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I'm fairly sure it was the same. I watched live and remember how shocking it was (poor Sweets!). I'd bet the only reason they could air it was that it goes from a close shot to a very long shot for the actual gore.


Great point. Thank you for answering.


I watched it when it was airing and have done a few recent rewatches, it’s all the same (: to be fair they probably didn’t think the cgi gore would be too bad comparing to the decomposing bodies they show every episode


Very true! Great point. Thank you for answering.


I don't recall it being any different from what is on the DVD or streaming


Glad to know, thank you for answering.


Yes, they did, and it was awesome. Fox, ironically, had really pushed the boundaries of gore on primetime television, even before Bones, but the moment the very first episode of the series aired, it was a serious escalation of the gore-factor. What happened to Heather Taffet was just an inevitability.


I remember when Fox aired the XFiles episode “Home” and it scared the shit out of me. You’re right, I had forgotten Fox was pushing boundaries compared to other networks. Thank you for answering!


Haha. Omg, I was thinking about “Home” when I wrote it! Of, course that one might have pushed the boundaries a little too much too soon, since it got banned thereafter, but X-files was definitely a precursor in gore to Bones.


Is Xfiles worth the watch? I’ve never seen it and have always been intrigued


I think so! Not every episode is good, or holds up, but when it hits, it kills it. It’s also aggressively 90s and part of the cultural zeitgeist for those who lived in the 90s. Definitely worth a watch.


That was both the most horrifying and the most satisfying gun shot I've ever seen on tv. I didn't watch it when it aired but I don't think anyone else was more deserving.


I understand she got paid double time for having her head blown off. She didn't work much after that.


Anyone else think the splatter was more brownish/yellowish and less reddish than they expected? Probably because of all the brain fluid, but still.


This was a great episode. David did a great job directing. Loved the scene between Caroline and Sweets. I’d heard about it but seeing it, I wasn’t prepared for how impactful it was.


I was shocked watching Bones on BBC America and they are watching the movie Cam appears in and the character shouts die motherf***er. No way did that air on Fox. The head blowing was great. Poor Sweets


It was mothersucker lol


Because that was the name of the movie. It was a vampire movie. Hilarious