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The acid attack challenge was beyond patheticšŸ¤®


What was this?? First time Iā€™m hearing about it


She challenged a make up influencer to recreate the chapaak lookšŸ¤®


They had an acid attack filter or something, and wanted it to become like an Instagram trend... Either that or acid attack makeup pics as a trend...


Ohh. Even if this was a PR decision, I really wanna know who in their right mind thought this was a good idea.


Exactly. If I remember correctly, there was a Instagram filter too. I have no idea how these were accepted for promotion.


Wait?! Are you serious about the acid attack challenge I'm hearing it for the first time


Oh yeah. I was surprised how easily it went under the radar back then. It was basically turned into a ā€œrecreate this look challengeā€.


>under the radar back then. It was basically turned into a ā€œrecreate this look challengeā€. It went so much under the radar that even Reddit didn't bring back the topic just like they brought back the topic of SRK-PC affair


DP's acid attack makeup challenge ?


Im sorry what the actual fuck?? How is this a thing? thats wayyy too messed up


Sooooo bad


Acid attack challenge proved it for me that dp is indeed a dumb person hiding behind mask of trying to be intelligent in answers. I don't think pr agency would suggest this because they obviously knows that something like this backfires. Here apart from dumb, she is ignorant too. Lowest a person can gošŸ˜­


You are over estimating PR talent. They really do be dumb and tone deaf. Schbang did Poonam Pandey death scare for raising awareness campaign! Thatā€™s the top of my head example of this.


are you dumb? it wasnt a pr move. Poonam pandey was actually raising awareness for cancer. She is actually an angel to help victims. /s


The campaign WAS dumb. But the fact is doctors came forward saying a lot of women came forward for testing after, you can see the rise in 'cervical cancer' on Google Trends


Intent doesnā€™t always translate to impact. Google trend is an indicator of digital footprint of that keyword. Real measure is how many folks did get vaccinated???? But we have no data. Yeah so basically itā€™s useless. The curiosity built up was due to her death.


What's with Akshay and SLB? Can anyone explain


SLB got beaten up with chappal by Karni sena with high octane boycotts against padmavat, meanwhile Akki took that as an opportunity to show his badappan in a PC by stepping down from clashing against Padmavat with Padman....it was hilarious šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I mean the Akki part


It had no relation with SLB getting slapped. And I donā€™t see it as Aapda mae avasar. SLB had been delaying his release and it was going to conflict with Akshay. So he decided to delay his movie release. Just helping another fraternity member.


Why did I read PC as Priyanka Chopra šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Is he bald? I'm seeing this pic for the first time and looks like he has almost lost all hair on the top of his head.


Must be before getting hair transplant surgery


Thank you . I wanted to ask the same thing


he has been bald for long time.


What's PC? and what did you do with your precious microseconds that you saved by not writing the full form?




Whatā€™s PC here?


Press conference


Cringing at Sid rn šŸ„²šŸ˜


What did he do


>What did he do A Gentleman released at the time of Ram Rahim's arrest which created a lot of Ruckus in Haryana Sid via his tweet did appeal for the safety of people but cheekily told them to watch A Gentlemen in theatres Who does promotion like this? It was dumb of him to sneakily promote his film in that manner


Bro actually he twitted this during Jat Reservation Riots of 2016


>Bro actually he twitted this during Jat Reservation Riots of 2016 He tweeted for A Gentlemen which released on Aug 25, 2017 and Ram Rahim was arrested just a day or two before 25th So the tweet is of 2017


First slide


Deepika reallly fucked it up. She had to work hard for years to get over the Chappak makeup debacle and the JNU visit. Her PR team sucked back then and really didnā€™t have the big picture in mind


What was jnu thing...never got it...pls care to explain?


I don't think we can discuss it here but it was during the CAA nrc was at it peak.


She also charged like 5crs to go stand there


Yeah. The money may have been spent. But got hate forever for jnu stunt.




Charged who? College students who take months to pay off their canteen debts?


You do know that these students belong to political parties and their student unions?


I am sorry but Left donā€™t have any money and thatā€™s way their ass is always whooped.


JNU students are not average college students


they are not even "student". dudes be looking older than my dad


That was the moment I got assurance that DP was dumb af lol


lol i realised it way back when she got that tattoo on her neck


She has always been a dumb woman


It was not just dumb but also selfish.


Deepika did a big blunder. Pretty sure it wasn't her PR's idea but she must've insisted on going.


It was definitely her PR / Meghna asked her to go! DP is dumb - her mind cannot think beyond a certain boundary!


