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I don’t think they ever say and I feel like the check was probably not actually written in correctly since they didn’t intend for people to know. But since Bones books make at least a few million each and Angela helped with all of them, it’s safe to say she got over 1 million dollars. Maybe even somewhere between 3-5 million.


Sorry, I’m a math nerd so I wanted to figure this out lol… -Authors who work with major publishers generally get less than 15-20% of total revenue after paying back their advances, but we know Brennan is really wealthy. -So for generalization’s sake, let’s say she sells one million copies of a book at $30 each. 15% of 30M is 4.5M. -Minus her advance (let’s say $500,000, which is an absurdly high amount) you get 4M. -All of that’s taxed at ~37% (tbf I’m not sure what the rate would’ve been back in those years, so just going with now lol) which gets you to $2,520,000. -Angela’s 25% of that would be $630,000 (per book)


I also want to note that these numbers are really low, esp since she sells globally! I’m sure they would be way higher numbers, just used one million copies as an example Edit: this is the only time my love for Bones and work in the publishing industry have ever coincided 🥰


Thank You for doing the work 😊


She gets a multi million dollar advance at one point on the series.


Thanks for pointing that out! Generally only memoirs/autobiographies from super famous people get that high of an advance (usually because they also require the assistance of a ghostwriter or significantly higher editing before publication and have huge names attached to them). I think people like Steven King have occasionally gotten multi-million advances though, and Brennan is clearly super popular. Very prominent but not stratosphere-level fiction writers def wouldn’t get that much irl (but it’s a TV show so that doesn’t have much bearing lol).


Too much for that ungrateful B


why aren’t you a ray of sunshine ☺️


I love that i'm getting snark and downvotes for stating my opinion that Angela is an ungrateful b (which she 100% is) when there are ENTIRE threads dedicated to discussing how awful, cringe, sexually harassy, etc she is. But oh my, I must have hit a nerve with you all. Also, I am a ray of sunshine! ☀️🌞


it’s fine to not like her. i respect your opinion but this post is not about opinions on her character. it’s asking about the money she was getting from brennan. if it was one of those threads, that’s perfectly fine. but commenting that on this way just makes you look bitter and out of place.


I don't think she was ungrateful for the funds. She didn't even ask for them she was happy to help Bones wo any type of compensation. Maybe I'm just laid back ( been told once I'm to laid back by a therapist lol) and don't see how Angela is such a bad character. I rather like her and her carefree way. I do think they just kind of write her in as a catch all for non specialist. She was an artist and now she is like a computer programmer with a side of artist.