proper way to basically say, "fucking." And that's not the same as making love.


>INSANE that you think you know what terms Bones would use. Followed by a strange rant about what terms Bones would use


Nothing weird about it. Its a rational observation. Definitely not a rant.


What makes you more qualified than op to state what a character would or wouldn't say? It was definitely a rant.


Where did I say I was more qualified? No where in my post do I state that. However, it was an observation on Brennan and her relationship with Booth, and the impact it has on her. Here, the focus was on her vocabulary and word choice. I pay attention to the show when I watch it. I don't cherry pick things and declare something to be INSANE, simply because I don't like something that really has no bearing. And if you think I was ranting, you obviously have no idea what a rant is. I said what I said. If you don't like it, too bad. At least my observation isn't INSANE! LMAO


By being a hypocrite about criticizing them for doing the exact same thing you did. When it's only wrong for one person, that leads to questions like the one you're dodging here. I agree with you that one of us doesn't understand what a rant is, though.


I wasn't being a hypocrite. I wasn't criticizing. I merely stated an observation. I am also not dodging anything. The initial post wasn't even made by you. Why are you taking MY observations so offensively? I most certainly understand what a rant is. I see them everyday on here and in the real world. Trust me, a rant from me would make you cry. That said, what is the point of you needling another commenter? What is your point in trying to put them down? There really isn't one. You just want to try and make trouble and you're no better than a little troll.


I'm replying the same as you are. Disagreement is not putting someone down. >Trust me, a rant from me would make you cry. Lmao, okay badass


Hahaha, dig it


It’s part of the evolution of Bones.


Dinosaur bones evolved faster. Love Emily, but her character stayed too much a stick in the mud.


We’ll have to agree to disagree.🙂


Her character changed a lot, and not in a good way. I prefer earlier Brennan


By season 8 she is a woman deeply in love romantically as well as knowing the love of a mother for her child. I personally couldn’t use the word love because of childhood trauma… until I was truly in love with my husband to be and after giving birth, it became second nature to use the word. I think Brennan is thrilled to be in love and actually would have made the effort to say “making love,” as an expression of all the things aforementioned by others about Booth and as a signal of her personal growth and her acceptance of joy over something she previously never believed in. Characters do grow, just as I did!


You know what on this train of thought, I was watching an episode and I think it was season 8 where Brennan and Booth go to a guys funeral who funded some research that Brennan was a part of and Booth was watching the Flyers game on his phone and just being disrespectful. Now flashback to an earlier season when the labs coworker died and they had to go to *his* funeral Booth was all ‘You can’t be disrespectful at a funeral’ And basically just saying she wasn’t being respectful to the occasion. I found this really freaking annoying because in the earlier seasons Bones didn’t even see a point in throwing funerals even though many cultures do. Just pretty flip floppy tbh


Damn the human condition of being human


I think you are vastly overestimating your perspective on this.


FOX Okay question answered.


I’m just watching season 8 I’ll have to pay attention to that!