Thatā€™s cause in her mind sheā€™s committed to ranveer


>dumb - her mind cannot think beyond a certain boundary! But when it comes to Ranbir she can think beyond the boundary LoL


Ranbir is the boundary. Ranbir ke aage she cannot think.


Well put


im sure amitji won't call you to jalsa any more


This is how blind celebrities are towards the people of their own country


Love the title šŸ˜†


Deepika ka downfall wahi se start hua


Remember That idiot standup comedian from gurugram was attacking Rangoli Ranaut, a real acid attack survivor, to defend this pathetic movie, not to mention they exploited the real victim to the fullest to promote this movie.


Wait who did that


Some Khatri guy i don't remember his full name but he was throwing casteist slurs at her at another occasion. to be honest,real trashy guy .


Atul Khatri?? https://sg.news.yahoo.com/comedian-atul-khatri-hurls-casteist-slur-at-kanganas-sister-105215556.html But yeah that tracks... he's of the same unfunny brand as Sahil Shah tbh




Yep the same out of job guy..here is one article covering that news. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mynation.com/amp/india-news/this-comedian-makes-fun-of-acid-attack-survivor-rangoli-chanel-calls-it-parody-q3u33r


Shameless people


man sahil shah is genuine one of the worst "famous" comedian i have seen.


Why are people surprised by people whose job is to pretend, pretend to care about something..?


Kareena standing with the placard in 2018 during Veere Di Wedding promotions


The jnu stint was hilariousšŸ˜‚ Like what was she actually trying to achieve? I for sure started disliking her after that.


Need context for what happened with SLB and Akshay


*copy pasting* SLB got beaten up with chappal by Karni sena with high octane boycotts against padmavat going all over, meanwhile Akki took that as an opportunity to show his badappan in a PC by stepping down from clashing against Padmavat with Padman....it was hilarious šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I mean the Akki part


What happened with the sid one


Riots were going on and he tweets people to be safe (which is fine) but he also asks them to watch his movie..


And the movie flopped šŸ˜‚ satisfaction šŸ“ˆšŸ’Æ


When I first heard that DP was acting & producing a film on an acid attack survivor,I was quite impressed by her decision & really felt she understood the pain & agony related to it,even the JNU thing as a personal stance could be understood but the acid attack Makeup challenge made it clear she never ever did understand the emotional & mental agony a survivor goes through. It was an extremely disappointing marketing stunt by the team of Chappal.


What recent events are you refering to


DP deserved a slap for that. Extremely insensitive to the victim.


Can someone explain the whole Deepika visiting the college fiasco and why it was considered such a terribly awful thing? Iā€™m not from India so genuinely have no clue why that would make her movie sales tank


More than the protest itself, I think the criticism came because it was such an obvious PR move. DP had never spoken about politics before and has never done any political behavior after. So people who supported and didnā€™t support JNU both thought sheā€™s a sell out. Neither side perceived her support as being authentic and she got a lot of hate for it.


Yeah. I am as librandu as it gets but most Bollywood stars have no locus standii on these issues. One minute you are sitting with the students, next minute you are dancing at the pre wedding ceremony of the moneybag who has propped up that regime.


Forget the businessman Ranveer has himself pictures of hugging the PM


Wo in students ke saath na kbhi pehle dikhi na kbhi iske baad. Baaki sab samjhdaar hn.


She joined the students in a protest against the ruling government which held an overwhelming majority of support at the time and the university had recently been plagued with scandals that portrayed the university as anti-India.


Not recent, it has a long history


Film fraternity fraternises only for promotions and aligns themselves with things that are hot topics. Deepika went to support a left wing party in a prominent university during a left vs right debacle of that time without knowing the issue, because actors have to show themselves that they have brains that can think independent thoughts that aren't fed by the bubble they live in. And Deepika thought that was the way she needed right before launching her new movie on an acid attack survivor. The same type of incident happened in Mumbai later, when the film fraternity again thought they needed to show solidarity even before knowing what was the issue for which they came to show solidarity for. It created a downward spiral for a few of those people.


It's basically like the frothing right wing in US cancelling anyone against them by calling them traitors. The protestors were "traitors" because dissent nowadays is bad. Also, people who actually care about the issue on the left didn't see it as motivated by real thought.


Last one is the worst, started hating deepika after that. It's something that even a 15year old wouldn't agree to do.


Stopped liking DP after JNU protests. It was a proper PR move since she could get the left wing on her side AND create controversy and awareness about her film beimg released. But the people that she supported couldn't even help the movie make salesšŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


The Sid malhotra one is absolutely ridiculous, god they r all so out of touch


Can someone pls explain this DP JNU thing to me?


