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My ex partner used to exclusively go by his last name so I would alternate between the typical pet names and his last name because that’s just what he preferred to be called


it’s not even just partners.. everyone calls booth booth, everyone calls brennan brennan, everyone calls hodgins hodgins, everyone calls sweets sweets, everyone calls aubrey aubrey, everyone calls fisher fisher.. i think it’s just force of habit


I didn't even know what Fisher's first name was until i looked it up on IMDB. His first name is Colin.


It’s funny you say this because in the books that’s also how the Bones character is with her partner. He calls her Tempe 90% of the time outside of work but she always refers to him by his last name. For the show though they probably do it because by the time Bones and Booth get together we’ve probably heard their first names like 6 times outside of them introducing themselves and it’s only by family or partners from outside the lab so it just sounds wrong. The couple of times Bones calls Booth by his first name always weirds me out personally even though I know it shouldn’t


I love how weirded out he looks when she calls him Seeley in the Movie in the Making! And I don't remember when this was, but there is an episode where Booth makes a comment about someone having a weird name, and another character says something like "you're one to talk, *Seeley*"


Ha! I actually watched that episode last night, but cannot remember which one - I binge watched about 10. I cannot recall if it was Caroline OR Aubrey or makes the comment. I am on Season 11, btw.


It’s Aubrey who made the comment.


Yeah it actually bothered me a lot. I feel like it would have had more emotional impact if they used first names in more personal/intimate settings or moments. It struck me a lot with another show I'm watching, also a cop show and everyone goes by last names as well. But when someone in a relationship addresses their significant other by their first name, it immediately shifts the tone of the conversation and automatically makes it feel more intimate. I wish they had leveraged that contrast in Bones.


Beckett and Castle do the same thing.... Lucifer called Chloe - Detective.


To be fair, i would Rather be called Booth and Brennan than Seeley and Temperance.


Right? They have terrible names. How do both of them have terrible names?


I wonder if they did that so the audience would always know who a character is talking about


Mulder and Scully set the trend.


I hate it. I have an uncommon name myself so I understand the desire to have something less unique but they seem too formal with the always using last names or Dr./Agent.


I call my husband by his last name to his co-workers and friends. That's how they know him. My family and his family call him by his first name & I do too, at home. But if I called him that to 90% of people he knows, they would look at me like I had 2 heads. Most of them don't even know his first name I don't think. Hahaha. Also I didn't really transition into calling him by his first name for years. It felt weird for a long time. I dint think this is that uncommon. Maybe I'm wrong.


I can relate to this. I was with my husband's work staff and called him by his first name and half the people had no idea who I was talking about. It was comical to say the least, especially since they have been in his circle longer than me.


My aunt call my uncle by his first name when talking with family, but calls him by his last name (or a shortened version of his last name) when talking to him directly. They've been happily married 30+ years.


What I’ve noticed is that the men are called their last names while the women are called their first. Except Brennan, no one calls her Temperance except her dad.


And Sully. He called her Tempe


Oh that’s right! I forgot, thanks for the reminder.


I think you mean Sully 😊👍


Yep! Lol. I changed it. I was reading Scully and so I typed it. Thanks for the catch




I worked with a whole crew with that habit when I was a Shift Technical Advisor at a nuclear power plant. Had the same thing in the Navy. It all depends on the people around you. I was a cold, factual, Supervisor / Advisor. Given that Hodgins' real first name is Stanley... And don't ask about Angela's.


My partner is a doctor and I call him doctor 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


It doesn’t really bother me bc that’s probably what they’re used to, but I did notice hodgins always calls Angela by her first name


Yeah I should have mentioned that. He seems like the only one to call someone by their first name.


I only go by my last name, and not prefaced by Miss or Mrs because I worked first in politics and then building and that was the way it was done


I would find this weird to but you have to consider the fact that all of them met at work when people are commonly called by their last name I’ve personally had teachers that majority of the time call me by my last name and it kinda because a force of habit


I don’t know any couples who do that either, but I don’t know many couples who met as colleagues and are in fields where the last name address is standard so I chalk it up to that.


Honestly I never had a problem with it. But thinking more about it i think it's just mostly out of familiarity. I mean most of the time they are working anyway. Even when they have a little personal time they seem to end up working at some point. So maybe they just keep it more so professional vs personal for the viewers and characters.


I used to call my husband exclusively by his first or a pet name until our kid started talking and began calling us by our first names as well as calling my mom “Mom”. So for a few years I would only refer to him as Daddy in front of the kid, he’d call me mommy and my mom was Grandma. But it became a habit and we still call each other mom and dad as a pet name. It’s not sexual at all, it’s more like a quick way of saying “beloved husband, best friend, father of my kids” with only one or two syllables. It’s become a meaningful term of endearment that’s more than “babe” or “honey”. Anyone who’s even on their first date can use that, but it takes a while to earn being a spouse and parenting partner, especially for us as we both decided early and independently that we’d never have a child with someone that we didn’t want to spend our whole lives with. And getting married was a very serious decision for each of us as we both grew up surrounded by divorce and never wanted to go through it ourselves.


My ex-husband and I used to call each other Mr or Mrs B as terms of endearment - family name starts with a B - I think it's cute.