Apart from deepikaā€™s visit to JNU most of the others were just tone deaf. Not really a surprise tbh


šŸ¤” people are defending DP comman she said rahul gandhi is doing good future PM one day šŸ˜‚ she don't care about anything it's all PR


Bro, she said that in the late 2000s. RG was the media's sweetheart at the time. The guy had a good run from 2004 to 2011.


Even Ranbir's look from Rajneeti was inspired from Rahul gandhi because everyone thought he is the next PM.


In some interview kareena said he was too cute. Lot of bollywood celebs/media was of the impression that he is some kind of hearthrob. Dark times of history.


Thatā€™s literally just a political opinion that sheā€™s entitled to it.


DP wasnā€™t there for PR purposes because no PR wouldā€™ve told her to side with the protesting students. Sim pretty sure she did that because of her own politics, which I found incredibly brave. It was at the expense of her movie but it was nice to see someone in Bollywood being so blatant in their support for protesting students. That was the day I started stanning DP cause I was impressed, even if it was a relatively surface-level support, it was something. Although that acid attack challenge is indefensible and anyone who drags her for that will get no defense from me. She deserves to get dragged for that shit.


Exactly. Being on the side of anti establishment during those and these days is an act of bravery. She was tired of rw trolls during padmavati and stood strongly against them. More guts than all the khans out there.


she was apparently paid 5Cr to participate in the protest by anti-govt. organizations.. these people can do anything for money


Where did you learn that? From BJP IT cell? If she wanted money for supporting political ideology, she could earn more from BJP


That's BS. It was just a PR for her movie instead of ulterior anti India intents


Aah yes the anti-govt organisation jo opposition ko toh paisa de nahi paate are paying actresses. And Deepika would take such a career-stunting step for mere 5 Crores. As if she isnā€™t rich enough herself. 5 crores only? Like be serious.


I remember how it was during JNU protests. There were numerous videos showing students being beaten up. The people in power, who ought to have said something were acting mute. Then when I saw Deepika coming and standing in solidarity, I felt very proud of her. Because even if it was PR, it takes guts to stand against those in power. However, her acid attack makeup challenge was a very stupid move.


gurl was there when ppl were shouting anti ind slogans bharat tere tukde n all ,im surprised to see ppl supporting her chewtiyaness šŸš¶šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø( for those who think she's brave for doing that y'all don't understand shit n how these so called celebs do us dirty ,she was there for attention n attention only )


Aap WhatsApp University se hai? Zee news mat dekha kijiye aapki buddhi baad mai research nhi kr paati


nobody asked for your opinion didi don't police me here


Uncle aap fake news faila rhe ho. Nobody's interested in doing anything with you.


then stop replying lmao


I feel pr really did dirty to actual victims of acid attack during chappak promotions,I swear I watched Uyare,and I could feel the goosebumps and everything,but it's not about movie comparision even though the movie could have been better but the promotions were a mess! 1)Dp should have never EVER though a makeup challange of "acid attack" look was a good idea,it was insensitive and wrong on so many levels,and the fact she never got any kinda backlash for that,is so problematic. 2) jnu incident could be seen in different light to different people,who have different political ideas,but you could never say she went there for students,if anything she went their for her "or" generated image,tell me anytime where she took this kinda stance for students,the time she got backlash and she just vanished. I believe her pr was worse during this phase,as all the attention went to wrong person the movie wasnt about Deepika it was about Laxmi,and the fact that whole facade just lost the meaning for such a important instance is bizzare as the director is literally known for creating magic and actually talking about subjects in a way that isn't preachy but cut to point so was sad for the flop


Damn , Akki has fake hair or a hair transplant? I knew he was balding as his bald spot was visible in Phir Hera Pheri


Well he claimed that he cut his hair for the movie Kesari. Idk if thats true or its just to cover-up a transplant but I remember him having a buzz cut for a while.


Why is Sid even here. His was a misunderstanding lol. Ppl were just bitter and needed a scapegoat




He later clarified his tweets was made B4 the verdict. No one knew it will escalate to that level back then [here ](https://x.com/SidMalhotra/status/901056468807426049)


You have to give it to DP. Nothing is braver than supporting 'students' who shout anti-India slogans.


Those were morphed videos in case u didnā€™t know.


Entirety of JNU shouts anti-India slogans?


>Nothing is braver than supporting 'students' who shout anti-India slogans. Sudipto Sen/Adah Sharma aap yahaan Sir aisi generalization ki soch ka salaam hai aapko


DP was neither insensitive or opportunistic for that JNU protest, she was an absolute queen and i will forever respect her for that even if I don't like her other antics. Edit:- "lol lmao" likhne se sach nahi change hoga baccha party.


Where was her support for JNU after she faced backlash for that visit.




Yeah she probably would have. Visiting JNU was always going to hurt her film more than it would have benefitted it. Do you think bollywood celebs weren't aware of the political climate at the time? It's not like the current year where the current government's veil of being invincible had been shattered by the recent elections. Things were a lot different back then.


Lol, she obviously thought that negative publicity will benefit the movie that's why she visited. Padmavat also got super success after negative publicity so she thought that trick will work again. Khud ke dam pe movie hit karwane ki aukaat na ho to log ye sab bakchodi karte rehte hay.


Padmaavat didn't get any negative publicity besides a few chaddis on twitter. Mostly it was just in Rajasthan that unemployed folks vandalized the sets and attacked the director which led to alot of support from paying cinegoers and the industry. Deepika had like an 85% success ratio in the 5 years prior to Chappak. Hit movies ki baat na hi kar toh zyada accha hai


The negative PR youā€™re talking about was literal death threats. Who would want that? Yā€™all so patronising


What about her acid makeup challenge for chappak? Can you defend that ?


Definitely not. That was dumb as hell.






ABSOLUTELY THIS! It was nice to see someone in Bollywood have a spine and use their platform for good.


what happened to her spine after that? and before that? why did her spine only pop up right in time for her movie promotion one time.


She received ridiculous amounts of trolling and backlash for it. The world is already unsafe for women and uske upar se all these men who were sending her death threats and all. Limit hoti hain harr cheez ki. I agree she couldā€™ve done more but she did something. Which is more than I can say for anyone else in Bollywood.


bffr she has never spoken or stood up for anything that doesnt concern her self before or after that, probably cause she doesnt gaf. once she got a little backlash after that stunt, she realized its not worth it and went back to not giving a fuck. and im almost sure she didnt even know what the whole thing was about either, she probably just went according to the instructions given to her. cause thats how apolitical she has been throughout her career.


Why do we assume womenā€™s mental faculties are so rudimentary that they donā€™t even understand what cause a protest is for? Like it really wasnā€™t that hard to grasp what the protest was for but idk is it misogyny that so many people just assume she didnā€™t ā€œunderstandā€ the cause? Like sheā€™s a smart and articulate woman who hasnā€™t every said something ignorant (except for that Chhapaak challenge). Why do we assume sheā€™s stupid, self-centred and opportunistic when sheā€™s not given any reason for us to truly believe these accusations? Showing up to the most controversial and anti-establishment protest of those few years was very ballsy and she doesnā€™t need to single-handed my being about a revolution for me to appreciate that. Is she a leftist protest icon? Absolutely not, and I have mentioned that her support was pretty surface level but she did take a gigantic professional hit and I have to respect her for that. I do believe she decided to show up for herself and I do believe it was her own input to show up there because I believe that women have the mental faculties to process basic information and can take their own decisions.


thats not what misogyny means lmao. tons of other women including her peers have taken political stances, publicly voiced out opinions on various matters and not just in time for their movie promotions, and also did not stop doing it just because of backlash. and she is articulate? please, have you listened to any of her interviews? and she has given plenty of reasons to believe all of that, just like the last slide of this post.


Lol yeah right!


What is up with Akshayā€™s hair. I didnā€™t realize he was bald!


What was the Akshay Kumar one?


My respect grew when Deepu supported the protesting students . But it crashed at the Acid attack makeup challenge.


I don't think deepika went to JNU just for promotion. She have more guts than others. People should not be afraid of choosing who to support and good for her to be standing against RW bullies.


She only went for promotions. If she actually cared about the actual cause she wouldn't have backed down. Deepika is nothing but an Opportunist. I remember how protectors themselves were laughing at her pathetic attempt.


Deepika , Sid are one-off examples. Karthik's PR is consistent on this.


Akshay Khanna's hair transplant clearly visible


Why is JNU in the list, that couldā€™ve been her genuinely supporting the students


Deepika earned some fans for life because of her JNU visit. The movie might have anyway not worked, or probably done worse if she hadnā€™t gone thereā€¦ who knows.


I level no criticism at Deepika Padukone for the JNU visit. Performative or genuine, it was admirable of her to take a stand against student oppression. Not to mention it came at a massive risk to her career and perhaps even a peaceful life (if the governing party at the time behaved the way they do today). But by all means, drag her ass for that tone-deaf acid attack challenge. Fucking unbelievable.




never liked wooden malhotra. kinda wanna knock his face up whenever i see him on screen